Energy Group

Chapter 1488:

Li Sen’s guess is very reasonable. Although Li Cong is rushing towards Mexico City at this moment, there are only less than 400 people who can assemble. These people can only be about the same as ordinary troops. Compared with these well-trained special forces, there is still a big gap. The energy group’s troops in the Kendava area have already been put into battle, and the results can be seen right away. The three hundred soldiers who have gone into the battle are not alive. To one-third, and all of them are colored. This is the difference between ordinary soldiers and special forces. Basically, they can reach a battle damage rate of one to twenty-five. It makes no sense to throw people inside, so Li When they arrived in Kendava, they did not let other people continue to fight. Their people went up and swept around with submachine guns. Unfortunately, the snipers on the top of the building started to point out one by one, and Their blockers didn’t feel that way at all when they were fighting against others. The gap was too big. The upset Li Cong could only order them to retreat, and he could rush in, but Li Cong never thought. Once you can fight against thousands of special forces, it's like killing yourself. One bullet may not kill you, but with a thousand rounds, is you a god? It's not. m

Just when Li never knew how to get in, a guy pointed to the distance and stuttered and said, "Mr? Far? Far? It's on fire? It's Kendava." Li Cong pushed the guy away and looked at The direction he was pointing was really blazing. What happened? Could it be that the Skull and Bones couldn’t catch people and set them on fire? They hide in a place that is not easy to attack? But even if you are looking for someone, you don't need to make such a big noise. The people inside are important. But there is no need to make it known all over the city. To be honest, Lee has never understood how the Skull and Bones do things at this time. They did this to force the Mexican government to intervene. Ordinarily, such things should not let them. It's right to participate.

It's not just Li Cong wondering at this moment. It’s just that Jetson also saw the glowing Kendava in his office. Damn, how the **** did this happen? Didn’t they make a quick decision? Why did you light up the house? It’s not in a civilian area. There are a lot of people there. These people are powerful people. If something happens, they can’t take care of it. of. If the warlords outside are united, it’s not a joke. Jetson pulled up his guard squad and got on the Hummer and went to the ignition. What the **** is going on, tell them to give something to them. Do it like this. The commander died when he came up. Sure enough, this untrained backup commander was useless, and he could even think of things like ignition. It was **** foolish.

The Mexican government can't just watch it, if the fire is not stopped. It is estimated that most of Mexico City will have to go in. This is not enough. The people are not important, but only a few. It's not a joke if there are hundreds of thousands, although they are afraid of the Skeleton Order. However, at this time, a large number of military police and fire brigade personnel have to be sent there. This fire cannot be left unchecked. When the U.S. special forces saw thousands of Mexican soldiers and policemen, they knew that they couldn’t do the current thing. They retreated tacitly. When Jetson knew the result of the battle, he could not wait to take all these thousands of special forces Killed, dozens of casualties are acceptable, but what did you do? Although the soldiers of the Morgan family were dead, Miss Bahrain did not kill. This is a very important goal. If the Morgan family is given time, they will probably come back, or they may stay dormant. Where to find someone?

Li Cong on the other side had a big surprise. When Li Cong found Li Sen from the sewer, he couldn’t wait to take the fireman’s water pipe to wash these guys. The first sentence Li Sen came out was "Damn, is there any place to complain, don't you guys in Mexico City clean up the sewers? See what's going on?" The people who came to the rescue laughed loudly anyway. They were also considered a victory. Li Sen looked at the several dark buildings around him. If he used to be guilty, dozens of people died because of his own reasons, but he is no longer the original one. , Those things don't bother him now, there will always be casualties in the process of rising.

Miss Bahrain was also very embarrassed. She got in the car after she got out. At this moment, even she herself was thrown up by her own appearance, let alone seeing Li Cong. This is simply impossible. Some soldiers and civilians were also dumbfounded. Why are so many people coming out of the sewer? Even if you want to hide from the fire, you don’t need to pay so much. When the American observers in the distance see them, they can’t wait to take out a machine gun to sweep them. Guys, even though they know that the energy group did it, the Mexican government has been charged with the fire. The compensation is definitely not small, but they are not afraid. Anyway, there is still a lot of money in the country. It’s just a matter of pulling it here to settle the bill. Although those things are in their eyes, they can still be used for a while, and some are still good.

"Okay, let's go back quickly. I don't think this is a place to talk. So who, you guys are in a car??" Li Cong got in the car and drove away after he finished speaking, good guys. The smell on my body is really strong, and I have an urge to vomit when I stand on the side. I really don't know if I can hold it after a long time. Anyway, it's okay now. There are either firefighters or policemen all over the street, and there is no need to worry that the Skull and Bones people will do it at this time, they are not so bold yet.

After washing, Miss Bahrain and Li Sen still feel a little uncomfortable. If they can choose once, it is estimated that Li Sen will continue to choose, but Miss Bahrain estimates that she will not return to that place again if she wants to die by herself. Yes, the rats all over the floor and the excrement. It was terrible. It has been ten hours since I came out. I can't eat anything except a little water, and when I see food, I have to vomit in the bathroom. It is estimated that the bile has been vomited in this day.

"Hehe, the two are really blessed who survived the catastrophe. We don’t have time to recover for the two of you now. Let’s take a look at our current situation. We have completely exposed, Miss Bahrain, your family has There is no new plan. If not, I think we will face a retreat. According to our latest intelligence, warlords all over Mexico now have liaison officers for the US military. If we want to open this situation, it will be different from before. I It looks like a lot of effort is wasted." Li Cong poured a glass of soda to the two men. If you drink something else, it's probably no use. You just throw up your own body, so it's better to drink this thing honestly.

"I haven't received the plan of our family. Maybe the family thinks that I haven't come out alive. Now I can't contact the family at all. I found out that everything about our family in Mexico has been dug up. , Very clean, and some of the contact points that I thought were very safe in the past are gone." Miss Bahrain thought that there was a cloud on her face, and she was really worried about her family. Others know that she knows it best. At present, the family's investment here is definitely the strongest force of the entire family, if it can't be done for a while. It may really be annihilated. The Skull and Bones’ actions are so huge, and the incident has been so long, why the people in her family haven’t contacted her, she doesn’t want the family to really go to the last step, or maybe The family thought they were dead and abandoned themselves?

The result will be known quickly, because the representative of the Skull and Bones, Jetson, has already come to the door, and there is only one box with him, which contains the things Miss Bahrain needs most. Li Cong directly asked Jett When Sen arrived in this room, this guy’s smile saw the disgusting disgust in Miss Bahrain’s eyes. If he hadn’t known that he had news in his hand, it’s estimated that Jetson would have to throw the teapot on this guy’s head if he didn’t know that he had news. , Give him a **** day.

"Haha, Miss Bahrain, the two Mr. Lee, I'm really sorry. What happened last night was done by my people. Everyone knows why I did that, but the final result can only be regarded as a tie. The Morgan family was wiped out, but you also escaped, and I have suffered a lot. Miss Bahrain, these are photos of the family members. I just said the result will be fine. Now there are 32 people. The family members are in our hands, and everyone else has been killed. In other words, everyone in the Morgan family except you is here. I hope you can understand that you have no way out. I spoke directly to Mr. Li, handing over the wealth of your family. We clearly know that when you retreated from the United States, a large number of properties were handed over to Mr. Li. Mr. Li gave out a $104 billion Check, please take it out. I have asked many people. The money is in your hand. If you take it out, people can take it back. If you don’t take it out, I think my patience is limited. One of your relatives will die within an hour, including your parents." This is blackmail. I didn’t expect that the dignified Skeleton Club would also do such things as blackmail. It’s just that the blackmail can get hundreds of billions of dollars. Then everything can be done. It seems that nothing like face can keep up with the hundreds of billions of dollars. Just look at Jetson's appearance.

Miss Bahrain was immediately dumbfounded at this time. The result she was most afraid of finally appeared. In the past, she wondered if the family abandoned herself. If that were the case, she would be sad at best, but now? The family was annihilated. The famous Morgan family in history was annihilated. Suddenly she thought of Morgan Stanley in the United States. A pivotal force in the American financial world. Even if this is gone, what about JPMorgan Chase?

Indeed, JPMorgan Chase is very important in the United States. JPMorgan Chase Group (hase&; NYSE: JPM; Topic 1: 8634), commonly known in the industry as Giant Motors or Morgan Stanley, is headquartered in New York, with total assets of US$2036 ​​billion and total deposits of 109.3 billion. US dollars, accounting for 10.51% of total US deposits. With 5,410 branches, it is the second largest financial services institution in the United States. JPMorgan Chase was formed by the merger of Chase Manhattan Bank and J.P. Morgan in 2000, and acquired Chicago First Bank, Bear Stearns Bank and Washington Mutual Bank respectively. It quickly became one of the largest banks in the United States. Although the shares of the Morgan family have been diluted, they still have a huge influence. It is impossible to disappear like that. There are still many people in the family in the country. All this is like a straw, "Impossible , Our Morgan family still has power in the United States, you will not be so stupid to destroy the Great Wall." Miss Bahrain said. She is also right. If there is something wrong with JPMorgan Chase, the first thing that can't stand it is the US economy.

Jetson looked at Miss Bahrain in an idiotic manner. JPMorgan Chase is one of the most profitable banks in the world. It has more than $1.7 trillion in assets and more than $3.63 trillion in funds under management. The company has 77,200 sales staff worldwide, covering nearly 5,000 institutional investor customers; stock research covers 5,238 listed companies, including 3,175 Asian companies. Since 1998, the stocks with JPMorgan Chase as the lead underwriter have performed outstandingly after listing. A week later, stock prices rose by an average of 17%, an average of 27% in one month, and an average of 37% in three months. The company has more than 190,000 employees worldwide and provides services in major financial centers. JP Morgan's Asia Pacific headquarters is located in Hong Kong. It has 85,000 employees in 23 cities in 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. JPMorgan Chase ranked first in Asian stocks and stock related issuances since 1993. Since 1993, the company has led 88 stock transactions for Asian companies. A total of more than 15 billion US dollars of funds have been raised. However, after the establishment of the Energy Group, JPMorgan Chase began to withdraw from Asia and return to the Americas. However, even if it lost its main business position, JPMorgan Chase is still the largest bank in the United States by assets and the most profitable bank. , Is also recognized as the most stable bank. The Morgan family owns 15% of its shares, which is also the largest part of the Morgan family's assets.

"Miss Bahrain is right. JPMorgan Chase Bank is not only very important to your family, but also very important to our family. So what I need to tell you is that we will all value this asset very much. Paying attention to it will also make him spend peacefully. The information in the box has an attachment, which is a transfer agreement signed by the head of the family. You are donated by resources. We bought it for one dollar, of course. This news will not be spread. Do you think that the entire group has been in your hands over the years? It is impossible. Such an important group skeleton will not be managed by outsiders. The group has always been In our hands, the people who have killed the people’s family have returned to our hands completely. The reason why the people of the people’s family have not been killed is actually because they still have good management capabilities. Now Miss Bahrain Can you give us the things that belong to us?" Jetson smiled and patted his box, but there are still two differences in this matter. Some people think that if it is possible, Morgan can be completely The people in the group survived because they were like a money printing machine, and they could bring billions of dollars in revenue to the Skull and Bones every quarter. Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is Their management ability is really strong, if it weren’t for such a thing, the management would never make this determination to kill You are really despicable, Jetson, don’t you Do you think it's cruel to treat a girl like this? The two of us have been sitting here for such a long time, don't you feel a little bit of us? "At this time, Miss Bahrain was crying and speechless, Li Cong stood up directly, Li Sen on the side looked at her patriarch with a little surprise, this kind of thing was originally a matter of others, and it has nothing to do with you. What are you doing in such a hurry? In the past, the Morgan family might help us in the United States, but now it seems to be of no use. According to the theories taught by you, people who are useless can not need the theory? How can this be? Is your child coming back?

"Sorry, I forgot the two Mr. Li. This seems to be a matter between me and Miss Bahrain. It has nothing to do with the two. The energy group is great, but don’t forget that this is America. If you want to If you want to intervene in this matter, it’s okay. You can also compete with us for shares of JPMorgan Chase in the stock market. I know that Mr. Lee’s family has 5% of the shares. No problem. You will pay dividends in the future. Yes, but now, please don't talk." Jetson thought Li Cong was still the same Li Yi, if he knew it was Li Cong, he would not be so bold. (To be continued...)



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