Energy Group

Chapter 1492:

A few hours later, Li Cong returned to the hotel smoothly. As for the people in Jetson at this time, they are still looking for things on the mountain, but their search is not without any results. How can it be said that it was also a former alien base? , There will be something in it, such as the thing in Jetson’s hand at the moment. This is a large inspection machine, but it has been broken, but if the Skull and Bones take him back, it can definitely be taken out. The radar is many times more advanced than the current one. Of course, because Jetson is going to explode there, the damage is also very severe. Of course he will not report this. He will only say that this thing was used before. Such. m (Please use the pinyin domain name of this site to visit us.)

"Look it for me carefully. I don't believe it. There is nothing in such an important base. Bring me these pieces and everything. Don't leave anything behind." Jetson looked at the surroundings. Useless things. Actually, he didn’t need to take them back. He knew that he didn’t find anything useful, but he had to explain to the upper one. He thought there might be some gold or something here, and he couldn’t say that he would be rich if that were the case. , After all, this place in South America often produces good things, but now we can only bring these rags back. Just when Jetson was depressed and wanted to go back, a special soldier took over and cut the video. This is Li Cong took the video of the laser gun. Li Cong also wondered, how could someone install a camera in such a desolate place, but he really exists, and Jetson can’t see exactly what the person above looks like. Yes, but he got a gun and rushed out. That's for sure. He immediately realized that the thing that guy was holding was important. Who was this guy? Could it be the people who survived this base? Because the speed of that guy is too fast. If it were human, it would certainly not reach that speed.

"Quickly, search for me where this person went. He is holding the biggest secret. You must find out this guy for me. We must not let him get so free. We worked hard to give this thing It exploded, but I didn’t expect that guy took advantage, so I went to look for it immediately.” Jetson thought of the importance of that guy and immediately became excited. The time on watching the video only passed less than three hours from the beginning to now. , Three hours is impossible to go far. Of course he knew that he didn't have much right at the moment. It would be impossible to completely block the surrounding area. He had to authorize himself from above, and he immediately began to contact the top of the Skull and Bones.

Li Cong also guessed that it was a trouble for this thing to stay by his side. Li Sen hadn't left at this time. Li Cong meant to let this guy go with this thing. Li Cong glanced at his watch. Time is almost up, this guy should also go to the airport. Li Sen originally wanted to stay secretly by himself, but when he returned to his room, he saw a few black faces and knew that was impossible. Li Cong was Won't let this guy stay. When I was going to get into the car in the morning, I found Li Cong was coming with a box.

"Wait, I'll go to the airport with you, you take this thing back to Karelina." Li Cong motioned to the driver to drive, but they had no objection to the boss's rules.

Li Sen looked at the box a little strangely, what kind of thing it is, can't you take another route? Why did I ask myself to take things back? It seemed to be a very important thing, and neither of them spoke. When he arrived at the airport, Li Cong found that nothing happened. Yes, it seems that the Skull and Bones people have not discovered anything. It is still very normal here. If something happens, it is estimated that this place would have been blocked long ago. Mexico City is actually a difficult task. But under the astonishing force of the Skull and Bones, there should be no problem, and this laser gun does not know whether it will send out some signals or something for others to find. If that's the case, it won't work in his own hands.

"What are you doing so nervously? How valuable are there? Are you trying to smuggle something?" Li Sen asked in a puzzled manner when he looked at Li from everywhere. Several bodyguards around also had this idea, but they didn't. Knowing what the boss wants to do, naturally you can't ask. I heard Li Sen's question at this moment, and everyone wanted to know what was going on.

"You only need to know that these things are very important. If they can't be handed over to Karelina, it is estimated that there will be at least 100,000 casualties on the military side. I don't need to talk about the importance of these things, right? Stop talking nonsense. , Hurry to board the plane, I feel that something might happen, ask the airport to give you a runway first, we don’t care how much it costs." Li Cong pushed these people to let them in quickly. The Energy Group has a runway here. Special planes can take off at any time. If you wait for a while, it might not work.

Li Sen now knows how important this thing is. This thing can be worth a hundred thousand troops. This is not a joke. He immediately took a few of his men in. Fortunately, the airport is still As it turned out, seeing the customers of the Energy Group came, they let them go without even checking one by one. Their boss even immediately stopped the aircraft that was going to the runway to make room for the energy group’s runway. Li Cong wouldn’t let people do things so enthusiastically. He threw a handful of renminbi. The happy guys were not too happy to mention them. They were worth a month’s salary. This is just a few minutes of service. As for the customers who complain, get out of the way.

That is, when Li Sen was about to enter, a large number of military and police rushed into the airport. Several security guards at the airport wanted to ask them what was going on. They were beaten to the ground and destroyed. This is still an accident. Where did you go wrong? Li quickly ran over to hold Li Sen and the others. There was an accident here. Don’t even think that the plane over there could fly. The airport must be the place for them to check. It might be necessary if they stay here. If something happened, it's better to leave here now.

"Don't go over, now that we get on the plane is to throw ourselves into the net, let's go out and find a way." Li Cong said in a low voice, Li Sen is not a fool, winking at a few of his men and walking outside. At this moment It must be checked here. Of course, it’s just to check those who go in. For those who go out, no one wants to check it. I’m afraid that someone will bring things out. Are you still afraid that they will bring things in? Li went to the car and looked in the distance. Of Mexico City. It seems that I can’t go back there. Now the entire Mexico City must be looking for something. At this time, Li Cong guided another method. This kind of long-distance thing is either by air or sea, except for these two. There is basically no other way. Now that aviation is no longer possible, naturally you have to go by sea. In fact, you can leave Mexico. The big deal is when you leave Mexico, you let the plane go to the designated place to take things away. Now it is too unsafe to be by your side. Now, there are Skull and Bones people everywhere.

Several SUVs rushed towards the port, and Li ordered the other two to go another way. Don’t go the same way with yourself. It’s too much to attract the attention of others. After seeing that there is no car behind him, Li rushed into a residential area of ​​the airport through a gas gate, "Get off, this car belongs to our group. We are. You can’t use this car, the one on the other side.” Li Cong pointed to a truck not far away and said. If the Skull and Bones really suspect them, it is estimated that the Energy Group’s vehicles will be tracked down. It was necessary for Jin Chan to escape the shell. Li Sen and the other two bodyguards pulled the driver of the truck off without saying a word. () After a punch, the guy was honest, but he had to be knocked out, and then two bodyguards quickly injected the guy with some tranquilizers. This guy won't wake up for at least twenty-four hours.

The running speed of the truck is of course not comparable to that of NY Volkswagen, but it is not so conspicuous, especially with the airport express sign on it. Although there were many police checks on the road, it was released when it was seen. One asked what was on it, Li Cong casually said that it was cargo unloaded from the plane. Get out of here immediately, the police received an order to pay attention to important documents smuggled out. But absolutely no one said to transport things inside, just arrived at the port without any risk.

It’s also blocked here. It seems that the Skull and Bones are still very strong this time. There are hundreds of people in the blocking team, and there are a steady stream of people coming over, "See? Our only chance now is that. By the way, there are only Mexicans watching. I think it’s okay to give them some money. The doors here are all old and beautiful. These people will not let us in. If we don’t go here, I guess. We have to jump into the sea for a few kilometers before we can get in.” Li Cong actually doesn’t know if this thing is released, but don’t try it until the last one. Many high-tech products are corroded by seawater. It will become useless, I hope this thing is not like that.

A few people slowly arrived at an inconspicuous door and prepared to go in, "What's the matter? I can't enter here today. If you want to go in, you will go to the middle door. Now it's not for us to let it go, don't give it to everyone. Asking for trouble.” A police officer at the head said. He saw that Li Cong looked at a few people in a hurry and thought that these people were people from the warlords outside who were smuggling things. In the past, as long as these people showed some respect, they were allowed in. But now it’s not the same thing at all. It’s impossible to get in now. Of course, if your filial piety is really enough, it’s okay. Although there is monitoring on it, there is still a blind spot in that thing. He had already investigated these things a long time ago, and he was waiting to collect a large one, but now Li Cong is relatively unfamiliar, and he hasn't revealed anything. Of course it is impossible to let them in.

"Hehe, brother, we can’t do anything about it. The old ones on the top are too tight. There was no such thing in the past. Now, isn’t it difficult for my brothers? Face." Li took out several thousand yuan from his pocket. If this money would definitely allow them to go in in normal times, but today is different from other times, except for this doorway. There are many places where you can go in, but today you can only go in from here, and with your own guidance, they don’t need to spend money in the first few places. Now this guy is looking to make up for the money. He pulled Li away from the hand of the money.

"What is this for? I don't know that our Mexican police are the most qualified. Today is different from before. The old beauty is pressing on us. My brothers lost their lives for these little money. Too bad, you guys are not wordy, one by one, go to the door in the middle, don’t go around here, if it weren’t for me in a good mood today. I would have caught you guys a long time ago and see how you look like I know there must be no good people, what's in that box?" The guy yelled, Li Cong was still the same, but this frightened Li Sen. Seeing the look on Li Sen's face, the policeman knew better what was inside them. What else was in Mexico? Drugs, except for these things, how can these people be so scared, what do Americans look for? Isn't it the thing that caused Americans a big loss?

"Hehe, don't talk like that, this big brother, what are we in here? Big brother still doesn't know, this is my brother, this is the first time to get this thing, it's related to my life's future. The goods are also American. If we can’t handle it, we’ll definitely get shots when we go back. It’s not a joke. Look at how young my brother is. Isn’t it just the price? It’s all negotiable. You Make a price. As long as we can make it, everything is up to you." Li Cong said with a smile, and he could see it from the eyes of this guy just now. It is estimated that some Americans will come here soon. He also wants to make this money quickly. Once the Americans do come, don't think about it. Those people can't be spent with money. Those old Americans. Everyone can't make ends meet with the money, people are because of the country's good welfare. But here is different, the death rate is several times higher than others. But if you really die, the country will give you some pensions when it has money, and those pensions will be owed when there is no money.

This guy looked up at Li Cong. This guy is very on the road. He knows why he can’t make it. If these people really go to the front gate, he will regret it. It’s been so many years since being a policeman and he should never encounter such a thing. Let it go, if you get a big one this time, you won’t be able to come out directly. "Haha, kid, you understand, you can go in if you take out fifty thousand yuan, if you add another fifty thousand yuan, go in and I’ll give You point to the clear road, you can definitely go directly to the boat. As for the marine police outside, it’s okay. Hold my old Hader's name and you can definitely go there. The marine police are not old and beautiful. "The feelings are still a dragon. The service is amazing.

It costs 100,000 yuan in total. Li Cong glanced at the people around him. A few thousand yuan can still be taken out. Right now he has to go out and the 100,000 yuan can make Li Cong die hard. He saw Li Sen in his hands. I took a hand off the watch I was wearing, "Big brother, you have also seen it. We are just a few of us, how can we have so much money? This watch is very valuable. Our boss asked us to give it. For our trading partner, this is definitely pure gold. Look at it, but there are diamonds on it. When our boss bought it, it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now you can sell it for 100,000 yuan. Yes.” Li sent Li Sen’s watch right away. Good guy, this watch is definitely worth millions. The diamonds on it are very valuable. It’s a pity that the policeman seems It’s a bit less acquainted with the goods. No matter how valuable this thing is, it can’t keep up with cash. He still feels that cash is good, but now these guys can’t go back to get the money. Now he showed the watch to the people behind him. They see if it is genuine.

"Boss, I have seen this thing. It is absolutely very valuable. Back then, our chief also had such a piece. It is said that it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. His piece does not have so many diamonds. This piece is definitely better than His piece is valuable, I think this transaction can be done." If this transaction is really done, they will all get dividends. After listening to a few people, they think that this watch should be no problem. , I must agree to it now, but at this time a few American soldiers walked over not far away. It is estimated that the transaction should be banned. Who knew that the policeman snatched the watch directly and signaled Li Cong and them not to mess. Moved, and happily walked towards the American soldiers.

"Who are they? Do you want to go in? Tell them to go to the middle door for inspection." An American soldier pointed to Li Cong and said loudly. They also know the situation in Mexico. Basically, they dare not be alone. Several people came out alone. The policemen in front of you are fine. Who knows if those policemen will violently injure people. The subordinates of these big drug lords can do anything. of. They can't think in terms of ordinary people's heads.

"Haha, a few sirs, they are not outsiders, they are all workers in the docks, and they have some smuggled goods on them. It's easy to do it, I can pack tickets for them, these people are definitely not what you want Those who are looking for it." The guy said with a smile. He thought that the Americans would give him face, but he didn't expect that one of the American soldiers would give him a kick. "Fuck you, who do you think you are? What kind of face do you have? If the person we are looking for is lost, I will definitely want you to look good. Give me less verbose. Go to the middle door for an inspection. I don’t want to go. Yes, you are going to be killed right now." The American soldier pointed at Li Cong.

It was a loss of an adult before his hand. This guy became a little bit irritated, but it was better to be honest when he saw the American soldiers. He shook his head to Li Cong at the moment, saying that he was incapable of helping them in. But he didn’t intend to give that watch to these guys. In his opinion, these people would never survive in the hands of the Americans. You should take the money as your own and bring it to God. It’s useless to go, and God won’t want your gold watches.

Ha ha. It's not okay to take Lao Tzu's money and not do things for Lao Tzu. Li Cong looked at a place that was not far away, but there were many American soldiers over there. But it’s not easy to come here so quickly. Li Cong winked at the few people behind Li Sen. You can’t do that right now. You must come quickly. Several people just understood Li Cong. Meaning, Li just punched from above. The guy in front of him who was holding his fingers all over fell straight out, and it looked like it was nothing. When the other people just wanted to move, they realized that they were incapable. They saw the sky spinning and then they knew nothing. Li Cong and the dumb Mexican policeman were left with their heads moving.

"Hehe, we have always done things like this, a few, now I am afraid you have to go with us, otherwise you can't explain these guys." Li Cong squatted down and faced a comatose. The guy punched again. This guy can definitely be "dead". If only these American soldiers were injured, then these policemen would definitely not send them away, but now they have no way out. Although they can call people quickly, who can tell the scene clearly? For nothing else, it is estimated that the Americans who died will also be buried with them, "What? What do you think? Either follow us, you may have a chance to survive, or you just live by yourself. It’s consuming here. Maybe those Americans will disturb your lives after they kill us, but I don’t think anyone with a brain will think that way." Li Cong pushed the door in after speaking, and the rest Several people pulled the corpses in, but the few Mexican policemen hadn't realized what was going on just now.

Why is it dead? It’s the American who is still dead. This American is very capable and privileged on Mexican territory. It’s okay for people on their side to die, but if they die, that’s all. It’s a big deal. A few American soldiers disappeared during the last military exercise. The good guys belonged to the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The whole country was scolded like grandsons. The generals at that time had to resign. Only one person died, but when these people came over, they saw that they were with them, and they talked to them. The fools of those Yankees must think that they know them and cannot wake them up. Yes, "Get rid of them and follow me." This old guy is still a very simple person. He knows what to do at this time, and several of his men are all people who have seen blood. The guy was angry, and they didn't feel soft when they started. They looked back at their country, which might be the last time they saw it.

Li heard footsteps after resting in it for less than a minute. You don’t need to ask the policemen who came here. At this moment, they walked around and watched vigilantly, as if something was going to happen. Li came over from these guys quickly, "Boy, you are cruel, but now we are people on the same boat, hurry up and take us away, I will help you out, but you have to give it to us when you reach your destination. Find a way to survive, otherwise we won't survive and we all die together." This old guy has offered his own price now, but he also knows that it is too late to say anything at this time, as long as it is on someone's boat. It's the world of others. It's a simple matter to kill people like yourself when you get to a place. It depends on how Li Cong is doing. Li Cong smiled and nodded, and just agree now. Let's talk about the rest at that time.

After coming in, Li Cong found that there were monitoring equipment everywhere on the pier. It would be impossible without this guy to take it forward. There happened to be an energy group oil tanker leaving the port under the **** of two patrol boats in the port. At this time the ship had already started, and Li Cong immediately found a speedboat nearby. You have to get on the boat quickly. The boss on the speedboat wanted to ask what was going on. He was thrown into the water with a punch. The energy group patrol boat in the distance also saw the situation here. There were signs of the energy group on Li Sen's body, slowing down and waiting for them to board the patrol boat. There were eleven navy members on it. After they got on the boat, they held guns at everyone. Yes, it was everyone. Although they saw Li Sen and they belonged to the Energy Group, they were still not sure. They must report their code.

"Sorry, several people, take your code out to me, otherwise the gun in my hand doesn't recognize you." The ensign said to several people, and Li Sen soon gave their numbers. The report passed, and Li was dumbfounded from this moment. He doesn't have a number. What can I do? Fortunately, they checked Li Sen's number and they all stood at attention.

"I'm sorry. Sir, I was also where I was just now." The second lieutenant glanced at Li Sen with a guilty conscience. How could there be someone from the Li family in there, and the rank is much higher than himself, he is just the edge of the energy group Navy Officer, since the last time the giant squid appeared. The Energy Group has equipped all ocean-going vessels with patrol boats. This large 1,250-ton patrol boat and his other partner are the escorts of the 300,000-ton tanker. Although Li Sen didn't say who Li Cong was, this guy was not a fool, so naturally he wouldn't go over and ask, just looking at Li Sen's eyes, what's the matter with these Mexican policemen? If Li Sen had a look at this time, it is estimated that these policemen would have arrived.

"It's okay, you are very responsible. Don't stop. I will rush out at full speed no matter what you encounter, so that the tanker will speed up. You can use any means if you encounter interceptions. You can contact the military here. I need to contact the military.” It’s inconvenient for Li to come forward at this time. In fact, it’s mainly because he is a person without coding. Li Sen did all the movements at this time. The two patrol boats are not capable of Very big. Although Mexico’s navy is not very strong, it is still okay to deal with them.

"Okay, sir, please come here. Our contact machine is inside the cabin." The ensign took Li Sen and a few bodyguards in a standard salute. Li Cong and other Mexican policemen were all on the deck, especially It's the Mexican policemen who are dumbfounded at this time. Why are these people not drug dealers? How come they become members of the energy group in a blink of an eye? Does this depend on a big tree? The government is afraid of two forces, one is the American and the other is the energy group, but sometimes those Americans are also afraid of the energy group, they have seen it For many of these things, it's better to follow the energy group than to the garbage government.

"The tanker in front of you paid attention and stopped immediately for inspection. This is the Mexican Maritime Police and the U.S. Navy. Please stop and accept the inspection immediately, or you will be at your own risk." Less than two minutes before Li Sen entered, several speedboats appeared on the water. It’s just that the difference between their size and the energy group’s patrol boat is not a little bit different. The Mexican navy is really bad. I heard that the largest ship of their navy is a supply ship of more than 3,000 tons. The warships used in combat are estimated to be these speedboats, at most the same size as the patrol boats of the energy group, but they can only be the same in appearance, and absolutely different inside, and theirs is too backward.

"You have also shown me clearly. We are a ship of the energy group. According to the regulations of our group, we are not allowed to search by the navy of any country or organization. If you insist on searching, all the consequences will be borne by you. Entering the first level of combat readiness, if you dare to have a ship within 500 meters of us, open fire." A slightly sonorous and powerful voice was transmitted through the tweeter, which is so arrogant at the door of other people’s house. This is the only one, but those The Mexican ships were all frightened at this time, and no one dared to rush over. This made the Americans on board anxious. The order they received was to not allow anything to leave Mexico.

At this moment, the Mexican Navy has several more patrol boats coming over. Their strength is an old submarine that cannot be renewed anymore, because of the speed issue, it must be impossible to enter, and there are two destroyers. There are no missiles installed on them. They are all 105 mm naval guns. However, they have not yet adopted automatic filling, and they are still used manually, which is destined to be impossible for them to have much combat effectiveness. Others are patrol boats of several hundred tons or even dozens of tons. Their combat effectiveness is the machine gun on the ship. This thing is basically useless. As for other rubber boats and the like, it is even more. Don't be afraid. Li Sen contacted the headquarters in the cabin, and the second lieutenant glanced at the weapons and equipment used by the Mexican Navy to intercept them. Smiling contemptuously, it is impossible for this ability to stop the two latest patrol boats.

Although the patrol boat is only more than 1,000 tons, it carries twin-mounted 75mm naval guns and 45-mounted rocket launchers. This thing is not a joke. It can instantly blow up everything within a radius of hundreds of meters. Rotten. This is also the confidence of the second lieutenant. Of course, his greatest confidence is the energy group. With such a big backstage, they dare not do anything. It's like a few American soldiers killed people in Fusang, but what about the Fusang government? Up? There is no such thing as the guts to send people back to them honestly. This is how big countries do things when they face small countries. Now Mexico is not as good as Fusang back then. Do they dare to insist? Don't have the guts.

The few people on the Mexican navy ship were indeed a little scared at the moment. Are you kidding me, is my country on the same level as Renjia Energy Group? In the past, let alone intercepting them, that is, I am a law enforcement officer. When these people are enforced, you have to be polite to others. Of course, you Americans are not afraid. But there is a kind of you, don't push us out, where do we have this ability? Several Mexican officers are about to retreat. But at this time, a few words were on his forehead. Looking back, the Americans' faces were very ugly. If they really want to retreat, they probably won't have much to end.

"Several guys, I don’t need to repeat the commands your boss gave you. They have nothing to be afraid of. You shouldn’t be afraid of them either. You have to exercise your rights in your country. , You can check any ship that wants to go out. They can’t resist. If you resist, what is your warship, will you be bullied at your door? Besides, there is the support of the US Navy. It will have an advantage." The US official's words are so simple. If it is really so simple, why don't you come forward, a little thing? It's really light, and you don't have the courage to put it bluntly, otherwise you would have been on it.

"This gentleman, it’s not that we don’t help, but we haven’t inspected their ship before. As you can see, their conditions are very harsh. It’s impossible for us to go up. They only have two patrol boats, but this thing is not what we can do with them." A Mexican officer pointed to the patrol boat in the distance and said, at this time he had to stand up, this is his biggest Yes, although the Ministry of National Defense’s orders follow them, what about the actual situation? Those lords of the Ministry of National Defense must not know that something really happened to guarantee that they were the fastest runners.

"Yes, you can do what you want to do, then our bullets won't recognize you." Before we can start fighting over there, let's do it here first. These US military officers just opened it up. Insurance, you have to do something with these guys. In fact, they are all very clear. These Mexican officers are all clumsy. Especially at this time, if they are not better at them, they might really fall to the energy group. On the other side, so they can’t hold back at this moment.

"Damn, I turned you back, and don't look at where it is, let me see if you dare to shoot?" A guy behind the highest officer also immediately took out his own. We might not be as good as large weapons. You, but how capable are you in this small boat? There are only five of you, how about us? There are a lot of people out there, and they will definitely not let you take advantage of it. Sure enough, this guy finished speaking. The Mexican military police standing outside all took out their submachine guns at the Americans. These American officials took it for a while. I didn't dare to move. They were all foreign players and others, but then again, when dozens of guns were pointed at them, they were really not so brave.

"You? What do you want to do, don't forget how your boss told you. If you offend us Americans, do you have a future here in the future?" Before this guy finished, he slapped his face. Now, although other Mexican officers are scared, they are not always afraid of being bullied by these guys.

"Huh, UU reading, you kid shut up. The above is for us to cooperate with you, but they don’t know the current situation. If you don’t have the courage to confront the energy group, we will have it? Although this America is still you America’s America, but if we want us to die, it’s not enough. Open your dog’s eyes and see what kind of weapon we are, what kind of weapon they are. What are the consequences if we rush into it? The above did not require us to die. So you don’t have any wishful thinking. Tell the energy group to get them out quickly.” The top military officer has become more powerful at this time. At this time, all he needs is such a majesty. But these brethren also trust themselves very much. Sooner or later they will have their own comeback. But if they soften, they will be looked down upon by the brothers in the army. Moreover, their officers are also despised by these Americans. The bully is out of shape, if I don't do anything today, I'm really sorry for them.

A few military police kicked and punched these Americans aside. Anyway, the punishment is a future thing and not the current thing. Now if you listen to these Americans rushing up, it is estimated that they will be immediately by the energy group. They were killed. Their naval guns are not vegetarian. Besides, if they offend the Energy Group, he will give you an energy embargo. What should I do? Although the treaty says that he cannot impose an energy embargo, people also have a prerequisite. This prohibition of searching their ships is a stipulation. Now it is on their own side that they have broken the regulations first, and it has nothing to do with them.

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