Energy Group

Chapter 1498:

The US military can still think of things that the energy group can think of. At this moment, they have all awakened from the shock just now. They know that this is not the time to be shocked. What is needed now is to cheer up quickly because of the energy group’s aircraft attack. Maybe it’s coming soon. The reason why I didn’t dare to release the plane just now was because I didn’t want to use my plane in the sky as a live target. Now both sides are filling missiles. This process takes at least half an hour. The operation may take a little less time, but they are only a little faster than the Americans. Basically it is negligible. Now the right to win is in the hands of the aircraft. Although the Americans lost an aircraft carrier, Hundreds of planes cannot take off, but they have a huge advantage, that is, they have an air base on the island of Hawaii. m[Just read a novel~]

The Sicam Air Force Base has existed for a very long time. It existed when the Fusang people attacked, but they didn’t play a good role back then. They didn’t take off a plane at that time, and were directly affected. The Fusang Navy and Air Force were blown up, and a huge amount of aircraft was lost. A large number of old pilots with combat experience also died. Aircraft can be quickly created, but for pilots, this thing has never been mass-produced. This is what the Air Force lacks most often.

When the war came, this place was also prepared for first level combat. Dozens of pilots were always on standby on the plane. Without the above order, they had to wait on the plane to eat Spicy Lassa. What they hope most is those above. The officials can tell them that the alarm is lifted. Then they can have fun with the hot girls in the bar. In other words, Pearl Harbor is the most beautiful time at this time. Those hot girls are very open and can be relaxed with just a few hundred dollars. Play for a day.

"Fleet Command Order. Take off immediately with sufficient ammunition, target the energy group fleet and attack with all your strength." It is a pity that they did not wait for the order they wanted. They were waiting for this order. Soldiers are soldiers, their brains There are all kinds of ideas, but at this moment, they are all very nervous, and immediately turn on the fighter plane to take off. Seacam Air Force Base can take off eight planes in one minute. There are more than 300 various planes in the entire airport, and it takes about half an hour to take off. This speed is already very dense. Up. There are also two small airports in other parts of Pearl Harbor, but the number of planes is not so large. They have to wait in the air for their planes to converge and rush toward the energy group fleet like the hungry wolf.

Because the Energy Group's fleet has acted earlier, more than half of the aircraft in the entire fleet have taken off at this moment, and there are probably more than 1,200. The rest does not need to take off with such high intensity. Sometimes the more airplanes are not the better. This is the right amount. If there are too many, the saturation attack may accidentally injure your own airplane. And it was not the first batch, so it took a long time to converge. At this moment, the energy group's planes 50 kilometers ahead of the energy group's fleet have already converged, and they rushed toward the US military like a large black cloud. This situation hasn’t happened for a long time. Although both sides have always wanted to control the scale, but looking up at the sky, you know that everyone can’t control it at this time. At least in the Hawaiian waters, wars like this have broken out. High-level officials obviously have no guide to break out such a war. Such war losses are not a little bit. It seems that hundreds of billions of dollars will be burned today, but the arrow has to be sent.

The early warning aircraft and electronic attack aircraft of both sides were quickly sitting on their own affairs. Soon the military satellites in this area failed. Advanced technology can only be useful when dealing with enemies that are not equal to them, just like now. , The technical gap between the two sides is not very big, they can only head-to-head. On the radar, the two aircraft groups are slowly approaching. Once they enter the best shooting range, they will probably fire immediately. At this time, nothing can be done. The two galloping horses were intercepted.

Due to the temporary failure of military satellites on both sides, the people on the warships at the rear of the two sides can only rely on the information sent by the early warning aircraft to judge what they should do next. Li Yunhai seems to be invisible to this invisible war. I am very happy, because his soldiers have similar training, which the Americans may not have. The Americans have believed in high-tech technology for years. Now they are about to taste the war without the help of high-tech technology. Maybe they will. There are some discomforts, and you will lose a lot.

Entering the best attack area, at this moment, more than 3,000 fighters from both sides have released their own aircraft's medium-range air-to-air missiles. This kind of missiles can kill the enemy as much as possible after launch. Of course, they start to sit immediately after launching the missiles. With the action of dodge, at this time, there is not so much thought to care about the missiles they launched. Their first priority at the moment is to save their lives. Below, the energy group Navy and the US military are fighting. They have dispatched a large number of search and rescue ships, all hoping to transport their pilots back in the shortest time. They also did not take the initiative as tacitly as before. Under certain circumstances, they may cooperate. After all, It is impossible for one party to control all of such a large sea area. Now it is possible for both parties to cooperate. This is also an unwritten rule.

It can be seen on the radar at this moment that two red planes have launched a large number of blue missiles. When the total number of missiles exceeds 5,000, they will meet in the area. The density of missiles in this area can be imagined. I see. Fortunately, the area where they are fighting is not a dense civil aviation area. Otherwise, the civil aviation aircraft will have no way to survive. Such a large-scale air combat makes all the pilots scared at this time, but they usually train them all. Everyone should calm down. At this time, there must be no chaos. Everyone has organized a defensive formation. [Let’s see the novel~] If chaos occurs at this time, it may affect the entire team. They can only suppress their anxiety, and only with the help of everyone can they survive. Don’t think that you can survive by flying out of the group and pulling up or something. That’s nonsense. No matter how fast you are, you can’t have a missile as fast. If the missile is one-to-one with the aircraft, it is estimated that the aircraft will get it within a minute Going down, the situation where the missile can be thrown off can only be seen in the movie, which is impossible here.

The electronic attack aircraft of the U.S. military and the energy group have turned on the high-power jammers on their own aircraft. They must do their best to immediately jam some of these missiles, regardless of their number adding up to only a dozen. frame. It's not a big deal in thousands of aircraft, but their role is very important. Sometimes they play a role comparable to hundreds of fighters. They are also the first group to encounter missiles. It’s not that their aircraft encountered the first wave, but the interference radio waves they sent. The energy group and the American jammers have already increased their interference capabilities regardless of cost. After this war, the entire aircraft lost and could How about it, knowing that each missile being jammed means that an aircraft can survive. They are the most terrifying figures in the entire aircraft group. In just 30 seconds, nine electronic attack aircraft of the Energy Group have dropped 162 missiles, and some of them exploded directly in the sky. Their explosion immediately detonated some missiles flying around, and the results of Lao Mei's battle were also very significant. The eight electronic attack aircraft of the United States also let 145 missiles go down, but their technology is not as advanced as that of the energy group. They can control some missiles to expose themselves, so they have much less success than the energy group. Although they are still working hard at this moment, everyone knows that they have passed their best attack area at this moment, and their role at this moment is very important. When the post-war statistics came, they only stopped less than one-tenth of what they were just now.

After the electronic warfare, each aircraft formed a group of sixteen. They began to spread out around them, one by one, they began to form some small defensive formations. The U.S. military over there also looked like this. The captain began to make arrangements. The aircraft at the forefront immediately released their air-to-air missiles again. The air-to-air missiles on these aircrafts were gone at this time. They will need everyone’s protection in the future. Energy Group More than 1,000 short-range air-to-air missiles rushed toward the opposite side. They rushed into the US military’s missile army and pulled the remaining missiles down together. The US military did the same thing. Both sides fought at this stage. Ping, this is also the time when the offensive missile losses are the most severe. More than 70% of the missiles were dropped at this time. This time, the two sides shot down more than 3,000 missiles. At this time, there are still 699 missiles attacking energy. The group’s aircraft group and 842 missiles rushed towards the old American aircraft group. At this moment, both sides can only start their own final tricks. Of course, this is the American idea, that is, to use difficult movements to control the missiles. Leave it alone, as long as you can persist for a while, this stage is also the time when the most planes were shot down. At least half of the planes will be shot down. Is this the same for the energy group? According to this ratio, there are 600 planes to go down?

Of course not. Just like before, the energy group’s sixteen fighter planes immediately returned to a large formation, and from a distance, the thousands of planes turned into a spherical shape. Slow your speed. Such a protective cover on a battleship is stationary, but the aircraft cannot stand still at high altitude. For technical reasons, the disadvantage of this rain cover is that it must be stationary, and it can also be slow on the aircraft after being improved. It is completed while flying, but their effect is discounted, so they have to consume more electricity to maintain this protective cover, and more than one thousand aircraft must make two protective covers, in the first one. The shield may be useless when intercepting 500 missiles. At this time, the second or even the third must be activated immediately. Anyway, to form a shield, only 30 outermost aircraft are needed. They can be activated many times. , It’s just that the energy consumed is a huge number. Of course, compared with these airplanes, this little money is a big gap, and it’s worth it.

Because the energy group’s missiles were launched earlier, US military aircraft were the first to encounter missiles. All the planes are scattered like bees. At this time, you have to rely on your superb flying skills to dodge these missiles. Some of them have good technology and may escape the catastrophe, but those with bad technology can only watch. I was hit. If the technology is even worse, it is estimated that if you don't even have the opportunity to open the parachute, you may go down. That is the worst thing, but every ace pilot has a record of being shot down.

Soon the pilots of the Energy Group saw a plane falling in the distance. The number of US military planes displayed on their radar was rapidly declining. On average, one plane crashed every second, but soon they were not in the mood to come. Depending on the situation on the other side, they will also win the missile attack. It’s just that they don’t need to worry if they have a protective cover. The missile quickly hits the protective cover, and you can see that a thin layer of film has stopped all the missiles. The cheers of the pilots are higher than waves. . What is there to worry about with such a weapon? The first protective shield persisted until 412 missiles were broken, and within 0.2 seconds of the activation of the second protective shield, three missiles rushed in because the aircraft were all Relatively dense, the three pilots did not do too much dodge. The parachute jumped very neatly. If they hide everywhere, they may destroy the entire protective cover. This is also said during the previous training, but it is good or good. When it comes to such a situation, I feel very nervous. If they are slower than 0.1 seconds, it is estimated that the loss figure will show a geometric increase. This is something that the commanders of the energy group never want to see. The second protective cover is obviously not as powerful as the first one. It may have been hurriedly established, and the training was not enough. When 200 missiles were maintained, because the defense in a weak area was not strict, an aircraft that formed a protective shield was shot down. The entire protective shield was shot down. It failed. Then the dozen fighters ahead kissed the missiles. The pilots above them did not parachute. They and their planes turned into ashes. The Li Yun below was angry. Damn, there are more than 60 missiles left, and the loss is not small. Many pilots in front were not panicked at this time. They knew that they could avoid the missiles in front, but if they do, the ones in the back Those people suffered. This formation was very crowded inside, so they could only use their bodies to lean up to resist those missiles. Of course, they also fired the missiles more intelligently and killed the missiles in front of them. But most of them sacrificed themselves for the formation and brothers. More than 60 missiles shot down 55 fighters, only seven parachuted, and all the others were killed. The energy group suffered the biggest casualties since the war began. . []

Compared with the casualties of the Americans, they cannot be regarded as casualties. The Americans lost 495 planes in this wave of offensive, and more than a hundred planes lost their combat effectiveness. They did not fight at all. The two hundred aircraft were damaged to varying degrees. After resisting this wave of missile attacks, the two sides really met. At the moment, the energy group’s aircraft still has more than 1,000 combat-effective aircraft, but the Americans There is no such good luck. They have produced more than 1,600 aircraft, 400 more than the energy group. After the various losses, the US military now has only 900 aircraft capable of combat. Those injured aircraft simply launched missiles. No matter what, they went back to the voyage immediately. They left behind and were beaten down. At this moment, they can only do this, but it doesn’t seem like a good way to leave the **** to the other party. They were beaten down again when they turned around. Ten planes, there are wars everywhere. If the mental quality is not very good, it is estimated that they will go straight at this time. This big aerial battle lasted for more than an hour before it ended. In the end, the Energy Group had 655 planes intact. On the warship, there were still 80 serious injuries and 50 minor injuries, but the loss of the old United States was great. More than 1,600 aircraft returned to less than 400, and the injured were less than 500. You must know They have 400 more aircraft than the Energy Group, and they have to lose 500 more aircraft than the Energy Group. They are very dissatisfied with the results of the air combat, but Li Yunhai is also very dissatisfied with the results of the air combat.

We have a protective cover. The loss should be less than half of this. But only 500 planes less than the Americans. What is that? Where have all your saved military planes gone? Li Yunhai ordered to step up the salvage of the pilots and also asked the naval aviation to immediately convene a summary meeting on the battle. This is not a victory. The secret weapon is exposed to this level. It shouldn't be. This is the quality of the pilot. Although the US military is not as good as the energy group in all aspects of technology, the quality of its pilots is very high.

In this great air battle, the US military lost more than 80 billion U.S. dollars in aircraft alone. Although the energy group can be much cheaper, the loss is not small. It is 20 billion U.S. dollars. If the power loss consumed by the protective cover is added, the energy group will also lose At 30 billion U.S. dollars, many planes were directly destroyed with large amounts of electricity. Carrying more than 200 million kilowatt-hours of electricity is almost worth more than their airplanes. No one can afford to consume this kind of war. If there is not much after this war, it is estimated that there will be no war in the near future, although the US military The loss is larger. But fighting power still exists, and it is impossible to make them surrender.

In fact, the two sides basically have no ability to fight again. Although there are still a lot of missiles on the warship, and if the aircraft is pooled together, the two sides can also dispatch hundreds of aircraft. But can those things be used now? Those things are their last life-saving capabilities, especially the energy group fleet. They are on other people's territory, if they don't even have these. If the U.S. military has some hole cards that are not shown, it is simply troublesome. No one knew what to do, Li Yunhai was a war monger and he didn't dare to do that at this time. The delegations of both sides did not propose to renegotiate, and no one wanted to bow their heads. Everyone knew that the first one would be eaten by someone. Li Yunhai immediately ordered the fleet to move towards Midway Island. , And the support fleet that has sailed to Fusang and Midway Island all dispatched aircraft from their warships at this time. Li Yunhai’s fleet still has less than 600 aircraft at this time, which can be said to be very weak, so The support fleet may be slower in the past, but the aircraft is very fast. They can wait for the aircraft from behind to fly over. 1,000 aircraft can fly over the Li Yunhai fleet in seven hours, while the support fleet has to It took 15 hours to pick up the plane taking off from Fusang. After seven hours, the energy group's strength was basically restored.

As for the Americans, there is no such strong recovery capability, but they also have something that the energy group does not have, that is, the missile force on the entire island of Hawaii. There are thousands of sea-to-air missiles there. The last war was so intense. They have not been activated. This is also a trump card in their hands. Although both sides have suffered heavy losses, in this way, they will still have their own combat effectiveness in the near future. The Americans have also urgently come to count through special games. Hundreds of planes.

Li Cong in Cuba at the moment is also surprised at the outcome of the war. Damn, is this a war? We can’t care about the American losses. Our losses are in my eyes. Damn, count them. In a few hours, even the losses of ammunition and airplanes exceeded 50 billion U.S. dollars. The Americans can only lose more than their own, but not less than their own. Such a war cannot be supported by anyone, a large base. The output of two months went in in just one day. If you continue to fight, you may be impoverished. You can conduct more than five naval battles a day, which is 250 billion US dollars a day. I can't afford it even if I die. I believe that the Americans are the same, but I don't know why they haven't come to us to negotiate? They saw that we had a shield for secret weapons. This time they should definitely not fail. The Americans are so calm. Why is this? Do they have any other secret weapons? But the spies on my own side did not detect anything.

Just when Li was puzzled, the investigation department finally got new news. It turned out that the secret weapon of the Americans in Pearl Harbor finally emerged. Their secret weapon is a drone, which is much smaller in size than a normal airplane. Yes, the cost is only half of a normal aircraft, but its attack power is very powerful, of course, because of the control distance, they cannot have too long combat space, the energy group can retreat two hundred nautical miles. They have no way, but at this moment they really can't find what to do except for these drones. If they want to fight according to conventional warfare methods, they will really be unable to fight.

Seven hours later, the navy and air force of the Energy Group were ready again, and all the aircraft were loaded with ammunition. There is enough fuel in their supply ship pair to allow them to circle the earth, and the missiles on the warships are also installed. If Li Yunhai wants to go to war at this time, it is absolutely possible. And the chance of winning is great. Fighting against a monster like the Skull and Bones is consuming. Even if the battle line of the energy group is thousands of nautical miles, people still stick to it, and there is a huge fleet. It can be reached within a week, and now with the base of Midway Island, Lao Mei's advantage can be said to be non-existent. The energy group is waiting. They are waiting for the Americans to succumb, but the Skull and Bones are also waiting. They don't want to admit defeat so early. There are still many people inside who hope to move back by drone.

In a gathering point of the Skull and Bones in Washington, they will have an answer today. Even if there is no war ahead, the huge fleet will always be vigilant, and it will cost tens of millions of dollars every hour. They must make a decision. When the meeting closed, most people came out with an ugly face because the next resolution was passed at the meeting just now. To fight to the death with the people of the energy group, completely drive them out. They are not allowed to be in the Hawaiian Islands, and all their military power in Pearl Harbor can be used. Well, if you put it this way, there is no bottom line in this war. To be honest, it’s not easy for the Skull and Bones to endure to this day. Li Cong also got the news within five minutes after the meeting. He finally didn’t embrace the whole incident. I had an illusion, and immediately began to dispatch troops all over the world.

The Fusang people in those days might have made big mistakes in strategy. If they hadn't brought the Americans into the water back then, they might not have perished so quickly, but their tactical skills were something that no one else had. For example, the attack on Pearl Harbor and a series of incidents in China have proved the importance of surprise attacks. Li Cong immediately made deployments around the world. First, the three military bases of the Skull and Bones in Africa. Li Cong ordered the African Army to dispatch 35 Ten thousand people, with the support of 650 aircraft from the First Division of the African Air Force, immediately launched an attack on 100,000 US soldiers in these three military bases. It is said that so many troops are not needed, but there are still dozens of US troops there. Ten thousand’s servant nations’ troops, this part needs a large number of personnel to look after them, so three hundred and fifty thousand troops will be needed to beat them down. After this battle, there will be no place for the Skull and Bones in Africa. The military has been preparing for a long time, there should be no problems, and it is the easiest place to win.

The other place is in the Gibraltar area, but this is not where they are going to attack. Li Cong ordered the first and second squadrons of the Atlantic energy group in this area to immediately merge to form a powerful fleet, and immediately attack the United States in Gibraltar. The three armies in the area carried out a surprise attack and then quickly retreated to the Suez Canal area. The army on Corsica must also be prepared for battle. Reinforce the navy and air force on Corsica from the mainland. At least 100 missiles must be launched. The air force needs to expand a lot, with at least 350 combat aircraft and enough ammunition for them to fight. The local air force transportation group immediately transported 100,000 troops to Corsica. Lao Mei was surrounded and had to stay there like a nail so that they couldn't see and eat. This was also Li Cong's strategy to hold back the US military.

There are also a few bases in Central and South America. There is no ability to expand here. The first one is the Cuban base. It will definitely become the first target to be hit. It is impossible to retreat here. Li Cong is already ready to personally lead the tens of thousands of soldiers here to resist with the Cuban people to the end. Several bases in southern Argentina will also be defended, and there will be a powerful strategic air force from the mainland to provide assistance to them. One hundred thousand Argentine soldiers, when necessary, Argentina can declare a state of war with the United States. Of course, this is just an idea of ​​the military department. After all, there are still many people in Argentina who hope to unite with the Americans. One-third but it's almost the same. You must not let these people become weapons. You have to throw a billion dollars on Argentina.

As for the local energy group, Li Cong is not very worried. Lao American basically has no strong military power in Asia, and the energy group is not afraid of economic actions. Li Cong is also ready to respond with ten trillion US dollars. Any economic offense depends on how miserable Lao Mei is now. They don't have the ability to do things financially.

The Skull and Bones did not intend to have such a huge war with the energy group around the world, but at the moment it seems that they can't move if they don't move. As Li Cong expected, the Skull and Bones adopted the opposite strategy with Li Cong. . They focused on defense wherever Li focused their attacks, and focused their attacks on where Li focused their defenses. All regions of the world except Europe and Great Russia were involved in wars. There were millions of armies on both sides entering a state of war. More than 8,000 aircraft and tens of thousands of tanks entered the war directly. In the first hour of the war, the Energy Group lost 1,210 fixed-wing combat aircraft and 2,045 helicopters. There are 112 ships of various types, 3,045 tanks, 4,550 armored vehicles, and 1,290 artillery pieces. 7,400 missiles and 700,000 shells were used, 98,600 people were killed, 126,500 were injured, and the economic loss exceeded US$300 billion.

The loss of the Americans on the other side is even greater. It lost 1,892 fixed-wing combat aircraft of various types, 2,945 helicopters, 152 ships of various types, and 3845 tanks. There are 6,550 armored vehicles and 8,200 artillery pieces. Use 10,400 missiles and 200,000 artillery shells. There were 182,564 deaths, 226,500 injured, and economic losses exceeding one trillion US dollars. The major forces in the world were shocked again. No one thought that the current full-scale war would be so expensive. Compared with full-scale war, The war losses in Hawaii are almost negligible. Li Cong and the top leaders of the Skull and Bones were shocked by this loss, especially the Skull and Bones. The huge casualties made them have no power to turn around. They wanted to end the war. Their mentality is stronger than ever. They no longer have the determination to continue. They can’t let themselves go out of the group of the Big Four. The Energy Group is still the Big Four at all times, as long as he can maintain energy output. He won't fall, but the Skull and Bones is completely different from him.

After the first day of the war, both sides wereted huge war resources, but both sides failed to meet their strategic requirements, and the energy group did not completely drive the United States out of Africa, and the energy group’s base in Central and South America was still erected. Li Cong felt that the war was already underway at this time, and he couldn’t return to the level before the war. If that’s the case, he would have done a lot of useless work. He still has a lot of reserve power, and the Skull and Bones are now at the end of the battle, so Li Since the declaration of the war to be carried out to the end was issued, and the army on the front line was called on to fight bravely and to strangle the enemy in a limited space, in fact, the whole army has already become popular at this moment, and it has long been different from before. I used to say that it might brake if it stops, but now there are hundreds of thousands of casualties on both sides, and there are various plunders, and it is impossible to reconcile. Although the Skull and Bones thought, they It is also clear that if it is brought up at this time, it is estimated that the loss will be even greater, and people in the United States have also begun to attack the major companies and real estate of the energy group in the United States.

Under such circumstances, the U.S. branch of the Energy Group had to negotiate with the Skull and Bones. The negotiation between the two parties was very short. The specific content was that the Energy Group resumed energy exports to the United States and increased the price by 5%. The government guarantees the security of the energy group’s assets of up to ten trillion dollars in the United States. If it can’t guarantee it, the energy group will once again cut off energy exports to the United States and connect to the world. If anyone does energy business with the United States, his country Will also be in the ranks of the embargo.

The Americans solved the most important energy problem. At this time, most people felt that the time had come for the war to start again. It was just that this war was about to start on the American land, and the African Legion of the Energy Group landed directly in Mexico. The 100,000 army once again encountered a frantic counterattack from 150,000 Mexican servants and 50,000 US troops. The energy group army could only seize a small area as a landing site and slowly infiltrate, but the Skull and Bones are not fools. , Immediately drew 200,000 troops from the country to support Mexico through various channels, and called on the Mexican people to take up arms to protect their hometowns. As a result, they obtained more than hundreds of thousands of Mexican troops, although only some civilians with guns. But how to say it is also human, and it also brought a lot of obstacles to the landing force of the energy group. The energy group has not made any progress in Mexico for a week.

A few days after the war, the energy group’s super battleship arrived in Mexico near the Atlantic side. The super artillery bombarded several tons of shells directly. Within three hours, more than 8,000 tons of shells directly hit the Mexican army. On his head, 50,000 Mexican troops were scattered and fled. The energy group army finally seized this opportunity to seize a coastal city. It is considered a firm foothold in Mexico, but the local armed forces have done more damage to the energy group army. In this city Here, hundreds of soldiers were killed every hour, the energy group army began to carry out **** suppression, the effect was not bad, the resistance of the local people was directly suppressed, but here is within the bombing range of American roadbed aircraft, they They don't have any resistance, and the taste of being bombed every day is not very good, but they still hold on dangerously.

A week after the war US long-range bombers started bombing various places in Fusang. The locals seemed to be like a hundred years ago. At the end of World War II, they would never understand why the Chinese and the United States People’s warfare is about throwing bombs on their heads. The answer is that Lao Mei has given them. They have organized mercenaries in their country. There are about 50,000 mercenaries. They will be transported by the energy group’s freighter. In Alaska, the Energy Group’s strategy is very correct. It sends these people up, but does not provide any foster care. You all have to rely on yourself to obtain what you need locally, so what will these Fuso people do? ? Obviously, the Alaska area may be robbed. This is a nightmare for Americans, but it is what energy groups like to see most. From Alaska to the south, there are some desolate areas. I believe these Fuso troops should have no control over these places. If they are interested, they will continue to go south. Fifty thousand troops are not much, but they are not too much. Especially now that there are not many troops in Alaska and Canada, it is not easy for them to resist. This is also the reason why they were bombed. You have also participated in the war in disguise. The treatment given by the energy group is not low. It is already very good for them who have a harder life. Basically, they can serve as soldiers and the whole family is not hungry. They need this. work. (To be continued...)


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