Energy Group

Chapter 1529:

Li Cong nodded and expressed his understanding. It turned out that this time was the period of weakness of the Holy See. No wonder he didn't have such a perverted mess in Rome. What should I take back? I really thought that the current Holy See is this. Looks like, I naturally have to go to rest after eating. It’s been a tossing all night. Can I still run around the street? Just when Li Cong walked out of KFC, Li Cong met Susan. It was originally given to others. I said that I would have breakfast with someone in the morning. This is fine. Susan understands her friendship, Li Cong, and now I really don't know how to explain it. M[Just read a novel~]

Susan didn’t get up so early. The deacon couldn’t sleep all night. She always thought of Li Cong. He didn’t expect that Li Cong’s eating place was opposite Susan’s house. Susan glanced randomly at the window. Seeing Li Cong having a meal with a beautiful woman who was so beautiful, Susan's tears flowed down instantly. She didn't know why, and she walked down. Seeing Li Cong's eyes full of grievance, she is not as good as you. The woman around you is good, but you don't need to deceive yourself so much. It turns out that you already have a girlfriend, so why bother to provoke yourself? Women can do anything at this time, and sometimes they may be quite unreasonable. Even a sensible girl will see this scene, and her heart will feel like the sky.

At this moment Mitel glanced at the angry Susan, and then looked at himself and Li Cong. Originally, his body was relatively weak, and Li Cong was carrying him on his back all the way, so when he came out, he held Li Cong’s arm. It should be. Mitel can guarantee it. If I could walk around, I wouldn’t be able to hold Li Cong to death. It seemed to Susan that he was holding this guy. How could I think that? Mitel thought Li Cong was worthy. Not his own, but the saint of the Orthodox Church, this guy is nothing more than just a business man.

"I said, girl, this guy is your husband? Don't think about it, let's take back your tears. I have nothing to do with him. I don't need to cry for this. I even have friends with him. No, it’s just a transactional relationship. We were partners when we did a transaction last night.” Mitel’s life in ordinary society is still not much, she doesn’t know what her words really are... originally she was also kind. I wanted to help Li Cong explain, but this kind of explanation made Susan really feel that Li Cong was a lowly person, and Li Cong helplessly touched his head.

Mitel’s explanation seemed completely valid from Mitel’s. Naturally, she thought it was not the same as Susan. Susan is a normal person. A beautiful woman is holding a man. Two people last night. Transaction, what kind of transaction would it be. Do you still need to think about this?

"Is it because I'm not as beautiful as her? So you lied to me last night that you have something to do, and then went with her.. to trade, I. How am I inferior to her?" Susan's words almost made Li Cong's chin drop Come down, this girl is really amazing. Fortunately, the people in Rome are not that kind of good thing. There are a lot of people in the morning, and no one comes to watch the excitement. If you are in the country, you have to have someone right away. Upload it to the Internet.

"Doing a deal has nothing to do with being pretty or not. Do you think he can charge me less if I am pretty? Nothing at all, and he opened such a big price, but his things are good, I like it. "Mittel said without understanding, and said casually. Originally there was a sentence in my heart who wanted to curse Li Cong. If Li Cong knew it, I would like her to come out. It's also much better than this ambiguous one, now it's better.

what? It turned out that it was not Li Cong who prostituted this girl. Could it be that Li Cong was given to that girl by this girl? Susan had this idea in his mind for an instant. Could it be that Li Cong did this because he wanted to start a travel company with him? The things on this girl are very precious. This girl must be that kind of person. Sometimes women’s imagination is very powerful, and they don’t have any extra brains to think about at this time. Then everything has something to do with her. She was moved at this moment. Although Li Cong didn't say anything, she understood.

"You are really stupid. I love you, who has nothing to do with money. Even without the hundreds of thousands of euros, it will not affect the relationship between us. We will continue to develop well. You Staying with me in Rome, I feel that we will have a beautiful tomorrow. Don’t do such a thing to ruin yourself.” Susan grabbed Li Cong’s hand and said affectionately, while okay Mitel’s hand He was hit from Li Cong's body, "You keep me away from him, he won't contact you in the future, I hope you also respect yourself." Susan protects Li Cong like a lion declaring sovereignty. After a while, Li Cong went from a hypocrite to a little white face, and then became a person who sacrificed his hue for his girlfriend. His role changed so much that he didn’t even know this Susan’s. How could his head be so imaginative, he really admired Susan.

"What are hundreds of thousands of euros, what are you doing, I am not relying on him, I must be with him now, otherwise I... I won't tell you, I said you can't go, find a place to rest , Don’t bring this crazy woman over, if you don’t want to get into trouble, you’d better throw her away.” Mitel rubbed her arm unhappy, if she talks to herself like this in normal times, she is a Catholic herself. Killed her a long time ago, but now I'm not much better than an ordinary person, so I don't have that ability. What she said is the truth, if Susan is really involved, it really is Susan's biggest It's troublesome. Ordinary people should never get involved in the affairs of the Holy See, otherwise they will die very miserably.

"Why do you want to dump me? How am I inferior to you? Although I am not as beautiful as you and temperamental as you are, I will never yell at the person I love. Don't you Chinese people like gentle girls? She has such a strong temper. Let’s fight hard together. Our days will definitely be stronger than her in the future.” Susan said without showing any weakness, although she is not as good as the woman in front of her in appearance, but in her heart You can't admit defeat. (Just read the novel.)

"Haha, do you think I'm robbing you of a man? However, even if it is robbing, I don't think you can compare to me..." What else did Mitel want to say, and was immediately pulled by Li Cong. Once it's opened, the development of things here will be uncontrollable, so why continue to talk about it? Li Cong's head is now two big. I can't wait to grab Mitel to fight hard, don't express opinions about things you don't understand, and see what you do now.

"Give it to me. Tell her our affairs clearly, and there is no way to understand anything. If she has a little misunderstanding, I will throw you down immediately, and then I will go out by myself." Li Cong is vicious. To be honest, he was a little touched just now. Girls who don’t pay much attention to money like Susan are really rare at this time. Now girls sometimes marry not the person who married, but the person who married. Li Cong's house or car, or even money directly, such an innocent girl, Li Cong, thought that the deacon could only be seen in the novel, but he did not expect it to be there in society.

Mittel whited her eyes. Although it is also very tempting, Li Cong has no time to come with her now. She saw that Li Cong was really angry. She explained to Susan in a low voice in the past. Li Cong also went to listen, sometimes I will also explain that although this explanation did not tell Susan all, it told her that they had offended a very powerful character and could manipulate all other things, so I must be honest in the recent period. They can keep their lives waiting for the crime evidence to be handed over to more powerful people. Therefore, Li Cong can't meet Susan during this period, but he will definitely come back to look for him in the future.

"Then I won't follow you, I will take good care of myself. You don't need to worry, but you have to remember to come back to me." Susan cried. Li Cong really didn’t know when her charm became so great, she became like this in one night, she actually loved herself so much, and Li Cong never hurt a girl who fell in love with herself. Yes, smiled and pinched Susan's crying face.

"Hehe, I will come back to find you. I think you shouldn’t work in the original company anymore. This is all my savings, do you know? In China, women spend men’s money. But a woman can’t know how much money a man has, so I’ll tell you that the password is 650650, and you can open it to buy things and withdraw money, but you can’t check how much money there is in it. The money inside is enough for us to start. Dreamed, remembered, and you can’t check it. If you don’t obey, I won’t come back.” Li Cong smiled and handed a bank card from his pocket to Susan. All the cards are Li Cong carried 100 million yuan or 100 million US dollars with him to be useful. He was afraid that Susan would be afraid if he knew how much money there was, so he panicked.

"Does Huaxia have such a habit?" Susan asked with wide eyes open, seemingly unbelievable, and the tour guide seemed to be very clear about these things from time to time.

"Hehe, of course, we always have various habits in a place as big as Huaxia. Huaxia has always been a society of big men. Now you are my woman, and I am the big man in the family. You can’t go to work in that company. Enjoy your life for yourself. I’ll be back soon. By the way, go and get a passport with yourself. You may go abroad.” Li Cong tried his best to pretend to be a prestige. Said, Susan was silly by my woman’s words. Now Li Cong will do whatever he tells him to do. She doesn’t care how much money Li Cong has in that card. Her lover calls herself. Do whatever you want, and then her brain will return to zero IQ, and it may still be negative.

Susan asked Li Cong to persuade him to go back. She happily took the bank card and left. She was already his woman. Just this sentence was beautiful and she didn’t know her surname. Miter turned over. She rolled her eyes, what was the pretense in this woman's mind, she believed that Huaxia had such a rule now, but she was very dissatisfied that the bank card Li Cong took out only saw her at this time.

"Hehe, stop pouting. Now we are going to do something serious. We have to find a way to get out of Rome. I have my group in this city. But I don’t think we should go there anymore. They are sure Someone stared at us. The three red bishops did not catch us last time. I think there will be a lot of people now. If you think they are the most powerful people, what kind of battle will be." Li Cong knows This girl’s injury is still not good. I consciously helped this girl to walk forward. People outside would be jealous of Li Cong when they saw it. How could there be such a beautiful girl, such a girl. Just talk to yourself. I can die with excitement, and the man next to me is handsomer than me.

"Serious things? Do you have any way to get us out? Now I have told you that their strongest strength should be twice that of the three cardinals. As for who will be sent, I don’t know much about it, you too I know, we are a hostile relationship. My understanding of them is only in some major aspects. I can make up for such small details as accurately as possible. If I can really foresee it, I guess we can beat it every time. Theirs." At this time, Mitel also understood that she had to tell Li Cong what she knew. In the past, it could be said to be a business, but now it is definitely life-saving. She knows that Li Cong doesn’t have much. Up. It will definitely be very dangerous if you continue to wander around Rome like this.

The next thing Li Cong has to do is really make her want to kick Li Cong. What's the matter with this person, the important thing he said is going to go back to bed, and the two of them are in the same room. Actually, Li Cong also She didn't open rooms for her from time to time, but she felt that she felt insecure when she was not with Li Cong, so she had to be with Li Cong. This room was originally a standard suite, so there was only one bed. The sofa is also the kind of two separated, it is impossible to sleep at all, Mitel went to the sofa consciously, she knew that Li Cong would not speak a gentlemanly. 【】【】

"Hehe, Miss Mitel. I think you really underestimated me. I still know what to do. You should rest more when you sleep on the bed and your body is injured. The thing I gave you is actually It's just a high-sugar sugar pill, which can only restore physical strength. Other things are simply impossible. So now you should take a good rest. A nap should be good for you. But for me, just I need you to give me a blanket." After Li took a blanket and sat aside, in fact, fights are not so frequent, but he needs to think about how to get out. This is not a trouble. For fun, this is the home of the Catholic Church, and they are their primary goal. They have also picked out Mitel, and they always want to kill themselves.

Mitel looked at Li Cong, who was closing her eyes on the sofa, and she didn’t know why at this time, it seemed that the man in front of her seemed so pleasing to the eye, just a little bit. Now she is also very tired, so she didn’t think much. For other things, I looked at Li Cong and didn’t know where he slowly passed away. From this period of getting along, I still know that Li Cong is a gentleman and won’t mess up, and even if he wants to mess up. If she comes, I am afraid that she will not have the ability to resist at this time. Many people have rescued her since she was born. Many people told her that if she can't protect herself, she must find a strong man to protect herself, otherwise her own A face is a source of trouble for yourself, a beginning.

When Li Cong entered his dream, it was only less than seven in the morning. The Catholic Emperor Sistine just got up at this time. His living habits are still very good. After doing some morning exercises, he came to the huge restaurant. With breakfast, he doesn’t deal with anything when eating. In fact, his body won’t feel tired even if he doesn’t eat for half a month, but Sisting pays great attention to his body maintenance. He sees After looking at the breakfast on the table, it was very good. It was something he liked. It looked like something like tofu brain. In the eyes of others, he couldn’t eat something like this, but most people didn’t know it. In fact, what he ate was the brain of a cheetah. There are not many cheetahs in this world, but it is okay for the Catholic Church to get some brains, at least on the table every morning.

After breakfast, it’s the most depressing time of the day for Sisting. At this time, I want to see most of the subordinates to see how the tasks assigned to them are. When Sisting comes in from the door, he can already get into the house. See everything clearly. There should have been four cardinals. But Sara doesn’t even have the strength to eat now, so naturally there are only three. The three tasks she gave them were to get them back to Mitre. Now without Mitre, it seems that these three people have not completed the task. Yes, but the pope's expression eased a little after seeing Gledia's body next to him.

"Your Majesty, we did not expect that Li Cong would be there. We had already locked up their position and we were confident that we could catch them. The appearance of Li Cong failed us. We have already used the strongest. The world is in a cage. But it was broken up by a white light, and the subordinates are incompetent. Please ask the Pope to go down." The archbishops in red are usually aloof. Generally speaking, they do nothing wrong. But today these three guys did something wrong, and the mistake was very serious, and the Pope was in a bad mood.

"How was the prison of heaven and earth broken up." Since the pope knew that they had failed, he didn't care about the details of those things. Now the pope is not concerned with this matter anymore. Now the pope is concerned with prisoners of heaven and earth. The cage thing, the cage of heaven and earth can be said to be an advanced method of the Holy See to deal with people. No one has ever opened it for hundreds of years. Now Li Cong has actually done it. This is no small matter. Other things can be done slowly, but this is not possible. Originally, he wanted to use this method to deal with Li Cong, but now it seems that Li Cong is no ordinary person.

"We didn't know what was going on at the time. We just knew that a white light fell from the sky. The attack power was amazing. We had never seen anything like this before, and our world cage was broken. "There is really no more information. They just want to report in detail and can't do it at all. They can only see what they can see with their naked eyes. And it happened in an instant that Li ran out of this kid.

"Okay, all of you go down, follow the matter of Li Cong, the three of you go to the two deputy directors, and you must not let him out of Rome. Recently, our Holy See has made too many moves, and the top leaders of Europa are already giving We have put pressure on. Stop messing up in front of ordinary people, and the Europa government will not help us anymore. They are afraid of offending the energy group. They promised us that things in Rome let us do whatever they want, but out of Rome. The city can no longer deal with Li Cong. They don’t want to cause a full-scale war. You all pay attention.” The pope slowly said that no one wants a full-scale war. Even the pope doesn’t want his people to fall into war and die. He is not worried about ten, hundreds, and thousands of people, but what if tens of thousands of people die? That's not a trivial matter. Just like the Eastern Orthodox Church, why has it changed so much recently? It's because Li Cong swept Greater Russia. Although there are fewer people in Siberia, it also reduces the number of people by tens of millions. For believers, there are not many believers in themselves, and it is even more useless now.

The two deputy directors were dispatched. The three cardinals looked at each other and went down. They knew that the pope was secret everywhere, and they couldn’t even know the secrets at their level. Some things could only be the pope and his friends. Only the judge can know, and the rest are absolutely not qualified.

The pope walked into a secret room when there was no one in the house. No one knew that there was such a secret room in this office. High-level people like Sara didn’t know that this was the highest secret of the Holy See. After the pope entered, he bowed to the portrait of God on the wall, then stroked a jade object, and then a blue light appeared on the large wall. If someone were here, I would definitely not believe that such a thing would happen, but This is really like this here. Only things that appear in science fiction movies can appear here.

Although there were only some voices in the blue light, it was enough for the pope to suppress himself. That was his boss. He only met once every thirty years, but since he asked people to send environmental protection oil over. In the future, there will be more and more calls to myself, and I will pay more and more attention to myself. If I lost a few cardinals in the past, I might feel distressed, but now I have promised myself, as long as it is If they can catch Li Congji, they will compensate the Catholic Church. The content of the compensation is to give the Catholic Church ten more cardinals.

What is the concept of ten cardinals? In other words, the current Catholic Church can more than double the strength of the other two Holy Sees. At that time, not to mention that the other two Holy Sees were afraid to come to look for things. They just wanted to destroy the things that were impossible for them from time to time. Finally, I could dominate the world of God’s religion. At that time, I truly belonged to a Pope, God. The gospel of China can be more brilliant under its own spread, instead of being the same as it is now, infighting takes up the most energy.

"Sistine, do you have any good news for me? Did you catch that little guy?" Although the voice over there was also steady, Sistine could feel the excitement over there. Nothing can affect the mood of people over there. But after Li Cong's incident happened, such voices were commonplace for me, and I talked to myself about Li Cong every time, and it was more powerful than ever.

"Enlighten Lord Polonitz. Our Catholic Church has done everything, but the kid ran away. I have arranged it. As long as he appears again, he will never let him run away." Sistine Vinonovel said, he really felt scared, because the people over there expressed serious dissatisfaction, how long it has been, and still haven't caught that kid, let alone the people over there, even he himself felt Some are not doing well.

"Huh. Sistine, it seems that your efficiency in doing things really needs to be improved. This is not a deal between me and your Catholic Church, but an order. You did not do it well. This is what you deserve. Three days, three days. If I can't see him afterwards, I think you should abdicate and go to the abyss to experience." The voice over there was a shock after speaking. His Majesty's own strength is still very powerful. It is not difficult to deal with at least five red archbishops. Now just the voice of that person caused the corners of the Pope's mouth to bleed and suffered a very serious internal injury. Later the light ball went out. Up.

Three days? If you can't catch it in three days, you will go to the abyss. There is no experience there at all, there is simply a death. It seems that this adult still has some things that he hasn't told himself. Is it necessary to just talk to Li Cong? The secret of Li Cong's body does not seem to be what they said, there must be something deeper.

The pope took a rest for more than an hour before suppressing his discomfort. It seemed that he was about to take action himself. The pope put on another suit. Li Cong could escape from the hands of three cardinals. That ability was enough to show himself. The fighting state is now, this time is not the time to hide and tuck.

Now that the Pope has decided to go out in person, the previous arrangements are not enough. Originally, the Pope did not expect Polonitz to attach such importance to Li Cong. He still remembered what they said when they first talked about it. This little guy is very interested and wants to talk to him. It is estimated that they have already tested the ingredients of environmental protection oil. People over there can't bear it anymore. They are also interested in this?

The pope called the remaining three cardinals in the Holy See, two deputy directors of the Inquisition, two fanatics, five senior deacons, ten senior priests, and hundreds of ordinary deacons and sacrifices began throughout the city of Rome. Searching, it was announced that Rome had mixed in with terrorists, allowing everyone to stay in their homes. As soon as foreign tourists heard the news, no one would come to Rome. The garrison near Rome also began to take to the streets and block the city. The whole of Rome is now allowed to enter and not to leave. The citizens of Rome are living in terror. What makes them do not understand is how many church people are on the street. Are they not afraid of terrorists? And the most surprising thing is that these people have no meaning to comfort the fearful believers next to them. They seem to be looking for something.

In response to these actions by the Pope, the two of Li Cong can no longer stay in the hotel. The hotel must be the first place they searched. Li Cong took Mitre and checked out, taking advantage of the fact that he has not come here yet. At that time they are leaving. Mitel is now wearing Arab clothes, so you can wrap your whole body so that the chance of being recognized is not very high.

"Hehe, if they do it like this, it won’t take too long. As long as we persist in these few days, it will be fine. Could the Europa government allow them to block Rome like this? There are millions of people, I guess. They are just tossing for two or three days at most, and we have to avoid these few days." Li Cong looked at the checkpoint at the intersection in front of him, he was not very scared, and even if he walked so generously, they might not know him either. But Mitel is in trouble. Every time Li Cong appeared, it was not the same. Mitre didn't have the ability of Li Cong, and she couldn't transform her face, so she couldn't let people see her face.

"Two days are not so easy from time to time. We don't have a place to live now. Are we going to sleep on the street?" Although Mitel has recovered a little bit, I can feel the horror of the surrounding forces on these streets. The police walking around also made her a little frightened.

"Naturally, I can't sleep on the street. Come with me. There are definitely good places and very safe. Every city has its dark places. Even if you find them in strict terms, these places are naturally nothing." Li From pulling Mitel towards a commercial building in the distance, Mitel didn't know what Li Cong was thinking. But he also knew that he could only follow this guy right now.

"Do you know where is the safest place? Banks are the safest place. I put you in the bank of Huaxia Bank. How could they think of it? I, naturally, I have to go and see what's going on. "Li Cong pointed to the Hua Xia Bank building and said with a smile. Mitel looked at Li Cong in surprise. This kind of thing can be thought of by this guy. It is placed in the bank's vault. The most important thing for a bank is His treasury is now, and no one will be allowed in here. Unless it is a time of war, otherwise no one can enter.

"Damn bastard, are the banks closed now?" Li Cong only felt the determination of the Holy See when he walked with Mitel. Now the whole building is empty, there is nothing but security, but Li Cong is There is a pass, but it is the most senior. Except for the highest person in charge here, no one else knows it at all. If Li Cong had just passed by. It is estimated that people would think that Li Cong is neurotic.

"It seems that your bank plan is useless, what shall we do next?" Mitel didn't want to be in the bank, but it was not convenient for him to make some requests at this time. Li would never want to. Can only follow Li Cong honestly. I am happy to learn that I don't need to be near the bank.

"Haha. Isn't this simple? There are ways. They only last for two or three days. We will catch them with them. Let's go. Go to the residential area over there. I don't believe they can do it in a few days. Every private house can be searched clean, go to the most chaotic area of ​​the city, to the kind of place where the police are in trouble." Li Cong said helplessly. To be honest, he couldn't get into the bank and it really made Li Cong very depressed. Fortunately, there are ATMs that can be used. Li Cong took tens of thousands of euros with him, and he might use it later.

The law and order in Rome has always been very good, but there are also many gangs in the city. At this moment, Li Cong took Mitre into a site called the Tiger Gang, and Li Cong found a nightclub with two people. It will always be like this here, and there will never be any changes. It seems that their relationship with the above is also good, otherwise, why would the policemen turn around the door a few times and just not come in.

Of course, the nightclub is not Li's place. The place he wants to go is the underground casino here. The casino is the fastest place for gangs to get money, and because there are a lot of cash, the security there is the highest. .

"Sorry, sir, we only entertain members in the casino, or you have one hundred thousand euros." The waiter at the door said politely. It's not that they don't welcome Arabs in, but the oil kings in the Middle East may be rich in the past. Yes, but now they are synonymous with some scammers, they don't have any money at all, and they want to make a big money.

"These are okay." Li Cong smiled and opened his pocket. Although there is no one hundred thousand euros in it, there is seven to eighty thousand. The two nodded, another foreigner who came to give money, immediately one Looking past, a beautiful lady followed. She would put Li Cong on the table prepared by the leader, and then they began to figure out how to make Li Cong’s money. Casinos usually let you win first, and then let you Lost clean.

Li Congsai gave one hundred euros to the big **** beauty in front. She has been a waitress here for some time, but she has never met such a generous shot. Generally speaking, giving ten euros is already very Not bad, only those who win a hundred will be like this. I didn't expect this person to come in and give a hundred without doing anything.

"This lady, to be honest, we offended some people outside. Is our safety here guaranteed?" Li Cong said with a guilty conscience.

"Hehe, this gentleman is worrying too much. Although our tiger gang is not a big gang in Rome, our boss’s father is the mayor here, so no matter who you offend outside, as long as you enter us In the casino, you don’t need to take care of anything. If there is a real enemy, our people will clean it up for you. Of course, if you want to be in the casino, the charge is not low. For the two of you, every It costs 200 euros for an hour. Of course, if you gamble, you won’t charge any money. We also have a room upstairs, where you can rest.” The waiter laughed arrogantly. This is always the case these days. People come in. After all, the wind outside is so tight now, many hidden people choose to take refuge here, let alone other dark places have been patronized by the police several times, but there is no police at all. Here, the mayor’s house, are the police all fools?

"This is really great. UU reading and we will have fun, but I'm afraid I will lose it all. This is 10,000 yuan, so I pay the room first." The charges here are really not low. , Here is four hundred euros per hour for two people, which is enough to stay outside for one night, but this kind of thing also depends on where, who will teach others to guarantee your safety.

"Do you really think that this place can help us through the difficulties?" Mitel didn't believe this a little bit, watching the people having fun around him had no interest at all.

"Hehe, of course it’s impossible. I think it’s no problem to help us spend a day or half a day here. Now we are rats and they are tigers. We have to avoid them, although their strength is very strong. But it’s not that simple to find us. As long as we move faster, they won’t be able to find it.” Li has now accurate the time to the hour. This place is indeed not a good place, but at least it’s better than in the street. It’s much better. Now there are police everywhere outside. At least there are no people looking for them here.

"Well, everything is up to you, I think that thing is fun, I'll go play." Mitel knew Li Cong's plan and refused to do it honestly, pointing to the gaming table in the distance Said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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