Energy Group

Chapter 1543:

Now it doesn’t matter who is the cannon fodder. What Chabarov is thinking about is how he should survive. It’s impossible to continue mixing, and there is no support on the ground. If they don't take out the heavy weapons in their hands, they may still have a way to survive. They can also go south with the Pope's army, but now let them use their legs to chase the wheels of other people's cars? They don't have the ability, no one is a long-distance runner champion. M【】【】

Originally, the energy group would have ships to meet them at sea, but now they see Europa’s fleet and they know what’s going on. Europa’s army will be able to come in at most a few hours, and now it’s a surrender. Those who are acquainted, maybe they won’t be embarrassed by these people in the future, but if they wait until the enemy’s army comes over and surrender at that time, then they would be ignorant of surrender. Chabarov understood this very well. But it was completely different. At that time, no one would have liked them anymore. Chabarov shook his head vigorously, how did he think of surrendering.

There is no requirement for the mercenary energy groups. Whether they surrender or do other things, they have everything to do with themselves, as long as they surrender without endangering the entire front. Just now Li Congye I have already told Chabarov that they have no effect now. The Holy See has given up a large area, and even Dawa has given up. They will continue to retreat and retreat to Istanbul for a last fight. Although Li never agreed. But the boss here is the Pope. The things he has decided cannot be changed by others, at least on the surface, so Li Cong ordered them to surrender. Europa will not support them anyway. Ultimately, the Energy Group That is to say, just pay some money. Even if the energy group does not pay, these people will eventually be put back. After all, tens of thousands of people will cost a lot of money to eat and drink a day.

"General, those helicopters have already notified us of their surrender for the third time. Should we?" The adjutant looked at the helicopter above with some worry. They believed the people of the Holy See too much, shit, except for them. Other than weapons. There are not even a few cars, and the entire army has fewer than 50 cars. For a 20,000-man army, unless they can fit 400 people in each car, it will be the same. They are now on the highway, and it would be nice to take away at most one-tenth of the people, so everyone thought they had no other way but to surrender.

Chabarov frowned, his heart was struggling at this moment, even though Li Cong had told himself just now. He can let himself surrender, but he also understands that if he surrenders with his army, he will really have no future in the future. The formation of the new Russian Army is about to be formed. Originally, he thought that he could go up with a victory. , Who knows if there is no victory, but is about to face being captured, this is **** sad, but there is no other way. This is ordinary people’s thinking. Chabarov wanted to escape with 20,000 people without being captured. By the way, he might have a chance to compete for the commander of the New Second Army. Yes, sometimes a step in life is so difficult to climb. As it is now, do you go up by yourself or not?

"No. If the order continues, we will not surrender. Now we have at least three hours. This port city is not small, and there should be a lot of vehicles in the urban area. We robbed the city and went south immediately. Go to Istanbul.” After making this decision, Chabarov suddenly felt much better. Basically no one would choose this path, but Chabarov decided to take a gamble, betting that his team is fast enough. Hurry, you can ransack the city before the enemy's army arrives, especially if you find a large number of vehicles, and then lead your own people to the south at full speed. Those Vatican troops can abandon themselves, but as long as they come, there There are people from the energy group, and they won’t dare to do that. Even if they don’t want to fight anymore, there are still others. They can take the railway over there and return to Central Asia. It's okay to go back to Great Russia.

Chabarov’s adjutants were dumbfounded. The general would have thought of such a method. Although they were very shocked, they didn’t want to be prisoners. Who didn’t want the future of these people? Do you live with two thousand dollars a month? They are also ready to follow Chabarov at this moment. They are going to take a road that others think is impossible. They must continue to struggle. People who have the will to fight will follow what they don’t have. The time is absolutely different. The faces of these high-ranking officers have fighting spirit, and the soldiers below also seem to see hope.

The order came down quickly, and fifty soldiers must be together. After all, there were a lot of armed forces in the city. When the Pope’s army withdrew, they also left a lot of weapons. I originally hoped that they would deal with Europa. But if the mercenaries of the energy group go in and don’t do bad things, they probably won’t react, but if you go in and rob, they probably won’t give you a good face. Shooting is a sure thing.

robbery? This term is very unfamiliar to the military. The usual military regulations are too strict. They did not have that many things in the army of Great Russia, but there were so many things in the army of the energy group. , If you don’t comply, you can get out immediately. This is the lightest punishment. If it is serious, it is entirely possible to kill you. So one by one hasn’t heard this term for a long time. This time it’s The order issued from above, and Chabarov has also asked Li Cong for instructions. What Li Cong considers is that if these people can have a way out, it would be good, and there is no need to be too strict. Moreover, this time it is really not suitable for them. The fault is that the Pope’s army is a bit too uncomfortable. Lao Tzu has helped you out, but you run fast.

Immediately hundreds of teams entered the city in droves. This is a port city. The residents are relatively wealthy. Generally speaking, on average, two families can get a car. General Chabarov’s order is very simple. It only takes an hour to go south in an hour. From time to time, the Europa Army on the side could not help it. They could finish the bridge in three hours at most. It is conservatively estimated that they only have three hours, and three hours are only one kilometer or more, and because of the marching issue. (Just read the novel...) The last one may be only a few tens of kilometers away. If you don't make trouble, it will be fatal, so Chabarov will not give them too much time. The above orders you to rob the vehicle. But if you can get other things, no one will take care of you. It all depends on your own luck. Anyway, this is the enemy’s territory and it has nothing to do with us. The Russians are also natural to bully Turkis. There is a kind of yearning, they used to envy their ancestors, and now they finally have a chance.

The residents of this city have just experienced a catastrophe, because it is relatively close to the European continent, so the connection with Europa is also closer, and 50% of the people here are from the European continent. Come here for business. No one thought that the war would break out so soon. When they saw Europa's navy appeared on the sea, they were all excited and tearful. They had been ransacked by the Pope’s army for several days. No one is in charge of them. At this moment they feel that they have finally found their own army. Some city hall officials are already thinking about organizing some welcoming activities. Who knows that the warships over there did not send people in, the helicopters in the sky. No one landed either, but ground troops came first.

About 20,000 troops came in from the direction of the port. Looking at the clothes on their bodies, they are definitely not from the Pope's army, and the Pope's army does things differently from them. Although the Pope's army also robs, it does not kill people, nor is it as vicious as theirs. These people have caused gunshots throughout the city within ten minutes, and these people are most interested in some of the cars on the street. After entering the city, many people shot and killed the car owners who were driving on land. Then they drove up and drove to the nearby gas station to fill up the gas and went directly to Shinan District.

These people are relatively honest, but remember that the car was robbed by the above, and these people are also not greedy, or their brains are the most brilliant, it is not that they have money not to take it, but some of these people are wise. , They know that waiting for the meeting will definitely be very violent,

There are some people who are not as honest as they are. There are cars where they pass by, but they did not rob these places. They went to banks and gold shops and other places with precious metals. These people are considered more greedy. At the beginning, these people also knew the time, but when they smashed through the door of the bank vault, they no longer had the same idea when they came. Now they are thinking about how to take all these things away. Although they can’t take all these currencies away, they always have to find a way. These people must arrive the slowest, and there are people who have not appeared when they have arrived for an hour. These people eventually died here. They also decided on their own.

Another part of their brains is easier to use. Instead of grabbing money, they went directly to the place where cars were sold. They had no interest in those expensive sports cars at all, although there were a few worth millions of dollars. , But that thing just looks good. If it’s on the way to escape, that thing is not necessarily of any use. The most useful thing is those high-horsepower off-road vehicles, although there is no way with the military vehicles they handed over to the Pope. Compared, but at least better than those cars obtained from the street. Although these people arrive at the meeting place a little bit slower, because their cars have better performance, their advantage can be seen in the halfway. , Especially at the end, they are all people who have reached their destination completely.

Chabarov looked at his watch. It was almost an hour now, but only less than 60% of the people came back. Although there were constant cars on the road, they can’t wait anymore. He left a platoon of troops here on alert. Then he took the lead in his own car, which was the original car left by the army of one or two. Although Li Cong said that he would give all the weapons and equipment to those guys, he should leave a few cars to the chiefs. of.

Chabarov took the lead on the road with forty military vehicles. They are the first batch. It is also an advance team. One of the remaining cars is counted as one. Whoever is closer to the highway will follow. As for those in the city, I'm sorry. You are too slow to come out. If you are lucky, it may be possible. It will catch up, but if you are unlucky, then I'm sorry, Europa's bullet will definitely be ready for you.

After Chabarov left, these people basically did not know their comrades in arms and friends. Everyone knows that if you get on the road one minute earlier, you may be alive again. The rest are likely to be killed. They all rush to the road, but the result of this situation is that they can't sleep and walk fast. Just like the saying on the street in China, you slow down and I slow down. In the end, it will be faster. You hurry up and I will end up slower. If the retreat is true and orderly, at least 80% of the people can do it. Pull it out, but because the traffic is chaotic, it is good that 60% of people pull it out.

Chabarov’s vanguard soon arrived at Dawa, where the Vatican army was seriously ill. Now it seems to have gone through a robbery. There is nothing in it, not even a single one. The Vatican army understands. Their current disadvantage. So they will take the population with them. The Holy See feels that the people are the most precious wealth. As for other things, they can be discarded.

Chabarov didn’t let people go down for inspection. It’s just an empty city here. You won’t find anything when you go down. The most important thing now is to retreat quickly. If they are lucky, they can meet the troops of the Holy See. Yes, although I breathed again in my heart, I couldn't go up and confront others. You must know that you are now a remnant soldier. (Just read the novel.) There are millions of people in the family. It's not easy to say one, but it's a matter of one sentence that they destroy themselves.

"General, you see, there seems to be something wrong in front. Why are those people so flustered when they see us, aren't they all from the Holy See? See us. How to say we are also reinforcements." A staff officer pointed at those far away The fleeing Holy See army said that they seemed panicked when they saw these people.

"Huh, what's so strange about this, these people, let's leave them behind and ran away. Now that we see us catching up, they are of course very guilty in their hearts. What can they have." Chabarov just passed by Dawa I was already sleepy when I was tired, and I was tired for a long time. At this moment, I want to take the opportunity to get lost for a while. This adjutant really has no eyesight. Damn, I think you guys are good at doing things, otherwise I wouldn’t be called. Your kid and Laozi are in the same car. I didn't expect you to be so stupid, so you can get rid of Laozi at the next stop. You can have a good rest without Laozi.

Although Chabarov didn't think anything would happen, he opened his eyes and took a look at this moment. After all, they have walked such a long way. Now that they can see people from the Holy See on land, they have gone. The direction was correct, but Chabarov couldn’t move his eyes after taking a look. Not only his eyes, but also the people in the car were dumbfounded. Damn, the car turned out to be gold. I don’t know if it’s because of their **** or something. Just when Chabarov opened his eyes, a box on the opposite car fell off, revealing the whole box of gold. There are dozens of vehicles. A rough estimate is that this is thousands of tons of gold. This is estimated to be a gold reserve base stored by the Holy See locally.

"How many of them are there? Ask our people to come and scout." Chabarov couldn't control himself a little bit, and he spoke rudely, and his subordinates didn't have a short time with him. At this moment, seeing their master's idea naturally understood what it meant, and immediately two more Hummers rushed forward. If these people followed the big army, they would definitely not be so panicked, since they are so. Panic, this must be something.

"Report, General, they are a squad left behind. There are 52 cars, two cars are full, and the rest is gold. There are no more than three people in each car, and the total number is several hundred. It’s just people.” The staff member said excitedly. Because of the gold, these people are very efficient. Although they know that it is impossible for them to divide all the gold, they can get so much gold. A bit greasy, much better than not seeing it.

Chabarov counted it, he estimated that there were thousands of people on his side. There are dozens of small cars like Hummer. It should be no problem to take them down, but it must be fast. Those in front of them have apparently discovered their unruly intentions. Even if they arrive at the front base in peace with them, they will report it. At that time, as they were merely mercenaries of the energy group, they would certainly not have any good fruits. The big brands of the energy group were not always useful, but as long as the gold was in hand. It is estimated that Li Cong will be tempted by these things, and he can even make conditions with the energy group, but this idea only passed by, and Chabarov has also met Li Cong. That person is not the I-frame machine can deal with, but take these things to Li Cong, the future of changing his number should be no problem, he can no longer hesitate when he thinks of this, if he continues to hesitate, it will be a beautiful opportunity.

"Wrap them up, kill all of these people and leave none of them. Pay attention to protect the goods on top. We can’t let the goods be lost. Let me tell the people below that these things are of great use to me, and I will give them to my brothers. Buy someone with a big future. If you don’t want your future and your life, then divide them. Don’t blame Lao Tzu’s bullets for not recognizing people.” Although the stay is not very long, Chabarov knows clearly. What kind of people are these people under their own hands? If they don't stretch out their hands after seeing so many golden keys, it's not them. Chabarov couldn't trust them very much.

When facing Europa’s elite troops, their performance was not very good, but there must be a reference for everything. Comparing them with Europa’s elite troops, they are indeed not so good. But at this moment they are very good compared with the Vatican army. Their tactics and cooperation have made the panicked Vatican army dumbfounded. What the **** is going on, these people can't do it even if they are not allies. Well, many people died with such questions. The gunfire sounded like beans popping, although the Holy See army heard such a sound. But thinking of the hundreds of thousands of Europa troops in the back, one by one is not so true. At this time, what are you doing when you shut down so many, the most important thing is to save your life.

boom! ! ! Chabarov personally dealt with the last soldiers of the Holy See, and glanced at these dead soldiers in disgust. These people are not soldiers at all. They are all priests of the Holy See. No wonder the combat effectiveness is so weak. The soldiers on the two trucks were the soldiers on the two trucks, but the soldiers in the two trucks were killed by the heavy machine guns of several Hummers coming up around before they could react.

The remaining **** servants in the car were just recruited one by one. They were just ordinary missionaries in the past. How could they have seen such a situation? Everyone was scared, and I wanted to know myself. They all said it, but this time Chabarov didn’t want any information, so they were directly killed. Then Chabarov got into a car and kicked the box off the car. , Damn, it really is all gold.

Chabarov did not stop the convoy, but continued to let his people go up and drive. They are still moving forward, but the speed is not as fast as before, and they don't want to catch up with the Vatican army so fast. But they can't just stay here. If that's the case, it is estimated that the Europa soldiers behind will catch up with them. What they need now is to think about what to do with the gold and who can give them the most profit.

The Pope doesn’t need to think about it. He just took the money from them, and it’s not appropriate to put it in his own hands. After all, he doesn’t have the ability to keep the money. This idea doesn’t mean you. The money in it is your own. You can hold it and you have to protect it. This is yours. After thinking about it, Chabarov feels better to inform Li Cong. They are the army of the energy group. This matter also has the ability to solve the energy group.

Chabarov sorted out his thoughts and dialed Li Cong's phone. Li Cong over there was still so calm, "I'm Li Cong, please tell me."

"Mr. Li, I’m Chabarov from the New Great Russian Army. We didn’t follow your instructions and waited for the capture and let the group buy them. We robbed some cars and went south. Our current position is In the region, I have an important news to report to you. We found a transport team from the Holy See, we..." This guy doesn't know what to say afterwards. Could it be that I am interested in seeing money. Robbed all these things?

"Hehe, I think there should be valuable things in the car. I saw good things, and then you couldn't help it and killed the people. Now you find that the things on it are too valuable, and you simply cannot Protected, and then called me and said that you robbed me of these things and asked me to wipe your ass. Maybe I can still credit you, right?" Li Cong said with a smile, although he was not there. Leading troops in the army, but similar things themselves are a lot. If you don't see such a thing, it will be for nothing. These guys want to fool themselves to be tender.

Chabarov didn’t know what to say. It’s really not his luck to meet such a shrewd boss. If a brain doesn’t work well, he might be able to pass it. And Chabarov thinks that Li from this At that time, what I was concerned about should be what I grabbed. Now I don't ask about that. My brain can't keep up with this idea. The so-called one-handed loss is just like this. Li started with his ideas. This guy doesn't have so many coping plans. Li Cong hates his subordinates playing tricks with him the most, and Chabarov is a big taboo.

"General Chabarov, don't you know what to do now? You have to know that we and the pope are now allies. Take someone with them and grab them all. What do you tell me to do? Do you not admit that you are my people or ask them to kill you all together? I didn’t give you a chance. What did you bring to me when you arrived in Turki? There were spies in your army. Let your army fail straight away. I didn’t blame you, I told you to surrender on the spot, and then leave the rest to me. I didn’t expect you didn’t obey my orders and wanted to walk your own way. You know the above What kind of soldier do you like the most? I like the soldier who obeys the order. It’s not a question of how many times a person like you defies the military order. You don’t have a military order in your eyes. I see this time. You’ve already taken charge of the matter, so let’s continue to take charge of the rest. I will soon announce that you have nothing to do with us and we cannot afford the price." Li Cong said solemnly, this opening cannot be opened, and Li Cong knows that he wants to ask this guy what is in his hands. This guy will definitely leave some of it, not all of it to himself. This is a question of attitude. When did Li let the brothers suffer? , As long as you hand it in, Lao Tzu will always give you some, but if you take a large portion and only give Lao Tzu a small portion, this is your discomfort.

"No. No, Mr. Li, it's not like this. I didn't think about not listening to your orders. The situation on the battlefield has changed so much. We were already fighting Europa at that time. If we surrender According to them, I don’t think we will get any good treatment, and we are all mercenaries. This cannot be handled as prisoners of war. I hope you can understand my difficulties. In total, we have obtained thousands of tons of gold. We haven’t moved at all. Now how to transport the gold away is the main issue. I will accept the punishment from the military.” Chabarov blurted out, if this is for Li Cong to continue. If he goes on, he will definitely let himself fend for himself. This is absolutely impossible. If he did so many things and ended up with such a result, he would not do anything. Originally, he really wanted to keep a part of it. Yes, but Li Cong has said that now. If he really left a part of it, it is estimated that no one will come to save him.

Thousands of tons of gold? Li Cong was also taken aback when he heard the news, because according to intelligence, Turki’s entire international world only has dozens of tons of gold reserves, but the Holy See actually has thousands of tons, and if not Any fool knows that this money should not be all the assets of the Holy See.

"Huh, do you think I won't punish you for thousands of tons of gold? This can't be used as a remedy for what you did wrong." Li still hasn't changed the slightest from over there, still holding on to the fellow Chabarov. Whatever the violation, Chabarov is also a little angry at this time. Does it mean to say this now? This guy was about to cross his neck immediately and had to do it alone. When it was a big deal, Li Cong's voice rang again. "But, you really did a lot of credit this time, so let's find a more open place. , I dispatched a large plane to go back, but you also know that I can't dispatch too many planes. Otherwise, the goal will be too big. I can give you less than 500 places at most. You can figure it out by yourself. The man will be the officer of the New Second Army, understand?" Li Cong thought for a while and said, this thousand tons of gold has to be brought back, and this Chabarov is still a very good guy, even if it is something that violates Regarding orders, this guy sometimes does too much, after all, he didn't give any orders to others.

An officer of the New Second Army? Chabarov wanted to shout at this moment, **** it. This time I really made a bet. I will soon be promoted to the third rank to become the commander of the New Second Army. As for the more than 10,000 people, I can't manage them anymore. Five hundred people, only five hundred people. Li has never hung up the phone, so he can't be too blundered, "Yes, I understand, thank Mr. Li for his cultivation. Chabarov will definitely become Mr. Li's eagle dog in the future. "Chabarov said happily, what happened to being a dog depends on whose dog you are. You are a person, and you have never said this before, but is a useless person and a useful dog on the same level? Can the same thing be done? Absolutely not.

Chabarov took a look outside and then at his driver. He saw everything about him just now. This guy has only been with him for less than a year. This guy can’t keep it. The driver was still driving steadily. He didn't even think that his old brain wanted to kill himself. He heard Chabarov say to stop. He immediately stopped the car on the side of the road, and was about to ask the boss what was going on. Suddenly a cold pistol was placed on his forehead, and then he saw his brain flying in front of him. Then I don't know anything.

The boss's car stopped, which was doubtful. Then there were gunshots from the boss's car, and everyone thought that something had happened to Chabarov. Immediately rushed over, opened the door and found that Chabarov had nothing to do, with a gun in his hand, it turned out to be the driver of the car who died. Some people didn’t know what was going on, although Chabarov was not a soldier. Ruzi, but he has never done anything to shoot his subordinates. What is going on?

"This guy showed his feet just now. He is a traitor who betrayed us. I have shot him. Damn, drag him out for me and give me a different driver. Now go find a more open place. We have to wait. The plane of the energy group came to pick us up. Commander Wang took your people to protect the gold. You guys immediately gather your troops around and make a defensive posture. Now no one can come to us in batches. When retreating, there are a lot of planes. You must not leave a brother. You have to go out when necessary. All of our brothers will be found back. After returning, I will be the commander of the New Second Army, and you will all follow Laozi. All officials are promoted to the next level.” Chabarov said happily. Everyone's eyes were still on the dead driver. At this moment, when I heard the news, one by one, he was still in charge of the dead soldier? Not to mention that the dead is just a small soldier. It doesn’t matter what the deputy commander is. The dead are already dead. The living cannot make trouble for the dead. Everyone should live well. Yes, at the moment they are all attracted by the promotion of that official, but what they don’t know is that none of the people who were sent out came back because they were all those who had no brains or were Chabarov. People who don't pay much attention to it, and the guard camp left by Captain Wang is what Chabarov wants to keep.

At this time, many foolish officers immediately took a few personal soldiers around them to gather people outside. They all knew that in the new army, their subordinates are very important. If they can I took a few people who were wounded for my own use in the past, and the help I will give myself in the future is absolutely huge. Each army is a hilltop place. It is impossible for one person to support anything. All have to be related. And comrades-in-arms is the most important relationship.

But not all of these officers were fools. At this time, a young officer saw the doorway. He immediately said to Chabarov, "Report, general, the subordinates have been feverish these days, and they are not very minded. Sober, can you stay and guard these goods? The subordinate troops can let other officers help them to clean up." The young man said when the people were almost gone, there were a few who thought they were very smart. The guy wants to stay and see what this guy is going to say. When he hears this guy, he can’t wait to run quickly. This idiot, if there are fewer people under his hand at this moment, he will be able to fight when he gets to a new place. It's weak, other people will help you to gather it? No problem, it's just that after you gather those people, those people will be your own, and it has nothing to do with you. You will be a polished commander by then. Think about it by yourself, and each one will speed up your pace.

"Sharif, did you see anything?" Chabarov did not agree or disagree, but waited until there was no one to ask the young officer.

"General, although the time between your subordinates and you is not very long, you can see the loyalty of the subordinates to you. The subordinates just want to have the opportunity to serve you in the future. I think other brothers have the same idea. Yes. UU reading" Sharif saw the killing intent in Chabarov’s eyes, and he didn’t want to threaten him, but at this time, if he didn’t threaten him, he might not survive. What if this guy kills himself.

"Hehe, you are very shrewd, yes, you are right here, but pay attention to your body, don’t pass the fever because of the fever." Chabarov looked at the officers who hadn’t gone far, and knew that this guy had something in his words. If he dealt with him by himself, he would say his thoughts, and then he would not be able to leave. This guy was too scheming to keep it. Chabarov gave this guy a definition.

Sharif glanced at Chabarov who had gone away. He was sweaty all over his body. He really guessed it. In fact, he himself was not sure if what Chabarov said was true. If it was this guy. What you say is true, then you will suffer a big loss, but when Chabarov didn’t answer in person, but took a stroll with him, he knew that he was right. This guy really wanted to give everyone Throw it down, and then take his direct line with him. It’s fine if he doesn’t know it. If he knows it, he must go together. From time to time, he is so unselfish. The future of this guy is fine, at least Li Cong. A good chess piece used to control Chabarov, he also played a big role when Chabarov fought for Li from other planets. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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