Energy Group

Chapter 1547:

The night war can be said to be more difficult than the daytime. This is mainly due to the limitation of people's eyes at night. Many people have said that night vision goggles can be provided at night, and the night combat environment in modern warfare A lot can be changed, but now the facts are in front of us. Night is night, and the gap with day is too big. Both the offensive side and the defensive side are disturbed, but the offensive side is still disturbed. To be bigger, because they are not very familiar with the places where they are going, on the contrary, they are very familiar with the places where the defenders are staying. m【】【】

Li Sen followed the pope and came to the place where it is easiest to see the whole state of the war. The pope also smiled at the new adjutant next to Li Sen. In the past, he thought this guy was a saint. No money, no beauty. In short, they couldn’t find how to get closer to the young master in front of them, but they knew that they didn’t make these things clear. In fact, the one in front of them also likes beautiful women. Yes, it's just that the beauty they found is not as good as the beauty in front of them. Why didn't they see it before? It is said that this chick is really good, but many people just look at it, or peek like that.

Honestly, they don’t have the courage. Huaxia people protect their women more seriously. I heard that in the past, their women could only contact three men in their lives. One was his father and the other was. Own husband. The other is his own son. Even his brothers only remembered when they were young. When they are older, they will meet very few, although they are now open. But who knows if the young Master Li in front of him also has such an idea, if they really have such an idea, they wouldn't want to touch that brow.

They all know the fate of the archbishop in red. They don’t feel the same way as those little soldiers. They think that the energy group will be their master in the future. They should not be thinking about those things, but how Please please the young master in front of you, if the young master is a little happy, then their future will be great. Although the pope is nominally the supreme ruler, they all know how the pope looks like a pug. In the future, it is estimated that they will not count anything in this new country. The person who says the most is the energy group.

Li Sen didn't expect that this thing he did under his impulse could achieve such an effect. It can actually deter the entire ruling class. Although I could feel it in the past, I felt it was completely different from what I saw in reality, but now Li Sen is not in the mood to engage in these internal fighting things. Now the war is at night. It's completely different from daytime. During the day, you can rely on the soldiers' suicide attack to resist the enemy's attack, but at night? They couldn't see it at all, and the speed of the armored vehicles was very fast, and soon the front line was lost. Even if many people threw their lives on, they did not stop the wheels of these people. Thousands of people died and retreated to the next line of defense.

This is how war is. Either someone breaks through your line of defense, or you put them in. But after five minutes of fighting, I was pressed on my first line of defense. This is a bit of a problem. If there is no more measures at this time, you don’t have to wait until dawn. At this rate, the city will become the Europa military in two hours. Of it.

"Report, Your Majesty, our reconnaissance force has received the latest news. The enemy’s 20,000 troops have been transported by the Air Force. According to the information our intelligence department has received from the Energy Group Investigation Department, the enemy will transport 50,000 here tonight. The army came, and there were a lot of heavy weapons, mainly heavy artillery shells. They had already issued an order. If they can’t break through, they will use shells to turn our city into a waste area.” A deacon hurried in and said. , These two news are not good news, but this is the most important military news. If you don’t report it, it will be a waste to the military, and your head will not want it. Everyone will hear these two news. It's a face of death, even Li Sen is a little embarrassed. If only these troops of General Joey could be able to cope, but another 50,000 troops will come here. At this time, even 10,000 troops may change the war. Winner or loser, no one will deny this.

"Huh, what's the matter? It's just a mere 50,000 troops. The order will be passed on immediately, and 200,000 troops will be recruited from urban refugees. There are weapons in the arsenal, and no one can retreat. Let this news be announced. We have people. We will not lose this war." The Pope thought for a long time how to deal with this matter, everyone was dumbfounded, is this.. Is this a way to deal with it? Indeed, as the Pope said, they have a lot of light weapons, whether they were aided by the Turki government or the energy group, anyway, it is not difficult to arm a million troops, but they must immediately have combat effectiveness. Is it too difficult for someone to do? These people do not have three months, but it is difficult to be effective.

Although other people also wanted to persuade the Pope not to do such a thing of killing chickens and getting eggs, after all, as long as they can repel this attack, these are very good soldiers. Now they are pushed to the front line. This is to send them to death, if they can bear it. After this time they will be trained as soldiers instead of the current militiamen. According to the latest battlefield report, 90% of the dead soldiers are people who have not received professional training, many of them People don’t know how to deal with things when they encounter things, so one by one died on the battlefield, but looking at the veterans on the other side is completely different. These veterans are very good at handling the things they encounter. One by one, they are very reliable. The most important thing is that they guide how to avoid, how to calm themselves, and not run around, but now look at the face of the pope, who is going to talk now? Still want to die? Have you forgotten the temper of the pope?

In the end, it was done in accordance with the Pope's plan, but Li Sen had already understood it. If the Pope fails, the nine million citizens of Istanbul will not have alive people. They will all dedicate their lives to this holy war. This is why the Pope is not in a hurry. 【】【】Although he might have committed the anger by then, but in any case, he wants to maintain his own rule. This is what he has to do, and this is his only last resort. Li Sen is also at this time He won't be discouraged, anyway, his task is to make both of them bleed, and now it seems that Turki has suffered a lot. I had to help them. Li Sen thought for a while and walked in front of the pope. The pope and everyone stopped talking. Looking at Li Sen, I don't know what he is going to do.

"His Majesty, everyone, in fact, I think there is a reason for our defeat in the night, that is, our soldiers can't see them at all. Istanbul has no electricity supply, I think the flares are the most needed thing at this time, I immediately Go back to our headquarters for assistance. Our troops have some flares. Although not many, I think they are enough for this side. Although my method is not necessarily useful, I think it is much better than it is now." Li Sen spoke slowly. But the person next to him is anxious when he hears it. You said you guys can't say it all at once, speaking so slowly. Although Li Sen's method is not very good, it is indeed the best way to solve the problem.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Li, then please Mr. Li..." The pope said as he said, he stopped, and he felt it. For a batch of flares, he didn't seem to have any dimensions. He was the pope, one hundred million. A multi-person spiritual leader, he would actually ask others for these flares. This is absolutely unimaginable when I placed it in the past, but at the moment, this is the fact. I did just now, and so many people have seen it. In fact, the Pope is also very anxious. He does not want to use those ordinary people to become citizens. Originally, there are not many Orthodox believers. After experiencing it, it is good to have a few million. These millions are not all possible. It’s not bad to be a soldier. If you can be a soldier, two million will die. Now there are one million, so the rest are very important, but the pope also thinks of a better tomorrow, such as If you can take down the entire Turqi, then you will not only have such a small number of soldiers, but you will have a lot of them. At that time, you...

Just when the Pope fell into his own YY, Li Sen has already contacted the energy group base. There are 40,000 flares, which will be delivered in an hour. Let’s find a more open one here. Put a torch on the place. When the pope heard the news, he was so happy that he didn’t know what his surname was. It’s just that the new adjutant on the side looked ugly. That’s how her father was killed. He didn’t expect the pope. She was so happy to let her subordinates go to death. She really regretted that the whole family had this belief.

An hour later, Europa’s army killed more than 30,000 Vatican’s troops and advanced one kilometer. They themselves only paid less than 10,000 casualties. After the new troops were added, General Joey had already I have released the rhetoric about liberating Istanbul today, but looking at the current situation, they do have this ability. If it were not for the weaker air force support at night, they would definitely be advancing faster now, General Joey. At this time, I was in a good mood and brought a group of adjutants to the front.

The ground is full of the corpses of Vatican soldiers. Of course, there are also some of the corpses of their own soldiers. There are special collection teams to bring these corpses back. Since the war that the Americans fought in South Asia in the last century, all corpses must be To take it back, this has increased a lot of expenses in disguise, but in order to take care of the mood of the living people, they must do this.

"Oh my God, what is that..." Just when General Joey wanted to say something to improve the morale of the soldiers here, suddenly such a voice rang out from the crowd, and a large number of soldiers looked forward. Go, and at the same time their feet are no longer the dark ground, but a bright area, everything is illuminated, the armored troops and infantry marching in front are shown, no, it is the flares, General Joey sees He understood those things immediately. As he understood, the advancing armored vehicle was immediately pasted by a few guys with grenades, and then the infantry behind them were killed. That's it. The enemy went in the dark, but they were in the light. There were several shoulder-mounted rockets flying into the crowd in the distance. The soldiers of the Holy See were not all fools. They don't have many such weapons. They don't use these to fight tanks. They know it is useless. They want to use this to fight soldiers. The vital power to kill others is what I should do the most now, instead of hitting the clunky iron bastard, who will go up and greet them.

It’s been a long time since flares have appeared on the battlefield. I didn’t expect it to appear again now. This thing is generally used for reconnaissance. I didn’t expect it to be used when the enemy is attacking. It was originally because of artillery fire. Many soldiers in the bombing fell behind the Europa tanks. At this moment they can see a large number of tanks when they drill out of the mud. At this time, what else was thinking about. If they surrendered in place, it would be a bullet waiting for them. Europa would never be taken prisoner at this time, so they looked for a large number of weapons around them. Hanging on his body, he rushed towards the nearest king. If one person did that, the power of the role model was infinite, and soon more people rushed up.

The Pope is satisfied with everything now, in his opinion. This time, tens of thousands of victims were able to repel the enemy's offensive. Indeed, it looks like this on the surface, but are these people dead? This is not a long-term solution after all. Such a victory piled up with human heads is very cruel. Every explosion in front means that one person has died on the front line. But at this time, the Pope and most of the top leaders of the Holy See felt very comfortable listening to such a voice. In their opinion, the lives of these people are not precious. As long as they can help to win.

Although General Joey has a fresh force of 50,000 people, under the attack of the flares, his other armored units are also depressed to withdraw from the battle at this time. The armored units with more than half of the casualties cannot continue to fight. Now the top level of Europa has I began to feel dissatisfied with General Joey’s attack strategy. The 800,000 troops fought for such a long time and lost more than half a million people. They couldn’t afford Turki and cost hundreds of billions of euros. Their finances can still support it, but what if it takes a long time? How to do?

General Joey is not without people on it. The people above have clearly told this guy that the support of these 50,000 people is only the first batch, and there will be 100,000 people tonight, a total of 150,000 people. , This is also the biggest support that the guy above can get him. There is only one condition, that is, he must win Istanbul. If this is the case, he can continue to work in his position, and he may be promoted. , But if you can’t do this, I’m sorry. You have to find a place to spend your old age. There is no guarantee that the military court will come to trouble you. After all, you have died so many under your hands. For people, it is very simple to find your fault. []

General Joey looked at the 80,000 troops behind him. These were the only two reorganization divisions he had not used. The rest of the troops had some casualties. These two reorganization divisions were the last thoughts of General Joey. Now, if they can’t capture the entire city, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s nonsense to expect other troops to attack. Those troops are useless.

"General, let us go up, other troops are fighting in the front, what about us? Let's watch the excitement here?" A division commander has been waiting for a long time, and many of them are unhappy. Are they not ace, ace? Are you going to stand here and watch? In fact, General Joey also wanted to send them up, but people are hopeful. This is General Joey’s hope. I hope that people will always have various ideas when they are still there, but if one day I don't have any hope anymore, what should I do? General Joey not only cherishes them, but also cherishes himself. A hopeless person can do nothing. Looking at the commander in front of him, General Joey smiled and waved his hand to let him wait, although the commander Not very convinced, but the man in front of him is not only his boss, but also his uncle. He brought himself into the army with one hand, and he listened to him in public and private.

"Order, the 35 infantry divisions and 22 infantry mixed brigade in the front line will all press on me. Even if the last person is the last person, I must clear the open space in front of the city and call the air force for full support." Joey The general still hadn't made up his mind. What he had to do now was to let the two crippled troops continue to go up and give out his last bit of blood, and then there would be 80,000 soldiers behind him. You are about to be on the battlefield. General Joey turned around and looked at his nephew with mixed feelings.

Although he has two sons. But my two sons are the kind of people who are proficient in eating, drinking, and having fun. They don’t have to think about doing business. When they were young, they thought about getting them all into the army, but what did they do? What? In the army, eating, drinking, and gambling would eventually drive them all home. They didn’t deserve to wear military uniforms at all. Only their nephew and brother died early, so they were similar to their sons. No matter what this kid is, he is the same as himself. Maybe he felt glorious when he was a child because he had an uncle in the army. After entering the army, this kid was considered a fish in water. He first graduated from the Berlin Military Academy and entered the field army. Although I also gave him some help, but more of it was obtained by his nephew through his own efforts. He can become a teacher, at least 70% of which is dependent on his own ability, and he is a trump card army. Teacher. This year he is only 30 years old. What a young child, if you can choose, if you know what the war here is like. General Joey would never bring his nephew.

"You two go back to your troops and prepare for an hour. Then you rushed up. I have high demands on you. But what you can do, you two reorganizers have always been my optimistic, you must Take Istanbul for me, or come and see you." General Joey said loudly, and the faces of the two division commanders showed joy. They have been waiting for the war to prove themselves for a long time. Now this opportunity has finally come. They must grasp, they must make contributions, and they must rise to the sky in war.

"Yes, General, we will let you review the armed forces on the roof of the church tomorrow." Two people said loudly. Two people graduated from the military academy with full marks. They have always been best friends and best competitors. General Joey smiled and nodded. This is what Europa’s elite army looks like. In fact, other troops have been fighting very well all the time. They have a battle loss ratio of more than one to two. If these two armies can If the fighting power is fully utilized, it should be no problem to kill the pope's army.

"This is a gift I ordered specifically for you two. I originally wanted to give it to you tomorrow after you win. Now I give it to you in advance. Maybe he will be useful." General Joey's adjutant came out with two beautiful boxes. Such things should be easy to appear in big cities, but such a beautiful box feels so uncomfortable to appear on the battlefield.

Both of them took it. General Joey encouraged them to open it with his eyes. They were both soldiers and there was no such procrastination. After opening, both of them smiled. This is the latest gun produced by the Belgian FN company. The gun is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this thing can only be worn by generals, even the lowest brigadier general, they have been in the colonel's seat for some time, although they are still young, promotion to general is a matter of time. But now they are still happy by the sudden joy, they are also generals?

"As long as you can make me parade on the roof of the church tomorrow, you will be generals tomorrow. The above order may come tomorrow, but if you can't take Istanbul, I don't think we will have the opportunity to speak like this again." Originally, General Joey didn’t want to put them so much pressure, but now he really has no retreat. They are his only hope, and they have to guide them to win Istanbul. They have a bright future. If they can’t get it, then Sorry, we all die together.

The two men stood up straight and returned to their army with smiles at the corners of their mouths. They both knew very well the importance of this battle to them. Even the general in front of them might not be able to keep them. They walked out. In the headquarters, the two people exchanged eye contact. They have always confronted each other during the exercise. This time they have to cooperate. The two are not at all unfamiliar. When they were in the military school, the two had already exercised many times. No exception, tomorrow they will kill the entire Istanbul corpse. The two looked at each other and went back to their division with orders. There was only one hour of preparation time. At this time, you can't waste time.

The troops on the Europa front paid more than 20,000 casualties and cleaned up the 30,000 Vatican troops in this area. These two troops also completely lost any combat effectiveness. Some companies only had less than ten left. Personally. They are the real feats. It’s not right. General Joey asked the people in the health team to send them off. Of course, those who can fight always have to leave a few people as guides, taking advantage of the Vatican’s army. When I was silly and still hadn't slowed down. A large number of air forces rushed in, and the largest air raid since the war began. Hundreds of large bombers simply ignored the anti-aircraft weapons. Thousands of tons of bombs rushed toward the already damaged Istanbul. Hundreds of soldiers and officers in the building fell into the surviving building from a height of meters high, and some went straight into the warehouse, and there was no food for thousands of people to eat for a week. ...

The bombing lasted for half an hour. More than 20,000 people were killed and injured. Now the number of troops capable of fighting in the city has dropped to 400,000. 300,000 people have been killed this evening, and 350,000 people on the Europa side have also been killed. Only 150,000 people are left to fight. It can be said that both sides have suffered more than half of the casualties, but this is not over yet. Europa has concentrated all the 155mm artillery, and it took another half an hour to get 50,000 large-caliber artillery shells into this area, which has become waste. In the area of ​​the city, everything is so natural. It seemed that it was unnatural for no shells to fall. Naturally, more than 20,000 people were gone. At this time, Europa’s main force came up. Two unseen reorganizers rushed up, and they rushed inside under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles and various mechanized weapons.

A large number of helicopters carrying the commando team began to land behind the Holy See army. Such tactics had never been carried out before. One of the 50-man commando team even reached a place less than 500 meters away from the Pope. Although hundreds of people who came later immediately wiped them out, they also contained at least ten times their strength, and also caused hundreds of deaths. Another commando of more than 50 people landed. Near the hospital, hundreds of people guarded by the hospital were killed in battle, and the thousands of lightly wounded inside were all killed by them. As for the tens of thousands of severely wounded, they didn’t even look at them, and they didn’t have much time to live. They can’t kill them. They can bring a lot of burden to the Vatican army. As for those lightly wounded, they have to kill them. Those people can go to the battlefield with a little correction. They can’t fight for a second time. Of opportunity.

The battle on the front line also became overwhelming after General Joey invested in these two reorganization divisions. The combat capabilities of these two reorganization divisions are indeed much stronger than other armies. The Vatican’s army is still the same suicide attack just now. , But it was useless. All the people just came out and killed this guy with a bullet. Some of the marksmanship were more accurate and directly hit the grenade on their neck, not just this person, but the people around them. People were all killed. The fifty thousand troops on the front line either died or surrendered. After half an hour of attack, the two reorganization divisions killed the last five thousand people, rushed into the city smoothly, and started fighting with the enemy. street fighting.

General Joey happily watched the battle ahead. There was a reserve team of 70,000 people beside him. He was considering whether to send the reserve team immediately at this time, but his conservative thinking prevented him from doing that. He hopes that these two reorganizers can conquer the entire city, so the two younger generations can also go a little further, but this decision has made him suffer. The Holy See has already begun to transfer, and a large number of high-level officials and the Pope They have long lost their previous ambitions. Now they want to retreat, to withdraw from the city and find new places, but Li Sen told them that if you retreat, you will never get any supplement from the energy group. , You can’t retreat, you have to persevere here. Only by defending your holy city can you continue to walk here. This is not only Li Sen’s meaning, but also Li Cong’s meaning. Now they have to follow Europa’s army It's dead, what's the point if they escape? They fled out of Europa. They will surely take the opportunity of a big victory to let the energy group completely withdraw from the Turki Strait. Li Cong asked Europa to beg them to live here. When they can’t control the Holy See, the Holy See must ask for it. With the development of the European continent, the energy group will then become a dividing line between Europa and the European continent. Although it is still impossible, Li sees that Rachel can do it.

The Pope watched Li Sen blocking his way, and at this moment he also calmed down. Just now, he was mainly frightened by the commando. Yes, this is the holy city that I announced. If it really quits like that, let's not talk about what the people of Europa would think. It’s hard to say what the people under me think. As long as they quit here, they have no foundation. It is obviously unrealistic to gather so many people at that time. Not so many people will wander with me. Yes, maybe Turki will become a place where warlords are fighting. That is definitely not the Turki I want. I have my own dream, my Byzantine Empire.

"Yes. You are right. We can't retreat. Here will be our Longxing land. We can't just withdraw like this. The order goes on. Everyone can't retreat. All coexist and die with the holy city, let my direct lineage The troops are ready for battle and use the Municipal Square as our main battlefield. Anyone takes a step back and kills." The Pope said fiercely, and immediately appointed several high-ranking officials around. You can't always follow me. . There must also be a few decent senior officials on the front line. The pope also asked the pope to hang the banner of the pope on the highest peak of the city. Not to mention this is really very useful, although there are a large number of messengers in the army. However, there are some people who really believe in Orthodox Church. At this moment, all of these people's psychology is holy war. There are still some residents in the city running out to fight the enemy. They still have the ability to think and doctrine, just like now, two A reorganizer advanced to a place less than 500 meters away from the municipal square. They stopped. A large number of troops ran out from all directions. It is impossible to say with the army. Many people rushed out wearing ordinary costumes. Ten thousand people surrounded these eighty thousand people.

From a military point of view, even if such a person comes out with another 200,000, it is impossible to stop them from advancing, but at this moment, their tanks are all corpses in front of them. If they continue to advance, they must press these corpses. For soldiers who believe in Catholicism, they can crush the corpses of pagans, but these people carry crosses on their bodies. They cannot crush the cross. This is the greatest disrespect to their God, so many People refused to move on, they demanded to remove the cross from the body.

Many high-ranking officers had the same idea, so their troops stopped. A large number of soldiers went out and took off their crosses. Some even threw these corpses into the distance, as long as they were not in front of their own eyes. The method is what they can use. Many soldiers who truly believe in religion will pray for a while. This is not a problem. More than 5,000 soldiers will be killed in vain. If you are here to fake civilization, you will see death right now. With so many companions, it doesn’t matter what crosses or the like, one by one, they rushed towards their cars or tanks frantically. At least they are surrounded by steel, not so fast. died.

I wanted to kill the guy who killed me just now, but it ended up in chaos. This happened to give the Pope’s army some help. Although they still have a few heavy troops left, it doesn’t mean they didn’t. You are all crowded on the streets at this moment. It was just when we were doing meritorious service. The counterattack of the Holy See began at this time. A large number of troops rushed up. They did everything possible to paralyze Europa’s troops here. They started their whistling. For a time, Europa’s two reorganization divisions suffered more than one-fifth of the casualties. They are now mixed with the enemy, and they don’t have any air support. They can’t blow up their own people with the enemy. Death, in that case, the above will be blamed.

General Joey regretted a bit at this time. He immediately sent the reserve team in, hoping to support it. If the reserve team was sent just now, this half an hour would not be needed. This is the half an hour. General Joey failed. In two hours, less than 50,000 people of General Joey’s 150,000 army left Istanbul. The loss on the side of the Holy See was even more serious. The Holy See plus the Pope’s own direct line, only There are less than 200,000 people, and they still maintain an advantage over General Joey, but their civilian casualties are too large. The entire Istanbul has over a million civilian casualties last night. The original beautiful city has become a huge one. There are tombs. There are hundreds of thousands of intact corpses in the city, and some are simply incomplete. The pope was really shocked when he saw this abandoned area, and their power suffered heavy losses.

General Joey looked at the 50,000 remnants who had withdrawn. Although the casualties of the opponent were several times theirs, he was not at all happy at the moment. There are 800,000 troops, and now there are more than 100,000 people left, and The other half are wounded and sick. Now there are only less than 50,000 troops capable of fighting. Do you still have to charge? That's impossible. General Joey knows very well that if you continue to charge, it is estimated that mutiny will be caused. The mutiny in the army is not a joke. It may kill himself, General Joey. I reported on the current situation with the above, and the above directly took General Joey and lost hundreds of thousands of troops. Occupy the map and one-third of the territory is over? This is not their stated goal, it is too far from their goal.

General Joey’s nephew is also one of those people who don’t have a just brought back his nephew’s unused General Robber. The battle between the two sides was really tragic, I was used to After the big scene, Li Sen also felt a little nauseous at this time. As for his new adjutant Lilia, his bile that was already vomiting now came out. Li Sen gently patted his back. Children will always be uncomfortable seeing such scenes.

"Mr. Li, is the war finally over? Look at our city and our people. Is this kind of war too tragic?" Lilia looked at the city in the distance, like a deserted area, and the smell of blood in the air was really It's too serious. If possible, Lilia doesn't even want to breathe. The air can suffocate herself.

"Lilia, no, the war has just begun. Europa will not let it go. They will have a large-scale offensive, but it is not what it is now, at least it will be half a year or a year later. Yes, but that has nothing to do with you. We are leaving now. Our task has been completed. It is our task to help the Holy See keep here. The rest is the Pope’s own business." Li Sen said with a bitter face He didn't know how the demon should tell Lilia, could it be that he and his uncle caused all this to him? If the Pope withdrew yesterday, there might not be everything in front of him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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