Energy Group

Chapter 1562:

To tell the truth about these Europa army here, everyone is very troublesome. If these people get acquainted and run away early, there may not be so many things. Of course, this must be the idea of ​​other generals, but for Wang Mei As far as Liu Tao is concerned, let's forget it. They haven't encountered a decent fighting force since the beginning. What they need is to fight, to rush, but these people in the areas they recently occupied are simply They are more docile than the puppies raised in their own family, and all of them express their loyalty to the energy group thinking of the law. They just say that the city they just occupied is the most thoughtful. The newly-elected mayor immediately selected 6,000 police officers out of one million citizens. That’s not to mention. They also gave the city’s precious property worth billions of dollars to the energy group. A self-police team of more than 10,000 people is now, and if necessary, they can follow the energy group's army to destroy the Pope's army. They want democracy and liberation, not the rule of the Holy See. M[Just read a novel~]

Compared with these situations, here is their first battle. The war in the north started an hour ago. Of course, after the war, the energy group could not organize a large-scale battle, but it attracted the attention of the enemy. There is still no problem. At this moment, the Pope is afraid that the energy group will kill himself in one go, so they will not do anything. They just want to hold Istanbul one by one. This is their root, as for other places. sorry. Even though reinforcements from Europa are coming. But General Joey knew very well that miracles are basically impossible in the south. They have given up the south. As for the tens of thousands of troops, he has ordered them to station at the harbor and will send ships to take them back. It is necessary A lot of weapons and equipment can be discarded at the time, just for people to come back, and he will definitely do that even if he doesn’t say the following.

The city is a rectangular city, generally speaking, the city by the sea is like this. They will all develop along the coastline, and this is no exception. At the moment, there are about 50,000 Europa soldiers and 70,000 Vatican soldiers in the city. Vatican soldiers can still eat enough with these people. After all, they are still friendly forces in name. They can’t eat and drink on their own. Let the friendly forces be hungry. According to investigators’ reports, most of them have already given up the outer defenses of the city at this time. It is impossible for them to guide the perimeter defense line. What they want to see most at this time is the transport ships. Unfortunately, today they did not see the transport ships of their own country, but saw the warships of the energy group. A large number of warships, more than a dozen aircraft carriers plus hundreds of various warships, almost all of them are full of their open seas. Although they don’t say anything about them, they are psychologically tricky. Some soldiers and low-level warships The officers even felt desperate, they could not leave here alive.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the battle for the city officially began, and the square team composed of 100 apocalypse tanks and 150 ordinary heavy tanks began to march toward the city in a big way, and at the same time. Hundreds of artillery in the back dropped thousands of shells at the enemy's outer positions at the same time. Indeed, there was nothing in it, and there was just a waste area inside. Liu Tao was very depressed. You must have no resistance. Why did you spend so much effort on this outer fortification? Liu Tao waved his hand, and the adjutant immediately began to give orders. The tank team began to enter the city along three roads and walked about less than three hundred meters. At this time, all the tanks in front were attacked by anti-tank guns. Anti-tank guns are usually a little difficult to hit these heavy tanks, let alone the more powerful Apocalypse tanks, just scratching a little skin outside, they dare to come out, which is considered good.

The tanks that immediately encountered the attack were quickly killed. The more they went in, the resistance they encountered increased, but after half an hour, they still reached the center of the city. Location, except for some ordinary people, there are no soldiers on the street at all. Here, if they don’t have a complete line of defense, it would be impossible to rely on these small-scale troops to resist their progress. As for the matter, the Europa troops still fought some resistance, but what about the Vatican army. They occupied half of the city without seeing them. Where did they go? Is it all evaporated? Or on the remaining land?

When the army found some guns on the street, they finally knew where these people had gone. Except for the more than 3,000 diehards, tens of thousands of the Holy See troops at this time threw their guns and uniforms away. No one can tell where their homes are. Liu Tao shook his head helplessly. The whole army has become deserters. I have encountered such a thing. I really don’t know what happened to the Pope. This force pulled up, but that's good, it saves a lot of effort.

As for the Europa troops in the city, they have already gathered in the port area, and their purpose is very clear. They just hope to gather in the port area and defend here. As for other places in the city, they are not within their consideration. , Although they knew that it might be very difficult to get their retreating ships to come, but they don’t have any good way now. They can only wait there honestly at the moment, waiting for those warships that may not appear. Let them take it back.

"General, our army is ready for the storm, and the navy is ready, asking if we can start?" Liu Tao put his headquarters in the city hall.

"Hehe, no need. This is our huge testing ground. Order the Apocalypse tanks to prepare for carpet bombing, but you have to discuss with the navy’s giant artillery and fight each other. Don’t have any disputes. The logistics unit will bring all shells up to the cloud. Let me see how much damage they have." Liu Tao said with a smile. Experimenting is one thing. But it is absolutely impossible for hundreds of tanks to be tested together. Even the energy group does not have such a big hand. The navy has to test their guided artillery shells, and they also need a certain strike area. (Just read the novel.)

Of course, you must let the people in the city know beforehand. They will start attacking in half an hour. If the people want to come out, they will come out. Of course, if the soldiers of Europa don't allow you to come out, then I'm sorry. We will treat all those who have not withdrawn by then as military personnel.

Wang Mei is still very satisfied with Liu Tao's area. They are the generation close to the sea, but Wang Mei still found a few buildings close to the inside and prepared to verify it in many ways. She did not have as much as Liu Tao thought. In her opinion, it was all she wanted to fight anyway, and who would do it because you bombed here and not there.

The loudspeaker and the helicopter have been shouting inside for nearly half an hour, and five hours are left for them. Even a fool knows that they will come out within these few hours, and Liu Tao also let them The reporter with the army interviewed, if there is any problem, it has nothing to do with us, but we have reserved time for you.

When five hours passed, a large number of tanks of the Marine Corps of the Energy Group were already in place. In fact, it is better to use artillery to go back and forth for such a thing, but Liu Tao wants to try some Apocalyptic tanks. Didn’t the guys in the Army’s scientific research department say that the firepower of a tank is several times that of other tanks? Today, let’s see how capable this thing is, but their limelight today is destined to be surpassed by naval battleships. Waiting for the order here, five hours later, they aimed at the largest building in the area, the Port Authority Building.

The battleship has set everything up 20 kilometers away. At this moment, they have to show off their skills. The 1625KG shells will go out with a bang. If it is a real war period, they can have 32 main guns. Shot, but it's still in an experimental stage. So there was a volley of 16 guns in the front, which can be heard from dozens of kilometers away. Although a single gun is not as good as Europa’s cannon, if 32 guns fired together, it should be better than them. It's much more powerful over there.

The Port Building is a 16-story building with a very large area. It used to be a landmark building in this city. It was not easy to use tank artillery to blow up this building. It's probably going to be a while, but this one and a half tons of shells hit it, and it hit 12 of them all at once. The hit rate was as high as 75%. People outside seemed to be pretty good, Liu Tao told The reporters fired a volley of 32 guns, and they would naturally lower their hit rate. The 75% hit rate is definitely the highest in the world. Of course Liu Tao understands that this must be the result of guided shells. At this stage, missiles cannot be used to measure them, but it is very good to reach this level. Wang Mei is not very satisfied with this. In his opinion, it must be more than 90%.

A building worth more than 100 million renminbi allowed more than 200,000 artillery shells to be solved. There were hundreds of Europa soldiers in it. The shock to them was very big. This is too powerful, even if it is an airplane. It’s not always possible that the missiles of the US could be destroyed. The damage is certain, but what about now? It directly becomes a pile of construction waste.

Although the Marine Corps brothers were a step slower, the next thing was that they were more aggressive. Hundreds of tanks fired fiercely, and the dual-mounted artillery took turns, basically able to shoot 60 per minute. The above speed, because there are important combat tasks from time to time, so there is no need to risk the wear and tear of the machine to show the excitement to these people. The buildings in half of the city are now considered to be bad for eight lifetimes. They built Not only did the fortifications on the ground not have any effect. At this time, under the intensive firepower, more than half of them were basically destroyed. The rest were not as hidden as they were before. Their confidence was originally Not much. Under the blow of the cannon, everyone thought of running away now, but where can they escape? This is no other place. Behind them is the sea. Originally, the navy who came to pick them up did not see it. However, the navy of Renjia Energy Group has come a lot. If we enter the water, we will have to ask them to give them all. Killed.

Just when they don't know what to do. Another wave of offense is here. This time it was a volley of battleships, and it was two battleships. All of a sudden nearly a hundred tons of shells fell in, huge cranes tens of meters high, a museum in the middle of the port area, and their stadium. All of them have become waste areas. Speaking of naval battleships, they can't keep up with the Marine Corps tanks, but they all of a sudden, that is to say, the output per unit time is really too strong, with more than one tons of shells. How long will it take for the army to fight out? The air force gets a lot of aircraft, but what about the navy? It took just a moment to get things done. This time, there is no need to use guided shells, normal shells will do.

The Apocalypse tank is really not built. Go forward while fighting. When they enter the war zone, the navy's attack is over. Half a city, where 200,000 people can live, is now no longer a complete building, which wastes energy. The group has thousands of tons of explosives, and the result is that there are at least tens of thousands of soldiers in it. The Marine Corps officers and soldiers of the energy group dare not take the risk easily. A large number of soldiers surrounded this area, and it is better to leave the battle to tanks and armored vehicles.

"Activate the urban combat mode." said a captain on the Apocalypse tank, and immediately two 40 cm square empty boxes appeared on the top of the tank, with a 100MM mortar sticking out of it, and the other side was getting up. The 75MM direct-fire gun, plus the original 12.7mm remote-controlled machine gun on the tank, is now in urban melee mode, and all weapons from loading to firing do not require people to go outside, only the ammunition inside. Set it up in advance, and then manipulate the screen in front of you just like playing a video game. [Just read the novel~] Of course, at this time, the squad leader among the five tanks will release a remote-controlled reconnaissance aircraft from his tank. The flying discomfort is very high, but they are not within a few hundred meters of the five tanks. Any blind spot, infrared detection? Thermal Imaging? There are all, everything is not a problem. We are here to fight modern warfare, not to fight hard street fighting with you.

Just see their location. Immediately, the squad leader can arrange tasks for several tanks under him. The distance between them must be within the sight of one or two other tanks. This is also a rule. If the order is placed, it will not be so easy to handle. You must have a team. , In order to exert their greatest strength.

At this moment, a class unit in the middle part saw a 115mm artillery in a three-story house, and there seemed to be a dozen soldiers around. They should have been buried underneath by construction waste. , There is no way to come out for a while, it’s okay, let’s help you, you don’t need to come back, immediately one of his tanks adjusted the 155mm main gun on it, and the two shells directly included these dozen people. That cannon has been sent to the sky. Don't be an enemy of us in your next life.

There was a gathering spot for soldiers more than a hundred meters away, but they couldn’t make it through due to construction waste. There was no difficulty. The mortars on the four tanks immediately covered the area. The multiple mortars made all these people see God at that time. You fought for him, so naturally you have to see them if you die. We are heretics. We are not so afraid of this. If he can punish According to our words, it is estimated that we will not live anymore, we are already dead.

By two o'clock in the afternoon, the entire city was under the occupation of the energy group. Although my side did not achieve zero casualties, it was only a soldier on an armored vehicle who won the prize and had a close contact with the landmine, otherwise. It is absolutely zero casualties. Of course, the ammunition they consume is definitely very powerful. The Navy uses 4,500 tons of artillery shells, and the Marines use more. They use 7,000 tons of artillery shells, but this is similar to the soldiers. Compared with his life, his life is not very good.

The entire Europa army and the remaining 3,000 troops of the Holy See were annihilated more than half, and the remaining less than 20,000 people were all sent to the concentration camps. Because the ammunition was consumed too much, the higher-level bureau was set up here. In a small military factory, these people happen to be the best labor force. The soldiers of Europa don’t think much about taking care of the food. The troops of the Holy See are very willing. Liu Tao believes that as long as these soldiers are hungry. For two days, they will work happily in the past, and even think this is the most beautiful thing in the world.

But after this battle, Wang Mei met Liu Tao. Both of them know. The previous so-called battle was simply a sledgehammer. The next battle should be the deadliest battle. They have already received the news that the Holy See also suffered defeat in the north, and was surrounded by Li Sen’s troops. People, at the moment they are packing up in Istanbul and preparing to go south, and their task is to encircle them with the northern army with their own troops. Wang Mei does not have this task. He only needs to leave two aircraft carriers and 320 carrier aircrafts. Provide support to Liu Tao. Then he will lead his remaining warships to join another fleet in the Mediterranean to block Europa’s reinforcements. As long as Europa does not have a large number of reinforcements at this juncture, the failure of Pope Ralsch is inevitable. .

"The Turki War should also be over, and the group's losses here have exceeded 100,000. The mercenaries can be considered useful." Liu Tao looked at the battle plan and said.

"Hehe, I just don’t know what happened to the 5th Fusang Mercenary Division I sent to you tomorrow. Although they are not the first troops to be established, I think their combat strength should be good. Using these little noble sons, how did I hear that they all hope their relatives in their family will be sacrificed on the front line, so that one person will get another 200,000 pension. I really don’t know what these people are thinking about." The colonel felt uncomfortable thinking about a rumor about Fusang mercenaries. Although he knew that no matter what happened to him, these soldiers would be his comrades-in-arms tomorrow. It is also a very bad thing that they are not taken seriously by the family.

"What you said is basically true. These people are inhuman. After the local people are occupied by us, the group does not allow them to develop this or that. Their daily work is also very boring, and the group I cut off all the local Internet TV and the like. They are isolated from the outside, so the daily fun is to go home and study the problems between the two people. The group does not restrict them to have children. So they do it in two ways. Now their population is increasing rapidly. It is said that it is normal for people in their fifties to have a child. After more than ten years of development in their family, there are only a few four children in the family, so the battlefield They can live a good life if they die alone. Of course they have to do something like this. Although they have no conscience. But they do have this." Liu Tao once served as the commander of the naval base in Fusang, so he was very concerned about the local people. Things are well understood, and this guy also enjoyed a lot of good things during the days there. This guy can get tired of things that no one else can think of. There is no way, the garrison commander, this is definitely Sweet pastry, who is going to flatter like this? It's not too much for that beautiful girl to give ten a day.

"What do these people say, I think it is really a scum in human history, or our president has been thorough, and wants to completely defeat this nation, not to exterminate them, but to make them have no confidence at all. Listen It is said that nearly two million mercenaries have been formed, and the combat effectiveness is considered to be good among the mercenaries. I will leave tomorrow. It's up to you here." Wang Mei thought of Li Cong's grand plan. I also admire it from the bottom of my heart.

"Hehe, your war also requires great care. I heard that the enemy's navy has come a lot this time. In fact, I don't think Europa's navy has to worry about. This is what you have to worry about." Liu Tao pointed to A place on the electronic map said that this is only a small seaport city, but currently hundreds of warships of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet are visiting here. Originally, the group let Wang Mei and the others go to Liu Tao this time. Strengthen its own forces, but the group is now able to extract these, even if it is not bad.

After the expansion of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, it’s not just the same strength as before. Although they still have some contradictions on aircraft carriers of more than 100,000 tons, they are obviously higher than the energy group in terms of naval tactics and sailors. Quite a few, the energy group’s army can be said to be invincible in the world, but the navy is not. The same is true for the air force. If it weren’t for its own advanced technology, it might not be an opponent of others, so Liu Tao reminded Wang Mei I was also worried. Wang Mei raised his eyes and glanced at this guy. It was obvious that he looked down on our navy, but Wang Mei also knew that this guy was talking about business, although he regretted leaving and joining a large fleet. If you want to fight against the Europa Mediterranean Fleet and the US Fifth Fleet at the same time. It is also impossible, but the Mediterranean is now within the operational range of the energy group's land-based aircraft, if it really fought, I don't know how.

"Hehe, I don't know when the Yankees were so concerned. Did your old man tell you something? Do Americans really want to get involved?" Wang Mei asked the key to a question. It is said that the official titles of the two people are similar. Although one is a brigadier general and the other is a colonel, it is undeniable that no one can say that the colonel Wang Mei is inferior to the brigadier general Liu Tao. It is only a matter of time. This woman will soon join the ranks of generals. Liu Tao has an advantage over her. The generals of their Liu family and his old man who is the commander of the African Legion. You know, Li Cong often needs to ask questions. The professional opinion of my brother-in-law. They are generals for a lifetime.

"Although we are not sure, but it is almost the same. Our investigative agencies around the world have inquired that the Americans are very impatient with our expansion, but they have not yet determined where they are going to attack. Their current focus is There are several places, such as these places, and the Fifth Fleet can be regarded as an important point. I guess they are the same. If you can win, they will naturally not choose this place. But if you fail Even if there is a tie with Europa, their paws will be stretched out. These people are the people who do these things, and they are much better than us." Liu Tao said in general. In fact, if you study it carefully, you can see that as long as the Skull and Bones are involved, it will not be unprofitable. Every time they enter a war, they basically wait until the two sides are exhausted, just like two world wars. Of course From the rise of the energy group to the present. They don't have this opportunity at all, their fists are not as strong as others, and now they can only look for such an opportunity.

"I will pay attention. The things in front of you are so easy to handle from time to time. The Pope’s army is dead and not stiff. How can I say that there are hundreds of thousands of troops? You should take care of yourself. I will leave first. , It’s almost time to set off.” Wang Mei glanced at the watch in her hand, which was specially made by the Energy Group for generals and she had already sent it down.

"Well, it's a smooth journey." Liu Tao nodded and said, there are more headaches on his side. Tonight, I will fly to the headquarters to meet Li Sen and Li Yin.

At nine o’clock in the evening, Liu Tao’s military plane arrived at the newly built airport in the north. When he came down, Liu Tao looked at this place strangely. The largest airport in Africa seems to be similar to this place. It seems to be a bit bigger. , Did they make such an airport without any sound? The brothers of the Li family are really not ordinary people.

"Cousin, I bet that you will come by yourself in a fighter jet. My cousin doesn't believe it. I still know you better." Before he got over, Li Yin patted the plane and said. Liu Tao brought his adjutant with him this time. The two came in two-seater fighter jets. Generally speaking, the generals would have their own special planes. No one thought that Liu Tao would ask for such a plane. This is in the group. It is definitely a terrible choice among the generals, and this choice also made him famous, which is extraordinary.

"Hehe, this one hundred thousand yuan is not wrong to lose, take it." Li Sen said with a smile, and took out a one hundred thousand yuan cheque from his pocket. For the two brothers, one hundred thousand yuan is really nothing. It's just to have fun for this. Didn't you see the face of the loser and didn't feel the slightest annoyance on the face of the loser? But the winner is very happy now, this guy is still a child.

"I said Li Sen, brother, how did you two mess around here? How do I feel that this is our rear base? How did you set up this airport? If I read it correctly, it is our largest airport. It's almost the same. At least there can be thousands of aircraft of various types. Your handwriting is not so big. I haven't forgotten the battle on the front line. The construction of the rear has not fallen." Liu Tao can say that it has never been. They are all arrogant and have never seen what others do, but the situation here today really surprised him.

"Haha, this is nothing. Take a look around us. Some of them are mountains. It's too simple to get some building materials. Our airport costs one cent for each headquarters. Only 100,000 tons. The food is done here. There are hundreds of thousands of people working here every day. Of course, with so many people, our speed is very fast. Even the machinery does not require people from the headquarters to come. I have found out now. They are much tougher than mechanical ones. How about you, learn from experience, don’t you have a lot of prisoners of war imprisoned there?" Li Sen said with a smile, this is considered a feat, at least the whole army has not In this way, such a large airport can be built without money. Here is the only one.

"Well, this experience of yours is really worth learning. I remember it, yes. Li Yin, how is your kid’s special forces brigade rested? Didn’t our two brothers say that they will be on the battlefield long ago? Is it higher and lower? This opportunity is here. I am from the south, and you are from the north. How about?” The three said as they walked forward. The military department has already issued the official order, and Li Sen is the commander. This guy is Turki’s deputy commander, although the three have been competing. But at the moment it seems that the personal relationship is still very good, and it is all family.

"My cousin said the same thing, but it looks like it has changed a bit. Let's talk about it at the headquarters." Li Yin's face is a bit unsightly, it seems that some accidents really happened, but before Liu Tao didn't know, which meant that this change was only recent, and it seemed that it would be very tricky to make Li Yin have this expression.

After the three men arrived at the headquarters, a large number of staff officers had already begun to work, although it was enough for three men to discuss the combat plan. But who knows when these three will remember what information they want. These three people are the future three stars of the military, especially Li Yin, who is the youngest son of the president, and his future is unlimited. Just follow them.

"Now the situation has changed. It is on the back of the Turki Strait. Europa has assembled 400,000 troops. We have not yet made clear their purpose. From a level point of view, they should have come to support the local Europa army, but I don’t see this. Looks like, I analyzed with Li Yin, I think they might be trying to escape." Li Sen said a word, Liu Tao was taken aback, he took a closer look at Turki's situation, really don't say, these people It’s really possible to take over. Now Turki has more than one million energy group troops, more than one million Vatican troops, and the Europa army after consumption is still 900,000. If it comes to support, the 400,000 will not keep up. It didn’t make a big difference to come. They didn’t leave when they arrived at the Turki Strait. Obviously they were going to do what they were here. It is estimated that General Joey had already received the order at this time and asked him to carry his more than 900,000 troops. Running back, Turki and the others have completely given up?

If this is the case, then their previous plan to annihilate the Pope’s army may be a bit inappropriate. The Pope’s army is like a bun in his own hands. Whenever he gets hungry, he will go over and take a bite, but if it is so If Europa’s army were to be withdrawn, it would be too cheap for them. Liu Tao glanced at these two men, and it was obvious that they had the same idea with himself, that is, let the Pope’s army live longer, and they would kill them first. Europa’s army would be even better if it could get a giant gun.

"Boss, it looks like you should have a plan?" Liu Tao said to Li Sen. If this guy can guess this, there must be a way.

"Let me tell you, my plan is to let all our regular troops in Turki go south to encircle the enemy in this province, and your army will go north quickly, we will attack them, and at the same time, the mercenaries of the whole army You have to withstand the attack of the Holy See’s army. The mercenaries may almost fight against the Europa’s regular army, but there is still a big gap compared with the Pope’s army. Don’t you have to come to a division of Fuso mercenaries to the south, I If this plan is approved, I will ask the headquarters to bring you a division, two divisions and more than 200,000 people, my five divisions, nearly 800,000 people, they should be able to do it. From time to time, let them annihilate the Vatican’s army, but just drag the Vatican’s army to prevent them from looking for trouble for us. What do you think?" Li Sen talked about his battle plan in general, Liu Tao and Li Yin's thoughts are the same, can these little devils really believe it?

"The plan is very good at the time, but these Fusang mercenaries can really believe it? I don’t want to be safe, leaving an armored regiment in the north and south to assist them. Anyway, there is no difference between one more armored regiment and one less armored regiment. It’s a shock to them.” Liu Tao thought for a while and said that the most powerful weapon of Fusang mercenaries may be the 129mm mountain cannon, and leaving some armored units is also very beneficial to the war situation. They should Will also be very happy.

"Security should be okay. Their hometowns are in our hands. They won't be fooling around. That's what you said, so we can go back and see which army is left. Then you and Li Yin’s special forces brigade is the main force. I have to keep 200,000 troops. I will take the 200,000 troops and add the navy to the Turki Strait to look at the 400,000 troops on the opposite side. I guess If the war really starts, they will go crazy." Li Sen pointed to the Turki Strait and said, choosing to occupy the Turki Strait was really wise to the limit. Occupying here can hold the throat of Europa~www It’s impossible for them to do anything.

Liu Tao and Li Yin both nodded. There are less than 800,000 people left on their side. It is no problem to deal with Europa’s 900,000 troops. It is also for a quick fight. With Li Sen’s ability, it is also a defense. The battle, the ratio of one to two is okay. The battle was set in this way. They began to report to the military. After all, this is related to Turki’s last stop. After victory, the entire Turki will become them. If the battle against Europa’s rear base fails, the lives of the three soldiers may be over.

The military department has been studying this plan for a long time, and the investigation department has also begun to collect relevant information. They also want to know whether Li Sen’s guess is correct. The results show that the 400,000 troops really came to respond. For some time, General Joey should lead people to retreat, but he has already defended them in advance. It is not that simple for these people to run back. It is better to stay, not that this is all your place. Well, just keep it here.

After making the plan, Liu Tao went back to the south without delay. He had to talk to the heads of the two Fusang mercenary divisions. For these Fusang people, he wouldn’t really believe it, he didn’t. I guess I can't sleep if I check it. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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