Energy Group

Chapter 1575:

At this moment, everyone was accidentally gotten by and some didn’t know what to do, but there was still a brainy person like Hamilton among the submarine commanders. He immediately let all the submarines dive down quickly, he saw To be clear, the planes that come over are ordinary planes, and they cannot have depth charges on them. Ordinary weapons have no effect on submarines. As long as they dive fast enough, there is no problem, but they are like this. Diving swiftly, the survivors on the surface of the sea have no way to rescue them, only to see how their luck is. m[]

But the bad luck for the submarines comes first, and then the entire U.S. fleet has reached their bad time. A huge arc of submarine-launched missiles has been completed. At this time, a large number of U.S. warships can only rely on their process weapons to defend. These short-range weapons are only used to make up for the insufficiency of the long-range defense system. Let them take the lead. Forget it. Warships exploded one after another. It's just that at this time something that surprised the energy group's spies also happened. In an important position, they saw something surprising, that is, the protective cover. Although the American protective cover has many shortcomings compared with the energy group, no matter how people have such a weapon, they have begun to enter. It’s the age of the protective shield. Of course, the area they can protect is very small. According to the observations of the spies, the power of the protective shield is also very small. It is already very good that it can intercept two or three missiles at most. The protective shield of the company was killed as soon as the missile was fired. Based on this, the energy group does not need to worry at this moment. Can they affect the outcome of the battle? No ghost would believe it. Thousands of missiles covered the entire fleet. The short-range defense system killed about one-fifth of the missiles. The remaining shields killed more than 100 rounds, and the jammers lost another 100. Multiple rounds, minus some faulty and untargeted ones, there are still hundreds of missiles hitting these warships. The Energy Group hit the US expeditionary fleet this time.

They lost more than forty submarines, and the result they achieved was to kill half of the sixteen large aircraft carriers. As for some small ships, there were even more. It can be said that at least half of the combat power of the US Expeditionary Fleet was lost in this battle. If they dared to go south, it is estimated that the entire army would be destroyed waiting for them. Li Cong never thought that such a torpedo attack would be so effective. Originally, Li Cong thought that it would be good to kill two or three aircraft carriers that could kill the enemy. Unexpectedly, it was more than doubled. The US Army’s losses were also very severe. When they came, there were hundreds of thousands of them. That is, only one-third. Fortunately, it’s not very far from the land. Many Brazilian ships came to rescue. Otherwise, their troubles would have gone severe this time. Many of the planes that came back without energy have also landed on some roads in São Paulo. Otherwise, It is estimated that these hundreds of planes are of no use anymore. If they fall on the sea, at such a high speed, they will not turn into waste, that is really a win.

Two major generals of the US fleet were directly killed on the spot. The headquarters also sank into the water along with a huge aircraft carrier. It’s just that this place is not in the deep sea area, and it is more than 100 meters deep. It is estimated that it will be no problem to fish up and repair it. However, it is an absolute fact that the US fleet is hit hard at this moment. The energy group won a big victory in the first conquest. All are very happy. Very satisfied with the beginning of America.

At this moment, the top leaders of the Skull and Bones are going crazy, and they have suffered such a big loss before arriving in Argentina. They have already met and discussed, leaving the fleet in Brazil temporarily. But they can’t continue going south. With their current ability, it’s impossible to go south. They also ordered the media not to report that the fleet lost half of its warships. If this is spread, the cowhide IU blown a few days ago. It's dying, what will the people think? Will they still trust the current government in the future? Each of them might be questioning, and in the end they might have failed before fighting.

"Chairman, are we going to continue to send reinforcements now? Although they have lost half of their warships, a large number of sailors can still be used, and the situation in the south is deteriorating. The army of hundreds of thousands of energy groups is already in intelligence. The south has landed, and if they want to occupy the entire south, we may be more passive in the future. Li Cong’s first part has already been completed, and we have no effect even if we land in the south now. We must be in Argentina. Establish a strong line of defense in the middle of the country, block them in the south, and then send out planes to bomb the entire south." Some people in the Skull and Bones began to express their opinions. Many people hope to continue to let the fleet go south and let the troops land in the south. , Confronted Li Cong head-on in the south, but some military talents did not think so. They felt that if they continued to do so according to the previous plan, they would find crimes for themselves, and the hundreds of thousands of troops in the past could not survive. Return, and the Navy will suffer losses. Rather than sending people home to kill like this, it is better to do something meaningful. That is to build a strong line of defense so that the energy group’s army can only stay in the south, not in the middle. And march to the north.

"I don't agree with this point of view. They have not gained a firm foothold in the southern part of Argentina. We should continue to order our fleet to go south and launch huge air strikes against them, and then our landing force will cooperate with the air force, plus Argentina's Hundreds of thousands of troops, let’s compress the living space of the energy group and kill them. That’s what we should do.” The Nate family still disagrees that the entire South should be surrendered to Li Cong. Coming here is like committing suicide. Li Cong knows all about his abilities. Now you give them a place where they can rise. What will you do in the future?

After arguing for a long time, no one could decide. In the end, everyone’s eyes were placed on Stark. Although the president is on duty, the guy who became the president also has a certain ability. You should listen to him. What is the opinion? Now the supporters on both sides are the same. Generally speaking, the president only needs to choose one of them, but Stark is not a person who likes to take the road arranged by others. He is very independent. Man, the corner of his mouth sneered at this time, Li Cong, do you really think that the entire south is in your hands now? That is impossible, you just got the surface. 【new】

"Everyone, I won't take either of your two paths. I have my own plan. This plan is..." Stark lowered his voice. But if there is a lip-reading expert here, you can definitely read what it means. When he finishes speaking, many people have different expressions on their faces, but it is certain. Most people think that Stark’s approach can be parallel to the previous two, which shows that this is a very powerful approach. As for the approach, only the first few cores know what it is. Up. Although the latter were in a room, they didn't know, including his sister, Miss Elena. Elena did not expect the Energy Group to attack so quickly.

"Chairman, this matter is of great importance. I think our medicine should not be handed over so quickly. It is still in the experimental stage. I hope that we will still use conventional weapons to solve it. It is better not to move biological and chemical weapons. After all, After the incident is revealed, the leaders of the southern countries may not say anything, but their people know that if we take their BJP guinea pigs, they may go to the energy group. Now the battle is not at the end. At the moment." said a guy with a white beard. He still had some opposition to Stark's biochemical weapon. If that thing is really used, it may be out of control, or you may not know how to end it. This thing is definitely a Pandora's box. Don't take it out until the end.

Many people just thought of the battle on the front line, so they didn't stop Stark. Hearing what the old guy said at the moment, he seemed to understand a lot one by one. They all expressed their disagreement with this plan, after all, they did not completely control the biological and chemical weapons. If they are not well controlled, they may be in danger themselves. Dealing with the enemy is very important, but when dealing with the enemy, you must make sure that you have nothing to do. If you let yourself in, it is not simple. It's something, and maybe the entire human race will be destroyed by that time, so everyone disagrees.

Elena did not expect Stark to be so crazy. She knew that Stark had a lot of biochemical potions in her hands. Now they are completely different from those on the Great Russian battlefield. These biochemical people All have a certain IQ, and their abilities have increased a lot, but this plan also revealed a terrible place at the end, that is, there is a terrible virus in this medicine. This virus has not been found yet. The solution can be solved. Ordinary people only need to touch a little bit of potion venom to die, and some things on the earth can’t handle these synthetic potions. Now the number is not very large, and it takes a huge price to watch. These medicines are out, if they spread out, sooner or later, accidents will happen, just like the AIDS virus of the year. It was originally something that was produced when the US and the Soviet Union were fighting for hegemony. I did not expect that this thing would be the most powerful in the United States. They also don't want to reappear such a thing.

"Since everyone disagrees, then I think we will use the previous potions. Although the power is a little bit less powerful, and the persistence time is not long from time to time, but more of this on the front line is also very helpful for their offense. We There are prisoners in the prison. At this time, asking them to help first is a matter of course." Stark can’t go his own way either. This medicine is not in his own hands. Although he is the chairman, most of the people When they didn't agree, even the chairman couldn't do anything wrong, so I took a step back and prepared to use it when the situation in the future became more unfavorable.

Although Elena didn’t know what Stark said to those people, she also knew some of the potions. The latest potions were the scariest things. The biochemicals they produced not only had IQ, but also survived. When the time is over an hour, the most terrible thing is that they can produce a huge explosion when they die, and their whole body will turn into that kind of venom. As long as people get a little bit of it, they don’t dare to enter the part where they get the medicine. If you cut it off, you will die. This kind of medicine will never disappear. They will always exist. This kind of thing was originally intended to be destroyed, but the skeletons felt that if it was the last time, the energy group wanted Once they have occupied the world, they will use this kind of medicine to destroy the world. Then no one will want to hold the whole world, and the fish will die.

Stark didn't say to use this before, after all, this is the last thing, others don't know, they all think Stark said that. After everyone didn't agree with him, he wouldn't think about it again, but Elena knew that Stark would definitely use it in the future. That was a crime against the entire human race. That thing could never come out. Elena hopes that she can get a little potion at this time. He doesn't want to be a traitor to the Yeke family. But he didn't want the world to be so devoid of vitality in the future. He knew that the energy group had projects in outer space, which should have a certain effect in their hands. They should be able to save the entire earth in Stark's hands. In a few minutes, Elena had an idea in her heart. She don't want to be a human sinner.

The military conference continued, and eventually people adopted one of the two methods. They wanted to build a huge line of defense in central Argentina. The energy group’s troops should not be allowed to continue northward. They had to block them in the southern part of South America and let Even if they occupied that area, it was not allowed to give up a little bit in other places, and the hundreds of thousands of Argentine troops in the south were directly wiped out. Not even an entire morning is used. They also know that their reinforcements are no longer there, and the information now is very advanced. It is simply impossible not to know some major events happening in the world. Their hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous troops want to head-to-head with the troops of other energy groups. , I don’t seem to have that qualification yet. 【new】

Thirty-fifth hours after the end of the naval battle, the landing forces of the Energy Group occupied Rio Gallegos, a seaport in the Atlantic direction. This time it can be used as a sign that the energy group completely controls the entire southern Argentina, and then the energy group established the Argentine Expeditionary Army. There are 320,000 people in the 25th Reinforced Division and 2nd Brigade of the regular army, and 100,000 people in the 25th African Mercenary Division. The Great Russian Mercenary Third Division is 97,000, the Argentine mercenary brigade is 50,000, and the Marine Corps two regiments are 100,000. However, the Marine Corps is only to guard the harbor this time and will not participate in the army’s offensive. There are 600,000 people, distributed in more than 20 military camps and cities centered on the QWWE base. At present, they are fully preparing their defense positions. Li Cong knows very clearly that he is not yet a firm foothold in South America. This is just the beginning. The Americans won't let them stay so honest in the south, and various offensives will follow.

In terms of ordnance and weapons, these units are of the highest standard except for the Argentine mercenaries. All of them have more than 10,000 tanks, 15,000 armored vehicles, more than 6,000 mat combat vehicles, and 4,000 towed artillery pieces, ranging from 70 mm to 110 mm. There are 12,000 medium-sized artillery pieces, 2,000 ground-based anti-aircraft missiles, 2,000 ground-attack missiles, more than 70,000 Dongfeng warriors, and more than 5,000 helicopters. It can be said that its strength is still very strong. If the US military really wants to attack , Transporting the army alone is very troublesome. These things are not all shipped from other places. Most of them are originally from the QWWE base in Argentina. Just take them out when you need them. And this base also has the function of producing some weapons and equipment.

At present, the military factory of the entire base can produce 30 tanks, 50 armored vehicles, 30 helicopters, 15 amphibious combat vehicles, 50 transport trucks, 100 jeeps, and 1,000 tons of various ammunition per day, which is considered a productivity. It's not a small military factory. Of course, it is necessary to ensure sufficient raw materials. If there is no raw material, it is estimated that everything is produced by the production department.

After the entire South was taken, many liberation organizations appeared in the area. Li would never believe that these people suddenly came out of the common people to join some liberation organizations. There are a lot of US military transport planes every night. They dropped a lot of personnel, weapons and ammunition. Li Cong knows the fact that a single spark can start a prairie fire, so this kind of thing is definitely not to be taken lightly, but his men are all field troops, so they are so laborious. Fighting these people is a bit of a fuss, and the Americans’ idea is to prevent their own troops from receiving effective rest. This is also a way of guerrilla warfare. Li Cong soon thought of a way to deal with these people. The mobster must be retrieved, that is, the Fusang mercenaries who have not yet appeared in South America, Li Congyi transferred the order.

Immediately, the Fusang mercenaries of the two divisions began to board the plane in Fusang. The 280,000 people of the two combat divisions with their equipment will begin to land in the southern regions in the next seven days. Their task is to use the wing as the mission. The unit began to suppress all the guerrillas in the south. Although the Americans were in charge of the armed forces of these guerrillas, their armed forces couldn't keep up with the mercenaries here. Moreover, they are all ordinary people who have not received any military training and want to make them the vanguard of the anti-war. The Americans are a bit too whimsical.

From now on, Li was holding a meeting of the leaders of various regions in the QWWE conference room. The police officer came in and said nervously, "Mr. Report, the American airstrike has come. The meeting should be moved to the basement conference room."

"Haha. There are gaps every day, but we have so many big people here, it is better not to be served by the Americans, just listen to you, we all go to the basement conference room." Li Cong smiled and looked outside. . American air strikes can be said to be commonplace. The Americans were very good at air strikes during World War II. Now they have grown a lot in this ability. In the past few days, some of the southern traffic arteries have basically been paralyzed. They really don't care much about bombs. Some bombs were from the last World War II period. After so many years, they really didn't expect Americans to have these things. Anyway, destruction also requires money. So they just throw them on the heads of the energy group. They don't need to spend money anyway. As for the air defense forces of the energy group, they are not very afraid. They have the ability. The US Air Force is also vegetarian from time to time, indeed. In the past few days, the aircraft of the energy group and the naval aviation are not disadvantaged, and sometimes they still have the advantage. But here is their homeland, and they still suffered a lot when fighting their fighters. After four days of air combat, the losses on both sides were almost one to one. The Air Force and Naval Aviation are currently looking for reasons.

"Generals, these two are the two division leaders of the Fifth Division and the Sixth Division of the Fusang Mercenary. Next, the leader of the Ogasawara Division of the Fifth Division will tell us about their current situation of the bandits." Two people appeared in the virtual video. At the moment, these two people are still on the front line in the south. They have been here for only four or five days, but they have quieted the south. Their method is very simple, kill a hundred, you are not going outside. Guerrilla? No problem. Lao Tzu **** your whole family and put them at the gate of the city. When you come back, Lao Tzu will catch you. If you don’t come back, Lao Tzu will let them stay here without killing them. You will come back. , We won’t kill you, as long as you can hand in a name certificate, it’s really very effective, let alone 3,000 or 4,000 people have been arrested, and some military instructors are instigating rebellion. Although the area in southern South America is not very large, it is not always that simple to run. If you want to destroy these organizations, they still have to rely on their own people.

"Report, dear generals, at present, our two divisions have dispatched more than 200,000 people. We have captured about 3,500 guerrillas in more than a dozen cities. Most of them have begun to cooperate with us. In the coming time Here we will begin to establish a series of measures to strengthen public security on this land. We have submitted this plan to the Expeditionary Force Command for approval. First, it will be implemented in the southern port city of Rio Gallegos, which is also a guerrilla. The place with the most players." Ogasawara said positively. He didn't have much nervousness, but the one who didn't speak next to him was nervous.

"Well, let’s talk about your policy of strengthening public security in detail. If possible, it can be carried out in the entire area in advance." Li Cong said. In fact, this guy knew it before he even started talking about it. This is some, but it was very effective back then. Didn’t we also almost trap our predecessors to death in our territory, but our predecessors are more determined, and these guerrillas are like them. It’s not the same. They are all Skull and Bones people in the city. They used to have such privileges, but they weren’t very popular in the city. Many of them were the bosses in the society. They couldn’t deal with it at all. This blockade plan, Ogasawara’s plan is also very simple, that is, relying on the traffic arteries, they began to use barbed wire and gun towers to make the entire area tense, and the cities and suburbs also If you want to send more, people who go out of the city every day must be under the supervision of the army. They are not allowed to bring all kinds of food and contraband out of the city. When the time is short, they may still be able to get supplies from some places, but after a long time, they cannot get With these supplies, it is impossible to expect American airlifts to do much. Back then, all the domestic bandits said they were orthodox. Everyone said that they had the care of Chairman Chiang and that they would have the U.S. Air Force. Give them something. But what do they have now? All of them took the bullets and went to live honestly, so you can't believe what these people said. If they have their own base areas, there is no problem with airborne some supplies. They rushed around in this way. It was impossible to find a stable place. Li Cong was very satisfied with the plan, but he also reminded them that they were not allowed to engage in the Sanguang policy. I don't want to be grieved by the local people.

The rule of the Ogasawara Hell enemy-occupied area does have his own set. He will use food and government purchases as weapons, turning most of the people in the south into his own, and some bullies in the area must first take it. These people use the knife to get the support they deserve from the people. This is the first step, and the second step is to treat these guerrilla members cruelly. As long as those who return within the specified time, we will not embarrass you, but if you do not return within the specified time, it will be If you are caught by us, then your life will be better. We will have many ways and methods to entertain you, so that all the guerrillas in the deep mountains and forests will know how dead you are. The misery. One more point was added by Li Cong. It means that all material transportation must have at least hundreds of people. Squad soldiers are absolutely not allowed to go out. Otherwise, these people will become the targets of those people's sneak attacks. This is not mentioned in some TV dramas. .

In addition, there are also many pirates on some of the southern seaside islands. In the past, they were the targets of the US Navy, but now they have all become so-called rescued. Naturally, these people dare not do anything to the navy of the energy group. They don't have the guts yet. However, they often disembark some civilian ships, even in areas managed by some energy groups, they often disembark in the past and robbed them. Li Cong has decided to kill them by two naval destroyer formations. They also know that as long as there is an army to encircle and suppress them, they will run away immediately. Li Cong also has a way to deal with them, and directly install a time bomb on the island where they are resting. When you go back, you will be served it in one go, unless you find a new place, but the reward of 100,000 yuan has made their internal traitors appear one after another. They are afraid to be pirates every day, and there is less than a few dollars in a year. , It’s better to get one hundred thousand yuan immediately after reporting a message in the past.

In addition, under the advice of the commander of the Ogasawara Division, Li Cong also let his two armored regiments, led by three hundred helicopter gunships, start a tour in some large cities in the south, and their mission is to have another one. Passing through the downtown area during prime time, let these ordinary people see how powerful the army is now occupying them, so that they don’t want to think about it. The Americans will not come to save them. Propaganda must go up. This is Li Congye. It is approved, and it is time for these people to see our abilities, otherwise they wouldn’t believe that the Americans on their heads would be killed.

When the energy group was busy purging the south, the Americans were not idle. They began to deploy their first line of defense 20 kilometers north of the QWWE base. The unreliability of the Argentine army is already complete. I can see that the 200,000 troops did not insist on one morning, which really made them feel very depressed. They couldn't believe them one by one, but at this moment there are no extra troops coming, so they still have to use them. Starting from the AH line, this is the first line of defense. There is a line of defense every five kilometers behind. They hope that they can use this to stop the energy group from moving forward, but what they don’t know is that their passive defense is already considered. I gave up, now what I want should not be defensive, but offensive.

War mobilization in the United States is actually not just the United States. The entire Americas region has started war mobilization except for areas occupied by energy groups. It is estimated that nearly 5 million Americans have entered the military, and 13 million people from various countries have also entered the military. Starting to walk into the barracks, the total number of US troops has reached 9 million. At this moment, they are being transported to the front line of defense with the number of 100,000 troops a day, and the miscellaneous troops from all over the country are quickly starting to start on the southern border of the country. I have also received a lot of assistance from American equipment. Although they are all retired equipment from the US military, they are much better than theirs.

Europa is also very supportive of the Americans' actions. Europa has shipped all the weapons and equipment that it does not use to the Americas. At least it can equip millions of miscellaneous troops. Many of their equipment was lost in the previous war. Many of them. So these equipment is their limit, and they also know very well that Li Cong does not have the ability to fight on the two fronts. If anything, they will also face war. They just said that they should consider the American proposal to open up a battlefield in Europe. They did not refuse to send troops to the Americas to fight. 150,000 people from the three infantry divisions began to arrive at Paraguay ports one after another. They will take a rest here and then go to the front line. Europa and the Americans understand that these unreliable troops have to rely on themselves.

Europa really wants to open up the second battlefield. But their basic facts are not very good. Now their troops have not been fully replenished, especially the Army. If this is started there, it would be nonsense without the support of the Americans, but in the Navy they are. No one was stingy, and directly sent half of the Atlantic Fleet's strength and all 15 aircraft carrier combat groups. They are already in the middle of the US-Europe route. They will soon arrive in South America, but with the addition of the fact that they cannot be opponents of the Energy Group Navy, the Energy Group Navy is too powerful, but their arrival still boosted the morale of the US Navy. There are a large number of allies, and the Americans even gave the Europa army the most high-end things like the protective shield without hesitation. Several aircraft carriers in the docks of Europa have been able to install such things, but the things they researched out consume more than ten times the power of the energy group. Moreover, they cannot effectively resist, which makes them very headache. It would be great if there was an energy group's stuff to study, but unfortunately they have not sunk an energy group warship with such equipment.

Europa’s military minister has already begun to talk about the US-Europe Union in a public place. They say that the three infantry divisions are just the beginning. Next, nearly 500,000 people will enter the Americas to help the vast suffering. The people of Latin America are engaged in their liberation struggle, but this remark seems to have changed the direction of the wind in less than ten hours, because the energy group transferred two reorganization divisions from the African Army and nearly half a million people entered Turki. In addition, hundreds of aircraft in Port Said have begun large-scale ground attack exercises. It seems that the war in Europe is about to begin. The Americans told Europa that this is a trick of the energy group, which is to scare them away. Let them talk nonsense, don’t worry about them, just continue to promote the U.S.-Europe Union. Unfortunately, the Europa people don’t have the courage anymore. Many senior government officials have become extremely careful when they speak to reporters. It seems that the wind direction was completely different a few days ago. In fact, Li Cong just frightened them again. Two-line combat is not Li Cong’s style. Europa and the Skull and Bones are both giants. It is possible to deal with one of them. When fighting on the line, try not to be like that. The German back then is a good example. If he can solve the British problem and attack the Soviet Union, then he might win, but this guy doesn’t. He did that, so he failed. Li never wanted to follow Hitler’s old path himself. The little devil back then did the same. They didn’t solve the occupied territories and rushed to war with the Americans. This also caused them to encounter. Failed.

The senior officials of the Skull and Bones were very disappointed with Europa. They were so daring and frightened by a slight transfer from the Energy Group. However, Li Cong's actions also surprised the Skull and Bones, and they didn’t have time. It’s a joke about Europa. The Energy Group’s Pacific Second Squadron suddenly emerged from Fusang Naval Base. Dozens of aircraft carriers rushed towards Alaska. The Americans immediately panicked, knowing that the Alaska region passed the last time. The fusang mercenaries have not yet eased their anger. They are also very scared. It turns out that the energy group also made a false shot. At this moment, Europa is also starting to laugh at the Americans. Don’t you still talk about us? Why are you afraid when you get to your own head? It seems that you are not much better than us.

However, both parties also know that it is the time that matters, not when you are laughing at me and I am laughing at you. Therefore, the two sides will not have much disagreement in Li Cong’s small distance. Hopefully, a month later, Li Cong successfully eliminated the guerrillas in the Although there are still a few people in the mountains, it is not a big deal anymore. They can't get over the waves anymore. They followed. The people they ganged up became the most ferocious people. After all, killing a few bosses was considered their name. Ogasawara directly let these guerrillas go into the mountain to fight with the old guerrillas. , As long as you can kill them, after you come out, all the mayors and chiefs belong to yours. Anyway, it is a false position. You can do whatever we ask you to do, but these useless official positions make all these people feel that As if going crazy, they madly killed their comrades in the mountains, and then went to collect the bounty, which seemed to them a way of living.

The Americans’ four lines of defense in South America are almost built. They claim that it’s impossible for a 500,000 army to pass. Li Cong doesn’t believe it very much. He has transferred more than 20,000 guards from the country. I’m going to try this first line of defense tonight. I’ve never heard of how suitable these Americans are to make such a line of defense. This time I’m going to see what kind of line of defense can stop us. The 500,000 guards of the army have not been on the battlefield for a long time. Although there are only more than 20,000 people this time, they are all very vigorous. It is their belief that Li Cong must not be embarrassed. One regiment was the one that Li Cong robbed of a large amount of wealth in Great Russia. Although the people have changed a lot now, everything about the old army is still kept, and Li Cong also used the old army to comfort him. (To be continued...)


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