Energy Group

Chapter 1578:

Brigadier General Downer couldn’t believe that this was actually said by his mentor. How did his mentor say that he was also an important figure in the country’s high-level military. Now that he said this, it represents one reason, that is his own. The teacher has no other way. He has no solution. He can only use human life to fill this hole. His first division said it was the main army. It would be better to pick up cheap ones. Other troops are already there. You are exhausted from fighting. What is it doing to let your troops go up at this time? Isn't this going up to pick up the bargain? If in the past, he would definitely refuse immediately. The teacher said that he was looking down on himself, but now he can’t speak out. He knows that his teacher is also a soldier, a soldier who can make him proud, the teacher said The teacher will feel uncomfortable when he speaks these words. At this time, he can't continue to make the teacher feel distressed. Brigadier General Downer nodded without saying any nonsense. He knew that behind him, the United States in the north needed a victory. Now the front line There are defeats everywhere, and emotions of defeat everywhere. They can't fail. If they also lose, then America might really be hopeless. m[]

General Clark’s actions were very fast. He arranged all the arrangements for this battle in three days. In fact, it was not what he wanted to be so fast, but above him, the top of the Skull and Bones urged him. They want to drive Li Congge back, otherwise they don’t know how to face so many people in the country, they don’t know how to answer, just like Europa also has something to ask. The United States has always been based on the United States. The man is the boss, but the Europa army did not fail like this when it was in Europe. You are now defeated like this. How can you be qualified to be our leader? To be honest, many people are thinking about this issue. Many senior generals in the Europa Army believe that they should be the leader. Therefore, under pressure from various quarters, the United States needs a victory to revitalize everything they need.

While Li Cong was still preparing for war, the horn of war had already begun. The largest war in South America in history began. This was the beginning of what people later called the October War. After the war began, hundreds of thousands of US troops quickly approached the southern energy group defense line with lightning speed. The U.S. military is all mechanized, digitalized and informatized military. Their offensive has made the energy group's military a little uncomfortable and the losses are not small. In particular, the US military’s information warfare has paralyzed many of the front-line networks of the energy group. More than a hundred strongholds outside the defense line lost contact with the base. Thousands of soldiers in more than one hundred strongholds At this time, they also reacted differently, and naturally there was no way for them to retreat if there were already enemies in front of them. In the end, they died in battle with twice as many enemies as their own. Those who had no enemies in front of the strongholds were defended according to the first negotiated explosives, and then they began to retreat. Another part is that several strongholds around them are resisting them. It was possible to retreat, but for the sake of the surrounding friendly forces, they gritted their teeth and did not retreat, and eventually all died in the stronghold. They were not a minority. When three hours later. When the U.S. military began to cross these strongholds built by the energy group, the 1,000 regular army and 2,200 mercenaries in front of them no longer had a living person, not even a prisoner. It was not that they did not surrender, but that they had no chance at all. Give them a chance to surrender. The Americans directly used missiles and artillery shells to restore them, and all the strongholds were blown up. Even if someone can come out alive, he must be a waste person. Living like that is not as good as dying. Li Cong was also taken aback when he received the news. He didn't expect all this to come so quickly. He thought that the Americans would have at least dozens of hours before returning to attack. This was his mistake, but these previous strongholds It also gave them more than an hour, and immediately began to exercise within a few kilometers of the entire defense line, and they were all preparing.

The American missiles are coming faster than their planes. From the radar, Li can clearly see that thousands of missiles are flying towards some of his military lands. The air defense weapons on the ground are also starting to roar. The supersonic things in the sky cannot be allowed to fall. If they do, the entire base will suffer heavy losses. Therefore, they must do everything to die with the things in the sky, and they can do the same at the beginning. Right, but then there were too many missiles. Li Cong wondered if the Americans had moved all their arsenals. Casualties began to appear on the ground. Anti-aircraft missiles were in a hurry. At this time, US aircraft appeared. Now, a large number of bombers began to lay eggs on the energy group’s positions step by step. The eggs came down and hit it was really painful. The aircraft taking off from the carrier and the aircraft taking off from the base greeted the US military formation together. Evenly matched, they started their fight in the sky, and there were continuous planes exploding in the air. Because they used missiles, there were not so many planes dragging their tails down.

The pilots on both sides seemed to have lost their eyes. The incident of driving their own planes into other planes has not happened for many years, but it has appeared in this aerial battle, and it is not a minority. Li Cong watched The enemy’s aircraft on the radar were dwindling. At this time, he really sighed that the Americans were determined this time. The enemy had lost 295 aircraft and 254 aircraft on his own side after one hour of fighting. Still entering the battlefield one after another, the planes that flew back to the airport did not stop at all, but took off again after being filled with ammunition and fuel. If their plane did not return, the ground crew in charge of the plane would retreat silently. When they go out, they will immediately have a plane to form a new service target with them, and they will also arrange for someone to give a notice to the pilot's home.

The ground troops on both sides were not idle at this time. They had already entered the predetermined position, and hurriedly threw weapons that they could throw at the other side, just like cannonballs, in such a conditional and prepared environment. , It’s impossible for the thrown shells to kill many people, but you still have to get the shells. If you don’t run, the enemy’s front is calm, then their troops may be close to your position in a dash. A lot of them, so artillery shells still need to be wasted, if the two sides find an artillery position of the other side. [Just read the novel~] Then immediately the missile, the rocket launcher will be aimed at this area and release vigorously, so there are too few opportunities. As long as one of the opponent’s artillery positions can be destroyed, it is considered a huge victory on his side. In two hours, the Americans fired 557 missiles and 160,000 rounds of various artillery shells at the energy group’s positions. 3505 rocket launchers killed more than 20,000 people in the energy group. If you count this, it would take a few rounds of artillery to kill an enemy. The energy group fired 30% more weapons than this. After killing more than 40,000 U.S. soldiers, such a war of attrition ended in two hours. Both sides could not afford such a consumption. If such fire fighting continues, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of tons of ammunition will be used today. It was a severe test for both sides. They began to slowly reduce the output of gunpowder, and both sides had the conditions to sprint in front.

At this time, the army units of both sides will be on the stage. Most of the troops sent by the US military in City A are tanks and armored vehicles. Only a few jeeps followed. They were moving towards the energy group’s stronghold at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. The energy group has already arranged several large artillery positions around point A. As long as they dare to come, they can’t. Let them go back, Brigadier General Downer's first division is also in the offensive sequence. However, at their current speed, they will enter the main battlefield at Point A in three hours. At that time, the Guards also suffered heavy losses.

At point S, the two sides are relatively close. A frontal firefight has begun, and a large number of close-range weapons have been poured into each other’s heads. The two sides can almost be said to have returned to the kind of fighting during World War II. It seems that no new technology is useful here, because of strategy. There is no reason for the depth. The battle at point S quickly entered the urban area. The buildings in the city became the place for everyone to fight at the beginning, but when the energy group army retreated to the south of the city, a large number of Cannonballs and various offensive weapons were blown up in the northern part of the city. Thousands of Europa soldiers who rushed into the city fell directly with these houses. Then the two sides began a tug-of-war, and after six hours of fighting After that, neither of the two sides could completely drive each other out of the urban area. A total of eight hours of fighting, the US and European forces killed and injured more than 50,000, and the energy group army also suffered 30,000 casualties, mainly African mercenaries. Because of the high quality of the regular army, the number of deaths and injuries was very small. Li Cong immediately dropped a Fusang mercenary from the south from the south as their reserve team.

At the beginning of the battle at point D, the two sides did not invest their main force, so the battle at point D can be said to be the lightest of the three places. There are only a few hundred aircraft and thousands of artillery pieces. There is no scorched earth here. The city does not have dead bodies full of the streets. The Europa soldiers who came here to attack seemed to be traveling. They even only operated in their own turf. Many people and energy group soldiers not far from them actually started mutually beneficial activities. They don’t come up to attack. The soldiers of the energy group will not take the initiative to attack others. They call out to each other some things in the two armies to satisfy their daily lives. Li Cong has not bothered about these things, as long as you If you don't attack Lao Tzu, there is no time to fight you. Now point A is the most tense place. If you don't start the war in other places, don't go to other places.

The U.S. Army’s First Division at point A has not yet entered the battle, and the Europa Armored Army at point D has just stopped. Among the three major trump cards, the 86th Marine Corps Division at point S can be said to have really played their trump card division. Demeanor, the two battalions of the Energy Group reimbursed more than 8,000 people in a fierce fight, and they themselves were immediately surrounded by the energy group brigade. They could not rush too fast by themselves, giving all the people from the brothers’ troops. Left behind, there is such a bad place, and then the energy group mobilized twice the force to encircle them. Who knows, the boss of the other people is often foolish, among which the superior force is to give play to their mechanized combat ability. At this time, the division commander It is also known that the strong man broke his wrist, threw down the more than 20,000 people who were not strong enough, and then rushed out with other people. Although the energy group army killed the more than 20,000 people they left behind, most of them went out. , But it also taught them a lesson. At least they won’t rush forward in such a pretentious manner. Of course, the regular army of the energy group has also learned a lot, and they will not despise the trump card units of the US military. They are real. Capable. Otherwise, there would be no more than 8,000 people on his side.

The battle at point S started to separate after the 86th Marine Corps rushed out, and they didn't have the ability to continue fighting. At the moment, both sides began to build defensive positions on their own positions. All of them are really tired now, and they don't have the ability to continue fighting, so let's just truce and continue to come tomorrow. At this time, the two sides of the main battlefield at point A are fighting to death and alive. Li Cong personally directs the battle at this point, but Li Cong knows that don’t look at the fighting now, in fact, there is no real battle yet. Most of the army is now in battle. However, both sides have an army that has not entered the battle. The energy group is a regiment of the Guards left by Li Cong, and the US army is naturally the famous first division. No matter how tragically Li Cong fought on the front line , Even if the other team is gone, Li Cong will not throw in his team, and Clark is also waiting for Li Cong to actively throw his own team in. At that time, Li will definitely lose if he has no troops. It is a pity that Li Cong is more patient than him. The energy group’s army is beyond his imagination. Although several African mercenaries have already lost more than half of their army, they still remember their responsibilities. They did not go up. The Americans did not go up for a while. They did not rush over, and they cannot all be frustrated on the three fronts today. [Just read the novel~] There must be a place for success.

"General, our troops have all gone up. General Downer has asked for instructions twice. If his first division does not go up again. Maybe our army is in danger of retreating." A staff officer came in with the latest frontline report. Said, they can be said to have been dispatched this time. I didn’t expect the energy group’s defense line to be so powerful. None of the three can pass. Clark also wants to let the First Division go up, but if the First Division goes up, it won’t pass. What? What kind of blow is that to the morale of the entire army, but the situation on the front line is that they may not be able to get there if they go up, but if they don’t, chances are that the army will now retreat unbearably. At that time, I definitely had no other way. The casualties in the three places exceeded 100,000, and it reached this number in one day. You can imagine how fierce the war is.

"Tell Donner to go up, wait, and tell him that he is our last hope. No matter what, we can't go back." Clark said after thinking about one minute. Normally one minute may not be a big deal, but on the battlefield The last minute may decide many things. For example, now, he has to tell Donner that they are the last hope. He did not expect that the first day of offense would arrive. Generally, he needs to warm up. , Now it seems that both sides are enemies, they don't need to warm up at all to enter, and if they retreat, they will lose all.

Finally, near Point A, the US First Division entered the battle. A large number of troops from the First Division began to rush up like a jackal. The front line of the energy group immediately seemed a bit powerless when they encountered these people, although they wanted to block it. They, but their hands seem to be boring, and the aiming of their eyes is not so accurate from time to time. They feel tired for four hours. For four hours, people have used at least 60% of their strength. The new force that came up was not something they could solve. Just when they couldn't hold on, just as the First Division was about to dash through their defenses under the leadership of General Downer, a large number of tanks roared from behind the energy group soldiers. That’s right, that’s the Apocalypse tank, the king of the tanks. A large number of heavy tanks of the US army immediately turned into kittens when they encountered these things. Li Cong personally brought this regiment up, your first division. It’s great, but our guards are also vegetarian from time to time. The needle point against the wheat mang, the trump card against the trump card happened again. It depends on which of us is more powerful. The two sides can be said to be enemies. All of his weapons fired directly.

The Guards are worthy of their title, but the first division of the family is also vegetarian from time to time. You come and I go with each other, and they fight happily. The Guards are good at their skills, but their number is only more than 20,000. People are many times theirs, so it’s impossible to win and lose so quickly, because their battle is too fierce, so most of the army at this time retreat to rest, as long as it is the opposite The enemy didn't have any actions and they wouldn't be able to go up. It really didn't have much strength after a day of fighting, so the next thing was a performance between the Guards and the First Division.

If the attack of the First Division is where other troops are present. It is estimated that I don't know how many times I have died. The Guards also rely on their own quality and some super weapons to block them, just like the Guards' entire regiment of more than 20,000 people has less than 200 blockers. If this is the number of other troops will reach one-twentieth, but the guards only have one percent, but the two hundred snipers just killed thousands of officers and soldiers in the first division, of which the officers accounted for half. . If they weren't always looking for officers, they would have been killed more. The lower officers of the First Division had lost a lot. Brigadier General Downer understood very well what a troop and lower officers meant to them. This is a manifestation of the combat effectiveness of a unit. Without these lower-level officers, it will always rely on the upper-level officers. Nothing can be done. Brigadier General Downer could clearly feel the lack of lower-level officers during the fifth attack. The offensive of the officer was ineffective, and sometimes he found that the energy group would kill his lower-level officers even if it was trying to lose a blocker, if it was normal. The blockers of the Energy Group Guards are naturally more valuable than the junior officers of the First Division. The exchange is not very suitable, and even a little loss, but now it’s different. Now they won’t lose money, because thousands of lower-level officers in the entire First Division have died more than 40%. At this time, all of them died. It's a huge blow.

"General. Our offensive still failed to enter the defensive zone. Now our army has more than 40 casualties. Especially the officers, under the attack of the enemy's snipers, less than half are left. If we continue to advance, our first division will The bottom line is pretty good. Even if we can replenish us with soldiers after returning, we don’t have that many officers, and the officers in the front-line areas are basically afraid to go out. It’s not that they are afraid of death, our first division. The officers are all good, but such unnecessary casualties are unnecessary for us. It has been 27 hours since the offensive. Shall we withdraw and rest?" The commander of the First Division did not speak. With his pride, the chief military officer can’t retreat lightly. If he retreats, he can’t afford to have trouble in the future, but the chief of staff is different. He is the one who advises himself. The casualties of the troops are so severe, as long as they are not made of iron, how can they not feel distressed? How many are some good seedlings, just like this.

Retreat now? Brigadier General Downer looked at the phone helplessly. Just five minutes ago, Admiral Clark had already called himself. He said that the enemy could not hold on anymore. At this time, whoever has good endurance can win. , So you can’t retreat at this time. If you retreat at this time, it’s impossible to find such an opportunity. So you have to rush through it all at once. The whole army will definitely be able to rush through. Although Admiral Clark is right The loss of the first division is also very distressing, but behind him is the entire United States. If the first division can't make it through, the entire United States may not be able to make it. Then let alone Brigadier Downer, even his four-star general may also be They will be dismissed. These are not important. The important thing is that there will be no hope for Americans to resist. Too many troops will be treated as their last battle. At this time, the mood of defeat is too strong. Now, they need a victory so much, so even after finishing the first division, they must set an example.

Examples are good, martyrs are respected, but martyrs and role models need to be sacrificed. Brigadier General Donner’s heart is as uncomfortable as he drank bitter water. They must become martyrs and kill themselves. He looked at the room. The senior generals here are all senior leaders of the First Division. They all understand very well that this battle has reached the final juncture and must be cheered up. The chief of staff also hopes to be withdrawn. They all hope, but they are needed in the country. At the time, they had to be worthy of this country. No one was talking anymore. They were all watching Brigadier General Donner's decision. At this moment, there was no sound.

"Everyone, our troops have suffered heavy losses. I can see that since the day our army was established, we have basically participated in all things overseas in the United States, so this time we will not What's wrong, we are the mainstay of this country, and we are the heroes of the country. We know this every day. Now this song country needs us. We must take down the front line of defense. If we can’t take it, our entire The country may be defeated by defeatism. We must do our best to kill it. I order all soldiers to kill and not to retreat. Everyone looks at their uniforms and knows who we are. We can only move forward and not retreat. The time has come for the country to need us. Organizing the last offensive, except for the necessary civilian personnel, everyone in the headquarters rushed with me. The guards were even the supervising team, whether it was me or anyone. An army officer. Who dares to retreat and kill immediately. No one supervises your guards. I hope you can supervise yourself. After all the soldiers are sacrificed, you can go up. As long as there is a little strength, we can take it and set off. "Brigadier General Downer is a military general, so he doesn't know how to say that. He can say such things now. It is also very impressive. All people have that heart now. Anyway, I am a soldier. Sooner or later, I have to die on the battlefield. If I die now, it may be worth a little bit more. I just said that the meeting is over, but the soldiers there are already Submachine guns and bulletproof vests were sent to the officers in the room. The standard soldier equipment no longer needs any command. They have all reached the last line of defense, as long as they can rush up to victory. Failure to rush to the United States is very serious.

A commando of 15,000 people was organized outside again, plus some other non-combatants, especially the thousands of people who came from the headquarters. There is one general. The US military has not lost a general for a long time. Many people wanted to pull Brigadier General Donner out, but they were all rejected by him. The future path of his general is also here. If he can fight, then Brigadier General is just a start for himself. He will become a major general, a lieutenant general, and even a four-star general like his own teacher. He may be able to surpass him and become a five-star general like Eisenhower in history, so this time he must go, most of the soldiers It was indeed very moved when I saw their generals. Not only them, but also all the soldiers in the United States had this honor. A general wore the same clothes as them and went to the front with them to kill the enemy. What a glorious thing this is, if I can go back alive, this is also a capital to brag about for future generations.

They gathered more than 30,000 people to prepare for the attack. Where is the energy group guard? In addition, Li Cong’s guards now have less than 8,000 men. Among them, there are less than 6,000 guards. The rest are African mercenaries from elsewhere. Li Cong knows the enemy. The last attack of Li Cong is coming. The Meteorological Observatory has already said that it may rain in two hours, and it may be over at that time. I have to stick to it. Li Cong came here when he was worried about the shortage of manpower. A "imperial army", this guy ran out of breath to Li Cong.

"Report, we were called by the leader of the Ogasawara Division. He said that the battle here may require manpower, and we...we are here." If Li Cong would not talk to the Imperial Army brother like that, but it would He is really happy to see this guy. It's not that there is no army behind, but Li never knows where to send an army. These millions of people seem to be a lot, but there are still not enough places to defend so many places. Yes, although some places don’t need an army, how do you know that the Americans have impossible military tricks? If they really do that, no one can stop them, right? The war cannot be a fluke, so at this point, Li never sent troops from other places. The Ogasawara Division has completed the suppression of bandits. Some of their troops have reached point D, but there is still another wing at Corrected. Looking at the epaulettes on this guy, Li Cong knew that this was the wing that was taking a break. Although there were not a lot of more than 7,000 people, how could it be a new force.

"Haha, okay, it's time for you to come, um... so, you are like this, immediately go back to the chief officer to change your clothes, and the guards who want to wear their replacement clothes, you will pretend to be close now Guards." Li Cong thought of such a way. Are you not afraid of the guards? Lao Tzu will conjure a guard with more than 7,000 men for you now. See if you are afraid or not.

At the beginning, this guy was stunned. Although they had heard of the Guards, they didn’t think their army was worse than the Guards. But the man in front of them said that he would do that. He himself didn't want to find the boring ones, but the people he brought with him were very willing. Everyone of the good guys heard that they could use the costumes and equipment of the Guards, and they were greedy for Venus right away. Just now they said that their division leader was not kind, so they sent them here. But now one by one is immediately happy, now pretending to be a fake guard, is it also a guard? Five or six million Fusang mercenaries who have this treatment? One by one, they began to change clothes happily. The soldiers of the Guards over there looked at them and couldn't wait to beat them one by one. Products like you want to wear Lao Tzu's clothes. However, seeing Li Cong's cold eyes, he didn't say anything one by one. The boss has this idea. It definitely makes sense. We must cooperate well, otherwise it is not a good thing to distribute.

Don't tell me. The little devil is not very strong in combat effectiveness. In the guards, it is slightly stronger than the drought mercenaries, but their military appearance is still very good. At this time, they are really like the guards. So it's the same thing, especially in this weaponry, their equipment is not broken, but compared with the Guards, it is far behind, and all of them are like old farmers who have never seen the world. Look at it here. Let the guards say that they are dumplings, they don’t care much about them one by one. Asking humbly about how to use these things. Opening your mouth is what you can use for a while in a war. Now if you are more familiar with me, for a while If I can't use it. You said there was someone in front of me and I couldn't kill him. What effect does that have on the battlefield. That little mouth is sweet.

In fifteen minutes, it is only this time that everyone has entered the battlefield. Although the Fusang mercenaries haven’t learned all of them yet, they’re pretty good at the moment. They look like that one by one. When the Yankees come up, you won’t be afraid of them. There are still some on the ground. The African mercenaries, but they still don’t understand the war very well. Let Li Cong call it down at this moment. The half-dead people are useless. It seems that these African mercenaries still need more education. Look at the guards. The army is left with himself. The fighting will is always leveraging and will not retreat. These little nobles are said to be good in fighting. Li Cong also wants to see if these little ghosts are the same as Li Sen’s will to fight. Very powerful. During World War II, Li Cong knew that these little devils did not surrender, and most of them died. The first thing they did after being captured was suicide. Obviously, they don’t have that ability anymore, but they are a little bit genetic. , I just have a look today, and arrange them later.

The last offensive of the First Division can be said to be exhausted. Their missile regiment still has 152 surface-to-surface missiles left, and they all came up. Immediately, there were still some heavy-duty ones left on the energy group’s position. The weapons are all scrapped. This is just a precursor. Li has known for a long time. He has pinpointed the enemy’s missile position. The energy group’s missiles immediately screamed and took off, and the enemy’s missile position also changed. It became rubbish. The heavy artillery regiment of the Energy Group fired fiercely at the enemy that was about to rush up. The gun barrels of both sides became red when they were red, and when they were rotten, they were rotten. Anyway, if you don’t win this battle, I will keep you back. What's the use? The people transporting shells have never seen it so frequently. They went back to transport them as soon as the truck came over. When they came back, there was nothing left. The Fusang mercenary’s 100mm artillery was used. At that time, I didn’t care about the firepower. As long as it could make the other side explode, all the things that could explode on the other side were all used, and the two sides had not met yet. More than one-third of the deaths were caused, and many people were killed in gunfire. Yes, the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for the energy group. The enemy's armor is less than a kilometer away from the line of defense, and their salvo of artillery is also very effective.

After fighting for such a long time, Li Cong’s armored force has long been left. At this time, he still has a tank formation composed of 30 Apocalypse tanks. This is their last strength. If they can’t do it, then It can only retreat. There are at least two hundred enemy tanks. Needless to say, this must be an emergency support from the US military. There is support from an alliance on my own side, and there are also from the enemy side. Let the loss of the personnel continue. With a wave of Li Cong, 30 Apocalypse tanks also fired. Their shells are only the eighty methods on the car, so they did not fire violently, but looked at one by one. They were strong. The body can make them eat three shells without any damage, but the tanks of the US Army will not work. If you are lucky, one shell can but it is also seriously injured. It was pulled down. The violent explosives of the Energy Group were not a joke. That’s it. Thirty apocalyptic tanks stunned two hundred tanks. The next step is the infantry business. A large number of US troops are in front. They formed a battle formation and rushed up. What surprised their scouts was how the energy group got so many guards' supplies. According to intelligence, the energy group had only two regiments of guards in the Americas, which was disabled here. One is already working, and the other is working over there. How come so many people ran out again? This is a big deal. If the extra units are other troops, it’s nothing. Just kill them. But this is The Guards have to ask these people to weigh them for a while. This is not a joke, can they do it?

Just when they hesitated, their tank unit also killed the last apocalypse tank of the energy group with the help of anti-tank soldiers, but they saved less than 30 vehicles, and the first division of the US dollar has thousands of tanks. There are only these thirty vehicles at this moment, and all of them are injured. When Li Cong was about to order an assault, there was a whining sound from the sky. This is the plane, and I saw blossoms on it. Bai Hua, everyone was surprised. Whose unit is this? Everyone knows. If these paratroopers come down, they will definitely give the opponent a fatal blow. Li Cong knows that it’s not theirs. They don’t have paratroopers here. All the people are here now, they are Americans. Li Cong glanced at the people around him, he couldn't continue this way, it was time to retreat, there was no way. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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