Energy Group

Chapter 1582:

Li Sen glanced at the helicopter in the sky. This was the Air Force One dedicated to the President of the United States. He would never have thought that he had been desperately working for so long and had lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers. They frightened these Yankees from the moment they brought a bunch of soldiers. Li Cong was about to start a full-scale war. They were scared, although what they said was a mess, what could mobilize tens of millions of troops to fight. , Or something like tens of thousands of planes ready to go. In fact, this is all to cover up their weakness. At this moment, Stark’s sister Elena has been talking to Li Cong for about half an hour as a special envoy. People say that they have a peaceful solution for Li Cong. Li Sen can’t see what he is afraid of. If nothing else, just look at the strong soldiers on our side. You have the ability to follow suit. Let's fight it out? Our 1.5 million army can immediately take down the whole of Argentina, but Li has never refused this negotiation, which illustrates a problem. Li Cong has never been a waste of time. There may be a lot of things in the millions of army. What can't be solved is just like now. m【new】

A long time ago, when Li Cong was not very familiar with the woman in front of him, Li Cong knew that this woman was not easy to provoke, but now I know that this woman is really powerful, and the biochemical medicine in his hand really treats Li. I’ve never been scared, shit, if something like this spreads, then it’s normal for the world to become the world in Resident Evil, shit, this earthling is a pervert, and Li has such a thing for earthlings. I feel proud of my ability. On the other hand, I felt scared. The earth people have made great progress in science and technology, but the earth people are even more powerful in biochemical weapons. Li has not studied these things since the beginning, but now he really regrets it. Damn, he has such a powerful mechanization. What is the use of power, but look at people, biochemical power can equalize yourself, and you don’t negotiate with them? Without asking the picture, they put these medicines directly into the sea. There is nothing in the whole world. No matter how you avoid it, you will still be infected unless you don't breathe. Of course, you can go to other planets like Li Cong. Those zombies won't build spaceships.

"Miss Elena, I really didn't expect your Skeletons to have such a powerful thing. I know you will have some biochemical weapons, and I have seen them on the battlefields of Europa and Great Russia, but I never thought about you. There is even this, but if you really let these things out, what good will you do? You will definitely be infected, I know you are scaring me, so I won’t in southern South America Let it out." Li Cong said with a smile. He could see that the person in front of him also wanted to use this, as if it was something like nuclear deterrence to let himself listen to them, but they would use this thing as soon as they had it. Back then, the Americans used nuclear deterrence to make it. I have done a lot of things. If I really support them now, my life will be more difficult to do in the future, and the tens of millions of troops will be nothing.

"Mr. Li, I know that southern South America is very important to you, but didn't you occupy this place to swallow us? But do you really have the ability? If we don't have this potion, I see it for a few years You might be able to swallow us in time. But we have this as if we are an umbrella. Mr. Li can really go to war regardless of anything? When the earth becomes a dead planet, Mr. Li doesn’t care? Right, I know that Mr. Li also has a base outside of the earth, but Mr. Li is a Chinese. I know that you Chinese people like your hometown very much. We all know that there are many humans in this universe, and they all follow We are not the same kind of people. Maybe we will still be allies in the future. According to your Huaxia people, it’s not too anxious to have the same roots.” Elena is also a silly woman from time to time. Flicker passed, so Stark wouldn’t let her come to negotiate with Li Cong. Li Cong knew that a few words were useless. Right now, he still had to eat theirs. Their things were not very good. Fearful, as long as there are samples, Tektronix will soon be able to create something to resist them. Then there will be no fear of them. At the moment, we must quickly end South America. My own loss is not small. Yes, according to their own words, it is necessary to follow the actual armistice line. It seems impossible. They are not willing.

"Hehe, we are a family? It seems a little impossible. Go out and see the corpses of both of us. The lives of millions of people have ended in our hands. I don't think we can be friends anymore, otherwise. There won’t be such a thing. It’s better not to say so far. Let’s just talk about the current situation. Since you took out this thing, then I won’t say anything. We have to keep the current status. Let’s truce together.” Li Cong said forcefully. At this time, he knew he couldn’t back down. If he really backed down, it would not be over in the future. Elena looked at Li Cong in surprise. It is different. When others see these things, they will definitely be scared, but this person is not even scared at all. At this time, he has to negotiate terms with himself. This guy is not easy.

"So Mr. Li is not so afraid of what we have? As I said just now, this thing is like a nuclear weapon. Can a nuclear country and a non-nuclear country be the same?" Elena is somewhat immortal. Asked heartily, he didn't want the shadow of energy groups in South America.

"Hehe, Miss Elena, what you said is right, but you also said that this thing will destroy the entire world. I want the current situation. I will make point A and let you complete your defense. I can’t make any concessions. If you want, we can continue to talk. If you don’t want to, you can put these things in the water, so that our whole world will be finished within a few years. .God created this world. You destroyed this world, Miss Elena, you are the same as God.[]" Li Congge said with a smile, without the slightest panic in that appearance. To be honest, it is Ai panicked at this time. Linna, he never thought that Li Conghui would have such a reaction. This person is not afraid of anything. How can he continue like this? Is it according to Li Cong? But if you don't follow what he said, what can you do? Keep fighting? impossible. Now it is very difficult for the country to deal with this number of casualties. Continued casualties will make the country extremely unstable. This is the biggest problem, and we must now decide. Besides, throw it into the sea? I have never had that idea, and I love the earth.

"Mr. Li, let's make a deal. I can call the shots. If you withdraw from point A, our army will not withdraw. We must be stationed here, but Mr. Li's garrison cannot exceed 500,000." Elena said. It can be considered a concession. Li Cong knows that this is already the biggest concession, if it is relieved. I will definitely not be so kind, let the enemy live under my own nose, but I don’t have such a good mood, and I don’t have such a good mood, I will definitely find a way, they will kill them all, Elena Ken is so It is said that Li Cong also knows another thing. As long as this thing is in Elena's hands, the earth is safe. Although it is also a killer feature, for Elena, he is also unwilling to use this thing. Elena naturally would not have thought that Li Cong would think of so many questions for a while, waiting for Li Cong's answer now.

"Well, Miss Elena is a refreshing one. I won't say anything more. We'll just make a deal. But if I withdraw from the army, if you come directly, I can't bear it. If that's the case, we As long as the fish die and the net is broken, I will cut off your energy supply directly. It will be a cotton war. At that time, I think Miss Elena's hand will not stop me at all." Li Cong said categorically, some things are OK Tolerant, but some things are absolutely unbearable. Originally, Li Cong's idea was to transfer 500,000 guards. Later, after thinking about it, let’s forget it. The guards drew 500,000 for the mainland. It’s not a small thing to say. Besides, the 500,000 guards are much more powerful than the current two million troops. They have all suffered from the losses of the guards, and they will not be so stupid. Maybe it will be more powerful.

Li Sen waited at the door for an hour. Li Congcai walked Elena out. Both sides held a document. The big ones are not as troublesome as the little ones. The two sides can talk. Although Elena is not Stark, Li Cong It was felt that this woman should be more effective than her younger brother in speaking, otherwise he would not sign, Li Cong waved to Li Sen in the distance after sending this woman away. Asking him to come over, Li Sen rushed over, is he ready to attack? But the situation just now seems to have nothing to do with offense.

"Sir? Why? Why is this woman here? Are we ready to attack? The situation on the front line these days is very beneficial to us. If we fight with all our energy, we can definitely kill the enemy's first line of defense. Yes." Li Sen said eagerly, very happy.

"Hehe, Li Sen, you can also see that they are different from the enemies we have encountered before. Europa and Russia are both world powers, but their army? We fought so many battles head-to-head with our army. What happened in the end? It’s not our opponent at all. Now one country is subjugated and becomes our subject. What about the other? Although there are still their establishments, they don’t have much ability now. We want to solve them. It’s also a very simple thing. Only this Skull and Bones is not that simple. How much have we lost now? The total amount of our losses in the past is almost the same as here, but what have we gained? It’s just like this in South America. In a small area, less than one million square kilometers of land, we are still a long way from the base camp of the Skull and Bones. It is too early for us to rush over. If we continue our battle, I think we will need at least a thousand casualties. Only ten thousand people can reach North America. Don’t underestimate these Americans. On the surface, they are very afraid of death, but they will be very powerful when they survive and die.” Li Cong felt it. Li Sen also nodded.

"Mister meant to stop the war? But now we have put in so much effort. Mister has also seen our efforts. If we launch at this time, we are simply sorry to the brothers who have sacrificed, we are so young Sooner or later in South America, they will have to swallow up the territory of South America. This is absolutely not very cost-effective for us." Li Sen said anxiously. His ideas represent most of the military representatives, for the tragic loss They are also very distressed, but they don't want to just give up in this situation.

"Yes, I mean to end this war, to end this war that we may not necessarily win. I have sent something to your mailbox. This thing requires officers above the division level to have the authority, so get their support. "Li Cong patted Li Sen on the shoulder. Just now, Li Cong sent out the virus information. He couldn't help it. The enemy now has an important assassin. If she really insists on fighting, Elena will naturally not care about these things, but what about the others? They will definitely not care about that much, when the time comes...

Li Sen didn't have much time to listen to Li Cong at this time. He quickly went back to read the information. He had a bad feeling and wanted to know what made him so upset.

When Li Cong arrived on the high floor, you can see the entire QWWE base here, and everything here seems a little decayed. It’s all black and black everywhere. It’s not the same as before. The war really should be over. I still have a lot of things to do. Could you tell Li Er that plan can be advanced? Anyway, now the Mars base The construction is also very good, but it can be opened in advance. It is also a very good thing to go to outer space for a while. Li Cong feels happy again when he thinks about it, and forgot the threatening thing just now. [New] People just need to maintain a good attitude, otherwise they cannot live on.

The huge policy changes of the Energy Group and Skull and Bones have made the whole world unable to react a little bit. Why is this? Was it still a scene of endless death, but now it is reconciled immediately? Is the world developing a bit too fast? Are there any rules? If this continues, can everything be settled through negotiation? Especially the soldiers on the front lines of both sides. Although they didn't feel so good, they were afraid in their hearts. But they don’t fight like that and they feel comfortable from time to time. What about the comrades who died? Now they don’t care where they struggled?

There are various voices in the Skull and Bones. The arms dealers who have benefited from the previous war seem to be reluctant to end the current war. They have already imported a large amount of raw materials, and in their opinion, these raw materials can be hundreds. The profits of billions of dollars or even hundreds of billions of dollars. Although the profits during the war were very small, the quantity was very huge. Take missiles as an example. Usually they can sell hundreds of missiles a year. But now one day It can consume so much, sometimes even five or six hundred a day, how much profit they have to make for this amount, now it's good, this kind of thing is directly over.

There are not so many voices within the energy group, even some young and strong army officers are not very satisfied. In the past few years, the energy group’s army has been fighting in the north, but it has never been so lopsided, especially in the country. The troublemakers, at this time, their hearts become uneasy. Is the end of the war directly related to them? I heard people say that now is the best time to solve the Skull and Bones in one fell swoop. If they just give up like this, will they be sinners of the nation when they write the book in the future? At this time one by one was suffering from gains and losses. After the war, they didn't feel like that. However, there was no excessive behavior under Li Cong's high-pressure policy. Just obey the above orders honestly.

Under Li Cong’s instruction, the energy group’s army began to retreat, but the retreating army did not come so quickly. Li Cong said that the energy group can only withdraw 12,000 soldiers every day because of the transportation conditions. They would be dissatisfied with this, but under Elena’s persuasion, they endured it. If this angered Li Cong, Li Cong would not withdraw his troops. Then they would be the one who was unlucky. Could it be that they Do you really think Li Cong can talk so well? This time, Li Cong also felt that their losses were a bit big, otherwise he would not retreat. Even so, the Skull and Bones are now the Skull and Bones from time to time. Now the Energy Group has agreed to withdraw from South America. Yes, but the energy group will still retain half a million troops. Moreover. Some islands on the west coast of the United States have all been lost. Energy groups have newly established many offshore bases. The west coast of the United States is within the range of people’s strikes. If this is not honest, there will be **** disasters sooner or later. Under the guns of others, no matter how you speak It's better to be honest, so they acquiesced to Li Cong's withdrawal plan.

Although the energy group started their withdrawal plan in South America, the defense of the energy group has begun to strengthen in other places. Around Hawaii, the Admiralty of the energy group has selected twelve small islands to establish radar stations, and then around Six places were selected to dispatch huge floating cities on the sea. The locations of these cities are the gathering points of some routes in the sea. It can be said that although the energy group has withdrawn from South America, the energy group controls the ocean and controls the Americas. The control of the Skull and Bones has become stricter. Although the people of the Skull and Bones also know the meaning of the energy group, but they can’t help but now they have nothing to do. Their naval strength is not even comparable to a fraction of the energy group, and naturally they can’t. The end of the war is lightened on the sea again, so I can only endure it. There will be no large-scale military conflicts in the future, but everyone knows that this is an ostrich policy. Don’t you think there is really no danger around here? ? This is definitely not true, but the Skull and Bones at the moment can only take one step. Stark also established a naval revival plan, but at this moment the war has brought the American economy on the verge of bankruptcy. If it were not for their savings over the years, it is estimated that they would not be able to support it at this time, so for this plan, Li Conggeng You don’t care too much. It’s one thing that you have a plan, but whether or not your plan can be realized is another matter.

However, during the war, Li Cong also saw another thing, that is, although the combat effectiveness of the local army is very strong, they often do not know how to deal with it when encountering a war. This shows that they have not experienced wars, especially light weapons wars, so Li Cong made a major decision. From now on, a local army of more than 200,000 divisions must go to Africa every month. Same as before. There is war everywhere, they can be divided into small teams. Exercise in the struggle between the various tribes, and do not ask them to grow much, but they must see what a real war is like. When the province is on the battlefield, there will be a minute to see the dead. Frozen, that is, in that minute, many of their comrades died.

Of course, Argentina and Turki are also very good training locations. Of course, Li Cong will not start a large-scale battle, but conflicts with hundreds of people are still okay. Such a small-scale war is acceptable to both parties. Just let them see what the actual combat looks like. As for the mercenaries, Li never planned to disband them. What is good about having so many idle people in the area? It will naturally be useful to maintain them in the future. For example, it is very good when conquering other backward planets. These people are also very useful. They may have to rebel if they stay home.

After the war, there was another huge change in the submarine force of the Energy Group. In the past, Li Cong knew that the technology of the submarine force was relatively advanced. As for other things, he didn't know much about it, but in the South American War, submarines can be said. It was the main project of the big show. Li Cong also paid great attention to the submarine at this time. This unit is not comparable to other units. They have their own advantages. Therefore, Li Cong specially established a submarine unit. They have nothing to do with other fleets, and all the submarines are newly built, so as not to weaken the strength of the original major fleets, of course they will not have any opinions. Li Cong hopes that this new submarine force can As a traffic interception unit, they usually practice how to entangle large fleets.

This new submarine force has seven large bases and eleven small bases all over the world. The initial establishment is two hundred 8000-ton large submarines and 400 6000-ton small and medium-sized submarines, adding up to 600 submarines. The number is already very strong. Their combat plan is to hold more than 20 aircraft carrier battle groups and kill formations between six to eight aircraft carrier battle groups. All their training is also based on With this, the submarine officers of the energy group in the war also summed up a set of feasible combat methods, which can also be handed over to these people to learn together.

This submarine formation set up for the energy group. Neither Europa nor the Skull and Bones left it alone. They also set up a special anti-submarine team, they also want a submarine team like this, but the price is too high, the 8000-ton nuclear submarine cost more than one billion US dollars, this is no need to think about it, then Conventional submarines also cost 300 million U.S. dollars. There are hundreds of these. What is the concept? Hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars plus the training of officers and soldiers are not worth more than one trillion U.S. dollars. Now they can Take this money out. Do not joke? They don't have that capability, so they can only strengthen the anti-submarine capability of their fleet. Although the war is over, they have entered an environment of military competition. Both felt that this was actually better than going to war.

In terms of unmanned bombers, the Energy Group has also made huge changes. The original small bombers are still retained, and Li Cong asked the Ministry of Science and Technology to make them deformable. A car has also increased its weight by several hundred kilograms. It's nothing. In the future, a four-person combat team can be equipped with such a thing. A four-person combat team includes four submachine guns, four, twenty grenades, and four flash bombs. A 12.7mm vehicle-mounted machine gun, a detachable one, and a 100mm mortar in the trunk, which can be installed in two minutes, carrying 45 rounds, and one such small bomber with 12 rounds. After recovery, you can add ammunition to them once. If there are more, they will not have that ability. After all, the transport capacity of the jeep is only so much. If it's too heavy, it will cause problems and can't run.

Skull and Bones originally had an advanced drone plan. Such things are naturally not rare for them. What they are rare is the cost control of the energy group. Their cheapest drones also cost millions of dollars. How can other energy groups be able to manufacture in large quantities, don't they cost tens of thousands? According to reliable information they received. The energy group is about to manufacture one hundred thousand at a time. According to their price of millions of dollars, this is hundreds of billions of dollars. Even if the energy group is rich, there must be a limit, and it is said that their final quantity will exceed one hundred. Are these people alive?

However, the energy group held two massive military parades in Asia and Africa within two months after the withdrawal. The remote-controlled aircraft above were indeed painted with the logo of the two corps, which made the U.S.-Europe alliance very They were surprised. They never thought that the energy group would have such a strong economic strength. It seems that the energy group they knew before is still a big gap with the current one. Everyone is a little scared now. Fortunately, it was a truce. Otherwise, continue to fight. The energy group played with them. They may not know how to die. At the moment, they have to thank the terrain of southern South America. There is not much battlefield there. The area is too large for the energy group to display. Otherwise, a large-scale battle would involve tens of millions of troops, and they would be unfair.

After everything was over, Li Cong summoned Minister No. 1 of the Investigation Department and No. 2 and No. 3 of Deputy Ministers in the confidential meeting room of the headquarters. Now these three people are absolutely half of Li Cong’s own strength. Send them It is also right to go out and do this. Those who can dispatch the three generals of the energy group at once will only have that one thing after thinking about it. Others do not need the three of them to come together.

"The three of you should also know what this is. This is what the skull and bones threaten me. If we don’t hold this thing in our hands, I don’t think I can sleep but smell it. You three It can be said to be the most powerful person in our group. At present, our investigation department has no news about these things. They will not give us this more important news, so I order you three If you take number 50 and number 100, you go to the United States and find out this base. If you can bring back something like this, it’s the best thing. If you can’t bring it back, it will all be destroyed. In short, this thing cannot be left on the earth. Yes, I will mobilize thousands of local agents to cooperate with you. Is there anything else I need?" Li Cong said directly, Li Cong didn’t need to say anything about his three outstanding subordinates, they all I fully understand that everything they sit now is for the whole group, and there can be no retreat. It is possible to say that it is for all mankind now.

Of course, nuclear weapons can destroy the earth, but only to a certain extent. Nuclear weapons have not destroyed the earth after so many years. But this thing Li Cong absolutely believes that he can destroy the earth. It takes a long time and many processes for nuclear weapons to destroy the earth. Maybe someone can figure out how to escape this catastrophe, but such a thing is impossible to escape at all. It can be spread through water and air. Just like in Resident Evil, many things in movies will become true. Li Cong will never be soft on these things. These things pose too much of a threat to the entire mankind, so they must be taken at all costs. Things are ruined, otherwise it is to yourself. Irresponsible to the entire group and to the entire human race.

Elena is a person in charge, but there are definitely not a few people in the Skull and Bones who know this thing, and most people hope to have this thing. Because with him, you can control the entire world. Although you can’t say 100%, 80% of the people will come to his feet. There are many ambitious people in the Skeleton Club. Now they may not take the risk, but One day when they are in danger, when they are desperate, they will definitely think of this thing. At that time, I am afraid that Elena will not have that great control ability, even Stark will be useless.

"Sir. We will definitely complete the task, and we all know the importance of this thing. Our requirements will be stated in the middle, not now." No.1 said with a smile, and yes, a good executor is They don’t think everything right in front of them, and they don’t have any plans, because now they don’t know anything and any plan is useless. They have to go to the United States to take a step by step. Only then can they know what they need and what help they need, then they will talk to Li Cong, and now they can't say anything.

"Well, very good. Frankly speaking, I was scared when Elena told me these things before. You have been with me for so long. To be honest, I don't know how long I haven't been scared, even if it's me. I was not afraid of those monsters on our planet, because I have the ability to master, but for these people, I am really afraid, we have no way to solve these things, I asked the computer Yes, he can make an antidote, but he has to see the real thing for this thing, and after complex analysis, we can save all the people when we get bigger, and we can save all the people when we get smaller We don’t need to be afraid of the Skull and Bones people, we can kill them directly.” Li Cong said with some emotion, holding the information in his hand. If this thing is published, it is estimated that the whole world will fall into a kind of madness. Wouldn't believe that the things in the movie will become reality, it is incredible.

"Sir, the Americans certainly don’t use them. It’s like nuclear weapons. They had so many nuclear weapons with the Soviet Union, but they were always worried about the Soviets, not only for themselves, which shows that they are both. Some sane people, this time we beat them too hard, and they didn’t have the confidence to withstand our future attacks, otherwise they would definitely not give this out." One comforted Li Congdao, he said Li Cong nodded, he could see and believe that Elena did not want this to exist, but what about the others? The other people are not Elena, and other people have their own ideas. This is why Li Cong has gotten the antidote for this thing. Don't worry.

"The war is now over, and our commercial activities in the U.S. are also resuming. It's okay if you want to use the power of the Ministry of Commerce." Li Cong said before leaving. The group’s various businesses will not stop, but the distribution in various regions has also maintained a minimum number of people. A large number of people have only recently passed from the country. As for the former US employees, many of them worked for the US government. So Li Cong decided that all the people were no longer needed, and they had to be recruited again. Of course, a large number of spies might come in. But these people are novices. Compared with the veterans, they need time to familiarize themselves with all this. , Novices will show a lot of flaws, they may be cleared out of a batch, this is also a small victory.

After sending off these three people, Li Cong returned to his home. Both of his sons were drinking tea in the garden. There were a lot of servants standing next to them. They saw their father coming back. They all stood up and invited their Lao Tzu to drink tea with them. The eldest son became more and more mature. Li Cong felt that it was time to find a young woman for Li Cong. The younger son did a good job in his military career. The opportunity to bring his own reorganizer to Argentina to try, I did not expect Li to end the war so quickly, so that he didn't get anything, don't he start to spend his holiday at home?

"Hehe, it's really rare to see all three of our fathers at home, father, let me ask someone to prepare a few more dishes, and let's have some wine together in the evening?" Li Er looked at his father and said to his brother I haven’t met for a long time before, and the two brothers also had rifts, but Li Cong explained to them, and now there is no misunderstanding between the two people. Some are family affection, and the two brothers also understand , Fighting tiger brothers, fighting father and son soldiers, if the closest people in your family are all in vain, then don't say anything about the future. Who else can believe it?

"Hehe, you are so interested. It just so happens that your second brother is also at home. Okay, let all the people in our family come back. Let's have a family gathering. The number of people should not be too many. Just keep it to a few dozen people." Li Cong smiled and said, these dozens of people refer to people who have direct blood relatives to Li Cong. The current Li family is different from before. This family has tens of thousands of children. If they really come back, Then this party is going to be big. Although there are a lot of people, what makes Li Cong men a headache is that there are too few people like Li Xian, Li Sen and Li Yunhai, and most of them have an annual salary of 10 million yuan. The masters of these days, one by one picking up girls and racing to cause trouble is better than anyone else, but when it comes to serious matters, one is more useless. Although Li Cong has made a lot of determination to rectify it, these people are all I'm used to being lazy. I see Li Cong's sweet mouth one by one, so I always move my grandfather out, the old patriarch and so on. Li Cong has ten thousand thoughts and talks about everything. If he doesn't come out, Grandpa asked himself to take care of the whole family, so he just kicked them all out? That is absolutely impossible, this matter should come slowly. (To be continued...)


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