Energy Group

Chapter 1585:

At this time, sending so-called peace envoys is simply useless. Let alone what role they can play, it will take a long time for planes to fly from Paris and Washington. The conflict between the two sides has been a long time. If you want to persuade you, it might be enough, but only then began to intervene. Obviously, it is a way of doing something. Even the way of doing a show is very ancient. What did you do for such a long time ago? Up? You didn’t do anything. Li never thought of anything else and directly rejected the policy of persuasion from both sides. The Arab League does not have that great ability, but at this time people have already begun to shine. If we back down, it will also be a blow to morale. It is very important, so they thank the two for their efforts to attack the water plant in Section 1585. The rest is hope for peace in the world. How they love peace, why don’t they want to fight anymore They are all the good people, and all the bad things are done by the energy group. Li Cong did not deny that. M()

However, Li received a piece of news later that Europa and the Americans both expressed that they would support them at the right time. Both of them have played against the energy group in the past, and neither of them has achieved the expected results One by one, they will definitely not go to the front desk again. At this time, the Arab League’s willingness to emerge is simply a great help to them. There is no problem with weapons. Some of them are not so good if they leave the army. Now, they don’t have the guts to confront the energy group, but don’t the energy group have mercenaries? They can also find a way to do it. It’s just that economically underdeveloped countries go to economically developed countries to find mercenaries. This seems to be a little complex logic, but what else can be taken into consideration now, the Arab League is now the only large-scale power remaining in the world, if they also fall, the whole world will be a real three-nation strategy, and then Europa When the Americans attacked the water plant in Section 1585, they would be killed in the same way as Wu and Shu. Therefore, they must support the war in Arab countries so that they can take advantage of this time to lick their wounds and prepare for the upcoming larger-scale battle.

Li Cong would not have any opinion on their secretly small actions. Since there is going to be a war, since this is the situation in the world now, and since you all want to unite, I have nothing to say. We have never been a person who is afraid of things, and we have never been afraid of your joint efforts. We are all acceptable. As long as you have the courage to let go, let’s go side by side.

The US-Europe League will not directly say how it is with the Arab League. Just pay close attention to the battlefield situation, because the Americans are too far away from here, so a large number of supplies are stored in Europa. As long as there is a chance, they will send them there. Now the energy group puts them all It has been sealed off, and no entry is allowed. This is not a big blow to the local area. If you don't open the station, there will probably be nothing at all. After all, their local economy has a great connection with the world economy from time to time, but it can’t always be like this. After all, there is some external assistance. The Arab League also knows that it’s a waste of time to talk nonsense with Li Cong. They start to use themselves. The ability of Zhengjun began to prepare for war, and the people of the energy group should not be taken down by them.

The economy of the Arab League is not very good. However, the military power in this area is not very weak, under the call of God. Immediately more than 12 million people entered the army, plus their standing army of 2 million. They can quickly have an army of 15 million, and their armies are very powerful. Everyone does not need some basic training to go into battle, and they are fighting locally, and they have nothing to do with some terrain. They are purging them, but their disadvantages are also very obvious. Their new weapons are too few, and they do not account for 10% of the total. Take their artillery for example, many of them are last ones. Things from the 1980s, these things are still manual now. It’s good to be able to shoot five shells per minute. They are almost incomparable with the artillery of the energy group. Besides, tanks, because the local area is desert. Therefore, their tank forces have not developed much. The entire army has less than four thousand tanks, and they are all old-fashioned, and they have no new weapons at all. But with such weapons and equipment, they also defeated the millions of Russian troops in the past. , But this time their opponent is not Great Russia, and there are several million people.

At the last minute when the three-hour deadline was approaching, the Arab League announced their decision. They believed that this land could only be ruled by themselves, and they would not give this land to anyone. Unless all of their people of God are dead, otherwise, they will definitely not succumb. They must take good care of the land given to them by their ancestors. This land on which they can live, they They have to fight against the energy group’s army to the end. According to the energy group’s two-way offensive strategy, they are also preparing to dispatch a two-way army. As for the navy, they don’t have that ability. Their navies are small ships. The ship is two to three thousand tons, which is not comparable to the navy of the energy group. Of course, people don't care about the navy. If they don't go to the sea, can your navy be able to run on land?

Three hours later, Li Cong’s front-line troops of the energy group split into two groups and began to cross the border. They did not encounter any resistance near the border. Even if there was a small amount of resistance, they were all in vain. Look at them one by one. The army immediately retreated, that is, when the North Road army arrived in the border city of QAZX, it encountered the Arab League’s first resistance point here. There was a defensive position composed of 350,000 troops. The Energy Group Army requested the army. Don't attack them for now, and wait for the later orders of the military.

At this time, the qazx army has also entered a state of combat. They usually deal with guns, but it is definitely the first time that they have dealt with such a steel torrent fighter. At this moment, they saw the energy group's army a little dumbfounded. , What's the matter, at most they have some tanks and so on. This time the army has expanded so much. Many people came by camels. Looking at the number of troops, it seems that this number is the same as mentioned above. Something is different. Didn't it mean that there were only hundreds of thousands of people, but it seemed that the long line could not be stopped by hundreds of thousands. However, Arab soldiers never know what fear is. They can go up alone with a bomb. This kind of thing seems to them like eating. They are not afraid of anyone's threat. No one will do.

Desert warfare is not the strength of the energy group. Only the African army has trained in the desert, and other armies will soon have all kinds of complicated things happening here, so the military department immediately made an important decision. They made a quick battle. The QAZX city must be laid down within three days, and it must be laid down intact. Many things here need to be preserved and are of historical value. If a historic city is destroyed like this, the energy group’s sins will be serious. After leaving, the commander on the front line glanced at the enemy's line of defense. It should be no problem if he was more careful. Their line of defense is 20 kilometers away from the city. It is impossible to damage the city at this distance. After a short break for two hours, the energy group’s siege team began to gather, and the Arab army began to become nervous. They had to face the world’s number one army and said they were not afraid. Reading novels (the fastest update) is not nervous, maybe they can't believe it.

Originally, the Arab League’s military had to look at the jokes of the energy group’s military. The most important thing in desert combat itself is the problem of water sources, and millions of troops have just entered. Entering the desert, don’t they lack water? How much water do they need a day? Many people in the Arab League think that the energy group’s army doesn’t know how to get water from the desert, and they don’t know where. There are underground rivers. If they want to test transportation to win the desert war, these people's brains are really too silly. Everyone wants to use this to make jokes. Who knows that the energy group will surprise them.

At the beginning, the experts of the Energy Group did not find the location of the surrounding groundwater sources, but the huge air transportation capacity of the Energy Group made them dumbfounded. They have never seen such a huge transport plane in their entire life, which can transport three thousand people at a time. The transport plane can carry drinking water for tens of thousands of people at one time, and water can be supplied in Egypt or Turki. There is no problem if the plane comes dozens of times a day. Of course, this is only the first time. The experts of the group surprised them even more. They have lived here all their lives, but they never thought that there would be water at their feet. When they saw the energy group producing water, they were dumbfounded. This place is not The wizard said the area of ​​the devil, isn’t there absolutely no water source here? How did these people get it out.

The water source problem was solved, and the order came down again, and they no longer waited. The energy group's offensive started when the sun was at its highest at noon. There are many ancient things in the city, and it is absolutely impossible to enter the air raid. , But you can’t enter the air raid. I don’t say that you can’t send people in directly. More than 20,000 people in a city as a battle group took 1,600 large helicopters and started their landing. There are two gunships at several major intersections in the city. Looking around at the intersection, once they found a suspicious person, they would switch the heavy machine gun on the plane to a fire, and the soldiers on the large transport plane began to land quickly. Their task was to occupy and control this place. , Because many soldiers have gone outside the city at this time, and they don’t want to burn the war into their city, so they have to solve the battle outside the city, but they did not expect the enemy to be so cunning. They sent troops in directly, and when they wanted to return, it was too late.

On the frontal battlefield, tens of thousands of tanks and armored vehicles of various types are advancing quickly. Some traps they set up have no effect on these armored torrents. Maybe one, two or two are not ready. They went in, but the ones behind, they couldn’t have all the tanks and armored vehicles stuck in. A large number of soldiers took their submachine guns and fired at the tanks. As a result, they were all killed, and soon more soldiers. Just like when they dealt with the Great Russian army, they lurked in the sand, and then they suddenly detonated the explosives under their bodies and killed themselves with the tanks. When the Great Russian army attacked, this kind of enlargement made the big The Russian army has suffered a lot. Many of them have suffered heavy losses, but what about today? Their people are just as dead. But the tanks in front of them didn't seem to be damaged at all, and even the fragile tracks were not damaged at this time. They were dumbfounded. How is this going?

What they don't know is that this is the latest tank of the Energy Group. On the surface, there is no Apocalypse tank, but his defensive ability is amazing. They used a mixture of a kind of metal from outer space and steel on the earth. Even the hardest steel on the earth can be regarded as a child compared to them. Not to mention the explosives on them, just a car of explosives can kill. They are considered to have gone far by themselves, so these tanks are deadly to charge. They don’t want their lives, but they don’t need to worry at all. If they fight with the Americans, they may need to be afraid of some special American shells. But this is the Middle East, and there can’t be such expensive weapons here, so they simply No need to worry about these little mosquitoes, of course. Tanks have this ability. The armored vehicles are gone. Their suicidal actions have caused a lot of trouble to the armored vehicles. Many armored vehicles have been bombed and shattered, and there is no human being. In this way, they have not been able to stop the attack by the energy group.

Three days? Taking down this city in three days is simply too worthy of these troops. In less than three hours, the entire city's outer fortifications have all fallen. Most of the Arab troops have already ran into the city, and they have already received the news. It is safe in the city, because their city has a deep Arab culture. The Energy Group will not destroy these things. In their opinion, these things need to be preserved. Then they will be safe as long as they stay in the city honestly. Indeed, the Energy Group is There is no way at all. If shelling of the city is allowed, then the high-level army can guarantee that it does not take three days or half a day of shelling to turn the entire city into a waste area, so it is estimated that the high-level group will not Willing.

Just when all the Arab League troops were happy, the energy group occupying forces issued an order to give all soldiers and residents in the city two hours so that they can take their own things out of the city, then they will still The common people will not do anything to them, but if you don’t come out in two hours, then the energy group will spray the whole city with chemicals. Although these things will not kill you, and there will be biochemical weapons from time to time. But it can make you fall asleep for more than ten hours. When you are all asleep, the army will go in. Everyone you see will be regarded as resisters. The resisters cannot survive. In order to verify the energy group With this statement, the Energy Group decided to demonstrate to a community in the north and issued an ultimatum to the thousands of people in it that they would withdraw within half an hour, otherwise they would take action. As a result, there were no people in this community. Some of them want to go out, but look at the soldiers around them. If they go out at this time, they are probably betraying their country. It’s strange that these soldiers don’t want their lives. Look. They trembled, it is estimated that they do not understand this.

After half an hour, no one inside came out. At this time, the people of the energy group started to do things. Almost all the people in the city are observing these. Of course, foreign reporters are also lucky enough to come and observe. To see what the energy group can do to not destroy the city and make those people fall asleep, the military personnel of the energy group start to dispense medicines in front of foreign reporters. These things are very common things, even in some pharmacies. Yes, they are all sleeping pills and the like. The energy group dissolves them in water. As long as the amount of medicine is increased a lot, many medical experts have also come to conduct tests and prove that these things are only used to accelerate people’s sleep. Yes, it doesn’t hurt the body or anything. It’s not a simple thing to release these things. You can do it indoors, but it’s outdoor. You can’t keep it anyway. The wind flew away immediately. Everyone was watching what the Energy Group would do. Do they have a way?

The people of the energy group did not disappoint people all over the world. They first took off a batch of remote-controlled planes. None of their planes carried bombs, and they all carried a few guns. They started shooting when they saw people on the road, of course. The people below would also fight back, but they all arrived in the house. At this time, another batch of helicopters also came, and they were carrying some jets. A large amount of misty objects were sprayed directly into the broken glass. If there was a little airplane, everyone would not be afraid, but now there are hundreds of airplanes dealing with a community with only a few thousand people. In addition, there are no more than 10,000 soldiers inside. These planes directly sprayed these medicines into the room. Sure enough, many people began to fall down, even if they were holding wet towels. Their survival time indoors is very long. If it doesn't work, their helicopters will come one more time, and the people inside will eventually **** in some, but not outside. But if anyone goes out, those helicopters are not a joke, and the spraying of the helicopters starts from below, and the windows are broken by them one by one, and then they start to spray such drugs in. It took less than twenty minutes. The people inside were at least 90% drowsy, and the troops surrounded the community. They started monitoring one by one. What if there are 10% of people left? In the face of superior forces, and there are such sleeping potions everywhere, you may inhale some of them accidentally, and then fall asleep. Of course, the energy group did not kill all these people, but wears them. All the people in military uniforms were loaded and transported back. The frontline needs a lot of labor, so these people cannot just die like that. They have more uses.

After seeing the energy group doing things like this, these people really started to be afraid. They didn't expect the energy group to kill a community at the cost of less than five people. Now it’s time for the whole city to make a decision. Many people are dumbfounded at this time. If they go out of their own accord, they may still have discussions. If they are asked to carry it out, what will be the result? They have said everything in it. People are likely to be war criminals, and they have the right to kill them. Although they believe in a great Lord, their life is not as important as their own life. At this time, it is better to be honest, and not after the community siege is over. In an hour, 50,000 people have come out of the entire city. Among them, 20,000 are not Arabs. They are all local foreigners. They wanted to come out a long time ago, but they were also curious about energy. In the end, the group is responsible for doing things like that. I understand at this moment. If you continue to stay inside, you are looking for death. You should come out first while you have an identity.

The front-line commander looked at these people. Do you think you could enjoy the treatment of this and that if you came out early? Lao Tzu is not so kind, so I will give Lao Tzu and no labor for a while. Where is Lao Tzu has a lot of work, these things cannot be done by our own people, you are just suitable, until the end of the time At that time, there were still 50% of the people in the city, and they had already prepared a way to deal with it. They were all in some relatively small rooms, and some were equipped with some gas masks. You can say this The preparations are still well done. There is only one exit where they are. As long as they don’t want to come out, it’s not so easy to catch them. These people count as killing one by one. This was the idea of ​​the previous hundreds of thousands of diehard members of the Pope on the battlefield of Turki, but here, in addition to the army, there are many people who have this idea. This can be seen. How difficult it is for these people to change their minds.

Naturally, the energy group will not just rush in. If it does, it will be blocked by them, but there are some things that must be done. Since you are all locked up, then even more. Okay, we don’t need to go in, just put a monitor at the intersection, and spray a high degree of potion in a manned building, and then close the gates. If you want to come out, you can get them one by one. If you can’t cooperate with us, then I’m sorry you, you can only sleep in it all the time. Of course, if you have the ability to hibernate like animals, you don’t need to eat or drink. But you don’t have that ability? Then you can only come out and surrender. There are no other people in the whole city. You can only find an energy group.

And there are no guards from the energy group on the road, and they will not go in. They only come back when the camera is established. There will always be tens of thousands of cameras in a city when you find someone. You can break out. Yes, but immediately there will be a helicopter in the sky spraying potions. Maybe you will take a rest directly on the street, but when you wake up, you will no longer be where you were. You have reached a quieter place. This is the POW camp built by the Energy Group in the desert. You have food to eat. But you have to do coolies here.

In the beginning, these people didn't really appreciate this approach, but problems came up after the next day. The houses they entered were all temporary, and there was no preparation at all. The energy group cut off the water supply to the entire city again. If you don’t eat for a while, you might be able to hold on for a while, but if you don’t drink water in the 30-degree weather, this is not a joke, people It will be very uncomfortable. Although there may be water in your hidden house, those things may have been contaminated. If you drink it, things will inevitably happen. At the beginning, not many people went out, only a few dozen. That's it, but more and more with the increase of time, the city still has an army of 200,000 bonuses and more than a hundred thousand ordinary people. These ordinary people are the first to be unbearable. They swarmed to the bottom of the video, asking for water to drink, and saying that they had already surrendered, and then they would immediately fly in a helicopter to guide them out of the city.

Near the edge of the city, a large number of soldiers were already aiming at them with guns, and if one of them was a bully, they would shoot immediately. I can't blame them for being a soldier. In the morning, some soldiers were mixed in the crowd. When they arrived at the door, they immediately pulled away the bombs on their bodies. These people are all radicals. They don’t care about anyone’s life or death. They just need to pay attention to their ideals. As long as the soldiers who can kill the energy group ask them to do anything, it’s just because of i. The reason is that the energy group has begun to pay attention to the investigation of the captives.

These Arabs are not the same as people in other places. They don’t take their lives so seriously. After talking to these foreigners with the first group here, they realized that they usually do business here and treat themselves. The employees under his staff can give you the same confession as his grandfather. Otherwise, they will immediately bring you some riots. Although they don’t know how to guarantee their rights, they know that violence is violent. Eating is as simple as eating. They are very lazy and rarely work. They don’t want to do anything even for their own livelihood. But these people like to participate in things that cause trouble. Some people say they are all Some troublemakers told a boss that there were less than two hundred people in his factory, but when they came to negotiate with them, there were thousands of people, many of them were nearby passers-by. I heard that someone bullied them. The Arab brothers, one by one, immediately threw down their work and came to help. This was impossible before, but it is normal here.

This cleanup work took more than 20 hours before the entire city was cleaned up, but about thousands of people fled into the desert like that. They didn’t bring any supplies, and they entered the desert. There is a dead end. These people will not surrender even if they die. They are the core strength of these people. They have not sent people to chase after them. Desert Ash takes care of them very well.

After the Northern Army settled these issues, Wang Nan continued to push forward. The Arab League never thought that a city as big as the north would have fallen so badly after three days. They are more willing to believe that today is April Fool's Day, but Newspapers all over the world will not lie to them. One of the photos was taken by a captain of the energy group. Behind them is the most famous building in the area, and several experts have already said that this is simply synthetic. The photos, these are all facts, and they have to face it. Just when they were worried about things in the north, something went wrong in the south. I thought that the energy group had only two troops. Who knew there was another way to the south? , A division of the Energy Group, the Marine Corps landed from here, hundreds of thousands of people and their equipment landed like that, they will cross the entire desert, and then rush into the original Saudi Arabia boundary, immediately The Arab League is dumbfounded. They have no troops at this moment. Now they only have hundreds of thousands of people who have not been trained to use them. But these people are some children or old people. If they all die, maybe They all have problems with the continuation of the Arab nation.

Several aircraft carrier formations along the southern coast gathered thousands of planes and began bombing cities full of bombs from south to north. Air defense alarms were sounded in more than a dozen cities that day. In many cities, some people with less strong will began to show fear. Many troops have deserted. The government will not believe that they were excellent soldiers when they resisted Great Russia a few years ago. Why did it take so long to become so timid? In fact, these soldiers can't be blamed, mainly because the people here have also learned about the outside world, when Great Russia started the war. The international community did not support him one by one, and even secretly stumbled him. At that time, the national power of Great Russia was just fine on the outside, but it was pretty good on the inside. The Great Russia at that time was completely different. The strength of the current energy group is stronger than that of Great Russia at that time. Great Russia can only look at it honestly.

Moreover, the current international situation is completely different from that time. The current international situation is that the energy group is the world’s largest hegemon. No one dares to compete with them for the world. Now the Americans and Europa are just sending Those who were brought into foster care to pull them down, the mercenaries said they sounded very nice, but in fact, they won so quickly when they heard that the North Energy Group. It stopped immediately. What do the people in their country know about this? They can't continue, let their country be brought into danger, and the people's will to war in Arab countries has been hit.

At this time, Li Cong saw another aspect. He felt that he might not need to continue to fight so slowly to destroy their will. Li Cong announced to the media around the world that he would use the African Air Force to carry out the largest event in history. In the air strikes, 1,500 bombers capable of carrying 50 tons of explosives will carry out 24-hour uninterrupted bombing of the entire Arab League. At the same time, 6,000 fighter jets of the African Army Air Force will carry out targeted clearance of 15,200 military targets of the Arab League. There will also be 50,000 remote-controlled helicopters cooperating with this operation, which will send 300,000 tons of bombs to the Arab League within a day. I hope they can stick to the Lord, Li Cong wishes the brave Arab League people can bear the Lord, the news came out, and Li Cong immediately became a czar or a servant. In fact, Li Cong just didn’t announce. , 300,000 tons of bombs will also go down in the next few days, but the total shock of this number will come out immediately. As long as you are not a fool, you can know that after this round of bombing is completed What will the Arab League look like? Some people in the Arab League are already prepared to flee the city, and some are calculating how to surrender.

Some officials have already started activities at this time. They still have some overseas connections. Can they take this opportunity to go out and go to Europe and the United States, where they still have a lot of their own assets.

In the morning, according to what Li Cong said, 15,000 remote-controlled helicopters carrying 15,000 tons of bombs began to attack RRTT, the capital of the Arab League. This is a new city established by the Arab League. The city’s air defense work is still good. The air strike caused the energy group to lose about one-tenth of its bombers, but the next high-altitude strategic bomber bombing made it less easy here. Nearly 50,000 tons of bombs, the city was directly bombed beyond recognition, at noon. At the time, it was difficult to find a building higher than six stories in this city, and you can see how devastating the energy group is.

Of course, this is not over yet. At noon that day, the largest desalination plant in the Arab League was violently bombarded by the energy group. Three navy battleships fired 226 1.5-ton shells at the plant. There was no complete plant in the entire plant. Construction was completed, and hundreds of workers were killed on the spot. The factory can supply nearly 9 million fresh water every day. Now he has closed its doors directly. Water shortages have begun to appear in many places around, and people are everywhere preparing to carry some things. To grab the water, the people in some places took the submachine guns and started to fill the streets. This is also a feature of them here. Nothing can come as fast as the barrel of a gun. The local army quickly joined this. Li Cong really did not expect a factory to bring such an effect.

Immediately, the Energy Group’s Occupying Army Command turned some of the water plants and desalination plants in the entire country into its most important goals. The government building had no effect if it collapsed. At most, it was the officials who replaced them. Just work in one place, and the people will still not make trouble, but without water, what will happen to a country in the desert? The common people couldn’t do without drinking water for a day. The Air Force immediately allocated 1,200 fast-flying and relatively large-carrying aircraft to bomb the water plants of the entire country. Ten hours later, half of the Arab countries. The above faucets won’t flow anymore. The water turmoil in the original city spread out immediately. The good guys were cruel to the people outside and unambiguous to their own people. The satellite shot some people. He took a submachine gun and shot at the supermarket who was grabbing water. After killing more than a dozen people and then swaying away with a car of water, their police could only watch from a distance. If you don't have the guts to take charge, most of the people in this country have a history, and being a policeman doesn't necessarily have the guts to control everyone in this suit.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Occupy Command immediately began bombing the nation’s things related to people’s livelihood. At the beginning, it paid attention to military installations. In fact, in this country, the things the people use may be the most important thing. Things, because this country is different from other countries. They need some daily necessities. Li never thought that such a decision would allow him to end the war so early, nor did he expect that the powerful League of Arab States would succumb to him so quickly. . Rs! ! !

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