Energy Group

Chapter 1591:

In fact, it doesn’t take five hours. The U.S.-European coalition forces in the city have been frightened at this moment. They got the latest news that two aircraft carrier battle groups in the energy group’s fleet have arrived in the Baltic Sea. They are Where can they attack St. Petersburg? In this case, their back lanes may be fired. This is far more terrifying for them than the energy group in front of them. The fleet in the Baltic Sea is not the two. Only the opponents of the aircraft carrier fleet, what they want at the moment is to retreat, hurry up and join the large forces behind them, and they can’t be eaten by Li Yin, knowing that they are preparing to retreat, and Li Yin has not sent an army. They were chasing after them because Li Yin also received a report that they were moving too fast, and the other two armies simply did not keep up with them. If they keep advancing at this speed, it is estimated that tomorrow will be alone. At that time, they might be in danger. Li Yin ordered the troops to rest for a day, and at the same time cleared out all the enemies in the city. At the same time, he waited for the two troops and discussed with them so that they could attack St. Petersburg together. m[Just read a novel~]

Regarding the retreat of the US-European coalition forces, the new Soviet army spit out, they cannot retreat. At present, if they are not diehard members of the new Soviet Union, they will definitely not be here, because this indicates that they may be lost. For their own lives, they did not retreat with the US-Europe coalition forces, but used their bodies to defend their non-existent country, because they were not recognized by other countries. So this country is not established internationally.

Millions of people in the army of the new Soviet Union seem to be crazy right now. They received the above slogan, to defend against the enemy, their hundreds of thousands of troops rushed out from everywhere like ants, they no longer hide, they don't want to be cowards, they want to follow their predecessors In the same way, to die with the enemy, the energy group was really scared by these people at the beginning. Damn, how could this seem to be back decades ago. These people rushed up without the cover of any armored force. The soldiers of the energy group thought these people were stupid. Many people directly took submachine guns and shot at the tanks of the energy group, but because the distance was too close The reason for too many people around. All of their bullets injured their own people because of the ricochet. The other people had nothing to do. Although they caused some casualties to their own people, they felt that under the propaganda of those crazy slogans This is nothing. They sacrificed their lives for the great defense of St. Petersburg. It is because of this idea that these people rushed forward without fear of death. Millions of people forced themselves into the energy group. Li Yin was also frightened by the two kilometers behind his tank troops, shit. After the order to fight back, the battlefield became one-sided. More than a dozen soldiers from the new Soviet Union shot at the soldiers of the energy group on the roof. The answer to them was a few rounds of shells. The building was blown up.

Although the army of the new Soviet Union is very brave, they are more than brave but they do not have large-scale large-scale weapons. Their large-scale weapons have been named during the bombing. In fact, they did not want to rush up like this, but they had no other way. . On another square in the city, tens of thousands of new Soviet soldiers are responsible for guarding this place. The officers and soldiers of the special combat division in charge of the offensive are operating 12.7mm heavy machine guns and shooting at the crowd, and these people are so undaunted to die. Rushing forward, many people rushed up in some civilian cars. The defensive power of those civilian cars can basically be said to be lacking, and they were directly penetrated by bullets on the way. It is impossible for anyone to rush up. In this way, 300,000 people died, the corpses became mountains, and blood flowed into rivers. They also failed to stop the energy group special forces from advancing. The special forces only suffered less than two thousand casualties. I still won the city. There is no line of defense within 180 kilometers from St. Petersburg to here. At this moment, St. Petersburg is like the food in Li Yin's hands. You can eat it whenever you want, whatever you want. You can eat whatever you want.

The new Soviet government is also greatly disappointed. Now the entire new Soviet Union is being fought by Li Yin’s special fighters, and there is no resistance to resistance. Now the whole lot of people cannot see their tomorrow. They all feel that they are now. No matter what the U.S.-Europe Union people say, they just don’t want to organize any more troops, because one-forty of their people are already dead in the army. They can’t continue like this. They want Responsible for the Slavic peoples, so they decided to make St. Petersburg an undefended city, hoping that the energy group would not have to take war measures against St. Petersburg, and that such a historic city could be left behind. They perished their country and they recognized it.

No one would have thought that the new Soviet Union, which used to shout such slogans so badly before, would be so useless now, and it would have surrendered so much. When their mission arrived at Li Yin’s headquarters, Li Yin was still studying how to attack this place. As for historical cities, you must know that the invincible Nazi army capsized here, and you can’t be like them. So everything needs to be strictly considered. I didn’t expect the enemy to send a surrender letter. Li Yin thought This is the enemy’s postponement plan. Unexpectedly, the enemy’s military defense map and a large number of weapons and ammunition in the city are all concentrated in front of the position. As long as the energy group’s army advances a few steps, all their weapons can be collected. Li Yin was caught off guard.

"Grandma's, boss, our special combat division has been formed for so long, and finally got a chance to fight. I didn't expect them to surrender. Didn't you see the formation yesterday? The same thing is going to rush up, good guys, many of my soldiers have never seen such a formation, that human lives are worth less than ants’ lives, what does the dead person count? I really didn’t expect them to put them so quickly This is over. These people knew that if they were going to surrender today, what did they do so hard yesterday? This backbone is so powerful. They left too fast." A commander of the special combat division looked at the surrender book before him. Said. He saw yesterday’s resistance with his own eyes. When he came over in the morning, he was very scared and told Li Yin that if tens of millions of people in the entire city played such a tactic, even if they could defeat St. Petersburg, it was estimated that in the end, It will make a name for a servant, and this unit will become bloody. [Just read the novel~]

"Hehe, we didn't expect this thing. I also thought we would have serious casualties in front of the city of St. Petersburg. I didn't expect that they would not have the courage. In this case, I think we should not waste time. Order the frontier troops to gather and rectify and immediately drive into the city. The brothers have a lot of thoughts, and these old men can't all believe them. The troops in the rear should not enter the city. Once the front army controls the entire city, then enter the city. If an accident happens, the whole army will withdraw immediately and slaughter me the city. If nothing happens, we can rest in the best hotel in St. Petersburg tonight.” Li Yin said with a smile, not just his men, but He did not expect it to be that simple.

All the subordinates agreed. The chief military officers on the forward positions immediately passed by in a helicopter. It was the first time they encountered such a thing. They have come to occupy you, and there are still people who do not resist. Could it be that they resisted yesterday? It's too intense. I don't have the courage anymore, what's the matter? However, since the boss has given the order, of course the one you sent to us is disrespectful. They are not on the battlefield for the first time. They can see clearly what the enemy's mentality is, and immediately after entering the city, we will generate electricity for the troops behind. Now, you can come in. All of them did not place any traps. On the Independence Square inside the city, New Soviet President Chekov handed over his sword to Li Yin. At the same time, the two hundred thousand new Soviet troops were also separated. Surrendered to Li Yin's army in several places. Their 19.5 billion U.S. dollars in cash and 30 billion U.S. dollars worth of things were also given to Li Yin’s special fighters. As for the interior of the city, apart from accepting some public property, Li Yin did not let his soldiers come here. It may be an important city in the empire in the future. It's better not to mess around, or the boss at the headquarters will be anxious. I can't eat it and walk around.

The other two offensive troops were dumbfounded when they received this news. What's the situation? Obviously, the new Soviet army in front of them did not receive this news. They were still fighting. Why did they surrender in a while? They did not like the new Soviet army in St. Petersburg. They chose to continue the confrontation. With aid, these hundreds of thousands of troops can only be annihilated individually. Most of the troops don’t understand. How could the government that asked them to resist to the death a few hours ago surrender? It’s not about the restoration of the former Soviet Union. The magnificence of the period, we all don’t even want a small life for that dream. Why are you scared by Li Yin’s special fighters? Are your heads so valuable? To be honest, many front-line soldiers and officers don’t really want to kill the enemy in front of them. They really want to kill Chekov with a submachine gun. What do you say, your impassioned language What does it represent? It means that you are a person who is afraid of death.

The U.S.-Europe Union was also really surprised by the new Soviet Union. How much did they throw into it? The Americans had provided hundreds of billions of dollars in supplies and cash to the new Soviet Union before and after, and Europa had to have more than 80 billion. They imagined that the current energy group was the Nazi Germany back then, and the current Soviet Union was the Soviet Union at that time. Weapons are paid for, and the Soviet Union has people. They hope that there will be a war like this. But now they understand that the times are completely different from that time. At that time, their overall strength was much stronger than the Nazis, but The new "Nazis" now are much stronger than them, and the Soviet Union now is completely different from that time. They seem to be less caring about the country's responsibilities than before, and the country seems to be inferior to their mentality. Their lives are important, and it can be seen from these several battles that they are afraid of casualties, especially that **** Chekov, who looked like a good guy, did not expect to surrender.

Because of the surrender of the new Soviet Union, millions of American and European forces began to retreat at full speed. They don’t want to have an encounter with the most elite special forces of the energy group without the help of locals. This time Europa mobilized once again in their territory. Three million troops were temporarily organized. In this way, four million troops across the country can be deployed to the front lines, and the Americans immediately added 1 million people to the European continent, and the number of American expeditionary forces reached a record 2.9 million. Speed ​​Energy Group is also a little surprised, good guys. In a while, they organized 6 million troops on the thousands of kilometers front in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and they also drew hundreds of thousands of troops from the country. Quickly attack the major military bases of the energy group behind them. Because of the previous retreat, Li Cong is now ready to give up on these bases. From the beginning, Li Cong said that he would give these places to the new Soviet Union. Li Cong is about to abandon these places. All the bases here are not large-scale, and the largest number is only tens of thousands of people. It is impossible for them to defend in the face of such a large-scale war. Since I know it is something to send to death, there is no need to let the brothers die here. It is also a way for them to retreat early to preserve their strength.

Of course, the large number of Soviets in Ukraine and Belarus did not choose to follow the surrendering government of St. Petersburg. They chose to follow the U.S.-Europe Union, and announced that they joined the U.S.-Europe Union on the same day, and they wanted to organize one more than one million in the shortest time Human forces came to resist the invading army and to defend the safety of their own hometown. When they stated their position that evening, thousands of planes from the energy group visited their transportation hub, large manufacturing plants, etc. Military items. Throwing down tens of thousands of tons of bombs made the two countries that did not have the founding war immediately dumbfounded. They felt that they were a bit too sloppy, but in order to prevent the same situation as the new Soviet Union, Europa’s three A hundred thousand troops have already lived in these two countries. It is impossible for them to repent now. The U.S. and European Union will not want to, and they also told the local people how fierce the energy group’s people are. They want to slaughter the city. (Just read the novel.)

Li Yin just let his air force start air raids on these few countries and regions cooperating with the U.S.-Europe alliance. At this moment, his army does not have air control over them. Because after the new Soviet Union announced its participation in the energy group, their neighbor to the north, Finland, also announced that they would disarm themselves and welcome the entry of the energy group's troops. This is something that all the energy group seniors did not expect. This Finn is really enlightened, not bad. Li Yin's special forces are naturally impossible for combat troops to dispatch troops to take care of such things. The mercenaries who followed the drought immediately came out, and they were responsible for going to Finland to take over the defense of Finland.

Finland is located in the northern part of Europe, bordering Sweden, Norway, Russia, the Gulf of Finland to the south, and the Gulf of Bothnia to the west. It has a coastline of 1,100 kilometers and is known as the "country of a thousand lakes". The earliest inhabitants of Finland were Lap people, so Finland is also called Lapland. After the Finns moved in, they established the Grand Duchy of Finland. It was ruled by Sweden in the second half of the twelfth century. After the Russian-Swiss War in 1809, it merged with Russia and became a Grand Duchy. The Republic of Finland declared independence in December 1917. Finland is a highly developed country in the world, with per capita output much higher than the EU average, and its citizens enjoy an extremely high standard of quality of life. In recent years, the energy group and Finland's economy and trade have developed rapidly, and the energy group is Finland's most important trading partner in Asia. At the same time, Finland is also the energy group’s most important trading partner in Northern Europe, and the energy group’s second largest technology transferer in Northern Europe. It is precisely because of the long-term cooperation between the two parties that they know the energy group’s capabilities and they will not Confronting the energy group, they chose to obey.

Finland is one of the northern countries in the world. A quarter of the country’s territory is in the Arctic Circle. The winter is cold; the summer has a mild climate, with an average temperature of 13~17 degrees. The sunshine duration is long. Not fall. Transparency International, a non-governmental organization that monitors the behavior of countries around the world, published the 2052 Global Index Report. Among 176 countries and regions, Finland ranked first and was the cleanest country. Taking over such a country is more beneficial to energy groups. Cons.

The population is approximately 25.32 million (the end of 2049). Finland has two official languages: Finnish, spoken by 93% of the population, and Swedish, the mother tongue of 6%. The minority population includes Sami, Russians, Jews, etc. Most Finns (89%) believe in Christian Lutheranism, and about 1% of the population believe in Orthodox Church. The rest includes a small number of Christians from other sects of Protestantism, Roman Catholics, Muslims and Jews. Approximately 12% of the population needed to be resettled after the Winter War. War reparations, unemployment issues, and uncertainty about Finland’s prospects for maintaining independence caused large numbers of immigrants to leave Finland in the 1970s. In the 1990s, the Warsaw Pact was dissolved. After the great changes in Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Finland has begun to accept a large number of refugees and immigrants. Several wars have not affected this place, so their living standards have begun to grow steadily. It is now the most developed area in the entire Europa region, although it has also joined Europa before. However, due to the local conservativeness, Europa’s tentacles have not been fully extended. If the energy group wants to take over, there is no need for large-scale clean-up activities, just the establishment of some necessary institutions.

The capital Helsinki is known as the "Pearl of the Baltic Sea" and is a modern city like a garden. The streets are wide, commerce is prosperous, modern buildings and medieval buildings have strong national characteristics, and numerous museums of various types in the city attract tourists from all over the world.

The total area of ​​Finland is 338,000 square kilometers. It is the seventh largest country in Europe. The longest distance from north to south is 1157 kilometers, and the widest from east to west is 542 kilometers.

Finland is known as the "country of a thousand islands" and "country of a thousand lakes". The terrain is high in the north and low in the south. The inland water area accounts for 10% of the country's area. There are about 179,000 islands and about 188,000 lakes. To be precise, there are 187,888 lakes and 179,584 islands in the country. Finland has a flat terrain. The Haltia Peak () in the northern part of Lapland on the border of Finland and Norway is 1,328 meters above sea level, which is the highest point in Finland. The longest river in Finland is the Kemi River, which is 512 kilometers long.

Except for lakes, the country is covered by large forests. It accounts for 66.7% of the total area, dominated by pine and spruce. The arable area is relatively small, accounting for only 8%. Most of the islands are in the southwest and the southern coast of the Finnish peninsula. The famous Aland Islands are.

Finland has cold winters and only the south is milder. One third of the country's land is in the Arctic Circle, which has a temperate maritime climate. From south to north, the average temperature in January is about -4--16℃; in July, the temperature is 16-13℃. The annual precipitation is about 400-600 mm (one third is hail and snow). Abundant water resources. There are mineral deposits of copper, zinc, gold, chromium, cobalt, titanium and vanadium. Finland is located between 60 degrees and 70 degrees north latitude. A quarter of the area lies within the Arctic Circle. The northernmost region has 73 days of sun not falling below the horizon in summer and 51 days of sun not showing in winter. It is precisely for this reason that a large number of people from all over the world are attracted here to see the aurora. Li Cong was once one of them, so he is very satisfied with the submission of this country.

After King Eric of Sweden (ngk) brought Christianity into Finland in 1154, the two countries have maintained a very close relationship for 700 years. Swedish has always been the first language of administrative and educational institutions. The Finnish language did not receive much attention until the rise of Finnish nationalism in the 19th century and the publication of Finland's first history of national poems, Kalevala. Finland was occupied by the army of Tsar Alexander I in 1808, and Finland has been an autonomous grand duchy in the Russian Empire ever since. Until 1917. Soon after the Bolshevik Revolution (October Revolution) in Russia on December 6, 1917, Finland declared independence. This country experienced a brief but unforgettable civil war in 1918. Finland and the Soviet Union fought twice during the Second World War: the Winter War from 1939 to 1940 (Sweden provided part of Finnish assistance in this war) and the continuing war from 1941 to 1944 (Nazi Germany provided important assistance to Finland) . During the Battle of Lapland from 1944 to 1945, Finland drove the Germans out of northern Finland. Several treaties signed with the Soviet Union in 1947 and 1948 stipulated Finland's obligations and restrictions on the Soviet Union. Finland also made more territorial concessions based on the 1940 peace treaty. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Finland could finally decide its own destiny, and joined the European Union in 1995. After a long period of development, Finland was invited to join Europa in 2019, but it was not a core member.

The forest coverage rate is as high as 66.7%, about 20.247 million hectares, the per capita occupation is 3.89 hectares, and the timber reserves are 2.048 billion cubic meters. There is more copper in mineral resources, and a small amount of iron, nickel, vanadium, and cobalt. Peat resources are rich, with proven reserves of about 70 billion cubic meters. Equivalent to 4 billion tons of environmentally friendly oil. There are two nuclear power plants (four nuclear reactors). It's just that the energy group is in need of its own strategy. Not planning to mine these peat, the energy group bought the mining rights for 1 billion US dollars that year.

After the war, it has long pursued the "active peace and neutral policy" of maintaining good-neighborly and friendly relations with the Soviet Union, not participating in conflicts between major powers, and developing friendly relations with other countries. After the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Finland made major adjustments to its foreign policy and made the development of relations with the EU a diplomatic focus. It became a full member of the European Union on January 1, 1995. Finland still adheres to a military non-alignment and independent and reliable defense policy, and closely cooperates with NATO. At the same time, it continues to maintain good-neighborly relations with Russia and supports Russia's integration into the international community. Finland has officially recognized 183 countries and has diplomatic relations with 165 countries (as of 2004). It can be said that this kind of innocence policy makes them a tumbler.

In 2043, the per capita income of the labor force is 27,500 euros. In 2042, social security and medical insurance expenditures accounted for 26.4% of GDP that year. In 2043. The country has 16,633 doctors, 37,656 beds, 3.2 doctors and 7.2 beds per 1,000 people; 436 cars, 492 phones, and 909 mobile phones per 1,000 people; per capita housing area is 36.3 square meters.

80's. The Finnish economy continues to grow at an average annual growth rate of 3.7%. In the early 1990s, the economy experienced a severe recession. The recovery began in 1993, and the economy has generally developed well since 1994. The Finnish government completed economic restructuring in the early 1990s, increased the proportion of the knowledge-based economy in the national economy, emphasized investment in science and technology, developed high-tech and information technology, and continued to implement fiscal austerity, encourage investment, reduce social welfare, and reduce Income tax, speeding up the privatization of state-owned enterprises, and improving employment policies have helped the economy maintain stable growth. Economic growth remained at around 5% in the mid to late 1990s. It joined the Euro in 1999 and officially circulated in January 2002, replacing the Finnish mark. The GDP in 2044 is 550.2 billion euros. An increase of 3.7% over the previous year, with a per capita GDP of 48,600 euros. 2043, 2044, and 2045 have been rated as the "World's Most Competitive Country" by the World Economic Forum for three consecutive years. It can be said that Finland is the richest country in the world. In the past, energy groups always accepted some poor countries, and their participation would make the energy groups devote a lot of energy to develop their economy. But the joining of Finland can definitely help the energy group Dai Lai.

The industry is dominated by wood (harvesting and processing) and papermaking, followed by machinery, shipbuilding, steel, non-ferrous metallurgy, and textiles. The dairy animal husbandry is well developed. Cultivated land only accounts for 9% of the total area, most of which are planted for fodder crops, with the rest planting wheat, barley, potatoes, sugar beets, etc. 40-50% of export income is wood, wood products, paper and pulp, and the rest is metal products and animal products (meat, dairy products), etc. Imports are mainly machinery, coal, environmentally friendly oil, electricity, metals, transportation equipment, cotton and tobacco. External traffic is heavy on sea; traffic in inland lake areas is important, and many lakes are connected by canals. The voyage reaches more than 6,600 kilometers. The tourism industry is developed.

In 2043, the industrial output value of 140.12 billion euros, accounting for about 31.1% of GDP. The industrial population is 1.642 million, accounting for about 34.2% of the total labor force. The industry developed rapidly in the 1990s and has changed from labor and capital intensive to technology intensive. Wood processing, papermaking and forestry machinery manufacturing based on forests are the economic pillars. And has the world's leading level, the entire forest industry output accounts for 5% of the world's total output. It is the world's second largest exporter of paper and cardboard (accounting for 25% of world exports) and the world's fourth largest exporter of pulp. Finland's chemical and electronic industries are developing rapidly, which can help the energy group a lot in many ways.

The transportation industry is developed, with railways and highways as the mainstay. Transportation in 2043:

Railway: The total length is 5851 kilometers, 41% is electrified, the passenger volume is 3.3 billion person-kilometers, and the freight volume is 10 billion ton-kilometers.

Highway: 78,197 kilometers in total length, of which 6,653 kilometers are expressways. There are 2.67 million vehicles of various kinds, including about 2.275 million cars, 10,400 buses, and 359,400 trucks. The passenger volume is 7.7 billion person-kilometers and the freight volume is 26.9 billion ton-kilometers.

Water transport: 630 merchant ships. The gross tonnage is 1.484 million tons; the inland waterway is 9,149 kilometers long. The passenger volume is 10 million person-kilometers and the cargo volume is 400 million ton-kilometers; the coastal routes are 9,534 kilometers long, the passenger volume is 137 million person-kilometers, and the freight volume is 2.5 billion ton-kilometers; there are nearly 30 water transport ports with a total throughput of 3.1 billion tons. Important ports are Helsinki, Turku, Kotka and Pori.

Air transportation: There are 157 airports, 4 airlines, 697 civil aircrafts, 35 international routes; passenger volume of 1.1 billion person-kilometers; cargo volume of 2 million ton-kilometers; international airports include Helsinki, Turku and Tampere.

Pipeline: The natural gas pipeline is 580 kilometers, which can be said to be a highly developed country. These data are nothing in a large country. But if these are related to the area of ​​Finland, you will know how great they are.

Of course, there is another company known all over the world in Finland, that is Nokia Group. Nokia Group (a) was founded in 1865 and engaged in the papermaking, chemical and rubber industries in its early days. It entered the telecommunications market in the 1960s. It mainly produces mobile and fixed telecommunications network equipment and mobile phones. It has 17 factories in 9 countries and R&D centers in 14 countries. It has become the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer and the world's leading digital mobile and fixed network supply Quotient. In 2003, there were 51,400 employees, sales of 29.455 billion euros and profit of 5.345 billion euros. China Xia has become Nokia's second largest market in the world, with a cumulative investment of more than 2.3 billion euros in China. In 2001, the sales revenue in China was 3.4 billion euros and the export was 2.5 billion euros.

The Finnish army is almost negligible, and Europa has never seen it face-to-face after occupying it. Although it has contributed a lot to Europa, most of the Europa people don’t like to come here. The corresponding Europa does not need to send a large number of troops. There are only less than 40,000 troops originally belonging to them. , But the Finnish military system is still possible. It can mobilize more than half a million troops in 48 hours. The Energy Group’s military department has decided to let the Finns contribute to the war. They also think so. They all know an empire. To be established, if there is no credit for them. Maybe they will feel that this empire is not theirs.

According to the opinion of the Military Department of the Energy Group, Finland could only appear in the form of mercenaries in the early stage, and they all agreed that the Finnish mercenaries had three divisions of 630,000, all of which were infantry divisions. The navy includes a destroyer fleet and a submarine formation, with a total of 19 destroyers above 6000-ton class and 6 frigates of 4000-ton class. The submarine formation includes 12 submarines, large and small, because parts of the Arctic are frozen all year round. They have to be stationed on the coast of the Baltic Sea.

The formation of the Finnish army is very fast, and they have also demonstrated their due role in future wars. They have given good support to the energy group in many aspects, especially the current Finnish shipyards and some mechanized Enterprises can become a military industry with a little transformation. Although the group has started to build some military enterprises in Greater Russia, there will still be some unstable factors in Greater Russia. Therefore, Finland is more important. The location determines that this place will not become a military attack place in the future, and the conditions here are also very favorable. Li Cong has decided to invest 20 billion U.S. dollars here to establish a huge military industrial group. The Finns are also very concerned about the group. The decision is very user, they said they will cooperate fully. After joining Europa for so long, Europa will only come here to ask for taxes, and nothing else will be given to them, but they will be paid for the time to join the energy group. With tens of thousands of jobs and tens of billions of dollars in investment, it is really immediate for them, and they must quickly produce things useful to the energy group.

Many people understand the role of Finland. It’s just that Europa didn’t see it before. Now it is used by the energy group. The shipyard in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, has also received orders for five transport ships, all of which are the most expensive in the world. Good shipyards, just because Asian shipbuilding has hit them too hard, there are now many problems, such as low automation, etc. The technical staff of the energy group have begun to station in these shipyards, and strive for In a short time, they can reproduce the style of the past, and they can also become a huge shipyard. The transport ship is just an experiment, and there will be more things.

It can be said that the things in Finland have had a bad influence inside Europa, and the Americans are not very satisfied with Europa. Why didn’t you start fighting? Your little brother left with them, and you can still talk together at the beginning. The new Soviet Union is not so good. Now it seems that your little brother does not respect you very much, and it can be reflected from another aspect that, except for some of your own troops, other marginal countries, Europa has no control at all.

Because of Finland, Europa immediately strengthened its control over other countries in the region. There were originally a few regions that wanted to be like Finland, but they did not expect Europa to act as fast as a few manage this. All the ministers in the matter have been sent to prison, and they will be honest. They still look up at the sky. It's still Europa's day, so it's better not to think too much.

The surrender of the New Soviet Union and Finland allowed the energy group to obtain millions of square kilometers of land and a population of more than 100 million. Although these people cannot be regarded as members of the energy group, they can only be regarded as colonial people, but Li Cong and the group Some senior officials believe that as their lives get better and better, they will treat themselves as members of the new empire. For the Americans and Europa, this is simply a nightmare. They originally planned to start war on the territory of the new Soviet Union. They can’t do it at all. They have to go to war on their own territory. Some companies and people have to evacuate to the rear. This has brought them a lot of trouble. Some things they thought of before can’t start now. If it is done, it can be said that the submission of Finland and the new Soviet Union defeated their plans. What they got was absolute passivity, and they fell.

The expeditionary army led by Li Sen would not give them a chance to breathe. After Li Sen sorted out the situation in various places, immediately the energy group's troops gathered again and began to march towards the West in an all-round way. Occupying Estonia, Latvia and Belarus within a week, Lithuania and Ukraine are their second combat targets, and they have to fight until they are convinced. Perhaps it is possible to fight Berlin. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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