Energy Group

Chapter 1594:

What's the matter with the sun? It didn't rise according to the normal trajectory today or something else. Why did our fierce Zhang Fei suddenly become Zhuge Liang? I think it's an enhanced version. m[]" Liu Tao exaggeratedly stood up and looked outside and said.

"Well, I think it is necessary to check what you said. Maybe this guy's head was frozen when he slept yesterday. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to think of such an idea. This kid has something in his stomach. I still don’t know how much energy, but this kid’s idea is okay. Although it’s a little risky, for now we can only do this. If we can’t make a quick fight, we will be They are dragged into such a vortex, and we are in a lot of trouble. The headquarters has clearly told us that now these millions of people are the most they can afford, and they can increase every month. One hundred thousand people, because of our large transport aircraft, railway laying is not something that can be completed in a day or two. Our new occupation of the new Soviet Union can only focus on comfort and cannot increase pressure on them. Brothers are not good at work. We have to transport everything from our own turf. I think this plan is feasible." As the commander of the front-line command, Li Sen's words are still very useful, and Liu Tao also began to carefully Considered this plan.

Fundamentally speaking, it is because of the supply line. Although the energy group says it can transport hundreds of thousands of troops to the front line in one day, the number of transports sometimes does not include the supply. There are now nearly five million troops of various types on the front line. They consume hundreds of thousands of tons of resources every day. This amount is not something that ordinary people can afford. People may consume more Europa than this, but they don’t worry about it. They will arrive within a few hundred kilometers. There are high-speed railways everywhere on the site, and a group of troops can arrive in a few hours. There are thousands of tons of goods carved on it. What about the energy group? If it is transported by rail, it will take 30 hours to get from the nearest supply point. Although the energy group’s locomotives are pulling more, the difference between 30 hours and a few hours can still be seen. Now the energy group’s air transport team can transport 50,000 tons of various resources at once. Here, but you can't keep the Air Force at this speed. If they keep maintaining this speed, they will not be able to bear it, so they have to do it step by step. The large transport aircraft, which transports 3,000 tons of goods in each class, can produce five in one month. They can support 100,000 people. That's why Li Sen said that 100,000 people can be added every month. This is all because of the transportation capacity. Once upon a time, the energy group felt that their transportation capacity was insufficient.

"I will add that this plan of yours looks good on the surface, but it is also somewhat inadequate. For example, your air force is roughly equal to the enemy's air force on the entire front line, but we have to attract the enemy. , This air force support can’t give you too much. If you give you too much, I guess they should see it. The enemy may be investigated at this time. Once they find out that you get to the north, then It’s not a joke, let this go first. I just want to know if your special forces can take the north with the support of up to 500 planes. Now let’s see that there are only more than 300,000 enemies in the north. The miscellaneous army is not fake, but you look at here. The distance between the two seaports, they can quickly transport a reorganized division's force in five hours. And here in the SA area, there are also Their two local garrison regiments, if the North is in a hurry, tens of thousands of people will pass by. Don’t underestimate them as a local garrison regiment. I heard that they are composed of some retired veterans, mine. People have fought against them, and their combat strength is comparable to that of Europa’s ace army. Sometimes they may also be the key to deciding victory or defeat, so I think you should use it when you kill the enemy in the north. They will get rid of them. Otherwise, when you go south, there will be some old, weak, sick and disabled in the north. These two security regiments will have no problem eating them." Liu Tao once stationed in the local area, so this guy understands some of the things here. Situation, now he told Li Yin some things he knew, hoping to give this guy the help he deserves, at least not to make the kid suffer.

"Well, what you said is very important. Five hundred planes are not too many, but I think it can still play a lot of role. My combat strength is reduced, and the enemy's is not increasing. 300,000 different brands. It’s okay for the army to kill them. I leave a team of elite divisions in the harbor area, and I will definitely not let them land successfully. I will also use grass and rabbits to kill the two garrison regiments, but there is one, which can be obtained Prepare enough for me. I have to bring enough of these things, otherwise I won’t go up.” Li Yin said with a smile, and the three people said as they ate, the plan was getting better and better. At this time, a staff member quickly He ran over, as if something had happened. As soon as the three of them stood up, they saw Li Cong who appeared at the door, "Father? Are you not preparing for the establishment of the empire?" Li Yin asked, others The two people were also taken aback.

"Hehe, I heard your plan. It's very good. I came this time to give you two million troops. If I don't come, I think your plan is called a military strategy, but I am here. This plan of yours is foolproof." Li Cong said with a smile. All three of them stood up and looked behind him, as if Li Cong would really take two million troops behind him, but look at him. Behind, there was nothing but Karelina alone. All three of them were a little disappointed. Where did the army of two million come from? This old man came to joke at this time.

"Why? Don't believe what I said? What do you guys look at behind me, and I didn't say that there is someone behind me. Let me show you this. This is the two million army I brought." Li Cong from his pocket A small purple bottle was taken out, which looked like a medicine that needed to be injected. I really don't know what this is. What's the joke about being able to top two million troops? There was a trace of disbelief in the eyes of the three of them, this thing? It's too much. []

"Dad, do you have a fever? How could this be a 2 million army? If the 2 million army is in your pocket, it would be too much." Li Yin joked, this day. What's wrong, I was suspected of having a fever just now, and now it's my laozi.

"Smelly boy. I'm not big or young like you. When did I say that this small bottle is two million troops, two million bottles are the same thing as them, this thing is a genetic evolution agent. It is the latest in our group? Products, let me tell you this thing. Now that you are fighting a war, you may be able to persist without sleeping for three days and three nights, but your spirit will be greatly oppressed, and your fighting quality will decline at that time. Even if they can persist, their combat effectiveness has dropped a lot. This genetic evolution agent is used to change a person’s physique. We have done experiments. Drinking such a small bottle can make people stay high for 15 days. The state of concentration. And in the past ten days, their skill, sensitivity, etc. can make a great improvement, even if their medicine fades after fifteen days, they will not have nothing, that At that time, their bodies will undergo fundamental changes.

It can be said that this is a kind of elixir that can help people evolve. The most important thing is that it is different from American biochemical drugs. These things do not cause any side effects. Some American biochemical drugs If they eat directly, they can gain stronger power and sensing speed than ours in a short time, but they should die when the medicine fades. This is their worst part. We can Without these side effects.

"No. Dad, why didn't I know that our group still had such things before? It seems that these things can really top the two million army." Li Yin still brought some when he spoke. I don't believe it very much.

"Hehe, he is not what he looks like, but the truth. If you don't believe it, let's experiment and set the target." After Li Cong finished speaking, someone put a target from 400 meters away. They can hit the bullseye at this distance, but there are still a few missed shots out of ten rounds. Li Cong asked them to try one by one. Li Yin has ten bullets, seven ten-rings, and one nine. Ring, two eight rings, the best of the three of them, the worst is Li Sen, this guy has been in charge of the work of command, these things are somewhat let go, he played four ten rings , There is even a sixth ring, that was the last serve, so far away, his spirit can not always be so concentrated, so he came out with such a result.

"Hehe, you have all seen your results. Now everyone drinks one bottle and fires twenty shots to see what you can do." After Li Cong finished speaking, Karelina handed three small bottles to him. These three guys, they didn’t believe it, and they drank it. This kind of target shooting is definitely a technical job, but it can’t be done after a while. It’s been a long time for them to reach their current level. For a lot of time, they don’t know how many bullets they have shot. Li Yin remembered that he could only shoot a dozen or so boxes of bullets in order to have today's marksmanship. What is it now? Can the liquid inside make your marksmanship rise? Are you kidding me, this is really an elixir?

The three of them didn’t believe it and drank it. The good guy didn’t feel anything at all. Li Yin walked over and picked up the gun just now. At this time, he felt it again. The gun seemed to be lighter than before. My feeling ability has also improved a lot. Just now I had to look at some weather vanes to feel the wind and how many levels it was, but now it seems that I can determine this with my own feelings, and I still feel very good. Accurate, I am very comfortable with this method in my mind. I have quickly figured out what angle to use to start shooting. The other two people clearly felt this, but just let them believe it still felt a little Impossible.

After Li Yin picked up the gun, he shot 30 bullets at half the speed of the 10 bullets just now. The guard over there immediately reported that there were 27 rounds and 10 rounds, and three rounds and nine rounds. At the edge of the Ten Rings, the people in this headquarters were directly dumbfounded. What a joke. There really is such a thing, fifteen days? Isn't it possible to become Superman in fifteen days? Of course, they still can't fly things like that, at least this is needed on the battlefield.

"Hehe, you have this ability in these fifteen days. If you do other things, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and after fifteen days you will increase your personal ability by 5%. This is permanent, no It will be restricted by these fifteen days. Next time, it may increase by 5% or 3%. But it will increase to this level within fifteen days. I brought two million bottles of this thing. You generals can each have ten bottles, and you can distribute the others. Can it be worth two million troops? But I want to tell you, this thing is very expensive, although we can mass produce, But I have to tell you the cost. Their cost is 12,000 RMB a bottle." Li Cong said with a smile, and everyone else looked at Li Cong like fools. The good guy's stuff is really not cheap, but According to their effectiveness, this price is very good value, and Li Cong is also preparing to launch this kind of thing in the Ministry of Commerce. Of course, the price of several million and hundreds of thousands depends on how he sets the price. No matter what price Li Cong sets, people outside will come to buy it. Li never told these people that this thing has a back door. If you take it If this thing dares to do the right thing with the energy group, then your good days are still to come. This thing is non-toxic and harmless on the surface, but maybe it is a very powerful weapon? Of course, if you have been following the energy group, you don't need to worry about this.

"Haha. Daddy, this is really amazing. This kind of thing is only 12 thousand and it is really not expensive. We have a regular army of exactly two million. One bottle is not more than one bottle. [] [] Just right All are sent down." Li Yin said happily, and the other two guys have long since been standing here. These two guys also took up submachine guns and experimented with them. They felt that with a shuttle of thirty-five rounds, they could control where more than twenty of them were hit, and the rest were not very far from the target. In the past, they could only envy the people of the investigation department with this ability, but now they also have this ability. It can be said that they are very lucky.

"This thing is made with alien technology. Don't tell the soldiers below, just let them pay attention. Go in their food. You must know that the Catholic Church can talk to aliens. Contact, I guess they don’t have such a high-end product. I think you all understand the principle that everyone is not guilty. "Li Cong said, and several other people also nodded. With this thing that Li Cong gave them, they are really very confident, especially Li Yin. Things that were originally risky still need to be risky, but this coefficient is already It has dropped a lot, they all understand.

"Father, I don't think these things are so important. Let my father **** them. Is there anything else I want you to come here?" Li Yin and other people said after they went out. He still has two hours. It's about time to lead his troops to the northern front line. This is the only time he and his father can talk. Li has never put down the medicine and went straight back. It seems that something is going on.

"Well, you guessed it, this time the Catholic Church is going to intervene in this war. They think we are too much and should give their followers a certain right to life. This time I am here to negotiate with the Pope Sistine. Maybe the European region of our group will cooperate with them in the future, which means we must allow them to preach within our region.” Li Cong’s face was a bit unwilling, he still knew the skills of the Holy See very well. It's not easy to control if they are given a chance.

"Father, in fact, I think they are correct in raising this question. They have already seen that in the near future Europa will not be able to support the Lord, and they must also find a new partner for themselves, in Europe. The regime has undergone great changes in countless years, but the Catholic Church has always been intact. It is simply impossible to say that they do not have the ability of their own. They come to talk to us. I think at this stage my father still agrees They are better, but one thing must be made clear to them, our army is absolutely forbidden to enter, whether it is our regular army or our mercenary. They are not allowed to be there." Li Yin firmly Said.

"Yes. I have the same idea, hehe, the kid used to hide so deeply that I didn't even see it. In fact, your brain is no less than your elder brother. Now that your brother has solved everything, Don't be so embarrassed in the future. You are also the master of this group." Li Congyu said earnestly. In fact, what he didn't say was that he also wanted to take a closer look at what his youngest son was thinking. Now that he can say these without scruples, it shows that this guy's heart knot has been untied, and this kind of heart knot is often more uncomfortable than countless external contradictions, such as Li Yin at this moment. He is optimistically developing towards the good side. If not, it will be a big problem. It may be more troublesome than the millions of troops in the US-Europe Union. Now the fighting outside the energy group is already fierce, Li But I definitely don't want my own internal chaos, it is too difficult for the entire group.

"Father, I was wrong in the past, and I will work hard in the future, and I will definitely not shame my father. My time is wrong, and my troops are about to set off. I will go down first." Li Yin looked at He looked at his watch and said, Li Cong nodded, and leaned comfortably on the sofa watching his son go out. Alas, negotiation, where is negotiation? Negotiations can decide many things by themselves. Now the strength is not as good as others. If you are tyrannical, you don’t need to care about the Catholic Church. An Orthodox Church will spend a lot of effort to deal with it. This Catholic Church is more powerful than the Orthodox Church, and it is impossible to solve it in a short time. , It is better to be honest.

On the battlefield outside. As soon as Li Yin's troops started to leave, the entire army began a fierce attack. Especially the fifteen orbital guns. Now they have started bombarding with all their strength. Hundreds of thousands of shells have already been transported to them. They will continue to attack for more than an hour. Tell the enemy about their artillery. The main strength is still there, and their role is very big. The artillery of the U.S.-Europe Union is not vegetarian. Seeing that the energy group’s attack is so fierce, they are also very enthusiastic and start to shoot at the energy group’s artillery. Soldiers on both sides can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the dark. For a while, they forget that they are on the battlefield now. They just marvel at the beauty of this time.

A night’s long-range attack made the U.S.-European coalition forces exhausted at this time. Many people took a rest in the air-raid shelter for a night, saying it was a rest, but could they really sleep? Before I lay down, one of the good guy’s shells was on his head, it was impossible to fall asleep, and then a bunch of powdery things came down and made myself ashamed. If I could be like this If they fall asleep in the environment, it would be a miracle. Even if they are not sleeping, at least they are safe. They dragged their red eyes into the position. They really wish they were on duty last night. , If that’s the case, they can go down and rest now, but when they walked to the handover area, they immediately threw their thoughts away. Damn, the whole position was flattened, and many soldiers were in some machines. With the help of, they began to rebuild their positions. Several veterans in the distance have lost part of their bodies. They are the ones who can avoid artillery most in the whole position. Now even they have become like this, so don’t As for some other recruits, there is no need to ask, the life of those recruits is definitely more difficult.

They changed their minds one by one this time. Fortunately, none of them were here yesterday. Otherwise, one by one would be what they are now. There should be six hundred in their position. Many brothers, less than half of them are now intact, more than a hundred people have died, and more than a hundred have been injured. The others are more or less marked by war. Hei Tian It’s just shelling at the time, what will it be like in the daytime? In the dark, most people would not attack, but during the day it was different. At this time they began to envy these people again. Maybe the people who were stationed during the day had no hope of alive.

It can be said that this cover operation was done very well. The U.S.-Europe Allied Forces Command did not expect that the most powerful army special forces in front of them would be no one. At this moment, some people in the special forces' positions were all transferred. The other armies were replaced with special combat division equipment. And the cannons like them also fired a few shots from time to time to show their existence. However, if you carefully look at the accuracy of these cannons, you can still quickly see that the army in front of them is no longer a special combat division, but many people are not in the mood to take care of this at all at this time, anyway, they don’t care about them. What kind of people are they, what kind of troops are they, as long as they can survive is the best thing, nothing is more important than this.

At this moment, Li Yin brought his 500,000 rapid reaction troops to the northern battlefield. Twenty kilometers in front of them is the station of the miscellaneous army in the northern region, because Li Sen retreated the miscellaneous army here. It was very good. Many of them went to the barracks of the regular army, and the air conditioners for the special equipment had not been removed yet. Good guys, when have we been treated like this? Damn, some equipment of the regular troops have this treatment. We are all people who don't have this treatment, and now they are gone, if we can't enjoy it, I'm really sorry for ourselves.

They don’t have any awareness on the battlefield at all. At this moment, they all think that the army is fighting in their hundreds of kilometers in the bureau. They are used to defend their homes, but now their country has not received it at all. Any threat of war, so they can also take a break. Li Yin's scouts have already looked around, and the enemy can be said to have no scouts at all. It seems that Li Sen played them really well a while ago. They didn’t even have anyone preparing to investigate. Seeing such a good opportunity, if you don’t give me a shot, Li Yin would be a fool. .

"I have all of them. Please pay attention. We only have three hours of fighting time. Three hours. I want you to take down the 300,000 miscellaneous army, and there are millions of tons of various materials inside. If we leave, we will take away. If all the sciences we can’t take are destroyed, then we will insert directly behind the enemy and let the millions on the front line of the enemy chase us down. When we arrive in Europa, everything will be up to us. It’s good fortune. This time is an important opportunity to quickly break the Europa line of defense. It’s all up to us. The lives and deaths of the millions of soldiers on the front line are also in our hands. Not all the officers and soldiers of our special combat divisions It is often said that we are actually more combative than the Guards. I dare say that the Guards can definitely do this well. The time has come to express us." Li Yin’s sonorous voice appeared in the ears of most commanders. Here, they didn’t expect this plan to be so crazy. At this time, they felt the blood in their whole body was boiling. When they joined the special forces before, they knew that they would do something that no one else would do. So exciting.

"Master, don’t worry about this. When did our brothers shame you? We have all felt very motivated recently. Master, you’ve given an order. Three hours will be fine, my scout. I have come back. These miscellaneous soldiers are all resting now, and none of them knew we were coming. If we are going to attack them one by one, I guess it will not take three hours.” The microphone said. With a violent voice, Li Yin knew that this guy was the leader of an empty tug. This guy is usually a lunatic, and he is even more desperate in fighting. Now he is the colonel leader, and he has tens of thousands of brothers. , But this guy still doesn't like being in the command post after the war, he still wants to be dispatched with the helicopter.

"Hehe, I need your enthusiasm, everyone listened to me, our offensive began immediately, three hours is our deadline, three hours later your combat mission has not been completed. , I’m sorry, all officers and soldiers are incorporated into the mercenary. You can also be the first batch of people in the energy group army to be incorporated into the mercenary from the trump card. This is also the number one, but I don’t want to be in my army. Appear." Li Yin turned off the intercom as he finished speaking. The other officers were holding their breath in their hearts, mother, even if they died in battle, they can't do this. It's really shameful. Everyone knows about special warfare. The division is the trump card. From troop troop to ordinary troop, if you don’t have promotion and rewards, you will definitely not go. Good fellow, now skip the regular troop. Those who can’t complete the mission will go to be a mercenary, mother. Isn't that shuddering us, if such a thing is really on your own head, can you still live?

One minute after Li Yin's speech ended. The energy group has all arrived at combat positions. Originally this time was three minutes, but because the soldiers had already drunk the GMO squeeze, they all felt their own changes one by one, just like driving. Originally, they all needed a certain amount of time to consider. But now the distance between each one is less than two meters, they can also complete various tasks quickly, and many people are a little tired, and they don’t feel anymore at the moment. They not only understand that this is medicine. effect. All of them thought it was the result of Li Yin's reminder, so they felt that it was really magical in their psychology. Li Yin didn't talk about these things, you want to go.

After the offensive order came down. These miscellaneous soldiers were dumbfounded at once, what is going on, why are we surrounded? Why didn't any news come from the observation post first, and our monitors and our radars, are they all a pile of useless waste? They looked at their radars one by one, as if they were repeated an hour ago. Although they also have heavy weapons, they are far from the special combat divisions.

On their surface-to-surface missile positions, dozens of medium-range surface-to-surface missiles are coming out of their launchers. They were very hidden, so they had been standing for more than ten minutes before they came out. They thought that no one could spot them, but suddenly they spotted dozens of helicopters coming here on their radar. Panic, they don't care where these missiles will fall on someone's head. Anyway, there will be more than 20 missiles. If they don't all go out at this time, they may not have this chance in the future. Look at the energy group army outside. These people definitely didn’t come to see and leave. They should have taken this place. The launch of these more than 20 missiles also represented the beginning of the Europa miscellaneous army’s resistance. These missiles were immediately smashed by a powerful electric current when they reached an altitude of two kilometers. Moreover, their launch base did not have the ability to start a second attack. Some of their spare missiles had just been pushed out at this time. At this time, they would be unlucky if the helicopter came over. It’s a pity that God didn’t hear their prayers. About four to five hundred helicopters came over like that, and they were constantly spraying their own weapons, this missile base. Thousands of people were killed all at once, and helicopters naturally couldn't kill them, but their own missiles could completely kill them all.

From the frontal position, Li Yin was fighting for time this time. As for other things, he was not within the scope of his thinking, so this time Li Yin ordered all his three armored units to go up and use the torrent of steel to directly take them all. They were all drowned, and the other two 155mm artillery regiments madly fired at the position to clear the way for the tanks. The 300,000 miscellaneous troops were completely defeated at this time. They have never been as brave as Jianguo’s offensive force. In their minds, such an army seems to only appear in movies. In reality, such an army will never appear. They can't reach such an army. Deserters began to appear. At the beginning they were One or two, but then slowly began to increase.

At this time, the special operations brigade of special operations divisions arrived. They killed the headquarters of 300,000 troops in one fell swoop. Hundreds of senior officers and staff officers in the headquarters became their prisoners. Under the persecution, the enemy's highest The leader began to speak to the entire army, telling them that the army has no combat effectiveness, and asked them to lay down their weapons and surrender to the nearest energy group army. This order immediately obtained more than 200,000 soldiers and officers still alive. At this time, Li Yin suspected that he was wrong. If these people had such energy when they charged just now, they would have suffered a lot from their troops. These soldiers, it’s not right, they can’t call it that. I was a soldier, so I immediately took out my white shirt. Good guys, the position of the miscellaneous army was white. They all threw their weapons away, and then stood in line, as if they were holding white flags. People in the energy group can’t beat them. They are confident when they surrender one by one. Opening your mouth means we can do coolies, but you must ensure our personal safety. Your energy group is not stupid prisoner of war. It's like defending your rights in court.

Li Yin also smiled and looked at the time, um, two hours, an extra hour came out. Li Yin would not waste this hour. He immediately called the two Republican mercenaries who had caught up with the drought. More than 10,000 people in the group set up a captive camp on the spot. These people are waiting for the decision of the group's senior leaders to see if they are of any use. If they are not, they will quickly get them out. These people also eat a lot of food every day. , The original supply is very difficult.

Li Yin looked at the map. At this time, he didn’t have time to rest at all, but he could still show off for a while after killing 300,000 troops in two hours. Of course, the commander was a great help. Now, if no one announces the surrender, it would be difficult for you to kill so many troops in these three Li Yin is really grateful to that person, and just use his own plane to give They were sent to the prison camp in the rear. There were special political commissars to teach them what these collaborators should do in the future. It is estimated that the guy would go to a district to serve as an administrative head in the future according to his merits. It’s not the style of our energy group.

Li Yin rectified a little bit, and he established his goal, that is, with 300,000 armored units and helicopter units driving along the seaside towards Poland at full speed. Now there are less than 500,000 in Poland. The Europa army is still scattered all over the country. Li Yin's goal is Warsaw, the capital of Poland. As long as he can get there, will he not be afraid that the frontline of the US and European forces will not retreat? The length of the attack was not short, which is why Li Yin used the quick read response force. The power of some heavy artillery units is okay, but their speed of action cannot keep up, only 50 kilometers per hour. Slow, it is better for them to stay where they are.

Although you may encounter a large number of Europa troops on the road, as long as you move fast enough, there is absolutely no problem. The troops they line up are also attracted at this time. It is not impossible to send reinforcements from Germany, but I am afraid that Warsaw is already in Li Yin's hands by then, and no one would have thought that they would dare to penetrate hundreds of kilometers behind enemy lines. (To be continued...)


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