Energy Group

Chapter 1601:

Li Cong soon figured out what was going on. It seemed that these were the business people in Warsaw. They were also the people who knew Li Cong's whereabouts most clearly, although they could not figure out Li Cong's whereabouts. When do they inspect the front line, but they can always find some clues as long as they observe carefully, but this is not a bad thing for Li Cong. Since you want to eat a big one at a time, I will accompany you Look, it’s not that good to eat me Li Cong. You have to see if you have a good mouth. It’s your ability to eat it, but if you can’t eat it, that’s it. You are unlucky. Li Cong can see that these people are paying no attention this time. There are only five groups of 120,000 people around Li Cong. They have already separated this place from other war zones. They used millions of people to deal with Li Cong's hundreds of thousands of troops. m[Just read a novel~]

Warsaw has never been regarded as the front line, and the energy group military has always regarded Ukraine as the front line. To the west of Warsaw, there are a large number of fortifications of the United States and European forces. There are only a few defensive troops here, but fortunately, the five regiments here are all regular troops from the local regiments, and their weapons and ammunition are also very sufficient. At the moment, Warsaw City can't count on it. After going up, there may also be some civil strife in the city. Li Cong immediately asked the three regiments east of Warsaw to march towards Warsaw City quickly. Anyway, they must defend the city. Don’t say anything else, he just gave It's not a small amount of money for that kid with Abby. If Warsaw fell, the money would be of no use. At this moment, Li Cong's base and Warsaw City were two parts. The enemy was about to complete the division and outflank. Li Cong glanced at the map. At this time, he has two choices. One is to stay here and wait for help. The other is to gather all the troops and return to Warsaw. Anyway, it is only a few tens of kilometers away from the city, but in that case, a regiment must be left. Behind the palace, this regiment will definitely be over, and there will definitely be other things waiting for you in Warsaw. Although he won Warsaw, everyone can see that his power hasn't taken root in this city, otherwise, there won't be any of these chamber of commerce presidents who are so uncomfortable with him. This time the president will definitely not be able to run.

Li Cong didn’t have much time to think about it. Indeed, at this moment, the enemy was waiting for Li Cong’s choice. No matter how Li Cong chooses, they must leave Li Cong behind. This is also the key to turning the situation around. If Li Cong chooses to stay Next words. Then hundreds of thousands of troops will be encircled immediately. If Li Cong chooses to enter the city of Warsaw, they will immediately send a plane to intercept them, and they can reimburse a quarter of Li Cong's army on the road. In this way, Li Cong would lose a third of the army after the regiment was broken, and they would not be afraid when they arrived in the city. Europa has been operating here for so many years, if there is no way back, they would not believe it themselves. The Americans have been playing conspiracies very well in recent years. They have prepared Li Cong for one assassination after another. This time Li never brought anyone from the investigation department, and the investigation department went to the United States to get that thing. When they successfully complete the task, they also have to face their boss being killed. This time is a golden opportunity for them. If they can't grasp this opportunity, they will kill themselves one by one. They all feel that at this moment. With blood boiled all over, how would Li Cong choose?

"Report, our reconnaissance plane returned. Li Cong's army stayed where there was no response. The enemy's three mechanical regiments in eastern Warsaw entered Warsaw, but our army has cut off them from Warsaw. There is a bridge between them. It is not easy for them to support the front line. Do we still have to launch a military coup in Warsaw?" A staff officer came in to report the latest situation to the people in the headquarters. The hand in Warsaw was also wasted. A lot of manpower and material resources, if it breaks out at this time, is it a bit too trivial for the three groups of the energy group to have less than 100,000 people?

"Very well, it is similar to what we predicted. We ordered the Sanlu army to begin to surround Li Cong. We must take this place down to me. Don't tell me how many casualties you have suffered. Their leaders are in their army. All will become extremely brave, tell the army below, don’t let them stop, don’t let them get a little chance to breathe, give me full access to the palace, always ensure the war on the front line, and wait until they can’t survive. Naturally it will be over. Let the Air Force prepare 7,000 combat aircraft. If the enemy cannot support them on land, they will definitely carry out large-scale reinforcements in the air. They will destroy all of these 7,000 aircraft, and they must stop them all. I don’t believe they will last for more than three days without reinforcements. High-intensity warfare is the most needed thing.” said Meazza, the commander of the Eastern Front. This guy graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point. , It happened that the commander of the U.S. Third Army on their side was his teacher. His teacher admired the talent of this guy very much, so the front-line command was left to this kid. Sure enough, he didn’t disappoint anyone. If his plan is successful, they will capture Li Cong and the core figures of the energy group. Of course, they have no guts to kill Li Cong, but at least they can end the war in front of them. At any price, they will have the absolute initiative, and the two million troops on the eastern front will be dispatched by him at this moment.

"Yes, I'll go down and make arrangements right away, Commander, the cannon will be available for use in two hours, but some of our data has been leaked. If we want to use it, the scouts of the Energy Group will quickly find us. Do we still use it?” Because of the loss of the box last time, the people of the energy group can already determine the location of the cannon. Of course, they can also modify it. This can only delay the time for the energy group to find them, unless They will not be in danger of being discovered without using this stuff in the future. [Just read the novel~] The staff was also worried that he would be discovered immediately after a few shots, and the tens of billions were gone...

"Don’t use it in a panic. Look at the situation on the front line. If we can’t get it down, we will use the giant cannon to attack the front line. But you must make sure that Li is never in the area hit by the giant cannon. If Li Cong is dead, you and me, And our country, and the Americans, we don’t need to live anymore. Tens of millions of troops all over the world will join this war. At that time, we won’t be able to win at all. Maybe the world will follow. Destroyed. We can't be the sinners." Maya said, looking at the fast-moving troops outside, Damn, it's an enemy and cannot be killed. How uncomfortable.

Li Cong also called the heads of the five regiments to the headquarters. Each of these people showed embarrassment on their faces. They were either afraid of the current situation, or even the bad situation. Yes, they are all warriors. What kind of things have not been experienced? What they are sad about is worrying about Li Cong. They are all dead and it doesn't matter to the entire group. They are all supporters of the empire. If Li Cong is gone. The emperor of this newly-built empire is gone, what more empire is needed. That's why they did this one by one, although they could squeeze some smiles when they saw Li Cong. But they still can’t hide the sadness in the corner of their eyes. We are just big bosses. Alas, at this time, we can only rely on our own body to guard the gentleman. These **** businessmen will go back to Warsaw after the fight and kill them. The whole family dare to do anything fucking, and there are really many people who think like this.

"Hehe, you guys, don’t make a face. Didn’t you still say that the frontline situation is too boring? Now you don’t need to say that. Now you all have things to do. Look at your front, millions of people The army surrounded us. Gentlemen, I want to know how long you can hold on and give you one minute. I think you all understand how intense the attack will continue. I haven’t mobilized reinforcements yet. I am a decoy. They want to eat us, and I can't blindly drop reinforcements, so they can also fight against them. We have to calculate every step." Li Cong looked at these regiments under him. Chang said, originally they were not qualified to discuss the current situation with Li Cong with their official titles. If they had used to, they would definitely feel that this was an extreme honor, but now they are not in that mood anymore, yes, now. The most important thing is to calculate every step. Being so worried has no effect at all. Could it be possible to use the wrinkles on the head to clamp the enemy to death? This kind of thing is impossible. One by one, they began to imagine the current ability and state of their subordinates, to see how many troops they could kill and how many left.

Just when several regiment leaders were thinking about things, a battalion commander rushed in. This guy was wearing a guard uniform. Li Cong remembered that there was no guards here. How did they come? I saw Li Cong's face. Looking suspicious, the guy immediately saluted, "Mr. Reporter, Guo Dajun, the third battalion commander of the 22nd Regiment, 310 Brigade, First Division of the Guards, reported that our troops are around here, taking advantage of the enemy’s mouth to intercept them. At that time, he rushed with his 7500 soldiers." This guy said breathlessly, with a whole body of blood still on his body, and at first glance, he came in. It is estimated that what happened just now was definitely not what this guy said, and so did they. The salvation leader was eager, so he brought people in. The US-European coalition forces also just occupied their eastern area. How could they block the Guards’ offensive? These people are really irritable. The other commanders also know this. The battalion commander, he brought a battalion of guards to the front to get acquainted with the war. He didn’t expect them to be good. So many enemies rushed in with people, but these seven thousand people are really not so good. There are many, but no matter if they are here, they can at least help these group leaders complete one task, which is to look at Li Cong.

"Very well, your speed is very timely. You used to discuss with a few regiment leaders. I am not very familiar with the situation on the front line. Your unit will be used as a mobile unit. Your guard platoon will be reserved for me as a guard. The platoon is enough, and everyone else joins the battle sequence." Li Cong blocked the ideas of several regiment leaders with a single sentence. What joke did the more than 7,000 guards make? When is this all the time? If so many people are still used at this time, it would be a mess. Now the front line must be strengthened. A one-to-ten or even a one-to-twenty war is not that easy to fight, and win more with less. If you open up all the history textbooks to count, there are a lot of classic examples of warfare, but those are only a few things left over for hundreds of years. It's simply impossible to appear all the time. In modern warfare, there are really not many cases of such battles. The millions of troops in front of them have no miscellaneous army, which is difficult to deal with.

"Sir. We have discussed a few. If our offensive enemy has one million, we can hold on for a week. If there are two million, we can only hold on for five days. Our supplies will be nothing. It's very sufficient, that's your safety..." A regiment commander said. The top command on the front line was originally a brigade commander, but this guy was wounded and went on training. I said he was going to come back in the last few days. Looking at the situation in front of him, it is estimated that it is impossible to come back. It is also impossible for the US and European coalition forces in the periphery to let him come back. Li Cong nodded. They have done a good job. You must know that ten times as many enemies are coming. This is not their homeland, and there is no support. They can still hold on for a week. There is no shortage of everything here on the front line. This is also related to the usual supply of the energy group. They can overcome it with food and drink.

"Very good, let the order go on. All soldiers are not allowed to commit suicide attacks. Now our main thing is to save our lives. No one is allowed to jump out of the trenches, even if the opportunity is good, they can't go out. They can only be with them. You have to protect yourself from the enemy’s position.” Li Cong gave his first order. He knew that the energy group didn’t like to defend in battle. He always told the senior officials in the army that attacking is the best. Defensive, but now they can't do that anymore. Once they step out of their defensive positions, their chances of death will be several times higher, and they can die slowly on their own territory. [Just read the novel~]

"Also, if all tanks and armored vehicles can't take the initiative to attack when the enemy's armored units are not found, everyone will save a bit. Don't just pop out a dozen or so base guns at once. Our ammunition is still sufficient, but no one knows when this war will end. We must be fully prepared. In addition, give me a pair of Army-standard equipment. You don’t need to worry about mine. Security. If you don’t believe me, we can try it. I will use the intercom to contact you. I am among the soldiers. It should be safer. Let’s become a member of the Guards, comrade battalion commander. I am your guard." Li Cong glanced at them and said, although many people are opposed to it, they also know Li Cong’s ability, and becoming an ordinary soldier is indeed a much smaller goal, otherwise it will There are so many days, it’s not a problem to stay in the command center. In such a war situation, let alone you have only one command center. If you have a hundred command centers, there is no use at all. The plane is staring at your headquarters, and it will certainly not let you hide Li Cong so easily.

The group commanders were not inked people, and they knew that they didn’t have much time to inked at this time. They looked at Li Cong one by one, and punched the battalion commander again, "Boy, don’t think you It’s great if it’s the Guards. Don’t you all say that you are the Royal Guards? Now you are. You protect the boss until the end of the war. It is estimated that the Royal Guards will be the Royal Guards. A shot bounced you." The battalion commander was depressed. He was very eager to get the royal title. I didn't expect that he hadn't got the title yet. The essence of the Royal Guards was the essence of the Royal Guard. He cried. Watching Li Cong, accepting the teachings of the commanders one by one, if you are also a commander, you don’t need to listen to their nagging right now. Unfortunately, I am just a battalion commander and I must listen here. Yes, who calls your own official junior?

In the end, several regiment leaders went out to arrange combat missions. At this time, the headquarters was no longer safe. After the regiment leaders went out, Li went out after putting on a guard outfit, and the lights were all turned off here. Now, light control needs to be implemented here. Other places are completely dark. The lights are on here. If you are not an important target here, it is estimated that the pilots in the sky will not believe it if they are killed. Everyone Everyone knows that a little fire light at this time may cause a disaster for themselves. All people are very careful at this time. Li Cong glanced at the laboring stars, and they were all concentrated in the air-raid shelter. Oh, oh, these people are really unlucky, and they have hurt everyone. When I went back, I had to make up for a while. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to make it through my heart. What I told others was to come to the frontline to perform. Who knows that people are asked to watch the war drama, and it is possible to lose his life.

Li Sen of the front-line command was also dizzy for a minute after receiving this news. These **** US-European coalition forces could come up with such a method to directly target Li Cong, but the opportunity they seized was really good. Okay, shit, it's too far from here to the front line of Warsaw, because I don't believe that it will become the main battle zone. Therefore, the total number of troops over there is less than 400,000 people. Now they have all been attacked. Not to mention supporting Li Cong, even if they protect themselves, there may be problems. At this time, it is impossible to count on the local army there. You must transfer troops from your side. Li Sen glanced at the deployment plan. There is still a division's strength that can pass. As long as Li Cong is rescued. . Other things can't be taken care of so much, and the territory can be taken back later. If Li Cong is captured, the loss to the entire group will be absolutely huge. Just when Li Sen was about to tidy up the army to prepare for airlift, several staff officers ran in. The worst thing happened. Since the US and European Union thought of using this method to trap Li Cong, they would never give them a chance to rescue. Millions of troops on the Ukrainian front line launched an offensive at the same time, and it was very fierce. At this time, they were the same as Li Cong's surrounding troops. They were overwhelmed. Although there were troops in other regions, it took too long to come from other regions. Yes, air transport is possible. The investigation department has received the news that the enemy has deployed tens of thousands of aircraft. If you want to rush in and airborne, you are looking for death. Moreover, the enemy has concentrated millions of troops. How many troops do you throw in? OK? The enemy has really been preparing for this plan for a long time, secretly transporting millions of troops to the front line without knowing it. This time the sub-energy group has fallen into a passive position, allowing the US-Europe coalition forces to occupy a powerful position.

"What's the situation on the front line? I want to take out a division's troops. I don't know if it's okay." The division that Li Sen wants to transfer is naturally the ace division from the local army. The whole division has nearly 300,000 people. If they were in the past, they might be able to catch Li Conggi, but the obstacles they encountered on the road would definitely be very serious, and they might be encircled and annihilated at that time. Everyone knew the truth, but no one said it. Several staff officers bowed their heads. They were thinking about what more troops could be drawn from the area they were responsible for. It would be impossible for a division to go on the road. They could not get to Warsaw at all.

"Commander, our defense zone can now allocate a regiment, one... one. Well, the armored regiment, I promise that this regiment will not lose its position when it comes out. Although the enemy's offensive is very fierce, I can see that they It’s the thunder and the rain. It’s probably the reason why we don’t dare to send reinforcements.” A staff officer said, and the others have also considered them. Some of them can come up with one regiment, and some can come up with two. The group comes, but without exception, the elites are brought out. The battle on their side is definitely very dangerous, but they are still willing to carry it by themselves and let Li Sen pick out the boss. They also know if it is If Li Cong is captured, they will lose nothing like this. It can be said that the entire European territory is lost and it is not as good as Li Cong's. If they can, they will kill the whole army, but What about the result? It is still possible that Li Cong will not be rescued, or it may be flanked by the U.S.-European coalition forces back and forth. How did the six million troops of the U.S.-European coalition forces in the west collapsed last time? If someone repeats it this time, they won't need their faces, so they must hold on to this front.

"Report, Commander, the Black Sea Fleet has begun to attack the southern coast. It is impossible for the hundreds of thousands of troops in the south to come and assist them. General Wang Mei said that their fleet can support us with sixty combat aircraft. You can fly to Warsaw." Another staff member came in and said.

"Tell General Wang Mei that things in Warsaw don’t need her to bother, as long as she can help me resist the hundreds of thousands of U.S.-European forces in the south. The pressure on our front is already very huge. If hundreds of thousands of troops come back, we will definitely be in trouble. By the way, it would be best if they can land in the south." Li Sen suddenly thought of such an idea, but he quickly dismissed it. There is an army on Wang Mei's side, but there is only one Marine Corps. What can 20,000 or 30,000 people do if they are under siege...

"General Wang Mei also meant this. They are preparing to land on the southern Crimean Peninsula. The Crimean Peninsula should be very important to the United States and Europe. General Wang Mei has vacated the Turki garrison. There are more than 40,000 people, plus their troops can make up 80,000 people. If they land in the south, they can also help us a lot." The staff officer said, because the Marine Corps also has a training team in Turki, this At that time, Wang Mei didn't care about other things. They were brought directly here. Although an army of 80,000 people is nothing, it can definitely attract hundreds of thousands of U.S.-European forces in southern Ukraine. The U.S.-European forces will never let the Crimean Peninsula be Then it fell into the hands of the energy group. On the one hand, they want to win Li Cong, but on the other hand, they will not change the battle situation on the front line. Although they are prepared, if there is a need to sacrifice, then they have to sacrifice some insignificant places. The Crimean Peninsula cannot be sacrificed. If there is no U.S.-European alliance in the Black Sea, what about the countries along the Black Sea? Whether it is from the sea or from the land, energy groups can threaten them unscrupulously, which is unimaginable.

"Very good. Immediately call General Wang Mei, they can do as much as they can. The place of bombardment should not be limited to the Crimean Peninsula, as long as they can reach it. They can all bombardment." Li Sen immediately After giving the order, he also wanted to order the fleet in the Mediterranean to attack the areas along the Mediterranean coast, but he thought that those places were already outside the war zone, and those places must be ordered by Li Cong himself. He must now follow Li Cong can only get in touch. Otherwise, he cannot mobilize troops from other places without Li Cong’s authorization. Even Li Er can’t. Although Li Xian is the first deputy head of the military, he can only send ten. If there are more than ten thousand troops, it is not possible to have more. For the guards, they must be authorized by Li Cong. The guards don’t buy it from anyone, and they have not contacted Li Cong. Well, Li Yin's call came.

"Li Sen, I know the situation on the front line. Li Xian's troops have already made a transfer. All the transport planes of the local army have transported the first batch of 100,000 troops. My troops are already ready to go. But I Knowing that we couldn't catch up in the past, I used my own transport plane to transport my special forces team over. I am going to Warsaw and give me a landing coordinate. I must save my father." Li Yin now He was already on a military plane, but he didn't care what he ordered or what he ordered. Punishment would also be a matter for the future. Now he has to get his Lao Tzu out. This is important.

"Li Yin, calm down your kid. It is not a trivial matter to mobilize the army without an order. Even if you are the son of your husband, you can't do it. You immediately go back to your own station. After tens of thousands of planes came to block Poland, our air force couldn’t get in at all. I don’t know where to let you go. If you really want to go, you can only run and go back immediately.” said After Li Sen hung up the phone, I hope Li Yin can listen and understand. The high-level officials of them have also recorded their words. This is the only way to tell Li Yin at this time.

Li Yin on the plane looked at the phone and suddenly understood what was going on. He immediately turned on the computer. He took five thousand people from the special forces brigade on three large transport planes, originally intended to be directly airborne in Poland. Yes, it seems impossible. They directly used tens of thousands of planes to blockade. Not to mention their own people, even the Air Force’s Big Mac could not rush in with the protective cover. Now they can only walk in. Now, where will it land? Is it going to land in Moscow? It’s no good to drive past here in peacetime. By the way, when landing from Germany, the idea of ​​a huge adventure appeared in Li Yin's mind. Damn, if Poland doesn’t work, it can only be landed from Germany. It’s okay to take a risk. Since you have concentrated tens of thousands of aircraft on the front line, the rear must be empty. You can’t take this route now. It’s impossible to reach the front line. The distance from Germany to Poland is also relatively close. Yes, when the time comes, people will stop killing Buddhas and stop killing Buddhas. They have not done anything they have done before crossing the battlefield. This thing will not hinder the people of these special forces teams. He looked at the map. With care in mind, he immediately ordered the pilot to change the current route, fly to the north, and go around.

Li Cong finally got in touch with Li Xian through the Central Computer. Li Cong asked Li Xian to grant Li Sen the right to mobilize all the troops around him, but he could not send troops to rescue him. If he was really sending troops, he would have been attacked by the enemy's strategy. This is an obvious way to fight for help There will be a lot of losses in such a hard charge. Li Cong said that he was fine, and how he could get out alive. The enemy is impossible, Li Cong caught it, but it's a pity that the hundreds of thousands of troops on the front line, they don't have the ability of Li Cong, but Li Cong will definitely fight with them to the last minute.

With Li Cong's death order. Everyone couldn’t disobey the order and went over to Li from there, but Li Yin, a kid who did the most amazing thing, directly interrupted the contact with the headquarters, except that they took the initiative to contact the military. Otherwise, It is impossible to contact them. This is also the most amazing place for this kid. The most depressing thing is Li Er at the headquarters. This guy just heard his father trapped in a circle, and he had to think about how to explain to his aunts when he returned home. The news is so fast these years, it is impossible to hide it. This immediately my brother came in again, what if there is something wrong with the two of them. "Asshole, this kid has no organizational discipline at all. Please continue to contact him. Use the most powerful communicator of the military. He must be sent back to me. Who does he think he is." Li Er broke in the office. He said aloud after receiving a Ming Dynasty official kiln vase.

Don’t talk about the organization and discipline of the devil like Li Yin. At this time, Li Er is thinking about how to face Zhou Xue. This son and husband have both gone in. If this is the loss of one, the saddest person will be him. I am a hundred thousand people who are unwilling and have to cheer up to let the driver take him home.

When I arrived at Li Yuan, I saw a house waiting for me, big and small, before I could catch my breath. Zhou Xue ran for two steps, "Boss, what's going on, what's wrong with your father? What's wrong with Xiao Er? What's the matter? Why can't I contact him?" Zhou Xue was fainted after hearing the news from Li Cong, and wanted to ask his son what was going on. Who knew that his son could not be contacted either. Those with their own sources of intelligence, who would have thought that they knew the situation at this moment, but they have not yet confirmed it. If this is said from Li Er’s mouth, it will be confirmed. Dozens of people in this room are watching. I was extremely anxious.

"What's wrong? My father was surrounded by the U.S.-European army when he was in the army, but you don't need to worry about it. This is some plan of my father and the military department. Don't you know what your father is capable of? The European Union Army wanted to catch his father. It was impossible. The second brother also participated in this plan. This kid told me that he was really true. When I come back I will beat him. Not only the second brother, but the second brother. My brother’s special forces brigade is also on the way right now. I don’t know where they are. I don’t know much about their military affairs. Li Xian and Li Sen are well-balanced in frontline matters. It's moving. I guess Ukraine will be in our hands this time. My father is worried about Ukraine for a day or two. What are you doing so nervously?" Li Er said lightly. This kid's acting ability is definitely the same as that of his old man. After a fight, most of the people in the room except Li Yinluan believed what this kid said, and they imagined that Li Cong’s ability really couldn’t stop him. Besides, Li Cong was You can become someone else's. If you want to catch Li Cong, where can it be that simple.

"What I said, it scared us to death. There have been such news all afternoon. If you don't come back, we will have to go to the headquarters and ask you what's going on." Zhou Xue said, touching her undulating chest. , This afternoon was really scary, she was very easy to deceive, but Liu Yan and Li Yinluan were not deceived, at this moment Liu Yan and Li Yinluan also helped Li Er continue this lie They have to stabilize this home. Other places can be messed up, but they can't be messed up here. Just ask Li Er for the specific situation later. It doesn't seem to be as optimistic as he said.

Li's situation is really not so good now. Under the siege of two million troops, they have already suffered 10% casualties in just one hour. It is almost impossible to persist for a week, Li Several commanders under their command were a little optimistic about the situation. They didn’t expect that the soldiers of the US-Europe coalition forces would be desperate. They would rush up like the tide, and the artillery and missiles would be like no money. Thousands of helicopters swept the position in a chaotic manner. They suffered such a fire attack for the first time. The Americans had also lost their money. It seemed that they were really going to take Li Cong. The US-European coalition went to war for an hour. The casualties were definitely over 80,000, but their army still didn't stop at all. Just like at the beginning, the energy group's army was already shooting mechanically at this time, and their energy was rapidly consuming.

Li looked at the one or two tanks rushing up in front picked up an anti-tank gun at hand and fired it directly, and then rolled to a few meters away. As expected, he went out with the anti-tank gun. At the time, Li Cong had a few sniper rifles coming from where he was just now. At the beginning, Li had dozens of people from here, but now it’s one-fifth, because Li Cong can do a lot of things, so The people here went to other places to support. The king of Li Cong beside him is the ace sniper of the Guards. This guy has killed 62 people. He squatted down, installed the magazine, and watched Li. From a glance, he raised his hand with a shot, and a platoon leader holding a telescope in the distance was headshot. Li Cong’s name here is Li Yi, "I said Li Yi, did you see it? I’m 63. You are too much, you kid keep working hard." According to Li Cong’s request, they didn’t know Li Cong’s identity. This was also the idea of ​​the battalion commander. They didn’t know Li Cong’s identity, so Li Cong could It is absolutely safe. If there is a problem in the battle, they may not be able to get out, but Li Cong's personal ability can let him out.

"Come on, I also killed two tanks, why don't you say that." Li Cong said in disobedience, but this kid's blocking ability is definitely very powerful, and I admire this guy very much, Li Cong He also shot a soldier and killed a soldier. Suddenly Li Cong had a bad feeling. He looked over with a bit of sadness. The King of Resistance who had just spoken to him had been killed... (to be continued. .)^-^Read without pop-up window^_^

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