Energy Group

Chapter 1734:

The story of the editor-in-chief Wang can be said to be very heart-warming. The editor-in-chief Wang was a well-known talent in Shili Baxiang. He was born in a small town in the imperial capital. When I was 10 years old, I was said to be supernatural powers by people around me. The reason for saying that was because this guy had learned a few characters in some grass-roots groups. For people of this age, it is already literate and hyphenated. It’s an amazing thing. When the editor-in-chief Wang was very proud of this thing, he didn’t plan to inherit the land of the family. He gave it all to his two brothers. I sold my family property, and then came to study in the imperial capital. Who knew that when I walked out of my small town, Editor-in-Chief Wang realized that he was not a child prodigy at all, and he was actually a normal person. It's just that the people in my own small town are relatively closed. Outside, there are more people like me, and there are more people who are stronger than me. I am just an ordinary person.

Having figured this out, Editor-in-Chief Wang would also like to go back. After all, since I am unfamiliar with the place of life, the days when I want to live in the imperial capital will definitely be very difficult, but I think that I have nothing in my hometown. My two brothers are now married, so naturally they won’t help me. Editor-in-Chief Wang drank all by himself in one night. I don’t know how much alcohol. Anyway, I’m only a teenager. It’s been a few years, so I have to show up outside. Who knows that it’s been 20 years since that day and now. Not only did I not confuse anything, I almost lost my life several times. Now, this imperial capital is prosperous, but it has nothing to do with me. Editor-in-chief Wang wanted to go back several times. Even if he looked at his brothers' eyes, they would give himself a bite of food. Besides, there are still very few people who can read in my hometown. As long as I can run a private school in my hometown, I dare not say anything else. Eating and drinking is not a problem. Cultural people can be respected there. ?

But why this guy didn't leave? This has something to do with a girl named Ying Gu. This little girl has known Editor-in-Chief Wang for ten years. Ten years ago, this girl was only ten years old. Now she is a twenty-year-old girl, and I don’t know what method this guy used to coax the little girl to follow him. This family has been blocked for ten years and hasn’t blocked it. Originally, they were about to get married. It's time. After all, if this twenty-year-old girl is still not married, she is always at home. This is absolutely unacceptable. Even the rumors of the neighbours can't stand it. Editor-in-chief Wang has just arrived at the newspaper at this time. . It’s a good income. Aunt Ying’s parents have left early, and only her brother and sister-in-law are left. When the two of them saw that the editor-in-chief Wang was wearing it this time, they were also very good, with 800 gold coins. The bride price, although this number is not very large in the capital, it is much better than the poor one before. Besides, I originally agreed to let the two of them get married. Now that it’s no longer a problem. Aunt Ying’s sister-in-law began to buy her a dowry. In fact, this brother and sister-in-law are relatives, but they can’t be with their parents. Well, it's not a good thing for an old girl to be at home. The couple are eager to marry Aunt Ying quickly.

This happened when Aunt Ying went out to buy things, and happened to ran into a young master from a landlord’s home in her sister-in-law’s home on the road. It’s strange to say that this young master was not good at anything before, so rely on it now. Going to an earl in the imperial capital, it's amazing, all the land around the town in their hometown belongs to this kid. This guy is already twenty-six this year. There are a lot of wives and children in the family, but they are willing to give out a bride price of 3,000 gold coins. This is not a small amount. Aunt Ying’s sister-in-law has calculated it, and this is a lot of money. Yes, the children in my family are going to be older. Although the money to sell my aunt is not very comfortable when I spend it, it is better than when I have no money, so I told my husband about this.

Aunt Ying’s brother is still unwilling. After all, Aunt Ying is willing to follow Wang Lunhai. Besides, now this Wang Lunhai is different from before. We don’t know what the young master’s house is like, but After all, this Wang Lunhai is the head of the newspaper, and he earns a lot. Now he is considered to be the top figure in the imperial capital. After all, his brother and sister still have feelings. You can't sell his sister for three thousand gold coins. His sister-in-law can Unlike her brother, the sister-in-law’s relationship with herself is not very good. When her parents were alive, she was very angry with herself. She wanted to sell this girl a little further, so she took this matter. I told this young master, who knows that this young master immediately raised the price to 20,000 gold coins. Even if there is money in the family, this aunt Ying is indeed very beautiful. This guy will never forget it. This money is for this guy. Although it’s a bit more, it can be taken out. When looking at a box full of gold coins, this elder brother can’t hold it anymore. Aunt Ying just carried them and locked them up. The day after tomorrow is the day of marriage. , I heard that the young master still has a lot of face, and invited the young master from the earl’s mansion to have a wedding wine. This is an extraordinary thing in ordinary people’s homes.

This incident of Wang Lunhai is nothing to Li Cong at all, but for Editor-in-Chief Wang, this incident is almost the end of the world. If he can't marry Aunt Ying, this kid will definitely not concentrate on work in the future. Now, Li Cong has also listened to the story for a long time, and the food is ready. Li Cong asked Lao Yang to take them down for dinner. He went to one side and called Wang Lunhai to propose marriage. Don’t say yes at this moment. After eating, he couldn't eat even gold, so he immediately followed Li Cong to Aunt Ying's house.

"Master, why don't we go with someone? It is estimated that at that time those people saw the royal palace brand and we didn't have to say anything. It might be possible." Wang Lunhai watched Li Cong and him along the way. Two people, even Lao Yang didn't carry them. Two boxes were pulled in the car and they looked heavy. They were carried by four people just now. These two horses are good horses. Pulling the two boxes at the moment, it seems that they are already very tired.

"Hehe, Lao Wang, I called you that way when you were a few years older than I am. You know how Aunt Ying feels about you. I will take you to try today. See if it's because of the money. Question." Li Cong said with a smile. I have encountered such things many times. Many girls say it is at home. But whether there is any relationship between them, you have to try to understand it. As for a good woman, Li never minded helping him. But if she is also eager to enjoy, then this woman can't keep it. From now on, the newspaper will be in charge of Wang Lunhai. The people around him must be good talents. Sometimes it is impossible to get any results by investigating alone. A live broadcast is necessary for this to come to light. .

Although Lao Wang also felt that what Li Cong said was right, from the bottom of his heart, Lao Wang still preferred Li Congliang to open up his own identity, and then this thing was done, there was no need for so many things, but his heart Are there really no other ideas deep down? That is impossible. Deep down in my heart, I actually want to know what Ying Auntie thinks. After all, I haven’t seen her since the beginning. It’s been a long time. Maybe I’ve changed my heart. Here Old Wang felt that he could hardly breathe.

The place where Li Cong lives and the home of Aunt Ying’s are a bit far away, one in the north of the city. In the south of the city, Aunt Ying’s family is not very good, but she was born in the imperial capital, so when looking at foreigners like Lao Wang, she still has a strong sense of superiority, although I don’t know where their superiority comes from. It came out, but people just have it. This can be reflected not only in Aunt Ying’s family, but also in other people. Many people are more or less facing outsiders, especially those from small places. There will be a little pride in this heart, as the old saying goes, people under the imperial city. Deception may be the case, but Li Cong can't be regarded as an imperial citizen. Now almost all imperial citizens have to look up at Li Cong, and their distance is quite close.

The house is also a small courtyard with two entrances. Speaking of Ying Gu’s brother, there should be assets of hundreds of thousands of gold coins. Such people can be said to be everywhere in the Imperial Capital. Just a handful of them is a lot. It’s not very conspicuous in the emperor, but in the small towns below it is terrific. The richest man in a town may not be able to have this asset. More people can eat, but want a little savings. It’s absolutely impossible. There were two people sitting at the door of this house. Li Cong didn’t know them. The two of them didn’t look at Li Cong. The clothes and materials on this house are also very ordinary. In fact, Li Cong wears them. These things are definitely not off-market goods, but these people are not familiar with an extremely high-end material. This carriage is really not so good. This is the carriage used by Li Congfu to drop people from the palace. It is a symbol of the palace. I got it.

"The two little brothers, next are the housekeepers of Mr. Wang, who came to the house to propose marriage to Aunt Ying. I wonder if I can tell you about it?" Li Cong said with a smile, this Wang Lunhai dare not. Sitting in the car again, he quickly jumped off.

Originally, these two concierges didn't know what was going on, but when they saw Wang, they knew what was going on. They co-authored this poor star and didn't give up, what was going on? Get it to the carriage, call it to the young man, do you really think of yourself as a person of identity? Several people looked at Wang Lunhai who jumped out of the car, and they became more and more convinced that this guy had paid money to hire a small servant. In fact, this person had never used a servant before. Otherwise, they would not know what it is. It's a matter of respect and inferiority. Naturally, it is impossible for the master to come out when the person speaks. Now the master ran to the front, what is going on? The two concierges took another look at Li Cong. They have to say that Wang Lunhai's vision is still very good. At least the little servant in front of him is very imposing. I don’t know what he did before. Among the servants, this The kid is also considered top class, and it seems that he has paid a lot of money.

"Mr. Wang? What day's Mr. Wang, hehe, who am I? It turns out that it is you, Mr. Wang." A concierge said with a smile. When he saw Wang Lunhai, he did not have any respect at all. At that time, Wang Lunhai couldn't eat anything in the imperial capital. Aunt Ying helped this guy. Without Aunt Ying, Wang Lunhai would have been out of breath by now. I don't know where he is. It’s an absolute idiot to want to stand here. The little brother continued: "Hehe, Mr. Wang, you have a good dress today. You have a carriage. You have a family. , It looks like this is a real shotgun change, but it’s not a coincidence that our master just passed on a word. If we see you coming, let us invite you to the porter for a drink. You can do whatever you want. We don’t welcome you at our house, and you don’t have to think about it with our lady. Miss is going to get married these days. You are not very familiar with the major events of our house. You are not very familiar with Mr. Wang. I’m sorry, you don’t use it. Drinking wedding wine." The little brother knew what Wang Lunhai wanted to say when he saw that Wang Lunhai wanted to open his mouth, so he quickly blocked it.

Even a concierge has such eloquence. Today, Li Cong has become interested. Anyway, there hasn't been much anything lately, so it's okay to make fun of this matter. He knew that at this time it was impossible to ask someone to do things with his own mouth. He touched it and took out a gold ticket of ten gold coins from his pocket. It was taken from the counter when he went out, otherwise it would be the case. Li Cong's small denomination is not so easy to find on Li Cong. Li Cong gave this little brother the gold ticket and put it in his pocket, and immediately the little brother looked at Li Cong's eyes differently. He secretly said that Mr. Wang looks really different from before. Last time he said that she was a **** editor. Who knows what an editor is, and that it has something to do with that newspaper. He doesn’t know what a newspaper is. , But it seems that the masters in the family have a share. The above are all very interesting things, but unfortunately, I don’t know a word. I think I don’t know a word, and then I looked at Wang Lunhai. This person knows words, but he was confused before. It's better than myself, I don't even have a full meal. Who knows that now his subordinates can come up with ten gold coins.

"Little brother, I think you are also very clever. You certainly don’t know what this guy looked like before. You didn’t have peace of mind when you hired this kid. I know the money must be his, but I It depends on you and me. I have to tell you what's inside. You can also talk about things. There are too many temporary workers doing things like this in the Imperial City. This guy must have allowed you, as long as you do things. How many gold coins will he give you?" The concierge said to Li Cong with a smile. They all said the same person, so they were more polite.

"Haha, you are really right. This Mr. Wang is my great man. I used to be in this business, but I can eat and drink for a month. Good fellow, this Mr. Wang is generous. Very, a thousand gold coins are my reward, this little brother, if you are interesting, can we do it half of the time?" Li Cong said with a smile, and Wang Lunhai just wanted Going violently, this Li Cong is simply a child, he can do things in one sentence, and now he is chatting with a concierge so speculatively, I really don't know what is in this guy's mind.

"What? This kid is so rich, so you Wang Lunhai, after so many years, have you ever been generous to me? Every time you help you to call a lady, you don’t have much time to give me a silver coin. , What kind of luck your kid has had recently, you can even come up with a thousand gold coins to invite people? That’s awesome, if you don’t talk about five hundred gold coins in the past, I will also deal with you about one hundred gold coins, kid Now it’s different from before.” It’s like sighing that everyone is a layman, why didn’t he have such a good time? This Li Cong’s luck is really good. What I met was when Wang Lun was still developing. When Wang Lunhai was in despair, the gap was simply too big, a thousand gold coins. If there was no such thing as the marriage of the young lady, I would definitely do this business. Now, the Earls Mansion is not a joke. Yeah, the big guys, **** it.

"Why is it different? I said, this brother, we are all gangsters in the emperor city. It may be related to the fact that you want to swipe it. Brother, you have to give your little brother a good help. Report." Li Cong still knows the people in this business. When Li Cong bought news from the scorpion, a lot of content involved this point. This emperor had his system regardless of his business, the two said Maybe it really can be related, maybe the master's master is a person, maybe there is a relationship between relatives, in short, this sentence is not wrong.

"Hehe, that kid can be regarded as a human being, and I will tell you, maybe we will really have a relationship. The editor Wang you talked to is much better than ordinary people like us. The guy’s recent things, our lord and wife, are also in our eyes. In fact, they could only agree to it in the past, but now it’s different. The people from the earl’s mansion have already intervened. Our wife’s fellow is not. Ordinary people, do you guys know what the earl mansion does? It is even higher than the first-rank officer of the dynasty. The director of the public security department of our imperial capital is awesome enough, but it is also a second-rank one, this earl mansion The threshold is higher than our house beams. Fight against such a family, do we have that life. I advise you to stop quickly, but just ask this guy to pay your commission. "The concierge looked at Li Cong very well and said with a smile. In the eyes of the common people, the Earls Mansion is indeed an amazing family. The South District is different from the North District. Nine million people live in the South District. Only one million people live in the North District. This is the gap between the South and the North, and this is the gap between the civilians and the nobles. The earl is at the back of the nobility, but among the common people, this is a very high title, which is not to be offended.

"I thought it was a big deal. Isn't it just an earl's mansion? I said, this brother, you really missed you. Mr. Wang is no longer ordinary people. Mr. Wang is now the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. Do you know the regent? The regent personally invited our Mr. Wang to dinner, the imperial capital, no, the first prince of the imperial capital has friendship with our husband, and our husband will soon have a three-entry yard in the southern district. It’s bigger than yours. You definitely don’t know the news. It’s better to inform your grandfather and wife as soon as possible. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, you can’t afford it. What is the earl’s mansion? It is estimated that you will not be able to go in to our palace to give gifts, you have to wait at the gate." Li Cong said with a smile. His words made the concierge dumbfounded. How could people who live in the imperial capital have never heard of the regent's palace? This is the most powerful place in the imperial capital recently. It seems that the emperor's limelight has been robbed by this palace a lot. , Can this previously desolate guy who couldn’t eat can be implicated in the palace? Not to mention it is the regent palace, even in other ordinary palaces, it is a great thing. In the imperial capital, he has not seen the majesty of the palace steward, but in his hometown, he has only seen it in a palace. Those who can’t be ranked are also great people if they go to the county town below. This city lord and Chang Shi are both fawning on their lives. If you are fawning on the heroes of the palace, you can talk to the palace. The relationship is the same.

"Regent.. Regent Palace? Is there such a thing?" The concierge was obviously dumbfounded. He said that his house is also the home of ordinary people in the imperial capital, and has nothing to do with the bureaucrats of the imperial capital. It doesn't matter even more, where is the palace? Is that a place where ordinary people can go? Ordinary people want to have a relationship with the palace, it has to be related to the 18th generation of their ancestors.

"Hehe, brother, look at what this is. This thing is the waist card of the Prince Regent’s Mansion. Tell your master to come out." Li Cong said with a smile. At this moment, Editor-in-Chief Wang is convinced of Li Cong. Step by step to destroy these people in Aunt Ying’s family from top to bottom, if you directly tell your relationship, it is estimated that the people inside will be able to have problems with their own brains, you are a stinky grassroots, you say you If it has something to do with the Prince Regent's Mansion, can it have something to do? Who would believe what you said? I think everyone is a fool. This waist card is different. He knows the waist card of the royal servants. It has three big golden characters of the regent written on it. This waist card is used. The material is also very good, not to mention, just such a waist card costs more than two hundred gold coins, and everything used by a minion is so expensive, if it is faked and killed, no one will believe it.

This thing is definitely a real thing. In fact, Li Cong originally didn’t want to take this thing out. Since he wanted to test Aunt Ying, he couldn’t tell the story about the palace, but now it seems that the situation has changed. If there is no palace coming out, maybe even the door in front of you may not be able to get in. Anyway, you just fool the minions below. After a while, I guess the masters inside are not so stupid. The people in this palace are just So good-tempered.

Sure enough, what happened after a while was different from what Editor-in-Chief Wang had imagined. Originally, he thought that the guy who had entered would have to tell their master to come out together. He didn't expect that a slave had also come out. It was a coincidence. The servant is the housekeeper brought by the wife’s fellow villager. I happened to be passing by here today. They just made some silk satin at home, and they quickly gave it to his matchmaker, that is, Aunt Ying’s sister-in-law. In this house Just happy. This kind of good material is only available in the south of the Yangtze River. It is rarely available in the north. The kid is a talking person, saying that these things are purchased from the earl’s mansion and prepared to be used in the imperial capital. If they didn't prepare too much, these things would never be available on the market, even though they were valuable. That is to say, the appearance of more than a thousand gold coins, the eyelids of Aunt Ying's sister-in-law will not be so shallow. But these things are different from the earl’s mansion. I’ll talk about it when I go out in the future. Maybe the young ladies in the earl’s mansion are wearing these things. If they send them all If we go to the palace, it will be even more remarkable. We wear the same clothes as the palace, good guys, and our net worth immediately improved a lot.

Just as the people in the house were going out to set up a banquet, I saw the concierge and butler in my house coming in. Which Wang Lunhai is here again? If this is another time, no one may care about it. Now this Aunt Ying’s object is here. Although Aunt Ying hasn’t admitted yet, the current society doesn’t care about it. For things, since Aunt Ying has no parents, then her brother-in-law can definitely decide this matter right now. Aunt Ying didn’t have any room for resistance, and she was immediately angry. Ordinarily, he was a foreigner who didn’t dare and couldn’t be as temperamental as the imperial capital, but now it’s different. The earl’s mansion admires himself very much. Yes, and also said that I would get myself a family background. Although this businessman is also good, he is not as good as the official man. His literary talents are all useless, so if he wants to be born, he can only serve the people in the earl’s mansion, and give a reward over there. He was born, otherwise there would be no hope for a lifetime.

Aunt Ying's sister-in-law hasn't said anything yet, if it was before. Seeing that this fellow gave so many things and the relationship with the earl’s mansion is so good, he would definitely ask people to drive away Wang Lunhai, but how could she be so courageous as a woman? As for the palace, although the earl's palace is also powerful, how far is the earl's palace from the palace? As long as people who have no problem in their minds can think wrong, the earl is the marquis, the marquis is the duke, and the duke is the palace, and the concierge in his own home is still well-informed in the imperial capital, the regent palace? What is the first palace? This woman is stupefied by these titles. As for Aunt Ying’s brother, there is nothing to say. This guy has always been silent, although he doesn’t want his sister to follow him. The merchant from the so-called earl’s mansion went to the south, but he had already accepted the betrothal and everything, so he recognized it. Now I heard that Wang Lunhai, whom my sister liked before, turned out to be incredible. Someone from the palace, the ears have been erected, are you waiting, if Wang Lunhai is really a member of the palace, then anyone in the earl's palace can leave, since it is already a back I got a bad reputation for selling my sister, so I simply did things a little bit more absolutely, and just sold it for a higher price. This happens every day in the imperial capital. As the saying goes, people don’t kill themselves. Well, I am also for my own good life.

You have to wait for Ying's sister-in-law to react. This kid will let his housekeeper come out and have a look. Is it really so easy for people in the palace to give this kid a head start? How could this be possible? The previous information of this kid had been investigated very clearly by himself. It only took a month or two for the flying branch to become a phoenix? Where is there such a thing, besides, if you really climb the high branches of the palace, you still use yourself to do this thing? Just come out of a family of the royal palace, the entire southern city will have to linger for a long time, and the person from the regent palace? The major palaces in this imperial capital are related to everywhere, but the relationship between the regent palace is the simplest. For nothing else, it is just established. There are only three masters in the entire palace. The surname is king. Who's related to?

Hearing what this guy said, everyone else in this room also seemed to understand. It is indeed the case. Wang Lunhai probably lied. They have all met the stewards in the palace. Good guys. , The dozens of people who hugged before and after, the city guards on the road saw that they had to hide away, and they were afraid to run into them. This is not a matter of care, or it is better not to see. Hearing that the concierge said that there were only two people, it must not be the case, this Wang Lunhai is also very courageous. I dare to pretend to be a member of the palace. If this is sent to the Yamen, the forty sticks are absolutely indispensable. Maybe they have to be given exile or something. That's fine. I originally watched Ying Aunt treat this guy There is still emotion, if this guy is exiled for breaking the law, nothing will happen. At that time, even if you are yourself, Aunt Ying will be able to arrange it in the Imperial Capital. This guy has a lot of wives and children in his family. It would not be a good thing to get another one back. The shrews in the family are not vegetarians, and they will have their own sufferings by then. They will have to set up a house in the Imperial Capital. Although Aunt Ying is already twenty, But he is still very young and beautiful. In the future, he will not go to his country house directly. Let's live a good life in the Imperial Capital. Thinking of the good life in the future, this guy will laugh out loud. At this time, Li Cong brought Wang Lunhai into the house, and both of them saw the people in the earl's mansion.

"This must be a person in the earl's mansion. I don't know which earl's mansion you belonged to. Can you tell me, if it has something to do with our palace, it is better not to be too stiff. After all, everyone will be in the imperial capital. I can’t see you looking down.” Li Cong looked at this guy and said when he came in. This guy doesn’t seem to be a good person. Li Cong’s impression of this guy is not very good. Everyone really didn’t expect to come in and talk. Wang Lunhai turned out to be a family-like person, and he spoke like a person from the palace. It’s just that the people in the palace wouldn’t do things that way. If the people in the palace knew that their opponent was only someone from the earl’s palace, they would have ordered the beating. Everyone knows this. What Li never knew was that if He came in a bit arrogant, I guess everyone would believe it. But now that he is so polite, everyone feels that this guy is putting on a guise. It is true that people in the palace do not act like this.

"Don’t **** pretend to be garlic, you guys in the palace, you two didn’t believe me when I said just now, can you see if this guy can be from the palace? Just look at what he looks like. It's a person who eats food on the street. The co-authoring made me startled. I think it's better to call the person who is in charge of the yamen in the infantry to come and get these two people back. This pretending to be a steward of the palace is not a small one. Sin, I think you two may have to distribute three thousand li, and maybe they will be sent to Guangming City at that time. It happens that both of you are from the Regent Palace, maybe the prince went to the border. I just saw you two begging for food at that time, and I threw it to your two restaurants. I guess it’s not bad for you to come here at that time and tell me that you are from the palace, at least it’s more reliable than it is now. A little bit, I don’t know what the two of them mean, how did I say?” This guy smiled and said to Ying’s brother and sister-in-law. Although the two of them could not understand his arrogant appearance, they had to admit This guy is telling the truth. There are no such people in the palace, let alone ordinary people. Even if they are officials, the slaves in the palace will never take it seriously. They People with eyes above the top.

"Hehe, your gentleman is really good at talking, but I have to tell you that this emperor is no better than other places. If you are very good in other places, then you should return to your one. It’s better to go to one-third acre of land. This is not a place where you can go wild. Let’s put it this way, Aunt Ying has known Mr. Wang for many years. As the saying goes, I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy a marriage. I know why this gentleman wants to do this. I think your family has a bit of money. What kind of girl can't find it, why should you look for Aunt Ying? I know you have paid a lot, and Mr. Wang is not. Rude people, please ask Ying Gu to come out and talk, if he really wants to go with you, we won’t say anything, how about it?” Li Cong’s words made this rich young master really angry, not just one Little Jia Ding, if this is really a member of the royal palace, shouldn't you immediately have to say what you are from the palace? How can you still say such things, and this guy came to the royal capital? It’s not a long time, but many people have said a lot of similar things to this guy. It’s nothing more than telling this kid not to be arrogant in the imperial capital. I have not eaten the pain, and even if those people reminded themselves, after all, they are some elders or people with a good face, but you are a kind of thing, just a shit, not enough.

"I'll go to you..." This guy's outline is cursing. Li just kicked up from the top. The quality of this guy seems to be really not very good. He just said that he has to do it, but unfortunately this guy should It’s good to investigate Otherwise, you won’t be so embarrassed in front of Li Cong. He is not Li Cong’s opponent. Just like this, Li Cong would beat him more than a dozen. No problem, Wang Lunhai and Ying Gu’s brother and sister-in-law looked dumbfounded at this scene. Wang Lunhai is better. After all, he knows Li Cong’s identity, and nothing will happen to this guy. But Aunt Ying's brother and sister-in-law are miserable. Although this guy is a businessman, he is the one who can speak the earl's mansion. If the earl's mansion is to blame, I am afraid he can't afford it.

"Puff puff..." This guy spat out two teeth from his mouth. People with dirty mouth have to be punished like this. This guy looks at his front teeth, his mouth is full of blood, the two at the door This man is a real man in the earl’s mansion. In the past, they would certainly not care about such a person, but now the old earl has explained that this boy is useful and must be optimistic about him. They are all People who often walk around in the imperial capital can tell whether Li is in the palace or not, these two guys are about to do it immediately.

Li Cong took a look at these two guys. It is said that the manpower in the earl’s mansion should not be so rich. These two guys are obviously first-rate masters. Such people should stay in the earl’s mansion, or a few Important people are right next to them. Shouldn't you go to such a place to protect a merchant in Earls Court? There is something weird...(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for a recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.) Guiqiu to share

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