Energy Group

Chapter 1771:

"Guys, I really don’t want to trouble you anymore, but you also know that I won’t call you out when I have a last resort. Now I’m in trouble, as long as I’m in trouble, the first thing I think of is you. Now, you are the one who solved the trouble for me, and things are like this..." Li didn’t have extra greetings since he came in, so he went straight to the subject. These people are not outsiders, they are all Li Cong’s good brothers, it can be said that they can dedicate their lives for Li Cong. There are some people in the world who are happiest with the establishment of the Li-Tang Empire, and they definitely include them. The group and the current Li Tang Empire, this feeling is not something ordinary people can feel, so there is no need for any opening remarks, they just need to accept the task.

"Boss." said a tall guy. They didn't call the boss before. They like to use the name Boss. In their opinion, this name can bring them closer to Li Cong. Li Cong has always It’s also more accustomed to listening, "Brothers really have enough rest. You said how we came here for so many years. There is nothing like real swords and guns. You trained us to be like this, right? In order for us to be able to accomplish things that others can't, we are waiting for this moment every day. We can do what you say about it, but there is one thing, you can’t go, let’s go, this little thing Can't you still trust us? When did we do business to disappoint you." These people have heard the battle plan very well, but when they heard that Li Cong was going to go with one of the teams, these people were not happy. The emperor is the emperor, we are the army, and the emperor wants to command the entire empire. Such things are done by the army. If the emperor does everything, what he needs the army to do is simply slap them in the face, of course. This is a saying, and another is that they don't want Li Cong to have an accident in their hearts. There are hundreds of slaying players. We are fine with a few fewer. We can also be formed, but what if you are less?

"Haha, Erhei. I have not seen you for many years, and I found that your kid is so courageous. You dare to take care of what I want to do, boss. See if I don't take your kid's bones apart, I will actually tell you Same, I haven’t had any activities for a long time. I also want to go out and see how my skills are in these years. Besides, this thing is really important. We can’t be sloppy. There are some things we can't think of in the base. You can't ask for instructions before doing things. If I follow you, I can give you orders directly. This is a very important time for your actions. "Li Cong smiled and said to the guy who had just spoken. That guy was shivering when he heard that Li Cong was about to repair himself. I still remember what happened back then. When I first entered the killing force, I was a stinger. , Now so many years have passed, if others don’t say this, they say it again. But he knew that Li would never be bothered.

"Boss, Erhei is right. I don't think you can go to this matter. Our communication system is very developed. I don't see any problems. If you go, just in case. I mean just in case. If something happens, how can we kill ourselves? Although we also know things like biochemical weapons, we have never been opponents of the US-Europe Union in this respect. Who knows what they have in their base? It's too risky, I don't agree." Captain Slaughter also said. His words represented the wishes of most of the killing team members, and they were completely different from the two black words just now.

"Okay, this matter is settled. Don’t obstruct you one by one. Go back and prepare. Divide into three groups. I will follow one group randomly. Then you will know. Look at the time. We have three more. You can take a break in a few hours. So do you guys. Tell your family or unfinished things immediately, and the Empire will do it for you in the future.” Finally, Li Cong said this sentence. Although it is a bit sad to know these words, such things will have to be faced sooner or later. It is always better to say it early than Wan. After saying it, Li never stopped and went out.

Regarding this biochemical action, it can be said that Li Cong has no bottom in his heart, because he does not know what is in the enemy. For a long time, Li Cong thinks that this unknown danger is the most serious danger. Danger is the most severe danger. The Li Tang Empire can be said to have absolute advantages over the U.S.-Europe Union in most aspects. Only in terms of biological and chemical weapons, it seems to be inferior to them. The age when they developed this thing is also It’s very long. The earliest time can be traced back to World War II. At that time, there was an army specialized in manufacturing these things in the Fusang army, but after the war, all the materials of these army were obtained by the Skull and Bones people. They also suffered greatly, but later they also realized that these things are definitely powerful weapons, and they can definitely turn the tide of the battle with these things, but because their development speed is really too slow, they have not succeeded. , Since when, these biochemical weapons have become a trump card of the Skull and Bones. They have never taken out these things, but it is undeniable that these things are very powerful things, and they will shock the world. .

After entering the new era, the Skeleton Society at that time researched out a large number of giant squids. Unfortunately, these things were killed without any results. Then, these crazy things began to experiment on humans, and finally appeared The biochemical people on the battlefield were the lowest in the beginning. They were either strong or fast, but they couldn't control their brains, just relying on the anger at the beginning. It’s impossible to do anything big, so at the very beginning they also achieved some results, but they were not very big. At that time, the senior officials of the Skull and Bones thought this thing was undesirable, but then they really didn’t have any. There is a solution. No matter what technology it is, it seems that they are lagging behind the energy group. If they are small, they may still work hard and will catch up. Unfortunately, the gap is too big and they want to catch up. Going up is simply impossible. Many people started to give up at that time. These things are not that simple. They must immediately shift their attention to areas that the Li Tang Empire does not study.

This aspect is the current biochemical weapons, and they have indeed done it. If the iron and steel suits of the Li Tang Empire were not produced quickly, they might be caught off guard. However, the intelligence department also said at the time that the current biochemical People have a brain even though their combat effectiveness is strengthened. But there is another point that they cannot do, that is, the cost is very high. Judging from the current financial situation of the U.S.-Europe Union, it is absolutely impossible to support this experiment, so everyone didn’t care much. As the war deepened, both Li Cong and the top leaders of the Li Tang Empire felt strange. They have suspended everything in the entire country. If they are fully developing the military, their military strength shouldn't be so weak. Now they all understand that these biohumans are behind them. Biochemical talents are the last support for these people, and their money has been spent on this.

Li Cong clearly knew that general weapons should be of no use to these biochemical people, so this time everyone set off with air weapons, and everyone was wearing steel suits. Even if it is not flying on the ground, it can reach a speed of 250KM per hour. This speed is about the same as some helicopters, although the weapons and equipment are very advanced. However, Li Cong still feels a little bit bottomless in his heart. These things are things that have never appeared before. Will they be as omnipotent as some novels say? These are some doubts, but fortunately, Li Seeing that these guys are full of energy after the preparations are complete, I feel confident. That's right, the enemy has biochemical people, and he has this group of brothers. They all drank genetic medicine four times, and they are definitely not ordinary people. If they really ran into it, the outcome was difficult to distinguish.

Three hours later. Li Cong started with the first team. It was the same as when Li Cong followed. Li Cong is just a team member. Li Cong will only come forward when he encounters a problem that cannot be solved. When the answer above is needed, Li Cong will come forward. They will not interfere with the actions of these people at all. They all have experience in this area, and they are much richer than Li Cong. Li has never commanded large battles. It may be said that they are easy to do, but such small-scale battles still require these people. After all, Li Cong also said very clearly at the beginning. This team is led by the second black team. Don't look at the two blacks who are stupid and thick, but starting things is not Normally and carefully, the kid didn’t rest for these three hours. Anyway, the family was alone, and the whole family was not hungry. There was originally a daughter-in-law, but the daughter-in-law didn’t go home and took it with him. The child divorced himself, and I looked at the photos of the child and his wife for a long time before leaving, but the wife is now a newly established family, and I have been to see the child by myself. It is still very good. When I set out, I had already turned the beneficiaries of the many insurances and other things the Empire had bought for me into my own children and ex-wifes. I couldn’t be responsible for them anymore. This is what I left for them. Well, but soon this guy was attracted by the task, as if this is the place to realize the value of life. Regarding this kid’s personal issues, Li Cong also talked to this guy many times, but this guy always said It doesn't matter. Li Cong looked at this guy's background. After he came back, he had to marry this kid even with some ill-conceived means. If he wanted his former wife, he had to follow suit. The emperor always had a bit of privilege.

The Erhei looked at the combat plan formulated by the military department, and revised a lot of things. Many things were not in line with the reality. This is also impossible. The staff of the headquarters have not been to the front. Things are not fully understood. Erhei used three hours to modify this plan. During the two hundred kilometers from the base, it is absolutely impossible to fly. There are a lot of US and Europe ahead of these two hundred kilometers. Although the alliance’s army can advance more than one hundred kilometers per day, their team has only eighty-five people. If this is discovered, tens of thousands of people may come to deal with them. Naturally, tens of thousands of people will be able to use their skills. It’s impossible to catch them, but it’s impossible to continue to complete the task, so their original intention is gone. Erhei’s plan is that they must have it within the first two hundred kilometers. Running forward, the speed of running in a steel suit is also very fast. At the beginning, the base side also needed cooperation. An hour before they set off, they had already done a lot of firepower preparations on the road. Only a few enemies can be encountered along the way. They are not here to kill people, they all have missions. They must quickly reach that huge biochemical base, and when they get there, they must mix all the medicines they carry with the biochemical medicines, so that they can get these damned. Biochemical weapons are fundamentally extinct. Of course, if there are biochemical people on the road, they will definitely be killed. These people do not belong to this world. It would be the biggest mistake to keep them in this world, if they all kill the base. But these biohuman beings are alive. Who knows if there will be some crazy scientist in the future, holding these biochemical people and pushing them up will eventually get all the data, then people who want to become biochemical people may come to look for them. For this guy, this scientist is transforming at will for profit, and the whole society will be a life without a head by then, so they must be killed.

The speed of more than eighty people is still very fast. Although many soldiers from the US-Europe Union saw this group of Li Tang Empire troops different from ordinary soldiers, they did not say anything. One by one, it’s clear that the weapons and equipment of these people are not what they can kill with soldiers who only have submachine guns and grenades. These people are very powerful one by one. They all saw two tanks wanting. Stopping them, I didn't expect one of the leading guys to launch a small missile, and that thing was killed by two tanks. You must know that this is the latest main battle tank. Such a tank can survive the 129MM main gun, but it has no ability to face such a small missile for a moment. This kind of thing stimulates these escaped troops. They will not be troublesome. , In fact, they all want to end the battle quickly, they know from the mouths of some soldiers. It seems that the people living in the prisoner-of-war camps have a much better life than their own. They actually want to live like that, but the gendarmerie is too strict.

"Attention, attention, we have a squadron of helicopters on the left front, four in number, carrying rockets for ground attack. There is a certain threat to us, now I order all of them to retreat to the woods on the left to maneuver. Go forward." Erhei saw a warning from the headquarters on his radar screen. If they were not afraid of such a helicopter team in normal times, even one or two people could kill them, but now after all It used to be different. If this helicopter squad is killed, the bosses of these helicopter squads will definitely notice the situation here. Then it may be the helicopter squadron or even the helicopter squadron. At that time, these people may not be able to enter the enemy's interior, and there will be no way to kill the biochemical base, so it is better to avoid such a thing on the road.

A group of people looked angrily at the helicopter that was about to come. Several people had locked them in. They could not wait to kill these guys directly, but they were all people with a big picture, since the captain said they wanted I avoided these guys. I can't kill them now. I can only look at these guys with my eyes. After entering the woods, the helicopter will immediately lose its target, although there is radar on the helicopter. , But these things have not appeared in this place before, and naturally there is no data for them on the radar. Several helicopters flew on the edge of the woods for a while, and saw nothing. They moved towards the woods. After launching a few rockets, they went back for a mission. They had done this many times. They were all soldiers from the Army. Besides, it was too close to the front line, and their energy was not much. , There is no need to wander around the woods. If you are not careful, there are individual soldiers from the Li Tang Empire below. If you come up, you can give yourself a shot. Even a large-caliber blocking rifle might kill it yourself. It’s better to go back to the base honestly. Anyway, I’ve already seen it. There is no way to catch people. We don’t want to be like this. The most important thing is to leave a certain amount of energy, otherwise, wait until Li What to do if the army of the Tang Empire cannot escape when it comes, this is the most important thing.

"Well, those **** helicopters are gone, and we are less than seven hundred kilometers away from the target when we leave the small forest in front. We can take off after we get out of the forest. At our speed, about four Arrived at the target location in fifteen minutes. No matter what attack you have along the way, you should remember it. As long as it is flying hard, none of their weapons are our opponents, but this is also dangerous. You can use a missile. Don’t take it seriously. Three and five may really kill you. You’ve all remembered such things. If you are unlucky, you will know your own affairs. As long as we have people alive, at home You don’t care about things, but you have to take care of other things yourself, especially your own mouth. It’s really not good. Don’t kill us as soon as possible.” Erhei, this person speaks like this, although it’s not. It sounds pretty good, but it's still very clear. It's not the first time people here have followed this guy out to do things, and they are also very clear about this way of speaking. What they think in their hearts is, when have we been counseled, we are all mixed up, it's okay.

Everyone replied absent-mindedly. Something happened near the exit of the small forest. There are a large number of refugees at the intersection of the small forest. These people are not the army and shouldn't disclose anything. They all took off. These people looked at these guys in the sky in horror. They used to Although watching movies, I also know these things. But when you put it in real life, you still don’t understand. Don’t these things only exist on TV? How come they appear in real life? Are these people us? In fact, according to the regular plan, these people will be killed as long as they see their whereabouts, but these are ordinary people, and they are not very sinful people. If you really do it, it would be a bit hard to do it, and it would just save them for their lives.

After entering the air, they quickly rose to an altitude of 20,000 meters. It is difficult to find them by radar at this altitude, and now there are Li Tang Empire bombers everywhere, and the cover for them is also very good, Li I saw a large number of their own planes from the time they took off, and they said hello to the pilots. Although the pilots above did not understand which part of these people were, they should not be faked when they saw their signs. It’s not a department. There are too many departments within the empire, and there are too many advanced weapons. I don’t have so much effort to be familiar with, so these people didn’t care. Follow Li Cong. After nodding their heads, they began to implement their plans. If it were not for their own missions, Li Cong and the others really wanted to bully those U.S.-European alliance fighters. With their current ability, they wanted to follow those fighters. In a battle, those fighters will eventually be killed. There will be absolutely no other results. The speed of these fighters looks very fast below, but for the killers in the steel suits on the ship and the ants The speed is about the same.

After they flew for about half an hour, Li could already see the huge military base in front of them. They all began to land outside the military base. The defenses of such military bases are very strong, and here There is still a long distance from the front line. If you rush to the front line recklessly, you may lose a lot, and it will not be of any benefit to the mission. Erhei arranges several people to visit the base. What's going on, this can be regarded as a simple investigative mission. Many people here can see that the people here are much better than the soldiers of the US-Europe Union who are trying to escape everywhere, at least their eyes There is no fear or fear here, only the firm eyes of the soldiers. It’s no wonder that people have hundreds of years of background, can they not even be able to do this with such a small army? People’s skills are still very good. It is estimated that these are the last group of soldiers of the Skull and Bones, and they have also brought pressure to Li Cong. It would be great if the soldiers here were the same as those on the front line. A grenade could scare many people away. It seems that it is impossible to enter secretly here. The first plan must be abandoned immediately. The second plan is to make up the troops of the U.S.-Europe Union to enter, but in that case they have to take off their steel suits. Although his skills are great, he has to increase his combat effectiveness by more than 50% when he wears a steel battle suit. It seems a bit difficult to give up half of his combat effectiveness. At this time, Erhei feels a bit tricky. During the intelligence reconnaissance, I only said how many troops there are here, but I didn't say that the troops here are so powerful. Professional soldiers can tell at a glance how powerful their opponents are.

"Er Hei. I think it can be like this. You take a part outside to prepare for the third plan, and I will take a part in to carry out the second plan. We will do it on both sides. Anyway, the manpower is sufficient." Said that, in fact, Erhei also thought about this problem, and the third plan was to attack directly. In any case, the implementation of the third plan is still very likely to escape, but these people in the second plan do not have a steel suit and want to escape after entering it is not that simple. Of course, Li Cong is unwilling to lead the team. There are also big loopholes in this second plan. There is no alternative. If there is enough time, His Majesty the Emperor will personally participate in this battle plan. It would definitely not be that bad, but now they don't have enough time, this plan can only be so crudely crafted.

"No, boss. You are taking someone outside to prepare for the third plan. I'll just take someone in. I'm good at pretending to be a member of the U.S.-European Union. I have no problem several times. You may be the first time. I have to fail." Er Heihu said with a face, Li Cong followed this trouble. If Li Cong is a small soldier, he will give this kid a kick. You can mix things up with the captain's arrangements, do whatever you ask you to do. A soldier's vocation does not know what kind of soldier he is. This is not nonsense. Well, but now he can't tell Li Cong like that. This is His Majesty the Emperor.

"Hehe, what's wrong with my head? Anyway, I'm the emperor now and I don’t have much to pursue. My ability to deal with things is much stronger than you. Don’t forget your oath. Everything must be obeyed by the emperor. Arranged, you will remember these words to me one by one. From now on, I’ll be in charge. All you need is Du Cong. If someone wants to disobey the emperor’s arrangement, you can leave the empire by yourself. Now you Do you have any comments?" Li Cong said with a smile, knowing that if these people speak nicely, these people will definitely not let themselves go up, but if they take out the emperor’s majesty, they won’t have that much. When things happen, one by one will definitely obey orders. Sure enough, after Li Cong said these words, no one was talking about it. No matter when, the emperor’s dignity is the supreme thing. They have maintained this all their lives. I violated it, this is the biggest joke.

"Very well, now Erhei you take a few places. These are the best positions for assaults. You guys will get some US military clothes. We just need to change the costumes. The headquarters' plan. What roles are arranged for us in here?” This is also subject to investigation. It is impossible for you to wear a US military uniform to enter. The review here is very strict, especially It’s such a military base. Even in normal times, it doesn’t mean that you can enter if you want to. The inspections are even stricter in this war period. It’s not that simple to get in. This plan can be carried out, but it was a waste of the news that several agents behind enemy lines received. If they want to succeed, Li only has two hours. This plan can be said to be very demanding. Such a large military The base, you have to worry about the enemy’s censorship, and you have to do things. Two hours is too short. Even if you don’t do anything, it’s not that simple if you want to go in and wander around. Know nothing.

"Boss, the headquarters arranged for us a high-level inspection team of the U.S.-Europe Union. This inspection team is composed of officers above colonel. Our special team has already helped us kill the inspection team before we were dispatched. , Waiting for us at this location, we just need to change clothes in the past.” Erhei pointed to a place on the electronic map and said, that place is less than ten kilometers away from Li from them, so naturally speaking Kung Fu can be there. To be honest, this special team does not have to be slow at all.

"Okay, you guys come with me. There is a reason why I dared to go in Erhei. There are a bunch of brothers like you to show me outside. If I still don't dare to go in, do I deserve to be your boss? It also requires continuous improvement to become your boss. This task is no small thing. My chances of going in and alive are much greater than those of you. Besides, if we fail, the attack is definitely a very important thing. , Maybe we will throw our own lives here, but you all have to remember that if these things inside are spread out, our earth may become a dead planet without animals, we No one wants to be like this, so we must prevent these things from happening." Li Cong said firmly. These killing team members are usually not formal, and it is rare to hear Li Cong say that now. These people also looked at the sky. Indeed, it is very beautiful here, but the most beautiful thing is the animals on this planet. If there is no one on this planet, then the planet is so beautiful and loses its original role. It must be successful.

"Hey, boss, there is no need to tell us so much about the principles. Our brothers have never given you a shame. Go, if you need us, give us a signal. There is a sea of ​​swords and fires ahead, our brothers. If there is a frown, it is a stepmother, you go quickly, don't waste time. We also take advantage of this time to start to take advantage of the position." Erhei and several people are also open-minded men, not that kind of twitchy Everyone, after hearing Li Cong’s words one by one, they were all in high spirits and started to work. We can't bear the sensationalism that is always so.

Li Cong smiled and gave this guy a punch, then took off the steel suit and went out wearing this thing. As long as you are not a fool, you can see that these people are from the Li Tang Empire. They quickly walked towards the predetermined location. Er Hei looked at the place where Li Cong disappeared, gave him a hard look, and then I waved his hand. He also set off with his brothers. "You all opened your eyes for me to see what the situation is now. The boss went in by himself. This should have been our move. He will do it. If you don’t work hard later, don’t blame me. Erhei is cruel and cruel." Erhei said angrily. It was the first time that several other people saw Erhei like this. It turned out to be 100% hard work. Hearing this guy speaks like that, he can do it immediately. One hundred and two of the strength came, this is not a joke, to stimulate combat effectiveness.

Li Cong and them soon came to the front of a dam. Because of the war, the dam had no effect. When Li Cong arrived, the fighting here seemed to have just ended. Dozens of people were wary. Looking at the Quartet, these people were surprised to see Li coming from them. They knew that they were all the emperor’s trump cards. They were also very powerful special forces in a certain group army, but they were similar to the killing troops. There is still a big gap in comparison. The most powerful of them has a big gap compared with the ordinary slaying players. A dozen of them can't do it alone, but I didn't expect to see the emperor here. Your Majesty, it was a very easy task for His Majesty Emperor Stomach to do things with the army. I didn't expect to do things directly for His Majesty, and all of them couldn't keep their mouths happy.

"Hehe, everyone, thank you. Now that time is tight, I don’t have much time. This is also an enemy-occupied area. You must retreat more tightly one by one. Don’t go wrong." Li Cong didn’t know when he saw these happy people. There is no way to talk about new recruits. After a few words, I got on the American jeep and flashed people. These guys have to follow them in. It is good to have that heart, but it is possible to bring the killing team in. If there is no return, let alone you people. It is absolutely impossible to get in. If there are only humans, it is nothing, but there are some biochemical people inside. How old are these people? The Imperial Intelligence Department didn't know about their abilities, but it was certain that they all had abilities that surpassed human beings. This was the most important thing. These people didn't have a good job.

They all started to put on makeup in the car. There is a big physical difference between Westerners and Easterners. If you directly find some ordinary people, it might be a bad thing, because the bones are not as good as the Westerners. The killing team members are different. This time, because of this plan, they are all tall and mammoth. Li's height of 1.8 meters is not very good among these people. He put on It is the clothes of a major general of the US military. It has been investigated before. Except for the liaison officer who is familiar with some officials on the base, other people are not very familiar, so there is no need to worry about being shown. Come out, and Li Cong has already figured out how to deal with this matter. Just go in and divert their attention vigorously. We are geniuses in this regard. Now the bombed by I doesn’t have an Oscar. Otherwise, I definitely have to give it. A gold award for Li passed by these people in five American jeeps and a military truck. Those in the special squad are still very good. Such fierce battles killed more than 100 US dollars. The senior officers of the European Union did not even damage their cars. In the past, the cars in the Americas were the best, but now Li has never seen where the cars come from. They are all decades old. Now, it’s not that there are new things, but these people shouldn’t be at that level. Li Tang Empire’s jeep is much better than this. Now this car is no different from the classic car. It has always been used to luxury. Li never felt comfortable in the car.

Soon after five minutes, the convoy arrived at a checkpoint. Li Cong was a general. Naturally, Li Cong would not get off the car himself, but obviously the person at the checkpoint did not expect it. A major general got out of the car, and they immediately disappeared from what they were supposed to be, and they quickly saluted Li Cong.

"Asshole, didn't you say that you would send a contact person? Where is the **** contact person now? We didn't even know where to go when we encountered a bombing, how did you do things, what about your boss? Call me out, I shot him." Li Cong said loudly. The people on these checkpoints were directly dumbfounded. Where did the major generals come from? He was really angry. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.) Guiqiu to share

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