Energy Group

Chapter 1774:

Ten minutes later, Li Cong took Erhei to a place 40 kilometers north of the base. The entire base was bombed and there was nothing left. Tens of thousands of people, including the **** biochemical people and the killing team, were all turned into Ashes, Li Cong is considered a man, but he still shed tears in the face of the sacrifices of so many people. Li Cong looked into the distance, but he could not see much anymore, but he still seemed to see the smiles of his brothers. Now, Li Cong checked the progress of the other two regions. No one from them came back, but they all reported that the headquarters mission was completed. It seems that the only two hundred people who are survivors are themselves and Erhei. If you didn’t have yourself, all these two hundred killing team members would have been planted there. I thought that Li Cong’s hatred of the U.S.-European League’s high-level leaders has increased by another level. It’s all these **** who are studying biological and chemical weapons. Without their research, my brothers would not have such a thing.

"Where is this.. What's wrong with me? I feel my head is dizzy?" Li Cong woke up while Erhei was thinking about things. This kid just suffered a huge impact. The guy who has eaten the gene potion four times recovers very quickly. This guy is already conscious now. If he changes to a normal person, he probably won’t be able to find North by now, let alone. I can talk, I have already lost half of my life.

"The two of us have been checked out. All the remaining people have died. Although this task is completed, we also won a terrible victory. Alas, with the lives of more than 200 of you in exchange for I’m not happy for the completion of this mission." Li Cong quickly helped this guy up and checked it. It seemed that there was no problem. Now both of them ran to the enemy’s rear. This place The nearest military stronghold of the Li Tang Empire had to be hundreds of kilometers or more. If Li had ran south just now, it would have been tighter, but a large number of helicopters suddenly appeared to the south. This made myself unable to run even if I wanted to run. I had to run to the north in a hurry, which was farther away from my own army, so I had to find a way to get out.

"Boss, in fact, when we came out, we knew that this mission must be a mission of a lifetime of nine deaths. Didn’t we say everything when we came, what are the 200 people of us? It doesn’t matter if we die, anyway, we too I know. I’ve tried anything in this life. It’s not wrong. But if we don’t die, there will be more people dead on this earth, and the earth may become a dead planet. By then, we may be more than 200 people. I still have to die. The problem of one day and one day is really nothing." Erhei said, the killing team members have already seen life and death very clearly. Every time they came out to perform a task, they knew their own destiny. This time the boss of the task chain was dispatched. If it was not dangerous, it was a lie to the children. They had never seen anything before, and died if they died. , It's not a big deal.

"Hehe, I can't see it. Okay, it's meaningless to discuss this now. You are all brothers who live together every day. They will definitely have many unfulfilled wishes. If you know, we will go back. Help them to complete, if you don’t know, take good care of their family members. The empire is supported and nothing can go wrong.” Li Cong looked at the distance and said, this mission is really unfilial to Li Cong. At one time, Li Cong thought that his power could do whatever he wanted on this planet, but now it seems that he still has a lot of shortcomings, and his opponents are not as capable as he thought. In fact, these people have very well-developed brains. If I didn't underestimate them, it might not end like today.

"Hehe, I know how much their wishes are. Although all of them are very free and easy, in fact, these guys can't let go of those people in their own family. I will help them to solve them. You don’t have to worry about this boss." Erhei said with a smile, thinking of his former brothers, his heart was also uncomfortable for a while. These people get along with themselves day and night, and are simply better than their relatives in the family. Thinking of them in my mind, the real person is gone.

"Well, I feel more at ease with this matter. Now we both have problems to face. Now we have deviated from the established plan by dozens of kilometers. We must find the resistance army nearby with their help. We can go back to our base, otherwise we will crash around like a headless fly. It is very unsafe to walk in the enemy’s place. We have to pay attention. Now the enemy knows that we two ran out. Now, there will definitely be a large number of troops waiting for us everywhere. Although these resistance troops are not very reliable, it should be no problem to cover the two of us." Li Cong looked at the endless wasteland around and said that the American continent was originally Just because the land is large and sparsely populated, it is normal for a place like this to have no population. Unlike Huaxia, it is impossible to have such an undeveloped place, with people everywhere and prosperity everywhere.

"The resistance army around here..." Erhei took out his own electronic map and looked at it. It was clear that there was no news about this thing in the fight just now. Li received the last message from the one in his hand. Later, it’s over. The only functions left can be said to be of no help to the two of them now. The two looked at each other and their faces were full of wry smiles, even where they were. I don't know anymore, it can only be a vague feeling that even in the palace on the north side of the original base, there is no way to get it back even if I can contact the headquarters.

"Although this thing is broken now, I have studied the surroundings very well at the time. There are two large rebels and four or five small rebels around. Both large ones are supported by us. , The other small ones have nothing to do with us. According to the information, some rebels are also inhuman things. It is best that we can find those two large ones. At most, we can take advantage of our and the empire. We will send it back, but if we get into the hands of the small rebels, our life will not be easy." Erhei is already recovering pretty well at this time. In the past, his body was well-founded. After a while, a bottle of genetic medicine will naturally be fine, and now it will be in its current form from the beginning of analysis with Li.

"Oh, the form of this place is really too complicated. Do we have our own army in this area? It is not the resistance army we fostered, but people who belong to us. In the past, I also thought these resistance army could do it. It seems that they did help us a lot now, but after the matter was completed, after the war was over, these resistance forces brought us more trouble than they brought us. There are so many. These guys will make the people in the entire region very uncontrollable, just like the areas of the US-Europe Union we occupied before. Because of the brutal resistance of the resistance, some local people can do something With heinous actions, I can’t kill all of these people.” Thinking of these rebels, Li Cong is a headache. I really don’t understand. How could our guerrillas get along with the people in peace back then? These resistances How can the army know that it is harming the common people.

"I know a little bit about this. At the beginning, I heard that the rebels were indeed made up of people who were oppressed by the government forces, but later on, they were all organized into groups, and these societies were with us. It’s completely different over there. Murder and arson are the most normal thing for them. If they don’t do that, they won’t be able to show that they are coming. Now it’s not the time to talk about it, so we should quickly find a reference The things are better, but I don’t have any foster care here.” Erhei looked at his pocket and said, it is normal to be an emperor to worry about the country and the people. But when you do anything, you must first eat your stomach, just like now, the stomach has been crying for a long time, and the resistance army has to give us a bite if it is not good.

Li Cong could only smile at this guy's words, too, he said that these people's livelihood issues to this guy were nonsense. I pulled up this guy and the two people walked down the mountain. When I came up just now, they were probably chased by the enemy. I didn't feel how high the mountain is. I can see it now, but it really isn't. On a small mountain, two people walked forward along the forest path, constantly watching the plane in the sky. There are planes on my own side and others on my side, but there are still more enemy planes. If I can tell the planes in the sky to come down and bring me with me, it's a pity that the shouts are not audible.

"The largest military base around here is the one we killed. Otherwise, we can find a base to grab a plane and go back. Now we can only rely on these unscrupulous resistance forces. I don't understand. The mountain is so big, this is a good place for them to settle down, stay here without being honest, to the fringe area of ​​any city, there are all next to the traffic line, staying in that place is really too dangerous Now, the U.S.-Europe alliance can’t find them because of front-line issues. If we suddenly stop offensive due to strategic problems, these guys can’t let the U.S.-Europe alliance kill them immediately.” After half an hour of walking, There were still no people at all, Er Hei said depressedly, the deep mountains and old forests are the favorite place of the guerrillas, but now there is no one.

"Hehe, what you are talking about is from the guerrillas in our impression. You know, these people are different from our predecessors. They can't endure hardship at all. If you ask them to set up camps in such a place, you should get them. Let them die. They are all around the city for a reason. They don’t want to suffer. I really don’t know what the U.S.-European Union’s local troops do. They can also be beaten by these people. , I really don’t know what to say about them." Li Cong said with a smile, this is not wrong to these rebels. In terms of some of the supply requests made by the rebels, these guys even asked for beer. Yes, isn’t this **** on the battlefield? If you have beer, what do you need to do? You are not here to enjoy it. You are here to fight. Drink beer at this time. When the rebels made this request, the Imperial Logistics Department Just want to refuse, or a staff officer said, multiple rebels want this thing, it shows that they really need these things, they can use these things in exchange for some things we need, that is the lives of pilots, other food They are given unlimited amounts of munitions, except beer, which is limited. A pilot can change three hundred bottles. Sure enough, after the news is released. In the matter of rescuing the pilots, these rebels worked very hard, as if these U.S. and European Union people could not survive without something like beer.

"I don't have to endure hardship, I'm still fighting ass." Er Hei spit out, and suddenly felt something was wrong, and squatted down quickly, without even asking Li Cong. Already seeing Li Cong get down at a faster speed than himself, they both found something wrong in front of them at the same time. Take a look at some of the trees in front. Although they are as messy as this one, as long as you look closely, you can still see some differences. They have entered a minefield. This is the first of two people. In response, indeed, there must be something uninhabited here, there must be something that scares humans, since it is not a snake or a beast. Then there are only landmines.

It turned out that the place where Li came from the two of them was in a blockade. There were indeed rebels on this mountain before, but later because the rebels all ran out, the U.S. and European Union troops under this mountain retreated. However, thousands of mines were planted on this mountain. When these soldiers retreated, they didn't even think about digging these things out, in their opinion. Maybe these rebels will go back in the future. At that time, these mines will have an effect. Even if they can't be used on them, they can be killed by the Li Tang Empire army afterwards. It is a waste of energy to dig it out. .

"Hehe, it's just a few simple minefields. It should be no problem for the two of us." Erhei observed for a while and said, there is no other sound around here, even if there is, it is spreading far away. When they came, there was no one within a few hundred meters of this area. Indeed, because of their two skills, this minefield could not be considered alive. Li Cong also nodded. Hopefully, if there is really no other danger in this area, it's okay, but if there is really a sniper or something lying in ambush here, the two people may not be so easy to get out today.

The two quickly climbed to the tree and began to leap forward on the tree. There were mines everywhere. If they were to get out by demining, it would take a while. It would be different if they walk up. No one Yes, the mine is placed in this place. If there are mines at a height of 20 meters, the people who buried the mines are too powerful. The two people came over in the jungle quickly like monkeys. What they didn’t know was that in a tree 200 meters away, there were many people watching them. These people didn’t use guns, but very traditional bows and arrows. They were on this continent. There are people, Indians.

Indians, also known as Amerindian or Amerind, is the general term for all Native Americans except the Inuit. The vast majority of Native Americans are Indians, distributed in various countries in North and South America, and are traditionally classified as the American branch of the Mongolian race. The languages ​​spoken by the Indians are generally called Indian languages, or Native American languages. The ethnic groups of the Indians and their languages ​​are very complicated, and there is no recognized classification. The reason why there is no U.S.-European Union army in this forest is because the rebels here are no longer there, and on the other hand, because these Indians are no longer there, these people don’t like anyone to come to their territory. The white people killed a lot of them, and their lives were greatly affected by the American turmoil. Those old and weak people basically died in this turmoil, and the rest can It is said that they are all elites among the Indians. In such a jungle, no one has their skills. These people want to beat them under such circumstances. It is absolutely impossible. In fact, the Rebels were originally A large part of the reason for the retreat is the dissatisfaction of these Indian neighbors. They can easily find you when they want to find you, but if you want to find them, this is an impossible thing.

These Indians are looking at this side as usual today. They never come in the woods here, because a few of them have entered here, and then no one has ever gone back alive. The Indians now naturally What they think is something of the gods without being like their ancestors, they all know very well that it was the white people’s weapons that caused their brothers to die, so they did not enter the area, but they would never allow it. People who come to their own territory, no matter whether it is a person or a group of people, they will use their best to defend their territory.

Although Erhei is already considered a more powerful person in the killing team, it is still impossible to feel the surveillance from a few hundred meters away, but Li is never the same. The surveillance from a few hundred meters away has long been discovered by Li. , But found that these people are not at all dangerous to themselves. So I didn’t care, but Li Cong calculated that he was already very close to the "exit" in front of him. Of course Erhei didn’t know that he was in front of the exit, but Li Cong knew what these mines said. All of them belonged to the iron guys, even with the light sensor, Li Cong could also feel the size of this minefield. Besides, these people from the US-Europe alliance do not have so many resources at this time to arrange a very large minefield. The one in front of them should be a relatively large minefield for them, except that they really can't think of other abilities.

Sure enough, when Li was about to leave from two people, many people outside came out directly. Erhei was also taken aback. This world is really a world where there are people outside of Shanghai. Although my perception ability has declined a bit, there are so many people around here. The people at did not even notice, in fact, this can't be blamed on Erhei. If this guy is in a good state of mind, he must be able to feel how many people are around him, but now he has just been injured. And it’s very powerful, so it’s not very clear about the situation in front of you. The perception ability has declined. One is to be with Li Cong. He is mainly afraid of Li Cong who is injured before he puts most of his attention on. In Li Cong's body, so these guys surprised him when they came out, so he habitually took out his weapons. As a result, as soon as he touched a void, the two of them just now became one without weapons.

"Don't move, they are all local indigenous people. There should be no malice towards us. We just broke into their territory. If we can explain it, we should be able to go out. Don't use force to solve the problem." Li Since stopping Erhei and speaking in Chinese, the Indians must also speak English now. Li never wanted to expose himself, but soon Li Cong discovered that these people had no good feelings about him. What kind of emotion is there, but when I look at myself, my eyes seem to be angry. It's the first time I have met them. How can there be any hatred? Li Cong's mind is still very good, and it was immediately analyzed from their eyes. It turns out that these people are not looking at themselves, but the clothes on their bodies. Mother, they are still wearing American and European clothes. As for the clothes of the league, you can see from their appearance that they must have been bullied by people from the U.S.-Europe League. Thinking about the fringe area where they live now is a minefield, they should know what life they are all living in. I am not a member of the U.S.-Europe Union. Don’t let them think that they are members of the U.S.-Europe Union. Isn’t that a scapegoat?

"You are soldiers, retreat to your place. We have already come here. Our elders said that we would not participate in anything that you would not participate in. You don't need to come and watch us." One of them seemed to The leader said very unkindly. If someone talks to Li Cong like that in ordinary times, he will slap him up, but now they are watched by hundreds of people, although they are all bows and arrows. But it's also very powerful. At such a close distance, Erhei would definitely be fine if he was alone, but it would be hard to say if he also added Li Cong. Li Cong also considered the same way, plus Erhei was injured. The guy himself was not easy to use, and the two of them held each other back, and the strongest reliance on force for brotherhood turned out to be very backward.

"No, um, I want to think about how to say this." Li Cong touched his forehead and said, when he was thinking of how to explain, a young man suddenly shouted loudly not far away, both Li Cong and Erhei felt When there is the sound of mechanical movement, does the enemy just come?

People in the U.S. and European Union can’t be so fast. They don’t have trackers or anything on their bodies. How do they know that they have come to this place? Although they want to figure out what’s going on, they are in front of you. These people didn’t speak in English, they all spoke in their native language. Li Cong and the two of them didn’t understand a word. What are they talking about? The two of them looked at all this blankly. They can be seen in their expressions, these guys are very scared, they seem to have encountered demon-like characters.

"Boss, the person who came should be a small group of troops. From the sound point of view, there are only a few jeeps at most. It should not be the army of the brigade. They are so scared, are they not the army?" Erhei said for a while, Li Cong But those who don't have that ability, although their hearing is much stronger than Erhei, but when it comes to such a long-distance analysis, it is some kind of Dongzi, but he has no ability to do it. Good guys can tell how many people are here just by listening to the voice? If this is not practiced hard, it will never have such an effect. Li Cong is sure of this. Except for these Indians, this area is the U.S.-European Union army, and then there is only the Resistance Army. Li Cong soon learned that these people should all be the Resistance Army. The government troops will definitely be large groups. Small troops can’t, and the government army is not as cruel as the rebel army. When the guy spoke to himself just now, it was obvious that they had an agreement with the government army. Now let them be scared. . There should be no agreement with the rebels. Perhaps this is a great opportunity for Li to leave here.

Sure enough, before these people had any reaction, the people over there were already here. The number was about one hundred. As expected, they were pulled over by the Yiliang Jeep and two trucks. It seemed that most of them were black people. Here I have to talk about these black people on the American continent. The ancestors of these black people were born in poverty. These guys did not want to leave their hometown and come here. Li Cong has forgotten what it is in the literature. Yes, millions of blacks were transported to America, but only one or two of them returned. During their years in the Americas, even if hundreds of years have passed, their social status is not very high. They are engaged in the lowest level of society one by one, and there is no beginning in their lives. For them, This chaotic world is the society they most hope for, if it is other peaceful times. They don’t have such an opportunity yet. In the past, these people belonged to a nearby community. After the troubled times came out, they had no money and became even more impoverished. In the past, they could do some gray business, but the government After taking over all the cities, they had nothing left. They could only become a resistance army with their own weapons, but they only had a few hundred people. It was impossible for the Li Tang Empire to give them such a scale. For any assistance, they have never had any battles with the government forces, and their purpose of organizing resistance forces is to survive.

In name, they are rebelling against the army and against the government, but in fact, they are the bandits here. No matter who they are, as long as they pass through their turf, they will be stripped of their skin. Of course, they are limited to small ones. A government army of a large scale, as long as the government army leaves the army, it has a scale of thousands of people. Such a scale is not something they can deal with. Each one can only be drooling at the government army. I don’t have the guts to do something with these people. No, this is the bottom of the food. I’m going to take a stroll on the land of the Indians and see if I can get some good things. The Indians are better than they were before. The social status of these blacks is still low, but their status suddenly improved a lot after the turmoil broke out. It was because they had food in their hands. In the past, because of the prevalence of energy wheat, food in various places began to increase in large areas. Production was reduced or even stopped. As a result, all these people were dumbfounded when the war broke out, but the Indians were different. People have always grown all kinds of things by themselves. Even after the war broke out, people still have a large number of them. The food is in their hands. This is also the reason why the government army did not come to harass them. Every time they came here with some other things in exchange for a certain amount of food. It was also a contract. That’s not allowed. The army, but that is just a piece of paper, it has no effect. If the government army is very strong, that thing has a very important role, but the government army has no ability now, that thing is just a piece of paper, just like Now that the rebels come with weapons, don’t we give them food? Our entire tribe may die.

Three bows and arrows were shot less than 20 meters in front of these rebels. This is a unique warning method of the Indians, telling them that they can’t go on now. This is your end point. If you keep going forward You are not welcome, anyway, these people in the jungle are not the opponents of the Indians. After the Europeans came here, it was because they did not choose to fight against the whites in the jungle, otherwise they would have defeated them. Even if you are a white person, these rebels also know this. In fact, they don’t need to shoot arrows and warn them to stop, because they dare not enter the jungle. The most elite mountain warriors are not as good as these Indians, because they are trained in their lives every day, unless they are geniuses, but on Where to find so many geniuses, if it is all over the floor. It's not a genius.

"Stop, this is not a place where you can go in. Go back, otherwise we are not welcome." It's the same kid who spoke to Li Cong just now, but obviously now this kid has no confidence and talks to government soldiers. People will listen, because every year they do business with them, they will give them the food they need most, but these rebels never do things according to common sense, as long as they believe that things rarely change , No matter what they will do. As long as they need to achieve their purpose.

"Don't be nervous, chief, no, you are not a chief yet, you are a preparatory chief, we have something to look for you, I heard that you still have a lot of food. We want to do a business with you, I don’t know Do you want to?" said a bald man who came down from the jeep. This guy doesn't look like a good person. According to them, these people should be dealing with them often. Li Cong and Erhei stood by these Indians. He didn't show up behind him, and wanted to see what these people wanted to do.

"We have a contract with people from the government. We will not do any business with you, and we have no extra food. In addition to giving the government, we will eat it ourselves. If you are fine, you You can go back now.” Li Cong heard the preparation chief said that he knew that this was a negotiating fool, and he asked them to go back whenever he could. This shows that this guy has no bottom in his heart, and his words are not so firm. As long as he is not a fool, he can see that this guy is very scared.

"Hehe, we are not fools. We know what kind of contract you have with the government army, but now it is completely different from before. At that time, it was the government army's world, but now, there is no need for me to say anything. Is there a government army around? It’s no longer the government army’s world. Now it’s ours. It’s the rebel army. The government army didn’t dare to come out to face us, and the Li Tang Empire immediately We are about to fight over. We are the representatives of the Li Tang Empire here. If you are acquainted, you can live a better life with us in the future, but if you are not acquainted, hehe, you know how we will treat you. Don’t think that we can’t deal with you unless you get out of the jungle. I’ll show you the new friends we’ve found recently.” This guy said arrogantly. After speaking, he whistle and several rebels came out from behind. Soldiers, what they are holding in their hands is the cobra, which is very common in America but not common here, spitting the letter, which is very dangerous, it seems that it will bite at any time.

Neither Li Cong nor Erhei felt that this was a threat, but the Indians all changed their faces when they saw this thing. They knelt down one by one. It turns out that this is the **** of their tribe, they are Believe in this, in the ancient times their ancestors were this, so they can get along well with snakes, but now they are different from the ancient times, they have lost this skill, and the cobra bites them. It also happens from time to time. If a cobra is found in their tribe, it is absolutely impossible to kill. It is for this reason that their tribe left the place where they lived and went to such a place where there are very few cobras. Unexpectedly, they knew this secret and brought it. There are no natural enemies of cobras here. If these cobras are really allowed to multiply here, the tragedy of losing half of the entire tribe will happen again. They are absolutely impossible. Those people who came to take this risk were also very afraid of this happening. They didn't expect that the gods they worshipped every day would kill them and become a threat to them.

"Haha, I said the chief of preparation, if you don’t want it, it’s okay, but my brothers have caught a lot of this thing, I heard that you are the envelope this thing, so I am going to give you some Yes, they don’t have any natural enemies here. They will definitely have a perfect life in a place like this. I think something like this will appear in your entire tribe at this time next year. You will have to thank me. How is it?" This guy said with a smile. He is very arrogant. Many people here are scared by this If they really do what this guy said, within a few days, they This tribe doesn’t exist anymore. If in other places, a few poisonous snakes can’t threaten them, just kill them directly, but this is the same thing as this tribe’s god, how can it be killed, so they definitely won’t be that way. What you can do is to watch them come over and kill yourself. Such a thing may be told to others that no one will believe it, but in this place, this is an absolute fact, and many people will believe this. Because this is the stubborn Indian.

"You... you really just want food?" The preparation chief could not help but succumb to this pressure at this time. He knew that if he agreed to this guy's request, he would have endless troubles, but now he also There is no other good way, you can only agree to it first.

"Hehe, of course, it's just a little food. I know you love and hate this thing. We don't need too much. We only have a few hundred people. The problem of you paying for the meals of hundreds of us is very simple. We won’t want you for nothing. You can tell us what you need, and we can exchange it. We are all friends.” This kid is pretty good, and Li Cong didn’t feel they Excessive. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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