Energy Group

Chapter 1848:

Then Boss Cui also wanted to take Li Cong to see some of the magic cores that their Cao’s firm had recently acquired. This is the magician’s favorite thing. There are many exercises that can absorb the energy in the magic core, but It's a pity that Li Cong is not interested in this. When he knows that most of the magic cores are below the seventh level, he really has no interest at all. How can such a degree of curiosity be Let's get it up. I took the treasure of the emperor. What is the level 9 magic core? Some are, don't worry, these here are naturally nothing to look at, and they are not attractive. M.

Speaking of these magic nuclei and other things, they are all very precious, but now Li Cong's vision has broadened a lot. Another is that Li Cong has not found a way to absorb the energy of the magic nucleus. If you have that method, you can absorb the energy in these magic nuclei, so you can go up much faster than you do now. Unfortunately, I haven’t found that yet, so I don’t mind. Although there are some items for sale on the website, to be honest, none of those items seem to be in Li Cong's eyes, so there is no way to get them.

After watching for a while, Li Cong walked towards the house with Boss Cui. As soon as he walked out of the gate, Li saw a group of people coming. This should be the team that bought things for Li Cong. They saw Boss Cui one by one. That smile can kill Li Conggui Geying, who are these people? How come these guys smile so flatteringly.

Boss Cui told Li Cong that he could not accompany Li Cong back. These people are not small in the business world, but Li Cong is not in the mood to befriend them, and he is not equal to these guys now. Yes, although the imperial law does not expressly stipulate that nobles cannot do business, some nobles will give their business to the people below. They will not touch this thing. After all, money is smelly of copper, one by one. None of them are like their own body.

Just when Li Cong was about to leave, Li Cong suddenly saw that these people's cars were loaded with two living little monsters. This is the kind of Tila Chi wolf that has been following Li Cong. These people should not be so capable. Those who caught these little things should have been brought by other mercenaries and sold them. These little guys looked at Li Cong pitifully one by one. There were already too many things in this world. In the past, Li Cong would definitely not rescue them, but this assassination was also thanks to these Tila Chi wolves, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"This gentleman, I don't know if you can cut your love between these two monster cubs and transfer them to me. The price is easy to negotiate." Li Cong's interruption made these people very dissatisfied. They are busy trying to curry favor with Cui. It's a matter of business, why this guy doesn't have any vision. They came to the south to collect things this time. It's not very good. They didn't receive any good things except these two cubs. Right now, this guy is very good. For the eyes, the Tila Chi wolf said that the price of a cub is about 500,000 silver, but these two are like fake twins. If the magician sees this, he will definitely spend a lot of money to buy it. , Just like humans, the tacit understanding of twins is absolutely powerful. If you have two such monsters to protect yourself in the future, it will be life-saving. These two little things will kill a level seven or eight monster. There is absolutely no problem with that. After all, they are connected with each other. For this point, the price of these two little things is a sky-high price. Originally, Li Cong wanted to buy it. Knowing this, he will definitely not let go. Up.

These guys dismissed Li Cong as soon as they wanted to. Suddenly they thought that this person had a good conversation with Guanshi Cui just now. Could it be Guanshi Cui's friend? If this is true, it would be okay to give him these two little things in order to curry favor with Manager Choi. After all, they are just two monsters. People other than the magician have no interest in this. Although warriors can have their own monsters. , But in terms of control ability, it is much worse than the magician, and it takes a long time, so many fighters would rather improve their strength than do such things at that time.

"This gentleman really has good eyesight. This Tila Chi wolf can be said to be a very fierce existence among the beasts. Our people have suffered a lot of deaths and injuries in order to get these two small things. To be honest, don't look at me. The cargo of the car, but everything else added up can’t keep up with a fraction of the thing in front of me.” This guy said proudly. Indeed, from the historical record to the present, the chance of twins appearing in the Tiara Pool Wolf is very small. Yes, there are only a dozen at most. Of course, all of them have been discovered, and there may be many of those that have not been discovered.

"Of course, this is our boss, Mr. Cao, and the cousin of our Lord Earl. If you are interested in selling, you still hope to give us Cao's firm a face." Cui boss said from the side, he absolutely cannot say this. It’s Li Cong. If you say that, these people will definitely pay a very high price. As a first-class Earl of the Empire, Li Cong will never bargain with these people. If that’s the case, spread it to himself. It's shameless to see people.

It turned out to be just the earl’s cousin, but this is not bad. Look at the value of this little thing as well. These people bought 600,000 taels of silver from two mercenaries. They thought it would be transporting the night to the capital. They can't even imagine that they can increase the price by 10 million taels. If this is an eighth-level monster cub, it is estimated that no one will sell it at a price of one hundred times, but it is only six-level. Yes, there are not so many worries.

These businessmen also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. Fortunately, they didn’t talk nonsense because this guy was wearing ordinary clothes. If you talk nonsense for a while, you won’t be able to do your own business. They belong to several big families in the northern provinces. , Come here to buy some things, and sell some of their own things by the way. They are talking to Boss Cui about food. They mainly rely on grazing, and the demand for food is very large, and the Cao family The company’s grain is now well-known. The taste and price are the most suitable, but it is not easy to get the goods. This time they want to get millions of tons of grain, but the boss Cui has always Did not let go, maybe this is an opportunity.

"Haha, don't talk about the useless ones, a few, I really like these two little things, you just ask for a price, although I am the Cao family, but some of the Cao family's transactions are related to my sister. It's a matter." Before these guys could speak, Li Cong blocked the road first. He didn't want his own behavior to have any bad influence on Cao's firm. All he thought was This is a pure trading event.

When Li Cong said that, several businessmen on the other side understood it. Everyone knew about such things. Since they didn’t want any impact on this matter, they could only do it as a business. As you can see clearly, Li Cong really didn't mean to compromise. Since he wanted to do it as a sale, it was really a sale. The price they just received was 125 million taels of silver, which is still a big deal. If they really buy it, they will cost at least 150 million taels of silver. If they bring them back, they will sell for at least 200 million silver. But they are not short of silver, so they don’t plan to use this thing. For silver to be traded, it is necessary to barter.

"Hehe, Mr. Cao, this thing, to be honest, you also know that such a good thing cannot be completely measured by silver. For silver, this thing is a bit sorry for this good thing. I don’t know if you have any good things in your hand, we can bring them out together to advise.” The guy with the goatee said, he is very good at these things, otherwise the headquarters would be called this kid. To do business.

Hearing this, Li Cong realized that it turned out to be such a thing. These guys don’t want money. That’s right. Many people can get such things with money. Such things do have their own value, and they are not. Too low value.

"Of course, I happen to have a Lianzhu grass here, I don't know if it's okay?" Li Cong casually took out a Lianzhu grass from his space ring, and things like the space ring are not allowed to be casual in front of some people. It appeared, but in front of some people, it was a symbol of their own status. Sure enough, several people were dumbfounded when they saw the space ring in Li Cong's hand. This thing is absolutely rare. It is said that the whole thing is now There are at most less than a few hundred spatial rings in the mainland. Of course, if this data is true or false, there is no way to dialect it. Many people feel that this number is false. After all, many people will not tell others that they have spatial rings. .

Lianzhucao is a kind of herbal medicine. It takes at least a thousand years to take shape. After it is shaped, it takes another thousand years to bloom, and then it takes a thousand years to bear fruit. At this time, you must have a World of Warcraft and the fruit will become a herbal medicine. Well, it’s something that is needed in a lot of pill. Even if the pill is not used, eating this thing directly can increase a lot of skill. It can be said that this thing is almost the same as the two monsters, but it is scarce. To a certain extent, Lianzhucao is something that you can often see after all, but the twins’ monsters are not very common. Li knows what’s going on from the look on this guy’s face. It seems that the thing he took out is a bit wrong. Up.

"Lianzhucao is indeed a very good thing. There are still very few things in a county. If we don't happen to have one, I think our transaction has been successful." The guy on the opposite side laughed. Said, Li Cong knew exactly what this guy was thinking.

"That's it, then I will add another 100,000 taels of silver. This is my highest price. If you want, we can trade. If you don't want to, everyone will remain friends in the future." Li Cong thought about it and said to himself. The price offered is also reasonable. If the other party still speaks loudly, this thing will not be done, and I am not a big head.

"Okay, Master Cao is so refreshing, I'm not so hypocritical. This sale is so set." The goatee said loudly, and everyone around them nodded with a smile. This transaction can't say who makes or loses, but each It's affirmative to take what you need. Although things like Lianzhucao have appeared a lot in recent years, they are also used very much.

Boss Cui nodded to Li Cong from the side. The reputation of these people is still very good. Although it is only the second time to do business, but the quality is never random, Li Cong is also very happy. The medicinal materials and the silver slip were handed over.

"Master Cao, it can't be like this. Although these are two cubs, this thing will violently hurt people. It is better to find someone to get two iron chains or something, otherwise this thing can kill people. "Yes." The goatee quickly said when Li Cong was about to open the cage and let the two small things out. They took these two small things to make this cage and cost 300,000 taels of silver. Yes, anyway, hundreds of millions of sales have been done, so I don’t care about this cage. They are all given to Li Cong. Who knows that Li Cong doesn’t use these things. It’s really amazing.

"Hehe." Li Cong smiled, and then he watched the two little things happily ran to the front of Li Cong and slowly rubbed his head with Li Cong, each one looked dumbfounded. Now, how could such a situation happen? Don’t talk about them. Many people in the world have seen it for the first time. Bai Er and the others are not curious. They wanted to come over when the beasts were out. There are so many people who are close to our young master, these two little things are nothing.

Seeing that these two little guys are so enthusiastic with Li Cong, the two little monsters who originally followed Li Cong who didn't know what they were were immediately unhappy. They screamed when they came up. Generally speaking, the monsters came out by roaring. Yes, but these two monsters were called out. The reason is that these two guys are not old enough to roar out, so they can only say that they called out, and they were originally absorbing that kind of breath from around Li. The two Tila Chi wolf cubs were dumbfounded immediately. These two monsters Li never knew what they were, but they were very cute, but they didn’t expect them to scream casually. Tila Chi Wolf went aside honestly, and the people present were very surprised.

"A few, you are all well-informed people, do you know what kind of these two monsters are?" Li Cong knew that the merchants in front of him must have a very good understanding of the monsters in the Mountain Range. They must know a lot more than they knew, so I asked them if they knew what this was.

"It's strange to say that there are thousands of species in the Monster Mountain Range. In the innermost places, no humans have ever entered. It is estimated that only tenth-level magicians can enter such places. , But I still know a lot of the monsters found outside, but this is the first time I have seen these two little things. I'm sorry, Master Cao, we don't know these things either." The guy said honestly. He has been carefully observing for a period of time, and they can scare away the sixth-level beasts lifting pool wolves, indicating that their level must be above the sixth-level beasts, but the above-mentioned beasts do not seem to be like this.

"Forget it, since you don't know, it's okay. These two little ones will be your little brothers in the future. You two are not allowed to bully them in the future." These two bears are also twins of Warcraft. It's only a beast. When Li Cong said that the two little bears wagged their tails at the two Tila Chi wolves to show his kindness, the four little beasts got closer, but the two pulled up. Chi Lang's cubs still didn't dare to get too close, so Li Cong left with these four monsters.

This kind of thing is not taken seriously by everyone. The rich are much more powerful. Look at the grain mountain in front of you to know how much the Cao family has, and spend so much money to buy two monsters as pets. I went, but when the boss turned around, he suddenly thought of a terrible problem. Why didn’t Mr. Cao sign a treaty with the two monsters? Generally speaking, the magician can conclude the spirit **** contract with the monsters. Warriors and Archers and some other professions can also have their own monsters, but they can only have one, and the magician can get some increase in the number of monsters according to their mental power.

Thinking of this guy, he was shocked. What's going on? Does that person have his own commanding ability for Warcraft? I think this person is covered in a cold sweat. The monsters in this World of Warcraft are much stronger than humans. Don’t look at the humans occupying so much of the entire continent, but if the monsters come out, this is still not clear. Who is the most powerful? Humans can only retreat if there is a tide of beasts coming out of the Warcraft Mountains. It's all because humans don't have much ability to stop them from moving forward. If such a person comes out It is estimated that half of the world will belong to this person.

The boss looked back at the direction where Li Cong had disappeared, and it would be better to get close to this person in the future.

Li Cong watched these four beasts follow him in tandem, and he was happy, and suddenly thought that he still had a different barracks. The people living here were all of the beasts, and there were so many of them with Li Cong. Warcraft, but Li Cong sent most of them back to the Warcraft Mountains, and he also remembered that some races of Warcraft would definitely not kill him, because these beasts would be happy when they saw themselves. Hehe came to his side, they didn't have any hostility towards them.

Li Cong’s Warcraft Barracks is located in the south of the city. Li Cong ran for more than an hour before arriving. This also shows from another aspect that Jiang Ningcheng is already much bigger than before. Now, it used to be that half an hour of fast horses could circle the entire city. Now it seems that there are not so many things. Now it is huge.

Li's housekeepers all have their own affairs. Li Cong promoted another person to be the manager here. There are four hundred advanced seven-level monster Tila pool wolves living here. These are in the Warcraft Mountains. Any one can become the leader of a group of Tila Chi wolves. Now they stay here honestly. Of course, Li Cong will never let them lose their fighting spirit just like that. Li Cong will call Someone took them to the Warcraft Mountains to experience. Of course, each experience is very expensive, but to make his little brothers have super combat effectiveness, this is what Li Cong needs to do.

"Master, you are here." The steward here is Wu Liu's younger brother, but he has his own name, but his surname + rank is not the same as Wu Liu's. His name is Wu Gang. This name is the same as this People are very similar. This guy is like a good piece of steel. This guy is also very good at some things. Li Cong knows the things here. This guy takes care of these monsters very well. Yes, each of the monsters can only attack humans, but for Wu Gang, they can do it without annoying.

"Well, I can't do it. Just now I heard from the people below that you bring in their meat. They are 400. How many times do you have to run in a day?" Li Cong said. Every Tila Chi wolf eats 50 catties of fresh meat every day, these 4 can be 2 catties of meat, and this car is only 20 catties. This is enough to eat in one day. It can also exhaust people to death.

"Hehe, Master, these guys one by one saw other people put meat in and they couldn't eat those people. I have two or three other people in our rotation. We are all familiar with the spleens of these guys. They don’t hate us either. In fact, we are human beings. It’s already very difficult to let these monsters do not hate us. I always throw the meat in the middle. Even if they want to eat, they will each other. It’s also a kind of exercise for them.” The feeding method was also decided by Li Cong at the beginning. Warcraft must also have competition, otherwise how could it be possible?

"Very well, you and these people here have been working hard. From now on, your salary will increase by 30% every month. By the way, your brother is already married. What do you mean? Can anyone who fancy it, tell me, You call the shots." Li Cong said from a high place.

"Small and humble people, if the young master doesn’t give me this opportunity, I’m still at home, relying on my brother’s credit to eat and wait to die. There are so many things there. If the young master looks good, just give it to me. Just refer to a marriage.” Wu Gang said with a smile. The stewards in this mansion usually marry the girls in the mansion. These girls are usually the confidants of the wives in the mansion, and they also want to win over these stewards in the front yard. Our hearts generally act like this.

"Hehe, you kid, don't talk about these scenes. Our young master is different from others. I can tell you. Now you have a salary of three taels of silver a month, plus some other rewards for a month. It’s only ten taels of silver. If you want to redeem your cousin, it will take more than a year. The ghost knows what will happen to your cousin in more than a year, so he hurriedly begged the young master, and it would be done, stupid. Egg." Bai Er is also this guy’s cousin, so naturally he knows what is going on with his little cousin. He has no idea about the maids in the mansion. This kid fell in love with a distant cousin among their relatives. It’s a pity that this distant cousin is a maid of a big family in Chengli, Jiangning. She is the kind of maid who has signed a contract to sell her. This can only be done by letting the master of that family release her. She is worth fifty taels of silver. But that cousin is pretty pretty, so the master of that family said that it would cost 150 taels of silver. Otherwise, this matter will not be discussed. This kid is so hard to make money, he knows one hundred and five. Twelve taels of silver is a sky-high price for ordinary people. It is impossible to get these things, but there is hope for working in this special place of Li Cong, that is, more than a year.

It is for this reason that I did what others didn’t do. At first I didn’t know how many times I was bitten by these monsters. Now I am familiar with it. He must not lose this job, even Li Cong. I have to use the maid in the mansion to help me and I don't want to leave here, because there is nothing else, but I am very affectionate for that woman.

"Haha, this little thing about the big man can't be said. What's the matter? Go back to the account and get three hundred taels of silver, half of which will be used to redeem the family, and the rest will go to the city to get a house for the day of marriage. After the decision is made, I will ask Wu Liu to help you. This day will be able to live on. But I declare in advance that your kid is married and married, and things here cannot be left to me." Li Congjin's mood Very good, besides, Li Cong felt that if things are done well, they can’t be done with three hundred taels of silver. This is also a way to buy people’s hearts. Bai Er also knows that if this thing is done right Li Cong’s face said it would definitely be done. Now Li Cong can do it right away, thinking that Li Conggang has increased the salary of people like him, and in the future, he can get at least 15 taels of silver a month. This is in Jiangning. The people in Chengli are pretty good today.

"Smelly boy, what are you doing while standing? Is it because you are happy and stupid or something? I don't know thank you, Master?" Bai Er hammered the boy hard and said all of a sudden, the boy knelt down and thanked Li Cong quickly , Tears are coming out.

"Okay, speaking of these guys, these guys are not good people to take care of. Now you can raise them so well for me, and even their combat effectiveness has improved than before. They are still doing very well. I should thank you. For you, do it as soon as the matter is decided, don’t let the girl wait for you all the time, I will go over and have a wedding drink." Li Cong said with a smile, there is no mastery, Wu Gang's heart is moved, heart I think I will definitely help him do things here in the future.

The main ones here are the Tila Chi Wolves, and there are some flying monsters over there. They saw that Li had taken off one by one and started circling in the sky. Everyone around was scared and ran away, Wu Gang. Both Bai Er and Bai Er were also a little scared and guarded Li Cong. They didn’t want to think about it. Both of them are ordinary people. It is impossible to block the attacks of these monsters. As long as one monster swoops down. It is absolutely impossible for these guys to be able to kill these guys and want to block their attacks with their own bodies, but it is a very good thing for these people to protect the Lord loyally.

Li Cong saw that the monsters welcomed him in this way, and immediately released all his breath. The flying monsters began to glide in the sky. At this moment, they all enjoyed it very much. As they progressed through their own practice, they seemed to be a human warrior who had entered an epiphany. Li released his mental power on such a large scale, but it would not last long. After ten minutes, Li Cong felt that he was six. The mental power above success has been released, but a few monsters are at a critical moment to advance. If you stop at this time, these guys may not have such a chance in their lives, so they just fight once.

Li continued to release his mental power until he had 10% mana left. Even people like Bai Er who were not familiar with Warcraft could see that these guys seemed to follow It’s different just now. Li Cong himself is very clear that at least 10% of these monsters are advanced. Don’t underestimate this 10%. In fact, many monsters have not entered in their lives. The level of skill is like the Tila Chi Wolves. Most of them are level 6 monsters, and less than one in ten thousand are level 7 monsters. The chances of advancement of these monsters are basically the same, these guys. If any one of them now returns to the Warcraft Mountains, they can become the king of their race. Li is simply a king-making machine from here. No one else can explain such things clearly, Li Cong himself It's also not clear.

Such things as the advancement of Warcraft can be said to be very rare in the Warcraft Mountains, but everything here is very normal, and it is precisely because some of the people here are all ordinary people, and they are all about I don’t know much about the situation here. It’s just that looking at some monsters seems to be different from just now, but there is no special difference, but if you fight, many people will be able to see it. Wu Gang is The supervisor here has his own understanding of the flying beasts here. He can see that after flying down, many flying beasts around here are different from the original ones. At the time, they belonged to the same ethnic group. They will be together, but now it seems that a few have gained more living space. They are no longer together. These things are also very abnormal, but with Wu Gang's ability, I still don't understand.

"I will leave it to you recently. I may not come here for a long time, but next time they will be better than they are now. I will specially hire some people to take them to the depths of the Warcraft Mountains. You don't need to worry about this." Wu Gang and the others can only take these monsters to the periphery of the Warcraft Mountains to experience it. To be honest, these monsters of level 6 and above have no chance to practice hands at the periphery of the Warcraft Mountains. , They can stand up and scare those second-level beasts and so on, so Li Cong still has to hire some people to bring them inside, and that's where these guys exercise themselves.

Wu Gang nodded, and he also gave Li Cong some information. These are the people hired in the past. The price of these people is really not cheap. A team of 30 people can hire them for more than 100 million taels at a time. For the talent, Wu Gang didn't have any complaints. After all, everyone was a level 6 fighter or above. He was just an ordinary person. Among ordinary people, his abilities were very good, and his ability to make money was also very good.

When Li Cong was about to leave, all the beasts began to roar. Such a thing has never happened in this period of time. Li Cong looked back at these guys, one by one, he hadn't wiped out his blood. That’s how it should be. It’s the first time I have seen how horrible organized monsters are. If more monsters can be trained in the future, the whole world here will be his own. At this moment, Li Cong feels himself It's like the king of the world.

When I returned home, it was already night. The day was very full. Even Li Cong felt that he was very tired. It was mainly because of his physical overdraft that he had released so much mental energy. , I really don't know what to say to make myself tired, and Li Cong really rarely has such a strong mental output during this period of time.

"Master, you are back. Two guests came to the front hall. They said they belonged to the Tiger Mercenary Corps. They had Master's posts, so I let them go to the living room." Wu Liu said, he was naturally I know that the young master does not like these people who come to the house casually. The old housekeeper lost his errand for this reason, but Wu Liu didn’t charge an extra penny on this, but he gave it to him. It's done very well, and besides, those people really have Li Cong's posts in their hands. These things must be done well, and they have to be regarded as distinguished guests. There is nothing to say about this.

"Huh?" That promise? It’s finally time. It seems that the Tiger Mercenary Corps should have found the last material for Xiao Huan Dan, and he should also help others do the original thing well, but there is still one thing to complete before this thing. of.

It was the first time that Li Cong wanted to refine the third-grade pill. Before that, Li Cong had to learn the magic burst flame of the sixth-level fire magician, a spell that can produce high-heat flames. This magic can quickly drain the oxygen in the air, suffocating the enemy and be damaged. The attack range of this kind of spell can reach tens of square meters. It can be said that both group attacks and individual attacks are possible. Of course, as one's own magic power increases, this thing can also expand their attack range. Books It has also been recorded that this thing can reach a maximum of several thousand square meters. It is estimated that only a tenth-level magician can do such an attack.

There is a process in the refining of the third-grade pill that requires the air in the air to be drained. Otherwise, all the pharmacists are fire magicians, and many things require the cooperation of magic, if it is magic If you can’t do it well, this pharmacist is simply nonsense, and he can’t refine any good medicine. The Tiger Mercenary Group sent three medicines a while ago, but they only need a small pill, Li If you have enough ability to get these things out, it is estimated that you can make a lot of money.

If Xiao Huan Dan is really exchanged for money, it is estimated that billions or more than tens of billions are no problem. Generally speaking, these things will not be circulated on the market, mainly because this pill is too difficult to get. , Many people can’t get it Even the fourth-grade pharmacists dare not say that they have absolute certainty to refine this pill, but based on Li Cong’s genius, this It is difficult, but not very big.

The Tiger Mercenary Corps is still the two people who came this time, one is the old 2 and the other is the third, the second is the woman, and the third is the big man. Neither of them are very capable. Of course, Li Congdi before. When I saw them once, I felt that these two men were very powerful, and now they are like that. There is nothing outstanding at all, but these two men can become this large mercenary group of tens of millions. The boss-level characters in here will definitely have their own excel.

"Master Cao, we meet again. Maybe this time we are going to call you Lord Earl." The youngest said with a smile. This guy is big and doesn't have any scheming. Li Cong speaks very much to this guy. It's easy, just like the people of the Indian tribes on earth, people who have no scheming are willing to be with them.

Generally speaking, these titles such as Lord Earl are valid within human society. In the eyes of these mercenaries, this is really nothing, and they will not follow this title one by one. Lord Earl kneels, even if you are a powerful person, we will not kneel for you. Of course, your strength is respected. You are a tenth-level fighter. It is great, but there is no need to kneel. It is the way of getting along with soldiers. rs! .

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