Energy Group

Chapter 1851:

Li Cong has been several kilometers away from an instant. Although he can still hear the cry of the tiger, but now it seems not so dangerous. On the surface, Li Cong seems to be out of danger, but Li It’s very clear from myself that these tigers are not so simple. These guys are very sensitive to prey. In the World of Warcraft, eating humans and eating Warcraft can fill their stomachs. , But to be honest, most of the beasts still like to eat humans. This has absolutely nothing to do with the race. Araqihu already feels that there are humans nearby. For them, if they want to eat the beasts, every day. It's okay, but eating humans is not so easy, and they won't give up.

After Li Cong's continuous teleportation, his mental power has reached less than half. At this time, Li Cong took out a bottle of test tube potion. This is the magic potion Li Cong bought. Don't underestimate this bottle. This is enough for Li Cong to recover 10% of his mental power. Of course, he can only drink one bottle in an hour. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be invincible? Everyone knows that as long as the magician’s mental power is always If so, it is a huge output tool, or a huge attack tool. Such a bottle of magic potion sells for as much as 100,000 taels of silver in the wizards’ union. This is because Li Cong is relying on his master’s face. I got it with a discount. If I configure myself outside, let’s not talk about the effectiveness of this. The price alone will definitely be much higher. Li Cong has also studied this formula, and the Wizards’ Guild will publish this formula. Yes, Li Cong tried it once. He is not that kind of potionist, so he doesn't have much talent for this. It cost more than 120,000 taels of silver for the configuration, and the final effect is only less than half of the genuine. It’s better to buy genuine products.

Is this man really a magician? Yang Qiu still knows a lot about magicians, knowing that the blue liquid in front of him is the life-saving magic potion that magicians often carry. This bottle must be very precious, but his life is in front of him. It's going to be impossible to keep it. No matter how valuable this thing is, it's useless. Could it be that what this kid said to himself just now turned out to be true? Is this guy really a magician? The emperor's son-in-law? What Li Cong said to herself just now appeared in this girl's mind.

No, Li Cong looked at the back. The chasing abilities of these God screaming tigers are very powerful. If they continue to run like that, they will definitely not be able to run out. In the end, they will definitely be caught up. Li Cong knows that there is a big cliff ahead. He looked at the back, and now he can’t help it. It’s definitely a dead end to be caught up by those God crowing tigers. Now he can only fight for it. Li Cong used the floating technique to tie Yang Qiu to himself with two rattan sticks, and then jumped off. The rapid weightlessness made Yang Qiu shout loudly. He thought that the magician was certain She would have her own abilities, but she didn’t expect to be like this now. What’s the difference between this and suicide? Yang Qiu knew that as long as she met God Ciaohu, it was basically impossible to escape, but her heart was all There is a fantasy, this must be able to go out alive, isn't there a powerful magician by his side, but I did not expect this magician to think of such an idea, suicide...

Li looked further and further away from the top, and there was still a white area below. There was nothing to see at all. The canyon was really deep enough. After smelling the smell, it seemed that the smells on the top could not be smelled anymore. This should be almost the end. Yang Qiu watched Li Cong stop in the air just holding himself in his arms. This guy clearly used a trick to stab him just now. He saw it, why did he see it again? Regarding the floating technique of the wind magician, Yang Qiu saw Li Cong standing in the air very easily, still carrying himself, this must be the floating technique of the magician, there was nothing hanging on his body.

"Hehe, I am not going to commit suicide, but my life is very precious. I think the reason why those God Crow Tigers can track us may be because the smell of humans is different from that of Warcraft. Now we are about 300 meters away. Underneath, there should be no smell that can pass up here, even if there is, it can be avoided." Li Cong said with a smile. In fact, Li Cong said that, but he was also very scared in his heart. After all, I don't know what the matter is, but at a height of three hundred meters, no matter how powerful it is, it's impossible to come down like that.

"Are you really a magician? Is it true that what you just said is true?" Yang Qiu looked at everything around him, still couldn't believe it, "but when I saw you were an earth magician, you How can you use wind magic?" If Yang Qiu would not ask such idiot questions in normal times, he would be scared at this moment, even scarier than those God screaming tigers.

"Hehe, if I were not a magician, we might have died there now. What's wrong with my earth-type magic and wind-type magic? Is there anything wrong with this? These magics are almost the same to me Yes, haven’t you heard that there are actually some geniuses among magicians, I am those people, and I may be able to use fire magic in a while.” Li Cong said proudly, indeed, Li Cong has his own pride. Everyone wants to be born with superiority.

"Huh, what should we do now? We're just waiting here? There may be danger here." Yang Qiu knew that there would be no danger in the Warcraft Mountains. Even some gathering towns would be useless, for example. The Moonlight Town that had existed a while ago has existed for such a long time, not to mention that it will be gone. In the Mountains of Warcraft, the danger came to my side without knowing when.

"There is definitely a danger here, I have seen it..." Li Congyou pointed at a cave not far away from them. Although he didn't know what the danger was, two bright lights emerged from it. , These are no fools, they are all people who have been in the mountains of Warcraft for a long time. There should be the light from the eyes of some kind of warcraft. It is already three hundred meters deep here because of the shelter of the cliffs on both sides. , The visibility around here is already very low. This beast looks at them motionless. As long as you are not a fool, you will know that the beast is starting to stare at them, and this thing gives Li Cong the feeling that it is better than those of God. It's even more powerful. I didn't feel scared just now, but Li Cong felt scared now.

"This...this is something, or let's go up there, maybe those God screaming tigers have already gone." The little girl closed her eyes and grabbed Li Cong and said, if it was before She certainly wouldn't make such moves, but now this girl really feels scared, even Li feels scared from facing the whole thing, let alone this little girl, her own strength is not very good. High, this fear is also very normal.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple to go up. You should open your eyes and see what this guy is." Li Cong said helplessly. He originally wanted to take refuge here, but he didn't expect to fall into such a danger. The situation, the guy in the cave turned out to be a big snake. Although it is not as big as the black-headed python last time, it is definitely not small. The one that just came out of the cave is tens of meters. It looks absolutely It’s not a monster of level six or seven. It has a big mouth that is at least three meters in diameter. How can Li Cong solve such a thing? If Li Cong is alone, the floating technique should be able to make Li Cong. Ascended from the rapid, but still holding one in his arms, it is impossible to escape.

Yang Qiu squinted her eyes and took a look, and almost didn't scare her hunger out. She knew this monster. This is the ninth-level snake type monster, the blue-eyed ring snake, which is the same level as the black-headed giant python. It is more powerful than the black-headed python in terms of speed and defense. His size is less than one-tenth that of the black-headed python, but it can be said to be at the same level as the black-headed python. His strength can be imagined. To a certain extent, the combat effectiveness of this thing is much more than that of the black-headed python.

It’s really unlucky. When did I have a relationship with these **** snake monsters. I used to be a snake queen on the planet rty. I didn’t expect that I would encounter so many snake monsters here. Look at them. They looked very powerful one by one, just like the guy in front of him, the air he exhaled made Li Cong feel suffocated.

"Haha, Brother Orochi, we just came to your door for a stroll. We will never destroy anything here. I hope you don't think we are your enemies..." Li Cong said quietly, and looked at it. At this moment, because this guy came out, the fog was even bigger. Li Cong wondered, how could the cane on both sides be so hard? This big guy won’t be able to get down when he comes out. If these things are looser, , This guy still fell to death? He also didn't want to think that the big snake should have been living here for a long time, how could he not know the situation here, only the two of them are not clear.

"Run, let's say it's a fart." Seeing that the blue-eyed ring snake was about to attack, Yang Qiu hurriedly called out. Li Cong could also see that the snake's head shrank back. This was to attack. It was a precursor to Li Cong. Li Cong immediately lifted his two people up by 20 meters. Good fellow, this big snake’s attack method was really direct. He ran into Li Cong where they were both, and finally The result was that Li had been smashed from the rocks where they were just now, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with the snake's head.

"What does his *head make? How can it be so hard." Li Cong couldn't help but cursed when he saw such a situation. This kind of thing is really difficult for him, but Li Cong also thought about it. Such guys are generally It’s very hard outside, but it’s all very fragile inside. Li Cong spotted the big snake and threw a few fireballs when he opened his mouth. Unfortunately, the speed of fireball was too slow. The mouth closed, but Orochi had nothing to do. The few fireballs didn't even hurt the fur of the other Orochi. Although Yang Qiu saw Li Cong's fireball technique, there was no time to be surprised at this time.

Da Snake saw that these two guys had the ability to fight back. He might feel that his prestige was affected, and his tail came over suddenly. This attack with his head may not be fast enough, but with his tail, it is definitely very fast. Quickly, Li Cong's floating technique is at the level of a half-hearted, with a person in it, and he may not be able to escape it anyway.

Li Cong took a look at the situation on both sides of him, and now he can only be a dangerous move. If he is carrying this girl, it is absolutely impossible to avoid it. Li Cong stopped the floating technique at once, and the two of them moved in an instant. It fell from the bottom, and the huge sense of weightlessness made Yang Qiu yell loudly, but now it is the only way to escape the attack of the snake, otherwise, both of them may become meatloaf at the moment. Look at that Attacks are definitely possible.

After falling several tens of meters, Li Cong quickly grabbed the cane. He didn't want the war to spread. It was already so dangerous here. If he continued down, the ghost knew what other things were waiting for him. Li Cong looked at it, and didn't give himself time to breathe. The **** blue-eyed ring snake was already down.

This blue-eyed ring snake has lived here for about a hundred years. Basically, it will not go out for a hundred years. As a ninth-level monster, it naturally wants to sprint into a tenth-level monster. Speaking of the level of ninth-level monsters, as long as they have enough power and prestige, they will immediately return to practice. Their lives are about tens of thousands of years, but they also know that as long as they are less than the level of tenth-level monsters, one day They will still die. This is a rule that cannot be changed. Beasts have their own helplessness, just like this blue-eyed ring snake. Just now, he felt that he could really break through, but Li from the voices of the two of them. This guy wakes up from his sentiment. It doesn’t happen once a year at this time. This is very important for the blue-eyed ring snake. It was disturbed by the two humans by Li Cong. If you don’t kill Li Congliang Personally, he hardly knew himself.

Hiss... the blue-eyed ring snake spit out his blood-red letter. Li felt a bit creepy from seeing this scene. In such an environment, fighting against such a guy, the final result is definitely predictable. Yes, although Li Cong knows a lot of magic, he can see that without using Li Cong, it is impossible for his own magic to harm this guy.

Seeing that the head of the blue-eyed snake is about to rush over again, Li Cong knows that it is very difficult for him to hover in the air and use space magic at this moment, but it can only be done once, otherwise they will be killed after this impact. , Seeing that the huge snake head is about to reach Li Cong’s eyes, Li once teleported to the top of the blue-eyed ring snake, and then a huge ice falling rock fell down, and a huge ice block with a diameter of ten meters was just like that. On the head of the blue-eyed ring snake, the head is generally a very important place for Warcraft, especially the upper part of the head. This blue-eyed ring snake is no exception. After this, the blue-eyed ring snake is indeed a little dizzy. Although the influence on him is not great, there is still some. At this moment, this big guy feels that his eyes are black.

This is also the time that Li Cong bought for himself. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Cong quickly expanded and teleported. Of course, he couldn't go up. Those God Conghus above didn't know if he left yet, Li Cong just arrived. The hole of the blue-eyed snake is the most dangerous place. The most dangerous place is the safest place. Now I can only try to break the boat. Li went in after a teleportation. The inside is really naughty, even Li Cong is like this Everyone felt a little bit cold. He shot a fireball and looked inside. Basically there was nothing. It seemed that this place should be a temporary residence for this thing.

"We're here, if that guy comes back, we won't be able to get out at all." Yang Qiu looked around and said.

"That guy is very angry right now, surely he will search all around here, he won't come back so quickly, we still have a good rest this period of time, the point is that I have to restore my mental power. I used it outside just now too much, and now I can’t use magic potions. I have to restore my mental power by 50%. Otherwise, we will definitely die here. You watch here. , As long as you feel that guy comes back and notify me immediately." Li Cong said directly, and entered a meditation state after speaking. At this time, even a minute is very precious.

Yang Qiu knew that Li Cong was telling the truth. Usually, many people said that he was a genius or something, but now Yang Qiu can see that he is really nothing compared to the real strong. Take the blue-eyed ring snake in front of me. Li Cong can deal with this guy. What about himself? It's not an opponent at all. If he were here, it is estimated that he would have become the food in the belly of the blue-eyed ring snake.

The blue-eyed ring snake had already lost his goal when his head was fully awake. He knew that Li Cong's travel speed would definitely not be fast. He wanted to leave after disturbing his own practice. Impossible things, the blue-eyed ring snake began to search around, he wouldn’t just leave it alone, ninth-level beasts all have their own dignity, if you are offended like this, you will definitely get it back, otherwise Where to put this face in the future, Li Cong guessed that there was nothing wrong. This blue-eyed ring snake would not come back in a short time, he would definitely look around.

Half an hour later, the blue-eyed ring snake has no patience. At this moment, the blue-eyed ring snake seems to be crazy in this canyon. It beats the surrounding rocks everywhere, and the stones are falling toward the bottom of the valley. Opening her big mouth and roaring everywhere, Yang Qiu knew that the blue-eyed ring snake was really at the most angry time. If the two of them appeared at this time, they would be torn apart by this thing. She glanced at Li Cong. I hope this big guy will not come back so soon.

It's a pity, sometimes things that shouldn't happen when you pray for something will appear, just like now, the green-eyed ring snake glanced at his cave. The speed of these two humans is definitely not faster than themselves. , In such a short period of time, he couldn’t leave like that. Only his own home has not been searched within this distance. Although the blue-eyed ring snake does not believe that these two humans will have the courage to stay in their own home. , But still walked towards his home with suspicion. After all, there is only this place around here where people can hide, and other places are impossible.

It’s broken, it’s broken, and I came back. Yang Qiu glanced at Li Cong and said that the magician’s meditation is the most important time. This time cannot be disturbed. This person has always protected herself. In fact, she can It can be seen that if Li Cong really abandons himself, he can leave here, but if this person didn’t have to leave him alone, he always carried himself like that, and Yang Qiu knew that if the two of them continued that way. She must not be able to leave here, so Yang Qiu made a decision at this moment. She wanted to sacrifice herself and save Li Cong. She didn't know why she made such a decision. It is said that the two of them met together, but Yang Qiu thought that as long as this person could live.

She glanced at Li Cong, and then at the blue-eyed ring snake that was slowly moving back outside. The blue-eyed ring snake was also afraid of the kid just now. The weapon of that guy was also very threatening, and she hadn't eaten it for a long time. Unfortunately, I have eaten it in the hands of this kid.

Yang Qiu was in tears at this time. He glanced at Li Cong. No, you can't let this person die here. If you want to die, you will die by yourself. He is a burden. As long as this guy is left alone, he can definitely do it. I went out by myself, and only two people died here with me. Yang Qiu suddenly rushed out towards the entrance of the cave. There was an abyss outside, but now I can’t take care of that much, as long as it can attract the blue eye ring. The snake's attention is all it takes.

When Li Cong opened his eyes, he saw Yang Qiu jumping down. This girl is really a fool. Li Cong's heart is also very moved. In this world, he is not the only one who is willing to give up his life to protect the beauty. Yes, the beautiful woman would also make sacrifices for herself in her heart. Li teleported from one to the entrance of the cave, but unfortunately she didn’t catch anything. The blue-eyed snake below had already seen the person jumping out of her entrance, although it was just a Humans are much better than hitting rocks aimlessly everywhere. Do you want to commit suicide in my blue-eyed ring snake? That was absolutely impossible. The blue-eyed ring snake's tail hit Yang Qiu's body all at once. All the bones of Yang Qiu's body seemed to be shattered. Yang Qiu fainted immediately, and at the last glance What you can see is the big mouth of the blue-eyed ring snake rushing towards him, maybe he will be bitten.

The blue-eyed ring snake used to eat humans a lot, but recently it has been cultivating, so it is very longing for the taste of humans. The girl in front of me is really good. It’s a white nènnèn. It’s a bit smaller, but it’s not bad. Just when the blue-eyed ring snake was about to enjoy it, even Yang Qiu’s feet had already entered the blue-eyed ring snake’s mouth. He just waited for the blue-eyed ring snake to shut up and disappeared. At this time, the space was directly distorted, and Li Cong appeared here.

The shock can be seen in the eyes of the blue-eyed ring snake, but there are not many things that can shock such a thing. Li Cong's eyes also made this big guy shudder, and intuitively felt that this thing did not seem to be So easy to solve, Li Cong's hand of flame quickly rushed into the mouth of the blue-eyed ring snake, and at the same time, Li Cong immediately teleported, and all this was done in 0.1 second. The blue-eyed ring snake was the biggest victim. , Because I want to eat, there is no covering in my mouth. The temperature of the hand of flame is very high, so I directly burned the mouth of the blue-eyed ring snake. This kind of damage is very serious. If Li Cong lasted 0.1 second longer, it would be possible to blacken the blue-eyed ring snake's throat.

After two consecutive teleports, Li Cong went to the hole of the blue-eyed ring snake again, "Why do you want to die by yourself, remember it to me in the future, you will be fine where I am, show me here." Li Cong Said with a smile, and then disappeared suddenly. When he reappeared, he was on the back of the blue-eyed ring snake. Aren't you hard? I'll see if I got the magic weapon or your body.

There are a lot of good weapons in the emperor’s treasure. Although Li never knew their names, he also knew that these things were very powerful. Li Cong took out something that looked very good and directly Stabbed towards the body of the blue-eyed ring snake, and used his full strength. This is the first time Li Cong has used his full strength. Yang Qiu can see that only a few of the eighth-level fighters can have this ability. , Li Cong’s weapon should not reach the level of a magic weapon, but it’s definitely a very powerful weapon. At least it’s okay to pierce the skin of a green-eyed snake. The most important thing is that there is a green thing on this weapon. It means that this weapon must have been poisoned, and if this continues, the blue-eyed ring snake will definitely be greatly affected.

The blue-eyed ring snake also felt the danger on his back, but the blue-eyed ring snake has no room to rotate now. Now the blue-eyed ring snake has been stabbed fiercely, and it flows in the body of the blue-eyed ring snake. Some red liquid came out, and Li Cong immediately threw the weapon in his hand. The blood poison of these blue-eyed snakes was definitely much more powerful than the venom on Li Cong’s weapon. That venom had no weapons, right? Corrupted, the blood of this blue-eyed ring snake actually began to corrode its weapons. It was really terrifying, as the blue-eyed ring snake was so powerful.

The blue-eyed ring snake is really angry. I don’t know how many years it has not been injured. This kid has caused himself to be injured like this. The blue-eyed ring snake immediately became irritable, and his whole body was full of lupus. The blood-red color, Li never knew what was going on, but Yang Qiu knew it. This is the blue-eyed ring snake entering a violent state. In other words, it is also in a fighting state. The ability is much greater than the previous one. Although Li Cong didn't know this, he also knew that this big guy was different at this moment.

Thousands of meters below the battle between the blue-eyed ring snake and Li Cong, a tiger-like guy walked out of his hole xué, looked at it and thought, what kind of enemy could make this snake change? So irritable, this guy hit this snake once when he was here many years ago, and only then turned into shape. Why did I turn into shape in such a short time? The tiger screamed upwards. , Is he* a human? A strong human came and turned the blue-eyed snake into a godsend. Haha, it’s a godsend. The human who can transform the blue-eyed snake is definitely not a simple guy. There will definitely be a lot of darlings on it. The tiger splits. His big mouth smiled, it's worth going up to see this lively.

The blood-red blue-eyed ring snake looked at Li Cong. This man is not very capable, and he can feel that this guy is not very threatening to him, but the guy in front of him actually hurt himself, this **** kid , I must kill you, the blue-eyed ring snake immediately opened its mouth, and a stream of red liquid came out. The speed is estimated that even Yang Qiu’s bow and arrow are not so fast, Li Cong can see After coming out, the liquid is the same as the one in the blue-eyed ring snake, and nothing is left of weapons that can be corroded. If there is this thing in your body, it is estimated that you will become a bone frame. This is absolutely What was impossible, Li flew away with a sprint, but there was still a little bit left on his body. The pain was really heartbreaking. Li Cong glanced at his arm, and followed by several small points. One shot is almost the same.

Generally speaking, the blue-eyed ring snake will not make such a move. An attack like the blue-eyed ring snake is definitely only used when you are angry, because these venoms are very precious, as if these things were As far as human society is concerned, then a small bottle is worth more than a million taels of silver. The green-eyed ring snake spit out just now has to have tens of millions of taels. These venoms can be poisoned to death. If you were fed such poison, it would be really amazing.

The blue-eyed ring snake missed a hit, and his heart became even more irritable. The whole body shook. Although Li Cong's speed was very fast, his body was not as big as others. Some of them were still at a disadvantage. Li Cong was already I took out several weapons from his ring. Unfortunately, none of these weapons can withstand them. They were all shattered by the blue-eyed ring snake. Li Cong couldn’t help being a little depressed. He* thought they were all If it's a baby, just hold it. Who knows it's so useless. After going out, you must find some good weapons, otherwise you will really suffer in the future, especially if you encounter this enemy.

The whole valley is in a mess at this moment. There are many monsters in this valley, but most of them are some eighth-level monsters. They don't have the guts to come here to see what's going on. An angry blue-eyed ring snake is a tenth-level warrior who must avoid it. If Li Cong hadn’t had space for magic, then ten of them would definitely be dead. The surrounding ninth-level beasts were just like The tiger in's dared to look at it from a distance. I really didn't expect the blue-eyed ring snake to be so powerful in these hundred years of kung fu. I thought it could come up to pick up the cheap ones, but I didn't expect it to become like this.

As the instigator, Li was also very bad from now on. He had suffered twice just now. If he didn’t have the body of an eighth-level pinnacle fighter, I guess he would be almost like Yang Qiu now. The bones in the fight were all broken. Now it’s the final moment. Li Cong can only make a desperate move. He looked around, and Li Cong could feel the beasts around him, even if he defeated this guy. It's impossible to escape, these monsters are all here watching with enthusiasm, and it is impossible for him to go out, for a while Li Cong has no good way.

Just as Li Cong was thinking, the next attack of the blue-eyed ring snake came, and it was in the position of Li Cong's mouth. Li vomited out blood from a mouthful of blood, and his internal organs seemed to have been broken up. There are some visceral powder in the blood. In the past, I used to beat others like this, but now I never thought I would have today.

Li Cong already feels that he has no strength. It is not a joke after the transformation of the ninth-level monster. It is said that the real heavy blow is this one, and he immediately loses his combat effectiveness. Li Cong looks at himself. The scenery slowly moved away from me, as if my vitality was slowly losing.

Just when Li Cong was about to give up, Li Cong clearly heard a tiger cry, and then he knew nothing...

I don’t know how long it has been, at least it’s been a period of time between sunrise and sunset. Li Cong felt his whole body pain. He wanted to open his eyes, but obviously he didn’t even have the strength to open his eyes. Li Congneng I felt that I was lying in a very warm place, and there seemed to be a person lying next to me. That person seemed to be Yang Qiu or someone else.

Li Cong was indeed at the bottom of this gorge, but Li Cong didn’t just fall off like that, but someone carried Li Cong on his back. Li Cong barely opened his eyes a few hours later. At this moment, the first thing I saw was the huge blood-red corpse not far away. Li Cong could recognize that this was the blue-eyed ring snake. At this moment, the blue-eyed ring snake is no longer angry. It may be because of the poison. The reason, so no Warcraft would eat this corpse, and you might die if you eat it.

Li Cong looked around again. This time he scared himself. How come there are so many ninth-level monsters. These things look like tigers on the earth, and they are similar in body shape. Li Cong knows Generally speaking, the bodies of ninth-level monsters are very large. The bodies of these ninth-level monsters don’t seem to be very large, and I didn’t say that there are so many ninth-level monsters here. Li Cong looks at it, at least here There are hundreds of the same level 9 monsters. These guys are all looking at Li Cong at this moment. After seeing Li Cong open his eyes, they are all very happy. Although they can't speak, they can't speak. Li Cong's happiness is inevitable, and Li Cong is also wondering, is he really the emperor of Warcraft?

Just when Li was puzzled, each of these tigers began to give way. In the distance, a guy who looked more mighty than these tigers came out. It should also be a level nine tiger, but the kind of The aura is definitely unmatched by these tigers. When that guy saw Li Cong, tears were already in his eyes. Li Cong looked at this scene a little strangely.

The tiger walked to Li Cong's side and touched Li Cong's hand with his paw lightly, and then turned around, immediately two tigers came over with a huge herb in their mouths Yes, Li Cong has never seen such a big herbal medicine. Maybe this thing should have an effect on his recovery. The tiger’s eyes meant to let Li Cong eat slowly, but Li Cong has moved even now. It’s difficult. Li Cong glanced at his side. Yang Qiu was really beside him. Yang Qiu didn’t look very good. After all, Yang Qiu had already broken a lot of bones during the first attack. These tigers are even No matter how powerful it is, it is definitely not possible to do bones. Li Cong put the blade of grass in his mouth very hard. This is the biggest thing Li Cong can do. After finishing this The sweat came out all over, the old tiger and the other tigers were worried.

Li Cong suddenly remembered that he was able to talk to these guys before, but those subjects were wolves who lifted the pool. I don’t know if these tigers are suitable or not. Li Cong tried to use this method to ask these tigers what is this. Going on.

"Unexpectedly, the great emperor actually knew how to communicate with us, great emperor, your people, the fierce tiger, see the great emperor." Li Cong's head immediately appeared such words, all tigers at this time, all They are all lying on the ground, and they all put their heads on the ground. Generally speaking, the monsters are like this when they see someone who is more advanced than themselves. Other times they don't look like this. rs! .

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