Energy Group

Chapter 1856:

Thousands of years? Everyone was stunned when they heard Li Cong's words. Such a hermit is teaching his discipleship skills. This is the master or uncle of Jager Dawson, and they are one by one. How can you compare with others, how can you be their opponents? All of them have pale face, and I was a little worried just now. But the tone of listening to others is definitely not what people like me can match, let alone. It's the Tiger Mercenary Group, even if there are more than one, it is useless. People's strength, the president of the Mage Union can open their mouths and say, will they care about you?

The Tiger Mercenary Corps has made such a big movement in the city, this new Jiang Ningcheng is also different from before. It can be said that the major organizations have their own footholds here, and all of them have come here. , I just happened to hear what Li Cong said, but everyone was dumbfounded. There was such a thing. Ten thousand years ago, the old immortal ran out. This thing will develop to such a degree. There will also be people from ten thousand years ago in the organization, but those people basically don’t care what happens in the organization. They are more like a spiritual leader of the organization, as long as there is no survival or death of the organization. They won’t come out. This old guy doesn’t seem to have any organization, but he’s also powerful. Such a person can be said to be the most difficult to deal with. That's too much. Now there is nothing. This is the most troublesome thing. Just be a polished commander. If you have any grudges, you can come directly to me, but if you are looking for me, you are not my opponent.

Others can keep watching the development without talking, but the guys who were locked in the space by this old guy want to talk, the temperature inside is already very high, and these people feel it. It’s difficult to breathe. There are five or six people in such a small space. The breathing of these people can already raise the temperature a lot. Coupled with the tension at this moment, they feel one by one. It’s like the end of the world, but even if they were impatient, they didn’t do anything excessive. If they didn’t see the person in front of them, they might try to see if the space lock could control themselves. Live, but now I see this person, the strength of a ninth-level magician, what's the joke? We are not as good as others when combined.

"Senior, we didn't intend to start a war in Master Cao's house. It is true that these elders deceived people too much, and we are already very restrained in Master Cao's house..." The head of the third master has always been not very mindful. It's easy to use. The second master knew something bad when he saw this guy talking. Sure enough, Li sniffed out from there, and immediately all the people around the third master were locked in the space. Everyone immediately treated Li Cong. I have a new understanding of strength. This guy’s mental power is really too strong. It can support two space locks at the same time. In fact, this space lock is very common for space magicians, but The world's understanding of space magicians is really too little. These people will naturally suffer from the understanding of ordinary magicians.

"Unreasonable, I said that you are not right. You must be wrong. Since you guys have already admitted that a war is going on in my disciple’s house, what reasons do you say one by one? I will definitely not care what you think. I just want to know. Now my disciple told me that several people died. What do you think about this matter? If you can give me a proper solution, I don’t think the matter can be investigated. If it doesn’t work, my disciple will not Satisfied, huh, your heads are careful." Li Cong let go of his mental power overwhelmingly when he spoke. There is nothing else, that mental power is very powerful, let alone a ninth-level magician, even if it is. The mental power of a tenth-level magician is not as good as ours. What we lack is how this mental power is transformed into magic power. Although alchemy is a quick method, it also takes time, isn't it? This kind of thing can't be rushed, otherwise, I will be the world's first.

Everyone felt a tremendous amount of pressure. It can be said that this pressure made everyone out of breath. Everyone felt like the end of the world. These people felt dizzy when they saw things. They all knew it was the magician’s. Mental power attack, this is what it would look like in the face of hundreds of talents here. You must know that the worst of the hundreds of people here must be level 7 fighters, otherwise they are not qualified to come to this place at all. If such a mental power attack faced a person, it would directly cause this guy to die.

"Senior, my third brother is really unreasonable. We used force in Master Cao's house. We are willing to pay compensation and hope that seniors will express it." The second master saw this posture and it was really frightening. Yes, this kind of thing has never been dealt with before, and the pressure on people like this is really huge.

"What about you? It’s not yours who fought the war. The things on your side are pretty good. By the way, my disciples said that I want me to refine the little pill for you. This is a bottle with ten in it. Just take one, and send the rest to my disciple-grandson. Now he was scared by you and almost lost his mind. If it weren’t for my profound skill by his side, this thing would definitely not be the present. As a result, it took me such a long time, old man, to have such a disciple. If you can do nothing, I will never let go. Your little lives will not match my disciple’s. ." Li Cong threw a small bottle and said, this kind of pretence is really invincible.

Everyone looked at the little bottle greedily. There were ten small red pill in it. This is his small red pill. Generally speaking, everyone will have the possibility of getting into trouble when they want to advance. If you eat a small pill during the shock, then your brain analysis will definitely be many times stronger than you are now. It cannot be said that there will be absolutely no accident, but 80% of it should be fine. Xiao Huan Dan bought insurance. Besides, he was the same as the boss of the Tiger Mercenary Corps. His brain was traumatized to a certain extent, so he took this food to restore it.

Ten small red pills? , Cao Ke’s luck is a little bit too good. In the past, I only knew that this guy had a master pharmacist, but I didn’t expect that the master would be so good. If it is a pharmacist of this level, don’t talk about it. The pill of high quality, even those that are against the sky can be made. I really regret that I didn’t have a good relationship with Cao Ke in the past. Although I can’t get him, but in my organization Those old and immortal are all staring at the pill. For them, the pill is more important than their disciples and grandchildren. If this can be done for their ancestors, their future life will be really good. It's ready to fly.

The second master took it and put it in his arms without even looking at it. It is said that this kind of thing should be checked, but now it needs to be checked, could a ninth-level space magician lie? Just kidding, the value of Xiaohuandan is very high, but there are ten or eight space rings with a casual wave of a ninth-level space magician, and the price of each of those things is about the same as that of Xiaohuandan. Now, people definitely won't cheat on such things. Of course, they don't rule out the possibility. If that's the case, the second master can only choose not to eat the bitter fruit.

At this time, Li Cong was still asking the elders. In fact, the elders like Cao Ke were very disgusted. There was nothing else, but Cao Ke promised to give the second master the medicine. This was to save the fire boss. They are only refining medicine. If the boss really survives, they will have any benefits. They have thought about the consequences when they start at Cao Ke's house. It is nothing more than losing some money at the time. Anyway, even if no one is killed, they will know us. How restrained, who knows that there is such an old monster now, such a person can kill these people with one hand, how to answer is a question, everyone can see, this guy But it's very moody, but magicians are all like this, it seems that space magicians are the most powerful, and their brain structures may be different from our real people.

"Senior." A guy with white hair called Senior Li Cong might feel very funny, but this is the real situation. This guy is the second elder of the Tiger Mercenary Corps. Just now, this guy was still very arrogant. Yes, but after this "Li Cong" came out, this guy didn't dare to show up. You must know that it was the guy i who did the first thing. Although she herself is also a ninth-level fighter, generally the ninth-level fighters are Those who can't keep up with the ninth-level magician, they are nothing more than the space magician, so they are also a little scared at the moment.

"I don't need to listen to any explanation. What I want is your solution. This time my disciple and grandson's house was demolished. You really don't give face to the old man. The old man rarely goes down the mountain. This time I came down. You have deliberately told me to look up in front of my disciples and grandchildren. If you do not satisfy me with this matter, I will kill you one by one." Li Congn said dangerously and did. This bureau is really not easy, it must be managed well.

All of these people on the scene looked a little gloating. To be honest, the Tiger Mercenary Corps usually has a bad reputation. It is also very happy to see these guys having troubles one by one. Usually you are not very good. Well, depending on what kind of top ten mercenary group you are, you ignored us one by one, now it’s fine, you just offended a hermit master for no reason, you will have fun in the future Now, there is an opportunity for us to take a good look at how happy it is. Let’s see how you make this expert satisfied. Generally, people like this are a little bit funny if they don’t come out for a long time. He thinks Accurate things may seem to others to be a very small thing, but these people don’t think so in their minds. They may have strange ideas. If you can be satisfied, this thing can be anything you can say, but if it is If you can't be satisfied, the fun will be great.

Everyone thought of something that happened in the Southern Empire thousands of years ago. A thousand years ago, an ancient sect was looted by the Southern Empire government on unreasonable charges, and all the personnel were killed. Who knew that this sect would come out after decades. A descendant, and this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that behind this descendant stands a master of tenth-level fighters. This guy claims to be the ancestor of the sect that was destroyed. Good guys. It’s fun. It's really not that small. There is still a big gap between this hidden world master and the existing masters. Like other classes, the gap between this tenth-level fighter is not small, and many tenth-level fighters can only be regarded as beginners. That’s it. Such hidden masters are not beginners. They may study a move for a long time. These tenth-level fighters can only win against those who have entered the tenth level. It is a very glorious victory.

At that time, there were also two tenth-level fighters in the southern empire's royal house. It is a pity that the two who were enshrined in two or two were killed by the old guy. This place was killed, but not defeated. Finally, the Southern Empire The royal family can only kowtow to admit their mistakes and change the original sect back. Of course, this is mainly because the target is the Southern Empire royal family. If it is another sect organization, it is estimated that the hermit master will immediately kill them. The Southern Empire imperial family also has its own masters, but they will not come out until the last moment. The masters of several sects are the same. They will come out when it is related to the survival of their sect. It will never come out.

The current situation is almost the same as that at that time. What is different from the situation at the time is that the hermit master of the Tiger Mercenary Group may have already gone first, or else the interior has already split like this. , These big guys have not come out to say a word, you know, these hermit masters are more useful than these guys fighting over and over, just like the master Li Cong pretends now, so many Experts know that they can solve this expert by swarming, but no one will be able to do it. Everyone knows the result, but the loss of solving this expert is also huge, and no one will be the early bird, besides this The master is still a space magician, this space magician is very magical, until now, not many people know what magical powers a space magician can do, and naturally no one will do anything.

"Senior, we are naturally going to repair the house and everything for Master Cao, and pay a hundredfold. I don't know if this is possible?" The second elder thought for a while and said, in fact, this is already a shameful thing. If someone shows up, I think it would be very good to repair your house. You must know that this one on the opposite side is not an ordinary organization. This is the ten largest mercenary group in the world, the Tiger Mercenary Group, so you can say that. It's not easy anymore.

"Hundred times? My disciple’s house was valued at one hundred million taels of silver, and you compensate ten billion. This is the first condition, are you willing?" Li never said nothing. It was a life-killing thing. Li Cong said The second elder was dumbfounded. Even the people around looked at this old guy like a monster. Where is this happening? Isn't it a steal? This is still the first condition. What is the second condition? There are a few more conditions like this. This one will allow the Tiger Mercenary Group to drink a pot, and if a few more such conditions come out, it is estimated that the people of the Tiger Mercenary Group will go out and beg to live.

Don’t look at the Tiger’s mercenary group’s ability to make money, but they also spend a lot of money. Raising so many masters, each of them costs money. If they don’t have money, why do they have to spend money on yours? The subordinates work, don’t they need to eat? Just like the 60% of the forces held by the second elders and others, their annual income can indeed reach tens of billions of taels, but the annual expenses are also Absolutely a lot. It is very good to have a balance of 10 billion every year. You are the top ten mercenary group, but there are many in front of you.

"Senior, is this a bit...?" The second elder opened his mouth and said, and immediately surprised things happened. From Li Cong's side, two fireballs flew towards the second elder. It could have been easy to hide, but the second elder felt like he could not move at this moment. By the way, it was in the space lock of others. The second elder felt a burst of heat, but the fireball technique did not hit the second elder. On the body, it flew from the side, the speed is too fast, they have never seen such a fast fireball, one by one looked at the fireball that has reached the horizon, in fact, the fireball is nothing special, the special one is The fireball is in the space lock controlled by Li Cong, how fast Li Cong has the final say.

"Second elder, you..." an eighth-level fighter next to the second elder called out. At this time, everyone remembered to see what was going on with the second elder. The hermit master shouldn't be so boring to take out two fireballs. To scare the second elder.

At this time, the second elder didn’t know what was wrong with him. At this time, there was no problem with his body, and he didn’t feel anything. How could something happen? When the second elder was still wondering, he finally knew how to respond. What happened, there was originally a bunch of hair on the forehead of the second elder, but now it is slowly falling down. This has always been regarded by the second elder as the best place for him, but I didn’t expect it to be taken off by Li Cong. When the second elder was about to get angry, he immediately calmed down. He thought about who his opponent was. This opponent could not be dealt with by himself. This opponent is really a bit powerful. This can completely kill him. Fireball? By the way, this old guy turned out to be a dual-line magician. The second elder only thinks about it now. It's too slow. No, it doesn't seem to be a dual-line magician, but a multi-line magician. Many people thought of coming out just now. How terrifying is the person in front of those ice and earth magics?

There are not a few people who have the same ideas as the second elders. Just now they listed this guy as a grade with the old immortals in his organization. Looking at it now, those old immortals may be far from their opponents. The combat power of a dual-line fifth-level magician can solve three to five sixth-level fighters. These three-line fifth-level magicians can solve dozens of them. This guy can solve so many old guys even if it is only a third-line magician. , But now, even if the big sects are united, there will not necessarily be so many old guys. A hundred times is tens of billions. At this time, the second elders really regret it. Why are they so cheap? There is a second master here. Well, how come I am not the person who is talking about the Tiger Mercenary Corps. This matter should be right to the second master. Not only is he ashamed now, but he still draws so much blood now, why bother.

"Unreasonable and ignorant junior, my old man’s ability to give you a specific number is already very good for you. I don’t want to kill people anymore. I don’t know how many people I killed thousands of years ago. I am really sinful. So at the beginning I said that as long as I am not a heinous person, I will not kill. Everyone should have a chance to regret. I shouldn't take this opportunity away, but what you are doing now makes me Very angry, how dare you bargain with me? Let me tell you, let alone you, even if it is the grand elders of various martial arts, or their founders, or the emperors of the four empires, their patron saints I don’t have the ability to say this to me. I’m in a good mood today. Otherwise, a hundred of you will be dead. Since your hair has fallen off, I’ll treat you as dead. Roll me aside. I’m in the mood to talk to you. If you say something again, I’ll just cut off your head.” Li Cong said viciously. This voice changer is still very perfect. Li Cong is also sure of what such a hermit master said. It’s very clear that everyone heard that Li Cong said that his face was full of understanding. Generally speaking, these hermit masters are self-respecting. As long as they offend too much, hermit masters will not be casual. Of murder.

The second elder suddenly touched his neck when he was still trying to say something. It’s better to stop talking. The hand of this person just now can prove it to himself. If he is really talking, he eats. The guy might not have his own head anymore, it's better not to speak, the second elder rarely speaks so much. Everyone does not blame the second elder Tangtang for a ninth-level fighter who retreats so much when he sleeps at this time. People may not even dare to say the bargaining sentence.

"Who else can be in charge of your house?" Li Cong looked at the group of people and said, why did he do so many things for? Is it to watch such a group of people here in silence? Of course it’s impossible. What Li Cong has to do is to get certain benefits from these people. The main thing is that the business of doing business has been taken down. Li Cong can also see that it’s like this. It’s impossible to ask the Tiger Mercenary Corps to cooperate with itself as before. You can only sign a contract with them. In fact, Li Cong can see that even if the so-called boss is alive, it’s impossible. The overall situation has been reversed. The two elders and these people are already openly confronting. Unless they are all killed, the Tiger Mercenary Group will immediately become a second-rate mercenary group. The best result is that the boss wakes up. Afterwards, these people were working on their own. Although they were split on the surface, they were still a family. As long as they were doing business with them, Li Cong was not worried about the rest.

"Senior, please tell me, I will definitely follow the teachings of seniors." Compared with the second elder, this is an old 2. But the words of the second master are much easier to hear. This guy is also a good student. He did not see the second elder treat himself on the spot. Did you lose your face, do you want to try it yourself? Isn't this something wrong with my brain? Anyway, I've seen this thing today, and I won't be afraid even if someone settles accounts in the future. Is it really going to lose my life? The expert in front of me will not pity Xiangyu.

"Well, you little girl is very good at talking, which is very appetizing to my old man." When Li Cong said this, the second master also had a chill in his heart, although his appearance may change. I don’t know how many times I think it’s my grandfather’s grandfather after 10,000 years old. It suits your appetite. If you ask yourself to do something, you will never die. We also have principles. Li Cong now But I didn't think about this in my heart. After a while, the little girl was relieved. Li Cong didn't mention that at all. For the woman Li Cong's head is not small now.

"I may not be able to show up for a long time after I appeared this time. My disciple is still relatively weak now, that is, a sixth-level dual-system magician. I also left a lot of good for this stinky boy. Things, it’s just that this kid doesn’t know how to do business with others. Haven’t you already reached an agreement before? Your Tiger Mercenary Group will find a stinky kid as an agent. I think it’s not bad. Your credibility is still okay. I think you’re making trouble like this today. I don’t know if this agreement is okay?” Li Cong asked in a deep voice. In fact, the main thing is to ask the people on the second elder’s side. So many people have recognized this incident but can’t say anything afterwards. If this is repentant, they will suffer from this incident. Those who are mixed up in the rivers and lakes will pay most attention to a letter. If the credibility is If you don't have it, you don't need to mention anything.

"Senior don’t worry, we will definitely abide by the contract with Master Cao, but I don’t know where the second elder is?" The second master is also very good at talking, and quickly explained his own situation. It’s different here. He can’t decide what’s going on over there. He even thinks that if the second elder’s arrogant temper comes up, it would be great to say a few words to this senior expert. It’s a pity. What this girl thought did not appear. The second elder was the only one who had accepted the actions of senior masters. How could he get confused at this time? Besides, this business is done by anyone. This Cao family firm Don’t look at it as a small firm. This reputation is good. Of course, the small firm also refers to the time it used to be. It will definitely not be like this in the future. With such a senior at the back, Cao’s firm does it. It's just around the corner.

"Senior, don't worry, we don't have any objections." The second elder didn't dare to open his mouth to speak. Just now, this senior said that he would not let me speak. At this time, Mr. San Zhang hurriedly came up and was afraid to speak slowly. , Come over a few more fireballs, our hair is also hair, can't you burn it as you pleased, what if a group of elders are bald?

"Well, this can be regarded as your second condition. You can set it down as soon as you go back. My old man can't keep an eye on your affairs every day. I have nothing more than these two conditions, of course. In the past, you also cooperated well. I know all of this. I can’t let you help in vain. There are some eye-sight pills here. I put them all at the stinky boy, but there are a lot of them. Just tell him. , Just say that I said, I will sell you half." Li Cong said proudly, this sells something to others, the customer is not the consciousness of God, this is a strong buy and sell.

As soon as the second master and the second shopkeeper heard this, the water came out immediately. This senior said that the number is a lot, but there must be at least ten. This shot is different. The Eyesight Pill is definitely a good thing. The world has become more blind due to various things, but I heard that this kind of pill is very difficult to practice, so there are not many left in the world. Just take a few of these things in your hand. But it's not just a matter of money, there will be many other issues.

The other people don’t know what to say at this moment. They are really seniors. This Tiger mercenary group is also out of shit. They don’t think it’s bullying them. Ten billion silver. No matter what, I also have it. The key is to have a relationship with this senior, and see what they are doing. The little pill is a treasure. They have ten, none of them. They are in the hands of others. The stuff in it seems to be not much better than rubbish. What's wrong with the Eyesight Pill? People say that there are a lot of them. It is not so easy for them to get a pill like this for their ninth-level fighters. These are all sold in ten of them, and then think about the low-level pill and good magic arrows that often come out in the Cao family firm. Every one of them can’t wait to be the tiger mercenary group. Just saw the jokes of others, this While he* people came to see his jokes, he was really envious of the Tiger Mercenary Corps. Although there were some people here who wanted to speak up, but look at the senior expert, this seems to be impossible, right?

Yes, our grades are so different from others. We can’t say this. We can’t talk to this person. The gap is too big, but Li is different from there. Although Li Cong is a very good one. A dual-line magician, but when converted to a warrior, it is just a ninth-level fighter. Many of them are outstanding among the ninth-level fighters, and they are still peers with Li Cong, so they can be considered together. After communicating, it is much better than the expert in front of him. The expert in front of him has no chance to speak at all. The difference in strength is too great. Standing in front of this person has a sense of inferiority.

What Li Cong wants is this effect. At this moment, he has basically achieved everything he should do. He should think about how to retreat. How to retreat is also a very learned thing, and these guys must be restrained. Soon Li Cong knew what he should do. Li Cong thought of the best way to retreat. Li Cong slowly stood up. Just now he was sitting in the air. Now Li Cong is standing slowly. When he got up, he put his hands behind his back. Everyone around here looked at Li Cong, as if there really was something under Li Cong’s feet. It was the first time that so many people saw this kind of thing. The eyes widened.

"Everyone, if there is something for the old man’s disciples to find you in the future, just look at the old man’s face to help, and the old man will definitely not treat you badly when he comes back. Say goodbye." Li Cong disappeared out of thin air after speaking. No one has seen this kind of ability, but this is the teleport of the Space Mage. Soon someone found Li Cong hundreds of meters away, and Li Cong finally disappeared in these dozens of teleports. In front of people, if they left at once, these people might still be thinking about what method they might use. Such a rapid teleport would immediately appear in another place, which is definitely a teleport.

"This is a teleportation in the legend. The speed of my **** is really amazing, too powerful." Someone immediately recognized what was going on. This guy was so excited that he could do it in his lifetime. Seeing this, even if the tenth-level fighters move faster, there will always be some ghosts, but today they walked cleanly and there was nothing.

All of them were talking about the old guy in front of him enthusiastically. After I went back, some said that such a hermit expert was actually seen by himself, but the brains of these people are slow to say, really People with brains have already slipped away quietly at this time. You guys, idiots, continue to talk about it here. We don’t have that time anymore. We have to go back and make arrangements. After such things take a long time to come. It may be a huge loss.

Look at the Tiger Mercenary Group again. They don’t want to do it one by one. They are people who have taken a big advantage. They can cooperate with such people. I don’t know how many people around me are jealous. If the fight goes on, they can only lose their own money. When looking at each other one by one, it doesn’t seem to be that annoying. Anyway, all of us have eaten in the same pot. How much deep hatred can we have. .

"The second master, I think it's better to hurry up now, the boss wakes up, this matter is urgent." The two sides held each other for a long time, and there were no spectators around here. This kind of thing happened. The whole mainland has not seen a hermit in more than ten years. It's an expert, they all want to go out and show off to others very much. Can they stay here to watch such a small show? Although the internal turmoil of the Tiger Mercenary Group is not a trivial matter, is it a matter when compared with the affairs of that expert? The second elder was the most embarrassing one just now, but this guy's face is very thick, and this guy doesn’t feel ashamed anymore. People think of huge benefits. In fact, these people who are the second masters now I didn't feel that the second elder was so annoying now.

"Well, I have a little pill here, so I'll go back to eat, the second elder, you should still gather all the responsible people from all over the place, the boss wakes up, we will quickly discuss this matter." What else the third master wants to say~www was restrained by the second boss. At this time, the Tiger Mercenary Group almost became the target of public criticism. If they still fight internally, they will benefit from others. For my own business, there are wolves outside here, do they have to fight at home? In the end, the injured will be eaten by the wolf.

"Okay, we are divided into two groups. The two masters will take your people to protect the law to the boss. I will bring our people to contact the people in charge in different places. We must ask them to meet at our headquarters within a few days." After saying a word, the rest of the people started to leave everywhere. They are more motivated now than they were just now. Just kidding, this senior man gave such a good thing. If this is not good cooperation Who are you worthy of?

Li Cong, the instigator at this moment, was laughing at home. He was right, but he was very risky just now. If there is something wrong with this, these people may see it, and then his own. If the black veil is untied, the self-directed and acted one becomes a joke. Although looking at Jager Dawson’s face will not do any substantial harm to him, his reputation can be regarded as No, it will soon become a joke on the mainland. Li Cong doesn't want to be like that. In the future, we will continue to be in this generation. If this is not a good reputation, how can we go out and cheat? Li Cong is careful After thinking about the whole thing, I made sure that there were no loopholes, and then took off my black gauze. This thing is important evidence and must be in the space ring. rs! .

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