Energy Group

Chapter 1860:

Yang Yicai seemed to have known that Li Cong would say that for a long time. He smiled and nodded. Li never expected that the Yang family would change so quickly at this time. You should know that he was still worried about what they would do. I quickly agreed to this matter. Li Cong thought that this was the most important thing for himself, and there was nothing else to say at all, but the Yang family was so anxious to see himself. Is there anything else besides these things? What's wrong?

The province controlled by the Yang family is located in the southeast of the province where Li Cong is located. It can be said that the area of ​​that province is much larger than that of the province where Li Cong is located. The distance is about 4,000 kilometers. It is famous for producing some minerals, which also makes the Yang family very rich, but most of the people in that province are in industrial and mining, so some agricultural production is much less. They want to cooperate with Li Cong, which is obvious. Li is now the largest grain merchant in the south. In the past, the Yang family used to buy a large amount of grain from other places every year. Not to mention the high prices. The grain merchants from other places also knew that they wanted all kinds of grain and gave them every time. Their products are inferior goods, and they often taste bad. Now there are grain merchants like Li Cong. How can they not do business with Li Cong? Moreover, the Yang family involves a wide range of businesses. Knowing that cooperating with Li Cong is a good deal, and they are worried that they can't cooperate with Li Cong, so Yang Qiu's matter came out. M.

"Master Cao, in fact, there were some misunderstandings in the previous things. How could we be so rude to the young lady in our family? This is simply impossible. There must be some misunderstandings. We hope Master Cao I can give us some chances to explain this to our lady. We are not just doing it." Yang Yicai said with a smile. This guy’s smile is really ugly and ugly. When this guy spoke, Li Cong After observing it, this guy's muscle jitter is very exaggerated. Such a person is a person with very rich body language. Li understands a little bit now.

"Mr. Yang. Your family affairs have nothing to do with me. I only have a relationship with Miss Yang Qiu. It’s okay if you want to see her, but it’s your business whether she wants to talk to you. Originally, I was talking about this. If you have nothing to do, I will go to rest first. You also know that I have travelled a long distance." Li Cong said. This Yang Yicai felt a little upset about the long journey. How far is it from here to Jiangning City. We have come so far and didn’t say we need to rest. You guys just said we’re going to rest when we got here. It’s not to give us face, if there were people in the past. If you dare to speak like that, this guy will definitely not let it go, but it's not when he gets angry right now, these guys also know the depth, the Yang family headquarters has already come over. Let yourself take care of things here. If you don’t do it well, this kid will die. Those suppliers who have been cooperating over there have said that they don’t need their food this year. There are still three months of grain reserves, if no grain has been delivered yet. I guess I’m going to be really hungry. You have to know that there are nearly 200 million people in the entire province. All of them need to be fed. Their food is the most self-sufficient, less than 20 million people, even ten. One is not enough, most of the food needs to be purchased.

"No, no, no. Master Cao, in fact, we have something to talk to Master Cao. I don’t know if Master Cao has time. We want to buy some food, and the quantity is not too much, about 50 million tons. Left and right, if Master Cao has nothing to do, you can talk. If Master Cao is very busy, we won't delay Master Cao's time." This guy smiled and said, Li Cong also sneered, 50 million tons. Grain wants to hold Lao Tzu. I really don’t know how the sale is done. Li Cong has to admit that the sale is really big. Now the amount of grain in the southern provinces is 14 cents per catty, and this ton is 20 catties and 280 cents. Money, this is 28 taels of silver, 10,000 tons is 280,000 taels of silver, and 500,000 tons is a big deal of more than one billion yuan. If the price of transportation is included, it will be more. It's just the current transaction. Li Cong couldn't get much interest anymore, he simply hated this kind of idea that others wanted to dictate to himself.

"Speaking of it, I really have something important. I'm so sorry. I am missing." Li Cong walked out with a smile. This made Yang Yicai and the other two people dumbfounded. I thought that this kind of business should be Li Cong. It is very obvious. Who knows that this kind of business people have such an attitude, as if this is a dispensable thing. This Li Cong can be regarded as a dispensable business, but he can't do it. Yes, I can wait for the food to eat on my side. If I don’t have this food, I will definitely be killed by the owner of the house when I go back. Even if I don’t kill myself, the owner will let him contact the old food merchants. When the time comes, those people will definitely open their mouths. These people have already seen their skills. They don’t have fuel-efficient lamps. Here as the guide, Yang Yi touched his old face. This thing has to be done. No face, this Master Cao is really not a simple person, looking very young, who knows that he will be able to grasp this measure.

"Master Cao, please stay." Li Cong laughed when he heard these words. You are too young to come with Lao Tzu. What did Lao Tzu do in the past? We specialize in dealing with profiteers from the earth. On the planet rty, it can be said that Li Cong's trading is always unfavorable. Why? Just because you have something that no one else doesn’t have in your hand, you still need it. If I don’t do business with you, naturally many people will do business with me. I can find one that I like from so many people. Do business with me, but if I don’t do business with you, what can you do? You can only be the people who beg for the past honestly, so your cost is much higher than that of Lao Tzu. I believe you should be clear about how to choose.

"Haha, Mr. Cao, we were wrong just now. The business is talking about the truth. To be honest, the cooperation between our Yang family and Mrs. Cao is very important. To show our sincerity, we can all follow Those of our former partners said that they would not buy anything from them this year." Yang Yicai smiled and pulled Li Congji back. Although the other two people's faces were not very satisfied, they can only do so now. Up. Why do people have what we need in their hands?

"The sincerity of the Yang family is really great, can I think so too, if I don't have food to sell to you, then you will be hungry this winter?" Li Cong said with a smile, these people With all my heart and soul, I can say that this is what Li Cong dislikes the most, and I will teach you a lesson that you should be honest in the future.

In fact, Li Cong himself was very depressed. Li Yin is doing a lot of agricultural construction on the planet rty, and it is all right now. The billions of acres of land have all been planted, and it can’t consume 10% of the earth and the planet rty itself. Now that the seeds have been improved, they can be grown three times a year, and every time there are tens of billions. A ton of food, the planet rty can be said to have become a huge granary. If Li Cong does not sell these things quickly, the food there will probably sprout.

Now basically 100,000 to 200,000 tons of grain are sold out every month, but this sales speed is really a bit poor compared with the production capacity on the planet rty. At the beginning, Li Yin thought that there were hundreds of billions of people here. How could the grain be enough to see at that time? Since Li knew the news at that time, he wanted to beat his son. There are so many people. Yes, how do you know that people eat your food? Many people don't know what's going on with Cao's commercial firm. Besides, how can the food be delivered there if the transportation is not solved? It's okay if the granaries are built. It would be impossible if it wasn't established. The three thousand miles relying on a carriage or something could be said to be the limit. If it is farther away, there is no need to buy or sell.

However, Li Cong has already thought of a better way to deal with the problem of transportation capacity. That is to build a huge warehouse in Yandong Province, which is the same as Jiangning City, where it can radiate the surrounding area for three thousand miles. Of course these Things have to rely on the help of these guys in front of you. Otherwise, this plan is impossible to achieve. Yandong Province is still different from other provinces. Even if the governor is unwilling to the other provinces, the governor is fine. It is different in Yandong Province. At the end of the day, almost all of them were from the Yang family, and the direct blood relatives of the Yang family accounted for more than half of the 17 counties. The others are also related to the Yang family's in-laws and old age, so if you want to develop Yandong Province into another stronghold of its own, this Yang family cannot escape.

"Hehe, the Yang family has saved a lot of food over the years. It may be a little nervous, but it is impossible to go hungry." Yang Yicai is not a waste, he can't always get Lie. From the run, Li Cong also knows how many people from such a big family are a little bit spine. If he keeps talking like that, this guy is too inconspicuous. Li Cong is silent. I smiled, I can't do anything too much, I can do it myself.

"Well, that's good, I also have a plan. I hope I can buy a piece of land in Yandong Province and build a huge warehouse. I will do some grain trading there in the future. The scale of the warehouse is not small, of course. How can I pay the money? I mean this time I will help you deliver the food for free?" Li Cong said with a smile. His words made Yang Yicai dumbfounded. You have to know this. However, 500,000 tons of grain is definitely not a small amount. The transportation cost alone would cost hundreds of millions of dollars. The freight is definitely not a cheap thing. What is the reason for Li Cong's saying that? Is it to build a huge warehouse? This is a very good thing for Yandong Province.

"I don't quite understand what Mr. Cao meant. Could it be that we only provided a piece of land and Mr. Cao would transport the 500,000 tons of grain? I don't know if my understanding is correct?" I can’t believe it. He knew that Li Cong was rich in the enemy’s country, but such a way of corrupting money is really rare, or Li Cong has any other ideas. Yandong Province has always relied on the production of minerals. What good things can't be done on the land that guy fancy?

"What I mean is very simple. I need a piece of land to build a large warehouse. You also know that my food business is very large, but there are still some problems in transportation. The land transportation of food is at most 3,000 miles. It’s almost the same distance from here to your Yandong Province, but where the Yandong River flows through you. I can infiltrate a dozen or so provinces around me by this river. If I count, if I set up a huge As for the grain warehouse, I can sell my grain to more than a dozen provinces around you. According to the current scale, it has more than doubled. Do you know why you are satisfied or not?" Li Cong said with a smile , Yang Yicai was so happy that he didn't know what to say. The above was just asking himself to buy food from Li Cong. Unexpectedly, there would be such good preferential conditions. If this huge grain warehouse were to be settled in Yandong Province in the future, there would be absolutely no worry about grain problems in the future. This is really the best news.

"Haha, I didn’t expect Master Cao to be so courageous. I can’t do this, but I think the people in power in the Yang family will definitely be interested in this news, and they will definitely give me news quickly. , I just don’t know where Mr. Cao got so much food?” Yang Yicai said for a while and suddenly said that Li’s food from here is indeed a little bit more. The dozens of southern provinces need it every year. Hundreds of millions of tons of grain, if we set up a warehouse in Yandong Province. The demand will definitely be more than twice what it is now. Where did Li get the grain from? The point is that it is still so cheap.

"Hehe, this is my own business. Don't bother you. In short, as long as you prepare the land for me, I will deliver the food in a short time. Our delivery method is also different. I will put all the food in the space ring ahead of time." Li never said his ability without a trace, which made Yang Yicai and the other guys dumbfounded. This requires the largest space ring to transport. In the past, but thinking that Li Cong's master was a space magician, people felt sorry for their disciples. What kind of things can be done. I didn't understand these things before, but now I understand, how important it is to have such a good master.

"Yes, yes, you don't need to tell us about Master Cao's affairs. It should not be too late and I will leave first. Then I will go back to discuss with our Patriarch, and strive to give you a satisfactory answer in the shortest possible time. "Yang Yi knew that he should have disappeared at this time. Many people know when they should be here and when they should leave. This Yang Yi is one of them, and it is reasonable.

"You don't need to worry about what happened to Miss Yang Qiu. I treat her like my sister." Li never said that when he left. If he didn't say that, I guess people wouldn't be thinking about it. , Because of this sentence, people don’t know what to think, do you have to go back and report that the two of them have a very good relationship? It’s not half the level of friends.

Li Cong has his own meaning when he said that. Let the news go out first. The spread of this news is definitely not as fast as that of the master he pretended to be. Anyone who gets the news will definitely be willing to cooperate with him. At that time, the location of this warehouse was not the final decision. Now Yandong Province is a good place. However, if you need to analyze it carefully, the location of Yandong Province is not the best. There are still a few places. It is much better than Yandong Province. This will have to wait until their final speech. In short, if the matter can be better resolved, we are not fools.

That night, the Bai family brothers held a large-scale farewell party for Li Cong in the Bai family’s reception room. Basically all the people in this small town came, and they all wanted to see it. Did you have the opportunity to cooperate with Li Cong, but under Bai Lao’s eyes, everyone did not dare to come in contact with Li Cong. Doing business with Li Cong means that it is profitable, but it also represents danger. Everyone doesn't know what the few guys she cooperated with are now, but they all know what will happen if they rob the Bai family's business. The Bai family will never tell you about it.

"Hehe, Brother Bai, are your eyes a little too powerful? I don't think people around here dare to come over. It's not that I said you, you should have a smile on your face when you come out to do business." Li Cong also saw what was going on, but Li Cong also knew that half of these people were small traders with little capital, and they wouldn’t make much money when working with these people, so he just said in a joking tone. Come out, otherwise this will be anxious with Bai Er.

"Hehe, what are these people talking about? These people are really cheap bones. Master Cao should never have any dealings with these people. These guys all want to make money and don’t look at some money. Can I survive if I make a profit? What can I do if I don't have so much money?" Bai Lao Er said tyrannically.

Li Cong smiled and didn't say anything. People from the Yang family over there came directly. The small merchants were afraid of the Bai family's skills, but the Yang family was not very scared. Li Cong's guess was good. There must be someone who can call the shots among the dozen people just now, but it just didn't show up. Li Cong would never believe what they said and went back to ask the news. If there was no such preparation, the work efficiency alone would have brought down the Yang family.

"Master Cao, can you take a step to talk?" Yang Yicai said with a smile. Li Cong knew that this guy should not be the head of the family, and nodded. At present, he can only talk with this guy. It's just this guy's words. The white second child on the side was very upset. The Yang family didn't respect themselves for a day or two. It can be said that these people have not respected themselves since they appeared, but what can they do? These people can't offend themselves, even if they want to tear their faces, they must do some big things, but there is no need for small things.

Li Cong looked at Bai's second child, and left without waiting for Li Cong to say anything. His consciousness was still very good. Li Cong smiled and nodded. They came to a relatively quiet place. Li Cong'an resisted the excitement in his heart. It seemed that he should have had a good result. The speed of his recent development is really good. The food of Cao's house has gradually spread to the surrounding area. Eighteen provinces in the country, if the warehouse in Yandong province can be established. A huge radiation circle can be formed once again with Yandong Province as the center. At that time, at least forty provinces will eat their own food, although the proportion of the empire’s thousands of provinces is still very small. Yes, but the Cao's House of Business could definitely be ranked in the empire at that time, and it would not be as unknown as it is now.

"Master Cao, the cargo hold that you mentioned just now has the result of our Yang family. They mean that they hope Master Cao can come up with a plan as soon as possible. Our Yang family can be responsible for building this cargo hold for Master Cao. There is also the question of location. Master Cao can choose from several places. We have chosen several places for Master Cao. If Master Cao is not satisfied, we can still discuss it, but we have one condition, Master Cao can. With Yandong Province as the center, it spreads to the surrounding area. Can we do the food retailing in Yandong Province?” The guy said with a smile. Li Cong glanced at this guy a little uncomfortably. That is to say, I want Li Cong to build a warehouse. There is no progress in other things. Li Cong wants to radiate from Yandong Province. It is okay, but things in Yandong Province are still not possible. This is really too conservative. Up.

Li originally wanted to refuse when he heard this. If you want to negotiate terms with yourself, you don’t seem to be qualified enough, but considering the geographic location of Yandong Province, it can be said that the geographic location of Yandong Province is really important. If you want to develop to the east and northeast of the empire, Yandong Province is a very important place, and you can't get around it. So sooner or later, you have to cooperate with the Yang family. Now this cooperation condition is also for you. There is not much loss. Yandong Province just wants to restrict its own development in its territory. Others should be nothing, but when the time comes to ask others, this matter may not be so simple, or it may let Pay more by yourself.

"Is there no discussion about the matter? I can pay a certain price, but I want to open a retail outlet in the provincial capital and major county cities. As for the scale, I think it will never exceed the largest grain merchant. If you have any actions at that time, we can help unconditionally." Li Cong thought for a while and said, although this condition can be agreed by himself, but doing business is not what you say, I have to listen to it. Everyone needs to sit down and discuss it together. Maybe this matter can be discussed. Li Cong's spirit is good.

Yang Yicai’s face was a little embarrassed. In fact, he didn’t think this condition was interesting. Since Li Congdu put the huge cargo space there, how could it be possible that you don’t ask people to go out for retail, but it’s just this. I didn't say much about it, but I thought that if Li never opened a huge granary in Yandong Province because of such a small matter, the loss would be great. Although there is no such thing as the introduction of foreign investment in this era, Yang Yicai is already keenly aware that if Caojia Commercial Bank can use Yandong Province as a large-scale transit base, Yandong Province will definitely benefit from considerable profits. Besides, the tax will definitely be much higher than it is now, and it will be much more convenient to buy food by yourself, isn’t it? This guy is also a senior member of the Yang family, not everything needs to go back to discuss.

"Yeah. Since Master Cao has said so, we won't say anything. There is only one condition. Please Master Cao to prepare us the food we need in Yandong Province every year. Haha, there is nothing else needed. That's right." The guy said with a smile. This is simply a condition that is not a condition. To be honest, Li Cong is very satisfied with such a condition. People from the Yang family can see things clearly, of course. Li has never forgotten that the biggest credit for this incident is the mysterious person behind him. Without that person, the Yang family's cooperation would never be that simple.

"Cheers, I wish us a happy cooperation." Li Cong raised the glass and said with a smile. Yang Yicai also clinked with Li Cong with a smile. Many people here know the grievances between the Yang family and Cao Ke. They all say that Cao Ke seized Yang. My daughter, this is pretty good without fighting. Why did the two of them drink together? It seems that they have reached a good agreement, but unfortunately their own facts are too small. Most people know that it is like getting Li Cong. It's the same as riding a fast horse, but if you want to cooperate with Li Cong, you have conditions. Let's forget about your own strength.

After Yang Yicai got what he wanted, he left. Originally, he thought that the merchants here would come over to cooperate with Li Cong, but when he saw the eyes of those people, he understood that the Bai family is really strict with these people. It seems that these people have no guts to cooperate with Li Cong. From talking about cooperation, it is very uncomfortable to feel that you can't grasp the opportunity. Thinking about the businessmen in Yandong Province, they must all be the same. Yang Yicai actually felt a little guilty in his heart, but soon this feeling disappeared. If this thing is put on someone else's body, he will definitely do the same, and definitely not let a person with potential come out. Your position will be very stable.

The party lasted for about two hours before it was over. After all, this is not in the city. Everyone knows the situation outside. Many people will never come here to participate in a dance party in beautiful dresses. The clothes on the body are also combat equipment. No one knows when there will be a large number of monsters in this small town. In the Mountains of Warcraft, anything is possible. It is precisely because of this. Li Cong can quickly get rid of such a situation. Li Cong is not used to such a cocktail party. He prefers the one on earth.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening after the reception, and Li was not in the mood to look around. In fact, the town is now completely dark. Even in such a small town in the Warcraft Mountains, it is absolutely impossible to be brightly lit. That will attract a large number of monsters. The windows of every house are covered with thick things. A little light is allowed on the sentry side, but it can't be too powerful. Everyone knows about monsters. What would I do if I saw the fire at night.

When Li Cong went back, Yang Qiu hadn’t rested yet. The Bai family gave Li Cong a small yard, and Yang Qiu naturally wanted to live with Li Cong. Of course, it was just a yard, not a room and a bed, Yang. Qiu's hair was still wet, and he saw that he had just finished the shower. After Li Cong entered the door, the girl obediently helped Li Cong take off the clothes outside.

"Hehe, Miss Yang is actually going to serve people. This is the first time I know about it. What's the matter? The one who appeared in my room at night may be misunderstood by people outside." Li Cong answered with a smile. Said over the teacup.

"Is there any misunderstanding? I have nothing to be afraid of as a lady of yellow flowers. You, a master, are afraid of something. I am here to be honest. Do you want me to go out and tell everyone in the town?" Yang Qiu is It's better than Li Cong, and immediately started yelling, Li Cong is really a headache, this girl's mouth is really terrible.

"My sister-in-law, can we keep our voice down? If we were in the city, the nightlife might have just begun. But now it's not in the Warcraft Mountains. Maybe we can still attract all the wolves. At that time, it was estimated that Bai's hundred-year foundation was ruined by you." Li Cong said with a smile, and took an exaggerated look at whether there was a wolf coming, naturally Yang Qiu smiled and gave it to Li Congliang. Boxing doesn't hurt at all, and it looks like flirting.

After making a fuss for a while, the two of them finally started talking about serious things. "I said you can't help but cooperate with the Yang family?" Yang Qiu said in a low voice, knowing that her request was unreasonable. It doesn't feel much strength to say it.

"Why? To be honest, I can save a lot of effort with a partner like the Yang family in that place, and my firm can also develop at the fastest speed. The Yang family may really not treat you. Good, but I think they are still very good in business." Li Cong thought for a while and said, Li Cong has always been a person with a clear distinction between public and private. He knows that a prostitute daughter hates his father. Li Cong accepts Cao Ke. When I remember, I was very familiar with this.

"I don't know how capable the Yang family is, but I know that the people who work with the Yang family are very capable people. At the beginning, they all wanted to do business with the Yang family well, but In the end, they didn’t get any advantage from the Yang family one by one. On the contrary, these people were all put together by the Yang family. Some even lost their lives. I don’t want you and those People are the same, I know you are very capable, but those people are equally capable." Yang Qiu said with some worry. She knew that the Yang family was cruel and cruel. In Yandong Province, as long as the Patriarch of the Yang family became unhappy, thousands of people might be ruined immediately.

"Hehe, I know that a big family who can do the Yang family will definitely step on the bones of many people. I am psychologically prepared. But I don't think such things will happen to me. I will be very If you pay attention to this matter, I also promise you that even if something goes wrong, it will definitely not be mine. The person who wants me to suffer hasn’t come out yet.” Li Cong said with a smile, indeed this cooperation is a win-win situation. Cooperation. He had a base, and the Yang family also had what they needed. It's hard to say who is cheap, and the Yang family is very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is just like that in Li Cong's eyes.

"You don't understand, I remember something happened in a mine when I was a child. The young master of the Yang family, my uncle, was the supervisor there. He was afraid to take responsibility, so he directly asked someone to seal the mine. There were thousands of miners down there, but he didn’t care about the lives of those people at all. Later, when the family members of those people made trouble, his uncle directly asked the guards to throw thousands of people’s family members into that place. The mine is said to be haunted there at night.” Yang Qiu was a little scared thinking of such a thing, Li Cong also changed his face. I really didn’t expect that the glamorous Yang family would still do such a thing. This is the most shameless. Things, after listening to these words of Yang Qiu, Li Cong really wants to be wary of the Yang family. Perhaps he should put enough force on this base to make the Yang family afraid of force. Thinking of this, Li After thinking of a brilliant idea, the Yang family shouldn't move towards himself.

"Don't think about these unhappy things. Anyway, I won't go to Yandong Province. Even if the Yang family wants to deal with me, it will cost me some money. Don't worry, it's not early. Yes, take a break early, go to see a place with me tomorrow, and then we will go back. If you want to enter the Warcraft Mountains again, you can come in with my team. I promise you will earn more than you come in. A lot, I know why you want to make money, but I have something to tell you. After I cooperate with the Yang family, it is even more impossible for you to get back your mother’s deed." Li Cong Thinking of this, Yang Qiu knew it a long time ago. In the eyes of the Yang family, Yang Qiu is already Li Cong’s. It is definitely a very good thing to be able to control Yang Qiu’s mother. It won't work anymore.

In other words, it is no longer a matter of money. No matter how much money Yang Qiu can put in, it is estimated that they will not let Yang Qiu's mother be free. When Li Cong has no ability, it is estimated that this person will be useless. At that time, it might be time for Yang Qiu to liberate his mother.

"I know, in fact, I want to drive too. My mother is unwilling to leave Yang's house for the rest of my life. The better I am out there, the better my mother can live at home. For my mother, maybe there is what he needs. Place, I would send back some more money every year, and now because I am better at home, my mother is no longer embarrassed at home. Now that you support us, life will be even better~www.wuxiaspot. com~Yang Qiu said with a smile. Although he said it with a smile, Li Cong can also see how uncomfortable Yang Qiu is. Her biggest wish is to hope that her mother can come out with a deed, but this is a pity. No eyebrows at all.

"Don't be sad, I promise you, as long as I can gain a foothold in Yandong Province, I will definitely take out your mother's deed of sales. Trust me, I can definitely do it." Li Cong pulled Yang Qiu said with his hand, Yang Qiu was also puzzled. Why did he tell this guy to hold his hand? Li Cong's hand was very warm. Yang Qiu didn't want to take it out at this time, but Yang Qiu also Knowing that this situation can't continue to develop, I don't want to be so fast...

Li Cong knew that he was just temporarily comforting Yang Qiu. If he could really gain a foothold in Yandong Province, then Yang Qiu's mother would be even more a magic weapon to win, and wanted to be called the Yang family. It should be impossible for people to give up like that. People in the Yang family are not fools. They were a little scared at the beginning of cooperating with Li Cong, and they will definitely be more careful in the future. Most of the people who cooperate with the Yang family do not. There are some strongholds in Yandong Province. Now Li Cong has directly reached in. This is not a big improvement. There are really too few places where the Yang family can restrict Li Cong. It is precisely that Yang Qiu’s mother is the most important part of it. Li never thought about it anymore, let's talk about the future things later, anyway, it's safe now. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation

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