Energy Group

Chapter 1871:

Fortunately, nothing happened in the evening. When they got up in the morning, except for a few people on their night shift, everyone else was almost resting. They are going to Lake Faer today. The middle area here can be said to be a dangerous place. There are a lot of eighth-level monsters. There are not so many monsters on the edge of Lake Farr. They have already killed an eighth-level monster yesterday. If you encounter an intact one, people like them don't have the ability to kill this guy, the explosive power of the eighth-level monster is still very powerful.

Although it is less than 50 kilometers from this tree hole to Lake Farr, there are too many monsters in the middle. They must always be vigilant. It is impossible to gain anything today, as long as they are not a last resort. I won’t actively hunt the beasts, because the surrounding beasts are really gathered too much. There is only one beast within a few kilometers like yesterday. Today, there are all the beasts everywhere. There are several monsters on the ten-meter section of the road. Li has never been to such a place before, but there is no doubt at all at this moment. Except for Li Cong and Yang Qiu, everyone else Both have been here, so the two of them were arranged in a central location.

Li Cong’s perception ability is basically useless now, because these monsters can't avoid it at all, they just sit so lazily in the open, they don't need to avoid it at all, of course, between them Sometimes there will be fierce fights. This is why there are so many monsters here, and there are only so many reasons for the monsters here. Li has been cautious one by one, afraid that they will be disturbed. uncle.

At this time, Li Cong knew why there were low-level monsters around Fal Lake, and the low-level monsters over there were so easy to kill. Dare to believe that these high-level monsters are escorted around them. It is not easy to walk in. Li Cong observed the surroundings, and it seemed that a direct route to Lake Faar could be opened. At that time, even if it is tens of millions of dollars, there will be people sitting. The surrounding area is really too dangerous.

"Slow down, slow down, keep quiet, we have limbs of monsters in front of us, we have to go over the tree next to it." Hong Zhan looked at the front and said, Li Cong didn't need to worry so much. Both he and Yang Qiu can rely on Li Cong's soil to escape, although flying skills are also possible. But Li Cong has just mastered that these monsters can jump up to tens of meters, and it will be a very tragic thing if they are pounced by them, so Li Cong should take Yang Qiu and escape together. Other people can only watch their eyes warm. If Li Cong is allowed to use soil to lead people every time, it is estimated that by Far Lake, this guy's mental power will also be exhausted.

Just when Li Cong was cautious about them one by one, there seemed to be a horn blowing not far away. Then the monsters all over the place seemed to have seen an enemy, and they all stood up and started yelling. Li Cong could distinguish it. This voice was clearly the roar of anger. Li Cong also saw how many of these monsters were They belonged to the enemy, and it was impossible for them to fight together, but at the moment they were all very urgent. It seems that it is their feud, no need to ask, their biggest enemy is naturally human beings, but would human beings have such great ability to fight against these hundreds of monsters? We must know that only half of these hundreds of seven-level beasts are, and the remaining half are all eight-level beasts.

"My god, how could our luck be so good today. This horn should be from a large mercenary group. They want to kill so many monsters, my god, what can they do? This kind of team is all right?” At this time, Hong Zhan also felt that he was really passionate. The battlefield of thousands of people was in his mind, but he did not expect that it would actually appear in front of him. What about such a thing? Can people not be excited?

Team fighting? It is estimated that no one here has seen team combat. It was the first time that Li Cong heard that someone would dare to fight against so many monsters. Group combat is also a very new thing for Li Cong. A few people immediately stopped leaving, and they had to look at the tree to see what it was. They also want to see what's going on.

Gao Feng had also heard of team fighting before, but he didn’t expect to encounter it today. Some of his friends said that you can watch it when fighting in a team, but if you want to go in troubled waters to fish in troubled waters, it’s absolutely not. Yes, there are thousands of people in those teams. If you want to take advantage of them, it's idiotic.

"Everyone, we just watched this team fight. It is absolutely not allowed to pass. Even if the magic core is in front of our eyes, we can't pass, otherwise our entire team will be destroyed." Gao Feng thought about it. I reminded them that several people also took a look at Gao Feng. Otherwise, they really didn’t know that there would be such a rule. Now that they knew it, naturally they wouldn’t be okay. There are cheap ones to throw on the road.

"We won't be so petty, this thing is really not worth reaching out in the past." Yang Qiu said angrily, this girl is just such a person, at the beginning, I thought you were not very good, and I will definitely not in the future. Will give you a good face. Li Cong knows that Gao Feng is kind, so he smiled at Gao Feng. Gao Feng is not so cold in his bones. He also has a smile on Li Cong’s face. Emotionally, if a good man doesn't fight with a woman, Gao Feng can only say this, otherwise, what else can he do, a big man can't get along with a little woman, and it would be embarrassing to say it.

Soon Li Cong discovered that there were a lot of small teams coming here. It is estimated that they are all the same as himself. After thinking about it, Li Cong should take out his sixth-level magician's magic long run. Although I may attract a lot of attention, it is more that people like myself can be safe. At the beginning, even Yang Qiu didn’t understand why Li Cong would change this, but they quickly understood that they The strength of this squad is considered low-level here. If we don’t give these people a little vigilance, it is estimated that many people will play the idea of ​​this squad. You must know that many people in the Warcraft Mountains don’t rely on killing warcraft gangsters. I was thinking about **** people, and at most, there is only one magic core in a monster. But a person's body is different, at least there must be several magic cores, if you are lucky, there will be dozens of them, and the various equipment on this person is also very good.

There are also more and more teams around. From their position, Li can be said to be directly facing the battle area in front. Many people have arrived late. Some wanted to come to Li Cong from their side, but seeing Li Cong's magic robes one by one, they had no such idea. Don’t look at this magician as a sixth-level magician, but maybe there will be very powerful assassins. Magicians cannot be measured by their superficial strength. How can a sixth-level magician be there without complete preparation? Where does this place come?

But some people still want to try it in the past. The equipment of the sixth-level magician is beyond the ability of an eighth-level monster, but when they want to do something, they suddenly find Li Cong's body. There seemed to be some changes in the magic long run. Damn, why was it still red just now, it turned into ice blue now. Damn, this is a dual-line magician with ice and fire. The few people who were just about to do it immediately stopped, obedient, dual-line magician? Don't do anything like this. These are usually the disciples of important leaders of the Wizards' Union, and there are only a few in the entire continent. If this really kills this guy, the wizards’ union would probably have dug up all the ancestral graves of the eighteenth generation of their ancestors. Don’t think that such a thing is a joke. These wizards can do anything. of.

"Hehe, your magic robe is definitely our amulet. The three eighth-level warriors on our left just now seem to have some action. But after you put on the clothes of an ice magician, these guys are old Going to the side honestly, you can scare off three eighth-level fighters with these two clothes. I really hate that you are not a magician." Yang Qiu's words made everyone laugh. This girl really has anything to say. What, it's really unstoppable, should it be so easy for a magician? Needless to say, this dual-line magician is even more so, the odds are really too small.

"What they are afraid of is not the dress on my body. What they are afraid of is the wizard's union. If the magician who has an accident has nothing to do with it, they will not hesitate to start." Li Cong also whispered. .

"Post-account? What do you mean?" Yang Qiu really didn't know much about this. He had little contact with this.

"Silly girl, this post-account is naturally the post-account of the Wizards’ Guild. For example, some of our partners killed Li Cong and threw it in the wilderness. Soon Warcraft will eat Li Cong. Do you think it’s okay? It’s okay if you kill a warrior or archer, but if you kill a magician, this is a big deal. The magician union will immediately send a law enforcement team here. The people who came to investigate were led by at least the eighth-level magicians. Their ability to investigate is very powerful. Anyway, the final result is that none of us can run, no matter where you go, even if it’s other An empire is likely to be caught. After all, the relationship between the wizards’ guilds is still very good. Of course, it’s hard to tell if you’ve been in a place where no one is in the Warcraft Mountains, but who would like that? What to do?" Hong Zhan couldn't help it, and said, this little girl doesn't understand anything. Li Cong is also very comfortable when she says this, at least his life is guaranteed.

"Then why are so many magicians killed?" The little girl had also heard about the killing of several magicians.

"Then it can only be blamed on those magicians for making mistakes first, and they also killed some wealthy children. For example, you killed the emperor’s son. Many people have seen it. This is also an iron proof, the magician. The union will quickly transfer you. The royal family can't do anything with them anyway, but if the royal family has long been eyeing you, then there is no other way. You can only be handed over, of course. It also depends on the level of the magician. If Li Cong was so young, he would have the ability to be a dual-line magician. Now he is a sixth-level magician, let alone killing the prince, he is just trying to estimate the emperor. They will also keep Li Cong, at most, the loss is a little bit bigger. You must know that a future upper-level power is much more important than many non-progressive middle- and lower-level forces." Hong Zhan said, and everyone else did a little bit too. head.

"Okay, don't talk about that thing about the wizards' guild indefinitely. We are talking about magicians like monsters. Look at it well, it's about to start." Li Never did He said angrily, why he was told by a few of them that he was going to kill the emperor. These words are very rebellious. It is good to say here, but not in the city.

"Aren't all the magicians a monster? It's so nice to see you kid too." Hong Zhan turned around after speaking. Without giving Li Cong a chance to fight back, Yang Qiu on the side was about to laugh. This team really has a good relationship.

Li Cong could only see the front here with his own eyes. Everyone was already ready to fight. Li Cong roughly estimated that there were at least five thousand people in this huge team. They killed them. There are also more than 400 monsters. Although this is a great harvest, their casualties are certainly not small in the end. With the sound of the human horn, Li discovered that there were more than 1,000 humans immediately. warrior. They are all warriors above level seven, each holding their own weapons to form a human wall, and they are here to resist the impact of monsters, which is the so-called meat shield.

The second horn made preparations for the eighth-level fighters tens of meters behind them. Goodness, there are hundreds of eighth-level fighters. Such a team is really strong. But before Li Cong praised their strength, the monsters in the distance have also increased a lot of troops. At least more than a hundred monsters have joined the army of monsters, so the number of monsters has reached a deadly 600. Now, based on the calculation that a beast requires four fighters of the same level, the number of them is more than the number of humans. But there are not only these in the human team. The most important characters in the human team are on the stage, that is, five eighth-level magicians and one ninth-level magician. This is the key to their victory, each of them There is a ninth-level warrior around him, and besides that, they all have their own monsters, at least they are all seven-level monsters. Without these few magicians, it is estimated that the soldiers inside would not be able to kill these beasts.

"Their tactics are the same as ours. Seventh-level fighters resist the monsters, and the magicians release group attacks. The most important thing in this tactic is whether those fighters can withstand it. If they can't resist it, they will probably Failed." Gao Feng said, his words made everyone see clearly, it seems that Gao Feng is still very researching on this.

"Even so, I think the thousand-plus 7th-level fighters in the front will lose more than half of them. Even the eighth-level fighters in the back can't keep all of them." Li Cong looked at the front and said. What he said is undoubtedly correct, Gao Feng also nodded, this kind of team battle is simply consumption in exchange for wealth.

"Haha, little brother, you don’t understand this. They will naturally settle the accounts. You don’t even look at the cost of these 600-odd monsters. The most they lose are some 7th-level fighters. To be honest , Their core is the eighth-level fighters behind those magicians, less than one-third of these seven-level fighters are their own people, these people have participated in many such battles, they are naturally Understand what is the safest place. The rest are recruited cannon fodder. Those guys are still waiting to divide the money. In the end, more than half of them die. Only a few and a half can divide the money. It’s really fast, and it’s the best way for many people who are short of money.” The guy on the big tree next to it seemed to understand such a thing very well. Come to explain.

"It looks like my man knows this well." Li Cong said, and he could see that the person in front of him had experienced a lot of battles.

"Of course I understand. Speaking of it, I participated in such a team battle when I was a seventh-level fighter. You see, there are more than 600 beasts over there, there are more than 200 eighth level, and more than 400 seventh level. , How much is this? The magic cores alone have nearly 400 billion of these monsters. Counting the other materials on the body, 500 billion taels of silver is absolutely no problem. There are only so many people here. Both the magician and the warrior add up. There are only less than three thousand people. If they divide all of these into people with more than 100 million talents, for the seventh-level fighters, they will have to work hard for a while, and many people will live after they die. There are even more of them. When I participated, I got more than 300 million silver, but several of my brothers died. Usually when you see a seventh-level monster, you may be able to parry, but in such a monster In the whole battle, you might kill yourself all at once, so the money comes faster, but you also put your head on the edge of the knife. Sixty percent of the seventh-level fighters will die. Forty percent of the population will lose their combat effectiveness.” This old guy may have thought of his own business back then, and undoubtedly he admires those magicians very much. There is no danger for magicians. Even if the people in front can't stop them, they still have enough time to retreat.

"It’s better for you to be a magician. There is no danger at all in the back, and the final score is still the most. Of course, we have to admit that your output is the most powerful. If there is no magician, it is estimated to be No amount of warriors twice as many can be the opponents of these monsters.” The uncle next to him saw Li Cong's magic robe and said sourly. Generally speaking, the efforts made by warriors are stronger than magicians. But no way, in the profession of magician. Then you can't get it by paying. No matter how you pay, as long as you don't have magical perception, this thing is useless. In the end, you can only be a warrior. Talent determines everything. This is the world of magicians.

Just as they were speaking, the previous war had already begun. Just when they were less than 50 meters away from the 7th-level warrior’s wall, the magic of several great magicians had already begun to fire. The first thing that Li showed from them was the huge wall of fire. There must be at least two Only a magician can come out, two walls of fire, each of which is nearly a kilometer long. It is more than five meters wide and about forty meters apart, and then burst flames start to explode everywhere. Fire magicians will act as the first wave of attackers, but soon magicians also began to take action. , The ground spurs began to come out one by one from below, and those beasts who could not find the North who were burnt had not escaped the fire above. It was shot through below.

Hundreds of beasts were killed in the first time. Among them was the wind magic whirlwind. One whirlwind was killed by at least five or six beasts. If you fight one-on-one with the beasts, you will definitely not have it. Such a result, but now the monsters are too dense, even if those monsters see the whirlwind coming towards this side, but they have no way to escape, because they are all monsters around, they want to move Not an easy task.

Li Cong himself has used earth magic, but it is obviously not on the same level as other people’s. This is the improved magic of others. This improved magic is not a matter of overnight. Li Cong can see it now. With enthusiasm, Li Cong also saw how a few fire magicians' fireball technique killed Warcraft. Most of them saw the fireball hit the injured place when the Warcraft was injured. It would be best if it could be thrown into the mouth. Now, this is the fastest way to kill Warcraft.

Boom.. Thunder magician has taken action. This time it is really not in vain. It is also very good to watch them perform here one by one. A few lightning strikes several monsters directly from the sky, and they immediately change. Although they are not dead, their combat power has to be reduced by at least half. Such magicians of Warcraft don’t care. Even if they can rush to the wall, they will be killed. They will not have too much With a lot of threatening power, the lightning magicians are looking for those eighth-level beasts in the herd. This is what they want to kill. The seventh-level beasts want them to use thunder and lightning.

The freezing technique released by the water magician and the ice magician also attracted Li Cong’s attention. The water magician first released water, and then the ice magician immediately came to an ice seal. Being frozen, it is much faster than the ice magician's release of the freezing technique, and the freezing is also strong. The lightning magician is coming to point out one by one, such a killing speed is simply unheard of, more than three points One of the beasts was killed before it even touched the human wall. Even the part that can touch the human wall has a lot of combat effectiveness reduced.

Seeing that the power of the two walls of fire began to weaken, the eighth-level beasts among the beasts would rush over at this time. They also knew when the damage to them was the least in the past. Now, they will not wait for humans. They must seize this opportunity for their second attack. This is the time for them to start killing humanity.

A dozen eighth-level monster beast unicorns roared, and immediately gave way in front of them, and they were about to rush over.

"The one-horned cow is here, stand it up for me, and strengthen the defense in the center. Magician, give them a little resistance." The guy who commanded in the front said. Immediately after speaking, dozens of people passed in the middle. They all Holding a big shield to withstand it, hoping to rely on this thing to withstand the impact of the unicorn, although there are only a dozen, but these three hundred people may not be able to block their attack. The strength of the unicorn is so great, all the soldiers know that this is the first test.

The two water magicians immediately released a lot of water arrows in the past. As for those things like water trace summoned beasts, they are useless. They are useful when fighting alone, but they are useless now. Seeing that there are not many magicians who can free their hands, that guy waved his hand and immediately Hundreds of archers appeared, and they all used the best magic arrows. The power of hundreds of people shooting at the same time was still very huge, and the road in front of the unicorn started to burn. These fire magic arrows are already burning their way forward.

Although the unicorn is running fast, the movement speed of the unicorn is still not low. It is not easy to shoot them. Besides, the skin of the eighth level beast is not half as strong. You want this. It's impossible to kill these guys easily. Even if two unicorns are shot, they don't worry, they continue to rush forward. The archers in the back seem to be crazy one by one. Everyone knows that it is impossible for the front wall to block them. At this moment, the magic arrows are like no money. The consumption of magic arrows in the team battle can be said to be not that great. Many, now Li Cong understood why his magic arrows were so popular. Look at one of the eighth-level archers. In the past few minutes, 50 bows and arrows in a pot have already bottomed out, but the effect is also very good. He has attacked a unicorn from the beginning until now. The one-horned bull had already hit four magic arrows, and one on the head. It can be said that it is definitely the end of the crossbow. He also knows that these are all the power of the magic arrows of the Cao family firm he bought. If the previous magic arrows are estimated to be up to four now, it would be good to reduce the combat power by 10%. Now However, it has been reduced by 90%. There are people here who specialize in recording battle achievements. Killing an eighth-level monster by himself can divide at least four or five billion silver. This one-horned bull is the most powerful eighth-level monster. One hundred million silver can't run away. This magic arrow of oneself is more than one hundred million, and the return is equal to more than eight times the amount paid. This transaction is very cost-effective.

"Oh, it's not good. I have to rush forward." Yang Qiu also saw that the unicorn had already crossed the last line of defense.

"Thunderstorm..." I don’t know who said it, and immediately a lot of lightning rose less than five meters in front of the 7th-level warrior’s human wall, which happened to give those unicorns a final attack, originally 18 There are less than fifteen unicorns rushing in, and immediately they all screamed in pain, and blood came out on the surface of these beasts, each of them looked very painful. This is Lei The eighth-level magic thunderstorm is to make lightning flash from the underground within a range of hundreds of square meters. This is a very important group attack magic among thunder magic.

The thunderstorm made a unicorn lose its combat effectiveness, and the remaining dozens rushed into the crowd. Nearly 300 level 7 fighters were sent to block these unicorns. Unfortunately, they were not in front of them. The qualifications of the guys, they were all washed away in the first time. Li Cong saw it very clearly. The dozen fighters in the front were immediately knocked into flight. They could fly with Li Tie and their brothers. The two were different. These people started to vomit blood when they flew up. It can be seen that after they were cured, one of them was probably disabled, and the head was bitten off by the one-horned cow that was directly charged up. Since blocking is useless, hundreds of them began to surround these unicorns, and a fire magician also came to help. They must quickly solve these beasts. They must not be allowed to The front is messed up.

As long as the unicorn enters the crowd, the fighting power is not so powerful. Each of the unicorns has exerted ten percent of their combat power. The three hundred soldiers who came to besieged them have already suffered more than half of their deaths and injuries. It's not that their fighting power is inadequate, it is that the fighting power of these monsters in the crowd is too strong, they can't stop it.

It is estimated that the people who lead or organize this matter know that if this continues, they will definitely fail. With a wave of their hands, a dozen or so eighth-level fighters joined in. Their joining stabilized the front. It formed a small battle group one by one. There are two eighth-level fighters and a large number of seventh-level fighters to form a battle group. They besieged the unicorn who came in. They must not be allowed to run. If they run, the unicorn on his head can be a lot. Killers, it doesn't matter if they kill a few more 7th-level fighters, if they all go to the magician. The trouble is going to be great, if those magicians turn off the fire by then. All have to die here.

Just when the unicorn was about to be controlled, a new crisis appeared in the distance. This time Li Cong also saw clearly. Damn, this is the black-headed python he saw at the beginning, more than a dozen black-headed pythons. ? Nine-level warcraft black-headed python? They have no chance of winning at all, even if there are so many warriors and magicians, they have no chance of winning.

"Aren't they going to end it, let's go quickly, these black-headed pythons are not easy to provoke." Li Cong blurted out.

"I'm really speechless. Your kid still has some understanding of the black-headed python and the black-threaded snake. They are not the ninth-level warcraft black-headed python, but the eighth-level warcraft black-threaded snake. If this is a ninth-level monster, Not much, just need three or four of them, a team of thousands of people, we have to explain all here today, not just them. We will definitely explain it here." Hong Zhan said grimly. Personally, the look in Li Cong's eyes is the same as when he sees an idiot. Does this magician's mind really know nothing? Such obvious things are not visible.

Li Cong soon discovered that this thing was different from the black-headed python. This guy's head and body weren't that big. If he had just observed it carefully, he should have been able to see it. But what I observed just now seems to be not so detailed, so there is such a misunderstanding. However, the attack method of the black-lined ring snake is something Li never expected. He thought that the black-lined ring snake also charged like a black-headed python. In the past, I didn't expect people to be like magicians, but they attacked from a distance, and a dozen black-line snakes could be considered a large group. They and many of the beasts here are enemies. In the past, these beasts did not steal their eggs, but now that there are so many humans, their eyes are naturally attracted by humans first, as for this place. The World of Warcraft, those are internal contradictions, I will talk about it later.

More than a dozen black-threaded pythons were almost on the same line. Their necks were first raised back, and then they opened their mouths, and a green water column went out. Good guys, these are better than those on earth. The high-pressure water gun is much more powerful. This kind of ability was never expected by Li. I saw that these water jets quickly rushed to the walls of human flesh. These poisons have a strong corrosive ability, even if the eighth-level fighters get these things. Soon I can see that my skin is gone.

The sudden attack made many fighters directly dumbfounded. Only then did they see the black thread snake in the distance. The venom of these things is too powerful. For a while, all kinds of detoxification elixirs and others don’t need money. Many people’s arms or legs were sprayed with venom. They had to be cut off immediately. Otherwise, their lives would have to be accounted for here. They faced their own There was no hesitation in his arms or legs, and their comrades next to him also came up and chopped it down. If he hesitated for half a minute, this person might be useless. The venom of the eighth-level monster is not a joke.

"You go and kill them." A command guy in the back said loudly. Immediately after he finished speaking, several ninth-level fighters and several eighth-level magicians rushed over. They have never joined the battle group. Even when the unicorn rushed in, they didn’t do anything. The reason for their existence was for these very dangerous monsters. Their mission was never to deal with these ordinary monsters. Their mission was to kill these difficult ones. Warcraft, give them a fatal blow.

These black line snakes can only release their first attack. By the time they prepare for the second jet, these masters are already in front of their eyes. This battle is also a soldier-to-soldier, and a general. These The ninth-level fighters are at the same level as these people. The previous seven-level and eighth-level monsters all watched these ninth-level fighters pass by. They didn’t have the guts to provoke these people. It will kill these guys, they have no chance to fight back.

The battle situation has reached a balanced state again. Many people have died, and many monsters have died. At this time, the two sides have entered a state of consumption. Many people next to them also want to enter the troubled waters at this time, but many people have not done anything. , They all looked at the last handful of people. They were not prepared to deal with Warcraft, but prepared to deal with these people. As long as both sides wanted to steal their spoils, these people would definitely go over and kill them one by one. Yes, kill without hesitation. Their task is to ensure the safety of all the spoils. This is the task of dozens of masters, including a tenth-level fighter.

"Hehe, it is said that humans and monsters are the biggest But in fact, humans and humans are the biggest enemies. Look, there are so many monsters here. If they join the warband, though It cannot be said to be an absolute victory, but it will definitely change, but they just don't move, they just have to wait and watch." Hong Zhan said while looking at those people.

Li Cong knows the reason. The first reason they are idle is probably known to all people, and that is watching these onlookers, and the second reason they may not know, these people are all watching the people in front of them. The situation is not at the end. If these people die a little more, fewer people will be paid, and they will be able to get more money. This secret is known to a few people, and they give it to them. The explanation of the seventh-level fighters is just that, they must be optimistic about the spoils here, and they cannot be stolen.

"Maybe there are some powerful monsters that have not appeared. There will be a lot of powerful monsters in such a big battle here. We may see many legendary monsters today, maybe." Yang Qiu laughed He said, this little girl seems to have no idea what to worry about, and she still thinks about the fun things. It may also be because Li Cong is not dangerous by the girl’s side. Li Cong can only do it. He smiled helplessly, but he didn't have that great ability yet. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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