Energy Group

Chapter 1874:

Soon they confirmed that Yang Qiu’s worries were correct. Many people wandered around them.

Everyone seemed to be looking for something. Li could recognize a few of them at a glance. All of them were King Lear.

The people around them are here for a very clear purpose. They probably want to kill Li Cong, or to be more precise,

Get those things in Li Cong's hands. M

"Hehe, these people are nothing. We have Xiaohu's help. It is not so easy for them to find us.

Love, since these things have entered my mouth, I am different from those old scholars. What I pay attention to when I walk in the rivers and lakes is one

It’s not just such a bullshit. Besides, the money can’t be theirs, the main thing is

Most of the people who died, Lao Tzu is not greedy, and how much money they give to those people, Lao Tzu also

They will be delivered one by one. "Li Cong said with a smile, what's wrong with the blood caress? He has gained a huge benefit.

, Apart from anything else, the magic cores of those monsters are definitely not a small amount, and 3% of them are used as blood gold.

It’s a lot more money than King Lear and the others. King Lear took those out and felt the pain because they didn’t have anything.

If you get it, on the contrary, if you have to spend so much money, this is naturally unhappy.

"Very very true." The little tiger on the side nodded and said with a smile. He is a monster, and this is his home.

I grew up here since I was young. Every plant and tree here is what they are most familiar with. They want to seal it here.

Locked, how funny, want to block yourself? Every one of you guesses that your head is flooded, what is Lao Tzu's messing with,

It's just the right time and place, and you don't have any of these things. Although I have many enemies, but those guys look

When I see human beings, I am still different. When I see myself preparing to fight, I don't even have two words to prepare.

"Go away, you have nothing but these two sentences along the way. I have to think about it.

Did you steam it or braised it in brown sauce? "Yang Qiu kicked this guy again, Xiaohu just ran forward

Up. What's wrong with flattering yourself? Isn't it normal? I shot my own emperor.

"The two of you are fighting like this along the way, but it can also distract a lot of attention, Xiaohu, we have more

Is it far to reach Lake Farr? "Li Cong looked at the forest in front of him and said, there was no way for them to walk.

, The weeds around here are much taller than Li Cong, they are on the way like this, Li Cong’s supernatural power can fly

, But with Yang Qiu and Xiaohu flying for an hour at most, you have to rest for a while. During the rest of the rest, Li Cong

You have to walk with them, after all, it's hard for the rìzi who chased soldiers after that.

"From here, it’s very close to Lake Farr. If you can fly again, we can go directly.

Up. "Little Tiger is also very happy about flying. Although he is a ninth-level monster, there is nothing like flying.

Those birds, who want to fly, can only fly with tenth-level monsters, and they don't have that ability. Now myself

It’s just a quasi-tenth level monster. If you want to fly, wait ten years later. At that time, you can do whatever you want.

Yes, this entire continent can be visited by itself, and there are not many who have beaten oneself. Besides, if we can’t beat ourselves, let’s fly directly.

Just run. Among humans, even tenth-level warriors can’t fly. Low-level wind magicians can fly, but they

The speed and durability are not very good. Tenth-level magicians can also fly, but it is estimated that the number of tenth-level magicians is more than

There are even fewer tenth-level monsters. I have lived for tens of thousands of years without seeing a tenth-level monster. Why is this tenth-level magician so?

It's easy to make myself run into it. Although a ninth-level magician like Li Cong’s master can threaten him, as long as

They are not wind magicians, but they can't keep up with their speed, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, let's take a rest here, and I can fly in meditation later, and we will go directly to Farr in a while.

Lake, it’s not easy to walk in the jungle, Yang Qiu, if there is a small town on the lake, we will drive

How good is Hajime driving our airship there. "Li Cong sat down and said.

"Hehe, do you think it’s such a simple thing? There are no gathering points over there, only some temporary camps, mainly

It’s because the fish monsters there come out at night. The fighting power of those fish monsters is not high, but there are too many.

Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of them that go ashore every night. It can be said to be very annoying. One or two can’t feel anything.

, But it’s hard to deal with if there are too many, so people usually rest in places where the fish monsters can’t find it, maybe

Someday you can run into those fish monsters unluckily, so there is no fixed gathering point, people can only move around

, Also because of this, the magic core of the fish monster is not worth money at all, and killing 10,000 is not worth a few, because it is not worth money

So no one hunts them, their number is even greater. "Yang Qiu still knows a little about Lake Faer

, Other people who enter the Warcraft Mountains will know some of the conditions inside, like Li Cong’s eyes

There are really not many people who have smeared. Such a person is definitely a freak to come in.

"Yes, the fish monsters over there are really powerful. Not only do you humans hate them, but our monsters are the same.

The reproduction ability of these fish monsters is too strong. I have heard some people in our clan say that fish monsters rely on eggs.

Born to breed, there are estimated to be billions of fish monsters in the entire Lake Farr. My race and fish monsters have feuds.

Many of our brothers were eaten by fish monsters when they got there. Their individual combat effectiveness was around level five or six, but they couldn’t stand it.

There are too many people living in them. One of my brothers in the clan is already a ninth-level monster. He was killed by them when he came here decades ago.

Dead, our brothers also want to come here to avenge him. But we have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of fish monsters to no avail

, Those fish monsters don’t care at all. They increase by millions or even tens of millions every day.

There are many other races in Lake Er, and now it is estimated that they are the only ones left. "Speaking of these fish monster tigers, they also gritted their teeth.

Yes, the last time I participated in the battle, if I hadn't ran fast, I guess I would have been killed by those tens of thousands of fish monsters.

The strongest attack power of the fish monster is self-exposure. They don’t worry about their lives at all, they come up hard

Stick you. Then the tentacles begin to extend into your body, but a level nine monster like Xiaohu will never be afraid

This one, but don’t think you can be fine if you are not afraid. They will still have other abilities. Discharge is also a fish

It’s strange that they have another ability, they will use up their vitality to convert all of them into electricity.

You can deal with ten and eight, but there are hundreds and thousands. Are you okay? Until they have no electricity

It just exploded, and such a life was over, but death is nothing to them, their number

It’s too much. Everyone has more than 10,000 brothers and friends, if it’s not because they can’t leave the water for too much time

In other words, it is estimated that the entire Warcraft Mountains are their masters. At least now, Lake Farr, with an area of ​​several million square kilometers, is

They are the masters.

Li’s mission here is to kill two fish monsters, and go back to learn Whirlwind. These other things are already done.

Well, as long as you kill two fish monsters yourself, then you can immediately have water-based fighting beasts, and then kill one

These fish monsters are no problem. It just so happens that you can use these fish monsters to practice hand skills, they want to be close to themselves, there is absolutely no hope

Hopefully, he has several protective shields. Even if they explode, they won’t affect him much. Li Cong even has one

A bold idea. Thunder magic has always been slow to perceive it. If you are sucked by them, can you?

Absorb the power from them to become your own. Li Cong's blood boiled over thinking of this.

After resting for a while, Li Cong and they can fly, and Li took these two guys to Fal Lake since he got up.

Go, if Li flies on his own, he can have a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour, but with these two guys there is no

At that speed, one hundred kilometers is good, but the distance from Lake Farr is at most less than fifty kilometers.

Now, for Li Cong's speed, half an hour is enough.

Just when Li was flying at full strength, two magic arrows flew from the ground. Li could see it at a glance. This is absolutely

Only eighth-level archers can come out. Damn, it seems they can’t find them when they walk on the ground. These people are in the air.

All of them can be found. Li Cong immediately put on his own wind magic long run in the air. It is easy to tease you.

The people on the ground didn’t really want to hurt Li Cong. Otherwise, they wouldn’t use the magic arrow so many times.

The meaning of is also obvious, that is to let Li Cong go down. Li Cong knows that if they don’t go down this time, they might be straight.

Then he fired arrows at his body. It is impossible for Li Cong to avoid it at this speed. Li Cong can only be slow.

The slow ones will fall.

Obviously the following people are a bit surprised that Li Cong can fly with one person and one beast. In their impressions, they are a wind magician.

He can fly by himself, but the guy’s ability to fly with a man and a monster should be able to compete with the eighth-level magician.

They all regret that they have found the wrong person, because the above explained whether they are looking for a sixth-level magician or a

Fire magician, this one in front of you is wind magician and it is not lower than level 8. For the six that is written on the magic long run

They don’t know each other at this level, only the magician himself, and there are not enough magicians to block the intersection.

For the sake of it, there are only eight people here, including three seventh-level fighters, three sixth-level fighters, and two eighth-level archers.

"What do you mean? Do you know that if I didn't pay attention just now, you might endanger my life?

"After coming down, Li Cong's face is not very good-looking, these people are all small, and can be dismissed with a few words.

"I'm sorry. Dear Master Mage, we are looking for some people, because Master Mage, you are flying too fast.

We can’t see clearly, so we have to ask you to come down. We absolutely do not disrespect you, but we have served King Lear.

The order did that. "All of them regard Li Cong as an eighth-level magician. If this eighth-level magician is unhappy,

If so, the few people around them have nothing to eat, let alone them. Even the eighth-level fighters are not right here

Hand, there are a few eighth-level magicians in their team, but will they come here for some of them?

"Who are you looking for? King Lear is really getting too much. Could it be that the Mountain of Warcraft is owned by your house?

No, I will fly down in the sky and still have to come down. Do you want to check me too? "Li Cong said arrogantly

, There is still a big gap between the eighth-level magician and the tenth-level warrior. Now Li Cong has made it clear that he won’t bother you, even Lear.

Those who don’t care about Wang will look at you guys? That is absolutely impossible.

"I'm really sorry. Master Mage, we are really wrong. I hope your lord has a lot of things and don't make it difficult for us.

Yes. "The leader is scared of his courage at the moment, but he knows that these magicians are one by one.

But there are problems with their brains. If they are really upset, it’s useless to say anything. They all put what’s in front of them

This guy has become an eighth-level magician. If you get angry and give them a little bit of face, they won’t be able to bear it.

. Don’t expect King Lear to offend the magician in front of them because of them.

This magician didn't think much of King Lear.

"Hmph, I count you guys lucky this time, otherwise I want you to look good, I have to leave beforehand. You guys have the best eyes

Brighten it up, the people who can fly in the sky are what you can deal with? "Li Cong took two people away after speaking, and flew into the air.

Li Cong didn't dare to stay for a moment, he quickly let himself leave here, he knew that these people would definitely have

The way to get King Lear to come here quickly, as long as they are here, it is impossible for them to want to leave here.

Up. Now it is a fool not to leave while they are in a daze.

These people are also afraid to die. They all felt the divine pressure that Li Cong released just now, and team up with them.

The several eighth-level magicians in Wuli are the same, and the pressure released by those people is also like this. It seems that they really

He is a master at a level. Fortunately, this guy in front of him has his own business. Otherwise, he can

I can really explain it here. They could all run out during the last team battle. I don't want to capsize here this time.

"Damn, this magician will just enjoy it, even carrying his own chick in such a dangerous place as the Warcraft Mountains, but

To be honest, that chick is really good. I don’t understand that monster. It's only level one. What does he carry with him?

? "A sixth-level fighter said, before he finished speaking, he got a hit on his head. It was the leader who beat him.

I took a vacant look at the direction Li Cong left. Damn, is this because I think I have been living longer or something? I can say that.

Coming out, it’s really horrible. The other masters around are also looking at this guy angrily. Your kid is

A seventh-level warrior will die if he dies. Damn, we still have a big future. You really offend an eighth-level magician.

Think that an apology can settle the matter? Today it is probably the cause of the magician's trouble, otherwise he would have to die.

"You guys will take care of your own stinky mouth. If you can't manage your own stinky mouth, I will take care of it for you.

What time is it now, don’t you see the situation just now, how about the eighth-level magicians in our team?

, Don’t think we’re an eighth-level archer, but in their eyes, it’s not bullshit, if they want to kill us

It can be done easily, we want to kill them and dream about it, why is the magician with the chick, then the word for Xiaoni is only six

The ability of a class fighter. Explain that people can protect the safety of that little girl, and what happened to that monster, the first-level monster

The ability to have first-level monsters shows that people have a future for training. Which monsters did not start slowly from first-level monsters

, You idiot, you were almost killed. Go back and report to me and say that we have found nothing here. "

Said the old magnificently. Because if this idiot asks the magician to come back, all these brothers will die here, yesterday

Are there fewer people who have died? Today, even with a few of them, there are not many.

That guy can only go back to report the letter boringly. On the way, he also thought that it was really dangerous just now.

If you don't go far, you really can't stand it when you come back and give yourself so suddenly.

Li used the fastest speed since they flew up. The few people naturally couldn't see anything when they looked at them.

Li Cong praised Li Cong's speed. This is even more convinced by the eighth-level magician's guess, and it may even be higher.

When Li Cong arrived at Lake Farr, he was a bit surprised to see the gathering spot of tens of thousands of people below. Li Cong took a look.

The fixed gathering points are a bit different. Many people here use tents to entertain guests.

The gathering point can survive for more than ten days at most, so there is no need for much decoration. Many things here are

It’s expensive and amazing. After all, those who can do business here have to bear a certain loss, and people have to lose themselves.

The money is taken back. Fish monsters are not very powerful, but fish monsters can be said to be a lot of responsibility.

Everything is needed, Li needs to kill two fish monsters from here. Then there can be water-based battle beasts.

With the ability of Li Cong to summon two water-based fighting beasts from the current seventh-level magician, Li Cong is very good at other magics.

It's amazing, there's no reason why this water-based battle beast is not so powerful, but Li Cong's magical power is purer than the level ten magician.

After coming down, Li Cong went here and wandered around. Gao Feng and the others didn’t know where they were going, they could only go slowly.

After searching, Li Congxian found a place to eat. It’s the same as the food stalls on earth, there are about a few hundred

The merchants of the households, it is estimated that they put these things in the space ring, as long as the fish monsters appear, it is estimated that they will immediately

I picked it up and ran away, and then went to another place to open a shop, but every time some slow people were caught by fish monsters

Those who are caught up can be dead, and their price is very high.

"Guest, what do you need? We can't say everything here, but it's okay to have enough food." Li Cong and they just

A little second came over as soon as I sat down. The runners here must have the skills of a fifth-level fighter, otherwise they won’t make it.

Those who came from this place might have died here before they came.

"Hehe, just order something. Two bowls of egg noodles, one catty of cooked beef, one catty of lamb's hooves, two plates of stir-fry, give this guy three

Ten catties of rabbit meat is good. "Li Cong said, the first one is for himself and Yang Qiu, and the latter one is for Xiaohu.

Yes, although 30 kilograms is not enough to eat, but you can also eat a little bit. This menu is clearly marked, but here

It's much more expensive than Li Cong's Grand Hyatt, but people who come here don't care about this small amount of money.

Li saw that the products from the Mountain of Warcraft that were written on it were much cheaper. The price of the chickens delivered from there was very high.

For egg noodles, up to 20 cents at the small stall in Jiangning City is enough, but here, the quantity is really a lot.

The price is also very good. It costs you 150 taels of silver for a bowl, which is 7500 times higher than in Jiangning City. This cooked beef

In Jiangning City, there are only about sixty texts, even some good time-honored brands have 80 texts at the top. Here, Li

It is true that the price is correct, 800 taels of silver per catty, and 800 taels of silver for sheep’s hooves. These two small stirs are average.

Vegetables, no matter what dish you want, it’s 500 taels of silver per plate. If you want to eat, you can eat it or not. It’s written underneath.

The price of the table and chairs is also priced. You will be charged 1,000 taels of silver for a meal. You seat

You can be four people, and you two have to pay four people’s money. Li Cong calculated roughly, it’s 4000 taels of silver.

The bit fee, the face money is 300 taels of silver, and the vegetable money 800+800+1000 is 2600 taels. Plus Xiaohu’s 30 catties of hare meat

*Almost 8,000 taels of silver, a meal at a roadside stall is 8,000 taels of silver. 4000 taels per person on average

You can eat enough, **** it. It's really amazing, but this place is for such a price, some decent points over there

I don’t know how much higher the price is than here.

A bowl of noodles is simply not enough. Li Cong glanced at him. Damn, you are ruthless here. There are four buns for each catty of noodles.

A steamed bun, two hundred taels of silver, all right. Li Congsuo ate after he ate, he ordered ten steamed buns and all the food just now

Once again, I really saw these meals and wanted to eat, Yang Qiu was also a big appetizer, and he didn't eat seriously for several days.

Although Li Cong's barbecue is delicious, he is still close to the food.

Eat a meal. Yes, more than 20,000 taels of silver just went in, telling ordinary people who would believe it, but this

It’s the fact that Li Cong took out the 20,000 taels of silver bills. The second brother didn’t even mean to find money.

The silver change was in my bag. Don’t mention you dozens of taels, even a few hundred taels of silver I won’t find them.

For you, this is all rules. Is it easy to get hot dishes and hot soup for you here?

After eating and drinking, the two of them started looking for people at this small gathering spot. In fact, there were only two streets, one by one.

It was easy to find in the past. Eventually I saw them in a rest shop outside the gathering point, and the conditions were fair

Yes, they are all very good tents. The charges here are also very good. No matter how you get a tent that can hold eight people,

Just one day is fifty thousand taels of silver. The food and drink are calculated separately. They came earlier than Li for a long time, hundreds of thousands.

The money will go down. It will cost more money than the Grand Hyatt Hotel for a day, and everyone says it's dark here.

Although several people wanted to know how this little tiger came, but Li Cong still had the same expression, they also knew it. It is estimated that this is something that cannot be said, but these people are also used to it, Gao Feng When I wanted to ask, I saw Yang Qiu who was beside Li Cong. I knew that it was better not to ask. The one in front of me is a full-fledged little pepper. I guess I can’t ask what I ask. This girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Yes, I think that killing people here is also very powerful. We don't want to go hunting this afternoon. We are also wasting time here, what do you mean?" Hong Zhan just took 5000 taels of silver. Silver tickets, this is the money for these bottles of wine just now. If you drink tea, it is much more expensive than this. Most of the food people eat in the Warcraft Mountains is meat, and the stomach will inevitably be too greasy. It is necessary to drink some tea to clear the stomach.

"Hehe, such a place is like this, I don't have any comments, are you all ready to go where?" Li Cong took a sip and said, the wine here can almost fade away, and you can see that in the city. It's the most **** wine, but it can only be like this now. Who told you that you don't have the ability to make good wine?

"I'm already optimistic about this place. It's in a forest in the northwest of this gathering point. There is an open field in front of the forest. It is specially opened by people. They are renting out the venue, and they can even give you Warcraft. They came here, but we don’t need this. They built it artificially. The price is not low, it costs 10 million taels an hour.” Li Cong really didn’t expect there would be such a place, Hong Zhan and the others But they all know that these people who are in the mountains of Warcraft can do anything, as long as they can make money, they can do anything, but the 10 million taels of silver an hour is really amazing. , Too expensive.

"You tell me in detail what's going on. I've heard of such a thing for the first time," Li Cong said.

"Old sixth, are you really here? I really don’t know how you were mixed to this level before. I have never heard of such things. They are also in the Warcraft Mountains like us. Fuck, but they are a little different from us. These people are all here to build a venue, and they will choose a place to stay. Use the fastest speed to figure out what the surrounding monsters are, and then create a flat ground Come, you can rent this flat land. Magicians and some archers like this situation the most. They don’t participate in attacks on Warcraft. Even if you kill a tenth-level Warcraft family, you won’t be eye-catching, but if you are one You have to charge your site fee if you don’t kill anyone. This place is about 10 million taels an hour. With our ability, the output per hour will definitely reach hundreds of millions of dollars.” Hong Zhan explained Said, they know Li Cong's ability.

It turned out to be like this. This is the same as when playing online games before. It was like this at that time. Just find a room to spawn monsters and upgrade, so you can understand what is going on, and immediately decide how many people to go. Take a look.

The place was not very far from here, and they wouldn't find a place too far. When they got there, Li Cong saw that some people were killing monsters inside. Their combination consists of three archers and four warriors. The four warriors are surrounding a sixth-level monster to kill. The three archers keep turning and they kill another seventh-level monster. Each in this field There are a lot of obstacles. For humans, they just need to constantly change, but for the monsters with more than a dozen magic arrows on their bodies, it is not that simple. Every step they take, they will flow out a lot. Bloody. This is how the archer killed the monster. Twenty minutes later, the sixth-level monster and the seventh-level monster died here, and immediately two fighters went out to attract the monsters. If so, one They can kill six or seven monsters within an hour. Every hour’s income is 7.8 billion silver, and each of them can divide 100 million silver per hour. This is already very powerful for a team without a magician, and of course this is limited to Only those with long-range attacks are allowed. If they are all fighters, there is no need for them to spend money in such a place.

All the monsters around here are level six or seven, and level eight monsters are rare. If this is really an eighth level monster coming. One hour is definitely not enough to kill, and the next hour will be charged immediately. No matter what your situation is, if you kill for an extra minute, they will ask you for an hour, and they won’t give you anything. Face-saving.

"Hehe, today we are destined to be rich. We will buy three hours later. I will pay the money. Gao Feng, you and Yang Qiu are still archers. You are responsible for guiding That’s the blame. I have a way to kill them. Every time you come in fifteen, it’s okay to have several levels, as long as you don’t have level 8 monsters." Li Cong said with a smile, because Xiaohu is a level one. Warcraft, this kind of occasion was too dangerous for this guy. Li Cong let him turn into a mouse-sized thing and put it in his arms. At this moment, the guy was sleeping.

After Li Cong finished talking about several other people, he began to study. Everyone except Gao Feng knew how to make a fortune last time. Last time everyone’s skills have not improved so fast. This time since Li Congdu is so. Having said that, you can definitely make a fortune. Everyone is very excited. This kind of thing is not fast, are you waiting for the opportunity to slip away?

The other party heard that Li was immediately interested since they were going to buy it for three hours. There was another one in the middle that was going to be bought for an hour, but I just ignored it. You can only go to the back. Throwing thirty million taels of silver, usually half of the money is paid, and the money is not paid until the end of the killing. Seeing that Li was so refreshing, he gave it away for ten minutes. Don’t underestimate these ten minutes. But one-sixth of the ten million taels of silver is more than one million yuan.

After waiting for the people inside to come out for a while, their people went in and strengthened all the obstacles. After all, it was three hours, and there may be damage later. This is another half an hour. Li Li has reached his position from them. Naturally, Li Cong does not need to hide. He has absolute confidence. Gao Feng and Yang Qiu have prepared their magic arrows. The tactics are still the original old tactics. Come in WoW Li Cong immediately passed a freezing technique. Li Cong will freeze a dozen monsters at once, and then wait for them to slowly break open. After breaking open, it is estimated that the taste of ice in the body must be uncomfortable. They are one of them. All of them will be dizzy. At that time, Li will kill half of them with a stab from the ground. The rest will be severely injured by another freezing operation. The rest will be handled by Gao Feng and Yang Qiu. Let’s move on to the next time. Hong Zhan and Zhang Shuang have to follow Li Cong at all times, and Li Tie protects Yang Qiu and Gao Feng. As for Li Gang, the task of this guy is to go out and attract Warcraft. This is something that Li Gang can handle. .

Soon after he was in place, within three minutes, Li Gang attracted more than 20 monsters and ran over. The basket this guy stabbed was not small. Damn, 24 monsters, 13 level 7 monsters. There are 7 level 6 monsters and 4 level 5 monsters. After entering, I saw Li Cong standing at ngyāng, and one by one used his fastest speed to rush over, Gao Feng and Yang Qiu on both sides each went out with an ice magic arrow. Hit two. These two people have never seen the situation last time, so they tremble when seeing so many monsters rushing in, and the magic arrow goes out. They are also afraid that Li will never be able to deal with it. Hong Zhan on the side Lightly said that the round wasted magic arrows, isn't this, especially the girl Yang Qiu, that thing is very valuable.

Li Cong smiled slightly. This was also a challenge for himself. He had to release more than fifteen freezing techniques within three seconds. Those close to him could be frozen into one body directly. Li Cong shot. The temperature around here suddenly dropped. These monsters also have the ability to feel dangerous. They also felt that this kid standing at ngyāng did have the ability to make them die, but it was too late to think about it now. , They are all frozen.

Generally speaking, natural ice can be said to be below zero. The ice temperature of the magician must be at least one hundred degrees above zero. With the magical power of Li, it must be at least three hundred degrees. It is said that a tenth-level magician can even make it. If the eighth-level fighters cannot come out within a minute, they may be frozen to death. The feeling of being frozen into the body is definitely not very pleasant. Now these monsters are all feeling. When their combat effectiveness was rapidly declining, several Level 5 monsters died without breaking through They didn't understand why they were so unlucky.

Li Cong also noticed that the freezing technique was a little different this time. He signaled that Li Gang could continue to go out to attract monsters. These monsters left them frozen. If nothing went wrong, they would be a few of the 7th-level ones. The monsters can come out, as for those level six monsters and level five monsters they are absolutely impossible to come out.

Gao Qiang was still there last time, and I had to use some help. This time I don’t need it at all. When the seven-level monsters came out, they basically fell down after two steps. The people at are also very surprised. What kind of strength is this magician? It seems that killing Beasts is not difficult for this guy. The original stab is useless. Ten minutes, The 24 monsters were killed in ten minutes. The 13 level 7 monsters had an average of 300 million silver. The 7 level 6 monsters had an average of 60 million taels of silver. As for the four level 5 monsters, they added up. Just a few million taels of silver, no one has paid attention to those at the moment. They actually got more than four billion silver in these ten minutes. They are absolutely dumbfounded. Not only are they watching the scene outside, but they are also surprised. Haha, I really made a profit this time. It’s really not a normal way to make money with the sixth child. They are already thinking about how to spend money, whether to change their equipment, and how much they get in these three hours. Money?

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