Energy Group

Chapter 1878:

King Lear guessed that he didn’t bring this guy with him at the time. Otherwise, this guy would definitely know what happened. It would be a bit shameful to say such a thing. It would be a shame to organize such a big team. "Getting some good things", but when they arrived, they didn't get anything. They also lost so many manpower and money. This is a very embarrassing thing for any tenth-level fighter. Of course, my cousin can't say that anymore. If you find the magician who he thinks has taken everything, he can return some things. Otherwise, this guy will lose a lot.

"Don't be so lucky. This guy's famous flaw must be reported. He will definitely remember this matter. We will suffer by then. You see, the two of us really took that guy too much. What such a big family brother can’t afford to lose is his own face.” Lu Manjia said, she still knows it well, it’s no wonder that with such a face, wherever he goes, it’s right and wrong. I was originally served by the second child and the boss came here personally. It is estimated that the boss had never seen such a'girl' child before, and I was very happy just to look at it.

"You said it yourself. This person values ​​his own face. It is estimated that he will not talk about such embarrassing things when he goes back. I think this matter should have passed, and you should not be so serious, right, You have already come out of that medical hall. If you have any plans in the future, don’t you just rely on me like that? I can tell you,  There are quite a few wives in my house. If I take you back, they must be I won’t let me go.” Li Cong said with a smile. These words he said are truthful. If Lu Manjia is really taken back, it will definitely be indispensable. By then, I will be unlucky. "People will never allow such a "girl" child who has harmed the country and the people to follow him.

"You're less stinky. I admit that your appearance is not that annoying. It seems to be okay. This ability is also considered good. It seems that the idiot who is an eighth-level fighter can't do anything to you. You are like this. It’s okay to say it. If most of the brainless female students see you, something like this will happen again. It is estimated that 80% of female children will choose to go with you, I said I have no brains, but I am different. I have brains. I will not go with you. I have my own ideals. I want to be a good doctor, so I have been working hard. But one day I found out that the owner of this medical center is in charge, so I am making money from them crazy, hoping to have a medical center of my own. I want to open a pure medical center to save the wounded. It’s not for the purpose of making money.” The'girl' said firmly. The previous words may have some joking elements, but the latter words really admire Li Cong. A little'girl' could have such a The idea is really good.

"Then how much does it cost to open a medical clinic at this gathering point, and how much money do you have now?" Li said without looking up. Li could always speak from this person to the point. Lu Manjia, who was just still in shape, was speechless right away, too, what else to say, it is not time to say anything now, I don’t know how much a medical clinic in this small town would cost. , But what I know is that the money I have saved is not even a fraction. The land price here is too expensive, and there is no extra space to open a medical clinic.

"Why don't you talk? You see the gap between your ideals and reality? Sometimes you don't want to do things so ideally, it's not too good. In fact, you can change the direction. It's very good to do things in the Warcraft Mountains. It's dangerous." Li Cong looked up at this girl. It seemed that it was wrong to hit others like this. Everyone would have their own dreams. This girl also had his own dreams. The dreams that he shouldn't call others are so gone. , This is not authentic.

"Because this is the Warcraft Mountains, I did it here.  It loses meaning when I go to the city. In fact, my family was very beautiful when I was young. My father was also a soldier. He was very powerful. I passed him, but I know that my father is a powerful man in our town. He often follows some mercenary groups into the Warcraft Mountains. Although he doesn't make a lot of money, our family is already a wealthy man in the town. If so It would be great if life can go on like this, but one day my father was injured. Although our family is wealthy in the town, the whole family only has less than a few thousand taels of silver, asking us to spend millions of dollars. It’s unrealistic to buy pill “medicine” with silver, but hundreds of thousands of silver are needed to treat patients in the hospital. We don’t have that much silver, and my father can only spend his time in his own home. I was waiting for death. A few months after my father died, my mother gave birth to me, but my mother was gone when I was one year old. I grew up with my uncle, he is a doctor, and my talents follow My uncle learned it. Unfortunately, my uncle also left when I was fifteen. I became a lonely man, but I feel distressed when I think about my father's affairs. I want to be a doctor. A real doctor is not for money. And the doctor who works to save lives and heal the wounded.” Lu Manjia’s story is not very long, and Li Cong is also a little fascinated to listen. This girl is also a bitter child.

"I can only say that the ideal is very good, but you also know that such a small town is made to make money. The land price here may be a bit higher, but the land price is very expensive even if it is very close to the city. If you want to open a medical clinic in a place like this, I estimate that the rent alone will cost hundreds of millions of silver every year. I have a friend who has a shop in the small town of Baijia near the northern imperial city that costs 30 million taels of silver. Here Then it should be more expensive if you lie inside.” Li knew from his office in Baijia town how expensive the land price here is. It might be several times higher than there. The valuation of hundreds of millions of silver should be about the same.

"The land price here is more than just a bit more expensive. This is the medical clinic where I just worked. It pays 200 million taels of silver every year, and there are various expenses every month. Although I am not the boss , But the boss treats me very well at the beginning. His annual operating expenses exceed 400 million taels, but he can still have nearly 50 million taels left. He also borrowed a lot of money to achieve this level. It’s pretty good to make so much money every year. How big a business can be done in the city to earn this income?” Lu Manjia thought for a while and said, indeed, doing business outside wants to make so much money every year. It's not that easy. Although 50 million taels of silver is nothing to a real rich man, it is already very powerful for a small business.

"Hehe, there is no other way. The establishment of this kind of place requires a lot of'spending' expenses. If you don't make money, why do you want to build such a place? People also have their own difficulties. If you really want to If you want to open a medical clinic, we can actually cooperate. I pay for the money and you pay for the benefits. We just divide the benefits." Li Cong said with a smile, no matter how much money the medical clinic makes, this amount of money is not considered to be Li Cong. What, but Li Cong is for the dream of the man in front of him. A dream is easy for Li Cong to do, but for Lu Manjia it is a generation.

"No, I have to rely on my own ability to build, you can't, if I rely on you to achieve something, I said when I was young I will not rely on men, I must rely on myself." This girl is still very good. It's my opinion that I won't lose my dream just because of Li Cong's two sentences. This is absolutely impossible, and this girl does not allow it.

"Okay, you realize your own dream by yourself. We still have to eat now." Li Cong said with a smile.

"I said you guys have not heard of it. King Lear suffered a big loss in the Warcraft Mountains a while ago. The team they organized seemed to be killed by Warcraft when they killed Warcraft. Later, they had such a huge wealth. It seems that they were all taken away by a young magician. This thing is really funny and funny." said a guy on the next table.

"Hehe, this was also spread from Master Lu's several stewards this morning. In fact, it took a long time for this incident to happen, but King Lear was afraid of embarrassing this incident, so this incident was blocked. , King Lear always took his people to stay in our town of Lu. This is not a problem. Which of his people are good and friendly, they must be troublesome everywhere, Master Lu It is also uncomfortable in my heart. I guess that Master Lu must have told his people to spread this story. We all know how important the face of a tenth-level fighter is. It is estimated that King Lear will have to take someone with him in a few days. Gone." The other guy probably has some inside information, and his words are inscrutable.

"I don't think it would be. Who is King Lear? He has never suffered a loss himself. Others have always suffered a loss. This time I guess this guy will definitely find someone to pay for his mistakes. I Seeing that King Lear is looking for that magician here, what kind of magician is so powerful that he dared to **** something from King Lear’s mouth. This little courage is really not small." The one who started talking People showed different opinions. Li Cong listened with pricked ears. They just offended King Lear’s cousin. In Lu Manjia’s opinion, if King Lear could hurry up because of these things It’s great if you leave, because they’re not welcome here a long time ago, so that you two can be safe.

"Haha, brother, what is the awesomeness in this world? Isn’t it just those magicians who dragged two to eighty thousand dollars? Although King Lear is a tenth-level fighter, we are also fighters, although I don’t know what tenth-level fighters are. What level, but how many we can think of, but the magician, the magician’s world is never public, what do we know? We don’t know anything, but what we have seen can be recorded, many things we I haven’t seen it before. Who knows who that young magician is? Anyway, I think King Lear is fooling around here. He can find it if he wants to? The magician has such a great advantage if he doesn’t hide it. It’s stupid, you know that those things are more than hundreds of billions of silver. How much would it cost if they were all piled up? Could this be a small sum? It’s absolutely impossible.” People who praise magicians are everywhere. Yes, for nothing else, just for others.

"This **** magician is also true. How could he have attracted King Lear here." Hearing this, Lu Manjia said angrily. Li Cong was taken aback for a moment. 'Milk' milk' is offended, come on, anyway, I still don't speak, I'd better eat the rice in my bowl honestly, it is not easy to eat such noodles in the Warcraft Mountains.

Lu Manjia glanced at Li Cong and found that Li Cong was also devoted when eating. She didn’t mean to talk. She couldn’t talk to herself here. He could only continue to listen to the people next door. Hope Can be a bit useful news.

"I said, brother, King Lear is not a headless fly. Even if his subordinates have lost so many people, they still have a strong ability. I heard about killing so many fish monsters a few days ago. The person at and the person who shot King Lear’s trophy are actually the same person. It doesn’t seem that King Lear has caught several of that guy’s partners, and they are being transported here. If it comes, that person’s The identity is also called'desire', and then we will definitely be able to see what is sacred." This guy's words stopped Li Cong's movements, no wonder I couldn't find a few clues from them. Here, are they really arrested just like this guy said?

Li Cong immediately got up when he heard the news of his own brother and walked over to the table. His actions attracted the attention of many people in the room, but nobody cares about it. In the Warcraft Mountains Everyone in China takes care of themselves, and others don’t take care of so much of their own'fine' efforts. Many things are taken care of by themselves.

"Sorry, I just overheared your conversation. It was said that Lord Lear had caught a few people and it seemed to be related to the person who killed the fish monsters. This seems to be wrong, right, this King Lear. But my idol’s, how could he do such a threat to others? Even if King Lear loses a lot, this side is still necessary." Li Cong sat down and said, like a big boy, he is on the table. Several people were originally very dissatisfied with strangers coming, but Li Cong was so modest and taught that the self-esteem of those guys was satisfied to a certain extent. Li Cong said that this meal counts as his own, and several people add it. I'm happy. Although their meal is not very expensive, it feels different when someone entertains you.

"Hehe, Xiao, you don’t understand this. You are just a fledgling young man. Why did you come here? This is not a place like you, it’s better to go to a place close to the city. Yes." This guy also persuaded Li Cong with two sentences. Maybe it's that Li Cong's appearance really makes them feel that there is no malice, otherwise he would definitely not persuade others.

"Although King Lear is very capable and wants his own face, do you know how much he has lost this time? I heard that a total of more than tens of billions of silver, a tenth-level fighter is very rich, but If all the money is made by this guy, it is probably not very far from bankruptcy. If you change this kind of thing to you, you will suffer this loss? It is absolutely impossible, so that magician is King Lear’s The primary goal is to tell you that you may not believe it. The person who hunted must have taken everything away. How much was this, hundreds of billions of silver, maybe it will be added more, but no one will take a good look. That's it, now King Lear can't let go for so much money. Although it is a question of face, is King Lear's face value so much silver? Impossible." The guy said with a smile, still speaking. The head is right. Li Cong is not interested in these at all. He can think of these things with his toes. He is mainly for the news of those brothers, otherwise he would not listen to their analysis.

"But I also heard that that day, that magician followed a few people, but didn't they all ran out, how could they find it? Even if they find it, it's impossible to be so accurate?" Li Cong asked There is a problem that I want to know.

"Hehe, this is not easy, young man, don't you think there are things that you can't do if you have money? King Lear told his subordinates to spread the word. As long as you provide a message, you can get 30 million taels of silver. , To find one is 200 million taels of silver, who is not crazy at such a price, I heard that I found four men and one'female'. These people should be members of the magician team. It's been several days, and that magician hasn't'showed' his face yet. I guess that magician has run away long ago. It would be silly to stand out for such a thing. "This guy really knows a lot of news. In a few words, Li Cong said all the news he wanted to know.

"Well, this King Lear is really good at it. It's just that I don't approve of this approach. In the past, I still admired this person. Now it looks like this and it is no different from us. It is a vulgar one. "Although he knew the news, Li Cong couldn't just leave, he had to wait here.

After waiting for these people to finish the meal, Li Cong could not sit still. After checking out, he went to a hotel and settled in Lu Manjia. Lu Manjia didn’t know what happened to the guy who just had a laid-back look. She was so serious now, what was going on, Li Cong told her to go out to do errands, and she had to be here for the past two days.

Li Cong still doesn't quite believe what the man said. Rumors in the market can give news, but sometimes such news is not very accurate. If you want to know the truth of the news, you have to follow the town. It’s not that Li met a guy right after he left the door, and he didn’t care about saying other things to try. Li Cong directly took out a five hundred thousand taels. The silver ticket was given to this guy.

"Where are the few hostages that King Lear took?" Li Cong is really anxious now, and he just opens the door to see the situation. Anyway, he also hides his face, even if this guy goes out. "Chaos" is useless.

"The price of this news is 1.5 million taels." This guy didn't even look at Li Cong. Obviously, he has a very high quality. It doesn't matter if something happens regardless of the employer. In fact, This person is an old news merchant here. Those who stay aside are not as long as the person in front of him. The business is also good for this guy. All those people want to be safe, and what this person wants is to know. The less you have, the safer you are, and the more you have, the more insecure. These messages are all news on the avenue, and you are here to "mix" with food and clothing.

Without saying anything, Li Cong took out another one million taels of silver. This guy looked around and whispered, "They are all in Lord Lu's other courtyard, not in King Lear's house." After speaking, he left. Li would never verify the truth of the news. Such a person should not lie to himself. If he lied to himself, he would lose his job in the future. He would definitely not do things, so he said he could still go and see.

Master Lu is also the boss of this town, Lu Zhen has been standing here for so long, naturally, he has his own skills. The current Master Lu has heard that he is already very old and stuck at level 9. I don’t know how many years at this level of fighters. At the beginning, King Lear saved his life. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so angry just because King Lear is a tenth-level fighter, even though Lord Lu himself is not ten. Grade fighter, but the power of Master Lu is not a joke, at least now that King Lear has suffered heavy losses, he is not an opponent of Master Lu. This Master Lu is playing tricks on King Lear’s people on his own territory. The rain is already reluctant to do so long ago, but there is no other way, is it really going to offend King Lear? Master Lu still can't afford such a price, so there are a lot of these small actions. It is estimated that the news was released by Master Lu. He also wanted the magician to order it, so that King Lear would not be there. Here it is.

Li Cong first waited slowly until it got dark. There was no need to look for Master Lu’s home. The central area of ​​the town was Master Lu’s home. It was different from other high-ranking officials and nobles. The better his courtyard is repaired, the better, but this Master Lu did not repair very much. A just three-entry courtyard does not waste money when he lives. This also increases the difficulty of Li Cong's investigation in disguise. Yes, when the courtyard is big, the people will be scattered, but if the courtyard is small, it’s not that simple for you to do something. It’s just like now, after dark, Li walked around here. More than a dozen pairs of eyes are looking at me from abroad, so what can I do with such a thing?

However, this ability to inquire about the news is rarer than others, but it is definitely not a problem for Comrade Li Cong. People have already gotten better. What did they do? Li Cong teleported into the hospital, and immediately two or three people appeared. Li Cong , Followed by a few consecutive teleports, dazzled and confused, no one can see what is going on at all, it seems that everyone in this room has a dazzling glance.

"Hey, I said, when I first saw a figure in this courtyard, how could I not find it in a blink of an eye? What is going on, did you just see it?" This is in the dark. A vigilant person said to another, this guy is a seventh-level warrior, his eyesight is definitely okay, he has never doubted his eyes in a generation, but at this moment it seems that he is really wrong. Yes, there was something that appeared, but then it disappeared. If it is a human being, the speed seems to be not so fast. If it is a ghost, it is possible. Thinking of the ghost, the palms of the guy’s hands are sweating. Up.

"Don’t talk nonsense, where are the people from? Even if we misunderstood someone, can’t we see them on the roof? This is absolutely impossible. There are more than a dozen experts in this courtyard watching. Don’t It's them. Even if Lord Lear comes in person, it is absolutely impossible to go in without being discovered." This guy knocked the head of the guy next to him, how could such a powerful person appear? This is simply impossible. Things, this guy must be crazy and crazy thinking.

"Well, that's what I said, but this King Lear is really uncomfortable when he speaks of it. Our master has done a good enough job. He wants people to pay, but he still doesn't leave here. , I have heard that King Lear suffered a heavy loss this time. I also heard that this guy may have taken a fancy to our Lu Town. Now although King Lear’s people have suffered a heavy loss, they are now facing us It's still evenly matched. If this guy is really bad, we may not be able to resist it." The people in this courtyard don't have a good impression of King Lear. Of course, it is not this person, but his belongings. Next, it’s no wonder that King Lear’s subordinates followed him halfway. They used to do everything. Now with such a boss, I’m sorry if I don’t do something wicked. Well, many of these things will be clear.

"You give me less mouth, what level of people we are, we old people think about those things, we can't think about it, if we say things like this, we have to suffer from our own skin." This guy Strictly speaking, it seems that this combination is an older one with a younger one, otherwise I don't know how many things will happen when the younger and the younger are together.

Li Cong had heard all of their conversations. Originally, he thought that the boss of Lu Town had a deep friendship with King Lear. Now it seems that it is the level of mutual use, and it is possible for them to die. No, and now King Lear here is like a time bomb. I don't know when the lair can't be kept, the boss of Lu Town should not be stupid.

Li Cong looked at this courtyard. The courtyard was so big and there were a lot of people, but every room didn’t look like a place where people could be hidden. Where did the boss hide these people? , If this doesn’t come out yet, I might be discovered. Although I’m good at it, these people are not mundane one by one. So Li Cong thought of a way. There’s no way he can, but he still With a helper, it’s Little Tiger. When Li Cong took this guy out of his arms, this guy was still asleep. There was no way. This little guy had eaten a lot of Li Cong’s magic core because of the upgrade. I didn’t digest it slowly. I was still very dissatisfied when I saw Li Cong'getting up' himself, but who called Li Cong the emperor, he was the king, so how could he give it to the emperor? For those who do errands, if it is spread out in the future that they will not do errands for the emperor, this is great.

Li Cong's method is also very simple. This little tiger's nose is also very sensitive. This person has his own smell. If you want to find something that is okay, Li Cong asked Xiaohu to look around. Whether there is the smell of his own brother, Xiaohu walked around with his head down. Naturally, his first-class monster would not arouse the suspicion of the people in this courtyard. After returning, he shook his head and seemed to find nothing. No need to ask, it must be the news merchant who lied to himself, or that guy didn't know what was going on, he thought the news in his hand was true, after all, the news was released by Master Lu himself.

Just when Li Cong was about to retreat, more than a dozen guards came over there. It seemed that there was something to do. When they came, Li Cong couldn’t teleport directly anymore, just look at what these people are. Just do what you want, there may be a way.

Li Cong was a little surprised by everything in front of him. It turned out that there was a secret passage in this courtyard. They twisted the tree vigorously in the middle of the courtyard, and there appeared a tree about three meters long and two meters wide. Secret passage. Looking down, you can’t see anything. It is estimated that there should be a long way down below. Just when that passage was opened, Xiaohu suddenly became energized. This guy said from here. There is the smell of Yang Qiu and a few others. It seems that what the news merchant said is really correct, that is, he didn't find a place. Li Cong was really excited.

But after the excitement, this problem also came out. It was watched by a dozen senior soldiers. Besides, there was such a big movement when this thing opened. It is estimated that the people in this courtyard can be heard as long as they are deaf, and they want to save. people? Forget it, it is absolutely impossible. How can I get in? This difficulty is really not small. Li Cong decided to go out first. After all, as long as he is in this courtyard, it is very dangerous. No one knows when they might be exposed. These high-level fighters are not all idiots. Some people begin to doubt it. The fighter's perception ability cannot be underestimated.

At the same time, at a place fifteen meters below the courtyard where Li Conggang was located, Gao Feng, Zhang Shuang, Hong Zhan, and Yang Qiu were all hung up. As for Li Tie and Li Gang, the two of them were at that time. Under the big ball, they were the ones who went out first, and they were also dead. Now these two guys really don’t have a bit of their own bones. This is the Warcraft Mountain Range. They were supposed to make a lot of money, but now they My own life was lost here. Several of them survived and were greatly traumatized. I don’t know if the luck of Gao’s family was so bad. Gao Feng also lost his own like Gao Qiang. As for the arm, Hong Zhan broke a'leg', Zhang Shuang was in miserable condition, and he lost consciousness in the lower body. Yang Qiu's injury was not very serious. This was also because Li Cong took care of her. the reason.

"You guys are all his hard bones,   I can tell you, I have found someone to find out. You are the ones who took my family’s property, but you have nothing on your body, I know everything is there. On the magician, as long as you tell me who the magician is, I will release you immediately and give you a sum of money. This matter has nothing to do with you,   those things will never reach your hands. Come on, at this moment the magician may have taken the money to go free and easy, but all of you are seriously injured. You should also be self-aware and want to help others carry it? Do you have that ability? Can you carry it? You have lost your life if you carry it, and your injuries are all very serious. If you don’t get treatment in time, you will know what the consequences will be, and I won’t have many. That said, if you don’t start talking, we will start another round next.” This guy said, touching the hot red iron. These people have been tortured by this guy these days. Nothing happened, especially Yang Qiu, the'woman' was beaten all over with blood.

"Haha, stop his nonsense. The older generation has done everything, that is, the thing of betraying the brothers has never been done, everything is yours, you don’t look at how you ran back then, even if it’s us Someone else would build these things if they weren't there. How come they are yours? Why are you so thick-skinned? Not to mention that the old man doesn't have such things in his hands. If they really exist, they won't be given to you. "Zhang Shuang laughed and said, this guy is not scared at all. Anyway, after he goes out, he will be a useless person, and he doesn't want to live like that, so he can do whatever he wants.

"Hehe, your little mouth is stinky these few days. Actually, I think you, a little warrior, don’t know a lot. It’s useless if I keep you. I’ll take care of it now. That’s it. Other people can talk in their mouths.” The old guy said with a smile. He also saw that Zhang Shuang is not afraid of death. What kind of person is not afraid of death, but there will be nothing in the future. People in the future are not afraid of death. Such people are "wandering" and time-consuming in their own place. It is better to send this little one away first. This guy slowly took out his dagger.

"Hehe, what's always scared of, brothers, I'm at a point today, and I can't'mix' with my brothers in the future. I'll leave first, you guys take care." Zhang Shuang didn't wait for this guy. When the knife went in and killed himself, he was already biting his tongue and committing suicide. Other people also shouted Zhang Shuang’s name. Although they have been tortured these days, none of these people have been tortured. Death, there is still hope for Li from over there, and now all of them are really hit hard.

"It's so small, it's kind, but I don't need me to take action. You guys will pull this little out and bury it. If it's eaten by the monster, I will send you a few into the mouth of the monster." This guy also admired Zhang Shuang's ability very much. This doesn't require Zhang Shuang to be a good grave, but other people obviously still don't buy this guy's account.

"If you want to give us a you want to say our brother's words in our mouths, it is absolutely impossible." Hong Zhan took a mouthful of blood in his mouth. Spit it out. Zhang Shuang had known him for so many years. Now that I saw Zhang, I was really uncomfortable and I didn't know what to say. He really wanted to die at this moment.

"Don't worry, come one by one, you will all have a chance, let me see how your teeth are, my" this guy is about to take out Hong Zhan's teeth.

"Stop, don't go too far. This is always the site of our Lu Town. We said at the beginning that you interrogated these people, but you absolutely can't die here. Now that one is dead, how do you explain it." The person talking was a handsome boy, this young man belonged to Master Lu, and he was considered an upright person. He was also very dissatisfied with such torture'forcing' a confession. The guy in front of him is a disgusting person. , But they are all King Lear’s people, and they can’t say anything by themselves, but his father told him that these people cannot die here. Master Lu also has his own ideas. Since the magician has the ability and The ability to eat from King Lear’s mouth is not a trivial matter. When King Lear patted his **** and left, the rest of the mess is naturally his own business. This is not a good thing. You can't handle this kind of thing yourself, so you must save the lives of these people.


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