Energy Group

Chapter 1886:

The princess’s uncle was also number one when he was in the capital. Li Cong quickly got the information about Ferdinand. After reading it, Li Cong knew about Ferdinand. How should I say, this guy can I said that I have the ability, but the investigation found that this person has a lot of problems with the turtle hair. For example, this guy will often say some cold jokes, which will make everyone very embarrassed. After reading this ten With a few pages of information report, Li Cong has reason to believe that this so-called uncle is not that good. Perhaps it is not that simple for this guy to be the governor here.

At the same time, I got the report from Li Cong and Lu Manjia. Now I know about the Dai family's affairs. The intimidation and temptation of the Tuoba family has been slightly reduced. Li Cong thought about it. I have to do it myself, but I don’t have the time right now, and there is already some imminence over there. I can’t just watch Lu Manjia just fall into the mouth. Li Cong thought about it or found Wu Liu and called Brother Liu Qing escorted Wu Liu over, but at the same time Li Cong would also ask four Level 7 Tila Chi wolves to accompany them, and find an ordinary person to go over with such a strong lineup. Of course, this Liu Qing Brothers and sisters can’t be regarded as such powerful people, but this four-legged beast is terrific. The usual Tila Chi wolves are all six-level beasts, and these seven-level beasts are basically at the level of the beast king. Things are also very pretentious. They have seen a lot of seventh-level beasts, but such higher-level beasts are not often seen.

Wu Liu came in very quickly. Recently, Wu Liu has been busy with the team. The food store is constantly expanding, and the transportation team has to be constantly expanded. These are some troublesome things. I heard that it can Wandering around in an airship to help the young master, Wu Liu was very happy with such a good job, but it was not that simple. Many things were not just this one. Li Cong wanted this guy to take a look at the Western Empire. Sale.

"Master. I don’t understand why, why should we give such an expensive gift to the Tuoba family? This is the third-class pill for improving eyesight. Now it is worthless to have more than one billion silver, you Hasn't it been sold for tens of billions of silver? What can they do for us with this thing?" Wu Liu said with some confusion, Mingmu Dan is not very valuable to people like Li Cong. At most, it is a waste of time, but for many people this is invaluable. I don't have much contact with the Tuoba family from the Western Empire, so why should I send it to them?

"Hehe, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, you just take it over, don’t say anything about other things, just say that I don’t have time to visit because of the busy schedule, and they will understand the rest. Just say that I will go to the Western Empire in the near future." Li Cong said with a smile, each of these high-level people are all human beings. How can they not understand these things? They would chew every word several times, and these people would all want to understand. That is, a person like Wu Liu, below this level, his brain would never think of it, no matter how clever. So many things.

"Yes, I can't help if your old man has more money. I'm leaving now. Anyway, I can take an airship. This is something that can only be done with hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. This is the Western Empire. This time I can sleep in the sky. , Such a good thing makes everyone happy." The guy said with a smile. Immediately ran out, as if those airships would not be waiting for him anymore.

Now the number of Li Cong’s airships has reached more than 50, of which forty are in operation, and the remaining dozen are used for emergency purposes. In fact, Li Cong’s space ring is still There are dozens of them, just because the training of personnel is not that simple. If they are rushed, they will be sent to them. Once an accident occurs, it is no small matter, so the training of this person is still very important, and half a year is the shortest time.

In the inner courtyard, the princess also heard the news that her uncle came to be the governor. He was also a little strange to say that the relationship between her second uncle and her was not very good, just because she was the princess who passed it on the surface. My mother always tells herself that the second uncle is different from other family members, and other family members are grateful to his mother, and all think that the status of this family is directly related to the imperial concubine in the palace. , But this second uncle was afraid that others would know that his promotion was related to the sister who was a noble concubine, but sometimes he had to admit that the achievement of today is also because of this sister, for example, if Without this sister, one would not have been able to enter the center of the imperial court. His Majesty the emperor would not take a high look at himself. Many opportunities to compete with others on an equal footing would not reach his own head. Thinking of these princesses would be a little different. Know how to get along with this uncle.

I remember that when I was still in the capital, my mother’s cousins ​​had a good relationship with me, regardless of whether they were sincere or fake. Anyway, as long as I have a good relationship with these cousins, mother It’s happy there, but the cousins ​​in this second uncle’s family are different. Every time the other sisters can come to them to get this and that, these are things that are only available in the palace. You can’t buy them. The little princess has more of these things because of the emperor’s favor. It doesn’t matter if you distribute some to the sisters. After all, the sisters on the father’s side have so many things just like herself. That is to say, there is no one on the mother's side, but the cousins ​​on the second uncle's side obviously like it very much, but they can hold everything when they leave.

If this uncle has always been like this, maybe the little princess will admire her uncle very much. Many things are summed up in life. Normally, this uncle will rarely visit the palace again. Yes, even when I was an official in the capital, my mother would bring it back every time she sent something there, saying it was not easy to live in the palace, but every time she came to Beijing to check her plan or what When the chance is high, this uncle will come here once nothing has happened, and teach a few words with his uncle’s face, even if the mother has to listen to it, when he comes, it is when the emperor wants to come, the emperor Every time I see these, I think this man is really good for his sister and nephew, so he will take a high look at this guy, and casually say a few words of encouragement, this guy will be used a lot, anyway, this uncle is in the little princess The heart is not very good. Although he was the governor of a province, he still felt very uncomfortable. If it weren't for filial piety, he really wouldn't want to meet him in the past.

Naturally, Li Cong didn’t know these things. He thought that this guy was a clerk, and he went to the provincial capital the next day. It is said that Li Cong’s title and the princess’s title do not need to go to the provincial capital. To visit. But everyone knows that Halman has been operating here for so many years, and these people are all loyal to Halman. Li Cong just wanted to support this guy, so he shouldn't be shaved by these old oils.

The princess was naturally grateful for what Li Cong did. Li Cong had never seen his uncle even once. There was no need to sell him any face at all. The reason why he went was only for his own reasons. If you don't have your own reasons, you don't need to go there at all. No matter what your uncle is, your husband is still very happy to think about himself.

Li Cong is an overclocking earl, and the princess is the highest-level title. Princess Gulun is better than the prince, so the battle for this trip is really big, but Li Cong said that this time he was going to see the elders, not to show off his prestige, so just take a few airships out. This is not only fast, but it will definitely not lose the prestige of one's own family.

Five airships took off with a thousand imperial guards and Li Cong's attendants. In the provincial capital, Li Cong has his own house and many of his own properties. Therefore, it is not a long journey to the provincial capital. It can only be said that he traveled from one home to another, which is not unfamiliar.

It would take at least two days to travel from Jiangning City to the provincial capital by land, and that would also have rushed past. But if you use an airship, it only takes two hours, so the provincial capital is here before I have a few words.

The provincial capital has a special place for airships to land. It is the airship base just south of the provincial capital. This is also the largest airship base outside of Jiangning City. There is often an airship here on duty. At the moment there are two here. The airships are already flying in the sky. We can’t see the Governor’s welcoming guard of honor, but the welcoming team from our own family came first.

"These two things can't be so low-key even if they want to fly." Li Cong said while looking at the airship in the distance.

"Hehe, although this thing belongs to our own family, I haven't done it many times. It's really stable. If you can go to the capital to see the mother and father, it would be fine." The little princess looked at the capital. The direction said that these married women would not be able to go back without the emperor’s imperial decree. There are some rules governing them. Generally speaking, the princess can return to the capital after two years of marriage. This is the little princess. For a few days, I have to go on slowly.

"In the future, we will take this thing to the capital. I can slowly develop my business, but it is not easy to develop to the capital, but I assure you that as long as it is your wish, I will be the fastest It’s for you." Li Cong said with great confidence, these things must be said, the necessary things in the secrets of coaxing his wife, Li Cong and Yang Qiu, although the little princess did not say anything, but in her heart It must be unsatisfactory. After all, there is only one man, and the one who comes in is to share some of his love. How could he be happy in his heart.

Indeed, the little princess was uncomfortable at first, but the husband said that he went to see his uncle because of his own reasons, because Li Cong’s current status really didn’t need to fawn on the governor, and he could say such sweet things. If I was still angry in my heart, I would be so sorry to my husband, and a smile appeared on his face right now. If this is on the earth, drivers will definitely have traffic accidents when they see such a smile.

"Master, we have arrived, are we going to land now?" Boss Cui followed the whole process, but the expression on his face was a bit unsightly at the moment. Li Cong also found something wrong, so he approached while the little princess was watching the scenery. A little bit.

"What's the matter?" Li Cong whispered, looking at his wife's direction while speaking, acting like a thief.

"Well, something has happened. The Governor does not seem to be very friendly to us. We are already here. The big and small figures in the provincial capital have already arrived. The Governor has not yet come, and our spies It seems that I don't mean to come over." Old Cui said loudly, this matter can be said to be a bit serious. You can't put the air in Jiangning City to visit the Lord Ferguson and the princess. We have come to you, but you are unwilling to even go out to meet you. This is too much.

"It's okay, just land. Madam's heart may not think of these things, so don't mention them later. Ask someone to pass a message to the people at the Governor's Mansion, and say that I will visit the princess as soon as I go down." Li Cong thought for a while and said. I don't have much, but this governor is too nonsense. I really take myself seriously.

Boss Cui nodded. This lady's brain is very clever. Such things can definitely be seen and understood. Do you think you can live without saying anything? This is simply impossible, they will not be so stupid.

The outside of the airship was crowded with people. Li could not easily come to Jiangning City, let alone follow the princess. Therefore, as long as there are people with a little status in this city, basically everyone has come, but at the moment, every face is not very natural. Looking at the position in front, the Lord and the princess are here as the province. The highest chief executive, the governor, did not come, and the governor Agui watched as the Count and the princess, who had come down from above, could only bite the bullet and walk over.

"His Royal Highness the Princess, Lord Earl. On behalf of the 120 million people in the southern provinces, I would like to welcome the two of you. See Your Royal Highness, Lord Earl." After speaking, Governor Agui knelt down, although this fellow is also From the second rank, but to be honest, this is really nothing in front of the princess.

"Participate in Your Royal Highness, Lord Earl." The tens of thousands of people present all knelt down. This kind of occasion cannot be said to be serious, but everyone is a little drummer. They all know that Lord Earl has a very strong temper, and there is such a powerful master. If this happens on the spot, it would not be so easy to handle. .

"Your Excellency, please invite your sirs. This visit here is purely a private visit. It does not involve any official matters, so you still don't want to make such a big battle." Li Cong said with a smile, but his face I don’t see any unhappiness at all, but the princess on the side is a little bit displeased. This uncle is also true. I don’t have to give my own face, but my own man’s face is not. This is nothing. You can not give yourself face, but your man's face cannot.

"Master Earl is really approachable. We all miss Master Earl. We are friends with Master Earl. Don't Master Earl think that we are not friends with Master Earl?" Governor Agui said with a smile. This fellow is also before. Erman’s right-hand man, the relationship with Li Cong was not very good in the past, but it was not a bad one. Now Harman is no longer the governor here, if he still stayed at that time. He would definitely suffer, so he sold Li Cong so well. This guy knew some of the reasons why Halman would be transferred.

"Hehe, of course we are friends, we are still very good friends. There is no doubt about this. That's good. We didn't want to make such a big noise when we came here. Now, Master Governor, you can accompany us. Just let other people leave. Don’t let so many people lose their normal lives and jobs because of our arrival. It’s not good.” Li Cong pointed to the people around him and said, all of them They all smiled and nodded. They always hope that they can indulge in the young upstart in front of them, and those who have daughters in the family can't wait to send them forward, even if they are an insignificant one.

"Yes, yes, this subordinate will do it right away, please wait a moment, Lord Earl." Agui also heard what Li Cong meant. This is to speak to himself alone. It seems that he is lucky. Now, although I’m the number two person in this province, but to be honest, I’m not very ambitious in my life. It’s been 60 years before I get to my current position, but when I was worth the money, it was because of that guy Halman. It’s really too strong, so some of my political opinions have not been brought into play at all, that is, people in the governor’s office are not necessarily able to listen to their orders. They all listen to themselves on the surface, but secretly. The people in Halman had thought about adapting these things, but after a few failures, Lord Agui had no such idea, and he should be his second-in-command honestly. The first-in-command is what he says. The result of this is that the entire province only knows that there is a governor's mansion but not that there is a governor's office.

The princess knew that Li Cong must be serious when he got here. Anyway, the governor's wife and several ladies have also come over. Although the princess doesn't like these social entertainments, she has no other place to go, so she just goes over and talks with them.

Soon the people here dispersed, and they all wanted to stay and see what was going on, but they all knew what status they were, should they be here who wanted to be here? You have to wait until you reach that level, and the governor can also act as a reminder for the earl. I can't even keep up with the governor's reminder, so I should get out of here.

This airship base also has a place to rest. Naturally, Li Cong has his own VIP room. Basically, no one is entertained here, but everything here is prepared. The governor Agui thinks himself. He can be regarded as a person who can enjoy himself. Although the Governor-General Halman used to restrict his rights, he never cares about what he plays and gives him the best enjoyment. So Agui thought that she had seen the world, but she was still dumbfounded in it.

This house is about 100 square meters. Agui has seen such a place, but the floors in this house are made of the most precious sandalwood. You must know that these things are in the provincial capital. China is just making some small pendants. It is impossible to make furniture on such a large scale. This is really extravagant. Looking at the cups for drinking tea, many rich people use pure gold things, but compared to the one in front of them, those things are simply shit. All they use are jade, Agui’s hands. He also carried a special grade jade finger, which was the most valuable thing in his whole body. It was originally given to him by a businessman who asked him to do errands. It was said to be worth more than 800,000 taels of silver. But now, the two sets of tea sets sent by the beautiful maid are all made of special grade jade. The price of this thing is by itself. It is very clear that such two sets cost at least three million taels of silver. This Earl's Mansion is definitely not a legend. Seeing Agui was shocked, this is just a temporary break for Li Cong, then Li Cong’s house...

In fact, Li Cong’s house is really not that luxurious. Li Cong doesn’t like to use these things. Li Cong uses ordinary things where he lives. Li Cong doesn’t think there are any benefits when things are precious. But here is for meeting guests. There are so many people you want to meet. You need to get it right here. In fact, the airship base is very close to Li Cong’s mansion in the provincial capital. This can be said to be Li Cong Formal. The place to meet the guests, the governor Agui is the first visitor to come in here.

"Sit, Master Governor, don't be so polite. To be honest, I'm here for the first time. For some things I don't know where they are. For tea, if you need any snacks, just ask them to bring them in." Li Cong said with a smile.

"The decoration of Lord Earl's room is really luxurious. I will never have such a room in my whole life." Agui said with some envy, Li Cong could see a lot from this guy's eyes. Greed, the southern provinces need to be grasped in his own hands sooner or later. What Li Cong wants is to be truly grasped in his own hands, not on the surface like what he is now, but in fact there are still many things that are not right in front of him. This person can be one of his best spokespersons.

"This is no problem. If the governor likes someone, I can ask the people below to fix one for you according to mine." Li Cong pointed to the surroundings and said, the total cost of this reception room is as high as 45 million taels, Li Agui was dumbfounded by the words. I have seen rich people and those who can spend money, but those rich people who can spend money seem to be nothing compared to Li Cong.

"I don’t need this. I’m so busy every day that I don’t have time to enjoy these. As long as Lord Earl can ask me to come over and have a cup of tea when I come to the provincial capital, I’m very happy. Later, I didn’t come here because of some reasons. I heard that it was because of family reasons. I also ask the Lord Earl to forgive me. The governor just came here. How can I say that it is also a guest. We can’t be the host. Too much care.” The governor Agui said while sipping expensive dying cloud tea while "helping" Governor Ferdinando. If Ferdinand heard it, he would definitely come and grab this guy by the collar. , I beat him hard, are you talking for me? Why don't you hurt me? I asked Li Cong to know that I didn't come to greet him because of some trivial things at home. How would I meet Li Cong in the future?

Li Cong smiled. This Agui is still a bit uncomfortable. Now is the time to test each other. This has already begun to attack the Governor. This guy is really superficial, even if you say that. Well, will you tell you that I will support you against the Governor? Don't say that you are a Sir Alex who doesn't have much energy. Even if you really have the right, you can't do this, it will definitely come true. When the time comes, I can't give a reason even with my own mouth.

"The governor should know that this new governor belongs to my uncle. If you tell me about this, don’t you be afraid that I will tell the governor? The governor and the governor have always been at odds, but I know it’s in Kazakhstan. When Governor Erman was there, you didn’t have so many things. I don’t know why this courage has suddenly grown up recently. Why?” Li Cong asked sharply, his face was no longer what it was just now. With a smile, the frightened Agui didn't hold the special jade teacup in his hand and fell directly to the ground, but the special jade was hard. It's absolutely invisible at all, but it's not like those nephrite.

"Lord Earl, the official **** it, the official is wrong, the official begs you to give me one more chance..." Begging for mercy kept coming out of Agui's mouth, this guy also wants to flatter, who knows This flattery didn't shoot well. When the horse hoof is on, Li Cong would definitely be angry because the governor did not come to greet him. Who knows that there is no such idea in his heart. This makes Agui's following words unable to say, which shows his own. I have thoughts, and they are different from my own. This is embarrassing...

"Hey, what is the governor's doing?" Seeing Agui kneeling in front of him, Li never got up to help, but continued, "I just talk about it casually, the future of the governor is still in his own hands. , I’m in the south. There will always be places in this provincial capital that will be unstable. Now most people in the provincial capital are under the former Governor Harman. I think these people have become a little impetuous recently. I can't figure it out, but I don't have time to circle with them, now I should find someone to integrate them all." Li Cong said thoughtfully, and Agui's eyes brightened when he heard this sentence.

This is the result I wanted. Agui's expression was excited. This kind of thing finally came to his head. The anger of Li Cong before was absolutely a superficial phenomenon. In fact, the real thing was that Li Cong was really dissatisfied with the governor. In my own opinion, Li Cong could still be satisfied, otherwise he wouldn't have said this sentence in front of him.

"Master Earl said too much, but this person is not very easy to find." Agui was already so happy in his heart, but on the surface he couldn't show his full power, so the dialogue might make Li Cong feel like he Too powerful.

"Forget it, I just said that. In fact, I also feel that this person is not very easy to find. As you know, how this person is actually difficult to see clearly. I'm still observing this for a while. It’s not too anxious, I just feel that Ferdinand might also win over these people, and it’s too late if we want to do it.” Li Cong said helplessly, you don’t stand up and wait for me to say it. How could it be possible? Li Cong had already caught this guy’s psychology, so he would naturally say this. It’s simply too much to want this guy to stand up automatically.

It's a simple matter. This guy can't help but provoke him with a few words. He also wants to go up. How could he give up such an opportunity.

"Wait, Lord Earl..." Agui was a little hesitant to speak, it was so funny.

"Is there anything else the governor? If not? I think I should go to visit the governor." Li Cong made the move to leave, just want this guy to be anxious, see this guy is like an ant on a hot pot , I am also very happy.

"Master Earl, please stay here. I still have something to do. The candidate mentioned by Master Earl is not sure if it’s okay or not. I also recommended myself. In fact, I wanted to talk to Master Earl very early. There is no good chance. Now I also hope that Lord Earl can support me. If I can master this in the future, I will listen to Lord Earl." After these words, Agui seemed to be out of touch. This kind of surrender is something that I have never thought of in my life, but I don’t want to say it today. I don’t know if I can have another opportunity like this in my life. If I don’t seize this opportunity, I might be true in the future. There is no hope anymore. I thought that all the things I couldn't say could be said here, and Li Cong looked very satisfied with these words.

"The governor is very suitable for this candidate. I am also very satisfied. Originally, I wanted to let the governor gather these powers. If the governor can do a good job, I will definitely support it." Li Cong He said with a smile, it can't be said that it is very easy to subdue this guy, and let's not say how good this guy's ability to do things, his character is OK.

"Lord Earl is dissatisfied with the current Governor General?" Agui asked boldly, as if he is now a person who can talk to Li Cong's heart, and Li Cong is not disgusted with such direct questions. of.

"No, I do things very frankly. Frankly speaking, there may be many things in the middle. The reason why I let you subdue these forces, not let him, is actually because you have no background behind me. If you support you, I might be your biggest backstage, and there are huge forces behind that guy. I don’t have the energy or the ability to fight against those forces in the capital. But in the southern provinces. I still have to have my own right to speak in this three-acre land." Li Cong said directly and the correct answer. Agui was very satisfied. The reason why people use their own is because there is nothing behind them. Power, this is what people need. In the past, this was their own disadvantage. Looking at it now, it is also his own advantage. In the past, Halman relied on the right-handed background to do whatever he wanted. Now although he is not at his level, he can still show off his ability.

"Thank you, Lord Earl, for your appreciation. I dare not say anything else. I have also been operating my own network for the past few years. Up to now. I have formed a scale that is not very large and not very high, but it is absolutely useful. The network of relationships can integrate the forces left by the former Governor Harman within half a month." Agui said with confidence that such a person is a mediocre person when there is no chance, but as long as It is to give such people a chance and they will do very well.

"Very well, Master Governor, I really buried you in the past. Don't worry, I will never give up on anyone. As long as this person is useful to me, then all he gets now will be one. For those who have higher-level pursuits, the governor said that he has dedicated himself to the empire for decades. Until now, the empire has not given a knighthood to a knight. This is really unacceptable. I will apply to the empire. I There are still some ways in the empire." Li Cong issued his first check. For an earl like Li Cong, such a title has no effect, but for Agui, it is completely The empire’s common people can be officials and business, but you can only become a nobleman through credit. Don’t look at the jazz as the lowest title, but it’s not that simple to get it. , Agui was envious of Halman having a knighthood in his body before, and I admired it very much. With this title, it can be said that regardless of whether I am in this position or not, I can say that there is a final in my life. The home.

"Thank you, Lord Earl, your subordinates will definitely do everything for the Lord Earl..." Agui was really moved at the moment. He had seen many bosses throw olive branches at him, but none of them It's so real. They also have requirements for themselves when they talk to themselves. They all hope that they can do things first, but Li is different from those people here. First give a reward and then let himself do things. Such masters can say absolutely It's rare, no wonder Agui will be moved to tears.

"Don't be so emotional. In fact, you should have had this title long ago. I will ask people to do it as quickly as possible. About this new governor, you should have met him. How do you feel? "At this moment, Li is not in a hurry to leave. He doesn't have anything to do with his wife and uncle who hasn't met yet, but from the fact that this person didn't come to meet him today, it can be seen whether the two of them will become enemies in the future It's easy to say, but they will never become friends. People who don't respect themselves don't need to become friends. Even if they become friends in the future, they will definitely not be the kind that can make friends. They will probably use each other.

"The new governor, Mr. Ferdinando, has been here for about four days. During these four days, he has not met anyone. If someone visits in the past, he will say that it is not convenient to travel long distances to meet guests at home. Rest, yes, his new home is also the former governor’s official residence. I only met this governor once. It seemed like it was not easy to talk. As for what it was like, it was only the first time for the subordinates. Contact, there is nothing to say." Agui thought about the news from the Governor's Mansion these All the people in the Governor's Mansion are brought from the capital. It can be said that we don't need one here. Handyman, it's not that simple to get any useful information, at least there is not much news available for him yet.

"Well, it turned out to be a strange person, forget it, don't think about it, anyway, you can see this person in a while, you can go to your business, and I will stay quiet for a while." Li Cong looked at it. Time said, now that the princess is almost over, Agui nodded and said goodbye to Li Cong and left.

Not very talkative? This should be the evaluation given by Agui. Along the way, my wife did not tell me much about this uncle. It seems that the relationship between the two people should be bad. Today, I came to Lao Tzu again. If I don't give you something ugly, I really think I'm a bully.

Soon the princess also ended the conversation with several ladies. In fact, women are accessories of men, and women no matter how high they are, they all finished the conversation with the men, and they ended immediately. Now, even if it was a happy topic, I wouldn't say much. If there is no end here, I will talk a little more on boring topics to create time for my own man. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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