Energy Group

Chapter 1888:

"Stupid, I really don't know how you got to this seat. You even blush when you say something." Lu Manjia looked at Li Cong and said, now Li Cong really looks like a pig brother. I don’t know how many years Li Cong has not acted like this. Li Cong is really attracted to Lu Manjia, not only for external reasons, but Lu Manjia is the first one he has seen. Virtuous girls hope that their medical skills can treat more and more people. Such people are also worthy of their respect.

"Actually, I didn't work very hard. It seems that my luck has always been very good. I was not a magician when I was born, but one day I suddenly became a magician, and I was also a dual-line magician. I didn’t even think of it.” Li Cong said with a smile. Naturally, he found a lot of Li’s Dai family. Lu Manjia also knew. Who can say about the magician’s magical awakening? It’s also unclear. Some people only awakened by magic when they were a few dozen years old. There are so many things like this. No one has any doubts. It’s okay for Li Cong to attribute everything to his luck. Many people know that Li Cong relies on luck, and they all hope that they can have that kind of luck. Unfortunately, they don't have that kind of luck.

"Poor mouth, I didn't see how you have such a bad habit before, but now I see it." Lu Manjia's every act of style really surprised Li Cong. He has already seen this. I have been a girl many times, but the girl's every move is still so attractive to me. I haven't been like this before, I can only say that this girl is too unusual.

"By the way, why did you come with the Tuoba family? Could it be that you are already the daughter-in-law of the Tuoba family? No, if you become the daughter-in-law of someone else’s family, how come you haven’t gotten your hair yet? It's like that, and the Tuoba family won't let the daughter-in-law come out to see the guests, right?" Li Cong said with a smirk, and Lu Manjia didn't answer this guy directly. Li Congdong is rough, and thousands of people in the entire base watched these two men flirting.

"Okay. Okay, stop making trouble. What the **** is going on, why don't I know that you will come with them? Didn't you say that the relationship between your Dai family and them is not very good?" The two chased after them. After half an hour, he stopped in a small pavilion near the lake, and Li Cong asked someone to send them a pot of tea. I'm really tired now.

"Huh, it's not because of you. I was going to be married to Tuoba Hongye. The two of us are a good match. We are absolutely talented. I don't know how many people envy us, and many others give us. Blessings, I am going to be a young child for the Tuoba family in the future. Who knows who doesn’t know which nosy fellow just broke us apart, and sent me the broken pills that I don’t know what to do, and brought a few Beasts go to scare people. Didn’t anyone ever see Beasts when they were? Don’t say, the Tuoba family members have never seen Beasts, one by one, because the broken pills and Beasts gave in, it’s not them. I told my father that it’s okay. The marriage was originally settled when the two elders drank too much, so it can’t be counted, so I don’t need to follow it now. I’m fine at home, my father Many people think that I eat idle meals at home. This is not our Dai’s family but it’s completely different from before. Our Dai’s family is now in peace. I have given all my money to the family. Said that there was a free boat. I came up and got here all the way. I can't be a wicked young grandmother. The food stamps for this life are gone. Some people have to take care of the food." Lu Manjia Said, these words did not make Li Cong so uncomfortable, on the contrary, it made Li Cong very happy. Those who are happy don't know what to say. It turns out that it is the same thing. Of course, I will be responsible. Is there anyone who wants to be more responsible than myself? Absolutely no more.

"Hehe, this thing is really irritating, but don’t worry, that wicked person may also have his own difficulties, so I think you should stop looking for him. The two of us are so familiar, and you are not. If you don’t have craftsmanship, I’ll invest in this Jiangning city in the future. In fact, you don’t need to go to the Warcraft Mountains. This Jiangning city can be said to be dedicated to the mercenaries. They all have their own injuries. Yes, you can be busy every day to die here." Li Cong said with a smile. When talking about the "wicked man", this guy looked triumphant. His own method is really good. Send an Eyesight Pill over. It's just an apologize, and with a slight threat, that is your own master alchemist. Your Tuoba family is very powerful, but will you offend the alchemist because of a woman? He is still a very powerful magician. Of course, they will not believe that Li Cong can let the four wolf kings be the attendants of an ordinary person. This is definitely something that Li Cong’s master does. There are no more than three empires, at least the old guy's ability is among the top three in the Western Empire, and they can't afford it.

"Bah, big bad guy, but I have something to say ahead. I also know what that big bad guy is doing. I know that big bad guy has three wives and four concubines in his house. I absolutely need freedom. I won't talk to some people. If people go back, I need to have my own freedom and my own home." Lu Manjia said seriously, he is not used to the style of the big family. Although Cui Xian'er is getting along well with the princess now, he should be courteous. It is still necessary. The status of wife and concubine is different. Although Li was never a person of this era, he could not be right with the feudal ethics. Everyone is equal only in the heart. Moreover, it is not true that everyone is equal on the earth. It is just a sentence in the law books.

"Okay, even if the villain agrees to you, you can do whatever you say." Li Cong said with a smile, isn't this the outer room? Such things are normal at the top of the empire, generally high-level It would be a shame if there is no outside room. Even the emperor has such a thing. The princesses are all big families and they are very clear about this.

"Okay, then you will pay me to do things today. I need a big house. You prepare me not to do it. I have to prepare it myself. And you can just give me a day’s wallet and my second child today. I want to be a full-fledged gold worshiper. How about spending all the money in your hand to make me comfortable, how about?" The little girl said, this funny look also made Li Cong very funny, spending all his money? What's the joke, if you run out of money, it is estimated that the price of the whole city will be much higher, how much money do you have? I am also not sure. But it can definitely be called a rich country.

"Go, then don't talk nonsense here. You just take the two Stoudemires out, and the province will hug you after you go out." Since Lu Manjia wants Li Cong to be the second child of the shop, naturally he will not let Li. Since there are too many entourages, Li Cong does not have to take a few people with him. The rest is naturally done by Li Cong himself. Li Cong has not been out for a long time. It's been a while, it's okay to go to the city to have a look. If this girl wants to play, she can stay by herself, anyway. Recently, the most important thing is the plan to raise the governor over the provincial capital, and the cooperation with Tuoba’s family. Now there is Agui on the provincial capital to help me, I don’t need to do anything, I just need one. The attitude is fine. As for Tuoba's side, no matter how urgent it is, it will be tomorrow. There won’t be anything today, so I’ll do everything for this girl today.

Li Cong casually asked two people to follow him out. These two men are also fifth-level fighters. They are the first batch of Li Cong's experimental products. At present, they are still very qualified, but there are artificial masters like this. A very big drawback. It’s just that the progress in the future is very limited. After all, they weren’t fighters at all in the past. They were just ordinary people. Li Cong had to use pill or something to bring these people up to Cui. Otherwise, they might stay at this level for a lifetime. Of course, some very powerful people cannot be excluded. They may break through, but the probability of this is very low, so low that even Li never believes that ants may grow into elephants, but they will never break through.

Only more than 1,000 people came out for the first time. These more than 1,000 people were only brought out by Li Cong's strength. All of them are trained at the martial arts gym. It can be said that they only have five. The strength of the first-class fighters, but they can’t do anything like moves. It’s impossible to get into the fight right away. You must have a good master teach them for a while, just like the brothers and sisters Liu Qing. This is the expert in this area. In the past, Li Cong wanted Gao Feng to be the coach, but these guys want to live a normal life. Li Cong can only find another teacher.

Li Cong, Lu Manjia, and two of his attendants and four people walked out without even doing a carriage. There is still some distance from the main road of Jiangning City, but Lu Manjia is very strange to this place. Li Cong is also very interested in walking around. Naturally, Li Cong is familiar with this place. It can be said that the former Jiangning City is now invisible at all. Now in front of people is a new Jiangning City. This new Jiangning City is four There are a total of eight avenues in the vertical and four horizontal layouts. The closest to the center is the place where the dignitaries live. There is no commercial activity here. All these commercial activities are basically concentrated in the south, but they are more commercial than other cities. The districts are much larger. At this moment, Li Cong and them entered the city from the south.

There are not so many refugee camps outside the city, but there are still a lot of refugees, at least there are a million people, of which 60% are left by the last beast wave. Most of the tens of millions of refugees have already been settled. They either went to other cities or went to work in some workshops. In short, they were reborn with the help of the Cao Charity Fund. Most of the refugees in this camp are old, weak, sick and disabled. These people simply don’t have any ability to work. They don’t want to eat and die here all the time, but society really doesn’t need them. If many people want to go out to work, they may have to lie in bed for a few months for a day’s work. What is the use of such a person? The Cao Charity Foundation directly raises these people, of course. , This is not all people have this kind of treatment, it also has to have no bad record before, if you have done something bad before, then I am sorry, you find your way.

Through the original education, the people who went out to work in the refugee camp also automatically got back 10% of their monthly salary. They also knew that the people in the refugee camp did not have high demands. , I just want to have enough food. They got the help of the foundation, and now they can help the foundation. Although the salary of 10% of each person is not very much, but 10% of the salary of tens of millions of people can be calculated as the full salary of a million people. It is very easy for one million people to support one million people. And Li Cong also told those who have donated that as long as they can donate for more than fifteen years, they can come here to support them when they are old. They all see the appearance of the refugee camp but it changes day by day. of. Now it can’t be called a refugee camp, compared to the place where ordinary soldiers and civilians live. That is, there are more people.

Stimulated by Li Cong’s plan, more and more people have joined the ranks. They have lost most of their family members in the animal tide. They will be fine after 15 years of work. Children can still come here to provide for the elderly. This is also their way of providing for the elderly. Even if many people who are not out of the refugee camp join this, they will also pay one-tenth of their salary. For a time, the money of the Caoshi Charity Foundation was a lot more.

This makes Cui Xian'er happy. This will improve the lives of these people in the refugee camps. It’s not enough to eat food and not meat, but Li never wanted them to spend the money so quickly. This is similar to Europe. Like some other countries, when the financial conditions are good, the people’s welfare is greatly increased, but when the financial conditions are not good, this is a huge financial burden. Cui Xian'er did this in a short time and these refugees were happy. But when those paying people come in fifteen years later, what should you do if you have no money? By then, those people may have to spend more than ten or twenty years here. The money they have paid is now for you to use , But what about his money? If you want to have new people coming in all the time, the money may be fine, but if there are fewer and fewer people coming in in the future. What to do? Do you have to take out the money yourself? Although the foundation usually has a lot of people donating money, and under the leadership of Li Cong, Jiangning City usually has some charity auctions, but the money is compared with the money spent. It's still too little.

For example, there are still 1.45 million people in the refugee camp. Each person needs 1.5 catties of food for three meals a day. If you count other vegetables, the final cost is about 3 catties of food. The price of food in the city is 15 cents per catty. This person is worth 45 cents a day, and 1350 cents a month. This is more than one million taels of silver a month for eating, plus the clothing. There are also medicines and other things. Two million taels of silver can’t be beaten this month, but more than 20 million taels of silver for the whole year. If the foundation doesn’t have a long-term money supply, it may happen within a few days. Can't do it anymore.

Now the biggest source of the foundation is the long-term interest. Li Cong puts out 200 million taels of silver and puts them in the bank. There is an interest of 3% every month, which is 6 million taels of silver. Yes, if this is expanded in the future, the money will not be used much at all, and this bank may not be able to release the money at all times. It can be said that it can get an average of 4 million taels of silver each month. Yes, without this money, the foundation would not be able to continue.

"It seems that you are very good at operating here. I have seen many cities where there are refugees. There will always be such people in this society. Whether it is disasters here or man-made, people are always The worst thing is, just like what happened in the Warcraft Mountains this time, it seems that a very powerful warcraft has appeared. All those close to the Warcraft Mountains have gone to the interior. Our Dai family is also like this. They went to the interior. The city always needs life, so I took the money from the bus and went to the local officials’ homes. When they came out, the ordinary people would have no land of their own. The small landlords were also miserable. Their land was the same. They have all been bought. Although the price is fair, land is fundamental to the common people. Many people have become refugees.” Lu Manjia is also a person who is very interested in charity. If he can integrate into Li Cong's family, Li Cong wants her to manage with Cui Xian'er. Of course, she is mainly responsible for the medical treatment.

"I'm just doing what I should do. There are millions of people in Cao's house. Seventy percent of them go out of the refugee camp. He eats a bite of food, then you are the biggest benefactor of this person in his life. I like the feeling of being someone else’s benefactor.” Li Cong looked at the carriage in the convoy of the collector’s firm in the distance carrying various goods towards the large Go on the road. Most of these coachmen are former refugees. They trained them by themselves, gave them the skills of coachmen, and then hired them to work. Most of the people in Cao’s house are the same as Li Cong said. They were going to work with Li Cong for the rest of their lives. When they arrived here, they could only sell their children and girls if they had no food. No way, if you don't do that. This is definitely not going to live anymore. The only way to live is that Li Cong gave them a bowl of porridge. Although they were not full, they always let their bodies know what food is like. Repay their boss.

"Hehe, in fact, there is one more thing. I think these people were not in this city before. There is no foundation, and no people from other forces will come in. In this way, your Cao family firm is also a commercial spy. It’s the least place. I’m talking about this, don’t you say that?” Lu Manjia is Bingxue smart, and quickly found another reason from Li Cong who looked at charity. This is not something a philanthropist should have or say What should be done, Li Cong is also a little hot on his face.

"You don't need to feel embarrassed. In fact, many people do it, but they do it more concealedly. You do it more straightforwardly. This also shows that you are very smart, even if others know it. In this way, but they can't help it. They can't ask their people to pretend to be beggars and mix in." Lu Manjia saw Li Cong's embarrassment.

"Okay, don't talk about these things about me, let's go to the city honestly." After passing through the refugee camp, it is the southern gate. It is still the same as other cities that charge entrance fees. Several people from Li Cong paid a hundred liters of entrance fee. The entrance fee here may be the lowest in the entire empire. The entrance fee of a county town is about the same as that of a county town. This is what Li Cong meant. Facts have proved that this is also correct. Many people cannot enter the city due to the entrance fee. They may not have the possibility to enter the city in their entire lives. This Li Cong allowed them to realize this wish and get them. The street seems to be more lively, and the merchants’ transactions have naturally increased. Although they are all low-profit transactions, in any case, there are a lot more people here. This is for some merchants. It is also a very happy thing.

"If we want to buy a house, we still go to the largest real estate agency here. If you look at it street by street, this can be a big trouble. Although Jiangning City is not comparable to Beijing City, the development in recent years is very impressive. It can be said to be bigger than the provincial capitals of some provinces.” Li Cong said after entering the city. Indeed, just like Li Cong said, if the cities of the entire empire are ranked, this Jiangning city will definitely be possible. It is said to be the top ten big city, because this is the closest city to the Warcraft Mountains. The mercenaries entering the Warcraft Mountains from here are not 100 million or 80 million. The business opportunities they bring are A lot of them, if it weren't for them, the city would never develop so fast.

"Okay, then go to the real estate agency. It’s just that I don’t like dealing with these guys. They are all vampires. Later, you are a second-hand but you have to talk to them properly. Tell them to dip into our bargain." Lu Manjia looked at the things on both sides and said, after all, there are many differences between the Western Empire and the Northern Empire. The little girl estimated that she would forget what she had just said after walking around. It's almost there, no, it's all attracted by the special products of the Northern Empire.

The largest real estate agency in Jiangning City is the largest real estate agency in the empire, Zhou Real Estate. Although it is called Zhou Real Estate, Li Cong clearly knows that this real estate has nothing to do with the surname Zhou. This real estate can be said to have More than a dozen shareholders belong to a big family in the capital, and the brave earl who had a feast with him was one of them. In recent years, because of the development of Jiangning City, they have also developed rapidly. Li Cong’s Cao family Commercial banks have not entered the real estate industry, and they still can’t see it yet. However, as they develop slowly, their days will pass the better. Li Cong has no interest in this blood-sucking business. In Li Cong It seems that it is very immoral to go to wash people after they have attracted money for a lifetime. At least they would not do such a thing.

"A few of the guest officials, please, here is the largest real estate agency in Jiangning City and the entire province. Whether you want to sell a house to buy a house, rent a house or rent a house, we can do it for you. Of course, you just need to pay a small commission. We will take care of all these trivial things and other procedures for you." This receptionist is also a guy who can look at people's colors. This looks at Li Cong. The clothes on a few people know that these masters are all rich, especially the young master in front of them. Good guy, this Ricoh brocade isn't something anyone can wear. This outfit needs enough money for a three-in-one house. Such people must come to buy luxury houses. Although Jiangning City has gone out a lot in recent years, there are only a few luxury houses. Lead these people upstairs. Those who are downstairs are all small businesses. Maybe the money made by these small businesses for a month is not as good as the one above.

"Hehe, you don’t need to tell us about Zhou's real estate. We have all heard of it. If your brand is not loud enough, we would not come to you. I can see that you are here. Very professional, I need a house with at least four entrances. The location is best close to the city. The price is not a problem. I don’t know if you have it in your hands, and if you have the ability to decorate it in the future. And do it for me." Li was dressed up with wealthy clothes. Even Lu Manjia was amused by Li Cong's appearance. The second person next to him didn't look at it that way. It turned out that this son was going to give it to him. This beauty bought a house, to be honest. Such a beautiful woman really needs a big house with four entrances. She is different from her, and her sister is also good. If she can be a concubine for this young master, she will be fine in her life, but her own Compared with this girl, the girl is quite different, so don't have dreams.

"This young master looks very proud. To be honest, there are not a hundred people in our shop every day, and there must be 80 people. Those who are in a big house like the young master who are going to enter the city with one mouth are still from the inner city. , This is definitely not much, at least we haven’t encountered it recently. It’s a coincidence that the young master came here. It just so happens that we have a few such houses in our hands. Looking at the young master, this is ours. Model, these four-entry houses have four, and there are two that meet the requirements of the young master. One of these two houses is near the earl’s mansion and the other is near the city lord’s mansion. This is the best location in the city now, these two houses Those who lived in the past were officials, but now they are transferred away, so they are now vacant. They are all busy going to other places to take office, so they don’t have time to care about such small things. You know, for those who are promoted. Officials, they don’t care about such small issues.” The guy pointed to the two big houses and said. The model looks really good. Li Cong is very satisfied, especially with himself. Lu Manjia saw Li Cong’s house next to him. Lu Manjia knew at a glance that this guy would definitely buy the one close to his house. Except for that, maybe Li Cong didn’t want to buy another one. In fact, it is said that how to arrange is not Li Cong's business, Lu Manjia happily went to the side to see some strange things.

"Both houses are very good. You can explain this one in Earls Court in detail." Li Cong pointed to that one. Sure enough, Li Cong still hoped that Lu Manjia could live closer to him. Now Lu Manjia I don’t want to be in contact with my family, but after a long time, I can be together. How many people can take care of me? Otherwise, things will be difficult to handle.

"The young master is really good-sighted. This house hasn't been a month since we are here. Many people have seen it during this month." His words were directly exchanged for Li Cong's Eyes, shit, the truth of this lie is too powerful. I said just now that I haven’t met such a person in a while, but now I’m saying something. Many people have come in this month. Look, your kid is really slippery, but Li never wants to care about such a small character, so the people who spread it out seem very tasteless.

"This house belonged to the former general of the city defense general Cheng Cheng. Recently, it seems that General Cheng went to the provincial capital because of meritorious service or for some reason, so this house was vacant. The new general of the city defense should have been the best choice. Right, it’s a pity that the city defense general is not very satisfied with this place. In fact, we still know very well what he thinks of being an official. It's just that we don’t want to live with the earl’s mansion. Our Lord earl is a messenger. He is still very good. But just because the temper is not so good, the two houses are so close together. If there is any friction in the future, it will be difficult to talk. The house will be so empty. If the young master is interesting, we will You can sit down and have a good talk." This guy is catching up and taking some court affairs, and this kid is doing the same thing. In fact, the upper class is just a matter of that, as long as you are willing to think about it, you can always make the best choice.

Li Cong personally took care of this city defense general. This guy is from the previous Halman. Although he is close to him, he is not his own after all. Don’t leave such a person by your side. It is a test for this guy. , See if this guy can listen to his own hints to the provincial capital to have fun with Ferdinand?

"Well, I'm still very interested in this house, but I don't know what price you are opening here, so let's just talk about it." Li Cong said.

"The young master is still impatient. Since the young master said that, I won't hide it. The stuff in this house is also newly built. The last general offered a price of 125,000 taels of silver. If the young master really liked it If it is, I think that a fraction of 5,000 taels of silver should be fine, and we have to charge a 10% commission here. This is the industry regulation." The guy said with a smile, in fact, the price that the general offered was 110,000 taels of silver, the extra 15,000 taels of silver has nothing to do with the original person. This guy wants to get 15,000 taels of silver in one go, plus a commission of 12,000 taels of silver, the front and back are 27,000 taels. Silver. Li Cong still knows a little bit about the housing prices in the city. The price of this house is not considered to be a scam. It will definitely come to this price in the future, but it is definitely not now.

"Hehe, the price is a bit high, I may not accept it, how about one hundred thousand taels of silver?" Li Cong thought for a while and said. He felt that the house was between 110,000 taels of silver, and it was absolutely impossible to reach 120,000 taels of silver. The reason why he said a price of 100,000 taels of silver was actually to leave himself room for bargaining.

"Master, this price is absolutely unacceptable. As you know, this price was left by the original guests. Over the past few days, there have been more people looking at this house, and many people can get 110,000 taels of silver. The above, but we still did not sell it, mainly because the owner was unwilling. His house was renovated on a very large scale. It can be said that the renovation cost is not a small amount. It has only been completed for two years. That's it, it just happens to be the time to live in, so the price of 100,000 taels of silver cannot be sold." This guy said embarrassedly, indeed, if the one hundred thousand taels of silver are really sold out, He simply doesn’t make a penny. He wouldn’t do such things. If it’s some dilapidated houses or something, this guy will definitely sell them at this price, because those houses are not a place to make money. Such a mansion is where he should make money. A few dollars can make a family of four live a good life, not to mention so much money, so this guy has to get more commissions for himself.

"Master, in fact, the price is not very expensive at all. Although it is a bit more expensive now, you can look at the surrounding area. What is the status of this Earls Mansion? Who are the people who usually go in and out? If you make friends with people, I really don’t have to talk about it in the days after this. Lord Earl is a very cute person. Many people say that Lord Earl sees everything with a bright eye. At the beginning I didn’t believe it very much. Now, let’s take a look at the several houses in the house of Lord Earl. They are all in the places where prices have increased the most. These places are not profitable for Lord Earl. If you buy a house here, You might be able to do well with the Feng Shui in this Lord Earl’s house.” This real estate agency really does everything. After a while, he has been a fortune teller. Someone has to believe in such things. Ok.

"Hehe, I know all of these things, you just say a final price, if I can accept it, I will buy it immediately, if I can’t accept it, I’ll return a price, and you’d like to go through the procedures for me, no If you're willing, just treat it as if I haven't been here." Li Cong said, the guy who looked at Li Cong's eyes knew that now this guy is emotional again, and he is going to be real.

"Well, the gentleman has taken a fancy to this house, which is the blessing of this house. We also hope that this gentleman can live in early, for a price of 110,000 taels of silver, how about it, but I made a lump sum of 10,000 A lot of money, to be honest, we have never seen such a profit. Not only can we make no money in Zhou's real, we have to explain to others for a while. We are really losing money and making money. "This guy said, he also said that when he saw the sale of the deal succeeded. Li Cong weighed it up. Such a mansion wouldn't be waiting here every day, so it seemed pretty good.

"Haha, well, at this price, this is a deposit, and the rest will naturally be given to you after viewing the house." Li Cong took out a 50 tael gold ingot and said, this guy immediately took the gold ingot. After getting up, I gave Li Cong a receipt, and immediately went down and arranged for someone to take Li Cong to see the house. They agreed to come back here a few hours later to sign the contract.

"I'm optimistic so soon. I thought it would take a long time to look at the house. I asked if you didn't show me your intentions. How could you get things done so quickly?" As for things, Li Cong has finished talking here, Lu Manjia pouted and said, Li has never been here to perfuse himself.

"This lady, the reason why the time to see the house is so long is actually due to economic reasons. This young master does not have this reason. Naturally, the time to see the house is much faster." This guy worked hard to help. Li Cong said nice things. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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