Energy Group

Chapter 1893:

After all the people left, the Western Empire emperor's heart became more gloomy. In fact, he should have more important things to do at this time, that is, he should inform the people of the entire continent that there is another Beast King in this world. This is the news that King Lear came back quickly to tell himself. Although King Lear is a bit excessive in normal times, he knows the importance of these things. Now this guy lives in the Western Imperial Palace. It has been a few months. The Western Empire emperor has already told this guy to start talking about this thing. At the beginning, King Lear believed it, but now he doesn’t believe it at all. Such important news is around As long as the people know it, they will treat it as the first thing, and they all know how powerful the King of Beasts can do.

In history, as long as a new King of Warcraft was born, it would be a disaster for the entire continent. Tens of billions of people would have to die each time to pass. Among these deaths, more warriors and magicians would die. It is said that more than 40% of the warriors in the mainland will lose their lives, and the magicians may have more. If there is no such sacrifice, the current situation in the mainland will not happen. Such things will be delayed for a day. There is a terrible danger. What they have to do now is to quickly notify these people, so that the King of Beasts can quickly find this guy and kill him before he grows up. This is the best way, King Lear. There is no way to inform all parties about the mighty power, but the Western Empire emperor has it. This guy said nothing. This is definitely delaying this matter. Although King Lear also wants to do something, it is a pity that the two tenth-level fighters at the door watch As for myself, these two are the patron saints of the Western Empire, and their abilities are much stronger than their own, let alone two, even if one of them is against themselves, they are not capable of confronting others. There are only three tenth-level fighters in the Western Empire. Two of them are looking at him. He really doesn't understand what the emperor thinks. At this time, he should not hurry up and inform all parties to see what he is doing. What's the use?

He naturally didn't know what the Western Emperor thought, this guy was an extremely selfish person. This guy didn't even think about anyone's life or death, all he thought about was what would happen to his empire. If he doesn’t have his own empire, even if he retains a large number of people to survive and have a relationship with him, this is how he thinks. What this guy is still afraid of is what he is about to do. If these tyrants are in the Western Empire They can’t control the overall situation at all. These people are not fuel-efficient lamps one by one. They will also shoot with others for their own benefit. Many people have this idea. For this idea, he wants to suppress this matter. Go down. Anyway, as long as the emperor of Beasts has not grown up, he doesn’t need to be so anxious. He has to do his own work before he can start with those Beasts. Things will be prioritized. He is very clear about such things. , What do so many people do.

"Two of you, you have been listening to me for a long time. You are also tenth-level fighters. You are still my predecessors. You know more things than I do. Don’t you know that this matter may give the whole Is there any danger that the mainland brings? You all know clearly, don’t you just look at it now? By then, tens of billions of people will die here in the whole mainland, and you will be the sinners here at that time. Do you know that? Clear?" King Lear has been talking to the two tenth-level fighters who are looking at him for a long time these days, and almost everything has to be said, but these two guys have not spoken. Every guy is always drinking, don't watch this guy drink so much alcohol and his body is full of alcohol, but King Lear knows that this guy is not an opponent of this guy even if he drinks too much alcohol.

"Haha. King Lear, you are just a junior. How long have you been a tenth-level fighter? If I didn’t guess wrong, when I was a tenth-level fighter, I guess your grandfather hadn’t been born yet. Why don’t the two of us die for so long? Why aren’t the other tenth-level fighters so perpetual?” The other non-drinker said, this guy has been looking at his chessboard since he came in until now. When speaking, King Lear himself was speaking these days, and everyone else was listening to him. No one was comfortable saying this.

"Why?" King Lear squeezed out these three words for a long time. In fact, he also wanted to know before. All the contemporaries of these two tenth-level fighters are already dead. Why are the two of them? You can live to the present. Anyone wants to live longer. King Lear is no exception. He also hopes to live longer. The attraction of this thing is very powerful. Yes, people with status like them can say that they live the life of a master every day, and naturally they don't want to die like that.

"It's very simple. Both of us are royal families of the Western Empire. We have existed since the day the Empire existed. It can be said that our existence is the guarantee for the existence of the Western Empire, and the Western Empire is also our guarantee and our enemies. There are also many, and some are stronger than us. Our brothers offended the Northern Empire Wizards’ Union. We were not killed by more than a dozen ninth-level magicians. That’s why, because the Northern Empire would not because of us. This is a large-scale battle with the Western Empire, so the two of us did not die. If the Western Empire didn’t care about us, we would have died long ago, and they would have a limit to us. That’s because we are the royal family of the Western Empire and no one knows. The time we have survived, hehe, boy, you are still too young. Now the Western Empire is going through a big change. We can only choose to stand on the side of the Western Empire. As for the death of tens of billions of people, it is not only My Western Empire is dead, how many people are there on the mainland? It’s about 900 billion people, too much population is not a good thing, there are so many places, so many people need Warcraft to help us digest, otherwise This population has exploded, and you can’t get enough to eat.” The old guy said with a smile. The tenth-level fighter was able to say such things, which made King Lear dumbfounded. The tenth-level fighter of the Western Empire could even say With such words, many times the people of the Western Empire thought that the tenth-level fighters were all people with both ability and political integrity, but they didn't expect it to be so.

Tenth-level fighters don't care about the life and death of ordinary people. This is a normal thing, even King Lear himself thinks so. But there must be a limit to this. It can’t belong to many people, hundreds of thousands or even millions or even tens of millions of people, King Lear can’t see it in his own eyes, but if this number is It is not a trivial matter to explode tens of thousands of times. For example, tens of billions of people die casually. This is still a good time of operation. If the operation is not good, hundreds of billions are possible. This thing is not a joke, it is the King of Warcraft.

"You are too selfish like this. The matter of the King of Beasts can be big or small. Now we don’t care about this guy, then this guy will definitely grow up very quickly in the future. Now we just need to send a strong The team can go in and search. Once we find this guy, then we can quickly kill this guy. There is no need to die so many people. This monster will not have a big rebound, but wait until the emperor. .." King Lear did not finish the rest of his words. Tenth-level fighters are invincible. But among the invincible tenth-level fighters, there were even more powerful. King Lear slowly lost consciousness, and the tenth-level fighter who was drinking came over and gave him a look.

"It's so dazzling, this kid is just talking about it, what is the world, what is the world, I really don't know if he really puts the world on the shoulders of this kid, can he bear it?" The drinker continued after speaking. I went back to my place to drink. If you don’t drink now, you may not have a chance, but there will be more things in the future.

"Hehe, it's hard to see that a kid chatting with our brothers, you have a lot of things, now it's all right, there is no sound. Go to sleep." The tenth-level fighter who was talking also went to sleep with his body turned over.

Such a big thing was suppressed by the emperor of the Western Empire. Such a thing had never happened before, but under the pressure of the imperial power, this thing became possible. In many cases, everything must be given power. Concession.

Look at Li Cong again. Now Li Cong took Bai Er and a dozen of his entourages to a county seat under Jiangning City. The reason why Li Cong came here is because there is a Liehu Village here. This village used to be It’s not called Orion Village. I just don’t know when it will start. The villagers here don’t like to play with the dealer on the land. They all went hunting in the old woods outside. The hunting here is totally different from Li from entering the Warcraft Mountains. Again, this is their base area. They are very familiar with it. There are no monsters in it. There are only some wild beasts. They live on these wild beasts. The area of ​​this old forest is not small. Otherwise, usually There will not be so many beasts for them to eat.

The reason why Li came from here is that he hopes to get a lot of archers. The most commonly used weapon for hunters is bows and arrows, so their bow and arrow skills should be very powerful. As long as they find a large number of such people, they can use Dan. The medicine will give them a little reminder, they are archers, and then they can form a team of thousands of archers, all six archers, if they shoot magic arrows together, it is estimated that tenth-level fighters and ninth-level archers. If the magician has to retreat honestly, of course, ordinary magic arrows are useless. The integrated magic arrows in Li Cong’s hands are absolutely fine. The combination of water and ice, and fire following the wind. Combination is definitely the best match.

The distance between the small village and Jiangning city is not very far. If it is far away, it is estimated that Li Cong will have to use an airship to pass. A dozen people talked and laughed along the way and basically reached the place. Li Cong just said he It’s a manager of the Cao’s family firm, not a master earl. If that’s the case, it would be a big deal. Even so, it’s not like that when Li had never been in this town, all the managers in this town ran out. They greeted Li Cong, but they knew what was going on with the Cao family. There were less than 60,000 people in this town, and more than 30,000 of them belonged to the Cao family’s tenants. It was the officials in these towns. They are also inextricably related to the Cao family. The steward of the Cao family is better than the county grandfather, who is the largest in their county of hundreds of thousands. An official, but the county grandfather seems to be a little less useful compared with the Cao’s steward. The county grandfather can only manage this place, and the Cao’s steward is in charge of many places. They are naturally more respectful with their thoughts.

Li Cong didn't make any stop when he arrived in the town, but the team expanded a lot, at least more than fifty people. They all ran towards a small village about 20 miles away from the town. There are 350 households in Liehu Village. The village has two surnames, Chen and Li, and there are less than 2,000 people. It is a small village around here. It is not a small village. The people in this village have a pretty good life. The average village that specializes in farm work has enough food and clothing every year. In addition to food and clothing, they can still have some change, and this recipe is much better than in other villages. In other villages, houses are generally made of earthen soil. The recipes here are at least made of stone, and the material costs alone are quite a lot.

"My lord, many people here have no one at home at this time. They don't stay at home when the spring is blooming. They must have all gone to the old forest. They all need to hunt at this time. Yes." The mayor nodded and said with a bow. The other people looked a little strange. The mayor is usually dazzling. That official face is very, very long. Many people know that their mayor is very powerful, and only a few people know that the mayor’s ability to fawn on people is also very powerful, just like now .

"Well, the mayor, this Orion Village guards a very huge forest, so I think it's not the only village with Orion people around it. How many villages are there around?" Li Cong thought for a while. He has no time to wrestle with these people.

"Master Guan, the area of ​​this old forest is not small, much larger than a Jiangning city. This old forest is not just our county city, he is the junction of the three county cities. There are hunters everywhere here. There’s more, but all the hunters have to go in here. For one thing, the people here are very familiar with the old forest. Some maps and everything are here for us. Secondly, it’s us. A system has been formed in this town, just like the system of Haojiangning City for the entire Monster Mountain Range." The mayor said with a smile. Just now, Li originally wanted to walk around the town. However, thinking of doing serious things without going over to see what is going on, there is no past in this town. Thinking about it now, it should really be over. Maybe there are many things to learn from in this place.

When Li Cong heard this guy say that, he had his own cares in his heart. He also knew what to do with this matter. What he needed was a large number of archers. Obviously, the archers in this village were not enough. It’s definitely an astronomical figure to recruit thousands of level six archers, but it’s very easy to find thousands of ordinary archers. Li Cong looks for these people because they are familiar with the forest. , They are also first-line archers. Although they are not playing Warcraft, they basically have the same place. If you train a little in the future, this is absolutely no problem, and these archers are only formed by Li Cong. Part of the archers, there is another part Li Cong can not be found from the people, but to find in the army, the archers in the army also have their own skills, that is discipline.

The village mayor Chen Changkui has been waiting at the entrance of the village for a long time. Someone sent a message in the morning saying that the mayor is bringing guests over. This old guy waited here early in the morning. The old village head has already been there this year. He is eighty-five years old. For an ordinary person, such an age is already very rare. Chen Changkui watched the team quickly bring two of his men over, and Li Cong glanced at it. The old village chief Zhang's is really a simple and honest look. The two people behind him are his two sons. This village has also become a hereditary system?

"My lord mayor, you can be regarded as coming. I have been waiting for you since the morning. I didn't expect you to come to us at this point. We are all waiting in a hurry. Hurry up and enter the village. The guests are all ready for the whole sheep feast. We don’t have any good things in this mountain. We don’t have rare things like wild beasts. They are everywhere. We raise this sheep by ourselves. This thing is in many places. But there is no, only our lamb here is the best." The old village chief is obviously a scheming person, thinking that to entertain these people is to let them eat and drink. Li Cong smiled and nodded. , Since they have already brought themselves here, these mayors don't need to stay here anymore, and then they will be cumbersome to stay here. Li Cong gave Bai Er a wink.

Bai Er nodded and told the mayor to go out. The mayor was also very fond of Bai Er. This guy is just an outside manager of the Cao family, but this outfit is not cheap, just say that this guy’s waist That pendant of ‘’s would cost a thousand taels of silver. Where can I get so much silver? I don’t have that much money. This town is not as profitable as those big cities. After all these years, I can make my family better than ordinary people.

"The mayor. Our Lord Cao is resting here today. He is very satisfied with the reception here. When you turn back to the mayor, you will wait for the good news. Anyway, high promotion is something for sure." Bai Er laughed By the way, Bai Er's suggestion can be said to be a very simple matter in the officialdom. It is a pity that the mayor in front of him has not dealt with the people above, and I don’t know that this is a promise to him. , I had to spend a long time with Bai Er's ink marks, I don't know what level of ascension is. In the end, Bai Er still used five hundred taels of silver to get away. If he knew that the silver would be useful, he would have given it. Bai Er didn't know how to use silver. He really thought that the mayor was of a higher level. Who knew it was nothing. level.

After the dozen or so people left outside, the old village chief and several old people in the village also let go. The whole sheep banquet here is really very famous. The sheep's blood and sheep's whip are really very authentic. Li Cong's food is also very comfortable. Although this wine is not a good wine, it is very comfortable to drink, although there is no winter now. It was so cold, but it was still very cold in the early spring. So drinking wine in such a place is still very warm, but Li Cong's drinking and eating mutton is a different kind of enjoyment.

"Old village chief, I heard that the people in our village can shoot arrows, but there are a lot of them?" Li Cong also started to do business when he was almost eating. He was looking for such a pure natural one. To put it bluntly, he had no contact. The people who have crossed the rivers and lakes are the best.

"Hehe, Lord, I'm talking about this. Before, our place was not called Orion Village. It's only recently that it has become like this. All the men in our village are Archery, teenagers can go to the old forest to do things. They are not afraid of those wild beasts. Although many people around are entering the old forest to look for the wild beasts, what they find is simply incomparable to what we found. Yes, we found more than ten times the beast they found, so our village is called Orion Village." The old village chief’s face is full of pride, so I can’t wait to talk about things like this. For days and nights, the country people are simple in their hearts. As long as they are a little stronger than those in the surrounding villages, they will save face. They don't know that the outside world is tens of thousands of times more exciting than here.

"The village chief is right. We came here for this reason. Let me tell you, sir, we are here to find some helpers. We are all from the Cao family firm. Have you heard of the house firm?" Bai Er saw Li Cong's eyes and said, the old man could tell that he knew this when he heard the expression of Cao’s house firm.

"Why don't you know this? This is our biggest food merchant here. Our Orion Village is good for everything, but the problem of food is not good. Although this prey is also edible, it cannot be eaten all year round. Meat is very bad for people’s health. Besides, we all hope to eat some food, so we still buy a lot of food every year. In the past, the food merchants disliked us. This place is far from being dangerous, so we don’t want to deliver food. When we go out to buy it, they add our price. We know that our village does not produce food and we have to buy food. If others have 15 cents, we will have to pay two. For ten cents, there are more things like this, but these are all things in the past, and it has been different since the Cao family firm came. Old man, when I see others, I do big things, so I don’t want to be frustrated here. In terms of small profit, the food we buy is at the same price as others, and every year in spring and autumn, people are sent directly to us. The price is only one penny per catty, from the town to us. The travel expenses for this penny is also a capital, but our big guys are very grateful to them. You are also from the Cao family firm? No, it's not the time to deliver food. Why are you here?" In concept, it seems that only people who send food here can come here. Nothing else will come.

"Hehe, sir, we are not here to deliver food. The food deliverer has to come over a few days. We are here hoping to find some help in our village. As you know, our business houses are everywhere. Normal people It’s not easy for us to use it. We have to find someone who has the ability. No one recommends you here anymore. We need someone who can shoot arrows.” Bai Er said while eating the leg of lamb. There is no need to hide it. In fact, although the current society is a feudal economy, many people have already realized that farming at home is not as good as making money outside. Most of the capable people generally go out to make money. The land in my own home can only be mixed with food and clothing.

"My God, is there such a good thing?" The old village chief immediately threw down the leg of lamb in his hand, thinking that these people were friends of the mayor. To go for a stroll in the old forest for two laps, in fact, many friends like the mayor came here before. They didn’t want to hunt in the old forest at all. What they were after was some prey in Liehu Village. , When they leave, they will buy these things at a very low price, and you have to sell them, but the mayor brought them. If you don’t sell it to others, the mayor’s dog-legs will come and ask for trouble the next day, and then it will be a trouble for the whole village. Although the villagers hate this kind of thing very much, but fortunately only a year. Only two or three times, Shinnin can pass. There is nothing to say, so everyone acquiesced. No, since I saw Li Cong, as long as they have prey, they have to go back and prepare. No matter what, they have to pool a car for them.

"Hehe, of course it's a good thing. We need your great archers here. The wages are not low. How about we can get three taels of silver every month?" Bai Er said with a smile. Of course he is in such a place. Knowing what the price is for three taels of silver, the servants in this yamen have only two taels of silver a month. What good fortune can they have orion?

"A couple of dollars, my God, are you kidding me? This is not nonsense. My old man can't stand your fooling." The village head jumped up from his seat, he really didn't expect to return There are such good things. There are only two surnames in this village. They are all related to each other. Either this family married your girl, or your niece came to my house. After so many hundreds of years Basically, all of them are related to each other. Everyone is expecting to go to the old forest to hang around. Although it is dangerous, there are still a few taels of silver in a year. This is a month. It's only a couple of dollars, so how can you not be excited, but the old village chief also thought of another question. The money given so much must be a very dangerous thing.

"Master Cao, don't hide it from me. Isn't this particularly dangerous?" The old man's face showed vigilance, and Li Cong also saved a sentence in his heart. These people often see the money. I can't see the danger, this old man hasn't lost his way. If I were someone else, he would definitely agree to that immediately, and would he take care of other things?

"Hehe, old village chief, it is impossible to say that there is no danger. I can only hope that my future is dangerous. Could it be that your villagers are not dangerous if they look for wild animals in the old forest? That’s impossible, right? They are also very dangerous, the old village chief, this one I found is a dangerous thing, but it’s definitely not illegal, and I told you, as long as they are injured or disabled. I have raised their whole family for the rest of my life. If each of me who is unfortunately killed will be given a pension of one thousand taels of silver, everything in the family will be my Cao family business in the future." Li Cong said categorically and told these people. If there is no danger, it is impossible. The secret force that you have formed is very dangerous. If this is not clear to others, how can it be done?

Obviously these people were frightened by what Li Cong said. They all thought about a thousand taels of silver. I don’t know if this was in exchange for their own lives. The faces of several people were exposed. The look of yearning, it seems that I feel that my life can sell for a thousand taels of silver is still very good, only the old village chief's heart is a little drumming.

"Brother, I think this thing is okay, where it is not dangerous to do things, look at the widows in our village, who did not lose their lives in the old forest. So many people in our village, every time they enter There will be a few people in the mountain who can’t come back. They die and have nothing. Our village can only guarantee that they will not die from starvation. We really don’t have the ability to manage the rest. Do you remember the previous ones? When the time died, the man’s family relied on relief from the village every day. This is okay if it is a good year. But if it is a bad year, they can only starve to death. This is with the Cao’s family members. If something goes wrong, it will cost a thousand taels of silver, and he won't be able to get the money for a lifetime in the old forest, and they are all willing." A person next to the village chief said, he was very in favor of this.

"Yeah, the village chief, I think this is basically possible. The number of people who have died in our village over the years is not a small number, but there is no blood money." Several other people also said. Yes, although this incident came very suddenly. But these people also understand that if this matter comes late, it is not dangerous to implement it.

"The head of the village, if you don't rest assured, it's okay. As long as the people we select can first pay a year's salary to the family, so that their family will have a place. I won't say 36 taels. I just give 40 taels of silver per person, how about it?" Li Cong was already a little moved when he saw the old village chief. At this time, the iron must be hot.

"Master Cao, we haven't encountered this before. I don't believe you, but I can't control this matter. There are more than 1,000 people in the village who can enter the old forest. We all have to ask others for advice, don’t we?" The old village chief said with some embarrassment on his face, "And now they are not in the village, they are all in the old forest, they should be back in these two days. If Mr. Cao has time, can he wait here for two days?" said the old village chief, although he is highly respected in the village. But the call is not to be foolish.

"Yes, this is how it should be. I was too anxious just now. We have nothing to do anyway and just wait here for two days. Old village chief, this is 50 taels of silver, which is a little bit of our heart to you. It can be regarded as our accommodation expenses for the past few days." Li Cong took out a fifty silver ingot and said. The eyes of the people around Li Cong immediately changed. They had never seen it so big. For a piece of silver, this head is very big.

"This.. How embarrassing..." The old village chief kept saying that he can't collect money. Just now, he patronized and talked. He didn't think of such a thing at all. Now I understand it. These people seem to be It's really different from the people brought by the mayor before. When did those people come out with money? Most of the time they were asking for things.

After a few people had finished eating, the old village head began to arrange places for these people to rest. There are still a lot of places left in the village. Li Cong and Bai Er lived in the old village head’s house. The old village chief’s six sons and three daughters are already married, and the youngest son is already helping him with some village affairs. The eldest son is already in his sixties, and when he went to the mountains for decades After breaking his leg, the wife ran away, and the child was gone. Didn't this also live with the old village chief? Li Cong and Bai Er followed this big brother to rest in a room.

The long-term disability made the village chief’s eldest son very uncomfortable. Speaking of it, he has his own career. There is a small restaurant in the village. He cannot go hunting in the mountains with artificial limbs, but he can feast the whole sheep. If you do well, you can support yourself. The thing you want most in this life is to see your child. Unfortunately, the child was taken away by that wife decades ago. He has no abilities, so naturally he can’t find it. When I came back, I was very sad after talking to Li Cong for a while.

"Brother, your craft is really good. If you like, follow me out to meet the outside world?" Li Cong thought that if the specialty of the Grand Hyatt Hotel could have such a craft, it should be very good.

"Hehe, I'm like this. What are you going out to do? My father told me just now. If I had nothing to do with my legs and feet back then, I would have a good future with you. You belong to the Cao family firm. , But I’m like this. In addition to being able to cook, I can’t do anything. I have to be in a good environment. That’s not good in the wild. If there is any danger, I’m dragged down by others." Chen The boss's heart is also depressed. Although the people in the mountains haven't come back yet, he also knows what happened to Li from here. If his body was okay back then, it would definitely be okay to go out and hang out for a while. It can also be mixed up with a lot of achievements. Speaking of this hunting ability, except for my own Laozi in this village, this is no better than I was in the Now, I still don't want that.

"Hehe, it's your cooking skills, how about it? Do you want to be a chef in a big hotel? If your craftsmanship can help me find a few more apprentices, your business will be a big deal. , So, if you go, fifty taels of silver per month, food and lodging, and a cook, I don’t want him to be 100% like you, as long as you look like you I’ll give you five hundred taels more, how about it?” Li Cong said with a smile. If this whole sheep feast is really worth this amount for a meal in the Grand Hyatt Hotel, this boss Chen’s labor was given by Li Cong. It's cheaper, but it's not like that in the eyes of Boss Chen, dozens of taels of silver? What a joke, even if the small restaurant owned by Mr. Chen is full of friends every day, it is impossible to earn this income a year. You can get five hundred taels of silver if you pay an apprentice. It is estimated that the whole village will not have this money for a year. Boss Chen thought that as long as he had money, he could find a lot of people to help him find his son. Although he also knew that his son was in this county, he probably hadn’t traveled far, but he just didn’t know where he was. If you have money, you can trust someone, and his desire for money is also very strong.

"But I will do this whole sheep feast, nothing else. I heard that the chefs in this big hotel have to know a lot of dishes." Mr. Chen said with some worry. Things are indeed a bit embarrassing. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...) Guiqiu to share

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