Energy Group

Chapter 1905:

"Brother-in-law, your charm is not so powerful. Look at this woman. After wandering around for a while, there are not many people around here that she can see. Basically, she doesn’t stay with us. Minutes, it's on your body. This is amazing." Yang Hao looked at Ouyang Qiu and said, it is strange to say that they should see more beauties one by one, so they should not be one. Women are so confused, but they are really like that.

"Yeah, brother-in-law, we are really envious. You have to teach us something like this in the future, so that we won't be so embarrassed when we go out." Yang Chuan also said, Li Cong said to them. I'm really speechless. I can only make silent protests. Why don't they have any intention to control Li Cong? How can they be their brother-in-law, and their relationship with their sister is so weak? It’s not surprising that they have such thoughts that contributed to their brother-in-law’s love affairs. In this world, it is normal for men to have three wives and four concubines, except for those who have no money to marry. How could a person with a little money and power have only one wife.

"Wait... Oh my goodness, brother-in-law, she seems to be walking towards us..." It's still a while since Li knew the distance, so he stopped messing around with these boys. Just close your eyes and rest your mind. Sure enough, these guys won't bother yourself after a while, just about to take a rest, one by one came again, when Li Cong opened his eyes, this Ouyang Qiu was already like himself. Li Cong looked at Ouyang Qiu in surprise, but he had nothing to do with this woman, and a fool could see that Ouyang Qiu came here for himself.

"Miss, do you have anything to do?" Li Cong said in a horrified voice. The dozens of men around, including his brother-in-laws, couldn't wait to go up and beat this guy. What do you mean by asking? When you talk, you have to ask others to sit down first and see how you look like. A face of dissatisfaction, as if someone came over to disturb you to sleep, such a person really doesn’t know what to say, you are sitting, and the girl is standing, why is there such a gentlemanly demeanor, fortunately Yang Chuan is still very insightful. He quickly stood up and let Ouyang Qiu sit down, his action also attracted a few eyes. Several people wanted Ouyang Qiu to sit in their seats.

"Mr., if I guessed correctly, you should be a magician?" Ouyang Qiu said with a smile. The smile on his face really attracted the people around him. To be worthy of the title of beauty, there is no beauty in the country and the city, but everyone's every move is to break the hearts of many people here, at least in the surroundings.

"Yes, you are right, it seems you can feel some magic fluctuations. If I guess right, you should be a magic apprentice." Li Cong was not surprised, everyone felt for Li Cong's words Unfortunately, why doesn’t this mind wander about? It’s good to talk more about other things. There are not many opportunities to talk to such a woman. Isn’t it possible to say a lot during the guessing process? It’s good. The opportunity let Li Cong go so far. Moreover, Li Cong seems to have no interest in this.

"Yes, Master Mage, I am an apprentice of magic, but recently I have also felt some information that can be advanced. If I can, I will become a magician, although the acquired magician is not as good as the innate. . But it can also fulfill my dream of being a magician." Her words surprised everyone around me. Only one out of a million people with a better sense of magic can become a magic apprentice. Among these thousand magic apprentices It is estimated that there can be someone who can become a magician. Ouyang Qiu must have full confidence in saying this. If this girl awakens from fire magic, it is estimated that this girl may become a pharmacist, everyone. Thinking of here, everyone held their breath. This woman is estimated to be the number one talented woman in the world by then, and she is already a master of forging. She is still a magician. The most important thing is that she may become a pharmacist. A hundred years or two hundred years is nothing. In short, people have this. hopefully.

"Then congratulate you on becoming a magician. If that day comes, I will be the first to congratulate your magician." After Li Cong finished speaking, there was no more words. Sitting there seemed to be under God, in fact, Li Cong is not so incomprehensible. He knows that this woman will definitely have her own ideas when she finds herself. It is better not to talk too much when she does not know what the woman thinks. After you have some friendship, you have to give yourself something. It's not for you to refuse, and it's not for you to refuse. You can't do things that make you embarrassed.

Ouyang Qiu’s face is a bit unable to come to the stage. Several people around want to go up and give a good lesson to Li Cong, a boy who does not know the heights and heights. You must know that this woman has many more suitors than Yang Qiu, Yang Qiu Such talented warriors can come out one or two in almost every province. There are not many talents like her. It is not surprising that such a person has a large number of suitors, but these people think of Li Cong's magic Let’s forget the identity of the teacher. Besides, the few people around this guy are from the Yang family. Although there are many people here who are not afraid of the Yang family, they are more or less the land of the Yang family. If there is a conflict between people, it will not do you any good. It is better to be honest.

"Hehe, Miss Ouyang, my brother-in-law is a little tired recently, so she is a little bit powerless in socializing." Yang Chuan quickly explained to Li Cong, in fact, if it wasn't Ouyang Qiu in front of him, if he was replaced by another woman. She will definitely say, "I said you this woman is annoying. Didn't you see that my brother-in-law ignored you? Get out of here."

"Yes, yes, my brother-in-law came here these past two days to spend my honeymoon with my sister, so I have been tired recently, and some things in our family have bothered my brother-in-law." Yang Chuan also wants to talk to Ouyang Qiu said two sentences. Although a few words may not be able to do anything for them, it is good to have a familiar face. It seems that this can also add points to himself. Yang Chuan has another meaning. That is, Li Cong is already a married man. If you have any ideas, it would be better to take a break. It is better to consider those of us who are unmarried. This kid is really sinister.

"How many young masters, if I read correctly, you should be from the Yang family in Yandong Province?" Ouyang Qiu said.

"Exactly, in Xia Yangchuan, these are my brothers." When talking about the family, these people did not look like hippie smiles. One by one, they are beginning to be serious, which represents the face of the family.

"So this is?" Ouyang Qiu looked at Li Cong and said, she knew a little bit about the Yang family, but was not so sure.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I am their brother-in-law." When I saw these guys, I had to tell my own history and said quickly. I really don’t understand these guys. I said just now. They belong to the Ouyang family. It is you who say that they are not good, and it is also you who are going to have a relationship with their daughters.

These guys really wanted to talk to Ouyang Qiu about Li Cong. Firstly, Li Cong is their brother-in-law. People here don’t know Li Cong’s identity. Li Cong is very famous in the empire. What makes Li Cong famous is nothing but his great master. There hasn’t been a single person who can scare hundreds of ninth-level masters in the last tens of thousands of years. Secondly, they also want to have a good conversation with Ouyang Qiu. After that, even if they go back and brag about it, they have a capital. But their dream was so broken by Li Congji. Don't say anything one by one, just block it back for you.

It’s all for this. If Ouyang Qiu still doesn’t say what he really came for, it is estimated that in the next game, Li Cong might say that Ouyang Qiu is going back, and Li Cong can definitely do something like this. Li Cong also admires good women very much, but he has no interest in such nicknamed viper. It's better not to have any contact with her. Ouyang Qiu obviously realized this. When she was about to talk, another person stood between her and Li Cong. This guy is very strong and can block them. The two saw each other.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. You were too much just now, so immediately apologize to Miss Ouyang, or I will break your neck." The stout guy said, standing here as if It's like a wall. Such a person is really powerful. It seems that he must be a sixth-level fighter, and he must be of that type of strength. Most of the people in this house are of the younger generation, and there are definitely very few people capable of this.

"Muzhan, it has nothing to do with you..." Ouyang Qiu saw the flame coming towards him before he could finish his sentence, but it dissipated when he was about to reach him. The one who went out with this flame was the wooden station. Looking at the very powerful guy, he had already flown out five meters by this time, and now he crushed a table next door to his house. That’s right, this is Li Cong. The fire magic used to resist the ring of fire is known to many people in this room. You can use the ring of resisting fire to push out the sixth-level fighters without moving. This kind of ability is definitely a magician above the seventh level. Such people can be called masters, and such people may not be suitable for them.

"Asshole, your kid unexpectedly...spit..." Mu Zhan stood up with difficulty supporting the thing next to him. When he wanted to say something, a mouthful of blood came out. This resistance to the ring of fire is not only for him If the enemy leaves himself, if he encounters a low-level enemy, it can kill him. If Li wanted to kill this wooden station just now, he would probably do it immediately, just thinking of the great power of this empire. The family seems to have a surname Mu, maybe this kid is.

The Mu family is a giant in the Northern Empire and the Western Empire. The two brothers of the Mu family's ancestors assist the Western Empire and the Northern Empire. They are also the only family on the entire continent that has a knighthood in the two empires. The Northern Empire is much stronger than the Yang family. In the Northern Empire, the Mu family has three dukes, one marquise, and eleven earls. There are more titles below the viscount. In terms of government, it is now the Ministry of Industry of the court. A large number of officials, including Shang Shu, Deputy Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, and Capital Government Yin, belong to the Mu family. There are also several generals and a dozen generals in the military. As for the generals, there are more. Now, there are several governors, a dozen governors, and a lot of inspectors. It can be said that it makes the entire empire a behemoth. Of course, it is a bit different from the Tuoba clan in the Western Empire.

"I don't like talking to people who are disrespectful to me. Even if you come over and say a word, I still feel uncomfortable. I will teach you this time. If your family is not satisfied, you can Come straight up, I don’t really like giving face to others.” Li Cong is still in the same posture just now. Muzhan is a branch of the Mu family in the east. It can be said that it is not the core of the Mu family, but this kid still relies on his own ability. Let the Mu family elders in the capital see their own abilities, and now Muzhan is the next generation that the family will take care of. The people in this east are basically very generous to Muzhan, don't think that this guy is a brash man. But this is still very cautious in his heart. This is Ouyang Qiu today. He will definitely not stand up after changing someone else. It is a pity that he is destined to become a joke today.

"Asshole, who do you think you are, leave your name to me if you have a kind." Muzhan yelled.

"Hehe, this is what you said, I have a quirk, and I can’t say it. It’s a habit. If I answer a question from my opponent, I will take something from him, of course. It won't let you die, now you still let me answer your question?" Li Cong said with a smile. At this time, Yang Chuan and the others almost regarded Li Cong as the **** in their hearts. This brother-in-law is really amazing. He will definitely show his face after coming out. People like Muzhan are so arrogant, but in front of his brother-in-law, they are like pigs and dogs.

Mu Station swallowed a little bit hard, in fact, this guy knew he was not the opponent of the person in front of him, let alone himself. Even ten people who I don't think are opponents of others. Now that people say that is to save their own face, I have to say something that makes myself so uncomfortable, and now it's nothing.

"Hehe, he seems to be a timid guy. Since you don't have the guts to sacrifice part of your body. Then I don't have to tell you who I am, do I? It's fair." Li Cong smiled He said, he can treat this matter as nothing, but Muzhan can’t do that, because Li Cong’s remarks made Muzhan very faceless. It can be said to be a shame. People’s impression is that they are careless, not afraid of death, and are a sturdy boy. It is precisely because of this that people around them all give way when they encounter this guy, but today’s things make everyone understand. In fact, this guy is not acting on the surface. This guy would be scared too. The magician in front of him made Mu Zhan scared. He was also a coward. Everyone looked at Mu Zhan with ridicule. If Mu Zhan is a guy with a shaky mind If it is, it is estimated that he will rush forward at this time, but unfortunately he does not, which means he cares about himself very much.

Snapped! ! This is the sound of a slap on the face. The slap is a middle-aged man. Behind him stood several similarly angry people. Li Cong could guess from the expression on Muzhan’s face, this person It should be the elders of the Mu family. The elders of the Mu family have appeared. This is really a big deal. On such occasions, these older generations shouldn’t be here, even if they want to watch this blacksmith do something. They are all from the box on the second floor, and they will never come to the hall below. It must be because of the wooden station.

"Master Cao, my little nephew was rude, and made Master Cao laugh. It's because our discipline is not good. I hope Master Cao Haihan." This guy came up and called out Li Cong's name. It seems that this guy really knows Li. From the origin, the Mu family is very powerful, but Mu Zhan is not a very important person in the Mu family. Besides, this matter is always Mu Zhan’s fault from beginning to end. Those who are uncles can look at Mu from above. Stand to bully others, but you can’t watch the Mu Family appear such an enemy, and it’s an enemy they can’t solve. Let’s not talk about the terrifying master of Li Cong, even the master of Li Cong’s wizards’ union will let him They suffer a lot, and Li Cong's master is famous for protecting shortcomings.

"Well, it's okay, I won't know him in general. Some of them must be in charge of the Mu family. I have no intention of being an enemy of your Mu family. It's just that this kid was really a bit hateful just now, and you all saw it. That's it." Li Cong said with a smile. The Mu family is indeed not a simple family, and it is good to pass peacefully.

"This is natural, and we have no intention of being an enemy of Mr. Cao. We still want to explain to Mr. Cao. Since Mr. Cao said so, it saves us a lot of effort. If Mr. Cao has time, If you don’t want to. Why don’t I be a host for dinner tonight, and be shocked by Master Cao?” This guy said, and everyone around was still wondering who was Master Cao. This guy proposed to have dinner with Li Cong and wanted to cooperate with Li Cong. There are a lot of people.

"Okay, let's talk at the time." Li Cong said with a smile. Several people from the Mu family pulled the wooden station on the ground and left. This guy is unlikely to appear in front of people in the future. This kid made a big mistake this time, even people like Yang Chuan knew it. Once you encounter such a scene, you can only bite the bullet, and you can’t lose face even if you lose your arm or something. This guy is fine, and loses face directly. This kind of thing is really the first thing. Once encountered, many children of the family also looked down upon Muzhan at this time.

"Haha, the Mu family are really quick to do things. I originally wanted to have dinner with Mrs. Cao. Now it seems that they were preempted by them." After the Mu family left, the people around were naturally unhappy. The eyes were always on Li Cong's side. After they left, Ouyang Qiu said, it seemed that this girl really didn't mean to leave.

"You don't need to have dinner so much trouble. If Miss Ouyang has something to say, there is no need to go around in circles." Li Cong said with a smile, his identity has been revealed at this moment. There is no need to hide it.

"Master Cao is really a refreshing person, and the rumors outside are really not false. This is what happened. We know that the Yang family bought a lot of food from Master Cao. I wonder if Master Cao wants to follow suit. As for our idea of ​​doing business, we have absolutely no less mines than the Yang family. We have hundreds of millions of workers, and their food problem has always been a problem for us." Like the Yang family, this The Ouyang family also trades in minerals, and their workers are all calculated with a hundred million, and there is nowhere to have food around, so they can only be exhausted with food. They are naturally aware of the recent changes in the Yang family.

"Theoretically speaking, this matter should be okay. From the warehouse of the Yang family to yours, you can take the Magnolia River. It is estimated that it will be there in two days, but this matter is not that simple. You and my father-in-law There is a hostile relationship. Your two are competitors. If I sell you food, you may be able to reduce production costs a lot, and then your prices will be much cheaper. Isn’t it my father-in-law? You will lose a lot of opportunities. You should know that the gap between your two families is very small. A slight change may affect the current balance. I will go to my father-in-law to drink in the future. So this matter needs to be considered." Li Cong said with a smile. These words he said are just a shirk. The relationship between the Yang family and Li Cong is not to this extent, just a few Yang family’s on this table. Each of the young people didn't understand this truth. They all thought that Li Cong would really think that way, and they were so touched. This brother-in-law is really very good.

"Master Cao is talking about business. The Yang family is indeed competing with us, but as far as I know, the Yang family and your wife, Ms. Yang Qiu, seem to have had some unpleasant experiences. It’s not as good as you said, so I have reason to believe that the relationship between Master Cao and the Yang family is not very good, don’t know if I’m right?” This woman’s guess is somewhat reasonable, but this woman After all, he was not a god, and I couldn't guess what Li Cong was thinking.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The relationship between brother-in-law and our Yang family is naturally good. Don't talk nonsense." Before Li Cong could say anything, Yang Chuan couldn't sit still. At the beginning, the Yang family felt this. The family relationship is good. After confirming this, it can be said that everyone around you will know, and even the emperor of the capital asked people to send things.

"Yes, Miss Ouyang, don't talk nonsense. The relationship between me and my father-in-law's house has always been very good. If you continue to say these things, I think we can end it now, there is nothing left to say "Li Cong said, Ouyang Qiu also understood what Li Cong meant, but these guys didn’t understand very much. They thought Li Cong really didn’t want to talk to this woman. In fact, Li Cong meant that if Ouyang Qiu still Don't talk about cooperation without telling some substantive things. Even the conversation can't continue. This thing is so cruel, and there is not so much time for nonsense.

"Is it possible for Young Master Yang to avoid it? I want to talk to Master Cao about some of the things between us. Don't worry, the time will definitely not be very long, and it will end when the forging begins. "Ouyang Qiu said that. The few boys around here wanted to show their gentlemanly demeanor. Naturally, they left quickly, but they sat down on the seats next to them. They were still staring here. . If they can read spoken English, they might know what they are talking about here, but unfortunately none of them can understand this.

"Master Cao is really amazing. If you have the opportunity in the future, you must learn from Master Cao. Master Cao does things that people can't see clearly, and Master Cao has to do things that he doesn't like to do. This offends others. The matter is naturally mine." Ouyang Qiu said with a bit of resentment, but Li Cong didn't seem to care about this woman's thoughts at all.

"This seems to be a bit wrong, why don't you say that you actually do this thing? If I ask you, I wouldn't do such a thing, right?" Li Cong said. Just define this matter directly.

"I want you? No. Cao, I definitely don't mean that. What I want to say is a win-win plan for both of us. Cao can open a large number of food stores of his own, and We can also have a lot of food to feed our miners. How can this matter who asks whom?" Ouyang Qiu didn't want to define this matter as such a thing, if so, he would owe much of it. Li Cong's.

"Haha. Ms. Ouyang, you really do not show up. Frankly speaking, I would be very happy if I had a subordinate like you, but now we are opposed to each other, so I don’t like it very much. My food store is in Constantly expanding. But it seems that it will take a long time to open to your Ouyang home. Now we don’t have that plan yet. As you can see, we are now starting to slowly start around the entire Yandong Province It’s infiltrating outside, you still have a long distance." Li Cong said ruthlessly, don't give Laozi any benefit, don't think about it.

Even if Ouyang Qiu was recuperating no matter how well he was recuperating, Li Cong couldn't hold it on his face when he said that. She frowned. She has met a lot of people over the years, but there are absolutely no people like Li Cong. Why is this man so innocent and he has to say everything himself, don’t you think about it? Are you a woman?

"Master Cao, we will naturally give you the benefits. For example, if we set up a food store on our site, we will help you take care of the land and the government." Ouyang Qiu said his own story. A bargaining chip.

However, Ouyang Qiu’s first bargaining chip is obviously not attractive to Li Cong. You can see from Li Cong’s expression, "Miss Ouyang, this seems to be something you must do. If you don’t take this If you prepare it for me, why should I go to your site to build a grain warehouse? If there is no grain warehouse, I think your food supply will have problems like this. Even if you are all ready, I don’t know. I'm going to drive it to you." Li Cong said, this guy said a bit too much, and Ouyang Qiu finally lost the patience he had just now.

"Master Cao, just say what you want, there is no need to play with me like this." Ouyang Qiu said.

"Hehe, Miss Ouyang misunderstood. I am not so brave. Although I, Cao, still has some small skills in the empire, there are still many shortcomings compared with Ouyang's family. How dare to treat you? To do such things, in fact, I still have some requirements here. Trading is nothing more than these things. I think the inland water transportation on the Magnolia River seems to be controlled by some gangs. I guess these gangs are in their hands. Someone must be helping them behind. I don’t know these things, Miss Ouyang knows?” Li Cong said, the Magnolia River is the longest river from the east to the middle of the empire. It is more than 20,000 kilometers long and has a navigable mileage of up to 20,000 kilometers. 17,650 kilometers, the area around Yandong Province uses this river as the main transportation platform, but not everyone can run the transportation. The main thing is that a few gangs master it. According to Li Cong’s intelligence, One of these gangs is controlled by this Ouyang family.

"Master Cao originally liked this. I can tell Master Cao clearly. The transportation on the Yulan River is managed by four families. Your father-in-law Yang's family is the weakest family, and then our Ouyang family. It’s about one-fourth, and the Yang family is one-sixth at most. Except for our two families, the other two are the other two. One of them is the imperial royal family. The other is the Wizard’s Guild. The golden waterways are naturally Some powerful masters. If Master Cao wants to reach in, I don’t think it’s that simple." Ouyang Qiu said these big brands to tell Li that the water inside is very deep and it won’t be easy. Let you come in. Everyone can see it over the years. The transportation on the Yulan River is the most profitable, but many people have no way to get in. Li Cong’s boat can only be guided by the Yang family. of.

"It doesn't matter, I am very interested in this. If you Ouyang family are willing to let me join half of your shares in the transportation industry. I think it will not be a problem for the grain store to open to you. Every year, I can give you as much as you want. , And I won’t want your transportation shares in vain. They will be converted into silver and given to you.” Finally, when it comes to the topic, Li is also energetic now, he knows that the woman in front of him should be He can't be the master, if he can be the master of such a thing, it means that there is no one in Ouyang's family. This woman is often a microphone.

"Master Cao is really crazy. We won't agree to such conditions. Although Ouyang's family is fundamental to the mine, the transportation on the Yulan River is not so easy to obtain. The big deal is that we will continue to buy some valuables. That’s it, we won’t let out the share of this transportation.” Ouyang Qiu’s words surprised Li Cong. He thought that this girl would definitely leave a room for maneuver. He didn't expect that this girl would just reject himself so directly. It seems that the profit of this transportation is really not small, otherwise, he would not reject him that much.

"Since this is the case, then I don't think we need to continue talking, right?" Li Cong's expression is still the same as before, making it impossible to see what Li Cong is thinking at the moment. It seems that there is no such thing.

Ouyang Qiu and Li Cong nodded their heads and then went out. It seemed that the matter was not that simple. Originally, Li Cong thought about the transportation on the Magnolia River. Now it seems that Ouyang’s family is not confused yet. He would give this to himself. Suddenly Li Cong thought of the Mu family members just now. They must be interested in this. He didn't have the ability to force it in, but this Mu family should be like this. At that time, there will still be Yang family, which may exert certain pressure on Ouyang family. The share of the royal family and the wizards’ union can’t be shaken at all. I don’t have the ability to draw from these two behemoths. The Yang family’s own share is not a lot of those who eat in their mouths, and they are still their own Yue family, so they can’t do things so excessively. As for the Ouyang family, it can only be sorry for you.

"Brother-in-law, what did this woman come over and tell you?" Seeing that Ouyang Qiu had already left Li Cong's seat, and several other people had returned, Yang Hao was the most gossiping person, he hadn't sat down yet. , I started talking.

"It's not too speculative. She told me to go to them to open a grain store. I asked them for their shipping shares on the Magnolia River. Who knows if we can't agree, they just fell apart." This is no secret. , Even if you don’t say something, these guys may know about it elsewhere in a while. Why don’t they say it now, maybe they will tell themselves something useful, after all, the Yang family is also on the Yulan River. As for holders of shipping shares, they always have more news.

"My brother-in-law, what are you thinking? Food has been something that has plagued our mineral families for a long time, but this is not absolute. As long as we have a careful plan, these slaves can still eat. Moreover, the life and death of slaves are not in the minds of the masters. The most consideration is whether they can die more or less each year. No one cares much at all. This shipping share is different, Magnolia As long as there are ships carrying more than 500 tons on the river, there is a quota. As far as I know, there may be less than 90,000 ships with more than 50 tons. The proportion is 10% of our Yang family's 9,000. Ouyang family estimates It’s 1.5 times ours and 13,500, and the remaining ones belong to the Royal Family and the Mage’s Union. As long as one ship is damaged, one will be replenished, but it will definitely not increase. One hundred more ships have been added in a hundred years. This is still in accordance with the original proportion, and the freight and everything are well regulated. These years have never changed. It is like a cornucopia. I’m not very clear about their boats. Our Yang family’s 9,000 boats can bring more than one billion silver dollars to the family every year, and theirs should be even more.” Yang Chuan is still very clear about this, mainly His brother is the one in charge of the family fleet.

The 500-ton ship should be the largest ship in the world. If UU reading is bigger than this, it is estimated that the wind will not be able to move it. In Li Cong’s opinion, they are even this. One percent of the shipping value of the river is not used. Many merchants on both sides of the strait line up hoping to use this river for transportation. If they can blend in, the profit will definitely be very large. Now It seems that I really don't have that opportunity. None of these four major families can be shaken by myself. Seeing such an opportunity to make a fortune disappears from my eyes, I feel really uncomfortable.

"Brother-in-law, isn't your transportation all provided for you here at our house? What do you want from Ouyang's house?" Yang Hao said while eating the snacks on the table. In his opinion, Li Cong was superfluous. There are not a lot of things being transported every year, so why are you trying to conspire with other people’s fleet? Even if you are really fancy, they will not give it to you.

"Hehe, no one said that when you have a lot of power, don't you want to get in when you see a profitable business? It seems that I still have to talk to our own family members. They probably won't have much business in the future. "Li Cong said with a smile. The people at the table don't know what this brother-in-law's idea is. You only have 9,000 boats. How can they not have as many boats as you? Isn't that nonsense? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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