Energy Group

Chapter 1915:

The people here from Li never thought that these guys would be so powerful one by one. In fact, the most important thing is the problem with the ninth-level magic scroll. The masters on their side are not injured at all, but this thing is for Tuoba Zhiqiu and the others had gained time. These guys just ran out through this gap. The result was really unacceptable for them, and they rushed out after looking at them one by one.

Alan is the one who can’t accept this result the most. When his master came, he had already told this guy. No matter what he did, he had to leave the head of Tuoba Zhiqiu. For this reason Prince Magnolia could At a great price, the people from the Wizards' Guild were able to take action, otherwise they wouldn't have sent such a powerful team to help.

Alan Ke’s first pursuit was Tuoba Zhiqiu. The other people were ninth-level fighters, and they were all Tuoba’s more important resources. If they met these people in other places, he would definitely pursue them. Reluctant to give up, but now their value is not as valuable as they are added together. These people are not fools. They all separated in the first time. They fled in the four directions of the city. The speed of a ninth-level fighter is as fast as a flash of lightning. Many people have seen the dark shadows in the night sky. People who don’t know are still standing there to see what’s going on, as long as they are capable people at this time. All of them ran back to their homes and found a room that was still solid. All they had to do was to wait slowly. No matter what aspect the outsiders were fighting, they could kill them instantly. People who stroll on the street are likely to be killed by flying in. It is relatively safer to stay at home.

Tuoba Zhiqiu turned his head and glanced at his back. This was normal. Most people were chasing after him. In fact, at the beginning, Tuoba Zhiqiu thought of not running away separately, but at this critical moment, these nine Grade fighters also understand. Following yourself is a dead end. If you escape, there may be a way to survive. So even if you don't let them leave themselves, they will leave. At this time, it is not as important as your own life.

"Squeak..." The cry of a beast made Tuoba Zhiqiu feel a little bad in his heart. He glanced at the sky, and two eighth-level beasts seemed to be staring at him at an altitude of several hundred meters. Up. How could there be an eight-level monster here, suddenly he thought of Li Cong. Li Cong is accompanied by flying monsters every time the airship is dispatched. It seems that these people today are not only the people who have Prince Yulin, but also the people of the Cao family. They have not done anything to the Cao family. This Cao family is already Do it on yourself, these monsters should have been taken by the Cao family. Li Cong who saw all this already knew what this guy was thinking. If he didn’t find out, it would be nothing if he ran away. Now He has already discovered all this. I definitely can't let this guy run out alive, of course, I want to keep this guy a lot of opportunities.

Li was in front of this guy from a teleportation, and Tuoba Zhiqiu also looked at 1,000 meters in front of him in surprise. How could the ice magic ice arrow suddenly appear here? There should be no magician ambushing nearby. , If there is, I can feel the magic wave just now. Then I would never come to this place. I didn’t expect these guys to have such a powerful magician, so close, and so fast. Tuoba Zhiqiu had no other choice, only to take advantage of it. He directly rushed up with the relatively strong collision force. Sure enough, this guy smashed the icicle in front of him at once. Everything here is so fragile. There is nothing to say. He saw that there was no way to stop him. Suddenly he understood, this magic The teacher didn't even think about playing against him, all he wanted was his own time. Sure enough, Alan Ke was already in front of him with a ninth-level fighter and four eighth-level fighters.

"Hehe, Tuoba Zhiqiu, tell you frankly, the three 9th-level fighters who follow you may have a 30% chance to run out, but you, there is no half chance. We are here to kill you. The one who saves our lives, although I can kill you myself, but we can’t carelessly kill you. There must be no change in the slightest. Our lord has been waiting for this news for many years. The last time you rebelled, called You ran away, you don't have such a good chance this time." Alan Ke looked at Tuoba Zhiqiu and said with a smile, this time he will definitely be reused by the prince.

"Alanke, for so many years, you are just a dog next to Yulin. A ninth-level fighter should have his own dignity. I don't know why you like to be a dog in front of others so much." Tuoba Zhi When Qiu was dying, he would never give up. He knew that his words would have no effect, but he had to do things that were uncomfortable for the other party.

"Tuoba Zhiqiu, your mouth still smells so bad when you die. In fact, if you weren't as arrogant as the Tuoba clan back then, you wouldn't have died so miserably when you were in trouble. You know your sons What's the end? Didn’t you send them to the Eastern Empire before? You must be wondering why those people didn’t give you a single message? I’ll tell you that, in fact, your Tuoba rebellion The day before, their car was taken down by me without even leaving the capital. All four of their brothers died under my knife. I know this is an insurance you bought for your sons. Haha, you The insurance was invalidated. At that time, the prince saw the head of each of them, and the prince was very happy.” The words Alan Ke said had the power of psychological warfare. You can see it. Tuoba Zhiqiu was shaking. .

At that time, Tuoba Zhiqiu was a high-level member of the Tuoba clan. He wanted to arrange a retreat for his sons who could not reach the Warcraft Mountains. It was no problem. However, this retreat that he did not expect could be discovered. It was the people within him who betrayed himself. Now Tuoba Zhiqiu has no ability to know who is betraying himself. He has been taken away by the news. What Alan wants is this effect. After Ba Zhiqiu heard this, he dashed towards Alan Ke. Alan Ke did this to make Tuoba Zhiqiu come and find him desperately, instead of trying to escape. You must know that a ninth-level fighter does not want to fight but just wants to escape. However, this is also a very difficult thing.

Alan Ke would not be so stupid to fight alone with this guy, if that were the case, he would have died long ago, so naturally he wouldn't be so stupid with so many people in his hands. Alan Ke flashed over with a slight move, and then the two warriors behind Alan Ke greeted Tuoba Zhiqiu. Alan Ke’s job was simple. He wanted to stand in the distance and watch Tuoba Zhiqiu like a magician. For Qiu's flaws, as long as he can find this guy's flaws, it's time to take action.

In fact, if it develops normally, Alan will not find a flaw for at least half an hour. But he found it in less than ten minutes. There were two reasons for this. One is that Tuoba Zhiqiu is now dazzled by hatred. Every move wants to kill Alan Ke. If the time is short, it can’t be seen. If the time is long, this will cause a problem. The other is Li Cong’s. Help, for Tuoba's people, the only thing Li Cong appreciates is Tuoba Yuanye. That guy may be his friend, and for Tuoba Zhiqiu. He stays away from him. He doesn't like such a brainy person. Just now, he has been using his powerful mental power to put pressure on Tuoba Zhiqiu. Tuoba Zhiqiu has also been looking for the source of such strong spiritual power. Locally, at least the magician he had met didn't have such skills, and it had to be a ninth-level magician, and for this reason. He knew he would not be able to get out.

Alan is an excellent fighter. As long as the opportunity he sees is seldom missed, it is the same as it is now. His sword has already cut the thigh of Tuoba Zhiqiu. This will definitely make this. The guy who broke his leg, a one-legged ninth-level fighter will fail sooner or later. But what Alan could imagine did not happen, Tuoba Zhiqiu's legs were still on his body, and Alanco's knife didn't cut it in at all.

" Tuoba clan is really rich enough, the golden silkworm armor is all over the body." After Alan Ke said these words, Tuoba Zhiqiu gave him a hard hit on the head, all of them were at level 9. The pinnacle soldier, Alan could only retreat quickly, and Li Cong in the distance was also taken aback. He and Alan could think the same thing. They both thought that Tuoba Zhiqiu would break his leg. He didn't expect that his leg was still on his body. There was nothing at all, but Alan was hit hard.

"Haha, there are so many things you can't think of. Do you think I really lost my mind? It's impossible. I've already thought about the fate of those sons. Let me take your life now. I'll get out." A powerful force burst out of Tuoba Zhiqiu's body. Even the two ninth-level fighters next to him can only give in. The bastard, it turned out to be a **** soldier, and this guy has a **** in his body. Soldiers and magical weapons are generally very rare. Every magical soldier has a story, and this guy actually has it in his body. How can it not be surprising.

Alan can see at a glance that his weapon is not the opponent of this guy, and his brain is still a little concussed at this time, so even if it is to escape, it is not that simple. He does not have a golden silkworm armor, and that thing is invulnerable. Yes, although the armor on my body is considered a rare good thing in a century, it is obviously unable to stop this magic weapon.

Because of the power of the gods, the people around them are even more inadequate. Alan Ke, who had the advantage just now, is facing serious injury or even losing his life. At this time, an aurora flashed from a distance. , Tuoba Zhiqiu didn’t know that the power of this thing was gently dodged, and he also lost the best time to attack. Alan Ke seized this time to stabilize his figure, and everyone else caught it. Taking this opportunity, immediately completed the combination of the encircling circle that had just broken apart, and the only opportunity for Zhiqiu Tuoba left in that way, all because of the aurora.

what is that? That is the light magic ray that Li Cong has recently realized. The power of this thing is about the same as that of a laser, but it is more powerful and lasting. The weapons Li Cong has tried before, the eighth-level fighters can't stop it. , This is equivalent to the body of a ninth-level fighter. It is absolutely impossible for a ninth-level fighter to block that. If Tuoba Zhiqiu didn’t run away just now, he would be the one who seriously injured or even lost his life. , Is also a very waste of mental energy. If Li Cong hadn’t had the five-clawed golden dragon body, he could only shoot once with his seven-level magician's ability. Even with the five-clawed golden dragon body, Li Cong at this moment I feel a little sweaty, and the rest is up to you.

"A magician who hides his head and shows his tail, he will come out to fight me to the death if he has the ability." Tuoba Zhiqiu shouted loudly. This magician felt it just now. He said that he wanted this guy to stand in front of the stage, and he could escape this conspiracy, but he may not be able to avoid the next one. This is too dangerous, this The guy is great.

"Haha, Tuoba Zhiqiu. Today, even if you have a tortoise shell all over you, you will definitely die, and my machete is considered a low-level magic soldier. Just now you were hit, if I guessed correctly, Your legs must be numb, two fists are hard to beat four hands, brothers, go up." Alan knows that this is the magician on their side, and he doesn't know what kind of attack it is, but this time As long as it is good for you, you can accept it.

Li Cong sneered and glanced at Tuoba Zhiqiu who had fallen into a melee. This old guy was really shocked to him. I thought that this guy could be killed easily. In fact, Li never looked for this guy and there is another reason that Li Cong found a huge warehouse when he took over the assets of their extension house, and it is still not allowed to enter. Li Cong also wanted to know what was in Tuoba's warehouse. He wanted to catch Tuoba Zhiqiu, and he could solve it easily, but now it seems that this thing cannot be done. The possibility of this guy being captured is very small. Before, he didn't know that Prince Yulin and this guy had some time to pass.

The four-on-one battle made it very difficult for Tuoba Zhiqiu. Although the magic weapon in his hand already gave him a lot of points, but the other four 9th-level fighters, three of them are comparable to him, and the other one. It is much stronger than himself. If it weren’t because they didn’t want to have casualties, they might have caught themselves long ago, and there was a very powerful magician watching him. As long as he had some flaws, he would be captured immediately. , These people are very difficult, maybe they might die here today, Tuoba Zhiqiu feels that the limit is already reached.

The fighting in other places is almost at an end. Li Cong’s several monsters are responsible for guiding the pursuit of people. It can be said that the entire army has been destroyed. Tuoba’s team is indeed very powerful, but their opponents are even more powerful. In Prince Yulin and Magic Under the joint strangulation of the division's trade union and Cao's firm, they did not last long.

All of Tuoba Zhiqiu's own foundation has been exposed. Now he has three wounds on his body. Two places are caused by the soldiers who besieged him, and the other is caused by the hidden archers. , Now Tuoba Zhiqiu has no strength anymore. At this moment, a ninth-level fighter punched his chest vigorously, making his internal organs and six lungs seem to be out of touch with his body. He didn’t know how much blood he vomited. He just knew that he was going to die soon. Li Cong in the distance knew that he was going to die. He wanted to ask about the warehouse. Yes, it seems that I don’t ask anymore. In the end, this guy’s IQ will definitely ask himself to spare him. No matter what is in this warehouse, Li Cong is absolutely impossible to sacrifice his relationship with Prince Yulin. Now Cao The business firms that developed so rapidly in the Western Empire were actually owned by Prince Yulin.

With one stab, everything has the result. Tuoba Zhiqiu is already dead, and his head has fallen off. Li Cong slowly walked over from a distance. This is his helplessness, although Li Cong has The abilities of the ninth-level fighter have been exposed, but just now this guy has a magic weapon in his hands, let alone himself, even a tenth-level fighter may be injured. Li Cong will not be that stupid, although Tuo Ba Zhiqiu still has the golden silkworm armor on his body, but he hasn't saved his life now. He still died like that. Everyone enthusiastically looked at the golden silkworm armor and the magic weapon on this guy. The space ring, this shows that these are the most precious things on this guy. The three families divided the spoils. This was said at the beginning. The golden silkworm protector and the magic soldier are priceless treasures. Alanke’s own magic soldier was wasted by himself. I know how much it costs to come out, but the one in front of me is much better than my own, and the value is definitely beyond my own.

After more than ten minutes, these dozen or so Tuoba’s corpses were sent to the original yard that had been turned into a waste area. The losses in all aspects were also very serious. Li from here two Beasts are all seriously injured, but Li Cong’s breath can fix them in one day, but now Li Cong will not be so stupid to heal them. If that is the case, he will definitely get less things. Li Cong is just Maintain the lives of these two eighth-level monsters with their own breath. In fact, they are not so painful, but for the emperor's affairs, they can only work hard to pretend that they are in pain.

Prince Yulin is probably the side that has suffered the most losses. General Alan Ke is already seriously injured. It is estimated that he will not be able to recover in one or two years. He lost one ninth-level fighter and four eighth-level fighters. The Magician's Guild had the slightest loss, and only three magicians were slightly injured. The distributable trophies were decided at the beginning, and the three were divided equally.

Li Cong asked one of his subordinates who manage trade and the stewards of the three families to go over and see the value of these things. All three have their own ideas. For example, the magicians' union wants the magic weapon. In addition, they There are no other ideas, and Alan Ke's ideas are also very realistic. What he wants is the golden silkworm armor, leaving all the rest to Li Cong? The things on the other ninth-level fighters and eighth-level fighters are also very valuable in the eyes of ordinary people, but from Li's point of view, they have no meaning at all. Those things add up to two-thirds of the golden silkworm armor, so it seems that they are at a loss. Li Cong is not prepared to do such a loss-making business, and both of them have seen Li Cong’s influence. They didn't dare to speak out what was in their hearts. If they did that, they would have a shopping mall immediately.

"I have an idea. I have already calculated all the things here. The total amount is about 400 billion silver. Of course, these two treasures may be more expensive. It's better than this. I will give you Both sides each have 150 billion dollars, how do I hold these things?" Li Cong said with a smile, his thoughts were just casual talk. I believe they will not agree to this matter.

"I can't agree with Mr. Cao's remarks. Why don't I give you 160 billion silver dollars as well as my Magician Union?" said a magician, which means that Li Cong is also a magician. , If someone else said something like this, they might have turned their faces long ago, which is simply insulting. Except for Prince Yulin who couldn't come up with the money, the other two parties were rich and powerful.

"Our Prince's Mansion suffered a heavy loss this time. We want the golden silkworm armor, and we will spend 80 billion silver to compensate." Alan thought about it and said, it is quite fair for him to do so. There are only two heavy treasures. For other people, no matter how much money is paid, it is unfair. Besides, they have suffered heavy losses. If they really do, they may not be able to match them, and they may still suffer.

"Our magicians union wants that magic soldier, and we will give 150 billion silver to compensate." The magicians union offered a higher price. In fact, Li Cong has already taken advantage of this kind of transaction, but Li Cong will not be that way. Abandoned.

"Hehe, to be honest, I really want to get them too. I have some silver, and I can give more money for you to give up, but I also know that you won’t give up so easily. Forget it, this is our first cooperation. , I don’t pursue anything, just follow your plan, but I still have one condition, that is, I want to enter the Red River shipping and storage on both sides of the strait. Both of you need to assist me, unconditionally." Li Congxiao He said that his previous words are still very good, and the following words made these people nervous. The Cao family firm’s current power is already developing rapidly. If it continues to develop, but now it is not. If you agree, none of the people who really fight them will have the advantage. From there, Li has a few ninth-level monsters unscathed.

"Speaking of which you are very cost-effective, it's just some trading rights." Li Cong continued.

"The Prince's Mansion has always been the best friend of Cao's House of Business. Honghe is convenient for our Prince's Mansion to get 6,000 boats for you. We can only work hard for the rest." Alan Ke said, this is the biggest of the Prince Yulin. Now that the prince Yulin wants the golden silkworm armor most, big people will want that thing if they are afraid of death.

Of the hundreds of ships on the Red River, there are only 6,000 here, which can be said to be nothing, but if Li changes to a motor from here, the transportation speed will be ten times that of tens of thousands of ships by then. This transaction can be accepted. of.

"The Mage Union can come up with 15,000 ships. As long as our power reaches it, you can do business, but there is one condition. You have to pay a certain amount of money every year, just like the merchants under our Mage Chamber of Commerce. That's right." Li had never expected the Magician Union to open their premises, but the money must be clear.

"Then I want to know how much money I need to give you to open a store in a city?" Li Cong asked.

"Various shops are different, but a shop in the county city is at least 400 taels of silver per year." The magician said, in fact, the price of the magician union is not high. Any grain store can make a profit of tens of thousands of taels a year, and the price is indeed not high. Li Cong nodded in satisfaction, but the Magician Union opened a house for him for nearly forty provinces this time.

"Deal." The top management of the three parties has reached an agreement. On the surface, the share of the spoils has ended at the cost of Li's loss. The other two parties have also got what they want, which can be said to be very satisfactory. Now, the magicians have gone the fastest. Alan Ke has left the rest to Li Cong. He doesn’t want to continue to care about things here. He wants to go back and report to His Royal Highness soon. Things. Then find a place to rest.

When Li Cong was about to leave, he suddenly felt something unusual in the space. This is a feeling that a space magician can have. Li Cong slowly squatted down. He felt that things here were a bit unusual. The Warcraft had already looked around, and they were going to eat these dead people. This is the best way to deal with it, but the emperor can only go to the side to serve as a guard task.

Li Cong felt that the unstable spatial fluctuations came from Tuoba Hongye over there. This guy’s spatial ring has already been taken down. There is nothing but one billion dollars of silver. This guy is under his identity family. A generation of such assets is already very powerful, and Li Cong is a very careful person. He felt that this thing was not so simple. He slowly sat next to this guy, and began to carefully observe and feel something on this guy.

Suddenly Li Cong felt that it was this guy’s bracelet. In this world, men can also bring some decorative things. Li Cong could feel that this guy’s bracelet is a space artifact and can make space. People who make utensils are much higher than those who can make space rings. Because Tuoba Hongye was already dead, Li Cong could easily recognize the master of this spatial artifact, and he could easily see what was inside.

My goodness, it’s no wonder that I didn’t find any spatial artifacts in Tuoba Zhiqiu's body. That guy was stripped all over. It was a very bad thing to treat a ninth-level powerhouse like this, but who called this guy? It’s not an ordinary person. You can’t let this guy go. I understand now that this guy’s stuff belongs to Tuoba Hongye. It seems that Tuoba Hongye doesn’t know about it. Both of them. Together, it's the same on whomever you put on.

Haha, compared to everything here, those just now are nothing, hundreds of billions of things are nothing, just look at the storage space of thousands of cubic meters to know how valuable the things inside are. Yes, haha.

No one knows how much Li Cong has sent, but many people know that Dai Lin applied for Li Cong for an expansion fund of about 24 billion silver. Before Li Cong wanted to say that it was transferred from the Western Empire, but after he went out, Li Cong He took out a large amount of bank notes. According to Dai Lin’s later recall, this was a small part, an absolute small part, and even more money than the last time he bought half of Tuoba’s. Many people also I was speculating about this matter. After all, Tuoba Zhiqiu was a high-ranking member of the Tuoba family, and his assets might be those of the Tuoba family. It is said that there are several magic soldiers, but they are not as good as the ones he uses.

Tuoba’s action can be said to be a failure. The horse shopkeeper is absolutely responsible for this matter. Li Cong specially rewarded a one hundred thousand taels of silver, and let the horse shopkeeper take charge of the surrounding four. For all the businesses in this city, for the horse shopkeeper, all the hard work is worthwhile, and I have earned what I deserve.

This matter was effectively reduced by the three companies. After all, this kind of matter is more deceptive. Originally, Prince Yulin wanted to tell the court about this matter, but Li Cong’s proposal let him know what to do. It shouldn't be announced in such a high-profile manner now. If this group of people disappeared, their Tuoba family would definitely not let it go. At that time, there will be more powerful people coming. At that time, the Cao family will send out the news, and then the three companies will work together to kill them. This kind of fortune is very fast. At the beginning, King Lear organized such a large team in the Warcraft Mountains. Isn't it enough to kill once and get such a small amount of profit? They can get such a result by dispatching dozens of people, which is very good.

Li Cong also met with Prince Yulin in person because of this opportunity. The place agreed by the two people was in the southern big city * provincial capital, which can be said to be the new stronghold of Prince Yulin. Prince Yulin has acquired his own territory in the south due to the rebellion. It can be said that Prince Yulin's own territory is here. Although there is no news on it, the intelligence department of Li Cong has already received news. It's already decided that the second-in-command is the Prince Yulin.

Prince Yulin gave a lot of gifts for this. Don’t think this guy is a prince, but he has nothing but the emperor’s love in the capital, and others will not think too much about this guy. After all, now The emperor is already very old. The relationship between him and the princes is not very good. No matter which of these princes became the emperor, his own life is definitely not so easy. This is obvious.

Prince Yulin also knew what he was, and as long as Li Cong was a magician, he wouldn't put himself on the air for Li Cong. Besides, Li Cong was still the earl of the Northern Empire, the son-in-law. Any title is enough to meet him. This ordinary earl is naturally not qualified to meet with Prince Yulin, but Li Cong is definitely not an ordinary earl.

Prince Yulin saw Li Cong hurriedly strode past when he came in. He had a clear idea of ​​what kind of attitude he had, otherwise his prince's seat would not be so secure.

"Lord Ferguson is really heroic, and he looks so kind. We should have never met before, but I don’t know why. When I saw Sir Alex, I felt that we should have met before. Come, please.” Prince Yulin said hello to Li Cong. The people in this room don’t know why this is happening. Even if the prince is giving face, there is no need to give face. In fact, why did Prince Yulin do this? I understand. There are not many days when I can be arrogant. During this period of time, I have to find a new ally for myself. Those people in the court must be of no use. They all know that they are a piece of fat, if the emperor is not there. At that time, I'm afraid that the princes were the first to take their own swords. Those guys were not pleasing to the eye one by one.

"The prince is so polite. The princes and corporals who have been told by many people before, now seem to be really well-deserved." Li Cong also said some nasty things he could think of. .

The room has already prepared a good table noodles. It is natural not to be rude to receive people like Li Cong. The chefs here have been kept in the palace for many years. It can be said that many of them are not available outside. Li Congjin has rewarded his five internal organs. This royal palace cook is definitely not seen by Li Cong before. He also has valuable things, but the craftsmanship of these cooks is not You can have it if you want. The difference between the nobleman and the nouveau riche is here. The same thing can be provided with a lot more procedures for the nobleman than the nouveau riche.

Li Cong is also very clear about the purpose of coming here today, that is, to establish a strategic partnership with Prince Yulin. Prince Yulin now controls a lot of areas, but Prince Yulin does not have the ability to control his own The power has developed on its own land, and this has created a lot of vacuum zones, which requires Li Cong’s help. It happens that Li Cong is also expanding on a large scale, but he does not have so many turf. Two people are. It hits it off.

"His Royal Highness, this is what I think. Bring the map." Li Cong said to Dai Lin who was behind him. Dai Lin immediately opened the map. Although the plan was made by himself, Li Cong was qualified. Talking to the prince, he is only able to say something to the **** beside the prince. As for the others, he can't speak.

"His Royal Highness, you now have 21 provinces under your control. I am going to invest 16.2 billion silver in these 21 provinces to establish my sales network within three to five months. Starting next year, I will give His Royal Highness 1.6 billion silver each year, which is one-tenth of their capital, as a reward for His Royal Highness. I wonder how His Royal Highness feels about my proposal?" Li Cong said with a smile. A one-tenth return is a lot, but these sales networks will at least expand their value several times after they are built, and Prince Yulin himself is a straw bag, he will naturally not understand.

"The Lord Ferguson is so How embarrassing it is. To be honest, I can divide a billion dollars a year without doing anything. This is a bit too much. That's good, I listen. Say that you want to contract ships on the Red River. The conditions you gave are really generous and very good. My people have also contacted you in the capital. At least a few companies want to contract to you. The number should be I’m getting on and off a hundred thousand ships, and I’ll take all of this for you when the time comes.” Prince Yulin said with a smile, these places he didn’t have the ability to take care of, and now I don’t need to do anything. 1.6 billion silver, if you don’t agree to such a thing, you are a real fool, and those in the capital do have this meaning, you can also be the second shopkeeper at a time, Li Cong gives himself 1000 taels of silver If you do, you only need to give 800 taels of silver to those nobles, and 20% off is definitely not a small amount.

"Then I would like to thank the prince so much. In fact, if the prince is interesting, you can come in and have fun together. Business matters are like this. If the prince enters the business world, I think it is definitely a business wizard. "Li Cong said with a smile. In fact, he wanted this straw bag to come in. If he can blend in with himself, he can use this guy's banner in the future. Then no matter what happens, it will belong to this guy. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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