Energy Group

Chapter 1919:

After entering the room, the guest and the host were seated. Everyone greeted a little. This manager Wu was very good at life.

"Hehe, in fact, I should know what happened when you came here. Is it because the explosion killed so many people in the west side? You also come to me and ask what happened?" The guy said with a smile, Li Cong I was nervous at the beginning, does this guy know something? But after I heard it, I understood. It seems that many people have come here to find this guy to verify this matter.

"What? Manager Wu, are we the first to come here?" Li Cong said with a smile, and Dai Lin also looked at this guy.

"Of course you are not the first one. To tell you the truth, it has been one day since the explosion there. During this day, I received three groups of people to ask what was going on. My subordinates received I don’t know how many calls. Those guys are really wicked. This matter has nothing to do with our Caogang. They live in the site of our Caogang. Good guys, one by one, dare to say that they belong to us. People from the Cao Gang, if the **** are not dead, I will send them to the west, these **** are simply too nonsense." Manager Wu looks like cannibalism, if things are really what he said, If the people in the Caobang didn't know, Li Cong would be anxious if he knew that he had nothing to do, but he was involved for no reason, and no one would be happy.

Li Cong is skeptical about this matter. This seems to be a bit unreasonable. The Cao Gang has its own reputation. This is not everyone who dares to speak of their Cao Gang. If it is in the Northern Empire, Cao Gang has its own reputation. Although there are many people in the entire empire, they are not in a direct system. Many people feel that it is embarrassing to say that they are the people of the water group, but it is different in the Western Empire. The force of the water group is very powerful. Yes, it is not inferior to some big families, such an organization you just pretend to be. That's just killing him, so Li Cong is a bit skeptical about what this guy said, but he doesn't have much friendship with him, so there is no way to say that. Did he point to his nose and say you lied? That's a guy who is a bit different. That's what I said.

"Hehe, this is not something we are curious about. In fact, we don’t know what’s going on. One of our stewards has a brother hired there. After going there, there will be no one immediately, so we have to Ask what's going on. It seems that Manager Wu doesn't know. Our manager has a good relationship with his brother. If you have any news in the future, please tell us." Dai Lin sees He said quickly after seeing Li Cong's eyes.

"Oh, it turns out that this is the reason. Actually, I think this is not difficult. Although there is a problem there. But I think that the people there should be fine. They should all run out. We are looking for someone. I dare not say 100% of the strengths of the Cao Bang, but I dare to say that we can find what others can’t find in the Cao Bang.” This guy patted his chest and said. This matter has been taken care of by a large package, but he has done a lot of such things. But this time he lied.

"In that case, thank you. I see that you still have guests here, so we won't bother you." Li Cong saw that the doorman at the door was already waiting. There weren't so many people waiting before. People from here must be all because of this now.

"You can rest assured, this manager. It is absolutely fine for us to help inquire about the individual. You can tell me the person's information later, and I will ask someone to do it, if nothing goes wrong. There should be news in a few days.” This guy said with a smile, and when they saw Dai Lin and the others got up, he quickly got up. To be honest, he was the boss of a county in Cao Bang, let alone Dai Lin. Even a small leader of the Cao’s Chamber of Commerce is on an equal footing with him. If someone gives you face, you have to give others face.

At the door, Li Cong encountered two officials. It seems that this time it was people from the two officials. Li Cong naturally didn't know them.

"Who are the two guys inside? There are such people in the government?" Li Cong asked after getting on the carriage. Dai Lin didn't know the two people at the door, so he looked at Bai Er. , This guy knows everyone who teaches and teaches.

"Master, Dai Guanshi, those two people are the chief catcher and his assistant in our county town. These two guys have a history. I heard that they used to be the people who rang in the six doors of the capital, but Because they were dragged down by the Tuoba clan, they have now been degraded to our county and town to become such a small government official." Bai Er said, the small government official? Li never smiled nonchalantly. If this were on the earth, this would be the director of the city's public security bureau. This is not a petty official.

"I said, these two guys don't look like ordinary people. How could they be ordinary head-catchers? It seems that this incident has a real impact this time. Otherwise, the Yamen will not take it seriously. Yes." Dai Lin looked back and said.

"There are a lot of special things about this incident. Guan Shi, I have a letter here. You immediately set off to your elder brother. Remember, this letter cannot be shown to anyone, nor can you help yourself. I forwarded it to your elder brother and said that I would wait for his reply." Li Cong took out the letter on the road. He felt that the person was not a simple person. Maybe he had already stabbed a hornet's nest, but He didn’t know exactly what he was doing. He felt that some masters should know this, so he asked Dai Lin to go back and ask Dai Tian, ​​but he felt that Dai Lin might not be able to describe it clearly, so he wrote a letter. Is better.

"What's going on, so serious?" Dai Lin said in disbelief. How could this matter be so serious? Isn't it just an explosion? Although the law and order is better now, it happened once in a few months. It's still normal.

"Don't ask for now. I haven't figured out what happened this time. It's better to go back and ask your elder brother. To be honest, I'm a little scared about this time. I feel like that person. It's not an ordinary person." Li Cong seemed to be talking to Dai Lin, and it seemed to be talking to himself.

"Well, it seems that this matter is really very important, so I won't delay it. I will go back to clean up and go to my elder brother immediately." Dai Lin rarely sees Li Cong being so serious. Most of the time this guy laughed. This time there must be something so serious. Li has many thoughts from this time. He has to deal with Dai Lin's men and get this guy away. It was a good plan, and I had to ask Dai Tian about this matter. How can I say that he knew more than he knew.

"Master? Are you worried about the shopkeepers of the Dai family? Although the subordinates are not doing very well. But it is okay to prevent Dai Guanshi from discovering it. Up to now. More than 400 people have been rebelled by us. , That is, there are less than two hundred people left, and they are not very important people. It can be said that we have succeeded. There is no need to let Guanshi Dai go personally, right?” Bai Er said after seeing Dai Lin go away. The man driving the carriage was also his own, so Bai Er didn't pay much attention when he spoke.

"No, Dai Lin's matter is nothing compared to this matter. To be honest, I might not be able to deal with the trouble I encountered this time. In fact, I caused the explosion there. , But what I don’t understand is the people there. I feel that there is a big conspiracy coming. This conspiracy is not against me, but against many people. In short, my heart is very uneasy. If you figure it out. This is the best." Li Cong said worriedly, his heart is also bottomless, no, every time he closes his eyes, he thinks of that kid-like guy and that strange attack method. .

Bai Er didn't say anything, he knew his abilities very well. When something like this happened, he couldn’t help at all at the same time. He was a third-level fighter, and he was transformed by Li Cong with medicine. For those inside, such a guy is like an ant. Similarly, it is better to be honest, even if it is an idea, you can't just give it out. If you are not familiar with that field, the best way is to be silent, and work quickly when the young master thinks of a way or uses him.

"There must be some news in that place before. Ask someone to check it for me. I have to know everything about that place. Didn’t you find out some mysterious organization there? There must be some other things. I need to know some more detailed things. No matter how much manpower or money is used, I will find out. If necessary, I can ask Prince Yulin’s people to help us.” Li Cong said when he got off the car. He knows that his power is still a little unsatisfactory in the Western Empire, so don't expect people to do things on his own. He needs the power of his allies.

On the other hand, after Li left from them, the manager Wu evaporated his smile and changed into a vicious look.

"Damn, haven't you found those **** yet? Are you all for nothing? How could accidents happen there? That manglietia is not an ordinary person. Maybe this time we can help all the people because of his death. They might get in.” This guy was also frightened when he thought of the manglietia. Damn, that guy is not an ordinary person. He helped and ordered him to watch it well, but he gave it to him. What the **** can it end up like this? That is impossible.

"Boss, we have worked very hard to find, but you also know that those **** will definitely hide when they know such things. We only got to that place one hour after the incident. The time of this hour is for As far as level 5 fighters are concerned, they can run far away. Besides, we can’t find them even if they randomly find a place to get up. This is really difficult.” The subordinate said bitterly. They really tried very hard to find the guards, but unfortunately, a day has passed, and they haven't found any of them yet.

"Trash, shit, usually tell me one by one how capable you are. It's not easy to find someone casually. How did you trash tell me yesterday that as long as they are still alive, they must be I can dig them out for me. I don’t care what you use. Anyway, I tell you that if there is no useful news in a day, I will throw you all into the river to feed the fish. I can’t do anything. , The above has already given me an order, if I can't find them, I'll have to die." Wu Guanshi said loudly. "What are you doing in a daze, don't **** hurry out, don't dangle in front of my eyes one by one, I will be upset when I see you, and let me go." The people in the room saw Mr. Wu going to eat people. , All of them went out quickly, and staying in the house just couldn't live with them.

Guanshi Wu thought that the people above were also shivering. This matter is no longer something that one can control, as mentioned above, someone handles this matter. It has been so long, why hasn't it arrived yet?

"Boss, here's someone, here's someone." When Guan Shi was in a daze, a younger brother ran over and said.

"Who is coming, panic, I'm not dead yet, what happened?" Guan Shi slapped him over.

"Old... Boss, the team who came here are all seven-level fighters and above. They all play the flag of our Cao Gang, but we don't know them. We will be here in ten minutes." The guy said a little scared.

what? That arrives so fast? Isn't this secret? Why did people come so soon? Guanshi Wu hurriedly took the people out. From a distance, hell, the boss of the province, his master, was coming over with a group of people.

"What do you mean by not knowing? Isn't that my master, asshole?" Boss Wu said as he trot over. It seems that the people here are all amazing people. His master, Xiong Xin, is also a well-known figure in this area. Back then, he was also a person who made a lot of contributions to the Cao Gang. Now he can only play A role of Cui Ba, so you can know what the people inside are all about. Such a person Wu Guanshi is one hundred people who dare not neglect.

"Give your peace to the master." Guan Shi went over and quickly saluted Ambition. There is no need to say if other people don't know each other.

"Well, let's go to the house and talk about it. The people here told them to leave. What should they do." Ambition glanced at his apprentice. This apprentice can be said to be his most optimistic apprentice, but something like this It's not easy to say anything, and it's no longer something I can manage. Everyone here is much better than his own level six fighters. Although their gangs are crowded and powerful, there are few useful people. The level six fighters in the entire gang are already masters. Most of the 7th-level fighters who followed were hired, and some were from others.

Guan Shi agreed and told the people behind him to disperse quickly. Now everyone sees that there is nothing wrong and disperses. Besides, if something happens, they are not enough to see. of.

After entering the house, Guanshi Wu glanced at the people who came in. There were seven people who came in. His master was the last one. Guanshi Wu, who was walking in the second or third place, was vaguely impressed. It was a high-level person in his Cao Gang. I only met them a few times when I went to the capital, and I took a look from a distance. I really didn't expect to be able to talk in a room today.

"Basically, you know everything. What you did is OK, but you didn't protect Master Mulian. We can't help you with this. Now there is only one way out for you." They all sat down. The senior manager of the gang said that Guan Shi didn’t expect him to say this. He is an old man of the Caobang, so he naturally knows what’s going on. If you say this, you tell him that we can count on your many years of credit. You can Suicide kills ourselves, we won't do it, even the master of this guy is like that.

Suddenly Guan Shi seems to have understood a lot of things. From the beginning to the present, this thing has not given them any way out. Whether it is success or failure, these people have no way to survive. They all need to die because of this. It's a big secret, but now because of this accident, they can die in advance.

"Oh, Wu Liang, what we say is a mentoring and apprenticeship. I can't help you. If you have anything you haven't done, just tell me directly, and the master will do it for you." There was also a dilemma in his eyes. He said that he has feelings for this apprentice, but he is also the most disciplined. Cao Gang is strictly disciplined. It is not what you want to do, don’t say you manage one. Brother Caobang in the province, even if he manages several provinces, is like this.

"Master, no, please take care of your old man after I leave." Wu Liang glanced at these people. He seemed to know something. Everyone looked at him, knowing that he said this immediately. Will self-destruct. But just when everyone thought Wu Liang was going to take out a dagger to kill himself, the ground under this guy opened up directly. Wu Liang went straight down with a smile. You want to kill me? Don't be so naive. I've been here for so many years, so I have to have a way to save my life. If I don't do that, I might really die right now.

It turns out that this house is usually Wu Liang's house, and the Caobang has historically said that it has trimmed the secret road in the house. But this matter has passed for many generations, and now the Cao Gang is already very powerful. There is no need for secret roads and other things at all, so many people forget about it, but Wu Liang still remembers it. After he became the boss here, the first thing he did was It's not sloppy to open this secret path.

Everyone knew the bad thing when they saw Wu Liang’s smile. They thought of many possibilities, but they didn’t expect this guy to have a secret passage in this room. They all ran towards the entrance of the cave. past. The entrance of this cave was not sealed. When they were about to go down, there was a flash inside. Everyone dared not go down. Something must have happened in it. Sure enough, after a while, something beautiful came out of it. Thick smoke, this must be poisonous. Fortunately, the people here are powerful people, otherwise the poisonous smoke may cause them a lot of trouble.

"Chasing." After everyone talked about the effectiveness of this smoke, they all jumped in, but because of the hesitation they had just had the best time to chase Sanz, although their speed was much faster than Wu Liang , But there is no possibility of catching up with him. The bottom here is almost like a maze. It seems like an impossible thing to chase Wu Liang. Everyone went down and looked up and looked ashamed. There is also Wu Liang’s master ambitiously happy. The kid finally ran out. He is happy to Wu Liang here. Don't you know the people above are already looking at this guy with suspicion.

Ambitious unconsciously shrank his neck. After I knew about this, I didn't inform the apprentice.

"Ambition, how should you explain this? How did Wu Liang be prepared? How can this kid know our cleaning plan? Did you tell this guy in advance?" A senior Caobang said, although the ambition is already The boss of a province is now, but in front of this person there is still nothing, at most it is just a chess piece.

"My elder, you can't talk nonsense about this matter. I only learned about the news when you arrived. You saw it at that time. I can't leave you behind, even if I have any news to give him. There is no way to spread the words, unless I know how to do it, otherwise it is absolutely impossible." Ambitious heart feels a little uncomfortable, but I am loyal to the Cao Gang, such myself will be given by them. Suspect, the days after this don't seem so easy.

"Yeah, Junior Brother, it’s better not to doubt our own people in this matter. I think Wu Liang’s actions just now are on the fly. I don’t know much about him as a kid, but his ambition is what I grew up watching. He may hurt his apprentice, but ambitions cannot be done by telling a letter and betraying the water gang.” Another elder said, his words made the face of ambition a little bit colored. These three elders are young, and they have nothing. I don't understand, but the second elder can speak.

"Second elder, I don’t care what's going on inside of you, can we start our plan now? This time the matter is absolutely confidential, so everyone who knows this must be killed. Just ran Both those who have gone out and those who have not yet run out will be killed. This is your command. I think you know it. I don't know when we can do it. We still want to go back soon." The two men in black who had not spoken said that they put their whole bodies in black robes. The hood on their heads is also very strange. The distance from their faces is at most a few centimeters, but The people across from him can't see their looks, no matter how powerful the lamp you use is useless.

They are the people from Master Mulian. The people who came out of them seemed so strange. The second elder of the Cao Gang and the old three Zhang felt a little uncomfortable when they heard this guy talking. When I went out, I told myself that if the future of the Caobang is in the hands of others, it is estimated that they will look good now, one by one so yin and yang. Is something wrong?

"This sir, this is what we do to help ourselves, we will naturally respect the words of the dipper to do this, and you won’t bother you, and it’s not the specified time yet, we are also discussing how to do it. "The second elder went back stiffly, although the third elder did not speak. But the expression on his face is also like this, I really don't understand why the boss wants to cooperate with these guys who don't recognize people or ghosts. You know that cooperating with these people will push yourself to death.

"Okay, let's just watch." Another black-clothed person stopped the one who started talking, and then both of them stopped talking, as if two corpses were sitting there, and they even felt around them. Not at any temperature.

"Brother Wu Liang knows too much, and this guy is a local snake here. I think it would be better for me to catch this kid myself. How about you, senior fellow, take care of the rest?" San Zhang It is also uncomfortable to keep looking at the two people opposite. But if you feel uncomfortable, you have to do something, just like the guy opposite said, this thing is not for you to do, but your boss asks you to do it, you have to do it.

"Well, Junior Brother, you can just find Wu Liang specifically. I'll do the rest." The second elder didn't have any comments on this, and immediately they began to dispatch troops, and they would completely take these two The guy is treated as air.

In other words, Wu Liang’s life was not very easy. Since the Mulian-sama came here, his head has not taken a good rest. Many times he is thinking about this and that, anyway, there is no moment. You can stop. This **** guy has done so many things that he needs to deal with the aftermath himself, and he didn’t want to deal with it a long time ago, but this thing was asked to do it by himself, and it has a lot to do with his own future. Damn, this has a lot to do with your own future. A minute ago, I was still the boss of a dignified county. Now I am fine. I have nothing left. I have become a rat in the ground. At the beginning, I was thinking about how to catch those people. , Now he has changed from a hunter to a prey. Such a rapid change is not something that anyone can adapt to.

Wu Liang walked down for about three kilometers before reaching the first exit. Outside here is a recipe that Wu Liang bought. He just ignored the exit position. This is definitely not a good exit. People who are familiar with themselves know that this is their own territory. If they go out from here, they will probably be caught by the people above. There are still several exits below. At this time, this guy’s brain There is no rest. The Cao Gang’s power is so powerful. Perhaps his insider knows best. He must find a big power to protect himself. What he knows should be regarded as a stepping stone, that mysterious. The power of the mainland has been looking for power for many years, so I should tell others.

The people who have been looking for themselves these days passed through Wu Liang’s head one by one. They are all very powerful, at least in the eyes of ordinary people, but these people do not seem to be opponents of the Cao Gang. If the Cao Gang knows that they are in their hands and come to ask for someone, they will not be able to withstand the pressure of the Cao Gang. This is also nothing that can be done. Who said that there are so many more powerful in the empire than the Cao Gang? , Those forces themselves are not qualified to contact others, even if they have such secrets in their hands, it is not uncommon for them to have such secrets. Besides, after the death of Master Mulian, this secret is no longer a secret. Within three years, someone will always know what's going on. By that time, I won’t even have the last assassin. So now I have to find myself a good master, and suddenly the image of a young man has entered. Own mind.

This is the young master of the Cao family firm who came to see him today. When that guy came to see him, he didn’t say a lot. For so many years, he was not a fool, and he knew a little about this. This person can be seen by himself. That person is at least very powerful. He doesn’t know how to make mistakes. He should be a soldier above the seventh level. This is nothing, but the first fighter above the seventh level this year. Although there are not many, but there are two in his own hands. Although he is not better than them, he can direct them to do things. It is not the same thing that the body is strong and the head is strong. That guy should be good both in the body and the head. Dai Lin is very clear about who he is, Dai The helm of the home, a ninth-level fighter. Such a person can condescend to be behind that guy, this person is much better than Dai Lin.

Wu Liang had an idea in his mind. The most powerful person I know should be Dai Lin, but Dai Lin’s skills can’t keep him, not to mention that their Dai family is now in a county and city, even if they used to do it for nothing. They used to have their own piece of sky in the Warcraft Mountains. What about that person? Li Cong appeared again, and Wu Liang decided that he couldn't just die like this. He knew that those people would be able to find him within a short time after he went out. I want speed.

Wu Liang ran out at the third exit of his tunnel. He was not far from the stronghold of Cao's House. It was still in the city. From here to Cao's House, it was two streets at most. He looked at the road, it was the same as before, but it was this calm that made his heart more nervous. If you know that it’s messy outside, you won’t come out. In the tunnel, it takes more than a day for those people to find themselves. On the street, being seen by them is a dead end. It’s impossible. Escaped.

indeed. Just as Wu Liang thought, there are many people on the road who are Cao Gang people. They are the people here on the surface, and many of them are people who have collected money from the Cao Gang to do things for the Cao Gang. This is the relationship of the Caobang. It is impossible for Li Cong to have such an effect. Even if he can put out so much money, it is useless. It’s because people don’t want to do things for Li Cong at all. Sometimes it’s a matter of saving face. Sometimes this money is not omnipotent. The Caobang has this kind of face organization. Many people want to have This face, but this is obtained by strength.

When Wu Liang was about to go out, he saw a familiar face. This man was not a hawker who sold things here before. This guy is one of his master’s two bodyguards. Both are seventh-level fighters. After coming out, there is another guy next to him. This is the person from the Cao Gang, and he can see it. These idiots are still helping them with things. Don’t know if they will all have to die in the end. Wu Liang estimated that it was not bad. The Cao Gang was going to kill all their brothers in this county this time. As long as they knew about Lord Mulian, they would all have to die.

Wu Liang knew that he could not go out at this time. If he went out at this time, he would definitely be caught by them. Fortunately, he took one more look. Otherwise, he might be their prisoner now. These guys are too fast. Now, they have already arranged for how long it has been. The entire county should be like this, no matter where they come out, there will be people from them. Wu Liang really feels that he is desperate at this time.

The Cao Gang has been the focus of attention by the major forces in the county for a period of time. Such actions by the Cao Gang will naturally arouse many people’s suspicion, including Li Cong. Li Cong also wants to know the Cao Gang. What was he doing with such a busy schedule, but his power in the Western Empire was too weak, and he couldn't know what he wanted to know, he could only be in a hurry.

However, Li Cong also knows that there may be many variables in this matter. Li Cong himself is not a fool. He also has his own preparations. No, the one standing next to Li Cong is already an eighth-level monster. Little tiger, although this guy can change the appearance of a person, he still likes the look of monsters. There are dozens of eighth-level monsters outside, and even the ninth-level monsters have also obtained several, they are all in Li Cong's space, otherwise their breath will let many people discover them.

Every time Dai Lin walked into Li Cong’s yard, he didn’t dare to breathe. This was a bit too powerful. Such a beast could be submissive to Li Cong, as if even a magician did not. The magician can only make himself friends with Warcraft. It is very rare to follow orders like this. He went out to inquire about the news and just came back.

"How is it? Is there any news?" Li Cong said straightforwardly when he saw Dai Lin coming in.

"Boss, things are almost the same as you guessed. The yard is definitely connected to the Caobang people. Many people outside said that there was a major incident in the Caobang. You should know the manager Wu who received us. The Cao Gang has already released news, saying that the guy ran away with the money from the Cao Gang. Now that the Cao Gang has been laid out, they are looking for this guy. If they can't find it, they will definitely not Let’s stop here." Dai Lin came back and took a sip of water. He didn’t want Li Cong to continue to take care of this matter from the bottom of his heart. What Li Cong said was also his niece’s son-in-law. Possibly, in his opinion, Li Cong was a bit rash, and the Cao Gang was beyond their control. UU Reading Cao Gang was the boss of the rivers and lakes. Sometimes it was inconvenient for the court to come forward. It's all done by people who need help.

"Corruption of public funds? Haha, this thing is very interesting. I don't think it looks like this. I don't think that manager Wu looks like someone who does such a stupid thing." Li Cong said to himself, see He came to the other party to kill others.

"I said, do we have nothing to do with this matter? The nostalgia of the Caogang is not something that everyone can manage. If we manage this matter, we may all be in trouble." Dai Lin felt that he should still be. Speak out.

Li Cong glanced at Dai Lin in surprise. He had already regarded Dai Lin as an outsider before. Now that he heard this, he felt warm in his heart. Dai Lin didn’t care about him. There are still relatives.

"Actually, I don't want to have anything to do with this matter, but if you don't look for this matter, what should people do if they come to you? I have been involved in this matter, and it is still very serious. Help me I found this manager Wu, I think he can have something I know." Li Cong said. Dai Lin handed Li Cong’s letter to his elder brother. Unfortunately, Dai Tian didn’t understand what it was. He just said that the thing might be. Some things like cults are not the right way. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...) Guiqiu to share

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