Energy Group

Chapter 1928:

New Jiangning City is here because the headquarters of the Cao’s House of Business is here, and of course, because the majority of mercenaries regard it as their base camp. After several years of development, it has become a very large city, owned by the Northern Empire. It’s hard to believe that the original county town will develop into what it is now. Now a special municipality has been established here, and the city lord from the capital will directly replace it. It’s the original city lord. This place is several times larger than the previous Jiangning City. In this big city with tens of millions of people entering and leaving every day, King Lear and the **** are not very conspicuous at all, especially It’s that King Lear is a human being. He has practiced the method of absorbing the spirit of human beings for a very short time. It can be said that there is no difference. The feeling of a **** is completely different. Many people just Just looking at the **** will make you feel cold all over, especially the nigger's eyes, as if to eat people, and anyone who sees it will feel the end of the world.

"This place is really majestic. This place is very good compared to the capital. It seems that Cao Ke is not just a guy who eats rice, but also very good in terms of construction." King Lear said.

"That kid? Does he have such great skills? Even if the construction here is good, it is probably the official skills of the Northern Empire. What does it have to do with that kid?" The **** said with some confusion.

"Hehe, you don't know this. It's no wonder that the reason why you haven't lived in human society for a long time is that Cao Ke's power must have its own center of power. And this city is this kid's base camp. Yes, do you think the order of the capital of the Northern Empire can be made public in this city if you don’t discuss it with Cao Ke? That’s impossible. Cao Ke will definitely show this place well. Others want to come in and make comments. That can only be self-infuriating. This kid himself has the title of an earl, and he is also a consort. It is no problem to control a county or even several provinces. It is just a matter of the level of control. Why did I tell you to put away your exercises when you enter the southern provinces? It is for this reason. If the two of us let out our breath, we might be discovered immediately, and you can feel the city. There is something stronger than us." King Lear looked at a place in the middle of the city and said, there was that terrible breath. They didn't know whose breath would be so strong. Is it Li Cong's master?

"If you don't say this, I will forget. What is going on there. How do I feel that the aura there is much stronger than yours? Isn't the tenth-level warrior a pinnacle of human beings? Is there such a powerful person?" The **** trembled at the thought of that terrible breath, and their greatest Black Magic Pharmacist estimated that it was at that level. What the **** is this here? The two of them felt that powerful aura after entering the city, so they didn’t dare to act rashly. Otherwise, the entire New Jiangning City might become a **** on earth, such a thing. They can do it.

"I don’t know. When I was a kid, many people said that as long as I became a fighter, I wouldn’t be bullied. But when I became a fighter, I learned that people below the third level are like ants, only reaching the fifth level. The warrior has his own piece of sky above his head. When I became a fifth-level warrior, I entered the Warcraft Mountains. At that time, I knew that the fifth-class warrior was just a starting point in the Warcraft Mountains. With my eyes and contact There are more and more people, you will feel that you are really small, but then most people told me that the tenth-level fighters are invincible. Indeed, even if I offend the Southern Empire royal family, I I still survived. The tenth-level fighters are so powerful. When I became the tenth-level fighter, I discovered that the level of the tenth-level fighters is actually more serious. It is impossible for a novice like me to be respected by a veteran like Prince Zheng. Yes, on the surface we are at the same level, but in fact our gap is too big. The person inside is probably the most terrifying existence among the tenth-level fighters. There is no chance of winning for the two of us to join forces." Lear Wang looked at it and said, as if he had seen the journey he had traveled over the years, and felt a little bit in his heart at this moment. Jianghu is like this, he is an absolutely insignificant person.

"Forget it, since we can't do bad things here, I think it's better for us to leave here earlier, otherwise I always feel less at ease in my heart." The **** has no time to talk to this guy here. For his past and future, he thinks about where he should go to inhale humans. It must be impossible to do it here. If he does it by himself, it is estimated that that person will be able to detect it immediately. If he comes out, his own Xiaoming might explain here, but this time I got promoted, I don't want to confront that guy because of my recklessness, I am not sure I can win.

"Hehe, since it's already here, why do you have to leave so quickly? If you have something to do, you can leave first. I am also a tenth-level fighter myself. I have no guts to know that guy, but do something. I still do things that make Li Cong regret it." Lear Wang Zhenzhen said with words. The **** on the side despised this guy very much. If you really have the ability and courage, you are not here. If you talk nonsense with me, you will definitely go up on your own. Why should you talk nonsense with Lao Tzu here? You have to do it secretly. It's really not an upright person to make yourself, a despicable person, look down on you.

Now two people can be said to be grasshoppers on the same rope. It is absolutely impossible to separate. When they are not separated, both of them may be killed. If they are separated, they are even more likely to be killed. Li King Er’s own self-preservation skills are still okay. This **** can say that he has no self-preservation skills. He is definitely likely to be killed by a level six monster. There are also monsters in this city. He saw My heartbeat can speed up several times during those World of Warcraft. He looked at King Lear, did not say anything, followed this guy and walked towards the terrible breath, they couldn't be separated.

Naturally, it’s not Li Cong’s master who gave out this terrible breath, because that person was Li Cong himself, so how could he give out such a terrible breath? It was Li Cong’s subordinate Xiaohu, Li Cong. After so long of changes, Xiaohu is now a tenth-level monster, but it is still in the process of transformation. Li Cong also discovered this accidentally. He was also afraid that someone would fry his lair, so he let Xiaohu release his breath. This is a very simple thing for Xiaohu, he needs to delve into the inheritance of some tenth-level monsters anyway. That time has come now. Therefore, the masters in New Jiangning City feel that it is difficult to breathe all the time. It is also very good for the safety of Cao's family.

At this moment, Xiaohu was in Li Cong's yard and squinted while listening to the little princess and Cui Xian'er chatting in the garden. The weather here is different from that of Li Cong. The weather here is like spring all year round, and it is even a little hot at noon. At this time, the two girls are eating watermelon and enjoying the cool in the garden. They did not care so much about enjoying such things before. , But Li Cong is a person who absolutely enjoys, so these two girls follow along and know how to make their lives more comfortable.

The plants in the garden are also some more ornamental things. Those so-called practical things are not seen here at all. It seems that the place where they stay is an artificial island. The area of ​​the pond is at least There are tens of thousands of square meters, and the small island has hundreds of square meters. Li Cong built a house on the small island. This is surrounded by water in the summer, but it is very cool, no matter where the wind blows from. It’s all very cool, and the water in this pond is alive. In the beginning, Li was wasting his energy to build this. There is no way. This is not on the earth, as long as he can pay for it. If you speak out your own ideas, those people will be able to help the Lord to do well for themselves. The people here have never seen those things at all, and all things have to be done by themselves.

"I don't know what's going on in the Western Empire now. The last time I wrote to us was a few weeks ago. The old lady has asked it several times." The little princess looked at the sky and said.

"Hey, this person is really true. I don’t know that we are worried about it at home. The old lady is getting older. These years, she has been reluctant to talk about outside affairs. Just thinking that we can have children and grandchildren. Although we can do it every day. Staying with his old man together, I think I still miss my son." Cui Xian'er felt distressed when she thought of her mother-in-law Li. It can be said that Li is the best for her. She also wants to have a pregnant woman, so that the old man can be around If you have a child, you can spend more time, but unfortunately, I can't even see Li Cong's face. Where can I go and ask myself for a child? This is not what I want.

"Who can say no? Although we can also speak with the old lady, we can't tell the old man's heart. We are still..." Cui Xian'er was talking, and the little tiger in the inner courtyard was fierce. When they rushed out, the two women also stopped talking. What's the matter, Xiaohu is like a pet at ordinary times, but they all know that Xiaohu is very powerful, and Li Cong also said, as long as If there is something in this mansion, just ask Xiaohu to solve it, but they don't think there is anything in this mansion that they can't solve. They also think there is no need for Xiaohu to solve the problem, but what's wrong now?

Little Tiger rushed through the garden until he reached the gate. Cao’s family also had a lot of guards. They also listened to Li Cong’s words. The family couldn’t stop Little Tiger from going anywhere. Now Xiaohu won’t go out at the door. The status of this family is as noble as a protector of the country. Now this guy has come here, and the other guards can’t stay there anymore. Liu Qing, who has reached the eighth-level fighter, is also at the door at this time. The few people who can stay with Xiaohu, although they can't fully understand the meaning of Warcraft, they know a little bit better than ordinary people, and now he wants to know what's wrong.

Xiaohu stared at the door motionlessly, it can be said that since this guy became a tenth-level monster, he has no fear at all. He is not so afraid of this matter today, but this is not a place to fight. He can feel that although the opponent has hidden his true strength, the perception ability of the tenth level monster is still better than the tenth level. The fighters are much stronger. Although they are all at level ten, the difference is not a little bit, just like the tenth level archers are the weakest in this tenth level club, followed by the tenth level fighters. The tenth level warcraft is better than Tenth-level fighters are much stronger. But if you encounter a tenth-level magician. None of them are opponents. Xiaohu can feel that the guy he is coming is very strong, but he still has a lot of shortcomings compared with himself, but Li Cong's family is behind him. The emperor had explained that he had to protect them well. The emperor probably never thought that they would come here with an enemy of tenth-level fighters. Xiaohu hadn't thought of how to deal with them, but he knew that he was guarding here.

"Don't him here? Go to the back and inform the airship to immediately take all the important people in the family. Lift into the air, hurry up." Xiaohu is a monster, he can't do many things, but Liu Qing It's a human being, and he will decide many things himself. His decision is a correct one. Except for flying monsters at an altitude of several thousand meters, even a tenth-level magician can't do anything to the people there. , Although the **** has the ability to fly, but they want to attack the fast-moving airship, that is absolutely impossible. When Liu Qing gave the order, Xiaohu also nodded, and the whole new Jiangning city will become It doesn’t matter what a person looks like and how many people die. I am a monster. It’s normal to die here. What I worry about is to provide the people in the yard. If they are okay, they can kill it by themselves. If Li If all the members of his family left here, Xiaohu would have nothing to worry about, he could let go and kill them, these guys are probably not his opponents.

The men immediately began to work, and several sturdy female fighters rushed to Cui Xian'er and the little princess. At this time, time is money. They explained to the two masters and hugged them directly. They got up and ran to the backyard quickly. The two of them did not resist at this time. They also knew who these people belonged to. Li told them when he went out that these talents would come out when danger came. Yes, as long as they come out, just ask them to do things directly. They are people who can absolutely be trusted and will never do anything that harms the interests of the Cao family. They saw that their mother-in-law was also there on the road. In the arms of the fierce woman, she rushed towards the place where the airship was released in the backyard. In their opinion, there are dozens of level eight fighters in this mansion, and there are more masters. How could they be afraid to be like this Well, could it be that something terrible happened? In their concept, even the imperial emperor would not directly act on Li Cong. They made a mistake from time to time. Although they doubted but didn't say anything, it was better to watch it silently.

"Cut off the cable...Cut off the cable." The airship in the backyard was already ready for a long time. After seeing all the masters in the house came up, he immediately told the people below that he would cut the cable. At the same time , In the Warcraft barracks outside the city, dozens of Level 7 flying beasts have also arrived around the airship. If there are other unopenable beasts, these guys will surely be able to tear them apart, little princess. Observing the surrounding eighth-level fighters and monsters, their faces are very nervous. They are not fighters, so naturally they can't feel these things. Could something terrible really happen?

"Sit down, sit down, all looking around to see what, now that Kerr arranged this for us, we just stay, my son, I know that everything has its own scale, you two go. Those who come and go are still worried.” The old lady looked at the two daughter-in-laws in front of her and said, after all, they are all women. At this time, a man is needed to make decisions, but now there is no man in the family, and the old lady is the family. His heart became the backbone, and his words still gave the two young girls a lot of peace of mind. At least their heartbeats are a little closer to normal people now. This is also a great fortune in misfortune.

"Guan Shi, what happened next?" The old lady glanced at Liu Hong who had sent herself up. He knew that this girl had been following her son for a long time. Such a beautiful girl is not very old. Zhang's is still so beautiful, and he doesn't need to follow his own son. This is more or less half a family member, but his son is not very knowledgeable.

"In response to the old lady, in fact, we don't know exactly what's going on. The skill of the monster tiger below is the best in our entire house. He felt the danger and came at us, just to prevent everything. Once we have to do this, this is what the young master ordered at the time." Liu Hong said. With such an explanation, he knew that the old lady and the two young grandma would definitely not be satisfied. But this is what the young master said.

"Well, since Kerr asked you to do that, I think that monster must have its own meaning. Where are we going. There must be a place?" The old lady frowned. But thinking that his son is not a fool. He believed so much in the judgment of a monster of his own. Li had already been used to letting his son decide on something, so there was no refutation. But my own age is a bit older after all. This is okay to say on land. If I wander around like this in the sky, I might not be very good at it. This is also a test for myself.

"In response to the old lady, the young master has already prepared a place for us. I don't know the exact location of it. It is all operated by the people who operate the airship. It is said that it is absolutely confidential. Safe." Liu Hong said. The old lady nodded. She seemed very satisfied with Li Cong’s arrangement. What they didn’t know was that within a period of time after they left, the whole New Jiangning City could be said to be basically It disappeared on this continent. Li suffered a lot less losses from the family because of Xiaohu, but for more people, this was even more serious than the previous beast tide.

When the old lady and their airship flew away from Xinjiangning City, King Lear and the others also saw the airship on their heads, but they never thought that the one above would be their target this time. In their opinion, Cao There is such a powerful guy in the family watching, and he will definitely not escape in such a desperate way. They can only sneak in slowly, and punch in honestly? They didn't have the guts. At this moment, ten minutes after Cui Xian'er and the others left, a large number of materials from the Cao's firm also quickly left the city. Thousands of carriages left the city quickly with some of the most precious things. If someone opened the box If you look at it, you will definitely be dumbfounded, because there are no precious gold and silver treasures inside at all, but space rings, and each of them is a space ring over 20 cubic meters, which is enough. There are tens of millions of space rings. If Li Cong takes out all of these space rings, it is estimated that the space rings will immediately become some worthless gadgets, which contain some precious things of Li Cong. .

Of course, most of the contents in it are not regarded as precious things, because the most precious things are in Li Cong’s own internal world. These are basically just some gold and silver. It’s not omnipotent at the time, so Li Cong still asked his people to collect more gold and silver, and less silver bills. In case one day if the silver bills are useless, these gold and silver can come in handy. .

Some of Cao’s shopkeepers also got on the carriage, and retreated towards the airship gathering point outside the city. When they left, the whole shop was still open as before, except that someone took them out and got them on WoW. If you want to release the materials, the guys here will tell them that the store has bought a lot of these things now, and they don’t want these things for the time being. Let’s go to another place to have a look. In fact, the real reason is not like this, the real The reason is that a large amount of money in the shop has been transferred away by all the shopkeepers, and the remaining money in the shop is probably the few thousand taels of broken silver on the front cabinet.

In the entire New Jiangning City, Li has at least tens of billions of silver in assets. Looking at it now, these things cannot be taken away. Wu Liu also hopes that this time is just a crisis, and it will definitely not become a reality, but half of it. He knew that he was wrong after a young age. Now all those who knew about it had some fluke in their hearts. They didn’t believe that the powerful enemy would dare to kill so aggressively in the place where humans gather, because then it might be all. The human masters of Japan will hunt down that guy. If it were before, King Lear would definitely not do that, but now this is not necessarily the case. King Lear can't be called a human to a certain extent.

The front of Cao's Mansion is also different from before. In the past, there were always several carriages waiting here at this gate. Now there are basically no people here, and only a few concierges are left. In fact, the concierge is wondering what's going on. Although the young master is not at home these days, although the number of people visiting is a lot less, it can't be reduced by that many all at once. This is simply unreasonable.

King Lear and the **** were already in the Cao Mansion, so naturally they didn't have the guts to enter through the front door. In fact, if they were more courageous, they might be able to see that Cao Mansion was different from before. King Lear also paid a huge price for his carelessness. When he used his greatest strength to destroy the entire Cao Mansion afterwards, he discovered that none of the people he wanted to destroy was here, and all this It's all because I was too scared when I started. If you can pay a little attention when you start. There will never be such a situation.

"Damn it. I've been to this mansion of high-ranking officials and nobles many times. Isn't it a bit chilling, look. This wall doesn't even have calligraphy or painting. Can this **** be called a study room? Except for these. Apart from the fact that the furniture is pretty good, there is nothing worthwhile. Doesn’t it mean that this kid is rich and can be an enemy of the country? Does this kid usually live like this? Do people outside think that it’s wrong?" Hei After the ghosts and King Lear entered Li Cong’s study, King Lear also felt that Li Cong was a little too plain here. Even his study is much better than here. Normally, he won’t be there for almost a year. The study is once, so I don’t care how it’s arranged. I let my subordinates do it. But even then, there are a few good things in my study that can calm the scene. Look here. Basically There are no good things on it, especially the bookcase over there. What is called a study room, it is a place for reading. Why is there not even a book on it? What the **** is this study room? This is what Li Cong does. Can't the empty shelf that comes out?

"That's right, I also found someone to investigate the kid Cao Ke, and they all said that this kid can't pay attention to his own life at all. What is going on? It seems that we have come wrong." Li King Er also said that he walked over to the Grand Master's chair and sat down. He felt that there was something missing around here. King Lear looked at both sides carefully. Sure enough, there should be a circular decoration on both sides of the Grand Master's chair when it was originally. Now there was nothing left, and there were only two marks left by the dust. These people had been prepared for a long time. King Lear suddenly wanted to understand. He didn't shut the **** thinking about anything, and quickly broke through the study door. The **** also seems to understand, and hurry up to keep up. People are prepared. Let's come in like this. Isn't this looking for death? People have to deal with themselves even if some of the valuables in the house have been transferred away, I thought they didn't know anything. It.

It’s just that King Lear, who had just rushed out of the study, stopped immediately. The **** was still wondering why this guy hadn’t left. Didn’t you know that there might be an ambush in there? If you don’t leave now, wait. I might want to leave for a while without a chance to go out. Don’t you know something like this? When I just wanted to ask King Lear, a loud roar came. Damn, what the **** is this? Dead man, the **** covers his ears, is this the huge breath? The **** opened his small eyes and looked at the front yard. It was not very big, it looked like something like a lion. What is this thing? Warcraft? But there doesn't seem to be a monster like this, but if it is a beast, he can shout so loudly, and his own combat power is frightened a bit at a loss. What is this thing?

Bastard.... King Lear didn’t know why such a sentence came out of his heart. He was really unbelievable. Li Cong’s house would have a monster, a monster that was too powerful, Lear. When Wang stood in front of such a guy, there were already beads of sweat on his face. The **** didn’t know what this thing was, so it was better, but King Lear already guessed what this thing was. I can only feel afraid of people who are better than me or beasts. Among these beasts, the level 9 beasts will definitely not be their opponents. The only thing that can make me so scared is this, this... this. The tenth-level warcraft, the legendary king of warcraft, can easily kill several tenth-level warriors is this thing in front of them, it is said that they will not be afraid of anything except the tenth-level magician. It is not an easy task for a tenth-level magician to solve them. A tenth-level magician will waste a lot of his energy to get rid of such things. How could King Lear be not afraid? This thing can kill itself.

"King Lear, this thing...what the **** is this thing, how come I look at his eyes and feel like I'm frozen all over, is this thing very powerful?" Minutes of effort, there was no sound at all, the wind blew as if there was a sound, the **** finally couldn't help it. This thing made myself ashamed. It made him feel scared. Even when he saw the two tenth-level fighters, the Grand Elder and Prince Zheng, he was not afraid. When I was outside the city just now, I just felt that there was something very powerful in it. But really stand in front of yourself. I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Xiaohu glanced at the two people unfriendly. That kind of look. It is estimated that even for two people of this intensity, it will be unforgettable for a lifetime. King Lear smiled bitterly. You can ask him a lot about such things. How can the word "powerful" modify the thing in front of me? The thing in front of me can be said to be the most powerful thing on this continent. Like the tenth-level magicians, they belong to the legendary existence. The tenth-level warriors are in theirs. What's in your eyes? If a tenth-level monster really enters a violent state, it can kill several tenth-level fighters. What is the use of increasing your strength? That little growth is vulnerable to this thing.

"Old Hei, we may not be able to go. This thing is a tenth-level monster. If it really starts later, please take out all the things at the bottom of the box. If you don't take it out, I guess he won't have a chance in this life. You can see the sun again, and you can see that the momentum of this thing is already so powerful. When we fight, no matter who it is, if we have the opportunity, we can leave. If both people stay, there is nothing except death together. Other uses." King Lear knew that there was no friendship between himself and the nigger. As long as they had the opportunity, both would choose to leave. This is the common idea of ​​despicable people, instead of doing it for a while. It’s better to say it now. If this is the case, everyone can still accept it, and it will give each other a face.

Ten-level Warcraft? The nigger, the old guy, has heard about how powerful this thing is countless times. He once saw a record of the Black Magic Apothecary. He didn’t know that hundreds of thousands of years ago or earlier, when he was a strong one. In the era of the birth of a large number of people, a tenth-level fighter was very cherished. At that time, tenth-level fighters could easily find a few people. Six tenth-level fighters were killed by a tenth-level monster. Of course, it’s also because that tenth-level beast is very good. I don’t know how powerful this one is, but the **** understands that how much he can add to King Lear, it’s impossible to compare to six tenth-level fighters, King Lear What they said is definitely not pessimistic, and even somewhat optimistic, they are not likely to go out at all, and they say they can go out. This is simply too joking.

The tenth-level beast, it turned out to be such a thing, the **** has not returned to reality from his own recollection. The little tiger over there has already walked forward slowly. Although the walk is slow, every step is given to them. Bringing huge pressure, the nerves of the two people can be said to be extremely tense. They don't know how this tenth-level beast attacked, is there any special attack method, maybe the victory or defeat is divided .

"Be careful..." King Lear's reaction speed is already very fast, but King Lear can only say this sentence, and I can't finish the rest. Xiaohu has already rushed to the two of them, one Quickly culling, this is the answer Xiaohu gave them. Generally, the speed of tenth-level monsters at this time is definitely not that fast, but Xiaohu has absorbed a lot of Li Cong's vitality, even if it is a tenth-level monster over ten thousand years. There is no such thing as Xiaohu. Xiaohu’s direct culling made both King Lear and the **** embarrassed. King Lear blocked it with his own weapon, but he still ran into the house behind. As for the nigger, he was even worse. This guy was directly vomited blood. It was his plant life that helped him withstand 90% of the lethality, otherwise this guy might have died long ago.

so smart? The first wave of Xiaohu's attack was to look at the abilities of these two men. Now Xiaohu is a bit disappointed. He is the king of beasts. He has very few opponents. He originally thought that these two men would be better, so he wanted to be here. I fought with them for a while, but I didn't expect these two guys to be so...such a person who is not an opponent and can't even catch one of his own moves, how can he be called his opponent.

King Lear moved his hands with difficulty, and he was knocked back by this guy for nearly 20 meters. On the ground, his two calves were all buried in the soil because of retreating~www.wuxiaspot .com~ One move, one move made my own tiger's mouth shattered. This was something I would never dare to think about before, but here, this is the fact, and you can’t tolerate you not to believe it. Just now, King Lear used the blow He did his best, but didn’t stop him. At the present position, King Lear’s heart has not calmed down. He knew that if a warrior enters the battle without calming down, he must be the one who suffers. This monster looks a little panting. It doesn't look like it.

Looking at the **** over there, he looked at the plant life in his hand in horror at this moment. His very powerful plant life can trap two tenth-level fighters. At this time, there is no more. The plant life that once killed an unknown number of high-level warriors, and the plant life that once allowed the **** to earn a lot of face in front of everyone, was beaten to death at once, and immediately lost its combat effectiveness.

In fact, not only plant life, but also the **** itself has reached a very dangerous time. The energy in this guy's body has not exploded. At this time, he felt a little uncomfortable in his body, so he moved a little bit, Xiaohu The corners of his mouth bend a bit, and it is the most beautiful at this time. The **** also felt that a power in his body that did not belong to him was about to explode, and he could not be allowed to explode. If it broke out, he might die, and he might It was the first black magic potionist who died with one stroke in history. This is absolutely not possible. He saw the plant life that was dying. Since you are dying, then death is worth more. (To be continued...)

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