Energy Group

Chapter 1930:

Li found some clothes of the missing people from the border over there, and they guessed something like this

Then they searched the surroundings for several days, and they kept discovering the murdered villages, with a total of hundreds of thousands of people

, It seems that the policy formulated at the beginning is also problematic, at least if they violated such a village, these people would not

There is no way, the remote villages can't even receive the news from the county town, and the imperial court can't send it.

Many people come to such a village. Besides, if the people who come are not good at it, they may be

They absorbed it. Such a thing can be said to be a normal thing, so the death of these people is inevitable.

Until the third day of the search, news came up from the airship. They said that there was a huge attack in Xinjiang Ningcheng. Li Cong and others

Don’t get on the airship and fly back to New Jiangning City quickly. He is also worried about his family, although

I’m not sure what happened over there, but Li felt in his heart that it might have something to do with King Lear.

Yes, when I returned to Xinjiang Ningcheng, I saw the situation of such a waste area, and even Li Cong was dumbfounded.

The original population of hundreds of millions of people in the city now does not even have one tenth, and there is almost no complete building left here.

Everyone’s face is left with fear. They are not afraid of those who are killed, but afraid of those who will be smoked.

The person who has no life is enveloped, and there is no bone left. The people here are also very superstitious, they

Believe that if you have no bones, it will be very difficult to reincarnate in the future.

It's just a wandering soul, and there will be no next life. This is the most scary thing.

Li Cong saw his family on an airship three hundred miles north of the city, and the little tiger next to him became a pet-sized model.

In this way, with a face of harmless humans and animals crawling under Li's feet, like a pet dog, Li Cong is considered a blessing

Up. If it weren't for this kid, it wouldn't have been the way it is now. After the final fight, King Lear completed his

With his advancement, he directly beat Xiaohu and bleeds. This is incredible.

The tenth-level monster was beaten by a human and bleeds. Such a thing has not happened for hundreds of thousands of years. I'm still a level ten monster

Among the most powerful ones. If such a thing is spread out, and he will not be mixed up, Xiaohu will directly skyrocket.

Dozens of times. Changed his own body and beat King Lear vigorously. This time King Lear stabbed a hornet's nest, although

Although he is already advanced, his original strength is also very powerful, but he thinks like Xiaohu who is attacking with all his strength now

Sure, he knows it, this difference in strength is not the slightest, the part that he improved after he advanced is hidden from others

The part of is simply not on the same level. The end result is that King Lear was directly exposed by this guy.

At that time, all the hundreds of miles around Jiangning City were gone, and even one-tenth of the population remained.

As for the nigger, this guy’s damage was already great. When King Lear revealed himself, this guy had nothing.

The rest, like the people absorbed by him, nothing changed. Li felt helpless when he heard Xiaohu say this.

I lowered my forehead. There was still a little clue for the Black Magic Apothecary. It’s all right now. There is nothing left.

Xiaohu is gone, the whole city is gone, even if he took out some of his things, but

It is Li Cong's loss in the whole thing that is also incalculable. No matter how fast the outside develops, this is a foundation after all.

Li Cong comforted the family, they have nothing else to do, now they have to decide where to go next

, Now Xinjiangning City has completely disappeared. This whole place is a waste area. It is impossible to go back.

It is necessary to find a new home for these people in the family. There are Cao’s other courtyards in the counties and cities to the north from here.

, It is not small, but it seems that it can only be used as a temporary residence, wanting to become a permanent Cao

Home is impossible. Since this place is destroyed, it is necessary to establish a new base camp.

"Punma, in fact, I see that it’s not impossible to build a provincial or capital city. Did we live in the past?

Is it too remote? "The little princess said what he meant. He used to think that his husband didn’t have much money.

Thing, then if you go to the capital, you might be bullied by those imperial relatives, even the magician, for those guys

It’s nothing great to say, and they don’t care about such royal relatives. Now it’s different. Take Li Cong

In terms of current ability, even the ordinary palace in the capital would not be his opponent.

"Well, it’s a good way, but I think it’s too early to go to the capital. I’m in the capital of the Western Empire.

After living in the city for a while, I found that something was wrong. We are all newly emerging forces. The water in the capital is a bit too

Deeper, if we want to live more freely there will still be a lot of trouble. Besides, the current situation in Beijing

The situation is also a bit different from before. We still choose what we can master, the provincial capital but it is very different.

Incorrect. "Li Cong thought of the governor's uncle. Now that guy has lost his temper at all.

The two assistants he had given him can basically master everything there now.

"Also, what the Madam said is right. We are a bit too eye-catching in the capital. We also have a courtyard in the provincial capital.

Yes, it's just that the scale is a bit different compared to our own. Why don't we first go to the Grand Hyatt Hotel in the provincial capital to stay temporarily

Now, the land around that other courtyard is our own home. It takes some time to get it right, but we are fine.

Well, the old lady should live better, don't let the old lady feel that it is not home. "The little princess is already

Gradually adapt to the identity of the family. In this era, the husband is not his own god, but the mother-in-law is his own god.

"Well, you just need to arrange this. Although I will be with my family recently. But many things I may

I can't take care of it. Having a head like you at home, I can really save a lot of worry. "Li Cong said with a smile, little princess

I feel very relieved of doing things. But sometimes I feel sorry for my wife. So young

It is for her to worry about so many things. Sometimes I feel that I shouldn't.

"Actually, what I have done is not enough. I can't help you with anything outside. Compared with the mother and queen

What I do is too little. I remember that when I was young, the father and the queen could be **** with a lot of busyness, except

I am here, if you can’t let you rest assured about the family affairs, I’m too incompetent, besides, although our family is

It looks not small, but it's not a few people's affairs. For my sister, there seems to be something wrong recently. "small

The words before the princess are used to pave the way for the words behind, sister? Cao Yan'er? Li Cong thought of his sister, she

Something went wrong. When the accident happened this time, she was helping Caojia Commercial Bank to do some charity work in the provincial capital.

After avoiding this disaster, what happened to him? Li Cong looked at his little daughter-in-law a little confused.

"No wonder my mother would say that your men have only the outside world in their hearts, and don’t care much about family affairs. My sister recently

It seems that I have frequent contacts with a member of the provincial capital. I am not very clear about that person. I wanted to tell you earlier.

The only thing about this is that you never come back very often, so this is not said. "The little princess hesitated

I told the story right away. The Cao family is now different from before. There are so many people in the world.

Yes, if you don’t have any background, it’s okay, but if there are any problems with the team, then it’s Cao’s family.

, So it is still necessary to tell Li Cong at this time, and to investigate that guy well.

In the past, Cao Yan'er’s life was not so good. When she was young, she knew who her husband was.

People with no virtue are not worthy of Cao Yan'er. Although Li Cong and him are not sisters and brothers, they have got along with him over the past few years.

From what I can feel, my sister really regards herself as his younger brother, and everything must be done well.

I watched, and in the past, I didn’t help the lord Li to do things. Li was also kind when talking about the eldest lady.

I love it very much. If it weren't for the asylum of the eldest, they still don't know what will happen to their life.

"My sister's life is also a bit harder. How old she is now, I think these things are better to go with the flow.

, I will let the people in the family look up the child, now my sister hasn’t told us about this, that means

Things have not reached that level yet, my sister is a very measured person, I think he will tell if there is anything

Mine, you are not wrong in doing such things. It is better to pay more attention to such things in the future. My sister is really too

Simple, he has no ability to distinguish people. "Li Cong said, he was afraid that his little daughter-in-law would think about it

In the latter words, the little princess was really happy when she heard Li Cong say that, and her efforts paid off.

"What he said." The little princess said a few words and went out. He already saw that Wu Liu and Gu Xin had already

It was at the door. When the two guys saw the young master talking with the young grandma, they both turned their backs quickly.

Li Cong also waved his hand to let these two guys in, "If you get to the door in the future, just come in directly, what else can't

By the way, you two are really too careful. I don't have the rules of those outside. "Li Congxiao

Said. These two guys also responded with a smile, but next time there is something like this, I guess they will still do it

What do you do, this matter of ethics is the biggest thing in their hearts, how can they be as big or small as their master?

Yes, Gu Xin might still listen to Li Cong because he was young, but Wu Liu was absolutely impossible.

"How's it going here? I've been over here too. You should be very comfortable with this side, right?" Li Cong let them sit down.

Next, let the maid bring tea and say that Gu Xin, as the new manager of the family, has been doing things for more than a year.

It is always in the eyes. This guy is very flexible. As long as Li Cong confesses things, they are basically done

Yes, even if it is not completed, there will be eyebrows. For this guy Li Cong still likes it. Wu Liu because of the snack street

Things have been dull for a while. It was Li Cong who went over and talked with this guy in person. This is good

Now, the two mothers are cooperating to manage the affairs of the Northern Empire, and now it seems that they have to report.

"Back to Master. What we did here is okay. Although there is nothing outstanding, it is not ashamed.

Locally, we heard that the young master is about to change places, so let’s see what arrangements the young master has, and tell the young master this paragraph

Time for some things in our Caojia firm. "Wu Liu said, Gu Xin usually can't speak under such circumstances.

, Li Cong only asked what he said. If he didn’t ask himself, Wu Liu said everything, although

He and the other guy are also first-class stewards of the Cao family, but both of them know that it is Boss Cui and Wu Liu and Bai

Second, they can not have so many rules in front of the young master. Although everyone is first-class, there is a gap in the end.

He was a monk who was a monk halfway through, but he was completely different from those who had been with the young master for a long time.

"Well, since this is the case, let’s talk about what you have done in this period of time." Li Cong said with a mouthful of water, these two

The guy is here to report that the work has come. To tell the truth, Li Cong would not interfere with how the people below do things.

All that needs to be done is to arrange these people, and the rest is what these people should think.

These two people have been really busy for some time. First of all, the Cao’s commercial firm can be said to be halfway through.

In the territory of the Northern Empire, more than 330 provinces have been developed into Class A provinces, the so-called Class A provinces

It is the province with the best development. In other words, more than 70% of Cao’s business has already arrived. Those less than

Are also under planning, basically in the categories of food, trade, wine, airships, money houses, and hotels.

Some small businesses are not included. In these first-class provinces, grain, trade, and wealth are available in every county.

Both the grain and trade must go to the county seat, and there must be shops in towns where conditions permit.

There are two hundred provinces located in the north-central part of the Northern Empire. This is already the size of a Category B province. The Category B province is the Cao family.

About half of the business transactions are settled in this place. It is impossible to develop to the county seat.

It would be great to have all the city energy. Of course, individual prosperous areas are not so absolute.

In addition, there are more than one hundred provinces that have reached Grade C. Grade C means only food and trade.

In this way, it’s not so absolute. For example, more than 100 counties and cities in Zhongzhou, the largest province in central China, are already covered.

These places also need to be developed first.

The remaining hundreds of provinces in the Northern Empire can be said to have developed at the D level. In these provinces, there are Cao’s commercial firms, but

It’s not sure what kind of business it is like. On average, there are only a few shops in a province in these places.

The influence of shares can be said to be very weak, but there is also a little bit.

In the end, there are more than a dozen provinces that have no influence, either the Yang family dominates, or the kind

There are no places where people are crowded, and such a place is not easy to handle for the time being, and now Li has never had that mental development.

Li Cong looked at the report that the two of them had brought up. There were more than 300 Grand Hyatt hotels opened. But it’s more than tens of thousands of

Food shops have to make more profits. Such a thing makes Li Cong very helpless. In the face of all the people’s business, it seems that

It's not as good as people in the upper class can make money. Those guys spend a lot of money after entering, which is very good.

"What you have done is very good. I believe you have also received the news. We will also start to expand in the Western Empire.

With the development of the scale, the main strength of the Chamber of Commerce will be placed over there for a while, and the current posture will be maintained here.

Yes, it needs a lot of silver to develop there. How much can you put out here? "For his subordinate Li Congna

I'm not going to say other things that are not nutritious. Go straight to the subject.

"Master, we really have a lot of profit, we can at least put out more than 1.3 billion silver." Wu Liu is happy

Said that this number is already very large. To know the superficial estimate of the empire’s annual fiscal revenue

This bibliography is almost done. Sometimes it may only cost hundreds of billions of dollars. This number should be quite a bit.

"Well, it's great, but there is still a certain gap with my expectations. That's good, you will put some

All assets that should be disposed of are disposed of, and at least the past 1.5 billion taels of silver must be shipped. This is the best development over there.

We can’t just give up this opportunity. If that’s the case, we don’t know how to respect the opportunity.

By the way, Gu Xin, how is the plan for the villa area I told you before? Are there any results now? "Li Cong

Said that when Li Cong left the Northern Empire, Li Cong had already begun to plan real estate. In this era, real estate

Basically no one will do such things, but anything is a hype, as long as it's a good hype,

Anything can become a reality. Fortunately, I didn’t do it around Xinjiangning City, otherwise.

If this is the case, this might have been turned into a waste area by the fellow Xiaohu, and now Li Cong got it in the provincial capital, which has no effect.

Speaking of the plan for this villa area, Wu Liu didn't feel anything. He felt that it was not as good as the snack street that Li Cong had used before.

The plan is, how good that thing is to make money, there are already hundreds of snack streets like that in the Northern Empire.

There are hundreds of billions of dollars in profit every year, which is no better than the villa area where there is no future. Many rich people in this era

They don’t like to buy some houses in the suburbs of cities. In their opinion, the suburbs are not safe at all. They

What I want is a prescription in the city center. It’s best to be next to the City Lord’s Mansion. But Li Cong Leng said he has a way to

Some wealthy people have all gotten to live in their own villas, and this cost money to start doing it.

"If you return to the young master, it is all completed, fifty large manors, three hundred medium-sized villas, and five hundred

The small villas are all ready, as the young master said, all the large manors occupies more than that...

A medium-sized villa of more than 30,000 square meters is more than 2,000 square meters, this small villa is 500 square meters, and

And some of the internal environment is made in accordance with the requirements of the young master. These are some templates we have produced.

Lord treats. "Gu Xin took out some paper and said, some of the things on it were given to the craftsmen that he remembered.

The craftsman is also very satisfied with these designs. Li Cong is also very satisfied with these things. He clearly knows that the rich like them.

Get together, whether you can sell the recipes in these rich areas from these rich people depends on your next shot.

, This is also a small-scale experiment. If you can’t do this, you won’t waste time on real estate in the future.

For Fangzi, people in this era are similar to those on earth, but many people don’t live in cities because

The living conditions in the city are too high, they would rather buy their own pig nests in the countryside.

"Very well, have you released news to the outside world as I told you these days?" Li Cong said.

"Naturally, there are. The subordinates have already put all the villas on the world. Many people are here these days.

I've seen that place. Many people say that living there is simply a fairyland on earth, and those of us in the city also say

In the city, the air is not so fresh because of the large number of people. Don’t say it, I didn’t pay attention to it before.

Aware of this, I didn’t feel any discomfort in the air in this city, but I really got to the outskirts of the city.

The air really makes the body very comfortable. "Gu Xin said with a smile. In fact, it's all this guy's own heart.

The rationale is that there is no such thing as industry in this era, and there will be no environmental pollution.

"Very good. Before Fangzi was completed, some rich people in the city were invited to our Fangzi.

Take a look. Pick out one of the good ones and start putting up furniture or something, and you can also ask them to rest in it for a good night

On, contact the best slave merchants and buy some nice people in. We can satisfy as long as it is what they want

All satisfied. Satisfy the unsatisfied. As for the security issues they mentioned, tell them that all the internal

All five-level fighters are responsible for security. But this security fee is indispensable. "Li Cong said with a smile, this five-level battle

Taxi may be very good bodyguards for others, and these wealthy households are probably not as capable, but for Li Cong

In other words, it is basically possible to mass produce Level 5 fighters, and hundreds of them can be produced every month. If you are lucky,

Can reach thousands of people, this is still the number of training camps, of course, this is also very good for money, almost every

Heaven needs hundreds of millions of dollars in money, and it is absolutely impossible to do without a great money supply.

"Master, if that's the case, I think our house might be out of stock. These guys usually don’t have five

Class fighters guarantee their safety. I think there are many people who are in trouble will buy it. We will set this price.

The price is three taels of silver per square meter. I wonder how the young master feels about this price? "Gu Xin said, three taels of silver per square meter

It's already very expensive. You must know that the cost of the place they chose is less than five per square meter on average.

Only ten copper plates. If this is sold, this will be hundreds of times the profit, which is more powerful than real estate companies on the earth.

A lot, of course, houses in this world are not very expensive, and the average in the city center is only tens of taels of silver.

It's only one square meter. In Li Cong's opinion, not only is the price not high, it's still a bit low.

"This price is too conservative. Isn't the smallest 500 square meter only 1,500 taels of silver? How can such a house be considered high-end?

Atmospheric grade? The largest prescription is 20 taels of silver per square meter, the mid-range is 15 taels, and the smallest is also 10 taels.

, If you are willing to buy it, you can buy it if you don’t want to buy it, and tell them that in a few years our formula may be even higher, this appreciation

The potential must be told to them, I think they are some businessmen, this is still understandable. "Li Cong said with a smile

Dao, he knows that many rich people on earth sell their houses not to live in, but they are afraid that the money will

The value may be depreciated in one's own hands, and this kind of truth is bound to exist on this planet.

"Twenty taels of silver?" This sentence was said by the two of them together. They originally thought that the price that Gu Xin had said was just the price.

It’s a bit high. Why don’t people buy a piece of land there and build their own house? Why do they have to buy your recipe?

Well, this is simply impossible, good guys, now the biggest one with 30,000 square meters is 20 taels of silver.

In the case of rice, this is hundreds of thousands taels of silver. There are a lot of such rich people in the whole province, but people are willing to spend that

money? They are all businessmen, very shrewd, and might not do such things.

"Yes, that's the number. What's the matter? I don't seem to believe the two of you very much." Li Cong said with a smile

Dao, it’s no wonder that they haven’t seen the practice of spoofing people from real estate agents.

I’ve taught a few storytellers, and they’ll find out some sales guys who can fool others.

After getting all the matching items, those people will definitely pay the buyer honestly.

Don't look at the fact that this property is worth tens of millions of dollars at most. But this is the first community developed by Li Cong.

Later, it will grow up like bamboo shoots after a rain. These things will become the most sought-after things.

Who has the final say in the center of the city? This rich man has the final say, let's circle them first, then it will be easier to handle.

"Master, I think the price is really high. Actually, according to your number, we have a sales of 30 million silver.

But our cost is only tens of thousands of taels of silver. Can it be sold so high? Isn't this nonsense? "Because of this

The result of love may appear, Wu Liu also boldly said such a sentence, so he dared to say such a thing.

Lord for so many years. In this case, if you change someone else, you wouldn't dare to say it. They have no friendship with the young master.

"Don't worry. You will know at that time, as long as you strictly follow my steps." Li Cong laughed

He said, this thing is ok as long as it is in a place with a lot of people and land. When did the land in this big city not

There may be more, as long as this is working well, this community will be up one by one in the future.

"Well, since the young master has this meaning, I won’t say much. The next thing is shipping on the Magnolia River.

We are now managing the 145,000 large ships on the river, and basically came out in half a year. We

Each ship has made a profit of more than 350,000 taels in at least half a year. We only need to give our employer about 60,000

Two silvers, the rest are to be given to them at the end of the year, and the court has already approved us to add 50,000 merchant ships.

The plan is that the fees they charge this time are a bit higher. Each ship has to pay 170,000 taels of silver per year, which is more than before.

For 20,000 taels of silver, I haven't answered them yet, what do you mean, Master? "Wu Liu took out another document and said

Dao, now Cao’s firm is also different from before. He likes to write some things on paper, which is very different from before.

In the past, I used my own mouth to report, but now it doesn’t seem to be very formal.

"Hehe, 20,000 taels of silver is okay. Tell them, we can’t use this ship as it is now. We’re going to use a two-hundred-ton larger ship. The new 700-ton merchant ship will be built soon. These guys think To fight the famine with us, they are not the one. We totally agree, but tell them that this contract must be set for a longer period of time, and most of the people to be promoted know this contract, even if they want It’s not that simple to break the contract. People like the court have always said one thing and do one thing. Now they feel that we give them more money, but when the guarantee is uneven, someone will give them more money. At that time, our life was not so easy. By the way, I heard that you are entering a new transportation field. You have reached the Ronnie River, the largest river in the empire. How about it? It should be even better than the Yulan River. Difficult?" Li Cong said with a smile, now that it is impossible to calculate Li Cong, he thought of all the things that the court official didn't even think of.

"Master, just as you said, there are millions of ships transporting on the Ronnie River, and the scattered ones are far more powerful. There are almost tens of thousands of bosses on these million ships. These guys are not as good as Let the empire be monopolized, where we are struggling, no matter how good my ship is, but this is their traditional sphere of influence, we want to get into it is not so simple." Wu Liu recently Doing things over there, so he knows this well. Hearing Li Cong’s question, he quickly pours bitter water on Li Cong. The area around the Luoni River is different from the Magnolia River. It is surrounded by some developed areas. There are too many wealthy businessmen in this area. This is also the only river in the empire where houses are opened. Compared with those who do not open houses, it is better to deal with those who are not open, because those who are not open only need to deal with a few bosses. No matter what he is, I can always ask them to agree, but this Ronnie is different. Some bosses have a boat, and this boat is the lifeblood of this guy, even if he gives them money It's hard to get it.

"Hehe, since we have already entered, we must do it well. You should not go all the way from front to back. In that case, the difficulty is too great. You must let customers choose us. Your starting point should start with customers. , Let them know that although our prices are the same as those of those people, our speed is only one-fifth of theirs. If necessary, we can even lower the price. I think in the future they will know who they should do business with. The people here will let their original transportation personnel not do business. At that time, if you come to talk to them about the acquisition, I think 90% of them will make a correct choice." Li From the helpless point of view, the problems these people said are actually not a problem in front of Li Cong. They have more advanced business concepts than they know, but these people don’t know very well. There is nothing to show off. Yes, Li Cong didn't feel much about it himself. The two of them simply admired Li Cong. The issue on Ronnie River has not been resolved for a long time. Is it really resolved this time?

In Yandong Province, the Yang family’s mansion and the Yang family’s high-level officials are almost all here today. They all came here for a meeting. This meeting decided how the Yang family should go next, and the Yang family of various minerals. It can be said that the family has reached the end of their business, and they have nothing to develop. Therefore, the Yang family has started its own development in the political circle. However, some officials of the Yang family who have left Yandong Province recently have all encountered various problems. Such a blow, now they all lost their official hats in despair. Needless to say, this must be something the emperor did. The emperor believed in the Yang family, and he could also let the Yang family guard Yandong Province for generations, but the emperor’s patience It is also limited. You can do whatever you want in this province, but it is absolutely impossible to get out. The emperor will not let your power grow stronger.

"Everyone, coming to the meeting today is another matter. Now your majesty’s decree has arrived. This year, the taxation of Yandong Province will increase by 20%. Last year it has increased by 10%. If it is increasing by 20% this year, Yandong Province’s annual tax Taxation will exceed 1.3 billion silver, plus other expenses for the capital, we can’t make it if we don’t have 5 billion silver each year. This amount is already beyond our budget. Brainstorm and see what everyone thinks.” said Yang Zhao, the second elder of the Yang family, who is also Yang Guang’s father.

"The imperial court has been too much in recent years. In fact, starting from the Tuoba clan rebellion in the Western Empire, several empires have begun to suppress our aristocratic families, and our Yang family has also suffered particularly severely. The 300,000 troops in the army are our own Now there are two more battalions and 50,000 people, among them there are 10,000 elite forbidden troops. If your Majesty doesn’t trust us, just say it. What do you want to do slowly like this?" This sentence is a statement from the hearts of most of the Yang family. The Yang family’s title was not stolen and forced by themselves. It was all made by the ancestors. It was obtained in one shot, and now it has been managed by so many people to have this situation today. I really didn't expect the emperor to deal with the descendants of the heroes of the year. This really makes many people feel chilling.

"Hehe, these complaints are just to listen. We don't have any other ideas. At least our Yang family can't do rebellious things. We can only do things honestly according to your majesty's instructions. I see us. We still have to cooperate with Cao Ke. Last time Qiu'er already got back a report. This kid is going to contract all kinds of minerals in our entire province. He will take out 90% of our current income to contract. That is to say, if we do nothing, we can have the benefits of Ninetowns, so that we can also have more time to do other things. I don’t know what everyone means?” Yang Zhao is also very good to Li Cong because of his son. Close, in his opinion this proposal should be passed.

Everyone began to whisper. Cao Ke has had a deep influence on their Yang family over the years, but the ore trading has never meant to get a share of the pie. This is the root of their Yang family. Should they take it out now? , I feel uncomfortable when I take it out. If I don’t take it out, how can I make up for more money? Is it necessary to rebel? (To be continued...)

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