Energy Group

Chapter 1947:

Rongchang is very well placed in the Southern Empire, especially in the royal family, where you need your own skills in other places, and even more in the royal family, just like the current Southern Empire, as long as you are a fighter Then your title is two levels higher than your original title. If you become a fourth level higher through cultivation in the future, if you are a magician, then you will be born as a county king. Now, as long as there is nothing wrong, you can always become a prince at the end of the day. This is basically a certainty. Rongchang didn’t give Li Cong much face just now. To give Li Congdian a smile, from the bottom of his heart, he must be reluctant to do such a thing, but if he does not go, the Southern Empire will have lost a lot.

Rongchang really hasn’t done these things before. With her prince’s dignity, coupled with her very powerful eighth-level ice magician, the things that can make her bow her head can basically be said to be minimal. , I just thought of the huge benefits of Dukang wine and the ever-expanding power of the Magician's Union. I must handle this matter properly. Although I am a magician, I started from the day I became a magician. She didn’t have much contact with the Mage’s Guild, and the Mage’s Guild had never regarded this woman as their own. Both of them were just going for the sake of face. Naturally, they grabbed half of their share. There is no need to look at their face, and they must have not looked at their face in such a deal with Li Cong in private.

Li Cong was not surprised when he received the invitation from Prince Rongchang. The Southern Empire is sure to care about this. Li Cong has a copy of the Dukang wine sales report of the Northern Empire. This thing can bring him nearly 600 billion silver every month, even if there is some Costs and taxes, but they are just a little bit, they can be ignored. Even if the Southern Empire has a share of the pie, the annual income is also a very alarming level, and since Li came back, he has given his own information The system has carefully calculated the distribution of the Southern Empire’s power. The Southern Empire’s Wizards’ Guild can be said to be the most powerful among the four empires. The Wizards’ Guilds of the other empires have their own armies. It is symbolic. But the Southern Empire was not like that. The Southern Empire has more than 30 million troops in the entire empire. Don’t think that these troops are ordinary troops. Everyone they enter must be at least a first-class fighter. All others are not allowed to enter. . The combat effectiveness of such an army is absolutely amazing. The thirty-five legion commanders are all nine-level pinnacle fighters. Such military power naturally scares the Southern Empire imperial family, so even if they want to lose money, they have to prevent the expansion of the Southern Empire Mage Union.

Li Cong asked Bai Er to help himself answer this invitation, he did not lack your business. To be honest, Li Cong is more inclined to cooperate with the Southern Empire Mage Union. The Southern Empire Mage Union treats him very well. At least the Southern Empire Mage Union did not bargain with him. Whatever he says is what he can say. It’s all because the magicians believe it very much, but that Rongchang doesn’t have this quality anymore, and he doesn’t seem to have the need to give face to such a person, and Lu Manjia has already come here, and Li from now on If you are busy loving your beloved, other things are done later.

Lu Manjia has been running between the two bases of the Western Empire for more than two months. In the middle, Dai Lin felt very sorry for his niece. Why did he work so hard for Li Cong? Li Cong also accepted that Dai Lin did not. There are fewer complaints. I don't have to let my little daughter-in-law come to me to rest for a while. If something goes wrong, I really don't know how to face her.

Lu Manjia walked down from the airship in a white dress, like a goddess. The facial features on his face did not have any disadvantages because of the busy period of time. Seeing such a spirited Lu Manjia Li Cong I was relieved, I must not let my daughter-in-law look tired. The front desk should have been done by myself, but I really don’t know about the doctor’s things. It’s better for my wife to do it herself, but this kind of thing is about to be adapted soon. Her dozens of apprentices can now be regarded as independent. Of course, it’s not good to give someone a doctor, but it’s just to find There is no problem with Fang grabbing medicine. At least the two bases of the Northern Empire are not problematic. The next step is the problem of practice.

"It's so beautiful that I will be dumped by you again, wife, I really don't know how you look like this, I really see..." Li Cong said exaggeratedly, his voice is not small, The people around here are basically audible. Several minions are used to it. It seems that Li Cong said the same when the little princess came last time, but they knew it when they saw the expression on Lu Manjia’s face. The boss's trick has worked again. It's better not to talk too much. Now this very light, money-saving and a lot of work is not so easy to find. If this continues, you might become a rich man.

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a while, and I still have such a glib tongue. I remember that you were not like this at the beginning. How did you become like this now?" Lu Manjia pointed to Li Cong's forehead and said.

"Hehe, that's because you have not been by my side for a long time, and I have become bad. From now on, it is better to look at me every day, otherwise you might not know me." Li Cong pulled Lu Manjia Li Cong's hand said, indeed, for this girl Li Cong really feels a bit uncontrollable, as if one day she really left like that. Such things are covering Li Cong's every day.

"Well, anyway, I have nothing more to do. My biggest task in the future is to look at you. I don’t need to deal with so many things in the mansion, and I don’t need to do charity. There are also dedicated people in my clinic. Now. And I can continue to treat the poor here, and I will look at you for the rest of a lot of time. Now I announce that you have been taken over by me." Lu Manjia said with a locking motion.

"What are you doing? Is it because I feel that I have given you too little? In fact, I love you the most. Just teach them those trivial things, and you can just be yourself." Li Cong Said with a smile, to be honest, these women in the family are not very relaxed, and Lu Manjia can be said to be the most relaxed after finishing these things.

"Then I have to thank you very much, not to say it, I am tired all the way. Go home. I want to take a bath." After getting into the carriage, Lu Manjia said directly sitting on Li Cong.

With such a fragrant body, how could Li Cong feel at ease, so he naturally kissed him directly. He wasn't Liu Xiahui who was sitting still, and he couldn't do such a thing.

The coachman is also an old man. Just rely on the shaking of the body to know what is going on. As for the two Tila Chi wolves who opened the way in front, they are more connected with Li Cong. The two of them naturally understood what Li Cong was doing. It took half an hour to get home from here. With the fighting power of his great emperor, there was really nothing left at this time. They simply come to a big circle.

Just when the car ambled for two laps, suddenly a carriage rushed out in front of it. This kind of thing has never happened in Beijing, although there are quite a few dragons and grandchildren in this city, one by one. They are all very horizontal, but there are really not many troubles everywhere on the road. Let’s not talk about how the Lao Tzu in their own family educates them. Even the clan clan mansion that specializes in managing the clan is not a joke. , If something happened to them, the punishment would be great. The most powerful thing might be that they lost their clan status. For the men of these royal families, enjoying happiness is what they pursue for a lifetime. It needs a lot of money. If you don't have the identity of the clan, you might have nothing, relying on your own hands? Don't be kidding, so they can't do such a thing.

Except that they are the gangsters in the capital, those guys are usually very arrogant, but they are also more powerful in the outer city, here is the inner city, they basically do not have that ability, if they dare to inner city Hu Lai’s words, it is estimated that their heads have long been lost. They are just bullying the common people in the capital. The first thing that reacts is Ah Da and Ah Er. Although their masters are not so prominent in human society, they are in human society. They still have their own skills. Any carriage that comes out dare to do this. What kind of face is there for the emperor to spread it out? They immediately rushed over to teach this ignorant guy a lesson, and everyone around them felt the breath of their eighth-level beasts. Good guys, except for the ninth-level fighters, I am afraid that ordinary eighth-level fighters are not their opponents. In the past, if something like this happened, they would definitely be here to watch the excitement, but nowadays no one dare to be here, do you want to die, and don’t look at what it is, people will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. As for Warcraft, people are **** in the eyes of Warcraft.

If someone else sees these two powerful guys, they are already going to run, but the person in this carriage didn't mean to run at all. He actually got down, a man in black. When I came down, it was different from what Li Cong saw that day. When facing more people, Prince Rongchang was dressed like this. He couldn't bear it anymore. He sent Li Cong several posts. I have always found a reason to dismiss myself. Today’s reason is even more absurd. It turned out to be to pick up his concubine. I dismissed myself for this reason. If she knew that Li Cong treated her own woman You will definitely understand what kind of mentality it is. Whether it is the Western Empire or the Southern Empire, there may be some etiquette and other things to treat your regular wife, but if you treat your own concubine, you don’t have to say it. , Definitely has no thoughts. In their eyes, this woman is just a piece of clothing and a plaything, especially a concubine. Although Prince Rongchang is a female, she also has this concept.

Ah Da and Ah Er had no fear in the eyes of the eighth-level magician in front of them. They are also eighth-level beasts. In theory, the combat power of two eighth-level beasts is definitely higher than the eighth-level magician in front of them. Yes, but that is just theory. The real thing may not be like this. Princess Rongchang was surprised to see the two Tila Chi wolves in front of her. The external performance of these two guys is an eighth-level monster, but she is more capable than ordinary people. She can see that these two little guys even have the ability of level 9 monsters. This is absolutely impossible. The Tila Chi wolf group is all level 6 monsters, and at most it is level 7 monsters. It is their wolf king, and the eighth level has also appeared. But the history of hundreds of thousands of years is only a few at most. But there are two directly here. Li seems to be not as simple as it seems. This guy must have something he doesn't know about. Is he too reckless to do such a thing?

Prince Rongchang was guessing whether she was reckless. Li didn't need to guess at all from there. This is a normal thing. She was really reckless. Li Cong touched Lu Manjia in his arms. The two people had a profound exchange when the change happened just now. Fortunately, I am a space magician, otherwise I might also be injured, and the injured is my most precious place, even my own woman will also be injured. Now I see Lu Manjia who is frightened, No matter who Li Cong was outside, even the Emperor Li Cong of the Western Empire would definitely make her pay the price.

"It's okay, let me see what kind of person it is that dares to do this. Put on your clothes and I will go out and give this guy some color." Li Cong said while holding on to Lu Manjia.

"Well, be careful. I don't think it's easy. I have to teach him a little harder lesson." Lu Manjia's blush hasn't receded. No one would be more happy to be disturbed by such things.

Li Cong put on his own magical long run. It was actually a vacuum inside. This was the first time Li Cong encountered this kind of thing. Damn, it felt a bit cold after coming out. According to the current temperature, it is minus three. In fact, with Li Cong's current ability, the temperature would not have any effect on Li Cong. It's just that now Li Cong has just done something like that, this body is a bit unbearable.

"Good guy, who am I talking about? It turns out to be the Princess of Rongchang. Even if you are a prince, you can't do such rude things." Li Cong looked at the woman in front of him and said, he seemed to be breaking his promise. I don’t hit a woman, so the woman in front of me can’t do anything to him. Li Cong plans to let it go. Since it’s a woman, if he really hits, it’s not very polite. If this woman is wicked, that would be another way of saying it, but the woman in front of her is nothing but annoying at best, and she has no other thoughts.

"I have looked for you several times. You are not there or you have something to do. Why do I not know why you are so busy? I think you know what it is. Is it worth it for a woman? You have to give up The entire Southern Empire’s business.” Prince Rongchang said angrily. This person is different from a person. What these guys see in their eyes is benefit. They don’t see anything other than these things. It’s no wonder that It’s not so easy for people to get huge profits. Even if they are a royal family, it’s not that simple. The royal family needs to have rules to do things. If there are no rules, it’s impossible. Li Cong gets huge The benefit is that their royal family looks enthusiastic, but it doesn’t matter if you put it on Li Cong. If you don’t make money here, I can make money in other places. As for the partners, you can let anyone do it if you look at it. Yes, I'm sorry for anyone who is not pleasing to the eye. I won't do this business with you. If you have any nasty things, it doesn't matter. Come on, I will stay with you to the end.

"Is this an ordinary woman? It's the woman I like, my woman, I can give up everything for my woman, I don't know if you have ever heard of such a person, that is to love beauty and not love Jiangshan People, I'm that kind of person, whether you believe it or not, this is true. In my eyes, my woman has come to see me all the way, which is much better than talking to you. "Li Cong said with a smile, but it was not a casual smile, it looked very serious, and Lu Manjia in the car was full of tears. What else does he pursue for a man like this in this life? She absolutely believes that her man has the ability to dominate the entire continent. If others say such things, it would be nonsense and no ability at all. Li Cong said that it means that he really did that, such a huge sacrifice.

"Huh. I don't believe that there will be such a person in the world, Cao Ke, just say what you want. It's just that the conditions we gave you are inappropriate. Say it, and we promise." Prince Rongchang She didn't believe that a man would give up all of this. This was simply impossible. She felt that Li Cong's condition had not been met.

"Whatever you think, Rongchang, I will tell you. Today, it means that you are a woman. Or kill the granddaughter of Senior Confucianism. Otherwise, if you change someone else, I will definitely ask him to pay the price today. Give me Get out." Li Cong said with an unquestionable tone. The people watching the excitement around are all capable. At least he had to be a sixth-level fighter. After hearing Li Cong's words, he moved for no reason, as if he was going to give in. They have also seen a lot of 9th-level fighters and 8th-level magicians, but they are definitely the first to have such momentum as Li Cong. They really feel the tremendous pressure.

"Huh, no one has ever dared to ignore me like this. You have to pay the price today." Rongchang said that two icicles came over immediately. The eighth-level ice magician is not a joke, two pulling Chi Lang looked at Rongchang engrossedly. When the icicles came out, the two monsters jumped up, and the two icicles were not smashed. Obviously, Rongchang over there didn’t expect Li Cong’s two. Warcraft unexpectedly had such a reaction speed. These two warcraft moved quickly towards Rongchang. If they were ordinary people, there would be no hope at the moment, but Rongchang was no ordinary magician.

With a look in Li Cong's eyes, Rongchang who had made a counterattack was safe, and the two monsters retreated to Li Cong's side. The two Tila Chi wolves who were very powerful to eat people just now seemed to be two docile kittens. In the same way, lying next to Li Cong's carriage, their task is to protect the carriage back to their home. The Rongchang female prince will personally teach her a lesson today, and let this girl know how powerful it is.

Bai Er knows that his boss here must be able to take care of it properly. Seeing that there is a city guard coming over in the distance, Bai Er hurried over and sent hundreds of taels of silver. They didn't care about it, although it was inside. City, but fights happen every day, and they don’t have so much ability to manage this, and they don’t have so much energy. If they take care of these things every day, other things will be nothing. No need to do it. Anyway, it’s ok to know who the two parties are in the fight. If you have any damage or something, you can ask them to come. As long as the compensation is in place, we don’t care about anything else. They will quickly take this. The people in the district are evacuated. Naturally, it is necessary to explain well to the high-ranking officials. As for the ordinary people, they will just ask you to **** off when they go up, and watch the excitement.

What's the situation? The female prince Rongchang in the battlefield is also a little timid at this time. A single look can make two mutant beasts with only 9th-level beast combat power go back. He also has his own beasts, this time because of other The reason for not coming over is just that, what is going on, Monsters are just their own partners, it is impossible for them to be subordinates, even if they are subordinates, then these beasts have their own dignity, they are absolutely impossible Just so obedient, and their opponent is still a human being, this is simply impossible. When they look at these things, they are all very serious.

"Rongchang, since you like icicles so much, let's see which one of us is better." Li Cong showed icicles in his hands after speaking. Rongchang didn't dare to neglect at this time and immediately used all his power. Two icicles were created, which seems to be matched with Li Cong’s. From the outside, the icicles made by the two people are similar, but if there is a careful magician here, you will definitely find it. , The mental power used by the two people is different. Li Cong only used the spiritual power of a fifth-level magician, while Rongchang had already used his full strength, and the icicles made by Li Cong seemed to be better than those of Rongchang It was a little bit more blue, Rong Chang naturally saw it. He didn't believe that Li Cong would be like this. In his opinion, even if Li Cong is a little stronger than himself, it is only that little bit. It might be too powerful.

Squeak squeak squeak squeak.. The harsh sound came out immediately, Rong Chang was immediately dumbfounded, the icicle he made with all his strength was actually given by the icicle made by Li Cong with the spiritual power of a fifth-level magician Bumped open, broken. Icicles are your own protection. If there are no icicles at this time, wouldn't you be hurt? Suddenly, Rongchang thought of her own safety issue. At this moment, she was not thinking that she was inferior to Li Cong, but what kind of price she would have. I can believe that they will laugh at her now, and they are both at level 8. The magician, he was defeated by one move, so I dare not say anything about the first female magician in the future.

The icicle had already penetrated Rongchang's chest, and Rongchang closed his eyes in despair. She already felt death. She didn't think that Li Cong would dare to kill herself. She thought that Li Cong would just teach herself a lesson. How could he kill herself? Just when Rongchang was about to die, Li Cong's icicle was immediately picked up and pulled up, and Rongchang's black veil was cut directly. An overwhelming state appeared in front of Li Cong. Lu Manjia can be regarded as the most beautiful woman Li Cong has ever seen. But compared with the woman in front of me, there are still some shortcomings. By the way, that is the temperament of this woman. The kind of temperament that belongs to the magician, I really didn't expect that a stunner of two thousand years would actually look like this, it is not an old lady at all.

"It's really overwhelming, yes, today I don't come in vain, we are even." Li Cong said with a smile, he is not a lunatic, the woman in front of him has her own identity and her own skills. , I can’t kill this woman now, and no one has made any unforgivable mistakes. My own loss is that I was stuck and didn’t launch it. Now let me see such a beautiful woman. , I can be considered worthy of the fare, very good, at least it feels okay, I will not think of anything in the future.

"Stop for me, do you think my veil was so easy to be picked off by you? I swear that as long as any man picks up my veil, I will kill him." Princess Rongchang was excited. Said.

"Cough cough, I thought you would marry a man who jumped off your veil, shit, why these **** do things like this are good things, but when you get to yourself, it turns out to be a matter of losing your head." Li Cong said dejectedly, he is the same as the other actor in the novel, but now he is such a result, the gap with others is really too big, he wants to beat the author.

"Enough, Rongchang, don't be fooling around, Mr. Cao, what happened today is Rongchang's fault. My old man apologized to you on his behalf. I don't know if Mrs. Cao can give me this old man's face?" Li never knew. What should I do? The killing of Confucianism appeared, and the current situation is also unexpected to the killing of Confucianism. I really did not expect that Li Cong would have such an ability. Of course, he had not expected that Rongchang would adopt such radical methods to follow Li Cong. When meeting, if you knew that this would be the case, you shouldn’t have called them to meet. Now that you’ve met, it’s better not to meet. This old man still had a little bit of nasty thoughts just now. In fact, Li Cong just now The proposal I said was very good. It would be nice if Rong Chang could marry this person. Although the royal family lost a senior magician, the future life of the royal family will be very good.

Li Cong never found that the killing of Confucianism had actually arrived at the scene. He just didn't know how to end it. At this moment, this old man is the best here. He rented his own face. At this time, if he still doesn't know the depth. It's just that you have something wrong with others, and you have to retreat. Women are the biggest trouble in the world. It is better to have fewer troubles like this.

"Haha, what did you say to kill Confucianism? What is apology and not apology? I just have to discuss with the female prince. Now it seems that there is no difference between the winner and the loser. Nothing. If nothing happens, I Let’s leave first. There are still a lot of things at home. Another day, when I have time, I will definitely give you a chance to have a good drink together." Li Cong said with a smile.

"Well, brother Cao is really enough to save face, I must have arrived, Rongchang, still not leaving?" After killing Confucianism, he glanced at Princess Rongchang. Although Prince Rongchang wanted to say something, he saw the murderer. After that, she didn’t say anything. She was amazing, but there was another person who was even more pressing down on her. The emperor of the Southern Empire didn’t mean anything to her, but killing Confucianism was different. Killing Confucianism is much more powerful than the emperor, and he can rely on grandpa's shoes today. Otherwise, even an eighth-level magician wouldn't be able to live as it is today, he could only stare at Li Cong and leave.

Li Cong sneered, hehe, your Southern Empire royal family is not bowing your heads now, and it may be too late when you want to bow your heads in the future.

While Li Cong was fighting with Rongchang, the third batch of Du Kang had already arrived in the city of Platte County in the Southern Empire. This was the largest city in the northern part of the Southern Empire, and it was about the same status as Xin Jiangning City in the Northern Empire. Yes, I chose this place during the previous transactions. In fact, according to the idea of ​​the Southern Empire Wizards Guild. The transaction is just going to be fair. Why do you hide and hide? Even if it is discovered by the court, this is the site of their magician union. How dare the people of the imperial court to come here to search? That is absolutely impossible.

"Master Dila. Look. Their airship is already here. This time, there are 200,000 boxes more than last time. The total is 500,000 boxes." The head of the Magician Guild Branch here stands at a seventh level. Said beside the magic stone. This Dila can be said to be not very high-level, but he has very clever business methods. This kind of thing was also thought of by him. Although this guy did not personally go to the Western Empire to negotiate with Li Cong, these few deals are already It has benefited the entire wizarding union a lot, the tide has risen, and the status of this guy has also risen a lot.

"Hehe, this time the quantity is a lot more than last time, but this is only a drop in the bucket. We have already set up a special sales organization here. I just received the order for the goods. There are already more than three million boxes in the list. This is enough for what, and many of them were purchased for the first time this time. After they buy it back, they will definitely make a second purchase. I really don’t know this. How did the Western Empire get it? Just call for more goods. Are you afraid that we can't afford this price?" Master Dila said depressed, seeing that so much money could not be made, this was also uncomfortable.

"Hey, this thing is said to be from a few hundred taels of silver to a thousand taels of silver on the Western Empire. How come it has risen by more than a thousand times when it arrives here. It's really cruel." The branch president said, the people from Cao's Commercial Bank just delivered the things, and the rest was their business, but when the money was divided, they only had 5%.

"Hehe, do you think this is very unfair? I thought so at the beginning, but the above gave me an account. We got this thing from the Western Empire for 1,000 taels of silver. We adopted the most primitive method. It will take at least three years to come here. If this thing is not well sealed after three years, what else can there be? I guess there is nothing left, so we can only go from the middle Transported from the Warcraft Mountains, the eighth-level fighters who want to cross the Warcraft Mountains will definitely die in it, and the ninth-level fighters have a 50% chance. What do you think is the shipping cost for hiring a ninth-level fighter to send these things? What? If we fail, we might have nothing. In the face of this loss, do you think we can buy it at this price?" Lord Dila said with a smile. Knowing what to do, this algorithm is really too scientific at the moment, and I know too much.

"If we calculate this way, the price will be a lot cheaper for us. Actually, I have no other meaning. We have done this transaction three times, and the first two times we have earned more than tens of billions of silver. This time we can only It’s even more. We have 15 billion silver in income every week, but 60 billion silver in one month. Our annual income has even caught up with the country’s tax revenue. Our union is not short of money, but there is such a We will never shy away from things that can make money quickly." The branch president smiled and said, he understands now, not to mention, just the 40,000 high knights of the Wizards Guild here. Most of them are level five fighters. In the past, the equipment was incomplete. This time the good guy’s, 300 million silver was directly allocated from it, and all the best were bought. The money must come from this transaction. Yes, otherwise, it will not be their turn. I heard that after the transaction is completed, some high-level medicinal pills will be purchased on a large scale. I don't know if I can assign one to the people with merits.

Just when this guy started dreaming, the airship over there had already slowly landed, and the one who came down was the chief treasurer of Cao's firm, Boss Cui. Boss Cui has been following up on this all the time. Almost no time. How to rest, but now this thing is done very well, the harvest is already in sight, and now he has the best time for a few major affairs, returning once a week, reaping hundreds of billions of silver.

"Master Di La, I hope you don't wait for a long time. Please inspect the goods." Boss Cui said to Di La with a smile after coming down. The identity gap between the two is not small, but it is considered very good.

"Haha, what is the joke of the shopkeeper Cui, this does not require inspection at I can still trust the reputation of your Cao's firm. This is the payment for this time you order." The guy said After that, dozens of people came over with boxes and boxes of banknotes. Boss Cui couldn't order this in front of others. He immediately asked someone to carry it up, but immediately someone started counting. It's not a trivial matter, but given the good performance of the Wizards Guild in the past, they will definitely not be short of two.

"Well, Master Tila, since everything is finished, I have to tell you something. Actually, this should not be what I said. I said it is a bit bad. It is your domestic killing. Master Confucianism and Prince Rongchang have already talked with our boss. They want to enter this business. You must be prepared. We are a business firm, and it is impossible to fight against an empire." It’s impossible to say all the things you have done, and the meaning is obvious. You have to fix your government. If it doesn’t work, we won’t refuse.

Dila, who was still smiling just now, frowned at this moment. He knew that this kind of business would definitely make people jealous, but he never thought that the first one to do such a thing would be the royal family. The royal family is not so good. The trade union, but it’s the same when you turn it over. The Mage’s Guild has nothing to do with the royal family. Normally, neither side provokes anyone. This matter is a bit difficult, and this matter is not your own choice. , Di La felt that she had to report to the above. (To be continued...)

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