Energy Group

Chapter 1952:

In the past, Hongbin Tower was the most luxurious and luxurious place in the county and even the entire provincial capital. It was also opened by the governor’s brother-in-law, but now the Grand Hyatt Hotel has completely replaced it, but you The atmosphere that Yue Hotel has formed for a long time is not what the seniors in this province like, so some older generations still like to come to this place, and some traditions are also needed.

The Hongbin Tower is located on the best commercial street in the county. It is very lively with people coming and going. Although the province is not a very prosperous province, it is still very good anyway. Yes, it seems that now is the best time for business activities. At a glance, there are at least tens of thousands of people on this street. The shoppers and sellers are all very good. The owner of the Hongbin Building is also fate. It’s hard to meet himself, otherwise, his business will be better than what he has done now. Li never expected something like this to happen now. Originally, his idea was that the Hongbin Building should be closed down. I found that there are actually a lot of people in it. Although it can’t be compared with the previous time, I have to say that this day can still be passed. Under such strong pressure of the Grand Hyatt Hotel, there can be such an achievement. It's really good.

The good banquets were already set up. The officials at the door hoped to follow Li Cong in, but Gu Hongye glared at them directly, and each of them knew what to do. When I go to my seat, anyone can see it. It may be easy for Li to follow his own future, but he can’t do that now. People also have their own specific followers. Usually, it’s okay to slap up the governor’s governor by himself, but the lord of others People like me can't shoot the flattery of my own, I have to live by the face of others, and I have to let the governor of the family take it. There are also rules for the follower.

Li Cong was not idle along the way, and Li Cong had also investigated the surname of Nangong, if it had been for thousands of years. Nangong family can be said to be a well-known name in the arena. Even the four great empires were not willing to be enemies with them. The Nangong family at that time was extraordinary, and apart from anything else, there were many high-level fighters under them. Even the current Cao's Chamber of Commerce has some shortcomings compared with others. If it develops according to the situation at the time, it is impossible to say that the Nangong family might become the first family of martial arts. But something happened later that Nangong family completely declined.

Many people don’t remember what happened back then. Many people know that it seems to have something to do with a secret of the royal family. The Nangong family was finally united by the imperial family of the two northwest empires and other martial arts families. Together they wiped out. The two tenth-level fighters of the Nangong family and one ninth-level magician were all killed, and the other ninth-level fighters were killed more. The Nangong family was a purely armed family. There are more masters, but they are still inferior to the two imperial families, that is, when investigating this matter, Li Cong also realized that, in fact, the royal family is definitely not what they show, they must still have If they don't know the power, they will definitely have more powerful force, otherwise they won't be able to rule for that long.

After tens of thousands of years of decline, the current Nangong world can only say that there are still two or three kittens. Although Nangong Yunting is not the head of the Nangong family, it is still an absolute high-level. The Nangong family is also in a few The province still has its own influence, but it is not the kind that is very strong. They heard that Li Cong was going to trouble Nangong Yunting. Li Cong originally thought these people would have some difficulty, but he didn't expect to wait. When Li Cong’s people came, the Nangong family directly abandoned Nangong Yunting. This guy is a member of the Nangong family, but he can’t drag the entire Nangong world down. This is absolutely impossible, so this guy was taken by Nangong. The family was removed.

A big family that was considered glorious in history would do such a thing, and Li Cong couldn't say anything. How could such descendants make the Nangong family rise again? It was a joke.

The meal was quite harmonious. Li Cong was also hungry. In addition, the cook here also used his own hard work to press the bottom of the box. The governor and the governor happily talked to Li Cong. This time is also passed. Quickly, a full hour has passed. Li is eating very well from here, but I still don’t see the shadow of Nangong Yunting outside. It seems that this guy is really in no hurry, or he didn’t take Li at all. From what he looked at, the impeachment was nothing. It might as well be in his own eyes. Li Cong also laughed. He was really angry right now. This Nangong Yunting is really too much.

"Lord, don't be angry, this Nangong Yunting doesn't know what is good or bad, we will definitely let this guy know his mistake." Seeing the unnatural expression on Li Cong's face, Gu Hongye said.

"Yeah, Sir, what can this Nangong Yunting have to rely on? I guess this guy was so scared to pee his pants at home, or should I go and have a look?" The governor also said, flattering things can't be slowed down. .

"No need, we have finished eating too. I am very happy to have this meal today. Have you two eaten? If you have eaten well, we will leave first." Li Cong said with a smile. Seeing Li Cong's posture, even if he hasn't eaten much, he still has to say that he is full, right? It seemed that Li Cong was about to adopt his own method, and that Nangong Yunting would definitely not have good results by then.

After going out, Nangong Ye, who was staying underneath, was immediately taken into custody. The Governor still has this right. Before, he didn’t have the confidence to deal with this guy, but now it’s not the same as before. Li Cong is so old. His patron is behind him. If he still doesn't dare to do that, is he really a bit embarrassed? Nangongye looked unwilling, but there was no way, the form was stronger than the human.

"Where is Nangong Yunting?" Li Cong asked after getting in the car. He didn't believe that Nangong Yunting would have the guts to not come to see him. If you haven't come now, you may not see it in the future.

"Master, Nangong Yunting was originally in his other courtyard, but we just got news that he was poisoned to death in his other courtyard..." 002 said, and he followed Li Cong in charge of the news task here. .

Poisoned? Damn, these guys are really good at doing things. At this time, they killed Nangong Yunting. This own opponent is really not easy. I just thought of teaching this guy some lessons. Unexpectedly, these people did such a thing. I still think that Nangong Yunting is a clue to me. Now it seems that the other side is going to kill people. Nangong Yunting is a very important person in Li Cong's plan. Now this guy is dead. Up. This made it difficult for Li to proceed with the rest of the plan. These guys are really fast. I also blame myself for having to stand up in this province. If I hadn't done that, it might not be the result now. It's fine now. These people will definitely be here waiting to see their own jokes. There is no loss, but this person must have lost a lot. If this guy committed suicide, it might be better to say that this was poisoned to death. , The most indispensable thing in the world is those big mouths. Now that something like this has happened, I really don’t know how those guys would talk about it.

"Are there any clues left on the scene?" Li Cong said after a long silence. Now that things are what they are right now, there is no use thinking about other things. Knowing the result is the most important thing.

"Master, our people brought back the people and things from the scene. After testing, we know that this Nangong Yunting is a very toxic poison that was inhaled. Such things are only available to the killer organization Hanyue. Our people I have already contacted them in the past, but the people in Hanyue probably won’t cooperate with us. They are a well-known killer organization in the local area. If they give us the news casually, it is estimated that their future business will be Very dangerous." 002 said embarrassedly. What the killer has to do is take people's money to eliminate disasters. They will never do things that cause trouble for themselves. The kind of killer who will say everything when you give money. Organizations are shameful in their industry. Most people don't like to do such things. Many people will kill such organizations. Therefore, those organizations are not long-lived. Hanyue has existed for so long. Time, they have always adhered to this principle when doing business, otherwise the current cold moon might have already disappeared.

The things that can directly poison the 7th-level fighters are naturally very precious, and it is not bad. They left a message for them. As long as there is news, they can follow the vines. If there is no news, it will be the most depressing. As for the matter, I was about to have eyebrows on my side. I didn't expect such a scene to come. I naturally didn't want to see such a thing. Li Cong had to investigate it himself.

"You go out and tell Bai Er that I have to rest at home for a while because of the travel burden these days. People who come to visit during this period should not come. You come with me to a place in the cold moon, and I will go with them personally. Talk.” Li Cong thought for a while and said, this matter is not a trivial matter, it is related to the survival of Hanyue in the future. Hanyue is also a large organization in this area. If it is not handled properly, it will be his own. The killer organization is still different from the community organization. The community organization has a large number of industries outside, so they dare not do some very excessive things. This killer organization is different. They do everything secretly. They do things. The methods and methods are completely different. The community organization can’t wait for everyone in the world to know themselves. The people of this killer organization hope that everyone does not know them. Only in this way, they have their own sense of mystery. Only after the incident can you get away better, otherwise it is your own that suffers.

The family in Hanyue heard that Li Cong was about to see that he had also rushed back from the field, and it took more than ten hours to return directly. In the past, they had never dealt with Cao’s family members. They dealt with them. Most of them are people who do not have their own armed forces, or they do a lot of things that are not convenient for them to come forward. This Cao's business is a forbidden zone of its own. This time they want to see themselves and they should have a big deal. , I should do this myself, Hanyue's boss name is Hanyue, of course. Only you can use this name when you are the boss. If you are not the boss, then I am sorry, this name is not yours. Generally speaking, as long as you are not dead or have no ability to manage Will go to the wild, other times will not go down, work until you die.

A group of more than a dozen people came back riding fast horses, all of them humiliated, and now they want to take a quick break, and the gates of the county town of zxx can be seen. The rush this time is too fast. But the people who followed them are all Hanyue's old brothers. They have been with Hanyue for many years, and no matter how hard they work, they will do it. They know their boss has his own reasons.

"Finally the **** is here. Brothers. After entering the city, we will rest for three days. Everyone will have a good rest. The money is mine." Hanyue said with a smile. He could feel that he could meet some big chances with Cao Ke, and the brothers from all the families shouted out loudly. These ten hours have been really tiring, and now there are such days. Take a good rest.

At this moment, when everyone felt safe, a guy with sharp eyes saw a very sharp arrow shot from a distance. This is not a **** magic arrow, it is really a very conspicuous magic arrow, so Most people can see it. With such ordinary bows and arrows, people can’t be spotted, but it’s still seen by people because of some reflections. Hanyue’s information about a few meters is controlled by Hanyue, so this Li Jian’s goal was the boss. A brother next to him ran into him with his own body. The boss who didn’t know what was going on was knocked off the horse. He glanced at the back with a bit of surprise and smashed himself away. The brother of now has an arrow in his chest. This subordinate has the ability of a fifth-level warrior. This ordinary sharp arrow can shoot through this person's body, and the person who shoots the arrow is naturally very powerful. At least he was much better than this person. I was already a little dumbfounded at the moment. I didn't expect someone to be assassinated at the gate of the city. Their whereabouts can be said to be very secret. Such a thing happened right now.

"Hidden." The boss knew what was going on right now. Everyone dismounted together and formed a small defensive front with their horses. This is pretty good, and the training is OK.

At this moment, dozens of dark shadows rushed over in the distance. You don’t need to ask that these people were the ones who assassinated them. The boss of the killer organization actually encountered other people’s assassinations. This is really a joke, and everyone in Hanyue immediately. It was revealed that their weapons rushed towards these people. They were not afraid of this. They usually did this. If they were afraid of death, no one would do this.

"Boss, hurry up, you're going to the city gate now, and you will be safe when you get there." A subordinate patted the boss's buttocks vigorously, and Hanyue knew that he couldn't just die like that, and these old brothers were one by one. He can only explain here. He didn’t talk about anything. He just looked back and took a fierce look. He took the two guards and quickly passed to the gate of the city. He didn’t care about it all the way, because he saw the city. I stepped on the door to relax my vigilance. I didn't expect that this happened at the end. If these people are killers, they must be some very powerful guys.

In less than a minute, all of Hanyue’s more than a dozen guards were killed. It’s not that they were useless. Every one of them was very capable, but then again, their enemies were too great. It’s great. Not only is the individual combat capability stronger than them, even the number of these people is more than three times theirs, but those people did not take advantage of it. Ten people died. The last guard watched Looking at the direction of the city gate, his boss should have arrived at this moment. He is safe. He will avenge his brothers. This is a kind of trust in his brothers.

Indeed, Hanyue is already on the main road at the gate of the city at this moment. In this place, no matter how arrogant the killer organization dare not do anything, there are hundreds of soldiers around, and they will be illuminated even at night. There will never be any dead ends of assassination. Although it is so, Hanyue still has no intentions. He stepped on his horse at the gate of the city. At this time, there were people who went out of the city. Very few people entered the city. Some people have sold out their things during the day, and this is the time to go home. So I am very relaxed.

"Boss, they didn't chase them, they all left, and our brothers..." a guard behind him took a look and said, those people are gone, and they are also very sad.

all gone? Hanyue suddenly became nervous. It is impossible for those people to kill their own guards. The reason they all left was because their mission was completed. Their mission was to kill Hanyue's guards, as for Hanyue himself. . Someone will prepare for him later. He thought that he hadn't been blocked on this road. More than 30 people could easily split into two teams to rob and kill him, but those people didn't do that. This shows that those people have arranged a very powerful team. Hands up. Waiting for yourself here. Hanyue looked around nervously. There seems to be no danger.

As the boss of a killer organization, he certainly understood that the quieter the surroundings, the more dangerous it would be. There seemed to be fewer people entering the city. Just when Hanyue looked at everyone as if they were assassins, her two guards jumped up directly, Hanyue never thought that her two guards would be assassins, and they both held a sharp sword towards I stabbed myself, no, these two men are not my own men, neither of my own men use weapons like this. They both use knives. These two men must have changed their faces. Thinking that there are two such guys around her, Hanyue is no longer resisting. At such a close distance, the skills of these two people are about the same as her. It is impossible for them to hide in the past. These two people are really looking for a position. Very precise, these two guys knew that they would relax their vigilance in this place at the gate of the city. The two of them started their hands here. It is indeed a good place. I really did not expect to die like this for my whole life... .

Hanyue accepted his fate, but Li would never admit his fate. The person Li had always welcomed Hanyue had already reached the gate of the city. The two seventh-level archers immediately drew their bows and shot arrows, and the arrows of the two sharp arrows were directly on top. On the sword tips of the two Maoist guards, Hanyue had a reaction time of one second, and it was only in this second that Hanyue could be pulled back from the gate of ghosts, at least this guy didn’t have to die right now. If you didn’t have these two archers just now, it is estimated that Hanyue would be in a different place now. Hanyue would seize the opportunity and just slapped the horse and ran forward. It was just a step or two. Hanyue knew that his head was here. It can be kept for a while, at least for now. These two people can't kill themselves anymore, because their weapons can't reach them, regardless of who is in front of them, anyway, the two guys just now If they saved themselves, they couldn’t kill themselves. Hanyue slipped into the circle of Li Cong’s men. He looked at the clothes and knew that they belonged to the Cao family firm, and people outside couldn’t see it. , Because they are no different from ordinary people, but now in this zxx county town, except for the people in the Cao family business, who can casually come up with so many masters, it is really impossible for other people.

The two fake guards saw that Hanyue was already impossible to be killed by himself. The two knew that they couldn't run out on the horses under them. They were also people with their own principles, and they didn't wait for Cao's family firm. The guards went over to see what was going on. These two guys just bit their tongues and committed suicide. Hanyue knew that it was impossible to find any clues from these two men. It was like this when the killers acted, but the Cao family firm The people quickly divided into two groups, and one group hurriedly brought two big ingots of fifty taels of silver to the city gate officer over there, and the other group began to look for some of the two dead people to get The news of this is the same as forensic doctors in later generations. The corpse is a talking witness. Even if they have completely untagged themselves, there will still be something for them to find, depending on whether they are careful or not. Up.

Hanyue looked at these people in surprise. They were really well-trained. In the past, Hanyue had always thought that his subordinates were very good, but compared with others, the difference today is not a little bit different.

"Mr. Hanyue, our boss is waiting for you." A blank-faced guy came over and said, if someone used to talk to Hanyue so rudely, this guy would have slashed it with a single knife. How did your master teach you? But right now, I definitely don't dare to think like that. The guy in front of me is very powerful, turning out to be a seventh-level fighter. Not far away there is this guy’s seventh-level beast staring at him, if he says nothing, it is estimated that the beast in the distance can fly over and kill him, but he can’t do such a thing. , I just left the ghost gate, I don't want to go back.

"Trouble this eldest brother to lead the way." Hanyue said a few words in his throat for a long time. He used to think he wouldn't be afraid. He was really a little bit scared when he saw the eyes of that monster. I'm scared, in fact, this is a normal thing, don't think Hanyue is a fifth-level fighter. But this guy has never been to the Warcraft Mountains. Although I have seen monsters, most of them are the ones that have no wildness, and have no attack power against humans. The monsters in front of them are much better than those in the mountains of monsters. The killing heart is very powerful. It's not surprising to be afraid.

Li Cong was also taken aback when he learned that Hanyue was assassinated. If this guy encounters something unexpected, he really has no place to start. Although he has a lot of people to help the Lord himself, there must be a clue for things. If the clue is broken, it will be difficult to find in the future. Hearing that he was rescued by his own people, he was also relieved. This fellow is also considered dead.

The place where Li Cong meets Hanyue is naturally not a Hongbin Building. There are so many opportunities for people like that. Li Cong met this guy in the place where he lives. All the people here are. It’s his own person, and the guards here are heavily guarded. Hanyue observed it when he came in. Anyway, if his assassin wanted to come in and do errands, it would be absolutely impossible. In fact, what he saw was only some power on the surface, the real The power is still hidden. Small assassin organizations like them are not worthy of being Li Cong's opponents. Li Cong's opponents are more powerful and large.

"Mr. Hanyue, don't be nervous, because my affairs have caused you to fall into this situation. I'm really very sorry. This is the latest news. Take a look." Li Cong said and gave some of the latest reports from the Investigation Department. This guy, this guy opened his eyes as soon as he saw Li Cong. He didn't understand what Li Cong wanted to show himself. Could it be that he wanted to get some news from his own mouth and then control his family members? That’s okay. My family members were sent to a hard-to-find place by myself. Everyone who knew the news was already dead. The family members living in this city had nothing to do with me at all, even if they were controlled. Those people themselves wouldn't be afraid. Those people were just disguised by slaves, but when this guy saw the following news, he was dumbfounded. Damn, how could this happen.

The above is the news of the last half an hour. The Hanyue organization in the zxx county city was directly uprooted. It was done very quickly. It only took less than fifteen minutes to see it in Hanyue. The organization that came to him is quite powerful. Others gave them the name of the province’s No. 1 killer organization. This guy is also a little ecstatic, but in fact, if Li Cong himself kills the so-called No. 1 It doesn’t even take ten minutes. Of course, it’s okay to have accurate information. If the information is inaccurate, this is not easy to do well.

"This... how could this happen, is... who did it?" Hanyue's words are a bit uncomfortable, this is also a very normal thing. Her life's hard work has been killed by others, so who has this changed? It will definitely be uncomfortable in my heart, and even this guy doesn't believe this fact a bit, but the above is very detailed, and this will not be false.

"I don’t know who did it, but I know that this matter is definitely related to me, and you know that this matter is not that simple. What I want to track down is how my people were killed, my How the goods were shot? All my clues point to Nangong Yunting. I believe you should be very clear about this person, but this person died in the hands of one of your medicinal materials. I think you should have something to tell. Mine, if you don’t have one, you can go. You also know your current situation. You don’t need me to say more to understand.” Li Cong said, there was no expression on his face. This guy is also half of himself. Enemy, if no one of him kills Nangong Yunting, he doesn’t need to track down here. There is another possibility that the person was not killed by him, but the poison was left out of this guy’s hand. of.

As soon as I talked about Nangong Yunting, I knew what was going on. Someone came to buy their cold moon's unique poison last month. The scary thing about this thing is that they don’t have a cure for Hanyue. Not many people know about this thing. I don’t know the identity of the person who came. I just remember that someone came carrying two boxes of gold back then. My own poison is well-known far and wide, but it only sells three copies a year, nothing else, because the material of this thing is very precious, when I usually sell it is 2000 taels of gold, no matter what. I will never sell it again. At that time, all three copies were sold. I had already rejected them, saying that there were no more goods, but they just opened the box, shit. 8000 taels of gold. This is four times the original price. At that time, my eyelids were too shallow, I had no other ideas, so I just handed over this thing. If I knew it would be involved now, I would never sell it.

When Hanyue was depressed, she also sighed that Cao’s firm was so powerful, damn, how could this Cao’s firm know from a dead person that it used its own poison? This kind of skill has never appeared before. The reason why I dare to sell such poisons is because I feel that others will not find out. No matter how much they confuse, there is nothing to be afraid of. After so many people have died, Yazuo will say that they died of poisoning. This is the world. There are too many poisons, there may not be so many medicines to save people, but there are countless killing medicines, and no one will find them on their heads. This time they hit the muzzle.

"Master Cao, I don't know what the identity of that person is. On that day, he asked a few people to come in with gold. Our business will not ask about the identity of those people. Even if we ask, I believe they will not. That said, I only know that their accent is a bit like a local accent. A total of seven people came, all of whom were around 1.90 in height. Two of them were female. Except for the first one who had spoken, no one else had spoken. Their strength They should all be fighters of level 5 or higher. Although they have never fought against them, their strength can be seen." Hanyue thought hard about the day, and he knew that the reason why he did not die now was because he was useful, he There is no more killer organization. The other party can kill the killer organization he is proud of within ten minutes. This strength is absolutely unfathomable. I have absolutely no ability to run by myself. I will do it now. He is actively cooperating with Li Cong. Only in this way can he save his life.

The news is basically the same as no news. 002 is listening to the side, but it is impossible to find these people based on the news. It would be great if those people were still in the county. Those who found them, but those people must have left the city long after they finished their work. Now that the city is closed and searched, it is useless at all. Maybe the millions of people in the entire county city do not matter.

"Think carefully, what else I have to say, if there are only these news, then I am sorry, I guess you have to leave here." Li Cong took a sip of water and said, he can see from 002's expression When it came out, these news were simply useless. The guy had to say something more useful, and Li Cong knew that those people were struggling to kill this guy. There must be other news, otherwise. With only these news, he couldn't have let people come and kill this guy, he must know some other news.

Hanyue looked helpless. He really came up with all the things he should think about. If he couldn't convince these people, he could only go out and let those people kill him. If you don’t believe it, we can’t do anything. You people are much stronger than Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu doesn’t have those skills.

"How long is the effective use period of your drug?" said 002, who had not spoken. Hanyue glanced at Li Cong, and Li Cong nodded. Although he didn't know what 002 meant, he let him This guy answered, 002 will certainly not be aimless after such a long time of training. If you haven't spoken for a long time, you are thinking. These questions are definitely very useful.

"One year, this is the reason why we sell every year. Now it is basically the end of the first sale of drugs, and there is still a month left, if my organization has not been broken. We are about to prepare for next year’s sales." Hanyue said bitterly, what use are these things? Just now, Master Cao said that he wants to go out by himself, and he will definitely be given away if he goes out with his current ability. Killed, now I am thinking about the situation when I met that day. Is this simply an interruption? What did you think of just now? This guy suddenly seemed to have thought of something, could it be...? He glanced at 002 suspiciously, 002 seemed to see what this guy was thinking.

"You really deserve to be from a killer Tell your thoughts." 002 said, Hanyue swallowed a mouthful of water, this guy is really amazing, he can know if he thinks about it? It's a bit too powerful.

"Master Cao, the master of yours is powerful, and I also follow his thoughts. Maybe we are thinking about this matter a little bit, maybe the person who poisoned this time was not the last to buy the poison. People, but what is certain is that they must also have something to do with this matter. The reason why they buy poison at such a high price is to tell them when I was caught by you, because of their body There is no clue, and they are not afraid. In fact, the real poisoners may be among the first three groups of people. They came to cover up those people. I don’t know if this idea of ​​mine is what this adult is thinking about. The same?" Hanyue glanced at 002 with some guilty conscience. Her own guess was also made up temporarily. If this is the case, these people's brains are really poisonous.

"Master, I have the same idea. The root cause of those people doing this may be that they are afraid of what we can find, so they deliberately asked someone to make a game like this, you see?" 002 said, and Li Cong also nodded, indeed , This is also a direction. Since there is no news now, it is very normal to investigate from this direction. If this is the case, follow the previous investigation method, and it is impossible to find out anyway. The brains of these people are really powerful, and I underestimated them. (To be continued...)

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