Energy Group

Chapter 1954:

After executing these guys, Li never wanted to stay in this place for a minute. Why did he find a thunder door? The intelligence agency under Cao's house has been fully operational in the past few days and is looking for one. It’s called Raiden Gate. They don’t know some of the characteristics of this place. Anyway, everything related to this place has been collected, but after a few days passed, a lot of money was spent, and people couldn’t help it. Few, but there is no news from this organization.

Gu Hongye also used his own rights to search the imperial court's database for a long time, and did not find this so-called Thunder Gate. Some forces in the arena also began to look for this thing because of the face of Cao's business. The natural result was Similarly, there are clues, but the clue was cut off because of him, and there is no news about this thing.

"Lord, we are now wandering around like the mindless flies. There will be no good results if we continue this way. I think we have to change the way. Recently, we have basically done everything we should do, but There is still no news.” Two consecutive days of not sleeping made 002 feel a little tired, but now before he can rest, he has to explain to Li that he can step on it, otherwise, what's the matter? .

"Well, I also felt it. Asking our people to go underground and to do this as a long-term task. I personally wrote to the elders of the Cao Gang in the Western Empire and Prince Zheng and Mr. Killing Confucian from the Southern Empire. Do they have some news of their own about this Thunder Gate? It seems impossible to find this news from the society." Li Cong nodded and said. He knew that his opponent's backing should be not small this time, but he didn't expect that the backing would be so big. With the current scale of Cao's Commercial Bank's intelligence department, he has checked for so many days without any clue. It is not his own people are stupid, or They are better there. Compared with these two points, Li Cong is more willing to believe that it is the latter. Their people are indeed very powerful.

"Yes, Lord, then I will go down first." Because there is no news about this matter, 002 also feels that there is no face in front of Li Cong. Usually, I always say that the intelligence department has grown very well after this period of time. But when it was really used, it was discovered that this thing was useless at all.

Li Cong sat in his chair and thought about this Thunder Gate slowly. I believe that they should have converged a lot recently. Since he came here, his guards have not encountered large-scale conflicts. It seems that their sphere of influence should be right around here. It shouldn't be on the entire continent. Otherwise, if you get here by yourself, other i-places should have trouble stepping on the right one after another, but look at it now. There is no trouble in other places.

The Frozen Forest is a large area of ​​forest in the northern part of the Northern Empire. It is about four thousand kilometers away from the border of the Northern Empire. Between the border of the Northern Empire and the frozen forest are some frozen soil areas. The people expelled by the empire are all criminals or descendants of criminals. These people were very weak when they first started, but after tens of thousands of years of development, the people here have become very powerful. Part of it is already giving the Northern Empire a headache. Now the prisoners of the Northern Empire will not be deported here anymore. For those criminals, if they can be deported here, it will not be a punishment for them. In fact, it is a kind of forgiveness. Most problematic criminals will use their half-life savings in exchange for themselves to be distributed here. In the past, the officials who made plans for money would really get them, but now they are free. Following the strict orders of the central government, absolutely no one can come here.

This place is called the Forgotten Place by some mercenaries, which means that this place is simply forgotten. No one would think of this place. Most people don’t know what this place is like. The government will only attract attention when it is strong, but there are no other measures other than trimming some defensive walls. They are also very conscious, knowing that even if the government throws themselves here, they cannot attack themselves. For the government, if the Northern Emperor really sees him as unpleasant, the army will come directly and they can only be broken into pieces. Because the Northern Emperor has seen this, he has not directly sent troops to fight for so many years. , Because in their view it is a waste.

Most people think of wasting their soldiers. In fact, there is another meaning in addition to this. The bribes of tens of millions of dollars a year in this forgotten land are also very important. No one feels that there is a lot of money. Some people will take out part of the money they earn and give it to the few in power here to let them engage in activities with the Northern Empire, so that this place can continue to exist until now, it has grown into a There is a gathering area of ​​3 billion people. Even if the Northern Empire wants to wipe out this place, they have to think about it. Because of their larger scale, the people in power here have also adapted their attitude towards the imperial side. , Not only did not increase the bribery, on the contrary, it also reduced some. Although the emperor was not satisfied, seeing their current strength, they still did not have the courage to act on them.

According to the news that Li received from them, the Thunder Gate was in this place. After many searches, there was no news. Li Cong decided to come to this place to have a look. It is said that the sect that appeared in such a place should not be something Li Cong should be worried about. The place is mixed with dragons and fish. It is absolutely impossible to have any large forces. With the skill of Cao's firm, as long as Li Cong throws a large amount of money, it should be no problem to destroy a school in this place, but Li is still not very clear about the purpose of the other party, so he has to find out what happened in person, and what mistakes he made.

Before Li came here, a large number of brothers in the investigation department had already thrown around here, but there was still no news. Li was never able to drive his airship to a place like this. There are quite a few masters here. They don’t have any rules at all. If any damage is caused by then, it’s Li Cong’s. So after Li Cong asked the airship to send himself to the northernmost county of the Northern Empire, he was going to ride over and have a look.

Going in with great fanfare is not looking for news, it is an enemy of the big brothers inside, so Li Cong would never do such a thing, so Li Cong took thirty guards with one cargo or something. On the road, the laws of the Northern Empire prohibit any trade with such places. However, this prohibition order has not been implemented since the day it was issued. So after Li just paid a certain amount of money, these things were smoothly brought out.

Li Cong brought a lot of ironware, salt, and some food. Although the soil here is pretty good, most of the people who come here are desperadoes. Let them grow food? This seems a bit joking. They would never do such a thing. In their opinion, they are not here to do this work, they can only do something they think is right, such as eating, drinking and having fun. They seem to be born into this world to do this. Of course, they need to spend money to do these things, but what they don’t care about is money. A hundred and ten taels is a lot of money for others. But for them, as long as they can save their lives, this little money is really nothing.

It took less than an hour to ride a fast horse to see the small town in front, and it was very close.

"Master, the front is the first checkpoint in the Forgotten Land. This Forgotten Land is also occupied by divisions. They did a very good job on this checkpoint. There are three biggest forces in the Forgotten Land. They occupy the Forgotten Land. The most fattened checkpoints in the land, they just charge some past fees and they are already rich. Don’t look at the young master. This is a small checkpoint. He collects more money each year than a provincial city in the Northern Empire. I don't know how many times to go out." 002 said from the side.

"Hehe, this is the only way to connect with the Northern Empire. Of course, they know the value of this place. Our goods are only 200,000 silver at most, but when we went out of the city, we paid nearly 20,000 silver in taxes. It still depends on the face of our Caojia Commercial Bank. If it weren’t for this, I would expect the tax to be doubled. Are there any other checkpoints after the previous checkpoint?" Li Cong said with a smile. Understand, 002 said this is also afraid of Li Cong because they want more silver, impulsive, then it is not good.

"The management of this place is still very good, but there is no phenomenon of arbitrary charges. These guys pay attention to this one by one. They also know that the economy of this place will not be good if the charges are repeated, but they The collection of money in this place is also very ruthless. Each of the three forces charges for a week. Whether it is good or bad, it is their own decision." 002 said, and his words made Li Cong laugh again. These criminals one by one Now I know how to develop the economy. At least the people here are much better than the local officials in ancient China. They don’t even know what it means to develop the local economy. If there are more businessmen, they might still know how. I sighed the last two times.

As they talked, they arrived at the checkpoint in front. Compared with some checkpoints in the Northern Empire, this place is much rudimentary, but Li Cong knew that the armed forces here are much stronger than all checkpoints in the Northern Empire. Yes, in addition to some important checkpoints with hundreds of people in the Northern Empire, the rest is at most a dozen people, but there are thousands of people defending here, and there are two seventh-level fighters here. From this armed force It can be seen from the above that the people here attach great importance to this checkpoint. After all, there is no other source of income here, and it should be paid attention to.

"Stop, all of them must be inspected and then paid for before they can enter. If there are any prohibited items, I'm sorry, we can only confiscated them." A leader came over and said.

"I don't know if this brother can tell us what prohibited items are?" 002 smiled and handed a silver ingot of twenty taels of silver to this guy's hands. He hadn't heard of anything during the last investigation. Prohibited items.

That guy still had his nostrils in the sky just now, and now that he saw the twenty taels of silver, he didn't have the same appearance as before. So arrogant is to be able to have talents. If every group of people give themselves twenty taels of silver every day, I guess I can go back and enjoy it soon. There is no need to be frightened here, saying that these people are all Northern Empire. Wanted criminals, but if you leave here, going to the other three empires is much better than in such a sin city. First of all, there is no security at all here. Everyone is a murderous man, although the government does not What will happen to you, but it's really unsafe. Sometimes it may cause trouble because of a quarrel or something. This is not about breaking the nose or anything. It may directly knock out the head. As long as it is not against the three major forces, they will not care. It can be said that there are no rules.

"Haha. This prohibited item is constantly changing every day. Even the last hour is different from this one. As long as we lack something in it, it is a prohibited item. Of course this is only a situation. If you give less filial piety, this might also be a prohibited item.” The guy said rascally. Li Cong has seen many greedy people, but he really hasn’t seen this one before him. What can be said.

"We are also made of ironware and food. How much tax is better?" This time, it was not twenty taels of silver, but twenty taels of gold. 002's subordinates are in I've been inquiring about it for a long time, but these people, no matter what they are on, as long as their bags are full of money, they will do everything for you.

"Hehe, boy, you are very on the road. To be honest, the two things you transported are the things that we compare here. If these things are asked to be transported in, they might make you rich. Many times we I don’t know how to deal with these things, and you know, but for your sake, I will give you two choices. Either you leave one third of the goods or you pay ten. Ten thousand silver.” This guy said with a smile. This guy is really a lion. The value of these things from Li Cong is only two hundred thousand silver. Of course, it will be sold out for a high price, but he wants this one. The silver is also one-third. As 002 was about to say Li Cong came over, he was naturally behind.

"One-third of the goods belong to yours. You can take good care of this. Next time we will cooperate for a long time, but the goods must be set at one-fifth each time." Li Cong said, the person also felt that Li Cong is a big man. At the beginning, I didn’t even react to what Li Cong said, but I quickly understood that this kid is talking nonsense here, one-fifth, isn’t this fart? We never had this ratio, this If you let the above know, you can't eat it.

"Don't be too busy against it. You have 3000 taels of silver each time. If you like, you can let them in next time you have a car with the Caojia Commercial Bank logo and do as I said." Li Cong said with a smile. Now this guy doesn’t say anything. Damn, he can get a couple of hundred taels of silver in a month. Now there are three thousand dollars in a single transaction, and all they ship out are these popular goods. , The number they transported is also quite a lot, but this business should be good.

"But we shift every three weeks." The guy said embarrassedly.

"This is okay. My people will get in touch with you. When do you come here to work, when will my people come here? How about?" Li Cong said, this place is also a good place, your own There is no reason why the firm can’t buy and sell here. Even if the goods of 200,000 silver are paid for this or that kind of money, they can still make 200,000 silver in the end. This kind of 100% profit trading is in Li It seems that it can be done a little bit, long-term business.

This guy happily agreed, and even this time the deduction of Li Cong’s goods was reduced a lot. This guy is just a temporary partner. Li Cong does not think that one person is in charge of hundreds of people. The guy from is his own partner, and his own people can transport goods from the Northern Empire. Many merchants can’t transport them. Of course, I must discuss with the government in the future. What is this ironware? The food is not allowed to be shipped out, and it is completely possible to deliver food. Your own food business and trading company must be opened here. With billions of people, this is definitely not a small market anymore.

At this time, the little boss also scribbled down the name of the Cao’s family firm. He didn’t know what this would mean in the future, but now he knew that this firm could give himself a lot of money, maybe he should be in To make more money here, my goal in the past was too superficial.

With this pass, it’s easy for Li to come in since they want to come in. There are about ten miles away from this checkpoint to the front. All the dead people here are hanging. According to the people inside, they are these people. It violates the rules set by the three major organizations, but you have to ask what rules the three major organizations have. Their answer is also very simple. That is, the interests of the three major organizations are the biggest rules. Apart from this, the three major organizations have no interest, or even a standard.

Li Cong made a rough estimate. There are five dead people at a distance of about one meter. Ten miles is 5,000 meters. Mother, this is definitely not a small number. There are tens of thousands of dead people on both sides of this road. According to what they said, there are more bones in the distance. Thousands of people are publicly executed here almost every day. The rules of the three major organizations are laid out by these heads, and there are places like this inside. There are several of them. These three organizations are estimated to kill tens of thousands of people every day. This number can only increase but not decrease. Sometimes it is governed by benevolent governance, but here, it is absolutely controlled by violence. Regionally, most people might be really frightened by this when they arrive here.

Li Cong did not come in alone, so he was not afraid of these things. Besides, Li Cong really didn’t see these three organizations in his own eyes, although the people under these three organizations were hundreds of millions. , But it is basically a group of mobs, saying that they have their own organization, but these people themselves come here because they have violated a lot of laws. The rights of the empire are stricter than yours, but are they useful? It’s useless at all. These guys won’t obey them one by one. They are in your name just to have a temporary shelter. If it takes a long time, it’s impossible. If this goes on, everything here will become a place of chaos. In fact, Li Cong thought it was right. Many of the people killed were their own people because they violated the three major organizational rules.

Soon Li Cong saw the gathering point in front. This may be the biggest gathering point Li Cong has ever seen. The houses here are all in dilapidated condition, but this is all on the periphery. It’s a good place about a few kilometers away. According to 002’s news, this Forgotten Land is divided into three areas. In these three areas, the third-class people live and the outermost This is what Li Cong saw. This is the largest area. There are about 2 billion people in the outermost layer. From this place in front of Li Cong, it extends for thousands of kilometers on both sides. Surround the entire forgotten place. They are poor people who have no money, or are injured, or have no ability. No matter where they are, there will be poor people. In a word, they are the poor here and their houses. It’s all tattered. Of course, it’s good to have a tattered house. About one-third of the people can only use some branches and some shabby clothes to make temporary tents for themselves. This can be regarded as their home. It’s better to live a long life here than to be arrested by the court. They are also the ones with the most insecure life. The three major forces have no regulations in this place. Food and some other necessities of life, their days may be ended by others.

Inside this layer is the middle-class level. The people here basically have certain assets. No matter how their money comes from, these people always have a certain status, and there are many rules here. A little bit, at least you can’t fight in public here. Of course, if your background is very hard, or you have a lot of money, or you have a godfather who is a powerful person in the three major organizations, then all The rules of "have nothing to do with you. This is also the most lively place in the entire Forgotten Land. There is a three-meter-high wall surrounding this place. When this wall was built, nearly 10 million people died. Yes, you can imagine how huge this project is.

The innermost part is naturally the most upscale part of it. This area is also the least populated, but it is the most luxurious area. Walking inside you will definitely feel that it is actually a prosperous city in the northern empire. Here it is absolutely not allowed to fight. , As long as it is discovered, no matter what kind of identity you are, you will definitely be killed.

There are two ways for people on the outer two floors to enter the innermost area. If they want to live in, either they will bring certain benefits to the three major organizations, or they will have enough money. It is said that now they have to spend 200,000 yuan. Only two pieces of gold can go in. Of course the money is still yours. But after you go in, you will definitely spend some money. People just see if you have the ability to live in it.

There is naturally a wall between the innermost inner city and the second link, but the height is much higher than the outer one, except for the 5-meter-high wall. There are still many soldiers patrolling back and forth. If you want to enter without a pass, you will be caught by them. It is estimated that your corpse may be added to both sides of the road. These are definitely possible things.

There is also a situation where people go in and sell things, but there are some fixed places inside. You can go inside to sell your things, but no matter what you sell, one-third of the turnover is what you should pay. In addition, you have to pay a transaction fee of 30,000 silver when you enter. , This is the harsh place. Many small businessmen can’t pay the money, so most people can only do business in the middle. They all understand that there is a huge difference between the profits inside and outside. .

Soon Li Cong's motorcade arrived at the outermost place. Li Cong hadn't had time to react. Many people around began to surround him. Naturally, Li Cong's guards would not be afraid of these so-called desperate things. No one, their threat may be very dangerous for ordinary people, but for these advanced fighters, these guys are not threatening at all. I just stand there and let you chop it. I guess you don’t have the ability. What about us.

"Damn, they have food in their car, it's really food..."

"Yeah, it turned out to be food, shit, there are hundreds of carts, asshole, it’s the first time I have seen such food." For people here, food is what they dream of. But there is no food production here at all. Everything is traded. There are basically two sources of food here. One is the business of the Northern Empire government with the three major organizations here, such as the frozen forest. Some of the things in it need to be bought at the risk of their lives. As long as you can get it out, we can give you a lot of things. The main thing is this grain.

The second thing is to trade with Li Cong with food like this. The price of food in the northern part of the Northern Empire is about 25 cents a catty, which is not very expensive, but it is also a little more expensive than in the south, but now Li Cong's food The cost has already reached 50 cents per catty. If Li Cong sells here, he can get 70 cents per catty of grain. If he enters the middle link, he can get 100 cents per catty. If it can be transported to the innermost circle. It is estimated to be 200 wen per catty. Of course, if you want to sell at the bottom, you must have the best grain, and Li Cong's grain is the best grain.

"Damn, there are good things, brothers, there is no such shop after passing this village, everyone..." Li Cong knew that there were more and more people on the side of the road, but he didn't expect that these guys are all This one started to rob it, shit, I really underestimated this forgotten place, these people are really evil people, these guys really didn’t say anything, but these guys are all wrong. They thought that the caravan in front of them was a normal caravan. If they were the caravan of the Cao’s house, they would definitely be robbed by these guys, but there is also Li Cong’s guard here. It’s impossible for them to come up. thing.

A few 7th-level fighters sneered. The tallest among them are the two first-level fighters. The others are just ordinary people. Also, as long as they are capable, they won’t let themselves be in this place. Going to the inner city, the two seventh-level fighters used their full strength and directly screamed. The sound contained huge lethality, and the two first-level fighters were directly broken by the shock meridian. Now, as for other ordinary people, they naturally have no lives. If you don't need strong force in such a place. These people will come to trouble you next time, and this time they can be solved at once.

Hundreds of people around died in that instant, and the remaining few hundred people stopped right away. Damn, they had participated in such things before. In fact, they weren't really going to be robbed. I hope this business is not willing to lose one person and throw them a bag. I didn't expect this one to be so powerful this time. One guy called for help and ran away. The rest of the people were not fools. A person who can kill a hundred people with a roar. It's definitely not something they can afford, and it's better to leave quickly. If you continue to stay here, you can only die here.

Many sacks were stained with blood. But this is also good. It also allows people in front to see clearly. The news began to spread in Li from the Forgotten Lands here, just like his legs swelled. A powerful caravan appeared to be called Cao's firm, and there were seven-level fighters to **** them. Hundreds of people at the entrance wanted to beat other people. As a result, they didn’t even touch the shadow of the food. A hundred people died. Although people were dying here every day, hundreds of people died in an instant. With a lot of news, Cao's house firm has become famous in the first world war.

"Damn, I don't know how bad the atmosphere is in this place. 002, ask the people below to be divided into three teams, to sell our things at three levels, and finally look at the profit before distributing the future sales share." Li Congkan Looking at these guys around, they all looked at themselves pitifully, but there must be something hateful in poor people, and Li Cong would not pity them.

After the assignment, Li Cong is about to take a good stroll in this Forgotten Land. Who knows that a team of cavalry will come over immediately. Looking at the appearance of their clothes, Li Cong knows that these guys should come from the inner city. It's okay, but each one has his own fierce light in his eyes.

"Master, these people are one of the three forces called the Canaan regiment. Their boss is a ninth-level fighter. He has dominated here for decades, and his strength is the second among the three forces." 002 immediately. Said to Li Cong, "The sentinels we met just now are their people. It must be the guy who reported our news to Li Cong. Suddenly hundreds of thousands of tons of food appeared, which is considered to them. It's not a small number, they should have come to talk to us about the business." 002 said, Li Cong nodded, he did not expect that he might contact these people so early.

"Who is your leader? Our boss has a request." The leaders of the dozens of cavalry who came here stood up and said. His appearance seemed to be either for inviting people or for charity. The expression on his face Li Cong Is very upset.

"If your boss has anything to do, just come here, why call me him?" Li Cong said with a smile.

"What kind of thing is your boy? Our boss asks you to look at you. Don’t you know who my boss is? Our boss is the commander of the Canaanite Cavalry Regiment. He is also the number one person in this forgotten land. "The people around heard it turned out to be the commander of a cavalry regiment. This is a remarkable person. In this outermost place, let alone the commander of the cavalry regiment, even an ordinary member of the regiment. It's a terrible guy, they are very capable.

"Hehe, I thought it was the head of the Canaan regiment. He spoke so loudly. Our father is not an ordinary person. Even if the emperor of the Northern Empire wants to talk to our father, he must make an appointment first. You head, we Lord really doesn’t care about it.” 002 said arrogantly, and everyone around him nodded, yes, now Li Cong is indeed qualified. The emperor of the Northern Empire has a higher status than Li Cong. However, he had to discuss some matters involving Li Cong with Li Cong, otherwise there would be disturbances.

"Asshole, shameless, come here, grab all these **** for me, and confiscated everything." This guy gave orders to dozens of cavalry around and pulled out his knives, immediately surrounding the periphery. Some of the soldiers also came here, just like a hundred or ten people, but they didn’t show any fear on their faces. Li Cong had at least a thousand guards, and they wanted to take Li Cong. Get caught, isn't this a dream? They also didn't expect anyone to resist them.

"Hehe, it is definitely not a good thing for our future cooperation to kill so many people when I first come to someone's place. One person with one arm is enough." After Li Cong finished talking about two seventh-level fighters, he became two. It's a phantom, of course, it's mainly those ordinary people can't see clearly, for Li Cong these people can still see the two of them clearly.

In just 39 seconds, the two men cut off all the hands of the hundred and ten men in front of them, and even many people stepped on them when they returned to their original positions. The hands are no longer on their own. Some guys who were domineering just now were immediately dumbfounded and screamed. Damn, these people are too much. They chopped off their hands when they came. We are from the cavalry regiment of the Canaan regiment. They dare to do that too?

Li Cong knows that it is a very unwise thing to move forward with such a It is better to wait for someone who can talk here to find him. Now the person who asks him to start free activities, of course The range should not be too large. Although the people on your side are powerful, they are surrounded by other people's turf anyway. People and people who are right in the right time and place are standing. He is a strong dragon, but sometimes Also have to consider the ability of the earth snake.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, I heard the sound of horseshoes from the inner city. There were at least a thousand people. Some people on both sides hurriedly took their few salutes and went further. This If you are met by those guys, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die. Although you don't have anything, you won't get any benefit from meeting them.

Li Cong himself is a space magician, and he can feel that the people on the opposite side are still very good. Each of these guys has the ability of first-class fighters. Cavalry regiments like this are also rare in the mainland. Even in his cavalry regiment, there are only a few capable of this.

.. "The brothers are all ready to fight. Now they are different from before. These guys are a little better." Li Cong said to 002 in a low voice. Since he wants those people to respect himself, he must treat himself. It's okay to play with the momentum, otherwise these guys would really not put themselves in the eyes. (To be continued...)

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