Energy Group

Chapter 1956:

Li knew from this guy’s reaction that there must be no problems this time. This guy must know the news he needs. It is a success to come here. If he doesn’t come here, I guess he hasn’t gained such a reward yet. It.

"Hehe, Mr. Christiano, I know you have something I need to know by looking at your expression. My relationship with them is very simple. They provoke me. I need to dig out these guys. Why are they having trouble with me? I am a person who never offends people very much. Even if someone blocks my way, I will move him away, but I will never do such excessive things. Obviously, I don’t remember what the Raiden Gate had with me, but these guys attacked my dozen caravans all at once. Maybe the number I said was a bit less, it was dozens of dozens of provinces. Only, do you think I should talk to them, and there is also a Fengguo general in the Northern Empire. The life of this guy also put me on the cusp, so I need to figure out everything. Yes, I think, you should have what I need here. Tell me everything you know and your conditions, and I will satisfy you." Li walked slowly to a nearby chair Sit up and down, getting closer to Cristio. This action made the guy sitting on the main seat feel a little trembling. This may put him under a little pressure. After all, he is just a ninth-level intermediate fighter. .

People like ninth-level intermediate fighters are definitely top masters in other places, especially in the Forgotten Lands. There is absolutely no one of them, because they are the most powerful, but now Li can never take this guy down without his own warrior skills, and the so-called forces are nothing in Li Cong’s eyes. It’s normal for Li Cong to say such tough words. There is no other meaning. You just know what you want to know, so don’t resist, because that’s very bad for you. It’s better to be honest. .

"No.. No. I don’t know. I don’t know anything, what thunderbolt door, I’ve heard of this for the first time, and you said you want to do business with me. That’s fine. I welcome this. Yes. But I’m sorry if I want to track down some things. I can’t help. Over the years, I have always hoped that a very powerful chamber of commerce would cooperate with me. Although the Forgotten Place is not small, the goods here are everything. It’s too informal. As long as we can be more formal, it will definitely make a lot of money. When you leave with your money, I need to use the money to expand my power. These are what we need to talk about. Things, as for the thunder and lightning gate you mentioned, I hope you don’t mention it to me again.” Christiano said weakly, what kind of power can be so powerful that can make a nine-level intermediate fighter like Christiano I feel so scared. You have to know that this guy is the king here. No one else can come to this place except him. He represents his own supreme authority here. How can there be this guy here? What are you afraid of? And so scared.

"No, no, Mr. Cristio, I think you are thinking about things wrong. I don’t want cooperation in business. There are too many people in the world who want to cooperate with me in business. I don’t have any. It is not necessary to do business with you. Trading is just a side project of mine. What I want is Raiden Gate. Some things about Raiden Gate. If you can tell me some related things, I think I will give you generously. Money, if you don’t want money, other things are okay. I can give you everything you want, such as medicinal materials, weapons, pills, etc." Li Cong said with a smile, although there was still a smile on his face Yes, but in my heart I feel that this matter is not as simple as I thought. This person feels that he is very afraid of thunder and lightning. It is impossible to tell himself how useful news is, and he still has to ask him. News.

"Honorable Mage, since you said that, I can tell you positively. Doing business is also a subsidiary of me. First of all, I have to kill my life. Everything about Raiden Gate cannot be spread, and I don’t know anything about Raiden Gate. If you don’t have anything else, I don’t think I will be with you. If you want to continue to see here, I will arrange for my subordinates to be with you. Talking about it.” Cristio said, he really regretted bringing this guy in. I didn’t expect this guy to come here for the Thunder Gate. The Thunder Gate is like a forbidden curse. This world knows it. There are very few people involved in Raidenmen's affairs, but he knows it. This is definitely a very special place. The high-level people in the Forgotten Land know how to find himself?

"Hehe, don’t say goodbye in such a hurry, I said, I need to know some news from you, I know you are one of the three big hums here, but I also want you to know that I don’t care who you are. Somewhere, even if it’s the king of heaven, I will know what I want to know. Don’t toast or eat fine wine. It’s not good to drink, and our relationship will change from friend to enemy. Everyone knows what a friend and an enemy mean when they come out. One more friend is one more way, and one more enemy may lose one life." Li Cong said with a smile, this is the threat of nakedness. What's wrong? It threatens you. Everything about you is nothing in Lao Tzu's eyes. Since Lao Tzu can say these things, it means that Lao Tzu is really not afraid of you. Just say it directly if you have a way.

"Your Excellency, don’t push people too much. I admit that I’m not as good as yours, but I ask you to know that this is my territory, and the place we have forgotten is not where anyone can come here to point fingers. , If you are finished, please leave here, we do not welcome you here, goodbye, Lord Mage." Although this guy is full of breath, Li Cong can see that this guy is actually scared Yes, he was already shaking. He was afraid of using force. Since this is the case, I'm sorry, I really came here.

Li Cong flicked a finger lightly, and immediately flames appeared on both of his fingers. If Li Cong stimulated his mental power, the flame would be sprayed out like a flamethrower. This is the eighth fire system. Grade magic fire spray finger, as long as your mental power is enough, you can definitely burn the entire city. For the average magician, this is definitely a tasteless magic. This is a magic that competes with spiritual power, but for Li Cong, this is the biggest attack magic, because his spiritual power is continuous. Even an ordinary eighth-level magician can turn everything within a few kilometers into ashes with this trick. This is the power of jet fingers. Li Cong also tried it once after he learned. At that time, the water in a river was dried. It was absolutely amazing.

"You... are you threatening me with force?" Cristio said. There was fear in his voice. Li Cong really didn't know that such a courageous person would become a boss of such a huge force, which was completely different from what he had imagined.

"Hehe, you can think that, the brain is your own, the fingers are my own, what you think is your freedom, what I do is also my freedom, I think everything around here is what you care about, although you It’s a ninth-level fighter, but I think you can feel the gap between the two of us. If you want to stop me, you can try it. It’s just that you have lost your life but it has nothing to do with me. To be honest, Since I became famous, I have not seen the loss of a ninth-level fighter. You may be the first ninth-level fighter in my hand to die." Li Cong said confidently. He definitely has that confidence, let alone anything else. , That is, his own jet means that this guy can't handle it. If this guy is really tough with himself, then this is really a fool. If he has a brain, he won't do that.

"Why... why it must be me, why come to me to understand Raidenmen, I don't know anything at all, I don't know anything." The guy yelled frantically, and no one outside knew it. What's going on, what is the thunder and lightning, what is it about?

"Hehe, your subordinates ran into me, okay, don’t keep shouting, it’s a waste of energy, no, I think we should talk about remuneration now, I know the Thunder Gate will definitely give you It’s okay to cause a certain amount of harm. I think I have enough ability to protect you. I can help you wherever you want to go. I can give you several times your loss." Li Cong Said with a smile, the name of this Thunder Gate can make a ninth-level fighter so crazy. This time his enemies will definitely be very powerful. It really makes me feel excited. I haven't had so many enemies for a long time. At this time, he could have such a tough enemy, and he is also a person who likes to challenge. Ordinary people would be afraid of such an enemy, but for Li Cong, he would be excited to let his blood run quickly.

"Come here, all the people have retreated 200 meters, and everyone who dared to get close will be killed for me." Five minutes passed, and Li Cong didn't say a word. He had to give this guy a time to consider. I can't make the decision for others. Five minutes later, this guy said such a sentence, and a large number of hidden people came out of this room. It seemed that they should be the guards of this guy, the guards in the yard. , Maid and everything else left, whether it is so serious, all within 200 meters of the retreat, it is too exaggerated.

"Mage, listen, I'll just say these words again. If you can remember, it's your luck. If you get killed when you go out, please don't bother me. After I say these things, I hope someone You can protect my safety. These people must ask you to come out. They must be fighters of level 9 or above, with no less than ten people. In the Southern Empire, I will arrange everything for me. Finally, I will be given 20 billion silver. If there is any connection, I will leave this place too.” Cristio said. 20 billion silver is not very expensive, because 20 billion silver is really nothing compared to this guy’s foundation. If all of the assets under Nan Tuan are converted into money, there must be thirty to five billion dollars. People are not asking you a high price. As for the protector, Li Cong can easily handle it for him. Anyway, you didn't say whether it was a human or a monster. Isn't the ninth level of monsters also at the level, and the strength is much higher, such a person is thinking about saving his life at this time, as for other things, this guy is not considering it.

"Hehe, these are not problems. I can do the things you raised right away. Okay, don't talk so much nonsense now. Let me know what Thunderbolt is, and what kind of skills they have. It can make a ninth-level fighter like you feel so terrible. The more detailed you know, the better your life will be." Li Cong said.

This guy said nothing. He took off his shirt directly and turned it around. Li Cong liked to look at people's bodies, especially the bodies of young and beautiful girls. For such a master, we can say that we have no hobbies at all. But when he turned around, Li Cong could see clearly. It turned out that there was a tiny thunderbolt symbol behind this person, just like the one he saw. What's going on. This guy also had it on his body. Suddenly Li Cong understood that this guy is also from Thunder Gate? Li became nervous right away. Could it be that this guy lied to himself or something? No, everything he did was planned for himself. If he really lied to himself, it wouldn’t be what he is right now. , He looked at the guy who was going to explain to himself with questioning eyes, to see what was going on.

"Don't look at me with such eyes. I am the person of the Thunder Gate, but I don't want to be the person of the Thunder Gate. When I entered the Thunder Gate, I was persecuted by them. Now I have a chance to escape. I will naturally get out of there. This place is like a nightmare. It can make you stronger, but it will also control you for the rest of your life. When this decision is made, I will give up a lot. I want so much. If I want to enjoy myself, I may have less than a hundred years of my life left after I left the Thunder Gate, but I feel it is worth it." These words can be said to what Li Cong wants to know. It's not related at all, but Li Cong knows that this guy may not have a very clear mind now. For what he knows, he still has to be patient and listen to what this guy is saying. If he doesn't even have the patience. , Then don’t think about knowing some very secret things. From a psychological point of view, keeping silent is the best.

"Things have to be said 20,000 years ago. At that time, I was just an ordinary person. At that time there was already a Thunder Gate. The Thunder Gate at that time was different from now, but not many people knew about it. Yes, I think you must have asked a lot of people in power or powerful people in the Northern Empire, but they can’t tell you the news of Thunder Gate?” Li Cong nodded after hearing his words, indeed, he People who have asked don't know what the Thunder Gate is, and it is impossible to give themselves even a bit of news. Some powerful people think they have fabricated this thing out of thin air.

"I actually have no possibility of becoming a ninth-level fighter at all, but if you look at me now, I am still a ninth-level fighter, becoming a powerful side, but none of this has anything to do with me, it's all about thunder and lightning. The door is related. When I was an ordinary person, the people from Raidenmen chose me. Because of my good physical fitness, they would choose tens of thousands of people every time. Will be transported to the frozen forest, because there is their base camp, they will give these selected people a medicinal material adapted to their physique, and then an ordinary person like me can become theirs, become A person who can become a fighter." Li Cong was also surprised after hearing this. It seemed to be the same as his own fighter training camp. He also turned ordinary people into fighters, but he didn’t have that great ability to make him. They become ninth-level fighters.

"Don't think this is a good thing. For ordinary people, his life span is only 100 years. They can end up where they live. They can have the opportunity to become fighters. It is a good thing to have a longer life span, but Let me tell you that only 10 of these 10,000 people can become the kind of winners that they say, and all the rest will die, and die very painful, you won’t feel happy. Well, the 10,000 people who were selected at the time can be said that too many people are unwilling to enter the so-called plan. They are all fighting frantically. But resistance is of no use, their people are really too strong. , As long as all the people who resisted were killed, hundreds of human heads, I hadn’t even seen a dead person at that time. If hundreds of people died at once, naturally they would calm down. Otherwise, the next death might be I am, I am still relatively lucky. I was selected. I am one of the 10 luckiest people among 10,000. I thought I would be very lucky in the future. Unfortunately, this is the beginning of a nightmare. They started to give me various soups and medicinal materials. I felt like a pig being raised. I had no freedom every day. I was in a small room where I could only lie down. I only knew that at that time. Every year, they catch tens of millions of people and go back. Every year, about 100,000 people are selected, and then they will enter the next round of screening. Drink the drugs they give and step on them to survive. You were selected. If those drugs kill you, I'm sorry, you will die too." He was shaking all over when he talked about these things. It seems that these memories this guy is not willing to remember. , Too tragic.

"Actually, everyone can become a fighter, but I later stepped on their choice to know why. They simply don’t have the ability to turn so many people into fighters, because every person who becomes a fighter They have to spend more than 1 million of their silver, they don’t have that much money at all, so they arranged the so-called martial arts competition, they want to choose the best, that is, let 100 people in one room, nothing is given. You, even water, will not be given to you. What they want is the last remaining person. Only in this way, 1,000 people will be left behind every year. These 1,000 people will kill at least 99 people and eat 10 people to survive. Yes, in that big house, at the beginning, I fought with a few of my brothers. Our strength was the strongest. Most of them were defeated by us. We lived for 30 days, but later When everyone was eaten up by us, my three brothers and I started fighting again. We begged them, hoping they could release all of us, but the answer was silence, they Nothing will tell us, just tell us that only one person can go out in the end, in order to insist that the four of us can only fight and fight with our own brothers, can you understand this feeling? In the end, I am left, but I Didn’t kill my brothers, they all felt that their accomplishments were not as good as me, they all committed suicide, committed suicide in front of me, my brothers, I am a dirty person, I actually ate them, ate them me In order to survive, what I was thinking at the time was that I wanted to live, and then stepped on to avenge them, and this organization must be destroyed. I believe that anyone who survives will do this, and they will all have this idea. Yes, but then I stepped on to know that the idea at the time was really useless, they won't give us that opportunity." Cristio thought of the tricks of the Thunder Gate, and shuddered all over his body. These people are really so amazing.

"They told me to go out when I was the only one left. I thought there would be even more severe tests, but I didn’t do anything for the next year. I was enjoying them. They brought us delicious food. It’s funny. Even after two months, I got married. I had a woman. She was my first woman. She was very beautiful and kind. I knew she was not from Thunderbolt. She was arrested. , Among the 1,000 people who were selected like me, everyone gained the first love in their life like me. They held a wedding for us, and even gave us some land, so that we can start a normal life. We all thought it was like in a dream. We lived so happily for five years. It was the most beautiful five years in my life. Every morning I got up and had dinner with my wife and children and brought our own. The tools go to work in the farmland, and then at noon the wife and the children will bring meals to themselves. In the afternoon, the family will go fishing by the river or find some other things to pass the time. There are other people around. We can play games together, and the people guarding us are also very good. It was a wonderful period without the fierceness of the past. "Li Cong really did not expect this guy to have such an experience. He started When I said that, Li Cong thought that this guy would have some blood and tears in the future, but he didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful time.

"Five years have passed and my child is also three years old. Yes, these people arrested us again when my child was three years old. That day, they were still those who guarded us. They seemed to have changed It’s the same face. I thought we would all be familiar with it in a few years, but it’s useless. When their fists hit my face, I stepped on knowing that it’s impossible. They It's them. We are still us. We will never be friends. 1,000 of us were caught in a square again. They told us that this will be our home in the future. If we want this beautiful life, we must be good. It’s okay to practice and step on. Then we were taken to a training ground. At that time, a master came to teach us. He was a fifth-level fighter. His mission was to train us all into fifth-level fighters. If the time comes. If we have not reached the regulations, we will all be killed, our wives and our children will all have to be killed. These people have set one goal after another in order to inspire us, as long as we fail to achieve it, They will find our wives and children, beat our wives and children in front of so many people, and even insult our wives in public. So for this, all of us have worked very hard, even If we let us rest, we will not rest. We all know that as long as we can achieve the goals they require, our wife and children will live well. That is, in those ten years, I changed from being a first-class fighter. To become a fifth-level fighter, apart from their use of medicinal materials, it is our own ability. Later, I learned that if we all use medicinal materials, we can become a fifth-level fighter, but it will cost them tens of millions of silver. They are flowers. Sorry, so I thought of such a method. This method is indeed very useful. Each of us has used less than one-tenth of their medicinal materials to become a fifth-level fighter. At this time, our good The days are over. We have to go out to take on tasks like this, so that we can win time to meet with family members and even life. The quality of their lives is directly related to the completion of our tasks. For them, we Every day we spend our lives outside, and at the same time we have to eat some medicines of this kind. At that time, we all want to die when we want to accept tasks outside. In fact, death is also a relief for us. Unfortunately, we can’t If we do that, we all have our own family members. We all have the strength of the fifth-level fighters. We also thought about resisting, but we don’t know why, as long as we have such an idea, they will know. We stepped on knowing that there was a psychotropic drug in the drugs they gave us. The ones that control us, as long as we have such thoughts, will report like sleepwalking when we fall asleep at night, and then these people will be taken away. After waiting for a while, I won’t have the thought of resisting again. This is where they control me.” Li didn’t know much about these things from the past. These guys are really amazing. This kind of control skill is something few people can learn in later generations.

"Our children and wives are ordinary people. After a hundred years, they are gone. We think that no one will control us at that time and we can be free. So some people are going to leave at this time, but when they leave for a few years Then one by one came back. As long as someone came back, they would gather all of us. After so many years, we have eaten many medicinal materials that we don’t know. On the surface, these things are used to improve our medicinal materials. In fact, these things are things that control us. If we don’t have this for a period of time, we will be worse than dead. It will be more uncomfortable than being a ghost, and even suicidal thoughts will not arise. At that time, we want Those who drank those drugs, after knowing the results, fewer people ran away, basically none. Everyone worked hard. Up to now, I have been doing it for 20,000 years, and I have become As I am now, I have become a ninth-level fighter. The average ninth-level fighter will not succeed for tens of thousands of years, but I am successful. Don’t think this is very good. I also have my own status in the Thunder Gate. Yes, I accidentally learned one thing, that is, because of the drugs, it is impossible for us people to live longer. According to my calculations, I now have less than two hundred years at most. I just took that medicine, at least I can live happily for a hundred years. I think when I need the medicine a hundred years from now, you just ask your people to kill me directly. I don’t want to go on like that. ." This can be regarded as telling him all over again. Li Cong was also astonished. He really didn't expect that there would be such a thing in the world. He didn't expect them to be so powerful in controlling people early in the morning.

"According to you, there should be a lot of people like you in Raidenmen. Are they all within the four empires?" Li Cong thought about it and said, there were 1,000 people in their group. , After so many years, there will definitely be more people. Such an organization will be able to step on places with many planets like this, but it will definitely not be possible in other places.

"Yes. So I said that the power of the Thunder Gate is very vast. Among our group, more than 30 have survived to this day. Like me, they are all ninth-level fighters. Some of them are in the four empires. Internally. Some are in such scattered forces. The power of the Thunder Gate can be said to be very large. I dare say that one of the four empires is not as large as theirs, and these people can be said to be very deep hidden. I don’t know who they belong to. After all, they can be adapted casually to our present level. We can only look at the breath. We are all required to stay where we are, and that cannot be adapted. , Even if we are not allowed to leave our resident, we naturally don’t know who is the Thunder Gate.” He thought of the few people with him back then, they were only able to meet when they returned to the headquarters a hundred years ago. , It is impossible to see it at other times. What they prepare is that something has happened to these guys outside, and the others will not be involved.

"Then Raiden's headquarters has any organization, where should you know it?" The guy in front of him is obviously out of his head, so Li Cong must ask each question one by one. He couldn't tell by himself.

"Their headquarters is in the ice-bound forest. I don't know exactly where it is. When I was there, it was not their headquarters. It was just a training place. Those of us can be regarded as peripheral personnel of Thunder Gate. We can only continue to achieve our own results through our efforts outside. If I can survive that dangerous period next year, maybe I will have the opportunity to become their internal members. The internal members are estimated to be only a few hundred. That’s all, the rest are just like me. Outer members will be a limit in 20,000 years. Because of drugs, one out of 10,000 people can survive it. As for the organization, I only know the inside of Raiden Gate. There are wind, rain, thunder, and four halls. I belong to Fengtang. I govern the Northern Empire and some surrounding forces. The other three hall masters may manage the affairs of the other three empires. The purpose of the Thunder Gate is to defeat the royal families of the four empires. , To rule the entire continent, but now they don’t have the ability to do things, and they will never leave their names outside. You can track down these as your ability.” Cristio said it was here. After regaining a bit of calmness, this guy also wants to understand at this time. Just tell the guy in front of him what he knows. He also had his own conscience before. If those guys really develop at the current development speed Going on, they might really rule the entire continent, and humans might really have no future at that time.

"Usually, don't you have time to contact you?" Li Cong said, the news is not enough for him to find the Thunder Gate. Although the frozen forest is not as huge as the Warcraft Mountain Range, it can be regarded as another Warcraft gathering area, at least There is also an area the size of fifteen earths. If you go in and find it slowly, it will take hundreds of years. He doesn't have so much time to find here. In fact, what Li Cong thinks is not as simple as revenge. After listening to his words, Li Cong felt that it was not this Raiden Gate that might be causing his trouble. It might have been done by someone similar to Cristio under the Thunder Gate. After all, the influence is not very large. Yes, if it were really done by someone from their main sect, it may already be a war on the entire continent, and it will definitely not be a problem with a dozen provinces. A ninth-level fighter may be only that big. The influence is only, if there is more, it is not a ninth-level fighter can do it.

"Of course there will be contact. They will send some special envoys every five years. These guys come to our site one by one to collect the silver we have obtained over the years and the tasks they taught us. , By the way, give us some news from the headquarters that can make us a little stronger drugs. At our level, we don’t need those anymore, but no one wants to make ourselves stronger. They use our money to train more people." Cristio didn't want this to happen, but he was controlled by them because of the drug, and he had no other way but to do what they wanted. If you don’t do things, you know the consequences if you don’t do it.

"In addition to this, sometimes if they have any tasks, someone will come directly to us, but they always come to us, never when we find them, but we also have a way to contact them. , We will ask people to write our news on a special paper and send them to a very special place in the frozen forest, where we don’t need to take care of them. Generally speaking, there will be news within half a year Ours, I guess they won’t get it right away. They will also detect what's going on outside. After all, we are all 9th-level fighters and we all have our own forces. If we really quarrel with them If this is the case, they will definitely have some losses. My class is like this. I don't know the others." Cristio said, he can only know this, and the rest is not clear.

"Do you know the expatriates like you in your hall?" Li Cong asked.

"I don't know, I just know a rough idea. I was once instructed to prepare something. There are no less than 30 level 9 fighters in our hall, and there should be more level 8 fighters. I don't know what's below, anyway. Their armed forces are very powerful. I once heard a messenger say that the armed forces of the entire Thunder Gate can reach about five percent of the entire world." Li Cong was also dumbfounded after hearing his words, how could it be so powerful? It. (To be continued...)

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