Energy Group

Chapter 1967:

nbsp;"Boss, I don’t know what to say about you. Why did you enter this society so much earlier than I did, don’t you see where you are now? Can you control everything here? Do you think What is this place? What do you think I do? You don't even have the ability to stand up. What about me? I just stand up for fun. I am here to serve you? Help you up? "In the past, the Five Elements Soil didn't think so much, but when I saw that the boss had to do this and that by himself, I immediately became uncomfortable in my heart. Damn, I didn't see how capable I was. . M

Wuxingjin felt something was wrong at this time. Damn, it seemed that he had really become a prisoner. This guy was standing and talking to himself. Damn, what the **** is going on? When I ran out of the city of Wula County, I met some people on the road to stop me. No need to ask, these people must have been done by people from the Cao's business, my opponent, but how could the fifth man himself be fine? Asshole, this guy has rebelled, he finally understands now.

"Fifth, you can think about it. Now you have betrayed the organization. The organization's ability to control you is very powerful. If the organization knows about it, you think you can still have a good son? It's been so many years. For brothers’ sake, as long as you can release me, then I will definitely help you intercede when I go back. I still have some face in the organization, and I will definitely be able to save your life then. You have to think I'm clear, don't be confused at this time." The Five Elements Gold has not given up at this time, and there is indeed such a little hope in his heart. The Five Elements Soil didn’t have any backbone before, but when he was slapped in the face, he knew he was wrong. This guy is no longer the old fifth, and now he has become his opponent. Up.

"Hehe, I said, boss, are you still awake, I let you go? Even if I listen to you, I let you go now, but you have used Huagong Pill, can you go out? Ordinary people can go back to the headquarters? I think they haven’t even gone out yet. The two stronger ordinary people outside can just put you there. Not to mention those tenth-level monsters. How did you fail just now? Don’t you know it yourself, do you still need to repeat this for you? I’ll go back with you, you can save my life, why is my brain so sick. Now your life is in my hands Here. I do whatever I want to do. If I follow you back, I do whatever you want to do with me. I have been in the organization for more than 30,000 years. This 30,000 years There are thousands of traitors who died just in my hands, and there are even more in your hands. The organization will not be soft on any traitor. If I follow you back, I It will definitely die miserably. The organization will not tolerate any betrayal. This is what you taught me." Wuxingtu said sharply, as if thinking of some things before, Wuxingtu was really angry at this time, **** it. , This guy’s face has become very ugly, Wu Xing Jin suddenly thought of something about three thousand years of money. At that time, he executed that night dance. That was the fifth guy’s favorite, he wouldn’t know. Up

"Look at your face, I know what you thought of, yes, I knew about Ye Wu a long time ago. The second child told me that you two told me to give her I didn’t need me to go through it. As a result, you brought his head back. How did you tell me that he died of resistance, but the second child told me another ending, and he said it all. At the beginning, Ye Wu was caught by you but very cooperative. He wanted to forgive him when he came back, but the result? Not only did he not forgive her, but he didn’t even give her the opportunity to speak. I hate it. Are you? This is for sure. I can only tell you that the second child is useless now. He is dead. If you are useful, you can live. If there is no use, I can only tell you to go. Dead." The Five Elements Tulian said in pain, frankly speaking, I really wanted to kill this guy directly at this moment, but thinking of the task Li Cong taught me, I still couldn't kill this guy so quickly. Yes, after all, Li is not easy to explain from there, is he?

"Since you know everything, then I won’t say anything. Just do it to me. I already know my fate. I know a lot more than you. But I have received a lot more training than you. It’s absolutely impossible for you to get something from me. You come, you won’t get any news, and I want to see how they are. I made you surrender." Wuxingjin said with confidence. He felt a little curious about the things here. These people are all strictly trained. How could they betrayed because of a small business.

"Very well, this is the boss. I still admire you so far, but you can talk about it later when you see it. The second and fourth are not chéngrén. Let me tell you, at their last moments. At that time, both of them wanted to betray, but both of them had no chance at all. Now I also ask you to tell the truth about Master Wang’s craftsmanship.” The Five Elements Tu happily said, it’s the Master Wang. When I got to that guy, I felt very uncomfortable all over the body. For nothing else, it was because my baby was almost taken down by this old guy. Who would be happy to see such a person.

Wu Xing Jin found that this old guy's gaze was not on his body, but on the Wu Xing Huo who was unconscious on one side. Is this trying to kill the chicken and the monkey?

Soon he understood what was going on. This old guy didn’t wake up the Five Elements Fire at all. He went up with a knife. The Five Elements Fire screamed for a full thirty seconds, but this guy was very He fell down quickly, and passed out in pain. Castration turned out to be such a torture. Looking at the expression of Wuxingjin, Wuxingtu really admired this guy in his heart. Damn, when I saw this scene, I immediately rebelled. This guy can still hold on. It seems that the people above call this guy his boss for a reason, and they are indeed better than himself. .

"Master Wang, your elder should take a break first. There is one more, but I am afraid that if you are tired, the knife may be a little delayed. In the end, my boss will hurt for a long time." Master Wang over there is already Yueyue was ready to try, and Wuxingtu quickly went over and said. They can only do things by frightening. It is absolutely impossible to really start with the Five Elements Gold. A person like Wu Xing Jin understands that if such torture really hits him, it is estimated that there is no room for discussion on this matter. This guy must have persisted to death in the end. I have to break his defense psychologically.

"Huh. Do you think you can scare me with such punishment? I don't know how many people I killed. Anyway, I now know that my current rìzi has been so long, and it's worth my life. Now. If you want to do it, hurry up." The Five Elements Jin said tyrannically, the voice is still the same as before, even if Li Cong is here, he has to admire this guy for a while, this kid is afraid of things that any man is afraid of. No brows frowned.

"Hehe, don’t worry, I know you know how this happened, so I don’t think you are very scared, but if this happens, there will be a lot of sequelae. I have to explain those things to you clearly. Yes, this thing of yours is gone, but not only you are not a man, but there are many things you need to know. Although the sister-in-law is not young, she is definitely the beauty of our organization. I dare not say that others , I just say me, I love to eat with you when I’m fine, do you really think I’m going to see you, do we have a deep brotherhood? That’s all shit, the real situation is definitely not like that, We went to you because of my sister-in-law. We all went to see my sister-in-law. The shock the sister-in-law gave us was not something people like you could think of. There are many people like me in the organization. In the past, you were great, and the relationship between your couple was very good. Of course, my sister-in-law would not think of this or that, but what if you don’t have this thing? Are you still a man? Men and women are there I have lived together, but this thing is absolutely important. You don’t have this thing. Why are people like flowers and jade together with you? You have already failed this task. When you go back, you think you have nothing. Punishment? Even if you are not convicted and organized, who can prove it? Anyway, your result is not so good. Sister-in-law will follow you in the future? Think about it because today your choice will be your wife. On the bed, the face of your hat, alas, as long as it is a man, he can’t make his wife behave like other men. You should think so, but if you are not For a man, it doesn’t matter if you think about it. You don’t need a woman, don’t you?" Wuxingtu said cheerfully. In fact, he is really interested in the wife of Wuxingjin, but he was definitely I dare not say that. Everyone knows that the Five Elements Gold is very good to his wife. Now these words are like steel needles.

"Asshole, I killed you bastard, killed you" Wuxingjin shouted loudly, but before he got up, Wuxingtu kicked this guy into the corner with one kick, now it's one Ordinary people, what do you have to face a ninth-level fighter? It was easy to do in the past, but today it seems to be harder than climbing to the sky. It is the first time that Wuxingtu has dealt with his boss. That feeling is really good. If it weren't because Li Cong had his own ideas, he had definitely tried **** this guy a few times in the past. That kind of feeling is really good, we can't let this opportunity pass.

"Okay, I said the boss, you are now different from before. It is impossible to beat me, so it is better for you to cooperate with me. Of course, I will naturally not give you a chance in the future. It’s on my head, but as long as you can cooperate with me, when we go back, the two of us should work together inside and outside, and help master Cao disintegrated the Thunder Gate. In the future, our rìzi will be very good, at least we are better than It was much better in the past. Master Cao has already promised us, but now it depends on your performance. There are two ways in front of you, or you will be killed directly. Don’t talk about the future, of course Sister-in-law, if I don’t want to go there, someone will take care of you. The other is that we cooperate well, and we will be really mixed up in the future.” Wu Xingtu said, of course he understands now The situation is not so simple. This guy's loyalty to Raiden Gate is definitely not comparable to him.

"Boss, I know what you are thinking. Do you think Mr. Cao can't do Thunderbolt Gate? To be honest. Our Thunderbolt Gate is really powerful, but we can't get in touch with the outside world now, so this thing is not so. It’s simple, we contact them to make up for them. What’s the difference without them. We are considered the sharpest team in the organization. But after we came out, we were killed directly, and we didn’t have a chance to compete with outsiders. People contact. Although the current strength of Cao is not up to the Thunder Gate, he has the support of the two empires, and his brain is very good, otherwise it will not be so easy to give the seven inches of Thunder Gate When we hit it, we hadn’t heard of the blockade of the frozen forest for many years, but the Cao’s family did it, and they did a good job. Although we have all crossed over, they were in the northern part of the Northern Empire. The power is really too big. We are really hard to move here. You might think that we have failed, and someone will come out in the future, but have you thought about it? Those people may all be the same with us, they You will eventually become Cao’s person. If you don’t do it now, there will be many people doing it in the future. Will Cao still need you at that time? It’s a person of little use to you, I think Anyone will give up this person without hesitation, because it has no effect at all, and it is useless to keep it." Wuxingtu, the guy who has been studying these days, is not bragging. It is all about these things. It is the head and the Tao, and soon it came to the mind of the five elements.

There is no sound in the room. Wu Xing Tu knows that at this time his words are already in the heart of the boss. Whether it is publicly or privately, this matter is not that simple. Cao's current ability is not as good as Thunderbolt. The door, but just like the guy in the Five Elements Soil, they have grasped the weakness of the Thunder Door, just like the wolf is the tiger. The wolf is not the tiger's opponent, but in the place where the wolf is familiar, the wolf can cause the tiger. A certain amount of damage, as long as the tiger is not allowed to sort out his injuries and start working step by step, the tiger is likely to be harmed by the wolf, and there are two other things behind the wolf. Supported by a bigger tiger. At the beginning, they didn’t know the reality of the tiger, so they didn’t dare to do it. But if they really knew the news that the tiger was seriously injured, they would all be the boss in the forest. There will definitely be one missing, and they will never sit back and watch.

"I want to talk to Cao Ke." Half an hour later, Wu Xing Jin said this. He knew that he had already formed a relationship with the Liang Zi of Wu Xing Tu, so he wouldn't say anything to this person, Wu Xing Tu Gang. When he wanted to refuse, Master Wang had already walked over there. Although Master Wang was an ordinary person, the Five Elements Soil did not dare to stand in front of this person. In this room, the only person who can represent Li Cong This Master Wang, I heard that he is still a member of the investigation department. Although he has no number yet, from the perspective of Wuxingtu, the degree of intimacy between him and Li Cong is better than that of him. He is not as close as others. .

"No problem, Mr. Cao also wants to talk to you, but I hope you'd better tell the truth. I feel that people like you cannot be trusted. You have to know that your opportunity to talk is not easy. , So I have to give you something to think about first, so that you won’t be talking nonsense later.” Master Wang yīn said dangerously, and the Five Elements Gold over there didn’t know what the old man wanted to do. He looked at this blankly. Guy, who knows that this guy had a knife immediately, and the speed is not very fast, he is an ordinary person, he can't have a fast speed, and it is because of this that people feel scared, damn, Watching the knife slowly pass through his arm, and slowly enjoying the pain at that moment, the five elements of gold can still bear the pain, but his face twitched, this person under Cao Ke can Really cruel, shit, I just want to talk to this guy, I didn’t expect this guy to be so vicious, but this also made Wu Xingjin’s heart understand that it’s precious to see Cao, don’t say anything else, see you next time If you have to come for a while, I have to let him see his value this time.

The Wuxingtu heart is also a little uncomfortable at this moment. I originally wanted to talk to Wuxingjin about this issue, but I didn’t expect this **** to even want to talk to Li Cong. If I was the only one here, I would definitely reject this matter. Unfortunately, I can’t interfere, so Liu The master is in charge here, and he can only obey that guy. He reluctantly followed these two people out step by step. I don’t know if my persuasion was right or wrong. I always feel like the future. Sometimes there may be some things out of his control, this guy is not as simple as he thought.

Master Wang glanced at Wuxingtu. He nodded and went out. The meaning of that glance is very clear. I went out and asked Li Cong to go. Here you look, you see that he can't escape. At the same time you can't hurt him. He is like this now. If you really hurt him, that's your problem. Obviously Wuxingtu's mood is not very high. Damn, this guy's utilization ability is starting to surpass himself? Do you have lost the previous attention on the new master's side?

Soon after Li Cong came in, Wu Xing Tu's heart was very satisfied with one action, that is, Li Cong let Master Wang stand in the two seats inside, Wu Xing Tu and Li Cong sat with the five elements on the ground. Lie down, as for the other guys, they are almost out of breath. They are all resting. They may rest for a lifetime. This makes the Wuxingtu demonstration look at Master Wang and Wuxingjin, but both of them are He didn't look at him, which gave him the feeling of punching the cotton. This feeling was really uncomfortable. Damn, when he had the upper hand, his enemies didn't even look at him.

"I heard Master Wang say that you want to see me. My time is very precious. In fact, I sent two representatives to talk to you. The two of them can basically represent me. You can do anything. I told them that Master Wang’s xìng son is not very good. If you waste my time for nothing, I think you will have some other traces on your body." Li Cong said with a smile, and his words also made the five elements of the earth. I am very satisfied, I can represent Cao Ke, I am very important.

"Huh, time is precious? What is precious? What I want to say may save you more time. I have a condition. If you agree, I can guarantee that everything you know is better than what you know now. Ten times or even more. I don’t know if we can talk about the terms first.” The Five Elements Gold has returned to what it was before now. This is what this guy is accustomed to. He thought he would have the materials in his hand. That said, both Master Wang and Wuxingtu can't wait to give this guy a kick, shit, it seems that the lesson just now has no effect on this guy, this guy is still the same as before.

"Talk about it, remember, you only have this chance, next time you want to say this, your ten fingers may be able to exchange for such an opportunity." Li Cong said, he knew that such a person would definitely have requirements Yes, I just have to let him know that his request was an extravagant hope. I didn’t open an orphanage. Hearing what Li Cong said, Wu Xing Jin felt his whole body tremble. How could a young kid be that way? It's cruel, it's not a joke.

"My requirement is also very simple. You can know more requirements if you kill this Five Elements Soil." Wu Xing Jin stared at Wu Xing Tu and said, Wu Xing Tu was panicked. How could it be such a request? Just now, I also thought that there would be some requests against myself, but I didn’t expect it to be like this. Did I offend this guy too hard just now, so this guy would do something like that to myself If Li Cong really agreed, his head would not be able to keep it. According to his long-term contact with Li Cong, Li Cong would definitely be able to agree to this request, because he felt that some of his things were told. With Li Cong, it can be said that he is of little use, and he will definitely need a more useful guy.

Li Cong smiled slightly, and took a look at Wuxingtu. Wuxingtu immediately became nervous, but he did not make any other movements. He knew that he would not be able to run out anyway. These two guys can It’s not so powerful, especially Li Cong. He didn’t have the chance to run out of his hands. Besides, he knew what was going on outside. Wuxingtu slowly closed his eyes. I'll catch it

"Master Wang, this guy seems to be a little untrained. You have to continue to train." Li Cong said, Li Cong's words made Wuxingtu open his eyes again. At this time, Li Cong will definitely not be so. Killing the Five Elements Soil, it can be said that the usefulness of this guy is only digging out less than half. If you kill this guy now, you will only get the news from the Thunder Gate in the future. Obviously, this five-element gold is not a simple person, he is not a person like the five-element soil, and it is definitely not that simple to control this person. Li Cong didn't have that great ability to master this guy. Therefore, the five-element soil must be kept, and the next master Wang immediately cut off the ears of the five-element gold. It was not quick to start, and it still hurt.

Five Elements Gold did not call out. But his face was also twitching. He really couldn't understand what Li Cong was thinking. Obviously he was more useful to him, but this guy just didn't want to say more to him, so he just got his ears off. The impact of the Five Elements Gold is not small. I still feel pain in my body, and the pain in my heart is even worse. I have never seen such a person. If a word is wrong, I will be hurt. Of people still want to get news from themselves? It was a dream, but soon he knew he was wrong.

"Five elements of gold, I know you are not afraid of death, so I will not embarrass you directly with your life, but I have many ways to deal with you, now should you say something useful to me? There’s something. If I don’t say anything yet, I think I’ll take care of you myself." Li Cong smiled and took out a needle. Both Wuxingjin and Wuxingtu thought that Li Cong was going to deal with this guy. It should also be the master Wang over there who did it. It is absolutely impossible that Li Cong did it himself. He just used a knife to slowly scrape this guy. He can't say anything. What does a needle do? Up?

"Huh, since you don't kill that guy, it won't matter if I explain it to me, just hit me directly, I want to see what you have." Although Wuxingjin is a normal person now, I can do it before. I have encountered many such things myself, and this little scene can't scare me.

"Very well, I know that there is no such thing in your world. Now I will tell you that this thing is called golden needles. It is used to stimulate some acupuncture points of the human body. Of course, you don’t understand what I mean. Yes, but soon you will know how comfortable this thing is." After Li Cong finished speaking, he pierced at this guy’s temple, and the acupuncture went directly into his mind. Li Cong also learned Some of these things, of course, won't mess up this guy's mind. If that's the case, it's better to kill this guy directly, otherwise you might not need anything.

"Ah" The Five Elements Gold, who has never called much, shouted directly at this time. This kind of pain was definitely the first time he heard it in his life. This kind of thing made him feel very uncomfortable and he was very faceless. Called out, it was unimaginable before.

"Hehe, this is just the beginning. Would you like to tell me something useful? If you don't say it, then I will start to turn slowly. I believe that you are unwilling to try." Li This kind of shouting has been pushed to a higher level since the time of speaking. When studying this on the earth, those people also told Li Cong that this rotation must not exceed 360 degrees. If it exceeds, it is estimated that this guy will He may become a fool. It is estimated that the average person will not be able to turn 20 degrees. He is a ninth-level fighter and should be very resistant, but now after taking the Huagong Pill, he is just an ordinary person, Li Cong’s Turning his hand slightly, this guy no longer had his original rigidity, and he cried bitterly to explain.

"Hehe, what you said a long time ago doesn’t need to be so tired or so painful. You can see how you are now. Okay, I think it’s better to say quickly, don’t waste time, can you tell me something What? It's best to have an immediate effect, and I can immediately see your sincerity in your cooperation." Li Cong said with a smile, he pulled out the gold needle himself, and this guy couldn't say anything in that state. Come, I'm not so cruel yet.

It took half a minute for the Five Elements Jin to feel that his consciousness had come back. Just now, it really made him feel that his mind had come out. I didn't want to have that kind of feeling for the rest of my life. Now Li Cong would tell him anything, and when he thought of this, he immediately thought of something that could get immediate results.

"I said, I would say everything. As long as I was not allowed to use the thing just now, I would say everything. This Ula County city is rich in gems, and our organization has stocked a lot of various gems here, all in the south of the city. Inside the farm, there is a stronghold of our organization. But the owner of the farm has been through hundreds of generations. No one knows that. I know how to get in that place. The contents are worth more than tens of billions of silver. There are many more, many of them are precious gems that are not available in the world. As long as they can let me go, I will take you there immediately. I know how to open it." He said eagerly, Li Cong said But things that are immediate, he also knows that these things may be very precious to ordinary people. But for Li Cong, it might not be so important. It's just a mere tens of billions of silver. Li Cong still doesn't see it in his own eyes. However, in order to verify this guy, Li Cong directly mentioned this guy and threw it at Xiaohu. Then he took some people directly on his body, and Xiaohu looked at this guy, unless it was the great Luo Jinxian who came, otherwise this guy would not want to run out, even if he had that idea, I guess he would definitely say if he looked at Xiaohu’s appearance. Nothing comes out.

The southern part of the city is basically large farms. The place Li came from them is also a small farm, and the area is only less than 80 hectares. Li Cong would never have thought that there would be hundreds of places like this. A gem of billions of silver, Li never let his own person do anything, but directly let this guy go out to do things. Although this guy only has the skills of ordinary people, he is still a ninth-level fighter after all, and many of them are relatively strong. , Although the guy who tortured just now was very powerful, but now that he is not suffering that kind of pain, this guy still trots all the way by, and he is afraid that he will be treated like that again. I really don’t know this young man named Cao Ke. Where did I learn it from? There hasn't been such a method of extorting a confession in the organization for tens of thousands of years.

Li Cong glanced at Wuxingtu. This guy has absolutely no impression of this place. When he came out of the organization before, he followed the Wuxingjin and the others, so he was not clear about this, Wuxing. Jin is different. He has been famous for tens of thousands of years. In the past, he often came out by himself before this organization. Therefore, it is possible to know some other secrets. There is no clear indication.

Everyone followed in the footsteps of the five elements of gold to a very inconspicuous house in the farm. This is a stable. There are so many gems in it?

"Master Cao, here is the place where the gems are buried. I'm standing here. Your people will start digging. There will be boxes at least 30 meters below. There are gems in it. I am 600 years old. I was dispatched to this place before. The gems were not in this place when they were originally shipped to this place, so I will never remember it wrongly. Such things will only be checked once in 1,000 years. Because the time is not up yet, only I know this place at the moment." Wu Xingjin said, and he tried hard to make himself more honest, but to be honest, how he behaved was that way.

Li Cong nodded, and directly used his own space power to penetrate. Indeed, there are quite a few boxes less than 30 meters below these lands. Li Cong roughly estimates that there are at least more than fifty. It’s a big box. There are also some gems in the box. Some have been seen by Li Cong, and some have not been seen by Li Cong. These things are not important to Li Cong. Just ask his subordinates to dig them out here. , He immediately went back with the five elements of gold. The important thing was the attitude of this guy. Of course, he couldn't completely believe this guy. Maybe he just threw a sugar-coated cannonball and paralyzed Li Cong.

"How many similar places do you know?" Li Cong thought for a while. It's impossible for this guy to know such a place. A place like this has no effect on the Thunder Gate, but if there are too many, The impact on the lightning gate is also very serious.

"I know a lot of places like this, but they are far away. There are only three nearby. Some are stored gold, some are silver, and some are platinum. Our Thunder Gate does not have the habit of storing silver tickets everywhere. Thousands of years of big ticket numbers are amazing, and their replacement time is too fast, so what we save is some physical objects." Wuxingjin said honestly, the credibility of his words is still Very high, some of the silver tickets and gold tickets issued in the ticket number, even the things issued by the imperial account number, are exchanged once in a hundred years. If they all forget to exchange it in the mountains~www They are losing a lot, but silver, gold, and platinum will not deteriorate after tens of thousands of years. They are still the original things.

"It's okay. I will give you time and write down the things you know. Remember, don't delay me. I will see the results of your work for two hours. If you can't complete thirty locations, One of your toes is gone. Master Wang will watch you slowly by the side until you can’t remember it. Of course, if you hide it and don’t tell me, I know you will be better in the future. I’ll wait for that kind of taste.” Li Cong said. He knows how to deal with such a guy in front of him. He can’t give this guy too much time. This guy must take it in a short time. Next, as for going back to the headquarters and letting him cooperate with the Five Elements Soil, Li Cong, after so long careful consideration, forget it. No one knows what this guy will be like when he arrives at the headquarters. Frankly speaking, for such a spineless person Li Cong is a little scared from the bottom of his heart, such a person is out of control.

Wuxingjin took a vicious look at the background of Li Cong's departure, but before his curse came out of his mind, this guy had already heard the sound of Master Wang sharpening his knife on the side. This **** old guy is very It's amazing, I don't know when I can get rid of such a nightmare, each of them is so vicious. Compared with these guys, the ruthless guys I have seen before are simply great people.

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