Energy Group

Chapter 1983:

"Hehe, this girl is a little different from yours. This sounds like the accent from the capital of the Eastern Empire. It seems that this girl was born there, and if I guess it's a girl, I should have graduated from Kara Warrior Academy. I said this entirely by instinct. I don't know if it is right or not. m" The kid Linghu said with a smile, although neither of them is talking, but Li Cong can feel that the heartbeats of these two people are different from before, but not a fool can understand that this is what the kid said. This kid’s ability is really good. In the detective The talent in this area is definitely very strong. No wonder that he can analyze so many things for himself. At this time, Li Cong had an idea. In the end, the Linghu family would not care about what they did with him, but this kid had to borrow it himself. Up.

The little girl may also know that there are too many flaws that she has exposed, so she doesn't say anything at this moment. She knows that even if she says something with her head, it is possible that others might think of something. It’s better not to say it, just sit in the prison car and go back. My father and daughter have already been captured by others. At this moment, I must not let people know their own details, if they are known by others. My family members may be life-threatening, so the little girl closed her eyes as she did, and stayed motionless. Linghu had no choice. What she needed to observe, from their words, Some news can only be known from their demeanor, but Li has never been the same. He can clearly hear their heartbeats. If Linghu this kid reaches the ninth-level fighter, it will be fine, but now This kid is still too young, and what Li Cong is stronger than him is that Li Cong himself is still a magician. This is absolutely no problem. A space magician is the most important thing.

"Those things you guessed are correct. Do you have any eyebrows?" Seeing Linghu's frustrated look, Li never wanted to hit the kid, so he quickly told him, and both got into the carriage.

"How do you know that what I said is right? I need to verify it with their demeanor, but it's obvious that they don't believe what I said now. I feel that I am at most half right." Linghu said depressed. In the past, no one can escape their own guesses. This is the first time. This kid himself felt a little lost. After hearing Li Cong's affirmation, he became interested again. Could it be that Li Congbi I'm much better? He is also an expert in this area. To tell the truth, Linghu was not very interested in martial arts training when he was a child. What this kid likes the most is to play with these things. It’s really cool. Seeing his opponent be defeated by his own words, this sense of accomplishment can’t be replaced by other things. Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity recently. Let yourself do it. Since coming down at Maowu Mountain, most people know who they are. When they are training themselves, they also flatter more often, but this is no way. There will be many people who have this idea.

"Hehe, you can know all this when you reach the ninth-level fighter. You can't feel their heartbeat, but what I can feel is related to my own skill." Li Congxiao As he said, he could only say that. In fact, it’s impossible to know so much based on Li Cong’s warrior abilities, but he can’t tell this kid that he is a Space Mage. Neither Space Mage nor Alchemist can tell anyone. If it is a last resort, I can only It was to tell them their identity as a pharmacist. Compared with the space magician, this seemed a little easier to accept.

"Yes, forget this. If what I said is true, I can be sure that these people were found by the royal family. I can't tell you the reason, because it has something to do with the royal family and our Linghu family." Said the fox. There is a layer of chill on his face. Anyone will not be calm when facing someone who wants to kill him, but this kid is surprisingly calm, making Li Cong, who is ready to listen to the story, feel depressed. Qing, how could this be like this? How could this kid control himself so much? To say that the mental quality of this kid is even better than some tenth-level fighters he knows, it's no wonder that this kid can become a member of the Linghu family. The head of a generation, let’s just say that this one is very good. This kid is very capable, and he must be brought to himself in the future, otherwise it would be his own loss.

"Hehe, if you say that, I think I have a proposal, a proposal for cooperation. Everyone is a smart person. I don't know if you mean to cooperate with me?" Li Cong said with a smile. Li Cong knows that all the treacherous tricks and all things in the house are taken out, and some are loyal to the brothers. Li Cong knows that the conspiracy and tricks used to deal with such people are nonsense. Such a smart person can see it at a glance.

"I don't have any other extra options. To be honest, the cooperation between our Linghu family and the royal family may end here. As long as I can board the seat of the family chief, they will not be able to continue to use us. In fact, we are too. Royal family, why do we have to live here like this? If we were a royal family, now I am the prince of the empire. I will be in this place? Ouyang’s family guesses that I wouldn’t want to send my daughter to me as a concubine. Forget it, I don’t want these things, you have to think about how to put me in this seat, and we will be allies in the future." This kid is still like that. Li Cong is really depressed to such a collaborator, two days ago. The two are still enemies, and they have become such a person right now. Li Cong really doesn't know what to say about this kid, but he also appreciates his straightforwardness, which is very good.

This guy is also observing what Li Cong looks like when he talks. If Li Cong doesn’t have the courage, he will treat him as a joke just now, it’s useless at all. If Li Cong is as ambitious as himself, This matter is relatively easy to handle, just do it directly, but unfortunately I don’t know what Li Cong means, because I can’t see anything on Li Cong’s face, as if he doesn’t care about it at all. What does Li from now think? Linghu really wanted to know that with Li's current strength, it should be possible to support him as the head of the family. But it’s impossible to ascend to the throne of the Eastern Empire. For tens of thousands of years, I don’t know how many people from the Linghu family have this idea, but to be honest, none of them has succeeded. When there was hope, the royal family shattered this hope. So they can’t help it. Besides, the older generation of their family really doesn’t support this idea. Their idea is the same as it was tens of thousands of years ago. What they want is the foundation, the whole world. Foundation. Therefore, they will not allow such internal fighting to consume their strength. They will definitely investigate and deal with such things severely. The royal family is also the same, but Linghu can see clearly that the royal family and the old men in their family think very much. Okay, but what about when you get old? When all of you are gone, young people will do it. Whether it's the Linghu family or the royal family, they can't stand each other. This struggle is inevitable. You can force it down now. It won't be so easy in the future. At that time, the Linghu family can The loss will be huge and will even be expelled by the royal family.

"This matter. Let's not think so far. To be honest, I don't know how the Eastern Empire is for your Linghu family. I can only say that I will fully support you, but I will give you a guarantee that I will not Dare to say more, I thought I was very powerful in the past, but then a thunder and lightning gate appeared, and I was caught off guard. It was not because of their concerns, or even the three empires. I hope that this thing exists. It is estimated that everything I have now will be completely finished. I don’t want to regenerate this kind of thing. Everything needs to be careful.” Li Cong thought about it and said, this answer can be said to be quite satisfactory, nothing. Excessive place, but there is no place that pleases Linghu. Is this Li Cong a bit too conservative, but Linghu soon thought about it. All of his own people did not know that Li Cong's strength was indeed In this way, ordinary people look very powerful, but in the eyes of the huge hidden powers, it is nothing. If the thunder and lightning gates come out in full force, Li Cong's current ability cannot stop it, although Li Cong is leaning on My luck has integrated a lot of thunder and lightning forces, but to be honest, these forces are not necessarily more powerful, most of the powerful have not yet emerged, so the fierce battle is still behind.

"That's right. I understand you saying that. Our Linghu family seems to be competing with me a lot, but I know that the one that threatens me most is my cousin. I guess you will be very happy. Kill this guy. He is the second head of the Thunder Sect, and the highest official position of our Linghu family in the Thunder Sect. Although he said on the surface that he didn't want to be the patriarch of the Linghu family, I can see it. , This guy's ambition is very big, it is very likely that even me is not as good as this guy, this guy's ambition of little things can be seen by many people, his strength is very strong, he is already the ninth level peak A warrior, if I guess right, maybe this kid will be able to admit the root of his power within ten years. This is also the most unfavorable thing for me.” This can be regarded as explaining the Linghu family to Li Cong. Li Cong listened very carefully. Although he may not be where he will go with this kid in the future, the matter before him is beneficial to everyone. His biggest enemy is the Thunder Gate. Isn't the Thunder Gate the enemy of this kid? Although someone in the Thunder Gate belongs to Linghu's family, it is estimated that this kid can't be mobilized by a single soldier. It is fine to know some information through him.

"If it's a simple person, even if this guy is a tenth-level warrior, I can send him back to the west. It's just that this guy is at the headquarters of Raidenmen. It can be said that I still don't know where the headquarters of Raidenmen is. The place, let alone how to calculate this person." Li Cong said helplessly, his people are afraid to go into the frozen forest now, and Tuoba Yuanye told himself that the people here can only be in the periphery. Look, if you really go in, you might be killed by the people inside. Those guys are very powerful one by one, but because of this, they also figured out how many strongholds Li Cong had. , Or the area around the base is more appropriate. These places are a bit difficult for Li Cong, but if this guy is willing to cooperate, it may be a prelude to success. It doesn’t need to be very successful. An encouraging news is All right. This kid wasn't a fool either. Li Cong wanted to be sincere with himself. He should give Li Cong a sincerity. No matter what happens in the future, he needs this ally.

"Although the people at Raiden Gate have nothing to do with me, as a core member of the family, I can still tell you what I know in Raiden Gate. You may also know some news before. Yes, let me tell you that. There are at least two tenth-level fighters and three tenth-level archers at the Thunder Gate. As for the ninth-level fighters recognized by the root of strength, there are more than ten, and ordinary ninth-level fighters. The rest you Just use your own imagination. To fight against such a big guy, you have to consider your own abilities. If you don’t have that ability, you still have time to shrink now.” Linghu said with a smile, he knew Li He was never a person who flinched easily, but at this time I still wanted to test Li Cong's determination to Raidenmen. According to the news he knows, the Thunder Gate has been in a state of exhaustion recently. If the Eastern Empire army cannot open the passage, it is estimated that they will have a separate talk with Li Cong. The blockade has made them lose contact with the outside. All connections, this is fatal to a large organization.

"I've never known what is shrinking, and now my grudges with Raidenmen do not allow me to shrink. They can't wait to eat my bones one by one. If I show weakness at this time, The death can only be worse. You don’t need to test me anymore. Just tell me some useful news. I don’t have much to use now, but it must be able to hit them." Li From now on, what is going to be attacked is the confidence of Thunder Gate. This kid must know some of the weaknesses of Thunder Gate. There will be some obstacles to the inspection by outsiders, but they are insiders. If you give us some information, we can get a lot of things, and then we will know a lot of good things. In particular, it is possible to fight the Thunder Gate. I can do it at any cost. In fact, Li Cong knows very well that he is actually very dangerous at this time. Now that the Thunder Gate was caught off guard by himself, he was everywhere showing his comparison. It's great, pressing them down, but is this the real situation? That’s impossible. It’s impossible for people to be crushed by us like that. A lot of their strength has not been exposed, and the connection between people and the outside world is not very good. That’s why this is the case. Transported away, there is no handle in his own hands, their masters and so on will definitely come out of the nest. At that time, all of their industries will face their devastating blows. This is the most terrible thing.

"Very well, what I need is such an ally who has no retreat. If you stay with Qin Muchu all day, I am not willing to work with people like you. In fact, the Thunder Gate does not understand you, they have a very important one. His warehouse is not in the frozen forest. I think if you can give this place in the past six months, they will probably be unable to sit still." Linghu thought for a while and said, any piece of information in his mind For Li Cong, they are all very important things. From now on, Li is happily waiting for the news that this guy wants to tell him. In terms of the preciousness of the news, the news that his people get is the same as the guy in front of him. The information provided will definitely not be at the same level. The guys from the Five Elements Gold have provided themselves with a lot of information, but what have they gained? It's just some wealth. Of course, and his third son is a good harvest, but these things are far from the real strength of Raidenmen, and the money is Li Cong. It's not rare.

"I know that your kid will definitely have amazing places. Okay, let me see what you said about this place. How can it hurt their confidence?" Li Cong said with a smile. What is said here is so lively, you have to come up with some real things, if these things can be effective, our ally system can be considered complete, if it is not like this, it is nonsense.

"This place is not so simple. Don't think that you can catch this place with your hands. This place was visited once in my very small place. He was not on the big six. It was on the sea. It was a training camp at Thunder Gate. From that place, after five thousand years of training, an ordinary person can become a seventh-level fighter. Even a more powerful person, here is the famous seventh-level fighter that Raiden Gate outputs every year, and there are more people below, this As far as I know, there are at least hundreds of millions of people in the training camp. The master is a tenth-level warrior, and the magician also has several eighth-level magicians, but I think their skills should not be comparable to you. You The beast of the monster can completely solve the tenth-level fighter, but the hundreds of millions of people above are solved by your own ability. They are not unarmed people, they are all very powerful, at least they must be one. Class fighters, except for the ten thousand ordinary people who come to the island every year. Everyone else has their own abilities." Linghu said with a smile, this place can be said to be the core position of the Thunder Gate. If it is resolved, Li Cong will gain a huge amount. Of course, it also depends on what kind of force Li Cong has sent, where hundreds of millions of people have been sent. It will definitely not work if it is less.

"Hehe, this place is indeed a very important place. If possible, I hope you can investigate with me. Don’t worry, it’s safe to take my airship. Even if they see it, it won’t cause us any damage. What kind of threats, tenth-level fighters are the same. If we are above the tenth-level fighters, it may not work. But if we are more than ten kilometers away from them, they can’t help it, and there are a few flying beasts there. Yes, I just don’t know where they are on the sea. If the distance is too far, this matter will be a little difficult." Li Cong said, you said it, but if you are in this place, you can give Lao Tzu a position. In the vast ocean, where Lao Tzu is going, we don't know what Linghu's attitude is. What we need is half a year. Can it go back and forth in half a year?

"Master Cao still doesn't believe me, but it's okay. I won't tell you anything. Now I am your captive. Whatever you say is okay, I will follow you. This is in the eastern part of the Eastern Empire. In the sea, the distance is not very far, but not too close. If we start walking now, it is estimated that we can get there in one month. Of course, it is also possible to take flying monsters, but there is no place for flying monsters to rest. "This guy knows that Li Cong has a lot of flying beasts, but he has to make it clear to this guy that the free guy is really called Beasts, and there is no place to rest in the middle where both of them died?

"Hehe, you don’t need to worry about this. We’ll just take the airship over there, but the Warcraft will follow us. If we are about to arrive, I think it’s better for us to take the Warcraft, the speed is faster, and it’s safe. The matter is urgent. I think we can leave now. It will take half a month to get from here to the beach at the fastest. Besides, you have a general orientation to that place. You are still not very clear about the specifics, right?" Cong said with a smile, and Linghu nodded. He knew that Li Cong was a fast person, but he didn't expect this kid to do things so fast. He really couldn't let himself rest.

On earth, a small island in the Pacific Ocean.

If anyone came here, they would definitely think that this was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The wooden ships here were already launched, and they all used the most advanced sailing battleships. This is the guy on Earth Li Congrang The things we started to make, since the airship can be transported over, this thing is no problem, naval battles still have to rely on this thing, but some of the above things need to be improved, not the same as that time.

The battleship of the sail age refers to the armed ships that have been the main force at sea since the 16th century. At that time, sailing warships were basically made of wood, sometimes covered with copper skin below the waterline. The power is a sail, and the weapon is a front-loaded cannon that shoots round projectiles for destroying the hull, shotguns for killing people, and chain bombs for destroying sail gear. Since wind was the driving force at the time, and the powerful range of a single-ship artillery was not enough to cause effective damage to an enemy ship, the battle line (all combat warships arranged in a line) was used for combat in order to achieve the combat objective. Yunfengfan battleship, but for such things, Li has never been so step-by-step. First of all, the motors on the transport ship are installed on this ship. They must be powered by electricity, and they can directly use energy. He doesn't have the time to wait. What goes downwind, headwind, this won't work.

On the earth’s naval battle arena, battleships were once the main force of the naval fleet. It was a large warship with artillery as its main combat weapon. Due to the limited artillery range and firepower of such warships at that time, and only straight-line navigation tactics were used in naval battles, the warships lined up in a single column and sailed in a straight line. When the enemy ship enters the range of the artillery, it starts the artillery and conducts artillery battles. Therefore, this kind of warship that uses straight-line navigation tactics is called a battleship. The first to appear was a sailing battleship, and historians praised it as a "devil's weapon." The sail battleship appeared in the 17th century as a wooden hull structure. The ship is equipped with sails, powered by wind, and has a displacement of about 1,000 tons. The ship is equipped with a smoothbore gun that can shoot solid bullets. After the advent of the sail battleship, its tonnage gradually increased. The displacement increased to about tons, and the number of artillery increased from dozens to nearly a hundred.

The modification for Li Cong is naturally not like this. The bottom was originally covered with copper. This is because this thing was very hard in that era. Now they don’t need this thing because they have harder things. That is special steel. Wood can be made from above, but there is also steel in the interlayer of wood. This is because it can be driven by a motor, which can get a lot of power. Motors placed on thousands of tons of steel battleships can drive this. Ships of three thousand tons are naturally fast, so each ship is equipped with the most artillery on both sides, up to the artillery.

Such a number directly compares the first class warships of the year. The first-class warship served as the flagship of the fleet, with a three-layer gun deck, above the artillery door, a capacity of more than 875 people, and a displacement of -ton. The representative ship is the Victory, Admiral Nelson's flagship in the Battle of Trafalgar. Because the cost of each of this class of warships is as high as 10,000 pounds, there were less than 12 ships in active service in the British Navy at the time, and the current one and the other ship look a little bigger in appearance. However, the firepower equipment has reached its limit. The densely packed cannons on both sides are all artillery. Naturally, this artillery is different from those of the past, and the front-mounted cannons are simply not found. So these are all post-installed, and the caliber is about 75 to millimeters. This is mainly because if the caliber of the artillery continues to increase, it is estimated that the ship may sink. After all, this thing still has wood on it. It's not all steel, but even such a thing that makes a strong attack on the ground is enough to turn the opponent into a waste zone. A test was conducted on the earth. Ten sailing battleships attacked an island with an area of ​​ten square kilometers. After two hours, the island was basically cleaned up. Of course, if it were made with a huge battleship on the earth, it would take half an hour. Li never wanted to affect that planet too much. They all have their own tricks to show ghosts. It is enough to open the plug-in occasionally. There is no need to get such a powerful one. This is the weapon Li Cong will attack there.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed. During this period, Li Cong was honestly raising his son in his room. As for the guy Linghu, he was very interested in things like airships when he first started. , But after a few days have passed, this guy has no interest anymore. The scenery outside is actually nothing good. This thing is also very fast, and it is not a place to see the scenery. I also realize that if my strength is not strong enough. He will be bullied at any time, so he practiced in his own room more in this month. For him, he can understand a lot in a month. The average person sees what this guy has achieved. It's not small, but in Li Cong's opinion, Lao Tzu's understanding in an hour is more than that of your kid in a month. I really don't know how your genius came from.

"Master, we have arrived at the scheduled sea area now. There is Dongming Island that Master Linghu said in front. Can we stop?" The captain came over when Li just got up this morning.

"Is it here so soon?" Li Cong has been paying attention to his son for a month, so he really has no idea about time. Now the time has come. It's really fast.

"Yes, master, we can reach Dongming Island in fifteen minutes, and the boats below are beginning to assemble. The route is definitely not wrong." The captain thought Li Cong was suspicious of himself, and said quickly.

Dongming Island can be said to be a relatively prosperous island in the eastern part of the Eastern Empire. The area here is estimated to be tens of millions of square kilometers. This is also a good place in the eastern part. There are more than two billion people on it. It is given to the Eastern Empire every year. It is a very important gold-producing area that brings a lot of gold. According to the book, 130,000 tons of gold is produced in the largest year here, which is all the gold on the earth.

"Boy. We have arrived at Dongming Island. Should we act now?" This is not his own place, and Li Cong can't make random decisions. It's better to let this kid take him.

Linghu hasn't come out for some time, and after looking outside, he is already on Dongming Island. There is also a big gold mine in his own home. I have been here many times, so I can tell at a glance. The airship is really good. I remember that it took two years to come by boat. I didn’t expect people to arrive in half a month. , Just this degree. You are dozens of times worse than others. If you start fighting, how can you fight them? If they can't beat you, you can fly in the sky. Even a tenth-level fighter can't catch up with them, alas. People are more popular than others.

"Let's find a place to wait for the night. The daytime is too conspicuous." This guy said to Li Cong. Li Cong also nodded. Naturally, the heavy ground of thunder and lightning can't go in during the day.

"Do you have any plans for the night?" Li Cong sat in the living room and chatted with this guy while eating. From the day he got on the airship, this must be the first time the two guys had a meal together.

"Hehe, the Raiden Gate organization is so big, they only deliver news once in almost a hundred years. How many people know the news that I was arrested by you, people on their side probably don't know it, but I have been in it , Linghu's family is also regarded as the half master of Thunder Gate. You will release the strength of the ninth-level warrior at that time. When we sit in the ninth-level beast, they will think that I am going up to play. This is all for everyone. Yes, when I do my own thing, you just do your thing, but this time cannot be too long. If the tenth-level fighters on the island know that I come, they will definitely respond. Of course I I believe they won’t know the news of my arrest, but I don’t know if the tenth-level fighters have a secret way to contact others, so I have to save it and try to get it done within two hours." Linghu thought about it. Said, this method is no problem, if you go up to investigate carefully? Forget it, it's impossible. The defense above is really very strict. If you want to go up, then forget it.

"Your method is really bold enough. If you kid play tricks with me, I guess I would really explain it." Li Cong said jokingly, Li Cong didn't worry about himself. , He also understood the character of this kid, he is not the kind of person who is facing Qin Muchu, such a guy is very safe to cooperate with him, this must be admitted.

"Hehe, I can't guarantee this to you. This is something you are arguing about. You won't be ready to retreat when the last juncture is reached? If that's the case, you want to kill and scrape casually, I But if you don’t cooperate with someone like you, you don’t have the courage at all. How can you do big things in the future?" Linghu also joked, like Li Cong, he also knows about Li Cong, and he also has something in his heart. One question, even if he knew these things, he asked the masters on the island to fight Li Cong. In the end, he estimated that Li Cong could still go. He knew that Li Cong was not as good as a tenth-level fighter, but deep in his heart, He actually believed that Li Cong could defeat a tenth-level fighter. He hadn't doubted this at all. Even he felt strange. How could he have such confidence in this kid? There is one thing he didn't tell Li Cong. Yes, here is his cousin’s direct line. There are three training camps in Thunder Gate, one is controlled by the royal family, one is controlled by the Linghu family, and the other is managed by both sides. This one of the Linghu family is managed by his cousin. Yes, of course, his cousin must be at the headquarters of the Thunder Gate, absolutely not in this place. One of the two tenth-level fighters of the Thunder Gate belongs to the Linghu family, and the other naturally belongs to the royal family. In terms of strength, both sides are evenly matched, and no one will make one's own side weak. This is something that was determined earlier, and there will be no mistakes.

Li Cong shook his head and smiled, and asked the captain to wander around here. They can pass by when it gets dark. In fact, for Linghu, it's all right at night and dawn. He just doesn't want to be on Dongming Island. What unnecessary trouble is caused here. There are also a lot of masters on the island. They usually have nothing to do. There are two people riding a ninth level flying beast. If they are not interested, then hell. Well, it definitely depends on each one. Maybe the base of Thunder Gate will be exposed at that Then it will be my own sin. If my cousin sue himself in the family If Li Cong can get here, he will be very passive, but if Li Cong can get here, everything will be fine, and no one will come to pursue him. When his cousin loses his greatest support, he will not be qualified. What happened to the ninth-level pinnacle fighter? There are quite a few families, one with more than you, and one with less, no one cares about you, and he doesn't quite believe in Li Cong's strength.

If the time of the clan meeting is very full while waiting, neither of the two of them will look at their sons, and neither of them will cultivate. Naturally, the time will pass more slowly, but the time will pass through. Finally, the sky began to darken. Li Cong looked at the Dongming Island below. It was really brightly lit. Perhaps only the capitals of the three empires can have such a prosperous place, but here, this is a border city on the sea. It can’t be compared with the capital at all. There can be such a situation here. The national power of the Eastern Empire is really much stronger than the three empires of the Northern Empire. This is something that does not need to be doubted. No wonder as long as it is related to the Eastern Empire. These three empires all worked together in a tacit understanding, mainly because they were afraid of others and did not dare to do things right with them. It was indeed like this.

"It's finally time to wait. To be honest, I've been thinking of going to the training camp of Thunder Gate for a long time, but today is the time to put it into practice, all thanks to you." Li Cong sat on the flying monster. Said, this guy is also ready to go up.

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