Energy Group

Chapter 1987:

"That thing is called gunpowder, and it was made by some of my special workers. There is no need to worry about these things. This time, I have brought you hundreds of thousands of tons in the space ring, which is enough for you to sustain it. It's just that this thing must be..." Li Cong said.

"I know that you must keep it well. You must not touch things with fire. You say I am not a fool. I naturally want to keep things like this. You don't need to tell me a lot. Secondly, I put these things in a cave, a dry and ventilated cave. In order to make the inside not so humid, I let them dig out the cave everywhere, and the outside air can enter it. When it rains, it is naturally blocked again. Fortunately, there are no so-called springs on our mountain, otherwise these things will definitely become wet." Takuba Hara said, what is going on with Li Cong, mother-in-law Yes, I pay a lot of attention to this thing. I don't need him to tell me so much. This thing is pretty good, mainly because this thing is more expensive.

Generally speaking, everyone’s bows and arrows are good if they use York's explosives. If there are too many things, they can’t be shot out, even something as powerful as a serial crossbow, let alone relying on your own arm strength. It sounds like a lot of hundreds of thousands of tons, but it won’t last long if it’s really used, but Li Cong said that this thing doesn’t need to be reserved, so just listen to him. If these things are really all It would be a little scary to throw it here, in case the enemy knew it. They specifically attacked this place, and our fate is really...

After Linghu is left on the front line, there will be nothing for Li Cong. This can be used as a detention place. As for when to let this kid go back, Li Cong has his own ideas, that is, after this war is over, Or when I knocked down the sea warehouse of the Thunder Gate, I could put this kid back at that time, and now I want to negotiate terms with myself, or forget it? impossible things. There is no sense of security now.

At this moment, the people of the three empires also received news from Li Cong. It was Prince Zheng who was going to negotiate with Li Cong on behalf of the Western Empire. This old guy and Li Cong had been handed in year after year. If Li Cong hadn’t given this fellow the pill in the last battle with the Black Magician, it is estimated that he still has Like the great elder of the Cao Gang, he was seriously injured. But now I can't see it at all. The body is very good. The Western Empire felt that it was better for him to come forward for this negotiation. Now the three companies are asking Li Cong because they can't tear themselves apart with the Eastern Empire. But they can’t allow the Eastern Empire to expand like this. Li Cong is their best shield. This shield is about to be displayed now. Their hearts are contradictory. On the one hand, they hope that Li Cong can resist the invasion of the Eastern Empire. The best thing is to get rid of the thunder and lightning door. This is the best. If that doesn’t work, at least you have to put some eye drops on them so that they can’t feel so comfortable. On the other hand, I think about Li Cong’s ability. It can't be too big. If he is very powerful, he might be in another Thunder Gate in the future. No one can accept such a thing. The Thunder Gate is still hidden, but what about Li Cong? Blatantly.

The prince sent by the Northern Empire is enough. His status is enough, but the prestige within the empire is still a bit lacking. Moreover, he wants to become the emperor in China. Li Cong’s support is indispensable. Now Li Although Cong didn’t say what to do with this guy, anyone with a discerning eye could see that if Li Cong supported this kid, he would be more likely to be on the throne. At least his other brothers would not be like that. This time, he might sacrifice the interests of the empire in exchange for Li Cong’s support. His own ideas are also the same. Anyway, the empire is not his own now, even if he sacrifices some interests, it is not a sacrifice. But if Li Cong really wants to support himself, this matter will be easier to handle. At that time, he became the emperor, and nothing was a matter of his own. Li Cong's ability is not small, but he wants to Do you want to fight the emperor in the first country? Not yet.

The Southern Empire sent naturally to kill the gods. Among the three parties, only he himself was not a member of the officialdom. However, the status of the kill gods in the Southern Empire was similar to that of Prince Zheng in the Western Empire. In other words, the crown princes from the Northern Empire were a bit like Not enough to see, although the crown prince is very tall on the surface, but in the eyes of Prince Zheng and the others, how many sons does the emperor have? It is estimated that there are hundreds of records, and there are thousands of those that are not recorded. This son is dead and the other son has come up. This kind of thing is normal. No one will care about this. The people think that the prince is precious. For tenth-level fighters, the prince is no different from ordinary people. If they want to deal with it, they will naturally deal with it.

The people of the three empires and Li Cong happened to have a four-party meeting. They discussed together the issue of the fief and army expansion that Li Cong raised. In fact, their spies responded that the Eastern Empire had mobilized more than 2 billion. After people are ready to open this channel, they know that Li Cong, this kid, will definitely talk to them. Two billion is only a rudimentary action. In history, several empires used tens of billions of troops during wars, even More, two billion can only be said to be a very small number, not what it is. Li must have spoken from this time and it is certainly not small. The three parties are conflicted in their hearts. If they don’t agree to this kid, I guess it’s. The kid has to retreat now. If he agrees, after this war, it is estimated that they will not be able to restrain Li Cong. Li has really been the next thunder gate since then.

In order to take the initiative in the talks with Li Cong, the three parties first held a meeting in Liangshui City, where the alliance is located. The three of them did not bring any entourage, and all three of them could make some important decisions on behalf of their empire. , So there is no need for such things as think tanks. Among the three people, the age is the young of the Prince of the Northern Empire. But don’t underestimate the young. This guy’s brain is really not young at all, and he does things very well. If it’s bad, the emperor of the Northern Empire would not be able to leave this to him. Yes, you must know that this is something that can be related to the national fortune of the Northern Empire. Even if he sacrifices the interests of the country, it will certainly not be too much.

"Prince, your Northern Empire seems to be the closest to the battlefield. What do you think? It seems that the army that their Cao Family Commercial Company wants to increase is mainly mobilized to your side." The first three people chatted for ten minutes. Up. No one has given a specific meaning yet. Prince Zheng spoke directly. If he didn't speak yet, he really didn't know when they were going to wait. He was still a martial artist himself, and these two guys were both literati. The literati knows how to play tricks. If they come to this hard. It is estimated that they will have no problem saying that all night.

"Senior Killing God, you are right. At least 45% of this expansion plan was produced in our northern empire. So the impact on our northern empire can be said to be huge, Mr. Cao proposed. This number is really a bit big, and it also requires a part of the command of our Northern Empire’s local army, which seems a bit too much.” The prince thought for a while and said, Li Cong asked him to ask for three months. The internal training of individual divisions is carried out according to the organization of one million people per division. Such a huge division level is estimated to be mentioned by Li Cong. An army of 200 million people is nothing within the Northern Empire. But now the army in the northern empire belongs to the Cao’s family business. There are already more than 600 million people. Adding 200 million people makes it 800 million people. This is already five percent of the entire northern empire’s army. The number is already a lot, and if Li Cong has any intention of disobedience, this matter will be big.

"Actually, I don’t think this army has anything. It’s just some ordinary people. This time our Western Empire also has a division to expand. I’m going to promise. I’m not as difficult as you are for Xiao Cao’s. I don’t have the face, you know, what kind of financial reforms our imperial emperor carried out, the good guys messed up the entire empire’s economy, if it weren’t for the Cao’s firm to take out a loan of tens of thousands of silver Give it to us, it is estimated that our current government may go bankrupt." Prince Zheng said that he was very angry. Last month, Wu Zuoxi was taken to retirement by the Western Emperor. What is the new guy? Nothing. Then came out a **** and unreasonable economic reform. Good guy, this blind man has done things right. Most people in the entire empire are dumbfounded. How could such a thing cause the empire’s economy? A large-scale recession and soaring prices have not been for the government to obtain loans of these silvers and rush to purchase bulk goods to stabilize prices, the entire empire may have something big.

"Hehe, you old slicker, even if there is no such thing, I don’t think you will be embarrassed by that kid. You have to know that your step-by-step indulgence now will become troublesome in the future. If it is really troublesome, you will have a headache for a while. Our Southern Empire actually doesn't need to deal with so much. Anyway, even if the army is established, it will not be in our territory. We can completely ignore it." The Killing God heard that Prince Zheng came out and said that. He immediately became unhappy. When did this old guy come back to this set, he was just thinking about reaping the benefits. Isn't it that time? The empire has already begun to look at it. If Li Cong has a second heart with them, this matter will be a bit difficult. Although the three of them have a tendency to unite because of the Eastern Empire, they are still There is no connection.

"Wait a moment, I said, old fellow, you really misunderstood me. I didn't mean to benefit. I really want to thank that kid Cao Ke. Can you give me tens of thousands of dollars in one bite? You can’t take, even though you have so much private property, will you really take it out to help us? That’s absolutely impossible. Each of you must have its own use. With people, our Western Empire must support them. From a personal point of view, my life is still given to me by this kid. The expansion of the army is nothing. As long as it does not threaten the rule of the Western Empire, I think it can. Yes, besides, people are doing things for us this time. If they don’t fight against the old **** Linghu Pinqiu, let me see if any of you have the ability to play with this old bastard?" God knows that this old guy must have misunderstood himself, so he quickly explained that this matter can't be what you said.

"Hehe, I really didn’t see that your old boy is still such a guy. I can see that you both have their own difficulties. It seems that you don’t want to fight against that boy, but I have to say something ugly. Yes, our southern empire will definitely not agree with him to station any soldiers on our southern empire’s land. It’s okay to form an army. But we must leave the territory of our southern empire. Anyway, I think the main direction of Cao’s business is also Those who are not on our side are both in your two empires, and it is normal for the army to be mobilized in the past. "Can you two keep your breath? I will give you such a killer directly. Let you see what is going on. Lao Tzu doesn't oppose the expansion of the army anymore, you just wait for the bad luck one by one, but his army on our land cannot be in our country. Anyway, there are only three countries. If he is not in our empire, he will definitely come to your territory. At that time, you can live in what you can bear. Sure enough, after the words to kill God are finished, the other two people His face changed immediately.

How can this be? If this is the case, the 150 million people of the Southern Empire will definitely go out. If this is a war, these people are really not good enough, but if it is not a war, these people are absolute Because of the factors of instability, how can these guys come to our country one by one?

"Senior Killing God, I don’t think this matter is a little under-considered. These soldiers are all ordinary people of the Southern Empire. I think it’s a bit inappropriate for them to come to our Northern Empire or Western Empire. These people may miss it. Their hometown or something, it would be bad if it caused the disadvantages of the war. We didn’t accept these people. Besides, even if we accepted, Master Cao might not be willing. He gave it to us. The documents say that apart from this incident, he is also afraid of other revenges from the Linghu family that may cause some harm to his industry, so he feels it is necessary to form an army." Prince Zheng As soon as he wanted to speak, the prince of the Northern Empire took the words immediately. What he said was really good. Prince Zheng also secretly gave a thumbs up.

"Haha, boy, what do you mean by this? You threaten me with that boy Cao Ke? Is it really okay for your boy? I really haven't been threatened by others, what's the matter? This meeting today will be with you There is nothing wrong with both of them. The most important thing is my business. It doesn’t matter if you are one by one, I won’t say anything. We just agreed to it together. Don’t forget it. Two months ago, This kid has just expanded a division. At that time, it had a staff of 500,000 people. Now it has doubled its staff, and the number has increased several times. In the future, this kid will definitely have a bigger appetite. At that time, I am afraid that you will not be able to support this kid." Killing said angrily, these two guys didn't answer their own words directly. What do they want?

Prince Zheng and the prince of the Northern Empire have not spoken at this moment. The killing of the gods is true, and they all know that if they expand according to this degree, things are really not that simple. Many times they The connivance one by one is dying at the end. Although it is impossible to catch up with the thunder and lightning gate, it is almost the same. They can't continue to indulge like this, but how should they stop it? He promised part of this kid's condition, but he couldn't agree to all of them. If they agreed to all of them, they might really regret it in the future.

"Actually, things can be like this. It's not as good as we promised this number, but he wants him to recruit himself. We don't care about the weapon. Let him do it himself, including training and other things. How about that? "The prince of the Northern Empire thought for a while and said, this can be regarded as a passive method of sabotage, and this can alleviate it.

"This is one way, but what should I do if this delays the frontline things? You can't delay the frontline. If the people from the Thunder Gate return to the Eastern Empire from there, it would not be easy to go back. Human, there are also a lot of past wealth from our three empires, which is very amazing. Although the Thunder Gate will also lose some, but to be honest, this will increase the overall strength of the Eastern Empire a lot. Yes, they now feel that they are not in the same class as us. If these guys continue to rise one by one, I am afraid that their ambitions will be even greater. At that time, no matter how our three empires avoid it, it will be impossible. In the end, even if we unite, half of our empire will be lost.” Prince Zheng immediately denied this idea. He also got the support of Killing God. Now the most important thing is the front line. If there is a problem on the front line, no one can bear the responsibility. This is the biggest thing. His words also silenced the other two people.

"The situation on the front line is also not very optimistic. As far as I know, in the past two months, the Eastern Empire dispatched about four million people to attack the line of defense Cao Ke set up, although the line of defense is still with us. In his hands, the losses were very severe. According to Cao Ke’s report, eight divisions have been lost. According to their organization, it is 4 million people. Their combat effectiveness is really far from the Eastern Empire’s cavalry. Not small." Said the Killing God. They also have their own eyeliner on the front line, but the news from those people is some legends on the battlefield, and they will not actually go to the front line to see it, so Li Cong spread it back. The news is quite accurate, very good.

"Since this is the case, it seems that he is not so nervous. He has formed so many troops because of the frontline problems. If this is the case, I think we can understand it." Prince Zheng thought for a while and said, since it is the frontline. There is something wrong with the war on the side. It is okay to have more troops. This is also difficult for Li Cong. He himself is a trader. He is naturally not very clear about some things in the army. How the army fights the enemy is not a businessman. Manageable.

"I think so too, but I think it's not just because of the number of troops on the front line. The army of the Eastern Empire is different from ours. Let alone Cao Ke's miscellaneous troops." The original intention at the beginning was a bit different. Prince Zheng was always protecting Li Cong. The prince of the Northern Empire didn’t say anything. I really regretted that I had discussed the problem with these two guys. None of the results achieved.

The meeting was so unhappy. After getting in the car, Killing God kept thinking about how to restrict Li Cong, but the two guys didn't think about it at all. I really don't know the two empires. What the people did, they didn’t even think of containing Li Cong. This Cao’s firm is not the original small firm at the moment. It is already very powerful. It is impossible for them to kill this organization commercially. First of all, the food they sold, shit, the price is so cheap, I don’t know where it came from, shit, the price of the whole Big 6 is 15 yuan per catty, the price is in the Northern Empire It’s okay to follow the Western Empire, but in the Southern Empire, it offends most of the people. They don’t grow food directly, and all of them go to the cities to work. The good guy’s social security has declined. It's amazing, no way. The food they grow doesn't have 15 cents, and the cost is not enough.

Then there is the **** alchemy plan. Now Li Cong said that he would help people make alchemy once a year. Basically, some forces in the upper echelons of the Southern Empire are related to Li Cong. As long as it doesn’t matter. Basically, they wouldn't do things like Li Cong against people like Li Cong in matters of their own life and death, because it is really not worthwhile.

No, this thing can't go on like this. Killing the gods doesn't really bother Li Cong too much, but he must be responsible for all the people in the Southern Empire, or else he will suffer in the end.

Look at Li Cong again, because this negotiation is more important, Li Cong also needs to find the most favorable conditions for him, so Li Cong asked Cui boss to accompany him to negotiate, and now this guy is very powerful, counted in the Northern Empire. It’s the person who is on the top, and it’s mainly because this kid is responsible for buying better. He is responsible for Li Cong’s alchemy. All he has to do is to happily get money and medicinal materials from those people for a year and eleven months. , And then quickly take the pill for the rest of the month and exchange it for the remaining part of the reward. This guy usually does such a thing very well, which is in line with his current day. This guy is now There is no passion for what some young people should do.

"This time is different from before. We are facing the most powerful people in the three empires. Even the crown princes of the Northern Empire are here. We must adopt some negotiation skills. The price is high, and then slowly lowered, or should we take some other measures?..." This guy knows who is going to negotiate with him along the way and he hasn’t stopped since then, Li Cong If you know that this guy is talking like a lady now, he would definitely not ask this guy to participate in such a thing. I really don’t know what this guy’s mind is thinking. Maybe it’s the first time I talked to such a high level. Just talk to people.

"I said, can you be quiet, now we are negotiating, not asking others to do things. Don't think of yourself as low-level, okay? We are at the same level with them now, and speaking of it, we are not asking them , They are asking us. If we don't fight them on the front line, they have to face the Eastern Empire by themselves." Li never said angrily. In fact, Li Cong himself doesn't care what class or class he owns, but Boss Cui is an ordinary citizen after all. Such things have never been encountered before. It is inevitable to think so.

"Yes, what you said is very important. This is what we rely on the most. It's just that the army will be expanded to over 500 million people at once. They will definitely resist. Besides, so many troops are also a burden for us. , The salary you give is not low. If a soldier averages two silver each year, it can be hundreds of billions of silver. At the beginning, I said not to give soldiers so high silver, which is even higher than the three empires. The empire is twice as high, and they are here now for the money.” Boss Cui felt that the silver given by Li Cong was a pain. There is no such high salary in the regular army. This salary is too high. Too much, is it possible that people who give less money will not fight a war?

"Hehe, we need to take a long-term view. For the time being, 500 million troops are a lot, but in the future, we will have more things to do in the future, such as laying down the entire Eastern Empire, or establishing another What about an empire of China? What kind of army is this point. If we can’t keep going like this, these armies are indeed redundant, but if we go down step by step, these armies are just the beginning, not what they are. , The salary is not much, we are not without money now, are we doing a good job in several of our transactions, of course we spend hundreds of billions of silver each year, and being able to fight is one aspect. Is it better for them to give more money? This is definitely a direct ratio. You have to admit it." Li Cong is too lazy to talk about these things to his elder brother. The rich life over the years has long allowed this The guy didn't have the aggressiveness of the previous time, and now he was thinking about how to live comfortably. As for the other things, it didn't grow in this guy's mind.

"Establish a fifth empire? My god, brother-in-law, I knew you were not an ordinary person before, but now I feel how big the gap between me and you is. I thought you just let the three empires give you one What kind of title? I didn’t expect you to set up your own empire. You want to bring down the Eastern Empire? What are you kidding me? You need to bring down the Eastern Empire. All the spies we sent to the Eastern Empire will come back. Now, their power on the 6th ground has to surpass any of the other three empires. We are not very clear about their power on the sea, but they must definitely catch up with the power on the 6th ground, plus Thundergate’s Help, it can be said that the Eastern Empire itself can be worthy of two and a half northern empires. If you want to defeat this empire, how is it possible? Besides, is it that simple for you to acquire the territory of an empire? But with hundreds of billions of people, how long will it take us to finish the fight? Even if we rely on walking, it will take decades." Boss Cui said in surprise, Li Cong would surprise himself every time. , But it seems that it’s time to give the most this time, and I can’t bear it anymore. How dare I say anything in my mind?

"This is not impossible. As far as I know, the history of the major empires is also unstable. At that time, it was a matter of course for them to build the empire. Isn't it the same thing for me to build the empire now? If you are not happy, I will build this empire in the future, and you don’t need anything. How about you still be your rich man in the Northern Empire?" Li Cong said with a smile. This eldest brother is definitely a good man. Vanity person, he doesn't want it? That's strange.

"What? What? How can this be possible. If there is really a fifth empire, I will definitely belong to the uncle of the country, haha, I have seen the scenery of the uncle of the country in the capital, good fellow, when the time comes Most people see that I have to salute me, but they can’t be bought with money. Everyone has to tell me. Cui Guohui is good, haha, this title is very comfortable for me, Cui Uncle Guo..." This guy said just now that Li could never succeed. At this moment, I was fooled by the three words of Uncle Guo. Li Cong could only shook his head and ignored this guy. Go ahead and dream about it.

Li walked to the outside of the airship by himself, looking at the land and people below, he had been here for a long time. All aspects can be said to be the **** of progress. The feeling that Li has from his bones is coming again. Now he must do things well, and he will start to extend his devil's claws to this planet again. This is also inevitable. Li Cong has to do as much power as he has, and now Li Cong has to do what he can bear. That is to take advantage of this opportunity to lay down a piece of the Eastern Empire and then create the Fifth Empire. Then, their business in the other empires will be affected. They will not allow themselves to expand, and they can only withdraw honestly.

However, Li Cong understands the fact that fish and bear paws cannot have both. He wants to build an empire. At this time, he is building on the opposite of others. How could they still be nice to you? Friends at this time at that time It's his own enemy. This is entirely possible. Thinking that a friend like Prince Zheng will become his own enemy, Li Cong feels a bit unbearable in his heart, but this is not something that can happen recently. It will take a long time to come true.

Just when Li Cong was about to form an alliance with the three empires, the people of the Eastern Empire were not idle. They already knew about the frontline affairs. Linghu Pinqiu also got a Li Cong from the frontline. The military experts of the Eastern Empire started their own work one by one. They all wanted to see if they had the ability to make such a thing. If possible, their combat effectiveness. It will be the same as Li Cong’s army. It’s just that hundreds of military experts have studied this thing for a long time. There is no problem with this wooden thing. They can’t make this spiral-shaped thing that is shot out, no matter it is Basically all methods were used. The productivity of the Eastern Empire was much higher than that of the Northern Empire, but they couldn’t do anything about it. I really don’t know how Li Cong’s people gave this thing. Is it that the technology of the Northern Empire has already been produced by them?

But because we can’t develop this thing, it doesn’t mean we can’t do anything. The best thing Linghu Pinqiu, an old fox would do is to study his opponent before the start of the war. Basically, the frontline military situation map is drawn. Now, the most important thing for him is to quickly open up the passage to the frozen forest. In fact, he told the court at the beginning, and let the Thunder Gate retreat when the blockade was not completed at that time. This is what it is now, but at that time people in the empire didn’t take Cao’s firm into their eyes at all. No one believed their words. For many years, no one could block the frozen forest. This kid did it. ? No one believed it, but the final result was that people really sealed it off. The blockade was still very tight, and no one could come out. At this time, the empire thought of Lao Tzu again, and Lao Tzu had to come to fight for you again. Now, the old man thought that this was also a scolding of the empire's high-level officials, but although he was unhappy, there was too much involved in the Thunder Gate, and he had to give this bone down.

The frontline has already lost millions of troops. At the beginning, this old guy wanted to retreat all the troops to the gate. In fact, the disease did not want to preserve his strength, but the main reason was that he wanted to make them all dead. If they don’t move, the kid Tuoba Yuanye will definitely beat them all back. It is estimated that the boy Tuoba Yuanye can call old foxes like Fox Pinqiu, and calling them back is not to keep them. It is to let them die a little bit, to get useful information for themselves. The fate of these thousands of people is like this. The sorrow is still very sad, but it has also established a lot of good things for the future army. They They are all dead and valuable. For example, these barbed wire fences are already simulated here. They can't make barbed wire fences and use some other thorns instead.

"General, this is the tank we have developed. If there is such a tank on the frontline battlefield, this thing can make those piercings useless, but the movement of this thing is a bit slow. "A general pointed to a huge big guy ten meters high. This thing looks really majestic. Even if Li Cong saw it, he was shocked. UU reading www.uukā really didn't know. What is this thing, it's really amazing.

Below this thing are four huge wooden wheels, about ten meters high. The front is an iron plate. It can be opened or closed. When it is closed, it can withstand Li Cong's serial crossbow. When it comes to the front of the enemy The iron plate is naturally opened, and the height is similar to that of Li Cong’s artillery. The driving force used is that the people under the car are walking and pushing. The piece sticking out in front is to cut off all the barbed wire and so on. , The people behind can pass.

"How much does this thing cost?" Linghu Pinqiu didn't look at the actual performance of this thing, but first asked how the cost is. Such a huge thing is made of good wood, plus some thick iron chains. Yes, it will definitely not be less. If this is a high cost, this thing cannot be equipped on a large scale. Then what is the use of the design?

"If you go back to the general, the cost of this thing is currently high. Each one costs more than one million silver. The main thing is that the iron plate in front must be thick, and the wood must be the best. The production can be reduced to about 700,000 silver." When it comes to the cost, these generals are also very distressed. This thing can hold up to two hundred soldiers. Not counting the pushes below, there can only be ten people fighting head-on. , It can be said that a person needs thousands of silver, which is indeed not a money-saving thing. (To be continued...)

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