Energy Group

Chapter 1990:

In any case, this can only be regarded as a preliminary experiment. For the Eastern Empire, it is still not possible to start building this thing on a large scale, but Linghu Pinqiu now has no other choice. They are already frozen with ice. The high-level Thunder Gate in the forest has been out of contact for a long time. They have to open up this passage. Although a large number of masters can also be used to rush in, but now Li Cong has deployed too many ordinary people army, wanting to know the ghosts. It is absolutely impossible to go in unconsciously, even a tenth-level fighter can't do this, it can only be done slowly. (wWW.VoDtw.coM)

Li Cong also knew about the front-line affairs, but now Li Cong is not as anxious as Tuoba Yuanye. He just told Tuoba Yuanye that he will send some people and weapons in the near future. Don’t take these things out when they arrive. Fortunately, it was possible to make a small defeat so that the people of the Eastern Empire believed that their tank strategy was correct, so that they would build tanks on a large scale. At the same time, Li Cong also let the people in his investigation department start inside the Eastern Empire. Buying a large number of social idlers, nothing else, is to let them begin to vigorously promote this powerful chariot in the society. Only in this way can the people of the Eastern Empire embark on such a path of no return. The farther you go on this road, the best thing for you is, of course, it also depends on whether others will get the bait.

At the same time, Li began to transfer about 800 ships from the river transport business of the Southern Empire to sail to the island of the New World. After transforming them, they would become troop carriers. For example, they began to place some bunks on the ships. Some things like partitions were added to the original cabin. Although the ocean on this planet is relatively calm, sailing in the inland river is completely different from the ocean. Besides, from here Sailing to the coast of the Eastern Empire is not so easy. It is better for these people to live better on the sea, but Li Cong himself is a space magician, and these things are still easy to solve.

One of the biggest things on the ocean is that you can't eat anything fresh. This can definitely be solved by Li from here. Every fifty troop carriers are a squadron, and the squadron leader can get a space ring with 200 tons of fresh food and meat. This is something Li wants to do from now on. It takes a few minutes, and five or six things can come out at once. This is impossible in the eyes of others, but it is true in Li Cong's body.

Li Cong's strategy is simple. Just like the Qing government dealt with by the British colonial army, it was just as long as the Qing government fought all the way from the coast. In a country of that size, they could not adapt their ships and guns. They could only do what they wanted. In this case, the Eastern Empire would definitely increase their investment in coastal defense, so the northern border The pressure over there will be reduced a lot. I really don't want to fight against them. Compared with an empire, my strength is still much different. I don't want to do such hard-headed things. Doing more is not good for myself.

But before setting off, Li Cong thought that he still had one of the most important things, and that was the problem with his third son, Xiaoao. After these few days of eating plums, this kid has reached the stage of reaching the fourth level. Yes, this is not the two masters are discussing.

"Father, in fact, I have already felt the threshold of level four. I have been able to pass these days, why are you trying to suppress me?" Xiaoao is now a big thing, in fact, his body is still It's a spherical shape, but when Li Cong Li Cong talks, this guy will still imitate himself as a little boy, so he feels that Li Cong and Li Cong are the father and son, and the boy also saw the photos of Li Cong when he was a child. When Li Cong looked at him, he seemed to have seen himself before. It is estimated that this kind of father and son are the only two of them in the world.

"Hehe, I naturally have my own path. You have indeed risen a little too fast these days. How long has it been? I know that I have eaten a lot for you, but you walked past it quickly. It’s a bit unstable. In the past few days, when our father and son were fighting, you also saw that, although you are about to break through level 4, your current ability is no different from when you just entered level 3. If your enemy is stronger, it will be a threat to you. I think you should practice well and go up again. This is a more conservative approach." Li Cong thought for a while and said, in fact, he himself usually He also likes to be aggressive, but he is himself and his son is his son's. It is better to be careful.

"Father, I'm very capable, but you don't let me do this or that. Actually, I really want to go to the battlefield to see them. Those are ordinary people who do no harm to me." Ao feels very dissatisfied that Li has never given him a chance to fight. In fact, as he said, it’s okay to go to the battlefield to experience it, but Li Cong still regards him as an absolute kid. Look, how can this be on the battlefield.

"Why did you ask me this question again? How did I tell you that when you are not at level 6, you must never be on the battlefield. Now it's time again. Do you want to eat silver or plums? "Li Cong looked at the sun outside, and now it’s time to eat every day. This kid doesn’t eat too much every day. Li Cong always hopes that after he has eaten the share he must eat, he can still Eating a little bit more is good for the future. In fact, plant life is like this. They relied on swallowing other things like this to increase themselves, but some fighting skills and so on rely on their usual practice. Li Cong hopes that this kid can eat more and have the energy to practice well.

"I don’t want to eat anything. I’ve long been tired of eating those things. Look at what they are, and I’ve changed a lot of these things recently. What I’ve eaten these days It's a lot, but my energy has only increased by less than 3%, which is not even half of the previous speed." The little guy said depressed, wishing not to eat this thing, but saw Li Cong come over That look, forget it, let’s eat honestly.

Li Cong smiled when he watched him eating plum fruit obediently. Generally, at this time of the day, Li Cong would directly throw things at him, and then Li Cong would go out for a stroll, always in the house. I can't stand it myself. Seeing how this kid has to eat for more than half an hour, Li Cong took out hundreds of thousands of plums from the space ring. This kid eats slowly. If an ordinary person picks up this thing, it will There is no problem with life in the year. Your kid hates this thing. You really don’t know the blessing in the blessing. How many people want to eat this thing. You still don't want to eat here, if it wasn't for your ability. Do you want to eat this?

Li went out after closing the door. The sun outside was very good. This may be the reason why the grain here is better. The machinery Li Cong bought is now in operation, with about 500,000 people. I have already obtained 200 million mu of land, and we can plant it after the seeds are shipped. According to the weather here, three crops a year is absolutely no problem. You can produce a lot this year. Of food. In addition to keeping these grains for their own use, they can also be sold to the southern regions of the Southern Empire. In the past, the grains were transported from the Northern Empire, and the distances were long.

But it's just a food base. This is definitely not what Li Cong wants. What Li Cong wants to see is a naval base, a naval base that can be subdued by the Eastern Empire. The most important thing here is defense. If his base is killed by others, this kind of thing is not so good, so Li Cong has arranged two formations in accordance with the formation of the Space Mage in the two nearest places here, and let them It is impossible for a large-scale army to come. Although the navy of the Eastern Empire does not seem to be worth mentioning in his own eyes, the strength of the people is relatively huge. In addition to the navy, their merchant ships are also very powerful. It is easy to transport millions and tens of millions of troops over a period of time. This type of formation can only be troublesome because Li has never studied it. To live with some not very good people, such a place has no effect at all for some masters, but there are only one or two masters who come here. Li Cong believes that he can definitely deal with it, and after a certain period of time, a large-scale army will not be a problem.

Li Cong went out to look at some of the surrounding terrain, where is suitable for building a shipyard, and where is suitable for building a warehouse. Basically, he has a plan in his mind. From now on, he will start construction according to his blueprint. But what it will look like in the end, Li Cong himself is not sure. There are more and more people on this island, but there is still no permanent population of that kind. It is absolutely impossible for people to relocate for a long time. All must depend on people's willingness. No matter when you do something, you must do something that conforms to public opinion. Without this, it would not be possible.

When Li Cong returned to his house, Li Cong was dumbfounded because his youngest son was gone. Where did this kid go? Li Cong glanced at the room. The direction of the door did not change. It is impossible for this kid to go out from the door. He is a plant life. This guy's hidden skills will definitely be very good, so if this It’s absolutely no problem that the kid wants to avoid the eyes of those outside, and this guy will walk fast. Li started to look for it carefully in the house, and finally found some clues. I saw a bit of slime on this guy from the window. It turned out that this kid got out from here. Li jumped out from here. From here to the beach is about 1,200 meters away. It's basically an endless beach or something. , It seems that this kid has not been away for a short time. He must show himself. Children usually have such thoughts. Since he has a human brain, he will certainly think so. At the moment, Li quickly rushed towards the beach.

This kid is not a fuel-efficient guy. It's really how many people will **** this kid after he goes out. Is it great to have beaten a fifth-level fighter? That's impossible. A fifth-level fighter is nothing in the outside society. A seed of plant life can already be competed by many people, let alone a little guy who has become a fifth-level fighter. Such a guy is tens of thousands of times more valuable than he was when he was at the beginning. Li has spent hundreds of billions of dollars since raising this little thing. It is impossible for others to invest so much. It’s not difficult at all for this little guy to sell a price of tens of billions of silver. If others know that this guy is still the best kind with inherited memory, the price of this guy will definitely rise in a straight line. What caused some large-scale forces to compete, this kid's brain was really flooded, and he had never thought about what he would encounter after he went out. It was too late to regret when something went wrong. Li Cong didn't want to give this kid a chance to prove himself. He really felt that there was no need to wait for a while.

Li Cong's speed has reached its limit, and he found nothing when he got to the beach. It has been about two hours since he went out for a walk and now he came back. This kid must have some abilities he didn't know. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to leave him like this, thinking that he could just conceal some of his abilities and he could get along outside? That is absolutely impossible. The outside world is definitely not as simple as you think. Li Cong has been wandering around the beach for a long time, and a patrol team over there also felt the matter, and hurried over to ask what was going on.

"The information on the airship and ship that recently left from this direction is brought to me immediately, and I will need all within half an hour." Li Cong said loudly. Now it is certain that the kid has left here. He left here. There are two possibilities, either they ran on the airships or on the ships. Either this kid has the ability to cross the sea by himself. This kid is not a fool. He knows that walking in the vast sea is a very dangerous thing. He may not return for a lifetime, so this kid will definitely live with the airship. The direction of the ship, now as long as he knows the general direction problem, Li Cong may find this guy, and then he will just follow the path by himself. The clan can find some clues, now every minute there is a minute of danger, so Li is really anxious from this moment.

"Master, there is only one fleet left within these two hours, and their direction is Yunlan City in the Eastern Empire, because they are only more than a thousand kilometers away from here. They will be there in about ten hours at our speed. Now they have been away for almost two hours.” Patrol Zhang is quite familiar with the ship’s problem, and now he heard Li Cong’s question and quickly said it. Li Cong nodded and didn’t follow this guy. Say anything more, and quickly passed to an airship in the distance, and now we must quickly catch up with them.

Yunlan City in the Eastern Empire is the largest city within the closest distance. It was also a huge city on the southern coast of the Eastern Empire, with a population of hundreds of millions. Such a huge city can only be considered the top ten in the Eastern Empire, but in the entire continent, the other three empires are only them. The capital of Beijing is much stronger than the largest city. It can also be seen that the economy of the Eastern Empire is indeed much stronger than the other three empires. Many people have also said it. If you don’t have the Eastern Empire, you don’t know. How wealthy people are. Li Cong and their firm have only recently opened up routes here. They are mainly engaged in smuggling transactions. Proper transactions are definitely not possible. Cooperate with a local organization to Transporting some products from the Northern Empire and the Western Empire over there, earning huge profits, that batch of ships also did that.

The airship saw that Li had started immediately afterwards and headed in that direction, but the captain reported that there was a huge cumulonimbus cloud in front of him after only half an hour, and they couldn’t get past here. If they really insisted on going like this, it would definitely be a huge threat to their lives, so they had to go another way. At this time, Li would never call them arrogantly to just go forward, Li From being patient with one's own temperament and slowly starting to make detours, it will take seven more hours. In this case, the kid may have arrived in Yunlan City, and the difficulties he will face at that time will be great. It’s a lot. Li Cong is really angry and can’t say anything, but he still has to find this kid. Just because of his father-son relationship with him in the past few days, Li Cong will never go too far away from this kid. of.

At this moment, Xiaoao is very excited. This kid has become a very small particle. He knows that he can't completely become a person, so he can only become a green idea and get on the boat. , The outside world is all very interesting and strange to him, but he is very excited. A joke that these sailors casually said can make this kid very happy. At that time, I only had my father in my mind, but now that there are so many people, my father always doesn't want to let himself go out and see the outside world. In fact, the outside world is also very good. I can definitely get out of here, but what this kid doesn't know is that he is still in a growing state. If he doesn't eat what Li Cong gives, it is estimated that this kid will be in trouble. Li Cong is also right. It was for this reason that he hurriedly chased him, especially since this kid is about to advance. At that time, this kid was the weakest, and if he was not spotted, he would still talk a lot. If someone is staring at it, this matter can really be very troublesome.

The ship arrived at Yunlan City according to the scheduled plan. This is something Xiaoao has never seen before. There are also many masters in this city. They also have strange lives of this kind, so Xiaoao has a green skin. It didn't arouse much onlookers, and they didn't feel any difference in this thing. The world has become bigger, maybe they have never seen such a person. Maybe this kid has some special skills, so there are not too many people coming in contact with this kid. Doing more is not as good as doing less, but this is what most ordinary people think. Some people think about it every day. The gangsters who can make a fortune on the street don’t think that way. When Xiao Ao came down, they focused on this guy, and when Xiao Ao was transformed, he was seen by one of them. Up. In addition, this is a smuggled ship. It is normal to survive the smuggling in such a port. The customs officials received 500 taels of silver from Cao’s house and let them all in. These dozen ships were on board. Some of the special products of the Northern Empire were shipped down. These things can bring benefits to Li Cong dozens of times. This is the benefit of shipping. In the Northern Empire, these items were only worth a dozen taels of silver, but here is the Eastern Empire. When they arrive here, they will cost thousands of taels. This is still the price of smuggling. No matter how much money is given to officials, they will eat it. The big heads will also hit those who land transportation.

"Big brother. What is the origin of this kid? Why is this kid all green? I have been observing for a long time, but there is nothing on this kid. What can we do with him? Look at this. The kid has no valuables all over his body. I don’t think it was because of crimes in the other empires that came to us. If that’s the case, we won’t have any effect if we catch this kid. "A little bastard, his eldest brother, and several other people have been with Xiaoao for a while. What they are waiting for is the people who got off the boat. The sailors on the boat are naturally old oil. They I can’t do it. For the guests, I have to see who they are. If they are ordinary people, I’m sorry, I have to get in touch with you. These guys are all cruel and can be It’s already a very good thing to keep their lives in their hands. Xiaoao doesn’t know at all about these guys staring at him. He still thinks about going to the city to see the excitement. After seeing so many people, I was really happy.

"How do I know what this kid is coming from? Damn, do you all have eye problems? This kid doesn't have any valuable things all over his body. Didn't you see this kid himself is a treasure? When have you seen such a kid? You all know Mr. Jia, the owner of the Juding Casino in the city. What he likes most is these weird things. Last time I heard someone caught him from the sea. Who Fish that I haven’t seen before have all received hundreds of taels of silver. If we can take this kid over, I dare not say a few hundred taels of silver. I think it’s fine for dozens of taels. Brothers can also go to Tianxiang Tower to have a good fun. When this kid enters the alley over there, let's do it. We definitely can't let this kid go alive." The boss said cruelly, this kid said. Must be caught, silver.

"I also know what the boss said. Boss Jia made a good move. I also knew what the boss said last time. That kid went to the countryside with his own money. I heard that he is living a little life now. It's not bad. If this kid is really the type that Master Jia wants, we might have thousands of taels of silver. The Juding Casino is a great deal in our entire empire. People who can open such a casino Naturally, I would never care about these little money. I have heard that people drink tens of thousands of silver a night of flower wine. It's really more popular than others. Just give it a little bit to make our brothers live better. That's too much." The kid said with a smile, as if thinking of the kiln sisters calling out under him. Of course, it's not that time yet. It's better to stare at this kid honestly and carefully. If it's gone, then there will be nothing. I don't want to pass this day anymore. It's better to adapt it a bit. Even just one day is a very good thing.

Just when they thought Xiao Ao was a fat fish, Xiao Ao had already discovered a few of them. After all, these guys are ordinary people, and their abilities are not very good. These guys can deal with ordinary people, but they have counted a few powerful people before, mainly because of those guys. Xiao Ao's skills are not very good, and those guys are not familiar with it, or they are not clever enough. Xiao Ao is not familiar with it, but Xiao Ao has his own alertness. Anyway, I’m going to rank 4 soon, and I will never lose even against a rank 6 fighter. These little thieves are not their own opponents at all. Since you want to calculate me, then naturally I too. Don't give you too much face, let's try our own skills.

Xiaoao happily entered the alley they were talking about, and the three wanted to fight themselves. They are still very tender, Xiaoao cooperated with them step by step, and kept walking towards the place with few people. The faces of these three guys were smiling and blooming. I really have never seen such a cooperative fat sheep. They have done this many times. But there is absolutely no time to do it so comfortable. Looking at this awareness of others, is it something ordinary people can understand? People's actions like this have really satisfied me a lot, and I will definitely be happy to death.

Who knows that at this moment, Xiaoao turned his head back, and the innocent child just now disappeared, it can be seen from this face. This is not a sheep, but a wolf, but it is just a child. The three bad guys quickly calmed down after the initial panic. They will never be afraid of a child. So all three of them took out their own weapons from their arms. This kind of weapons seemed to Xiaoao to be innocent at all. I don’t know how much better the guards in my house use than this. These can only be regarded as real. You have a pig knife, do you want these things to deal with yourself? I just stand here and let you slash yourself hard. It is estimated that you will not succeed one by one. Your first shot will be such a role. It really makes you depressed and unclear, too low-level. Up.

"Haha, boy, did some of our brothers really read it wrong at the beginning? I didn't expect your boy to have his own vigilance, but it doesn't matter, whether your boy found us, this place is already far away from the downtown area. I don’t think you have any formal status. If someone from the government comes, you may be in the prison. This is not a joke, as long as the people who enter are very There are few people who can come out. You have to think clearly about this. Many times this is not as simple as you think. If you obediently go with our brothers, we will not embarrass you. After all, you are also a child. Although our brothers have a bad reputation, we won’t be difficult for you as a child. We will take you to a very good place. You are helpless now, even if we don’t give you an idea. If you enter the city, there will be a lot of people who will see you uncomfortable. It is better to follow us honestly, at least now you are safer." The boss said with a smile, although he felt something was wrong in his heart, but all At this time, do you want to turn back? impossible things.

"I don't know you, but you have always followed me. Although I don't know what you mean, I can understand that you are the bad people my father said. Treat bad people and teach you well. At this time.” This kid still doesn’t know how to kill. In fact, he will make a murderous move, but after all, this kid is still a kid. What he thinks most is to punish others. If you start from a master These people probably ran away after saying it, but from the mouth of a child? No one will believe it.

"Hehe, I heard you right, what did this kid say? What do you mean? What happened to him? He wants to teach us, kid, what can you do to teach us? Or let's teach your father a lesson Hello." The guy said with a smile. He turned his head and told his brothers, but when he turned his head, he saw that their brothers were all opening their mouths. What happened? ? Can his brothers be so surprised one by one? When he wants to understand. It's a pity that he has been beaten into the air. The little guy used his first ability to transform and stretched out three tentacles. Although these three guys will not suffer any severe damage, they will not be hurt for a while. May stand up, this time it is the most depressing time for these guys, they have all encountered the most disgusting thing. Robbery people were robbed.

"Hehe, my father told me. You can have nothing when you go out, that is, this white flower is a must, and this is regarded as compensation for you." This kid walked to the boss and touched him. A few silver ingots came out and said, "This is the result of the boss's work for a week. What I want to do is to pool all the money these days and use it to do a bigger business. I really didn't expect that there is nothing now. Now, it's in the hands of this kid, this kid is simply black and black. It can be said that he is black, and no one believes it.

Xiao Ao smiled and walked out of the alley just now. The three people inside started to groan, but their groaning sounds can't be heard at all, so no one will come in to rescue them in the near future. It must wait until a certain amount of time. Someone will come in to rescue them after time, and Xiao Ao didn't know where to go. Still want to get it back? That's impossible. It is estimated that these three people are also regretting it at this moment. Why can't they wait a little longer for a real stowaway before starting? This kid is really a hard problem.

Juding Casino? Just now, these guys seemed to be talking about this place. Xiaoao is already in the city. Just now, he just threw out a penny or two for the entrance fee. This kid is really extravagant. According to the rules here, only one hundred wen is needed. The entrance fee is already much higher than other places, but this amount is still possible. After all, this is a big city, not a small one. Locally, at this moment Xiaoao walked to the front of a big magnificent house. Everything here makes him feel curious. There are so many people at this door. Some of them are happy but some are upset. It seems that there must be something very interesting in it. It's just a kid, like No children entered. Xiaoao wandered around the door for a long time and didn't see a child. Shouldn't he go in and see?

Finally, I still couldn’t match my curiosity. Xiaoao stood up his chest. Although he was a child, he was already over 1.6 meters tall. Many adults were like this. It should be fine to enter. Who knows that he just walked to the door and was stopped by the two guys at the door. It looked like they didn’t want to come in by themselves. Just look at the expressions on their faces. But once I know how to observe words and colors.

"Little boy, do you know what place this is? This is the biggest casino in our entire Eastern Empire. It's not like you can go in for a kid like you. You can't go in without a dozen silver dollars. You kid. I'm so miserable and hurry to get out. If our boss, Master Jia, sees you, I'll probably break a leg of your kid, and quickly roll aside to me. If you meet Lao Tzu, it's yours..." This guy just thought To say it was your luck, but he saw the twelve taels of silver that this kid was holding. This thing is not an ordinary thing, this thing is the highest pass here, as long as you have this thing You can go in, and the door here will always be open for you. Don't even say you are a cleanly dressed child. Even a beggar like **** is absolutely fine. No one will say anything.

The casinos of this era are very different from the casinos on the earth. Don’t look at the dozens of gaming tables below, but all of them are for playing sieves. It seems that some other gambling tools have not yet been up here. , The little guy doesn’t understand this, and that doesn’t understand that. It’s really nice to watch from this table to that table. Occasionally, he will throw a few coins on when he’s happy, but this kid doesn’t understand. Winning or losing is for those people. Why is it so important? Is such a thing precious? My own Lao Tzu has eaten a lot for myself. I don’t want to eat any more. I just have such a small one, which is not enough for myself. The silver I ate every day can give me the whole recipe. Filled up, how do these people know the taste of silver? It's too unpalatable. Could these guys also come here to make money and go back to eat?

"Master, why did you come here today? We have nothing here. You can get millions of dollars in one night. You don't need to come here personally for this little The little guy just came in. At the door of, a luxurious carriage stopped, and the guy who walked down above was a direct descendant of the Jia family, a big family in the Eastern Empire. Although he was not a direct descendant, he could be regarded as a powerful party. There are hundreds of people around here. He is in charge of the gambling industry in this province. This casino is also the largest among the hundreds of provinces around. What he likes most is to stand in the lobby and watch these people come and go. It’s strange to say that the VIP room above here earns dozens of times more money a day than below, but there is no such popularity on it. According to this guy, he likes to take a good look here. This popularity is really comfortable. amount.

"There is nothing to do at home. Come here and take a look and see how some of my old friends are doing. Has anyone come to make trouble these days?" Jia San said cheerfully, looking at the door. If he can't walk, this kid is happy. This is all here to give himself money. The casino rules here are different from those on the earth. There are only two rules, one is free betting, buying big and small, leopards, etc. , If you bet 500 ren, you will get 950 ren in total if you win. That 50 ren is the bonus for the dealer, and the other is to book a table. In that case, each round cannot be less than fifty taels. Generally speaking, there are very few people like this below, and if they are so big, they will all go to the top. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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