Energy Group

Chapter 1993:

If it continues to grow, it will be 400,000 silver. This amount is not the charge of the charge in front of you. To be honest, a place like this on the first floor may not have so much running water in a month. Come here. The people in, can only be regarded as gamblers who have just mixed food and clothing with those who don’t want children and wives. Although they are very concerned about gambling, they are not very good about the money and skills. Casinos have always given them to As a fat sheep, they are also at the most stable stage of profit. They are still different from those upstairs. Although the upstairs earn more, but there are many unstable factors, you must have a master. The most powerful croupiers are all upstairs, and a gambling game of more than 400,000 yuan came out below. The croupiers on the second floor were finally shocked. The first floor can be regarded as the technical director. The guy at this moment has no curse anymore, so he can only go up and tell them that they are going to come down to work, we can only watch them honestly.

The head croupier upstairs is called Ni Er. Originally, this guy was unwilling to come down. Just now he saw Li Cong's every move. First of all, this guy is not a master gambling player, because he hadn't shaken the dice. So he put his chips on the top. Once again, this guy didn’t touch the table at all when he was rolling the dice. He knew that some gamblers used the table to touch the table against the vibration to control the sieve inside. People didn't do either of these things, which is a bit strange. How did he control the sieve inside? Isn't this guy a human? It's just a ghost or something, maybe there is only this kind of explanation. On the second floor, there are several croupiers who are in charge of this matter, but those people know the news earlier than themselves, and they have found things one by one. And there are still things that can't be left, there is no way, I can only go down.

"This gentleman, in Xia Ni Er, he is one of the croupiers who can still be on the table. I don't know if my husband can let me shake this time?" He didn't dare to say too much, just dared to say this time. That's all, I dare not say anything later. If he continues to win money here, he doesn't need to say anything, the powerful guy above will come down. To put it bluntly, he is the one who comes down to test the firepower. If you can block it, you don't necessarily have any credit, if you can't block it. They have even more excuses, and they will talk about themselves. Anyway, there is nothing good to say.

"It's okay, you can change to anyone. I have put the chips down for such a long time. If you still don’t move, I can wait. It’s just because of the brothers who are playing around. , They all want to know the result. Am I a lucky person or a hapless one? All of this will be revealed soon." Li Cong said with a smile, his words made all the people around They screamed. They don’t believe that Li Cong can have such good luck. It’s all right. It seems that he hasn't made a lot of money. If the casino has evidence that this guy has a lot of money, he must come down to watch the scene. People. It definitely won't belong to the croupier. What does the great croupier show? It shows that there is no such thing as a lot of money. There are many rules in the casino, but there is also one thing. As long as the guests do not do it, it is their business how they want to play. Others can't stop it, and casino owners can't do it. There must be a rule to open the door to do business.

"Okay, this will drive me." This guy pretended to be calm and said, why are there so many people around now? His head is already sweating, from the day this guy started as a croupier. It has been at least thirty years now. I have seen a lot of great gambling masters, but there is definitely no one who is as evil as the guy in front of him. His hands are a little trembling. When the croupier used to be, this kid had received strict training. He said that his hands shouldn’t be like this, but now he really can’t help it, his hands are so unbelievable, how can this guy be so emboldened, this is Jia’s casino, and he dare to fool around. ? But I just couldn't find the evidence of this guy, nothing more, my first name.

This guy thought he had a lot of fame. In fact, he knew it. The people in the whole hall didn’t notice this guy at all. Most people were paying attention to the dice clock on the table. What is inside? This is what everyone cares about. If this one is also expanded, then this matter will really not be solved so easily today. What is the origin of this young man? The owner of this casino is definitely not simple, if it is not handled well...

Big! ! ! ! When it was opened, it was still big, and Ni Er felt dizzy in front of his eyes. What is going on, he is not the most advanced gambling expert, but he also knows how the most advanced gambling expert can become a master. Now There is nothing left, forty-three thousand two thousand six hundred silver. This is what I have to pay to this guy. Ni Er glanced at the exit on the second floor. A guy shook his head at himself, indicating that he could get out. Now, I don’t have any wiseness. I don’t have many chances to go to the front desk again in the future. It was the kid in front of me who did it. If I was outside, I would like to kill this kid, but now it’s in the casino. Inside, if such a thing is done in front of so many guests, the boss will definitely be unhappy, and there will be a series of chain reactions when the boss is unhappy, and then my life will be really sad, so I can bear it. Keep going well, so as long as your opponent is very strong, you won't be ashamed of losing in his hands.

"Are you going to change croupiers again? Actually, this time I think it’s better for you to change to a better croupier, so that you have to change croupiers every time you play. Is this too slow? Actually, I heard you His casino owner, Sanye Jia, is still good at this. If he has time, it is better to let him come out and play with me. I have nothing to do. If he doesn’t come out, I can only win his casino. Let’s talk about it." Li Cong smiled and touched his chips. Everyone around them also laughed. They didn’t lose money at the casino, and they were also very dissatisfied with the casino. It’s just that no one was standing. Just come out and talk, they can be regarded as waiting now, Li Cong is such a person, this kid is really very courageous.

Sanye Jia? This young man's tone is really not small. A few people below who were preparing to go up also stopped. They were all 7th-level fighters. They had admired Sanye Jia for a long time, but they had never seen it before. They were better than Jia. The three are a lot stronger, but their gambling skills are... it's really too far, and they are coming to watch the excitement now. Then their friends upstairs also came down, and they had made appointments one by one. What is going on with this delay? It turns out that something so interesting happened downstairs. People on both sides of the road who didn’t expect to enter the casino saw it at this time. How could there be no people who can hang out in Yunlan City? Ten taels of silver, just take it out and exchange it. Five hundred cents can be used to watch such a good show. Anyone would like to watch such a thing. It would be a pity if you missed it. At that time, it might be five. You can't see it even for ten taels of silver. For a time, there were hundreds of people around Li Cong.

"Sir, our boss, Sanye Jia, generally doesn't bother about casino matters. If your husband feels that the bet here is too small, how about going to the VIP room upstairs to try your luck? What is the environment above? But it's much better than below, and it's not so crowded, you can enjoy our VIP service." A man walked down from the upper floor and said. Everyone who knows will automatically give way. Those who don’t know can also see that this guy should have a not-so-simple identity. You will know by looking at the momentum. I'm busy asking people next to me who this guy is, this guy. It is the treasurer of this casino, the so-called professional manager on earth. He is the one who asked Jia San to come to see the market in gambling. Many gamblers who are a little bit so kind also wanted to come here for a while. Unfortunately, they didn’t succeed. Most of them were because of the present. The reason for this person.

"Hehe, in fact, I am a bit uncomfortable with the so-called VIP service. I like to come in an environment like this on the first floor. In fact, I am excited about gambling money by shouting it out. What's the point of restraining myself? Besides, so many friends today have given face, to see how they all let go of their own things to see how I play, if I just leave, wouldn’t it be too Don’t give others face anymore? They all talk about relying on parents at home and friends when going out. Friends give face. How can I not give face to others? I think I’ll continue to stay here. Sanye Jia won’t come out, right? Let’s forget it, I won’t bet big with this one.” Li Cong took the chips off the table after speaking, and the man who came down heaved a sigh of relief. Does this kid really realize that the Jia family is powerful? This is about to quit or what's going on? In any case, this kid is going to take a good thing from the clan. Although he has lost hundreds of thousands of silver, but can send this person away, their side is considered a very victory, but is it really that way?

"My God, this guy is crazy. He is going to bet on leopards and pay thirty-eight leopards..." The guy in the front said it, and the people behind were dumbfounded. Most people thought this That's the end of the matter. Many people are very upset. Damn, but it took five hundred yuan to come in to watch the excitement. I thought the incredible Juding Casino would collapse today, but I didn't expect it to end. Several people left now, but they heard this when they got to the door, shit, is there such a thing? A leopard who bet four hundred thousand silver and lose thirty-eight? No kidding, there are such things too? If this is the same as before, if you run a dozen leopards in a row, this casino is probably not Sanye Jia. This guy wants Sanye Jia to come out in person. This kid is here to make trouble today, and he won’t be in broad daylight. When something big happened, one by one came around again.

"Sir, are you sure?" The guy who came down was also dumbfounded. It can be said that the occurrence of leopards is extremely rare, and the chances are also very small. This guy actually wants to bet on leopards and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on this. If he loses, it will be very easy to say, but if this guy wins, it is a problem with the casino. He will immediately lose tens of millions of dollars. Although this is the headquarters of the entire city casino, But there is not so much money. Even if there is, the casino will be closed immediately. He feels that this matter is a bit tricky, but he can't just keep it open. His eyes are passed to the people upstairs. See if there is any money that can be lost. Casinos absolutely can’t do things that don’t have the money to gamble with others. If this kind of game is spread out, it’s fine. For the casino, as long as their reputation is still there, the rest can be solved. , If it loses its reputation, no amount of money will be possible to open a casino.

"Naturally it is certain. I can distinguish such things clearly, but I don’t know if I win. Will you pay me on the spot? If you can pay, there is naturally nothing to say, if you If you can’t afford to pay, you have to tell me at least. I have nothing to do. So many brothers and friends have watched it for a long time. It is only necessary for them to know a result." Li Cong said with a smile. Just let the people around him cheer for a long time, good guys, the casino doesn't pay much attention to them, civilian players, and they did not expect them to pay attention. All of them tried hard to cheer Li Cong, and some used the aggressive method, saying that Juding Casino is one of the best casinos in the entire empire, how can you play such a thing.

"Hehe, I didn’t expect to encounter such an interesting thing today. I didn’t expect that the top-ranked Juding Casino in the empire could not even play a gambling game of 10 million silver. If this is in our Izumo Casino, this is absolute. No problem. Our standing funds are all 100 million silver. Although it is impossible to give you silver on the spot, we all take out the silver tickets, and they are the first-class silver tickets of the Linghu family. The entire empire It's okay." A middle-aged man who appeared to be forty years old walked in from the door. His appearance made the croupier who served Li Cong a jerky eyebrow. This guy is his enemy, and the person in charge of another big casino in the Eastern Empire in Yunlan City. It’s not surprising that he can come. If something like this happens on his side, he will definitely be in the past. Enemy, everyone understands this truth, and now something happened on his side. If they couldn't come, it wouldn't be them, but the croupier had no other choice but to snorted.

"That's right, look at the people at Izumo Casino. You guys are much better than others. Why don't you shake them? This gentleman from other people also uses real money to play, you If you don’t have the guts, just don’t do this. I knew I wouldn’t watch it a long time ago and wasted so many people’s time.” Izumo Casino came here just to make it stinky, so naturally I wouldn’t just bring three people. Coming here, there are more people starting to talk nonsense here. If Juding Casino does not play this one for a while, the credit will be bankrupt directly. Compared with credit bankruptcy, more than ten million dollars will be spent. It's nothing.

"How could it happen? Our Juding Casino still compensated for this little money, but this time the amount is relatively large. Of course, I have to discuss it with this gentleman. If we lose, sir, you Hundreds of thousands of silver is nothing. This is not a good thing." The treasurer of the casino can only use such a lame statement. Just after he finished speaking, many people were booed. Since people dared to throw that money on it, it means that they are already ready and will definitely not move. You are obviously afraid of yourself, but you insist on saying that it’s someone’s business, alas...

This guy slowly picked up the dice clock. Since he can be the shopkeeper in Juding Casino, that is, he can be the master when Sanye Jia is away. In fact, the money he has gone out from his hands is There are hundreds of millions of people, but this time it’s more wicked. The people who came to find faults when they lost a few million dollars already understood what was going on with those people, and they had an emergency plan. , But this time? They can’t see anything at all, so naturally they don’t want to talk about emergencies. Each of these is an opportunity. At least a dozen people above are observing Li Cong’s. They can see something wrong. Even the tenth-level fighters want to cheat, it will cause something, but Li didn’t directly cause anything, and the fighters here didn’t feel the slightest anger. strength.

Not far away from Li Cong, the two guys have seen the end from beginning to end. They also often shout something that is not good for the casino, but if you observe carefully, their eyes did not leave Li Cong when they shouted. Yes, they look like ordinary gamblers on the surface. In fact, the two of them are eighth-level fighters. The eighth-level fighters are far from the tenth-level fighters, but Li Cong is a tenth-level fighter. Relying on their own energy to adapt the points inside, they can all feel it. But there have been many times since the beginning, they didn’t feel anything, and they didn’t even feel that Li had any extraordinary ability. The people they met in the casino could be said to be all kinds of people. Yes, but this is really the first time I have seen someone like this. Does this guy belong to the kind of super lucky guy who will never lose no matter how he plays?

In the casino. The average gambler can be said to come by luck, and someone who is slightly more advanced than them can hear one of the three sieves. Such a person can guarantee at least a 30% winning rate. With some of their analytical capabilities, they are definitely those who can bring in ten taels of silver and go out, one level higher than them. People who can hear the two sieves can at least guarantee a 50% win rate. The points of the two sieves are already very good. They can definitely win a lot. Such people are generally casinos. The people at that are also the most able to see that they have won more words. The casino will change its strategy. For example, there will be people yelling around them, so that they will not be able to hear it. As for the people who hear the three sieves, almost all of them are on the casino list. On the blacklist of the casino, the entrance will be controlled. Casinos are used by others to make money, not your ATMs. Of course, there is no such thing as a mat to shake a sieve in this era. The party is quite delicious here.

For croupiers, they also have their own level. The first time Li Cong saw it, he was basically a beginner. He could only hear a sieve at best. Such a person would be no problem facing ordinary people, but facing Li Cong he was too far behind. Yes, the second Ni Er is the one who can control one sieve. The shopkeeper in front of him is the kind who can control two sieves, although he can't control the last one. But at least to deal with this gambling game, this is enough. Li Cong bought a leopard. He only needs to control the two sieves to be different. As for the third one, it is basically useful in this one. Nothing.

Is there anyone who can control the three sieves? Absolutely, someone like Sanye Jia is able to control the three sieves very skillfully. Such a person can be said to be a person who calls the wind and the rain in the casino, but it is a pity that Sanye Jia has to come here at least. For a period of time, it was only the shopkeeper in front of him who came to take the lead, and small beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. There are people from Izumo Casino watching here. He must not be ashamed. He is weak in front of his opponents. For the sake of his own face, such things are absolutely not allowed. He is already mentally prepared. Even if he loses, his face must have a smile, even if it is a bitter smile. , This is the only way to show your magnanimity.

It's open, it's about to open, everyone is holding their breath at this moment. This guy has been shaking for nearly a minute. For the dice alone, this guy really takes a lot of time, and he himself feels It’s a bit evil. What’s going on? I can control these two dice. I have already used my unique skills twice. I say that this guy’s ability is actually listening to the dice and then using his own. Wrist strength is used to adapt the points inside. This kind of thing is also very harmful to me. I can only use it twice in five minutes. Now he has used it twice. He definitely has no ability to use the third time. The shopkeeper of the Izumo Casino is already laughing. It’s not in vain today. More than ten million dollars are now owned by others, but he also took a look at Li Cong in his heart. Who came from? Where did he come from? Although he was dealing with his opponent right now, if such a guy ran into his shop, he would not be able to deal with it. If he was a tenth-level fighter, he would be able to deal with it. But I didn’t see how he got it here. At this moment, he felt a little sympathy for the great treasurer of Juding Casino, but when he thought that this guy would be desperate soon, that sympathy was immediately Gone.

Bang, the dice fell on the table, and the sound was much louder than usual. The shopkeeper's face can already see beads of sweat. Just now it was extremely small. He thought he could control the dice, but it fell. When they came, at least four people here knew what was inside. One was Li Cong, the other was himself, the other was the shopkeeper of Izumo Casino, and the other was the other technical director upstairs. Two of the four are happy, and all of them are sweaty on their backs. Although the one above hasn't come down to show up, this is where he works, and it's no good for anyone to be ashamed here.

"Can it be opened? The time you shake is not short." Li Cong said with a smile, and everyone around me didn't know how to say this kid is good, why your kid's mental quality is so good. If you can win, this is worth tens of millions of dollars. What can tens of millions of dollars do? It can make you a good person in an instant, and it can make you wind and rain or rain in this Yunlan City. Where is your kid so lucky? It seems that the gap between yourself and others is really very great. Far.

"Yes.. Yes, it can be opened." The shopkeeper said weakly, really don't know what to do, why is this so difficult?

It opened.. It really opened, "Ah.. It really is a leopard, this gentleman won. It is really a leopard, haha, hurry up and lose money to others." The shopkeeper of Izumo Casino exaggeratedly said, as if he was winning. Just like him, Li Cong also smiled at this guy. He might have unconsciously adapted some patterns of the city, but this has nothing to do with him. It was all done by his stupid son. If it weren't for him, how could he venture here? Would he really have trouble with a casino?

Now Li Cong naturally wanted to speed up his own pace. After seeing that he had won, he didn't mean to be happy at all. What's so happy about this, he knew the result. From the time when Li entered the casino for the first time, he knew that as long as he was in the casino, how he wanted to win was his own business, and no one else could control him.

"Hey, this gentleman, gambling is an important thing to win, but it's impossible for your husband to stop like this if he is so prosperous today. In this case, it would be a waste of Mr.'s luck." The shopkeeper of the storage and transportation building smiled Said to Li Cong, this guy diligently helped Li Cong get all his chips back. Now Li Cong has more than 10 million taels of chips in front of him. He didn’t have the time to count them by himself, but he didn’t. What I need to worry about, so many people around, their eyes will help themselves, now the casino rations him some chips, the casino can naturally come out, but if the casino gives cash, it is not that simple now Yes, the total amount of money in the casino is less than 20 million silver. If Li Cong continues to read, this matter may really be unfolded. The treasurer of the Juding Casino really hopes that Li Cong can do it. It's over, but obviously Li never meant to leave, because he saw Li Cong stand up. This guy is not the kind of going to stand up, but sees the innermost on the table, and there is a leopard on top Some things, that...that’s where the points are quiz, the odds are higher, shit, this kid is not going to play this, right? With his more than 10 million silver, it’s impossible not to go bankrupt today. As long as you win everything at random, the least one is 50. Nearly 700 million silver, where you can get it, it’s impossible to get all the money from the casino in the city. There will be so many, Sanye, how come your old man hasn't come back? This is really the last juncture. If you don't come back, we really can't support it.

"This gentleman, I don't know what these ones mean, why do I look at it as if I have lost more?" Li Cong pointed to the innermost row and said, he really didn't know Yes, but the person outside almost fainted when he said it. It turns out that this kid is a little white, he doesn't know anything. He may have entered the casino for the first time. Damn, I've been here for half of my life. In the casino, I have nothing. I don’t have anything. He gave money to the casino at the end. This kid has been winning money since he came in. It is such a layman who won more than 10 million. Now I have to win more. Li Cong asked the shopkeeper of Izumo Tower. Li Cong knew that this guy would definitely cooperate with him. Yunlan City is a port city, and those sailors are the most willing to go. It is Huajie Liuxiang and the casino, so the competition between the two casinos is very fierce. If he didn't tear down the platform at this time, he would be too sorry to go back, so Li Cong asked him.

"Why? Doesn't the sir actually know this?" He exaggerated. His voice was louder, and everyone around him became quiet. The scene is getting better and better. "Sir, this is the gaming table." It’s the highest gameplay. The Leopard you played just now only pays one to thirty-eight, but the least one in this layer is one to fifty. This is the quiz points, from three to eight. Yes, for the chaotic nature, one pays fifty. For example, one, two, three is six o’clock, and if you bet all six, they will pay one fifty, but if it’s three, one, three, two or something. This is the leopard point. Among the leopard points, three points and eighteen points are the highest odds, because these two other points are impossible to achieve, and the other points are the same as those in general, for example Three fives are fifteen points, but the dice can also use other points to count to fifteen points. Only one pays fifty. But these three points are not the same as eighteen points. The probability of getting is really good. Too few. Originally, the chances of a leopard are very small, and if you can guess the correct number of points, the odds will be one hundred for one. This is also the highest odds in the casino, but it is not easy to play this. There is a limit to the amount of money that can be played. Naturally, no one limits it. There are minimum bets. Our Izumo Casino can’t be less than 500 taels. I don’t know about them here. It’s better for the shopkeeper to tell you.” This guy explained it to Li Cong. In fact, many people around are not very clear about it, because they have seen this place. But in normal times, everyone basically bet on that, because betting on that is to give money to the casino. The chance of getting this thing is really too small. No one will gamble because of this, which is too small.

"I don't know if what this gentleman said is true? If it is true, I will try my luck again. Although more than ten million dollars is a lot, I don't know if I am satisfied. Can you be satisfied? What? I’m the one who will pay the next one hundred." Li Cong said with a smile looking at the croupier. His smile looked very kind, but he clearly knew the croupier in front of him and all the things in the casino. The staff all wanted to beat themselves hard, they were about to be furious, but they robbed themselves in their hands, and all they worked so hard to get were taken away by themselves, but it can’t be blamed. Own, if your boss hadn’t come forward, we would definitely not be in this state now. Li Cong also knows that cutting off food and clothing is like killing one’s parents. Such a thing is absolutely impossible to do until a critical moment. But now is the critical moment.

"What he said is correct. There is indeed a place where you lose one hundred. It's just that the husband has been playing for a long time. Would you like to go up and have a rest? We have prepared a lot of fine wine here. As for Mr. Gamble, don’t worry, we can definitely continue, and we will prepare for the husband. We are also for the sake of Mr.’s health. "Now it’s about to delay time, and they have no other way. Sanye Jia is already on the road. One hundred times of 13 million silver is worth more than one billion silver. They definitely don't have the ability to pay. The entire city's casinos are useless for others. All the provinces are given to others, what is the sacredness of this kid, he is so powerful.

"Wait, guys, guys, let me be fair. I am also a casino operator. I can only say that things like this can't be broken up. What do you play in the casino is an atmosphere. There are thousands of people here watching this gambling game. This gentleman will definitely not take a break. In the eyes of us gamblers, what is the best rest is to win money at the gambling table. Is there anything better than this to rest? You obviously want to delay time when you do this. If you do something like a sir, you can do it. I also confess that I have done something like this before, but that’s because We found out that the man was playing a thousand dollars, but now this gentleman hasn’t done anything. When you didn’t roll the dice, the gentleman already made a bet. It’s a bit shameful for you to play this. "Li Cong hasn't said anything yet, the guy next to him hastened to talk. This matter can't be delayed. If it is really delayed, no one knows what will happen. If you go up and say Two sentences, what should I do if this kid is scared and go back, but it is really over. What should I do if I can't give his biggest opponent a fatal blow, this guy is thinking about this thing in his mind.

"That is, what to rest? Gambling is the best rest for us, especially when I win. If I win, I don't need to rest for three days and three nights." The other gamblers said one by one. They also said that although they are not the protagonists of this matter, they all know what rest means. This may be a legend in the future. It is a glorious thing to be able to see such a legend. This absolutely cannot just pass by, it must be waited.

"Hehe, since this is the case, I think I won’t take a break. UU reading or just come here. I’ll just bet on 18 o’clock. You guys help me put the chips there. Li Cong said with a smile, and immediately the shopkeeper of the Izumo Tower took a few people and put the chips over. In fact, it's okay for this kind of table to book a table without putting chips. What you say verbally is also effective. Yes, now that they are doing that, they are just trying to get lucky. The next few people want to rush to work in the past. There is such a saying in the casino. If this person often wins, you help After doing something, his luck may be allocated to you. Such a big luck, a billion-dollar betting market, if it can be divided, it will be enough for the rest of his life. People are regretful, why aren't they in front? Damn, those guys are really cheap.

It’s really difficult for this shopkeeper at this moment. How should we proceed? The Lord himself cannot do it. If he continues, he will lose his head if he really loses. In fact, he won’t be at this level. I know if my head is still there. Now it’s really hard to ride a tiger. This Sanye, you have appeared quickly. Where have you been? It’s not that you are already on the road. Actually, Sanye Jia lives far away from here. It was half an hour, but there was too much happening in this half an hour, and the time was relatively slow. It was the reason in his heart. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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