Energy Group

Chapter 1999:

nbsp;For the county town, this person in the third head is no stranger at all, because he spent his childhood and

In his youth, at that time he was a son who had settled down, but this does not affect this guy’s influence on the entire city.

I understand. Hearing Li Cong asking himself about some things in this county, this guy immediately became interested.

After the bandit, this guy did three things in here, even when he was a bandit, he also went in several times.

The streets and things are simply familiar, and this guy knows a lot about some wealth in the city. m♠

"Master, if you ask other places, I might not know, but don’t mention how familiar this place is.

Many people can still call out their names. This county town can be said to be the largest city on the southern coast, of course.

There is no seaside trade here, but there is always a dock near the sea. I know that the court uses ships for transportation.

Of course, things have to be transported by land, but these guys are afraid that the people will do the same. The most feared thing is the old people.

The surname is the same as the people in the Eastern Empire. If they find an island or something outside, that’s a big deal, they will drag

If the family took their own people and left the empire, then the population of the empire would have been lost. So the sea ships here

Most of them are owned by officials, even the several warehouses on the shore are also owned by officials. Let’s start with the warehouses on the shore. Here

There are about a dozen warehouses, three of which are heavily guarded. It’s stored there

Taxes from the provinces are collected here, and then transported by sea to the central region, and then from the inland waterway

Shipped straight to the capital. "This guy said the news quite well.

"Except for these warehouses, other warehouses are useless. Most of the things stored in other warehouses are

It’s the same as the thing I got in the robbery. It’s worthless, even if you emptied the entire warehouse.

They don’t care about these things. Such a big empire will not lack these things, except for the seaside

The warehouse is then in the city, because several county towns around this county town are not well selected, so some of the surrounding towns

Rich people like to live in this place. Most of them live in the Southern District very close to the Navy. As for the others

The three districts are basically where people live, and there is nothing to rob. But if you want to go ashore to rob, you will encounter resistance

It is certainly not small. In addition to the 20,000 naval forces I mentioned before, there are also two town defense battalions on the land, with a general

Lead, there are about 40,000 people. They are not comparable to the Navy. Their training is still very good. If

Without them, we would have robbed the land a long time ago. "When this guy speaks, he looks vaguely

I saw some land in the distance, and now the time is basically just right. It will be dark in a while, this time

The generation does not have any lighting equipment. Whether it's defense or offense, the night is not a good choice.

At this moment, the people in the harbour don’t have any consciousness at all. Just as the third master said, the navy will come out today.

Less than three ships wandered around less than 2 nautical miles, and went back in less than five minutes, but

In other words, the ship moved just now, and today their task of tens of thousands of people has been completed. How about they, navy

It’s because there’s really no way at home, and the army doesn’t want them. How come they come to serve as soldiers? The navy’s salary is several hundred

It hasn’t risen once in a year, and it’s still 1.2 taels a month. How can this amount be enough, as long as you have a family

Basically, they won’t be mixed up in this place, there is no future at all, they must give themselves

The family is not responsible. Those who stay here are either some newcomers, or they eat people who are not hungry. After all, water

The teacher still takes care of the food for you. This Southern Empire still needs it. If the soldiers’ food cannot be solved,

Their face was lost, and the Southern Empire would not do such a thing.

"Damn, these bastards, how long have they been out now? These guys came back when I was in the bathroom.

Didn’t the general just say, now it’s a very time, if those pirates know the news, it’s great, let them

Go out and have a look, the fart is back. "On the shore, a navy officer said angrily.

"Forget it, what's the big deal? Isn't it that the taxes of the dozens of provinces around have arrived, less than a hundred

Well, what's the hurry, there hasn’t been any problems before, the governor has already called his patrol battalion 5,000 people.

Come for reinforcements, those bandits will have such courage? Our navy doesn’t have the ability to stop them. Look at us.

Combat power and weapons are known, but the people in the patrol battalion are not half as powerful, plus the tens of thousands of troops on land,

Even the pirates are here, and it is estimated that they will not get any benefit. "Another officer said nonchalantly.

These two can be regarded as small officers. Look at the meals they ate, they are almost the same as the soldiers of the army. It is conceivable that the navy general

What is the level of the soldiers who pass? How could it be possible to sacrifice their lives to the empire in such a state?

"Oh, it's always better not to have trouble. Those taxes are not a small amount. You haven't seen it yourself.

I can see that one province is nearly 50 million taels of silver. How much is a hundred provinces, billions of silver

Put it there, you are not afraid, I am still afraid, if something goes wrong. You can’t run from top to bottom.

Can it be without responsibility for the two of us? "This guy glanced at the warehouse over there with some fear. The court tried to save luck.

The cost of the loss is for such a large-scale transportation, basically nothing happened, but waiting for those far away

When the money comes from provincial transportation, this time can't be waited. This time is the most worrying.

"When you say that, my eyelids keep twitching, is something going to happen, shit, look what's going on over there

. Why did the ship appear? It looks like it’s not our ship, they are pirates? It’s not like, pirates are not so strange

Strange ship, what's going on? "This guy rubbed his eyes. At this moment, he saw two appear on the sea.

Ten strange boats, how could there be no sails on such a boat, and he didn’t notice it because of the short time.

The speed of the ship is actually very fast. They had never encountered such a speed before.

"Quick.. Quick, what are you doing? Hurry up and knock the bell. I'll report to the general." The other said loudly, without waiting.

They were moving, and the two of them next to them quickly ran towards the big clock in the distance, which was originally built

It was made to show jǐng. As long as he rang, the entire county town would have heard it. It is estimated that Li Cong’s

The effect of this robbery is going to drop a lot, but now it’s nothing, because the third master has taken care of some things on the shore

I saw it all, and he had already told Li Cong. Li Cong knew that they couldn’t let them ring the big bell, although the offense would make

The people by the sea are afraid. I know the news, but most people in the city don't understand what is going on.

Boom boom boom...102 ran in the forefront, this guy was also the first to enter the shock element, this guy began to violently

Fire at the big clock, don’t you want to send a jǐng report? Now I’ll show you that there are no jǐng reports anymore, why are you

Why did you start to send this thing? The dozen or so shells in the past were exactly the same as they predicted. The big clock and the ten around him

A few soldiers were immediately reimbursed, and many navy officers and soldiers who were still sleeping came out with their arms bare.

I don’t know what’s going on. How can there be such a noise? Looking at them in front of them, when are there too many

How many big ships are there? These people are pirates, but how can pirates have such great things?

"Quickly, fast, don't **** froze, immediately go to the warehouse and send a letter to the city lord, telling them to strengthen their guard.

The people who got off came with me and got ready to fight. "The low-level officer immediately yelled at his soldiers and said, although they

I don’t want to get on the boat, because I can survive on land as long as I’m careful, but when I get to the sea

It’s completely different if they get on here, they don’t want to lose their lives, right, they boarded dozens of naval ships immediately.

People are gone, but their movements are not like going out to fight at all. That movement is really slow.

Several navy officers saw their subordinates doing this, and at the beginning they pretended to hit a few and told them to come out quickly.

I went, but then I just ignored it. Damn, my usual treatment is not very good, why is it so cheap?

It’s going to work for them. It’s better to let others do it. Lao Tzu is not that good.

Lao Tzu should just take a rest in the harbor.

But it's not that people won't come to fight you unless you go out, even if you are in the harbor, you are a navy warship, right? 104.105 outside

The two warships have already targeted the dozen or so naval warships. Whoever moves will naturally hit whoever comes first. This is basically nothing.

It’s so negotiable. The navy ship that is about to go out is the most unlucky. He was hit by more than a dozen shells all over his body.

He was thrown into the water, and the hundreds of officers and soldiers above also went into the water, but because they were all around him, not many died.

When have the navy experienced such a thing? In their impression, the pirates would not even unite

It would be so arrogant. At most, they just blocked the place where the navy went out, and they wouldn’t pay the court.

There are a large number of troops to attack here, because they know clearly that there will be nothing if they attack at this time.

Good ending. But what are they doing now? They don’t want so little things, they want too much

. Did they die one by one, they had the idea of ​​imperial taxation? Is this a small number? Billions of silver

? Don't they know that even if they can get the silver smoothly, they don't have the brain to spend it? The court will definitely go down

We will make great efforts to rectify them, and may send a large number of troops to conquer them.

But no one is standing in front of you now, and you have no way to go and ask them what is going on, navy officers and soldiers.

They can only avoid everywhere. They don’t understand what the pirates’ weapons are. How can they be so powerful?

Far away. Their weapons could not reach that position at all, and several trebuchets on the shore also hit back, but

Basically, there is not much effect, only helpless looking at everything in front of them, they can’t help it, their weapons

It was too far away from the others, although there were also several senior archers in the navy. But just one or two roots

It didn’t play a big role at all, and the first two arrows were killed by Li’s return, so there would be no

Any archer wants to use magic arrows to attack others, where is the tax money that protects the court and his head?

This is important. They understand in an instant how to choose, and sometimes the choice is not so difficult.

The third master is probably the most excited person at this time. He never thought that he would be so beautiful

, He could actually see this situation. When they wanted to enter here before, they had to talk to the navy officers and soldiers

Discussed, at least half of the money he robbed should be given to them, otherwise they would not agree. They are all

It's some bandits, no matter how powerful they are in normal times. But if they meet the officers and soldiers of the court, they don’t have the courage to face it.

Hardly, every time they robbed them almost, the navy officers and soldiers came and chased them away, and then the navy officers and soldiers

We have saved face and benefited when we went back to share money with them. All the infamy was given to them, but we

I don't care anymore. After all, I am a pirate, so what do I need that reputation for? This heart is very unbalanced, so why

Why I leave a bad name, it’s not as good as you bastards, now it’s fine, I’m following a lot now

It’s a very simple matter to rob you in the future. You can take it whatever you want.

"Master, have you seen it? The court warehouse over there is where they store tax and silver.

When we came, basically no one looked at it, because there was no money in it, and now it seems to be around

There are really a lot of troops. I think the money in it is not a small amount. Should we go and take a look? "three

The guy in charge is very familiar with this place. His suggestion is that he wants to enjoy the past, and Li Cong will naturally not stop him.

Now, anyway, what I have to do is to make things bigger, this is naturally satisfying.

"Well, after the shelling is over, you will just take someone there. I want to see if the wealth of the Southern Empire is true.

, Don't just be an empty shelf. "Li Cong said with a smile, he was absolutely in favor of robbing this guy.

Yes, no matter what others think, this is what I am most passionate about anyway, it is more comfortable to **** my enemy.

"Lord, although the Southern Empire is not comparable to the Eastern Empire, but among these great empires, it can be considered incredible.

It is the most powerful in the Western Empire, but after the internal strife of the Tuoba clan, the Western Empire is no longer able to do so. A lot of wealth is in

Reimbursed during the war, but the Southern Empire rose, especially the southern part of the Southern Empire. The weather has been smooth for the past few years.

It can be said that they are all very rich. Before, when we went up, we could earn several million dollars at least once.

Tens of millions of dollars are possible. "The third master also said when he thought of the past, but now they are all over

It smoked, and the silver was hidden by the boss, and I didn't know where it was. This boss this mess

Eggs usually don't divide money, they just give the brothers a number. He said he was afraid of spending money, but he kept it, but

Some brothers didn't see where their money was until they died.

"Hehe, tens of millions of dollars can have an army of tens of thousands of dollars to watch? Is there nothing else for the army of the Southern Empire? Look.

Today we have good luck. Look at the people on the land. I bet the money is indispensable this time.

. "Li Cong said while looking at the shore, and the third master also looked over. It is indeed like that. There was no such thing in the past.

With so many troops, where did this come from this time? There are a lot of them one by one.

Now there is no need to report it. The entire county basically knows about this, but the army is not very panicked.

What if the pirates come, they haven’t even been to the navy, so let’s not talk about land

. Mainly because they all think that there are five thousand people of the governor, that is the sharpest army in the whole province. They only

If nothing happens, no matter how many people come, these pirates will only return with a pile of corpses. There can be no major work.

Yeah, so they were all slow one by one. It’s not like going to war, some are still discussing what to eat back

, How to play, such a habit developed by such an army will really kill them as soldiers.

When the first army is equipped. The leader Qian was dumbfounded, what's going on. The navy's over there

Camp? Damn, why two ships blocked them inside, aren't they great? What's going on now

, How can they come out to scare the pirates at ordinary times, if they don’t come out now, wouldn’t these people have to rob

Occupying the beach head position, this President Qian immediately patted his horse and brought his brother to the beach, as long as it was

Occupy the other side and prevent the pirates from going ashore. I believe there is no other way for the pirates. What's the use in the sea?

Got it? When you get to the shore, you are equally useless, you still have to get out in the end, but what kind of sea is this?

Stealing this must be clear, how come this time, this ambition is not small, no matter how idle in the future

Pack them up, it’s better to protect the silver now. The lord’s house has been here several times and must be protected.

Good silver, these silvers are not only for their heads, but also for the heads of the officials.

Speaking of this, one more thing is that the governor, the governor, and the surrounding town owners have a little selfishness, they all know

The money will be kept here for at least half a year, so their bank will take this money out for turnover.

Basically, they don’t need any interest. They are like taking other people’s money to make money for themselves.

Something went wrong, and the above traced the matter. Whose money is this? The emperor’s, you use the emperor’s money to make your own silver

Son, if the emperor knew about this, the least thing was that his head might be gone.

It was strange when President Qian brought his own people to the beach. Why these boats were all lined up and didn’t want to get to the beach.

What does it mean, what is going on? Don't they want to come up one by one? If the pirate doesn't want to come up and rob this one

It doesn't make much sense to them, what are they doing here? Is it possible that there are such powerful weapons here to confuse?

Soon the cannonballs from Roaring Two let them know what's going on. Li Cong’s army is not too good to come at this time.

Is there such an artillery, don’t you have to use your own flesh and blood to fight against them? That’s impossible, so

But they saved their energy very much. They had never seen an artillery attack before, and they were beaten in a neat queue.

, The result was naturally very tragic. Thousands of them were directly reimbursed, and among them was the most sharp one in the Governor’s Mansion.

Some of the 5000 people are brave when they fight against people, but what is this? Is this also a war with people?

They have never encountered them in a lifetime. At this time, Li Cong waved his hand and the troop carrier began to move forward. There were tens of thousands on the shore.

The army is already in chaos, and this is the time when it should land.

About 5,000 soldiers with serial crossbows began to occupy the beachfront inch by inch. They are not in a hurry, they all

He waited for the artillery on the ship to hit the people in front before attacking. In their Lanlai, this can effectively reduce

They are also very careful about their own casualties, and they are scattered one by one, although the enemy does not have artillery.

But when they attacked the enemy, they also saw it. The side with artillery attacked, and marched in a neat line to die more.

They all laughed at people about such foolish things just now. So I won't do it now.

Soldiers with serial crossbows are a little worse than those with submachine guns. This is what Li Cong said. In fact, this

This is really established. If it had its own organization, the army of the Southern Empire would be able to resist for a while.

But now they don't have anything. All they want is to escape quickly, and naturally they will be slaughtered. The slaughter without resistance,

Since they advanced less than one kilometer, more than 20,000 soldiers of the Southern Empire have lost their lives. The rest

Those one by one were like the frightened bird, they didn't dare to resist, they all knelt down as prisoners. These people are dumbfounded,

Why is their army and their line of defense so unable to resist? What are tens of thousands of people doing? Died too fast.

"The second team? Run over to see what's in their warehouse, shit. There are tens of thousands of people watching in several warehouses.

, It is the person wearing this kind of clothes that resists the most. I said, who are these people, don't you **** say you don't know

, If you say no word, Lao Tzu will give you an arrow immediately. "The squadron leader gave a captive next to him a kick.

"Yes.. is our Governor’s personal soldier. This time the warehouse is full of silver. The Governor is not worried about us, so he asked his people to come.

I watched it myself. "This guy said tremblingly. It's not that simple. Will he die?

When the squadron leader heard that it was silver, the soldiers over there had already opened the warehouse there, and the box inside was torn off. All the silver in it was scattered on the ground. These soldiers immediately I started to send semaphores to the ship far away. It is said that it is impossible to see clearly at such a distance, but this is also directly related to the fact that Li Cong and the others have telescopes. As long as there is this thing, everything can be seen. The news from the soldiers here immediately reached Li Cong's ears, causing confusion? Civilian chaos can be created, but if the court is shaken, they have to do something they don’t want to see. This robbed Kuyin. Such things are definitely not trivial. They have to let them all. It's okay if you feel uncomfortable, otherwise it's absolutely not possible, this method is very good.

"Tell the brothers above that they don’t need them to load the silver in the silver treasury, and tell them to move on. They must occupy the entire county city, and then rob me vigorously in the city. The warships behind are ready to respond. All the airships retreated. They could not be exposed. Remember to send some scouts around. The team of people from the province is here. They don't even know. If they are surrounded, it will be Coke." Li Cong looked at it. The soldier on the land in front said that it would be a waste of time to move out the silver in the bank box by box. I just collected it with my mind in the past. If the billions of silver were in the past, I would definitely appreciate it. Yes, but now it's just a little money. It's nothing great. If you rob Kuyin, the entire Southern Empire will be shaken. If you rob the county city, the people in the city will panic.

After receiving Li Cong’s order, the soldiers in this team immediately found some nearby horses and other horses, and ran towards the city. There were some poor fishermen outside. What the fishermen could rob? All the net worth is just a little bit. Why don't you go to the rich in the city? If the poor are robbed and sue the government, will the government give you an answer? No, they can only comfort you with two sentences at most. The rich are different. The rich are connected with some officials and other officials. If you don't care here, the above will be suppressed.

Thousands of cavalry in groups rushed to the bottom of the county city. The soldiers on the county city already knew about the sea ice. Naturally, they would not open the city gate. There were already some sporadic bows and arrows. Down. Siege of a city is a very troublesome thing for people in this era. In the past, pirates also stopped at this time. It is impossible for them to attack such a tall county city. They have to go back, but the people who came this time are completely different from those pirates. The pirates have their own weapons, and immediately there are more than a dozen riding them. Under the cover of the crossbow arrows behind, the fast horses rushed towards the city gate. They seemed to have thrown something out, and they couldn't see what was going on from a distance. When I got closer, I could see it very clearly. It was a long-handled thing. This was a grenade. It was impossible to open the city gate individually, but it was completely different when bundled together.

With a bang, a violent explosion occurred at the city gate, and the Southern Empire soldiers above the city gate felt like an earthquake. They all feel unsteady on the wall. They don’t know how this happened. They don’t know how this happened. They didn’t expect such a thing to happen. Look at the city below. The gate, the gate of the city is already crippled to death. It was impossible to resist the enemy at all, and the second cavalryman threw a bundle of that stuff, good fellow, there was nothing left, and the city gate was almost destroyed. This is the first time they have seen such a thing. How could there be such a thing. What are they, how can they be so powerful?

But they didn’t have time to think about it, because the cavalry in the distance had already begun to charge, and they had to resist, but when they rushed over, they realized that their weapons were very powerful. I was killed when I knew what was going on. I had never seen such weapons before. Where did these guys get them? What kind of people are they? of.

Li Cong’s people were not without casualties. After all, they only had 2,000 people entering the city. There were more than 5,000 people, but at most dozens of people were injured. Li Cong had already given orders before. Yes, this war can’t keep alive. If there is alive, it’s likely to be traced to one’s head. They can’t trace things like artillery at all. Anyway, they won’t let artillery be exposed. , As for the serial crossbow, as long as you bring back all the serial crossbows, things like this crossbow can't be exposed at all. All of Li Cong's serial crossbows are the most common crossbow arrows.

The cavalry rushed into the city, and the whole city was in chaos. They didn’t start looting immediately after entering the city, but quickly occupied four gates, leaving 100 people at each gate. If you can’t get in, the rest can be done step by step. After Li disembarked himself, he went to collect the things in the silver vault. In addition to some silver, there are other precious things, which are said to be for the Southern Empire The emperor’s birthday gifts, these things are also considered precious, this year is also considered a birthday for the emperor of the Southern Empire, and it is not needed now, just take them with them.

The entire county town is already under Li Cong's control. Li Cong has already given orders to the people below to rob all the big families. We can’t do the kind of wicked things done with women, but you can. Let them take turns in Huajie Liuxiang in the city to get comfortable. Of course, they are all paid for money. According to their normal standards, it is fine. Although we are robbers, we absolutely can’t make money for selling meat. Yes, this is our standard.

Some big families in the city are suffering at this time. After entering the door, these soldiers don’t eat, they just take things. Those who don’t resist are pretty good, at most they just kick you. Now, if you resist, this thing won’t be so easy to do. I’ll just give you a handicap. It’s not bad if you don’t want your life. Of course, as long as you hand it over, you can leave it behind One-third of this is considered to be seen by those people. If you are the servant of this family, if you can report the property inside, I can also give you some, many of whom are oppressed by the master People all bring their own blood and deep hatred to help these strange "pirates". I have never seen these pirates looting things and giving them to everyone. Such things are very rare.

Another strange thing about the pirates is that they even robbed the official warehouses. In the past, pirates entered the city several times. Basically, they attacked those big families. As for the official warehouses. They absolutely dare not go there. They all know very well that they have robbed a large family, that is, some ordinary people. Even if it is related to officials, the empire will not send troops for them, but if you rob the official warehouse If this is the case, this is not half a trivial matter. In the end, you may be left with you because you can’t eat. There has been such a thing in history. All the pirates were robbed of the government’s treasury. Killed it, this kind of thing made future pirates understand that the private property of officials and the property of the empire are sacred and inviolable, unless they are ordered by themselves.

Basically, more than half of the 2000 people who entered the city belonged to some assets of zhèngfǔ who went first. Those warehouses in zhèngfǔ were dumbfounded. The warehouse guards did not usually train much, and they didn’t wait for the pirates to say anything. Well, one by one is ready to run. They don’t want to lose their lives because of this little thing. It’s not worth it. Similar things happened in the past, but none of them was like this. Great, depending on the situation, if you don't run away, you will lose your life here. The direct result of their escape was that Li Cong's people quickly seized these warehouses and began to move the contents of these warehouses out.

When Li Cong entered the city, he was watching the soldiers around him busy. Although he thought it was a big city, he did not expect that the wealth in the city would reach this level. Two thousand people would come to do this work. Now it seems that it is not enough. Li Cong immediately ordered a reserve team of 1,000 people on board to enter the city. They will help the soldiers in these advanced cities to complete this not honorable and difficult task.

The officials in the city, along with some wealthy businessmen, have been concentrated on detaining them. These people are the jīng souls of the city. Li would never let them see all this. If they were to see them, they would be very Remember these quickly and analyze it. This is very detrimental to yourself, and the ordinary people don’t need to worry about it. They don’t have that strong analysis, which also allows them to live a very good life, at least for now. safe.

The Lord of the City is the highest official He once tried to discuss with these occupying forces, what should be done about this matter? But the answer to him was a fat beating. The Lord of the City also understood that now is not what it used to be. He is no longer the Lord of the City. He might not even listen to his servants anymore. He is already You have become a prisoner, and you have to face your current identity, you are no longer the original city lord.

The people in the county town also felt strange. They had clearly heard the news of the pirate landing, but so far, their lives are still peaceful and safe, and all they see at their door are still themselves. All of his neighbors are still friends of his before, and there are no strangers around him at all. They can't help but ask, where are these pirates? Didn't they come to rob? Why can't I see it now? Are they here to make soy sauce? Of course the pirates are not here to fight soy sauce, but the goal of the pirates is different from before. In the past, because they were afraid of the suppression of the Southern Empire, they only dared to attack the people, not the officials, but this time Li Cong wants to create chaos, he must attack these officials in order to achieve his goals and create chaos to the greatest extent. Chaos is not determined by the size of the chaos, but by the identity of the people involved in the chaos. It’s up to you to decide, if you are a small citizen, if you are robbed, at most, you will talk to your relatives and friends around you for a while. How capable is the relatives and friends of the people?

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