Energy Group

Chapter 2024:

Mom and Dad, you are all divorced for the second time, and your second marriage was not happy, and your door was divorced again. You also told me that what you have is not as good as before, and you divorced me more recklessly. I have two younger brothers, and I hope you treat him kindly. What I hope most is that you can start a family for me, but both younger brothers are still young and take good care of them. My sister is the biggest negative example. Don’t let They went on. M

This is a true story. Everyone who sees them thinks about themselves and looks around them. If you can help them, help them. Children are the future, and they are innocent. My name is Zhuang Jing. I am serving my sentence in the No. 1 Drug Rehabilitation Center, and I am going out in two months. Please bless me in the future to be an upright person and cherish everything you have now.

After I finished writing, my heart couldn't be calm for a long time. I have repeatedly thought through the bars, what would my life be like if they hadn't divorced in the first place? Will it be the same as other children? My parents also talked to me about this problem. They just cried, maybe they are also regretting it. I can see their eyes. Although they didn’t speak, they all regretted it. I would like to give this document to the parents of the world. The most precious thing in your life, you would rather lose the whole world than the flesh that fell from your body. Be more tolerant and less quarreling, just for the child in your arms who is waiting to be fed. Maybe he will not after you separate. Become me like this, but I can say with certainty that he is very likely to be the same as me. When I am in a mixed society, most of the children are not under the supervision of their parents, or divorced children like me. . Otherwise, the North parents abandoned it at the earliest time. Since we gave birth to us, we must be held accountable.

I'm not saying that if the child follows his parents, there will be no accidents, but the accident may be minimized. Most divorced parents think that they will be good to their children after the divorce. Actually it’s not. We will encounter a lot of things you can’t think of as we grow up with other children. For example, during the parent meeting, when I was following my mother, I clearly remember the teacher saying "Next time you Come with her dad, I need to have a good talk with you all." My mother was very twitchy and said that they had divorced. The teacher’s eyes changed immediately. This shows that people who look at divorce all have tinted glasses, and some other parents also took a look at me. After returning, the whole class knew it, whether they wanted to help. Mine, still want to pity me. I don’t need it. I want to tell them that I don’t need it. What I need is that my parents can be together and form a beautiful family. Now I also ask my parents, if you knew that I would become like this, you Will you go to see Xiaosan? Will you all start this family because of me?

Dad was smoking himself hard. He was crying and speechless. At this moment, I realized that he was also feeling sorry for me. My mother choked and said that they regretted. They really regretted it. The reporters of the daily interviewed my parents. My father told reporters " The rest of my life may live in the shadows for the rest of my life. I am sorry to my ex-wife and even more to my daughter. After she was released from prison, the two of us have already discussed that we will remarry. Whether he needs it or not, we will give "She is a late home" At the time I heard this sentence, I had mixed feelings, happy and uncomfortable, and happy that I can live with them after I go out, and I have my own home. What's uncomfortable is that this home is too late. I'm already in bad condition. We haven't lived together for so many years. I don't want to live in their guilt. In my heart, the home is dead.

Warn moms and dads in the world to guard your child. He was born from the day you were pregnant. You have no right to deprive them of their right to be loved. No matter what reason they came to this world, you are his lifelong support and company. Beside them, take the responsibility of being your parents, how long you’ve been typing, how many tears you’ve shed, for the suffering that I have suffered, for my parents who are regretting, and for the partners around me. They all hate their parents more or less, don’t let your children hate you, then your life will be the most failed, and don’t see your children regret it again behind bars, cherish this time, hug your children, Give him a warm home.

Thank you so many people for watching what I said so much, and thank you for having such a place, thank you for those who reply to posts, don’t read my article just to talk, we have to do it practically and practically, those of us are most touched It can be regarded as what your children told you in more than ten years. You may not understand it now, but you can see the real situation of me. If you don’t believe me, you can come to Mianyang to see me and see how similar I am here. People, let me say, cherish this time, the child is the most unfortunate after divorce.

The **** the stage was chosen by the intelligence department of the empire. She has recovered very well now, and Li Er's heart is also a little unbearable. Such a person can be said to have very good willpower, but she chooses this way. There is no way for people to enter their killer camp. Only such people can be ruthless. Now Li Er needs such people.

Just when Li Er was more fascinated, one of his own private call systems rang. He knew that it was his father over there contacting him. As the emperor, he must maintain his majesty when doing things in any place. , He didn't know when was the last time his father contacted him? At this time, Li Er had gone out in a gaffe. The people around were surprised to see their emperor. In their impressions, the emperor was noble, elegant in manners, and had his own sense in doing things. Yes, but what is he doing now? So many people around him went out on his own, and the next few royal guards wanted to follow up. They all stopped after seeing the emperor’s eyes. This was because the emperor wanted to leave by himself and they didn’t need them to follow. They immediately turned their heads and looked at all the people around, not allowing them to get closer, even if you were a high-ranking official of the empire. What the emperor wants to do now may be the top secret of the empire, and this is what they are trained to do.

"Is my father really you? How long have you not contacted me? You know it has been for several years. I haven't heard your voice anymore. Every time I send back either this thing or that thing, they are When I said you were dead, my heart was still very sad. I really didn’t expect that a child my age would want to talk to you. I have become the Emperor of the Empire, but I still feel a little bit about these things. Incomprehensible, are you okay over there, father? What are you doing this time?" Before Li Cong could speak over there, this little one just talked out like Lianzhu Cannon. It's no wonder how old one grows, how much power he has, and how mature he has done. Your father will always be your father. When you talk to him, you will still be like a child. Tell her all the things you have encountered, hoping that she can give yourself some guidance. It does not mean that you need guidance to give him. Just say that I am happy.

"When you speak, don't you breathe, so you just said so many things directly. I didn't say a word, I just listen to you, I know you did a great job on the earth , Your brother has done a good job. Both of your brothers are my pride. Now I have some troubles here. You also know the planet I live on. I believe you have studied it many times. Now they The four empires have united. They have already seen that I may be an outsider, what I just said, they would not think that I am not from this planet, he can see that I am their common Enemy, so the situation I am facing is very tense now. I need your help, my son, to build a large number of airships for me. If there are those things, I might try it." Li Cong said directly to this one. Time is very urgent, not when you gossiping about your son.

"My father, your planet, I have studied their population is too large. The rule of the four empires is deeply rooted. If they were united by them, our life would be a bit difficult, but my father is also Rest assured that all planets in the solar system have become our territory. I have also made some transformations on it. Although it is still not suitable for large-scale human habitation, it is no problem to see some processing plants in some places. Now the earth’s resources are already very rich. We can use all kinds of resources to make all kinds of things. Besides, I discovered that there are also many resources on these planets. If it is to make airships, there is absolutely no problem. I will let all the processing plants in the empire start working with all their strength. Father, have you ever thought about the people who did not have your training?" Think of a very important question, things are easy to make, that is the person who runs this thing. ? It's not very easy!

Li started to worry about the problem when he said this. The boy was right. He was very short of pilots and couldn’t keep up. The speed of the airship was very fast. After he told him about it. He will definitely work overtime and do it in a hurry, when there are so many airships on his side, what should the pilot do? Thinking of this, Li Cong Mo said, "Could you leave the entire flying driving plan to one person to do, and then the other is some messy, update some systems, then I think the person who can drive is still Quite a few, other people do some auxiliary work on it so that they can study while working. It can be done for a long time. At present, it can only be this way. If not, we have to face failure, Li Cong thinks After thinking about it, now this is also a method that is not a solution. If he does not proceed like this, he will not even have the ability to fight back at the beginning of the action of the four empires.

"This matter should be no problem. I can improve this system. Father, do you know how advanced the intelligent system on earth is now? Often, you just have to say a word and someone will give you everything. To do it, I don’t need to do anything by myself, but I also know that human beings go out to do some things, such as on some newly developed planets, except where the conditions are very sinister, I use human beings to do it, which is very sinister. Where I use robots, I don’t want humans to rely on robots to be extinct for humans in the future. I will strictly divide the work of humans and robots. Robots do everything that humans cannot do, as long as they are humans. I will never let robots do the work I can do. This airship can also be equipped with some driving robots. When the time comes, father will operate these intelligent systems. You can tell them. Li Er thought about it. Said that the intelligence on the earth is really very advanced, just as he said.

"I did not expect that the development on the earth during the period of time I left can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds. Why did I not think of robots. You can make some robots. They are all inanimate. Just let them turn off their systems when they come alive in the teleportation array. When they come, I will turn on the system for them. These robots should be reliable. My original method is still a bit risky. If you want these robots to drive the airship, I think they are better than you. Your approach is very correct. Although the technology is developing day by day, humans cannot behave more and more useless. If they are really useless. Some robots may rule the world, and what the movie says may be true." Li Cong thought of the current situation on the other side of the earth. Now, what people want to eat or drink is to enjoy this is also a huge problem. Li Erlai should solve this problem properly.

"Father rest assured, the earth will always be your base camp. No matter what you need, this side can do it for you. Although it takes a long time, we can meet each other after all. If this plan can be successful, we can pass several smoothly. Although it takes a long time to teleport to the place where the eldest father is, we can meet each other after all. It is not the same as now. It is a waste of energy to see you or even hear your voice. Just follow us. When the father and son talk, hundreds of thousands of dollars are wasted. Although we don’t care about money or anything, we will send more people in the future and they want to talk to family members. This is not a small expense. Yes, I also established this kind of relationship with my second brother. It can be said that it is very good. We are going to experiment next year, and Li Er hastily told his father about some of his recent achievements so that she Be proud of yourself, happy for yourself, happy for all human beings.

"Things are developing slowly. Don’t think about being a fat man with just one bite. The development of the earth is beyond my imagination. It’s impossible to think about the technology on the earth now. It will develop so fast. I really didn’t expect that the science and technology team you led could make the earth itself innovate so powerfully. I think you didn’t use the things I left for you. Take it in your eyes as a kid It’s impossible to use philanthropy. It’s the best thing to build your own technology system, right?” Li Cong left them some of the good things Tektronix had left, but Li Er didn’t want to Using other people’s foundations and using other people’s techniques can save yourself a lot of time, but the accumulated part is gone. It is very difficult to check if there is any mistake. This kid knows his own My father knew himself too much, and sure enough, he didn't hide his father from what he did. He knew everything.

"It is indeed such a father. We have to get out of everything on our own. Although we have borrowed some in some key places, we still don’t fully understand it. My sister will go backwards and put all the principles behind if I borrow something from me. The formulas are all listed. We don’t want to be a blind man, or a person who only learns technology but not innovative ideas. Now we people on earth have learned innovative ideas. We can say with or without advanced technologies in this part. Things are done very well. We can all say that we will do these things well in the future with our own brains. The innovations of our people on earth can be said to be very rare in the entire universe. Many people say that the earth is A strange existence, we have also seen some alien traveling life, they also feel strange when they see our homeland, they will say that there is no high-tech thing on the earth, how could it develop into this way without large warriors , Just a group of ordinary people established this way.

"At that time, they told them that because of our own innovative qualities, our development may be completely different from other planets in the universe, but we are now standing at the peak of the universe just like other planets, although it is not the highest peak. Our development will continue to move forward. By the way, father recently we are also doing some space transactions. We are connected to the surrounding planets with us. It is mainly the backstage of the Holy See on Earth. They We sold energy to them if they needed a lot of energy equipment, and what I didn’t receive was real gold and silver and some minerals that were more useful to us. Money has no effect now? Our Li family is now rich. I don’t know what’s going on? Money is just a pile of waste paper for us. What we have to do now is to build a very large hegemony. Father fights over there, brother fights over there, and I start fighting here. "

"Boy, since you were young, I knew that you would definitely be different from others in doing things. It is like this. The energy group on the earth needs to expand. No, you can't stop because of the empire we built. The earth is just ours. It’s just a starting point. I told you at the time that we will let our energy empire dominate most of the universe. Now our new energy sources have changed. Some high-tech places on other planets don’t need our energy. , We have to slowly pursue their energy, what is going on? Only in this way can we continue to move forward. Although our energy technology is already very advanced on the earth, but in other places I think our Energy technology still can’t keep up, and some progress is needed. Okay, time is precious. Let’s stop here. Next time we will communicate. Maybe next time your own plans are successful, I can return to the earth. I hope to return there too."

Li Er still has a lot to tell his father, but he thinks of the current situation on his father's side. His father shouldn't have much time to say these things to himself. Li Cong's situation is indeed very urgent now. She has received a piece of information. The people of the four empires have already begun to join forces. Their negotiators are already on the way to gather. Li has to fight for every minute of time, so see this information. At that time, he left everything to Wu Zuoxi. With several other subordinates, he will lead some of his people to expose that these negotiations mean that they cannot reach this negotiation. Although this matter cannot fundamentally solve the problem, you can assassinate someone once and start a second time, but this way That said, it can be alleviated anyway. First of all, Li Cong gave orders to the airships everywhere. As long as the orders of the four empire royal families can now refuse to transport them, no matter what request they make, they will not be transported to tell them to walk.

Li Er, who had lost contact with Li, returned to his seat again. At this moment, his heart seemed to be full of confidence. In the past, he just wanted his father to call him next time. When this day really came, he found that he had no mental preparation at all. Although he was already an emperor, he was still acting like a child just now, and he had to put his achievements in front of his father. To show off, if you think of such a thing, you feel like you want to laugh, and he also laughed out loud. The people around are looking at the emperor in a strange way. What is he doing? The people on the stage were talking about his miserable life, and he could actually laugh. Li Er glanced at the surroundings and was a little guilty. Indeed, his performance was a bit too much just now. They were talking about his miserable life and he could laugh out. This is also something that is very worthy of his contemplation. He looked a little sorry and continued listening.

This report will be over in a minute. Li Er feels very fair to the woman on the stage. Now his affairs are over. He is about to start a new life and enter the Cao family firm. To enter the training camp of the Li Tang Empire, he may be exposed to some new things in the training camp. Of course, a psychological counselor is essential, otherwise his mentality will affect his future life. Yes, he must be cured of the problems he is thinking of in his heart, so that future things can be planned slowly. If he can plan all these things well, he is a person with a will than a normal person. People are also the most needed people in the killer organization. They are cruel and ruthless, but at the same time they can control them. They also have their own weaknesses deep in their hearts. If there is no such weakness, this is a bloodthirsty demon. These are these two kinds of people. The gap between Li Er, what he wants is naturally not a bloodthirsty demon.

After finishing these things, the emperor immediately went to do what his father had confessed. Many people know that there is a Supreme Emperor on the top of the Li Tang Empire, but time has passed so long, that is, in some middle-aged people. I still remember the Supreme Emperor in my mind. Most people only knew the Emperor in front of him, and even the younger brother of the Emperor was not very clear. The main reason is that they haven't been outside for too long. Many people even say that Li Cong is dead. Sometimes the royal family will come out to refute rumors, saying that the Supreme Emperor is alive and well, but Li Cong has not appeared on earth for a long time. This also made them feel suspicious, and even some of the royal family wanted to see the patriarch they had never seen before. Where is it now? This problem didn't make Li's ears feel uncomfortable at ordinary times, and he couldn't see his good father, but he had no choice but to come over.

The place Li Er is going to now is the airship processing factory. The airship is a thing on the earth that is about to disappear. No one would ride such a thing at all. Now whether it’s an airplane or a spacecraft in the sky, there are also such small flying cars. It can be said that there is everything you need. These things are much better than airships. On the earth It seems to people that things like airships are simply rubbish. Making such a thing is wasting their resources. Why do you want to make such a thing? It takes up such a large space and the flight speed is so slow, but it is relatively stable, but its ability to withstand the weather is also very poor. Li Congxue knows that. The planet on the side is completely different from the earth. The space over there is very vast, and there is nothing else in the sky with his airship. The weather over there can also be said to be very good. It is difficult for this planet to have some geological disasters, maybe it has never happened before!

The Energy Group has a total of fifteen airship processing plants on the earth. If these processing plants are all started in 24 hours, they can build up to two hundred airships every day, but this number is obviously not enough for Li Cong. What can it do? Even the largest kind of airship can only transport a small number of people every day. Now let’s calculate that an airship can transport about 700 points, which means that the largest airship can go back. It has to be in excess. If you ship so many people out, you can earn more than 200 thousand people every day. What is the effect of adding hundreds of thousands a day to the hundreds of millions on the northern front? It's definitely a drop in the bucket. It can't affect the whole battle at all. They can only produce more and more things. Li has no way to solve the problem from transporting people, but transporting things can save space. He himself is a space magician.

For most space magicians, they have no way to create a large number of space rings with a wave like Li Cong. The channel TV in a large area of ​​space rings cannot be produced, but now they can wave their hands. The produced one can reach 100 cubic meters. This is already a very large space ring. Put everything in the space ring. Li Cong needs to transport these rings. Wouldn't it save a lot of space? Well, of course, there is no way for people to fit in. As long as the airships produced on Earth are transported, they will all return to the northern front to transport soldiers back. As for the so-called strategic materials in the local area, Li has never thought about it. After I have to ship it back, those things are simply not worth mentioning compared to human beings. If you lose them, you will lose your own money. Are you afraid that you won’t be able to buy these things in the future? Besides, even if you can't buy it, both the earth and your little son can support you, and they don't feel the materials there.

People on the earth are also very surprised. Isn't there anything wrong with their empire? There should be a lot of things, but why did we inspect two airship manufacturing and processing plants one after another in one day? Such processing plants are the most terminal processing plants on the earth, and basically the things they produce are similar to human beings. No connection? No one would come here to buy an airship stupidly. Of course, this kind of thing is not completely used on the earth. For example, it is okay to do some advertising to let him stay in the sky of a city for a long time. Wouldn't it be expected that they could not think of anything like this? No one would use such a thing as a means of transportation, his speed is too slow, even if the current airship can be improved to run hundreds of kilometers in an hour, it is useless, because some other communication tools are really too It's almost like some personal flying tools that can reach thousands of kilometers per hour. Why use such things to waste your time.

During the inspection, His Majesty also discovered that these waste processing plants have serious shortages of personnel. It is no wonder that the salary offered here is not very high. These people are not willing to waste their time here. know. Just go to work on a planet other than the earth for a year, and they will be able to live comfortably and do a good job for a few years when they come back. Why do they find such a place? There is no way that His Majesty the Emperor can only give a part of the money from his pocket as a reward to you. For example, as long as you are new to work from now on, you can get 50 grams of gold by working here for an extra day. This 50 grams of gold is equivalent to tens of thousands of dollars on the earth, and it is definitely a lot. Of course, you must be qualified to make it. It is only needed for this period of time, and you need to pay it later. It's hard to say, because now is the time when the airship is urgently needed and will not be needed in the future. Maybe you were fired.

The airship processing plant is now open, and its own horsepower has also used all of the scrapped workshops. There are many workers from the emperor’s own subsidized photos, and they are all very familiar with this processing. It's easy to learn. People on the earth are now learning some high-tech things, for this kind of things without much technical content. What they learn is very fast. In just a few hours, they can slowly assemble all of them like a skilled worker. Many people on the earth know that this kind of thing may be a secret weapon. When they came in, they also included some reporters. They also wanted to see what the empire was doing? But when these reporters really did it for a day here, they realized that they were producing airships, that is, they were producing older vehicles. They had no plans at all. There was no such big conspiracy as they thought, and now they left in disappointment.

In addition to the airship processing plants on the earth, there are other airship processing plants in the solar system. Now Li Er also ordered them to start all production. Human resources in outer space are even more lacking. There is no way, for your father’s affairs. If only some of the royal spacecraft can be mobilized to start transporting tens of thousands of people who used to work overtime to produce this thing, automated equipment can make these things easier, but some places also require manual labor, such as security checks. At the time, the security check of this machine just doesn't work. People can have a lot of humanity. These things are for people and not for machines. In addition, other imperial science and technology departments have begun to produce a batch of robots, which are specially made for these airships. robot. Let them fly the plane to take off and land smoothly, and transport them to one place to repeat these tasks. As for other things, they don’t need them to do. This task is very simple and can be completed in a short time.

After doing all this, Li Er thought that his father might need something else. The individual weapon on his father's side was a serial crossbow. He immediately took out a new generation of serial crossbow made by the Imperial Ministry of Science and Technology. , The appearance of this kind of serial crossbow is no different than that of the previous generation, but some of the differences are that they are no longer using the kind of bows and arrows, and the tools they use can be said to be stronger and more clear, but The lethality is more powerful. The main reason is that the above spring has been improved to make his elasticity more bold, and the wood has become harder, and even some other chemicals have been added to it, so to speak, right here From there, the cavalry among the four empires wear heavy armor, even those heavy cavalry can easily kill them with a serial crossbow, even after shooting through one person, the second person will be beaten by this huge impact. .

Baby, your powerful serial link, even Li Cong never thought that its power can reach the ability of a normal sniper rifle. This kind of thing is really very powerful. This kind of thing on the planet Li Cong is huge murderous. It’s not an exaggeration for anyone who has mastered this kind of thing to master the process of war. Large-scale production of this kind of thing has also begun on the earth. The production of this kind of thing is all automated, and humans can just assist. , So it can produce nearly two million things like this every day. As for the supply of ammunition, Li Cong can also take local materials from that planet. What Li Cong takes here is the same as that on rty planet. All the small family workshops produce such materials to a family, let them make this kind of thing in their own family, and then hand over the work to themselves. The other part is to let slaves do it. How much slave production? You can become a free man after you bring such a thing into your own army for many years.

You said that there is still no problem with the supply of ammunition, and some are being produced here on earth for emergencies. Of course, these can be said to be useless, but I think my father will need a lot there. For the help of his father, the idle labor on this side of the earth is too much for the royal family, why not help his father do something? The only huge disadvantage compared to the other side of the earth is that the population is not Although the population on the earth has already reached over ten billion, it is compared with the planet where Li is engaged. , It’s just a drop in the bucket. There is no way to compare it with others. If one of the empires is drawn together, it is much more than the population on the earth, but the productivity on the earth is not lower than them. The productivity on the earth is not known to them. How many times are everyone there? This is because the useful mechanized production on the earth can be manifested in agricultural production, and the productivity of people over there is definitely not on the same level as people here.

Take food from the land as an example. This is the most productive aspect. All on the earth is mechanized production. An agricultural team can feed hundreds of thousands of people with about ten people. These ten people hold more than dozens of land. Wanbu, they are all planted by plane, and watering is also natural and large tractor plowing. Things are running on the land over and over again. Even if it is slow, three or four people can take these things quickly in a day. The harvest is over, and anyone on that planet can only take care of two or three acres of land a year. If it exceeds this amount, they can’t be able to take care of it, and there is no flower fertilizer on that planet. It’s impossible to make high-yield food. Even if it’s something that Li designed from it, it’s impossible to get such a high yield there. It can only be the first seed on earth, Li Er The thing is that all the help that can be given to father now is given to him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

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