Energy Group

Chapter 2051:

King Ning himself didn't expect such a thing to happen, nor did he expect that the court would characterize it as an aggression. Are these Cao's merchants really here to invade? Didn't they discuss with the court and they will enter here in the future? It’s really a shame to be a prince myself. If a lot of people would stand up and shout for themselves in the past, they would also tell the court that they were innocent at all, even if the Cao’s family firm did not attack their place. And can the ministers who attack other places be able to resist it? That is also impossible. Your own army can be said to be the most powerful army in the entire empire. The armies of other ministers are not as good as your own. If they are allowed to resist, they will probably fail more thoroughly. How much are they still resisting? If they did, all the sites would be lost.

His Majesty’s first thing was to demote King Ning’s prince’s title by one level and became a county prince. He was originally a prince, and he was the most noble and powerful among all princes, but now he has become Although it is only a word difference, the power represented by the county king is indeed very powerful. It is like his own fief, his own army and his own clothing all have a decline, and the blow is still very large. It’s just like the carriage that I’m making now. When I was a prince, I used to have a carriage that could seat 20 people. It can be seen that it is very difficult for 10 people to do it on the way to the capital. The thoughts have turned into despair and go back, and the ministers in some places simply don't come out to see him. Because the court stipulated that all ministers would only come out to greet the prince when he was out. As for the princess? That would be unnecessary.

There has never been a lack of people in the world who look at things like this. They have already seen that the emperor’s patience with His Highness King Ning has reached a certain level, and he will not continue to endure it, so he continues to flatter There is no need for King Ning. After King Ning returns to the capital, he still doesn't know how to live his life? Seeing that the emperor’s present temperament might even drive His Majesty King Ning into the abyss of immortality, this is also possible. When His Majesty the Emperor was fighting against the Linghu family on the front line, it was already extremely dangerous. At this time, His Royal Highness King Ning is not in the capital to support him. Why did he run into his fief and start brewing something big? Everyone knows that major event, it is nothing more than rebellion. What major event can be brewing besides this event? This kind of thing that took advantage of the danger was that King Ning had done it, and now we have to bear the consequences.

Most ministers think so. When King Ning was waiting for the emperor to confront. They choose to be neutral. Now I still feel that we should choose neutrality, but some of the brains are faster, you can choose neutrality on the emperor's side. He won't hold you accountable for the stability of the empire? If you choose to be neutral when he comes back to attack King Ning, you will not be eye-opening. Your Majesty wants to find a step and you have to put your body on it as a step. This King of Restlessness Just starting from his own fiefdom, the memorials of impeaching King Ning by the imperial court are full of the entire kitchen. His Majesty only glanced at these folds. He wants to deal with King Ning. You people also come to the cake. No, where did you go when the king was in the capital and forced Lao Tzu to step down? It's not just a bunch of grass.

Although His Majesty the emperor thought so, he could not do that yet. Now that he wants to fight against King Ning, these people's support here is also necessary. King Ning's strength in the capital still exists, not because it is from the prince. After becoming a county king, these forces will fall apart. It is like many ministers know that they have their black materials in their hands. For Li Cong, these materials must have been destroyed, but they didn't know that they thought they were. The information is in the hands of King Ning. When King Ning returned to the capital this time, he added a dozen carriages to the back of his car, with luxurious boxes on it. Why did he say that the contents must be Those hundreds of officials’ files, but as long as they have the brains, they will think about King Ning’s strength. Doesn’t he even have a space ring? Should he put it in his own hand or put it in the car? This is something even a three-year-old child understands.

Obviously, there is no silver or three hundred taels in this place. If you really have these things in your hands, how could it show up.

There are many people who have other ideas. For example, those people think about His Royal Highness Ning. This is to bring these things out to remind those people that you are still in my hands. When you are in Beijing, you must think carefully when you are talking and when doing errands. Who is the master behind you? If you really fall down on the side of His Majesty the Emperor, you will publish all these contents. Will His Majesty the Emperor use you? Even if it is temporarily because of the struggle with King Ning that you are all contracted, but in the future, will you be able to live well for the rest of your life? That's impossible. An emperor absolutely does not allow half-hearted behavior among his subordinates. Some of you are not half-hearted, and there are even several masters? No one needs such a minister. When the time comes, your good days will come to an end. It is better to assist His Highness King Ning now, and it will be good from the end.

In terms of armed forces, after his Majesty returned to the capital, his majesty has already made major changes to the defense of the capital. Therefore, the generals who are related to King Ning are now being transferred out of the capital either for this reason or for that reason. Otherwise, he was promoted directly to the ministry and became a member of the court, and had no contact with the general who actually commanded the army. Although this kind of thing is not what King Ning wants to see, what does she have? How to change? That was not there at all. His Majesty the Emperor was actually the highest leader of the entire empire. He wanted anyone in charge of the army to be in charge of the army. Even some ministers in the imperial court, and the iron King Ning faction were all changed. It is impossible for them to continue to let them stay. If they stay, they will cause great trouble to the Emperor in the next struggle!

The chief executives of all parts of the empire have noticed it every year. They used to give his Highness King Ning an eyebrow. Now they can see that they can’t continue to sway like that. If they continue to be half-hearted, the emperor might take himself. The operation was done, and immediately King Ning's various industries within the entire empire ended. For example, problems of this type or type that were acquired due to business reasons, all appeared one by one. In the past, these problems were not considered problems. But now these problems have emerged, and a very small problem will be magnified by the user holding a magnifying glass. Such problems will accumulate and it is not a small problem. His Royal Highness Ning is now involved in a situation of embarrassment on all sides. There are definitely a lot of people who beat down the dog. Up and down the entire empire. Anyone with a certain status hopes that they can get rid of Ning Wang.

King Ning was completely out of ideas on the road. At his current speed, he could reach the capital in one month. What he originally wanted was to slowly think about the way to deal with it in this month. After all, I have existed for tens of thousands of years, and some of my own background is still very powerful. If I really took it out, I think the Emperor would not have the courage to tear his face apart. The disaster that the Eastern Empire has encountered recently. There are too many problems. First is the problem of Thunder Gate, then the problem of Linghu family, and then comes out again. The harassment of Cao's family business in coastal areas and even the occupation of a large number of islands in coastal areas has now come to the Qing Dynasty and Linghu The family, and then myself, it can be said that it has not been idle. For the entire country, the overall national strength has declined, but it is very powerful. If the Emperor is in full-scale war with him, the Eastern Empire will be in danger and he will risk Does this risk deal with yourself?

The truth that His Royal Highness King Ning understands. As the emperor of the Eastern Empire, he naturally understands it. The reason why he dares to risk the world’s disobedience against King Ning is also to alert those eager forces in the capital. This time the crusade against Linghu The family, the entire capital city can almost be said to be shaking, the entire empire is spent in restlessness, the people of the small forces are not qualified to stand up and jump, want to follow the big forces, the people of the big forces are naturally not reconciled to the current situation. If you want to expand your power, it hurts your majesty’s interests. This time, His Majesty Ning is a target, and other dishonest princes and dukes will be slowly accepted for rectification. If the emperor was affirmed in the past Those who don't have this strength, because he wants to deal with Linghu family, but now he is free, these small forces that are not large forces compared to Linghu family have ended.

The most important thing for King Ning now is to think about how he can keep his current position and make a comeback. Although he is only a county king now, if he can keep it, he will be lurking for many years and waiting for the current Emperor to return to the west. Opportunity, if he can’t even keep the seat of the county king, that’s the most terrible thing, so now he can’t make any mistakes. In addition to those things, he has a lot of money this time. He is going to be a wealthy boy in the capital. As long as he is a person, he has to give away the money in his hand. They must use all the power they can to plead for himself. Where is the emperor and the queen mother? Where are the major palaces? They are all objects that need to be managed by themselves, and the money they have left over the years can be thrown out to let them keep their seats. This is the most important thing.

I feel that I can earn this kind of property in the past. After ten thousand years, I can also own more property. I don’t need all kinds of real estate and shops all over the country. I just pack them and send them out. If there are still people who want to take it, then their own future can be scheduled. If at that time even someone dares to take it and confiscates it, then is it a play? As long as someone receives a gift from her, she has a certain relationship with herself. If the emperor wants to uproot herself, he must also get these people up. When the time comes, he will not blame everyone, and the emperor will definitely Choosing, reluctantly staying with me, I have to change my current strategy at that time. It is absolutely impossible to try to be strong everywhere. If I have to lock myself in a house for a hundred years, I will be able to do so sooner or later. It's the fate now.

King Ning knew that he was too strong before, and he refused to give in. For example, in the past, His Majesty the Emperor got a very beautiful cup, and the cup itself felt nothing. It was nothing more than a transparent thing produced by Cao’s Commercial Bank. However, His Royal Highness Ning worked hard. I found one that is even more beautiful than the one of the Emperor. The Emperor who is showing off here feels very embarrassed. This kind of thing must never happen in the future. If such a thing still happens, it would be too much for myself. Incompetent, His Majesty the Emperor is also an ambitious person and needs others to flatter him. He who had never bowed his head began to flatter him. He should be very satisfied, thinking of this, His Majesty King Ning felt a moment of depression in his heart, but there was no other way. Think of a way. There is another way for this word. Can it be used?

King Ning slowly turned over his palm, and when he came over, there was a small black line that could not be seen with the eyes, but he could feel it. That is the sign of the black potionist. I didn’t have this symbol before because my black potionist was not very powerful yet, but now it has reached a certain level. The black potionist wants to continue to develop in this world. , I will only unite with some powerful people. I am their partner in the Eastern Empire, and they also said that if they need it, they will send a large number of people to help them seize power. This is just the last step. Even if you have gained power by relying on their power, what can you get in the end? The common people don't want to be with themselves at all. The most important thing is that they really come, that is, to bring disasters to things. They don't want a broken empire.

Looking at Li Cong, the coastal province of King Ning has become less defensive because of King Ning’s departure. Now the Marine Corps is lined up to accept one city after another. Among these cities Although most of the wealth was taken away by King Ning, there is still a lot of it left. For example, these land is a very important wealth. Li Cong has planned it and will do it well in the future. To develop these coastal areas, coastal areas are always better than inland areas to be developed. Now that King Ning is gone, these lands will become some land without a master, and you can just take them directly. King Ning bought some other houses or something? These are all unnecessary, and they are all things that can't be moved. Of course, he didn't move some of the expensive decorations, but they didn't leave them for you. They were all burned, this **** guy.

It will take about two months for a province to be occupied. After all, there are some small armed forces in various places. These armed forces still think that His Royal Highness King Ning can bring troops from the capital to assist them, but in fact they are not moving. Think about it in your own mind. The war has already started. After so long, if there were reinforcements, it would have come long ago. But look at the provinces around you. There are millions of troops. Why are there even one? None of the soldiers were sent to you. This shows a problem. They received an order from above, and it is impossible to send an army. Who is the advantage? Then only they know it. The emperor must have ordered the surrounding generals not to send troops over, otherwise the people who took King Ning’s order would not be able to transfer the army over, and now no army has come. If you understand that you die here without a careless resistance, it's simply taking your own life wrong.

When Li Cong’s army took control of the seashore, the voyage army also came over. They brought Yang Decai and most of his men. It was only after two days of interrogation that Yang Da finally revealed the things on the ship. Li Cong looked at the files of Hundred Turns and hesitated, whether he wanted to leave these things behind. At this stage, he can stay, but in the future, the Eastern Empire will be a very large empire. , It’s bigger than the other three empires combined, especially the colonies on the sea. It’s impossible for him to completely control these people. It’s impossible for him to completely control these people, these hundred officials. Although the archives are very important, the emperor of the Eastern Empire also knew about this. Once he arranged everything, he would come back and ask for these things from himself. These things might become an excuse to go to war. What if you don't want to go to war?

When Li Cong considered the problem, he always considered it very comprehensively. Now, the Cao's house has the upper hand. Because I have provided a large number of new weapons and some advanced management experience, a future person’s identity to fight these ancient people is of course a higher chance of victory. These ancient people don’t even have the chance to fight back, even if they are. It must be a failure to fight back, and there is no possibility of success, but what about the future? 30 years in the east of the Hexi, 30 years in the Hexi, the planet is so huge, there may still be many places that you don't know, if all those things come out. Do you need a few allies? It is impossible for me to regard all the people of the entire planet as his own enemies. Now, I really don’t have a few reliable allies. Even friends are using each other. Such things make Li Cong feel very Confusion. But after thinking about it carefully, do you understand that the two sides are opposed?

Li Cong himself comes from an outer space. The main purpose of his coming here is to conquer this planet. And the original strength on this planet belonged to the four imperial royal families, and they and Li Cong were originally on opposite sides. The reason why there was some contact and some cooperation in the past is also because it is temporary. If long-term cooperation continues, it is impossible. The royal families of the four empires have reached a consensus long ago to jointly strangle the Cao family. The strength of the firm is only due to the fact that the Cao's firm is relatively strong. They can't find the opportunity to do it for a while, and they don't have the ability to destroy the Cao's firm, but what about the future? It is impossible for Cao's family firm to remain so strong forever, and there are still some unrevealed strengths on the entire planet. Once those strengths are exposed, it may be impossible for Cao's family firm to resist. Think about these Li Cong still hope It is better to have a strong fixed ally.

When Li Cong expressed his idea, some of his staff thought that if he wanted to find friends, he could not find the emperor of the Eastern Empire. Li Cong also knew that the emperors of the four empires were compared to the emperors of the Eastern Empire. It can be said that he is the person with the deepest scheming and the most powerful. If he wants to calculate others, he has the brain and the strength that is completely different from the emperors of the other three empires. Most of the emperors have been ruined by hedonism. Even if they have their own ideas in their hearts, they don’t have that strength. Therefore, if you want to cooperate, it is better to cooperate with the emperors of the Eastern Empire. Li Cong and the four empires The emperor with the worst relationship is the emperor of the Eastern Empire. In recent years, apart from the war with the Eastern Empire, Li Cong really has nothing else to do. Thinking of this, Li Cong touched his temple helplessly. This thing is really tricky!

After a day of thinking and discussing with the people around him, Li Cong decided that it was better not to leave these things on his own. If he left these things on his own, he would find a curse for himself and find someone to let the Eastern Empire emperor follow him. The excuse of doing it yourself, I must never leave this excuse to him. Although I may not be united with the emperor of the Eastern Empire in the future, there is such a chance that I cannot give up, especially since I have been in the East in the recent period. Some experiences in the empire made him feel that the Eastern Empire is so much stronger than the other three empires. Even if the Eastern Empire has experienced so many things, the foundation of the entire empire has not been broken. Among the other three empires, it is estimated that the three empires are already subjugated, and the three empires can unite to fight against the Eastern Empire. This can explain the strength of the Eastern Empire.

After hearing Li Cong’s thoughts, some of the people were silent, but they could tell from their expressions that they were not willing to give these things to the royal family of the Eastern Empire, even if they didn’t give the news. Take out all of them, take out only one or two of them, or take them out when you use them. That is also a very cost-effective thing. The officials of the Eastern Empire are very greedy. If they want to feed them with money I don’t know how much it will cost, and it’s not very useful. It’s better to go to them with some of the things inside to make sure that they do things for themselves properly and treat themselves as guests. Li Cong knew their thoughts very well, but in the end Li Cong still didn’t take their approach. He still used airships to transport these things to the capital, and transport them to the capital at the fastest speed. , So that the heart of which emperor can be at ease.

For the other three empires, they were also very surprised. His Majesty the emperor of the Eastern Empire was able to reach an agreement with Cao’s House of Business. You must know that the imperial family of the Eastern Empire suffered a big loss during the negotiations with Li Cong on the southern coast in the previous period. They should be the kind of enemies who quarrel when they meet. There would be no intention to negotiate. They did not expect that they would accept such an outcome in such a short period of time. This really made the royal families of the three empires feel very puzzled. In their opinion, this war It should have been a protracted war, and the Eastern Empire royal family should have annihilated the Linghu family. The Linghu family and Cao's firm are allies. The most powerful ally of the Cao’s House of Commerce in the Eastern Empire is the Linghu family. It is impossible for him to let the Linghu family lose its base so much. Therefore, the Cao’s House of Commerce will deploy a large number of troops to help the Linghu family, and this time That is when Cao's firm was weakest. They will also take action against Cao's firm.

The tiger, king of beasts, is like this. If not deal with him when he is weakest. Then you won't find a chance to deal with him in your entire life. The high-levels of the three empires are already in contact, watching the Eastern Empire emperor fighting against Cao's house. The strength of Cao’s House of Business is the weakest. At this time, if you don’t deal with Cao’s House of Business, it will simply give up all opportunities. At this time, Cao’s House of Business will definitely transfer a large number of troops away. As for Cao’s powerful navy, they are not very scared at all, because their coastal areas are not very developed at all, and it’s a big deal to move some people from the coastal areas to the inland. They have that courage, and it’s okay for some people not to live. As long as they can pull out the huge nail of Cao’s House, that’s a very happy thing. It’s a pity that their abacus is completely empty.

Li Cong understood some of their thoughts very well. Before they could take any action, Li Cong had already changed his army. The original chain was no longer needed. The original range was about three kilometers. Now All the serial crossbows that Xin had changed to reached 3,500 meters, and the magazines increased to 15 rounds. Don’t underestimate such a simple number. The improvement is not just that. You must know that a team is based on 1,500 people. This means that these 1500 people can be used as the previous two thousand people. In this way, the combat effectiveness has been increased by 30%. The use of one weapon can increase the combat effectiveness by 30%. On this planet, it can be said to be It is unique and has appeared in large numbers on the earth, but some of the technologies on the earth will not appear on this planet, and they cannot be said to the same day.

The other thing is the grenade. In the past, Li Cong would never add some very explosive gunpowder. Now the situation is urgent and he can't take care of that much. In the past, a grenade used to be at most two around. The three-meter area was affected, and now the newly developed high-explosive gunpowder on the earth is added. If it is thrown out, within four or five meters of the surrounding area, as long as there are people who are either dead or seriously injured, and these shrapnel will become even more severe after the explosion. If you want human life, it’s very easy. Li Cong distributed all these things. The most important thing is to add them to the cities of the three empires. These are the cities and three cities occupied by Li Cong. The great empire has discussed it. If you want to remove these cities, you have to see if your mouth is enough. If it is not hard enough, I advise you not to take the humiliation by yourself. Otherwise, it will be your own. thing.

At present, the Cao’s Army has begun to modernize and transform, and these various equipment are slowly keeping up. Although it is not yet possible for large-scale troops to be replaced with these new equipment, among them A small army in the United States will also be replaced. For example, an army that has been organized to 10,000 people, at least 1,000 people, is equipped with new weapons, and the rest can be eliminated with the old ones. If you really fight In the beginning of the war, the combat power is generally much stronger than the armies of the four empires. Of course, Li Cong also found some shortcomings, that is, when recruits go to the battlefield, they will still be afraid, or they will hold the trigger and not move directly. Release all the arrows on your serial crossbow. This is very detrimental to the entire battle, especially the logistics of the army. It can't keep up with it. No matter how powerful the productivity increases, it can't keep up with the hard launch of these people. Bow and arrow.

Looking at the Fox Hunting family again, even though Linghu Jiazhong's army was not wiped out after this war. But their losses are also a lot. A full fifty provinces have been occupied by others. If they used to be the Linghu family, they might not look down on these cards. After all, there are still a lot of cards in the entire empire. But now those assets have become those of the Eastern Empire imperial family. I have to say that, except for those that can not be taken away, all of the Linghu family’s assets have been ended by the Emperor. It is him. He accepted it by himself rather than the entire royal family. He used to want to score points to some people in the royal family, but now he has received it directly in his pocket. I don't want to share it with other people in the royal family. He also saw that if they were given to other princes and dukes, these things might become tools to rebel against him in the future, he himself was not that stupid. So most things are better left by yourself. It's better to give your own son to those guys when you die.

Those fifty provinces are the last support of the Linghu family. The overseas territories are gone. Most of the overseas territories were accepted by the Cao family merchants. It can be said that the Linghu family was divided by the Eastern Empire emperor and the Cao family merchants. It’s not too much to say that. The benefits of the Eastern Empire emperor and Li Cong are really not a little bit. Li benefits from the empire and benefits from the Linghu family. His middleman is just like on earth. Like some of the black intermediaries, both sides take bonuses and please both sides, so that the people on both sides have not achieved their respective goals. On the contrary, they are very full. The food is a bit too ugly. Li Cong also doesn't care about these. It’s good to get the actual benefits. I don’t spend money on it. I use the army and the navy. My military expenditure is also a large amount. Of course, I need to find them to supplement it. Our army needs to move. After spending thousands of dollars, what did I get from you people wrong?

Now the cooperation between Li Cong and His Majesty the Eastern Empire has not yet been completed. There is a more important aspect of their cooperation, which is about the actions of the black magic potionists, who were knocked out by Li Cong as soon as they appeared. , It’s just that the clue is King Ning. His Royal Highness Ning is now going to the capital. The plan of His Majesty and Li Cong is to start to persecute King Ning. After all, this is a place with laws. Although there are emperors, the emperor can The common people don’t need laws, but it’s not acceptable to His Royal Highness Ning. His Royal Highness Ning is the most beloved son of the previous emperor after all, and there is still such a decree. The people of the empire didn't dare to say anything, but they would think something in their hearts. It would be absolutely detrimental to the emperor's future rule. Therefore, King Ning, who must be forced to shake out the affairs of the Black Mage, as long as it is him It's easy to talk about anything related to this matter.

His Royal Highness Ning also understood this principle, so he didn't want to take that step. When it was really time to take that step, it was his last time, and there was no way out? The black magic potionist is a taboo existence on this continent. Talking about relationships with these people does not do any good. These noble people don’t want to be with them. They will be strangled by all the magicians. Sometimes the black magic potionist is not pleasing to the eye, as long as you have nothing to do with her, no matter if you are a king, even the emperor of a country, they will stand up and resist. Many people say that the magician’s brain is lacking. Xian's, this is indeed not wrong. As long as it is something they look for in their hearts, they will pay a huge price and have to complete it. The Black Grind Apothecary is the first law of all magicians, and all magician guilds will support this The most important thing in the world is that all high-level magicians will participate in this matter, which is a huge combat power.

The first part of His Majesty the Eastern Empire has been completed, and classmate Li has completed the second part. Together, the two of them interrupted His Royal Highness Ning’s hands. Now it’s up to your Royal Highness to do it. His own hands have grown up. The power of the Ning Palace in the capital can be said to have weakened very much. Besides, his fief was directly occupied by the people of the Cao Family Commercial Bank. Li is standing at the gate away from the Palace from now on. Go up, look at the three shining words on it. It was possible for him to come here before, but this is someone else’s home, which has nothing to do with him. From now on this brand will be taken off. , If you want to replace the Cao's House of Business, from now on this will become the headquarters of the Cao's House in the Eastern Empire. How did the situation of the Eastern Empire change? The Cao's House of Commerce was there after all, and the Eastern Empire had its own territory, a large territory, and a whole province.

Alas, we have been fighting for many years in the Eastern Empire. This is a place where we have never settled. Although there are some cities in the south that belong to us, they still belong to the Eastern Empire on the surface, and we cannot be brazen there. It’s not the same now. I didn’t expect that the entire palace will be our future headquarters. It covers an area, but it’s really big and can accommodate tens of thousands of people working in it. He was transferred from another place, UU Reading www.uukā, he has served as the general manager of the Eastern Empire. From now on, all Cao’s business affairs in the Eastern Empire will be controlled by this guy. He used to be in the Western Empire. I have taken care of these things in the past when I opened up. It can be said that I have deep work experience. Li Cong is very relieved to leave everything here to him, because the next expansion will be some very, scattered things. Li Tong will not temporarily He will be responsible for these things, he will be very troubled when he sees these things, and he should leave it to this guy to do it well.

What's so happy? This is just a province. I asked you to arrange this optional work. I asked you to arrange the work of the manager of the entire Eastern Empire. The empire’s xenophobic thinking is much stronger than that of the other three empires. Did you pass me in Xi’an back then? There is also Prince Zheng’s protection and his help. In the Southern Empire, after our victory, not many people dare to confront us, but in the Eastern Empire, it is estimated that the emperor issued an order to strangle our price adjustment list. Of course, it was not a frontal army killing, but a commercial one. The commerce of the Eastern Empire is very developed. The merchant ship trade here is also very powerful. If we can’t integrate into this circle, we may be killed by them. But the very unclear female classmate said emphatically that, indeed, the business of the Eastern Empire was just like what he said, all crises and not all benefits. (To be continued...)

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