Energy Group

Chapter 2053:

Lord Wang was originally named Wang Quantai. In the past, he could be regarded as a guy who could be called loudly in the court. His name was also good. Of course, he was a genius when he was a boy. He was good for the court and the entire empire. There is definitely credit for it, but no one has been with him for more than ten years. For nothing else, just for the things that this guy said, this* is dying. There are ten people out of ten people in the emperor’s thoughts. Understand, this old guy didn't understand, and didn't know what he was thinking in his mind. What the Emperor feared was that he would no longer have the gap with the other three empires. But what are you doing now? You are trying to shorten the gap between them. It would be weird if you can continue to be an official.

When Wang Quantai was ten years old, there were already signs of genius. At the beginning, all four of their brothers were studying in the school. It is a pity that the other three brothers have no talent for studying. They are not skipping classes today. That is, Mr. Wang will find his home tomorrow. For Wang Quantai, he feels that this is where he needs to work after he has been in touch with books. The ancestors of the Wang family have not seen a scholar in thousands of years. All of them are farmers in the land, and there are more people dealing with the land, but the current social atmosphere is like this. Since even the husband said that this kid has the ability to read, this is extraordinary. This Wang Quantai's old man immediately Just let the other brothers not study, and let Wang Quantai start his study time with all his strength. The other brothers immediately responded to his father’s call. This was simply saving them. For them, let them Working in that room for a day is simply killing them. It's not too uncomfortable to mention it all. It's obviously that they didn't work hard one by one, but now they say that this thing was made by them, Wang Quantai's three After Wang Quantai returned home, the younger brother told his children one by one. It was they who gave up the opportunity to study at the beginning, and this uncle had the opportunity to study and then had the opportunity to go to the capital, but now it is such a scene, no doubt that their eldest brother will not seize the opportunity and let them have a good life. It was also affected.

At that time, Wang Quantai was really capable. There were about fifty people in the school at that time. Let's go to the township examination together, which is the lowest level of the Eastern Empire's imperial examination system. There are about 500 students in the entire township, ten of whom can have the reputation of being a talent. The ratio is also very difficult. There is a one-in-fifth chance that Wang Quantai will get it. This makes his Lao Tzu happy. It's not clear, this *Lao Wang family hasn't seen a scholar in many years, and now it has appeared, such a thing actually appeared in their Lao Wang family. One by one is really happy. Several of his brothers have also received a lot of admiration, because this society is like this. As long as there is a scholar in your family, the status of the whole family All of them can be improved a lot. Wang Quantai still remembers the scene when the mayor personally visited the door, there were only ten in the whole town. These ten talents will definitely have better achievements in the future, and it is okay to pave the way now. Wang Quantai is also the first time he has received “donations”.

This donation can be said to be a special thing in the Eastern Empire. Generally speaking, scholars do not have the ability to support themselves. If the family conditions are good, the family will give him money to continue his studies. However, if the conditions at home are not very good, a good seedling may be delayed. Therefore, in order to encourage the people below to study, the senior officials of the Eastern Empire generally asked some chief executives and large families to spend a certain amount every year. Money is used to supplement the hands of poor people in these families. This is the so-called donation. Of course, those who accept the money must also remember the name of their benefactor. In the future, if there are any famous names in the court, this is all to be reciprocated. Although this method has helped the Eastern Empire a lot of education, it will also allow these new champions to be connected with some of the imperial powers. Anyway, no matter what things are pros and cons, in order to allow more talents to appear in the Eastern Empire, the disadvantages of such a connection can be tolerated. The emperor of the Eastern Empire thought so.

According to the original practice, the mayor’s annual salary was only 150 taels of silver. At the beginning, the price of grain in the Eastern Empire was 18 cents per catty of wheat. The imperial court stipulated that every talented talent must have 20 cents of the mayor’s salary. For one, the mayor of the money should just put it on his own. In the coming year, there will be other ways to make up for the mayor. The seven-two-five-dollar coin is the money that Wang Quantai should have taken at the beginning, but it is also among the ten talents. There is a good family background. According to another unspoken rule, these people don’t need the money, and their money will also be used. This is also a good rule. At least the money goes to those who need help. It won’t be wasted. Just think of the talents of the past. They have hundreds of acres of land in their families. The money is really nothing, and it’s not needed at all, so they don’t need it. The money is divided equally. In the hands of other talents, there were twelve taels of silver in Wang Quantai's hands.

Generally speaking, these rural people usually use copper coins, which are 18 cents per catty. Their impression of silver is that they have seen it, but there is no such thing in their own family. One or two silver is nearly 60 catties of grain. In their age, the grain in the ground is only a few hundred catties a year, but it is not as terrifying as the grain on the earth. Many people can’t have enough to eat at home. There are more than ten taels of silver. For the people at the beginning, this is even a huge wealth. Moreover, according to the rules of the court, there will be a subsidy of one taels of silver every month. This is also the honor of the Eastern Empire. People are kind of compensation. It can be said that Wang Quantai no longer needs to be raised by the family at this time. He can already support himself. But Wang Quantai naturally knows the situation of his family. I didn’t keep all the money, but gave it all to my father. Then there was the Wang’s compound, a good fellow. There were a few large tiled houses at the beginning, which made the surrounding villagers envy for a long time. All of the educated children have to learn from Wang Quantai. What is the use of doing a lifetime of farming? Look at other people. After a few years of reading, they have brought such good benefits to the family.

Except for the one or two silvers given by the court every month thereafter. The mayor also gave one or two silvers, and some of the surrounding rich people also wanted to get in touch with the future officials. If one hundred catties of grain is given this month, they will be given a set of four treasures for the study. The Wang family in this town is very delicious. It was brought by Wang Quantai back then, but this is all in the initial stage. They don't know that the greatest achievements of scholars are in the future.

Three years later, the county test began. This can be said to be one of the most important components of the Eastern Empire’s imperial examination system. Talents from the entire county will gather together. This is the time for them to truly enter the political stage, often even the county. Let’s save face. The entire county has a population of one hundred thousand and thousands of talents. This is much better than the college entrance examination on earth. After all, most college entrance examinations on the earth are fresh graduates. Here There are many talents in their sixties. In addition, people on this planet live longer than people on earth, so there are a lot of students. Many old talents are even more talented than some masters, but they are all out of luck. That's it. Besides, there have been a lot of fraud and other things in the past few years, and this matter and that matter are added together. The difficulty has increased a lot.

At that time, Wang Quantai was very high-spirited. He was only 19 years old, but he was the youngest talent in the entire county. At the beginning, many people were not optimistic about this young man. Generally speaking, three out of thousands of talented talents can only be selected. Very good, but there were four out of that year. Because the examiner came from the provincial government, the articles by the three old scholars in the county are already very good, but he is also very satisfied with Wang Quantai’s articles, especially the fonts in that hand, which is also very good. It's amazing, there can be no better than him in the entire county, since all the scholars in the province have spoken. These officials in their county naturally did not have the guts to stop them. In this way, Wang Quantai became the youngest person in the history of their county. This is a remarkable thing, only three years. There are three people, so since history, there is only one in ten thousand years. How many people can there be in this * ten thousand years? There are only a dozen people alive, and most of them have already gone to other places. There are actually only two people in the county who have a fame, but now that they have been added, it is not bad. Now, especially Wang Quantai, this awesome guy, a young boy, a nineteen-year-old Juren master, let alone the history of their county seat, even in the province, it is very powerful.

This is not just a problem of blue smoke from the ancestral tomb. This matter is a bit dismissed. Now Wang Quantai still remembers that his old man was very happy back then, especially when the court’s hundred taels of silver was delivered to his home. Covered with a yellow cloth, and the two characters on it, "Imperial Gift", this is an unprecedented honor, given by the emperor? There are tens of thousands of people around here, for what they want is to see what the emperor's master looks like. A new dress may not be much better than those worn by the rich and noble masters in the county. A pair of Korean boots is not necessarily so beautiful. Although a hundred taels of silver is quite a lot, but this rich family has seen more, but why are there so many people here? For nothing else, just for one, that is, all these things were shipped from the capital, and these were all given by the emperor, which is amazing.

Where is the capital? Except for the county magistrate who had been to the capital when he became the magistrate, it is estimated that more than 99% of the people in this county have not been there. They have also thought about it. The distance is too far. Advanced fighters can pass, but what about ordinary people? It takes one or two years to go. This is the speed of the horse. If this is a relatively old person, it is estimated that it may be directly given to that on the road. These things are only given a name, basically They were all sent from the province. A Juren is rare among them. For the entire empire, that is nothing. The empire produces more Juren every year. They are all prepared by the emperor? Then the emperor didn't need to do other things.

Mr. Wang was really happy that day. I don’t know what to say. A hundred taels of silver is a huge sum of money. For the dealers back then, these things are their lifeblood. Of course, the honor of Juren is also very great. It's amazing. The mayor who had funded Wang Quantai back then has to start saluting when he sees Wang Quantai. Everyone has to kneel down when they see the county magistrate. But Wang Quantai does not need to. According to the laws of the Eastern Empire, now Wang Quantai does not need to kneel down. In some government offices below the county seat, he does not need to kneel down. Even if he arrives in the provincial capital, he has his own. Status.

From this time on, it can be said that Wang Quantai was already a member of the court. You have the right to write a letter on some local matters, and of course you must obtain some evidence from the local chief executive. In addition, it is necessary to start audits to get to the capital city. Generally speaking, these are impossible to achieve, but no matter how people have this right, they are no longer ordinary people, they can already be regarded as half officials. In terms of salary, 80 taels of silver each year, Wang Quantai's three younger brothers are tired and half dead a year, and in the end they can't save more than a dozen silver. This guy does nothing. The imperial court gives eighty silvers a year, including other festivals and other expenses, a full one hundred taels of silver a year, plus some local officials and gentry, give some pointers For the nephews of those wealthy households, this is another sum of money, after obtaining the qualifications to be elected. Wang Quantai’s annual income is definitely more than four hundred taels of silver. If other people encounter problems that cannot be solved and need to ventilate with the government, Wang Quantai’s words are very easy to use. Even the county magistrate is also very good for face. Only nineteen years old. I only got my current position when I was 40 years old. If this kid got the provincial exam in three years, this would be a great thing. At least it would be equal to myself. In fact, this It's not the best thing yet, if you are attracted by a big family, you will be recruited as an assistant or something. This is even more remarkable. Don't look at the ones without grades, but the words may be much better than those with grades.

In fact, there is such a person in this county town. He also obtained the qualifications of Jinshi a hundred years ago, but he did not continue to go up. Instead, he became a student of a powerful child. It is said that the powerful child has now become the governor. Come on, isn’t it better to be the governor’s assistant than to be a county magistrate? How many magistrates have to flatter, and generally speaking, if the governor is pushed down soon, Naturally, I have to arrange for the people around me, so that I can leave a good reputation for myself, and my son can use it in the future. This is definitely not a county magistrate can use. Yes, you can't find such a thing. The future of this kid is limitless.

At that time, Wang Quantai was very proud of him. The family also saw that it was time for him to get married. When Wang Quantai was a child, his grandfather set him a marriage. The other party was the granddaughter of a hunter who hunted with his grandfather. Now it’s time to get married. The other party has never urged this, but the girls in their family dare not make an appointment with others. They all know that the current Wang’s house is different from before. If it comes to the door If you marry someone else’s grandfather, you will definitely say that you are fawning. Even if the girl is married, she won’t have a good life, but she doesn’t dare to marry by herself. If she finds someone to marry casually, this In case Wang Quantai still remembers what happened at the beginning, this is what they are here. If you go to the Yamen to sue them at their house, it will be a big trouble. Seeing that the girl's age is getting older and older, this The people in the family are also in a hurry, but what is the use of being anxious? They can only wait for Wang Quantai to have a daughter-in-law and their family is in Zhang Luo. This girl’s life may be so delayed, but there is nothing else. Way out.

The Wang family also has a different view on this matter. Although there are not many people who propose to Wang Quantai, there are only a few, but each of them is heavyweight, and they are already some good families in the province. Of course, it’s not from the government. They are just wealthy businessmen. This is not bad. Wang Quantai knows what these businessmen think. Although the businessmen live very well, their family status is not very high. Yes, if there is a son-in-law like Wang Quantai, it is also very good for their family. Of course, this is also because their sons are useless. If their sons are useful, they will naturally not be used. Block the door for yourself.

Wang Quantai's old man is hesitating, and he doesn't know what to say. It is said that his son is so present, he should be looking for a good wife. But his old man is also very filial. The marriage was settled when Wang Quantai was born. If this is not done, wouldn't it be rebellious? Will Wang Quantai's grandfather be stable over there? It shouldn't be possible, but I don't understand this political matter. The county magistrate told me. This matter must be carefully considered, if it is done right. It may be another situation for Wang Quantai, and this day will definitely go well.

Wang Quantai’s younger brothers naturally don’t remember the poor sister-in-law at the time. In their opinion, all three families are okay, but they all belong to families with more than a hundred thousand dollars. If the older brother can marry those from there Sister-in-law, they can all go to work in the city. Although all of them are pretty good now, if there is a better development. No one would refuse, right?

But Wang Quantai’s choice was different from theirs. This guy bought 30 acres of land with two hundred taels of silver, and then took his father and his aunt to be a matchmaker. These three brought some People are gone, this matter has made their people dumbfounded, even Wang Quantai's wife's house is also dumbfounded. If these peasants marry a wife, the maximum amount of twenty taels of silver is considered to be a very good deal. How can they spend so much money? Because of Wang Quantai's arrival, his daughter-in-law also has a very good life. Well, such a thing quickly spread. The younger brothers in the family complained that his father was too much like his eldest brother. Such things can be messed up, but the future things are extraordinary. Although I feel that I have done it right, the sons said They all feel wrong.

But soon they knew that Wang Quantai was doing the right thing, and this matter was quickly spread by the county magistrate, some senior officials in this provincial capital. Of course, there are also some scholars, and all of them are very complimented. They may have thought of who they were back then. All of them came here in a horse-drawn carriage when the autumn was clear and fresh, and got to know Wang Quantai. Yes, although many people here are not very big officials in the province, as far as the county magistrate is concerned, all of them are extraordinary people, and they must be respected, even the highest five officials. , This county magistrate is the seventh-rank official, and the gap is huge.

Wang Quantai’s three younger brothers also stopped talking. So many big figures, all of them are scholars, and all of them are more knowledgeable than their own brothers, but each of them said that his brother did the right thing, then this thing may be done by his brother. By the way, it is natural to listen.

As for each of them looking forward to each position, but nothing is missing because their elder brother did not marry their daughters in the family. They all went to the city as they wished and lived the life of the city people, but they felt far inferior to the ones at home. The time is comfortable. Wang Quantai knows his own reasons for his younger brothers’ lives, but none of the younger brothers are bullying men and women. It’s good to let them go out for exercise. Wang Quantai himself did not adapt himself to outside affairs. , Or continue to read and write honestly at home, waiting for the next exam, the next time is my real success, now is just the beginning.

Many people have lost themselves at this time. This is why every county has several people, but there are only so many scholars in a province. Many people can feel that now their days It’s been a very good time. The days of hard study are too boring. Why do you have to fight hard if you have more enjoyment? If Wang Quantai wants to live comfortably in a county, he is basically If you don’t want to keep going, you can open a library to teach children from wealthy families. It’s okay to spend a few hundred taels a year, and keep talking with the provincial capital. Some of the high-ranking officials and nobles are coming and going, even if something happens in the future, this is probably the thinking of those who have stagnated. Wang Quantai himself is not like that, so he continues to work hard.

Three years later, Wang Quantai came to the fore among thousands of candidates, and became the top scholar in their province this year with the first place. Those who invested in Wang Quantai at the beginning were happy, and the three wanted to follow Wang Quantai. The married family members are regretful. Didn’t you run more diligently at the beginning and take out your daughter’s daughter from your family? Is this Jinshi master the son-in-law of your family? Jinshi has a high social status. Even the governor's government office can enter. They are now equivalent to seven-rank officials. According to the imperial rule, you can get an annual salary of 2,000 taels of silver each year. This is already half of the county magistrate’s annual salary. Of course, they don’t have any other gray income from the county magistrate, but many county magistrates are not scholars. Yes, many people came out by relying on other side doors, and they were scholars who came out but registered in the capital. The empire treats both officials who rely on their ability and those who come out of their homes. Those who rely on their ability to feed themselves. If you want to get them down, you need hard evidence, especially the first place like Wang Quantai. It is estimated that the governors of the provinces are all concerned, how can they be nonsense, so they are basically flattering. of.

Wang Quantai's three younger brothers are also happy at this time, because they are not married yet, even if they want to favor Wang Quantai, they won't let their concubine's daughters be Wang Quantai's concubines, but what if they are the concubines' daughters? It is estimated that Wang Quantai would not even watch it. At this time, they fell in love with the three younger brothers in Wang Quantai’s family. The daughter of a wealthy businessman and the younger brother of the master Jin Shi. This is also a good match. The younger brothers are dumbfounded. It turns out that the older brother didn’t want this kind of marriage back then. Three years later, when they reached the age of marriage, Wang Quantai's Laozi was very happy. The average farmer has four sons. That's really sad. If nothing else, they have to sell their old bones when they get married. Now they don’t need to worry about anything. There is really one. The son who is studying is better than the other three sons who are farming.

After being admitted to the Jinshi. Wang Quantai has three different options. Either he can wait for other county magistrates to become vacant after participating in the training for one year, and then he can go to other places to become officials. This is a three-year term, and he can be born slowly. After a few decades, the general manager can be mixed in the seat of the governor, and there are many such things. The county magistrate is the seventh rank, and the governor is the second rank. Among the ten ranks, according to the requirements of the Eastern Empire, only those who have been evaluated for excellence in three years can be promoted. This excellence is not available every year, at most, it can be obtained in a few years. Just one time, so it’s almost the same to say that you can be the governor in 50 years. Most people basically choose this, because you can taste the benefits of having rights. The following millions of people.

The second is to choose to enter a large family to act as an assistant. Just like the Governor's Mansion, there are more than 30 assistants. They are all responsible for a piece of their own. A person who saves hundreds of millions of dollars is unlikely to be concerned by the Governor. There are so many, so the staff in the governor’s mansion began to help the governor manage such and such things. At the beginning, it was just for them to give their ideas, but as the governor needed to rest later, it was them. Yes, the governor’s salary is more than ten thousand taels of silver each year, and their lives are also very good. Except for the name of the court, they are much better than ordinary county magistrates. When the governor wants to adjust When leaving, part of them will continue to follow the governor, but the other part of the elderly or those with poor health will choose to stay. The governor will usually arrange for them, which is at least better than the county magistrate. The seat is high, so they can’t let people mix here for nothing, so they have a good life. Even if they are now an official, they will have a better life than those who go directly to the county magistrate. After all, they Here is the relationship between the Governor, if the Governor is promoted, the number of people here will have to save face, of course, there are also unfortunate things. The Governor is dismissed from office, and their merits of Jinshi may also be directly pulled down. , This is all possible.

Both of these two can be said to be good choices, but besides these two, there is a third choice, which is to continue studying. Of course, this is also stipulated. This way can also be said. It is the most promising, but it is also considered the poorest. They have to participate in the five-year palace exam, which means they have to set off for the capital now. They must study **** the way to the capital, and be in the carriage every day. It’s a very difficult thing to travel here, let alone studying. Although local officials will be responsible for their eating and drinking issues, and the food and drinking at home will also be in charge, but the two years on the road are really not. How easy it is, many Jinshi just gave up on the road because they couldn’t stand the distance of the journey. After they went back, they started to walk the two roads in front one by one, but this time is different from the previous ones. Many people know that they can't stand the hard work on the way to the capital and they only come back one by one. For such people, although they don’t say anything on their lips, they still look down on them a little bit in their hearts. They will also arrange a position for them, but they have already lost the previous opportunity, and no one takes them seriously. .

Wang Quantai's family members did not give him any advice at this time. In their opinion, Wang Quantai's choice was correct. It can be seen from his marriage that everyone in the family actually thinks he can choose the first one. Because then Wang Quantai is the magistrate, they can also live there with Wang Quantai, and their brother is the magistrate, how comfortable it is to be here.

However, they also thought that if their elder brother married the daughters-in-law of those wealthy merchants, the praise would be gone. They remembered the incident very clearly. The elder brother is a scholar, and he has more brains than these people. . I won’t say anything one by one. They have been with Wang Quantai’s brother for more than 20 years, and they still know this brother. It is estimated that they will choose the road to Beijing. Although it is a little harder, they can also Understand, and one by one thinks if the palace will be tried. That's the champion, but the jinshi of the entire empire are qualified to pass. Although it is only one percent, the number is quite large after all. It is said that there are tens of thousands of people, these tens of thousands. There are only dozens of people in it. Can brother? They have never doubted their brother’s ability, but it’s really not enough to show it on the huge stage of the empire, but if they get the title of champion, it’s a great thing. , The fifth grade official is their first seal, and these people are registered in the imperial front. The speed of the rise is very fast. Within a few years of work, it is the governor of a province. As long as there is nothing wrong, it is very possible to continue to rise. I have not seen the current Shangshu and Is it possible for the prime minister to come from school? It is possible for the children of a big family to become officials, but they can't become too high officials, because high officials are personally selected by the emperor, and they are all chosen to govern their own empire , How can ordinary people? Send money? Forget it, people don’t need it, favor? The emperor owes favor to someone, even if he owes it, he will not give favor to his empire. This matter is not generally difficult.

After all, on a sunny morning, Wang Quantai told his family about his decision. Naturally, he and his brothers all agreed. The three younger brothers have already said that Wang Quantai doesn’t need to worry about family matters. He just started on the road. Whether it’s an old man, a sister-in-law, or even a newborn nephew, everything is done one-handedly. There is no need for my brother to bother a little bit. Wang Quantai remembers the love of his brothers. , Otherwise, I wouldn't take care of them so much in the future. I really miss Wang Quantai at that time.

Wang Quantai also thought about this journey, but never thought it would be so bitter. According to their distance, he had to walk eighty miles every day. He himself was a scholar and couldn’t ride a horse. Besides, it would be the same if he was riding a horse. Those who can’t read, although there will be a section of the road where you can take a boat, but after all, there are nearly seven months to ride a carriage. The Governor’s Mansion provides these things for the road, and the carriage looks very good. It's comfortable, but if you really sit on it, one or two days is fine, but how long does it take? Don't talk about reading, even if you can stay inside it is not easy.

But if Wang Quantai was an ordinary person, Li Cong would not look down on this guy. Of course, he has his own abilities. If he didn't, how could he be a servant of the household department? Although it is also the second grade, how many governors does the Eastern Empire have? There are three thousand people, but how many household servants are there? There are only four people. Wang Quantai can become this quarter. He does have his own ability. During the seven months, Wang Quantai has been studying and studying. He has never done anything else, even if he is passing by. The big cities didn’t mean to go in. In fact, these scholars who made up their minds to enter Beijing were watched by His Majesty the Emperor and some people from big families. This journey is also a way to test them. In fact, their The exam has started since they started on the road. There are also many people from big families among the Jinshi. Their roads are different from those of Wang Quantai. They are very proficient in everything, even if such people have walked to the capital. I won't want them either.

Some of Wang Quantai’s performances are recorded. Although it is not very good, it is okay. After reading the report, the emperor only ordered two Generally speaking, one point You need to take a look. Don’t pay too much attention. The two-point article will be handed over to the emperor. The three-point type is very important to the emperor. The four-point type is almost straightforward. After being admitted, there is no such person for a year. The emperor knows that these young people are arrogant and can't hold them too high. If they want to enter the officialdom, they have more experience.

Wang Quantai’s performance on the road was quite satisfactory. He spent almost seven months in the car. Even when he was sick, he did not delay walking. Even the soldiers who sent him were tired. It’s amazing, but for Wang Quantai, entering the capital is what he wants in his heart. As for some other things, it’s better to forget them, and you don’t need those at all. As long as you mix it up by yourself, everything is OK. some.

Two years later, Wang Quantai entered the largest city on the continent as a young scholar with a population of over two billion. This is the capital of the Eastern Empire. Of course, he is not qualified to enter the inner city, he can only be outside. Staying in the city honestly, Jinshi is considered a very good person in the locality, but in the capital it is nothing, it is slightly better than ordinary people, and the families living in the outer city are all officials’ family members. some type of. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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