Energy Group

Chapter 2066:

When it comes to Cao’s greed, they nodded one by one, and they all agreed with this. Cao’s family wanted to enter into any industry, and wanted to get involved in everything. In the past, They are all governor-generals, and they don't even think about what will happen to a business house. Even if it is the more powerful large-scale commercial organizations in the imperial capital, what's the matter with money? Can it match the rights in our hands? No matter how rich those people are, it doesn't matter. When you get to this place, we make all the rules. If you want to do things from here, you can only be honest and obedient.

They have always followed this rule. No matter what your background is, each of us as the governor must own 5% of your shares. Regardless of whether your transaction is large or small, I will account for this proportion. We We won’t sell this share of yours. We just take the dividend. Of course, if you make false accounts, we will have a way to deal with you. When the governor is naturally second, it’s a percent. Only three. As for other officials, as long as you have a relationship with you, you will be honored, and they will not make other requests. Of course, other officials cannot directly contact you with the governor and governor. Those who want shares, if that's the case, the Governor will not be happy. How can this be done? If this is the case, in the end the boss himself will not have any shares. Why do people want to do business? Therefore, in order to make money in the future, they will be regarded as a protection fee. Many people hated this at first, but later on. I don't think so. With this money, I am at least related to the Governor, right? When it's running away.

But this model will be completely different when Cao’s commercial bank is about to enter. Don’t say that you want to directly take other people’s shares. They will directly infringe your core interests. If you don’t like it, we will give it to you. It’s a bit awesome, let you know that our Cao’s commercial firm is different from people in other places, just like the governor of a coastal province. That day, he asked his supervising camp to find a few gangsters to make trouble. . I just smashed a grain store of Cao’s house. Who knows that the people of Cao’s house are not blocking it. You can smash it any way you want. If you are not addicted, it’s okay to find a guy for you. Yes, as long as you are happy, it makes all those gangsters dumbfounded.

The governor who handles this matter also wondered how could such a thing happen. Didn't it mean that the people of Cao's firm can't suffer anything at all? Today it seems that this matter is not what they said. These people also know that they don’t have so many abilities, and each of them seems to be very good at talking, but when he goes to a nap with questions and wakes up, it is completely different. The boss of his supervising camp I came to report that the warship of Cao's House of Business had already arrived outside the city and fired outside. Hundreds of people had died outside. It was said that it was the robbers their people encountered here. They were fighting robbers. This city is within the attack range of naval guns. If this is enough, it is estimated that the entire city will become nothing. The governor is first angry and then afraid. The above has already said that it is necessary to contain Cao for some time. Home firm. But you must not have a conflict with them. If anyone from Cao's House of Business finds an excuse to start a war, you can solve this with your head.

Immediately, the governor asked his masters to hurry up and negotiate with the people of Cao’s House of Business. The person in charge of the establishment of Cao’s House of House of Commerce pushed back and forth one by one, saying that this matter was not in his charge, mainly because of their The listing of a shop has already been reported. The security in this area is not very good. Some escorts are to be sent here. Who knows that the East Emperor team would not let their escorts go ashore. Didn’t this trigger a conflict? That guy still murmured. "What a big thing? Isn't it just three thousand guards? How many people can come. You are really." This guy is ashamed to say, shit, the whole city has more than 10,000 troops. , You suddenly came three thousand, still holding that new type of weapon, according to the estimation of the Eastern Imperial Ministry, the combat effectiveness of a soldier of the Cao’s house is more than fifteen of them. This is still a conservative estimate, if it is really fought. If you get up, it is estimated that there are no problems with twenty of them. Three thousand is equivalent to sixty thousand people. If this is the site of Cao's commercial firm after coming up, do we want to have the final say? Let's take a break, it is absolutely impossible.

In order to prevent the Cao’s house from entering the army, the governor had no choice but to have a ball-and-go relationship between the fronts and backs. He lost his smile and found a manager of the Cao’s house. The manager promised to help clear the situation, but others said, The dignified Cao's house is not an ordinary place, is it? Although it is a trading company, our trading company is still different from other companies. Our trading company is strong. Just look at the warships on the sea. These warships were not here before, but now they are here. Come, the military expenditure alone is not a small amount. If it’s good, we won’t go ashore, but we have set aside an area by the sea. Even if it is where we can station our troops, we usually don’t. It came out, but we came out when our property was threatened. Didn’t you vowed to guarantee that this will not happen in the future? Since it won’t happen, we will find a place by the sea and it’s nothing. As for the number of people, it must not be too many, that is, it is only a few thousand. Of course, you will also have to bear the military expenses. Each of our artillery shells costs one hundred thousand silver. Thousands of them are enough, not too many, they will all be friends in the future.

The governor was immediately depressed when he heard this. What a joke? You can also mention such a thing. Even if one of your food stores is destroyed, it does not require tens of millions of dollars. Now, your warship was not invited by us. How could we ask us to pay the money? When the governor wanted to refuse, the second round of shelling began again. The timing was really right, just when they wanted to refuse. When the artillery came, you want to refuse? See if our cannon promises? Money and everything are trivial matters. The governor will have a showdown, and the 10 million taels will pass, but he really dare not agree to such a thing as the garrison. It will take a year for reports to the court to come and go. . If I didn't agree, they would be eaten by their appearance. In the end, I had no choice but to agree to station 2,000 people.

From then on, the governors around here didn’t dare to call their own people to mess around after they learned about this. If it’s a problem for the upper body, it’s not easy to put out the fire. Each of these guys is amazing. This, a little favor. Nothing, of course. There is no so-called human relationship between them, only some unknowingly unacceptable relationships. But since then everyone not only knows that Cao's firm is not easy to mess with, but also feels that Cao's firm is greedy. It opened the inland market to them so that they could come in and do business, and they would immediately want to come. The garrison is now available. If the garrison is opened to them, it is estimated that they will have other ideas. These people are absolutely impossible to be satisfied, and they will suffer one by one.

But the governor at the time had no other way. If you don’t agree, you will fire again, and the loss will be even greater. Hundreds of people have been killed in two rounds of shelling. It is said that two of the 10 warships out there fired. If you shoot, you can't stop it on your own side, so it's better not to do it.

"Sir. Actually, we all know that the people in Cao's house are very greedy, but what should we do? The court has already asked us to contain him, but it has given too many restrictions. If we irritate them But when the war is started, it is definitely not what we want. It is not what the court wants. If there is a war, it will not be bad luck for ourselves. Each of our provinces will have hundreds of thousands of troops. , All this is not enough for people to stuff their teeth. His Royal Highness Ning’s army is the most elite army I have ever seen. To tell the truth. His Majesty’s Wu Weijun is a little bit inferior to His Highness’s army. They have not been able to walk through the army of Cao’s house for an hour. What else can we do without embarrassment from those troops?” Another governor here said that he was born in the army before, so for these things It is very understanding.

"Yeah, why don't we know that they are greedy, but what can we do? What this guy said just now is what we want to say. Now those people from Cao's House of Business come to us to negotiate terms with one hand. The one holding the bow and arrow in one hand, if we agree, the silver will be ours. If we don’t agree, the war will start over there. The speed of this change of face is really too fast." Another governor seemed to eat too. It’s because of their losses, that’s why they spoke like this. Everyone looked at this Jananbo and said that this guy was the brains of King Ning in the past. Maybe this guy can do something, maybe, in the future. It may be possible to rely on this guy's strategy, this may be the biggest gain today.

"Haha, I know all the difficulties of you all. Wouldn’t this be for you to solve them? Without Cao’s firm, it would be difficult for us to sit down and talk about it. The contradictions have been exposed, and it is not necessarily a bad thing for us. Now you all have seen the disadvantages of other Russian beauties, so now we must adapt the current situation, if we continue If we go on, it won’t be long before the Cao’s businessmen will kill us all. This is definitely not what we want now, and we don’t want to see this on the court. People don’t like us very much, but now the enemy is currently using us, so we have to form an alliance. This alliance can only be private. When the time comes, if the people of Cao’s house are real If you trouble us, we can advance and retreat together. I think we are defending the interests of the empire. When the time comes, the court will support us in secret. A governor is not their opponent, but so many of us will never Isn’t it the problem?” Jananpo’s deceptive ability is still very okay. At the beginning, he told them that he couldn’t do it. Now he tells them to unite and tell them not to misunderstand the imperial court. Not a time for large-scale conflicts.

"Sir, of course we agree with this. There is no problem with this alliance. It's just that this private alliance has to have a leader. Basically, all of us are at the same level. To be honest, we got mixed up. It’s not easy for us to be in this position. Before, we were all mixed with King Ning, and King Ning did have the ability to lead us. Now it’s different. Now King Ning is back, but I If you don't say the following words, everyone understands it. If you want everyone to be twisted together, the leader is not sure if it is good, I think it is still very difficult." The guy sitting at the bottom said. This guy doesn't talk very much at ordinary times, even though he said that King Ning was useless. But what he said has another meaning. Many people here didn’t mention King Ning, as if he was treated as air. That is to say, the guy in front of him thought so much. I want them to follow King Ning again. King Ning was the same as now ten thousand years ago. Now as long as they follow King Ning well, they will come out in the previous days. It's just that people other than him can understand by looking at his eyes, these people don't want to follow Wang Ning.

"Hehe, what this guy said is really on the punctuality. We won't talk about King Ning's matter. These are all things before, and now everyone understands it." Jia Nanbo said with a smile. King Ning is already Not working. One sentence made many of the former subordinates and direct descendants of King Ning understand here. If you want to show that you are the direct descendants of King Ning, you will have to insult yourself in the future. If you want to live a good life We have to listen to us. Sure enough, after his words, many people's faces changed, and they didn't expect this guy to say so directly. How could King Ning fail? King Ning was also very good.

"Now we really need a leader, but we are all equal. Naturally, we can’t lead others. Now that the meeting has been held, I think I need to introduce someone to everyone. I saw it when I entered the capital. I believe everyone will know how he should go on the way back." After Jiananbo left his seat and walked to the back to invite someone out, everyone. That person looked like a young man, but now the lifespan of a senior soldier is indistinguishable. It may have been a few hundred years old, but their faces are still very young.

"Too...too...His Royal Highness..." Although the people behind looked at who it was, the other people were still dumbfounded when the guy in front said aloud, my goodness, the prince. Why is your Highness here? What is going on, is it he who succeeded King Ning? If this is the case, they have really found a good master. Although the prince’s strength is not as strong as that of the former king Ning, but speaking of the prince occupying the seat of a prince, it is much more formal than King Ning. Moreover, he has been the prince for nearly 200 years. They are all aware of the abilities of the prince. Every day in the past 200 years has not been so easy. He can still stabilize himself under the attack of so many princes. Sitting on Diaoyutai is not easy.

"See His Royal Highness..." A group of people in the room hurriedly got up to bow to His Royal Highness. At this moment, they finally understood what was going on. It turned out that everything was arranged. From the beginning to the present, everyone They are all arranged. The court is about to subdue them. Although the court is thinking of a big exchange, but in that case, this area may become Cao's business. It is better to use this method. You continue. To live your life, we will not do anything to you.

"Hehe, everyone get up and talk about it. We are all acquaintances when it comes to speaking. You don't need to be so cautious. We all met before. Now you don't need to be like this. We didn't do that before. I’ve spoken at close range, and I’ve got a chance now. I’m here mainly to express my condolences to everyone on behalf of my father and his elders. However, the troubled empire’s troublesome autumn is known to everyone, so I let Mr. Jia made such a round and asked everyone to come, so that we can talk more easily. You don’t need to look at me like this. Actually, I am an ordinary person. , I have always been in the capital, and I don’t know much about these local things.” His Royal Highness said very intimately, and he said all the truth, although these people here have seen them before. His Royal Highness, but all of them can be seen from a distance. There is no superfluous communication at all. There is only one Prince in the world. On the contrary, there are three thousand governors in the world. , The prince can live for hundreds of years, and some of these governors have been for decades. It is really impossible to speak directly to the prince face to face like this.

It seems that this time is a roundabout strategy adopted by the court of the Eastern Empire. They want to take back this area, but they can’t do it blatantly, because they have an agreement with the runner business. During the development period of Cao's House of Business, if they were so blatant, it would be a violation of their Cao's House of Business to sign this agreement. This must be a big fight for both sides, and now is the period when the military strength of Cao's Commercial Bank is rising. If there is such a war, it is estimated that Li Cong will be very happy, but for the Eastern Empire, the entire empire is already somewhat recuperating. At this time, it would be inconvenient for the entire empire to start a war. If it can't be supported, the Eastern Empire can use this relatively unpretentious method, and start from the bottom of these people and start messing things up.

In the past, the courts of the Eastern Empire thought that this place was in such a state that it was very unfavorable for the rule of the entire empire, but now they are all looking away, if it was the same as other places in the past. Directly under the jurisdiction of the capital government, is it not easy to do this now? It's easy to handle now. They used to be members of the Ningwang Association, and their connection with the central government was not so close. In the eyes of everyone, blood can be mentioned. It can be said to be a fact. In the future, no matter what their confrontation with Cao's house will be. It can be said that it is over. If the confrontation with Cao's house is not too fierce, there will stay behind you and say that you support you. If you accidentally start a war with Cao's house, don't blame the court. Regardless of whether you handle these things yourself, even if you are all dead, the Eastern Empire government won't have war.

It can be said that this is a tactic of killing two birds with one stone. Pushing these guys into the fire pit can also hinder the development of Cao's firm. The necessary development time for the Eastern Empire's court is that within ten years, the Eastern Empire's court will begin to develop itself. At that time, if its strength comes up, it must be the Cao family firm to look good. How can I say it is also an empire, Cao The home business is a business organization, and a large empire gives you a chamber of commerce. This is impossible in anyone’s eyes, not to mention that His Majesty the Emperor of the Eastern Empire has not bowed his head to anyone in his life. Recently, because of the needs of the entire empire, Li Cong has been hurting like that. I know how many times I have been, so he must find this hatred. During this period, the strength of Cao's Commercial Bank does not develop very much. It is okay to keep him as it is. He does need time to develop. of.

This kind of thing is not a big deal. The Eastern Empire emperor just sent one of his confidants out to do this, but then someone told him that these headquarters and governors had been with King Ning for so long, and wanted It is not so easy for them to directly glue them together. Their vision is very high. They must find someone who can hold the countertop better than King Ning. At this time, His Majesty the Emperor thought of His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince. His Majesty has been in this position for two hundred years, and it can be said that he has contributed to the empire, but his contribution is not enough to make him ascend to the throne of the emperor. Therefore, the emperor delegated this task to her and let her handle it. If he can handle things well, it means that he has been in this position for more than two hundred years. If he can’t handle things well, he can also take a good look at which of his sons has this ability. Up?

His Royal Highness is also very clear about the reason for letting himself come this time. The third prince must have done a good job last time. The third prince has always done things high-profile. He helped her overcome many things on the front line. He didn't say it himself. It is clear that people in the entire capital have now said that if there is no mediation from the Three Princes, the war between the Cao’s House of Business and the Eastern Empire may continue, and eventually there will be a loss of both sides. The three princes will give peace. Brought it back. This is a great contribution to the people of the entire empire. His Royal Highness almost passed away after hearing this. He is still alive, and the people outside are just like that. The third child, what does this mean, clearly saying that his brand is not as good as his third prince? Is it clear that he is being favored by the imperial brother? How can this be possible?

It is for this reason that this guy must come, and he was very happy when he lied about this task. Other people seemed to be an awkward errand, because these people were very smart. At the beginning, I fought against the court with King Ning, but now it is not so simple for the court to take them back. You must explain a form and want to expand your own power. If you go to other places, you can’t get the money. If you can't cure the sao's medicine, you lose your reputation. Even if you are on a good road, those subordinates who have Cao's house in front of them and have gold coins in the back are not obedient people. How much can they get? In the eyes of other senior officials and ministers, it is best not to go back to the water, but for the prince, this is a challenge for himself. If it is done well, at least the three princes will be equal. If we are going down here, of course we people will have to rush, and we don't know that you will be here today. If we knew, we wouldn't be so hasty to prepare. Now it seems to make you laugh for a while. We all have to gather together. It is definitely not any disrespect to the empire. In the past, there were some misunderstandings between the governments of our country. We also want to solve the misunderstanding this time. It’s not that we didn’t want to disturb a government’s orders, Your Royal Highness, you should also understand us. We became officials, but the title given to me by the court is not the result of the goods given to us. If you don’t do things below, there are always some difficulties and headaches. It should also be understood that our queen is a big talent. She does not give us the opportunity to explain things. If we do not follow his instructions, we will soon follow the bad luck. of.

Including that, we also thought that we could get caught up with you. We are all officials of the imperial court. Why should we listen to him? There are people in my mind who have heard this sentence. We also know that it is in real time. In the cold window of the year, there is no less left. The old man thinks that I can let us achieve our current position. I think I did not receive it to serve the country, but the actual situation is always different from our ideals. After we got to this place, it didn’t make things difficult for me. If I didn’t follow his method, if I didn’t do what he said, don’t say our official position, even my head would not be able to keep one of them. Dacheng quickly stood up and said that this is considered to have bleached oneself, regardless of whether the prince believes it or not, I have already said that anyway.

Those people hurriedly stepped up to say the same things as His Royal Highness said. They don’t care what they should do in the future. Anyway, the court now has their eyes on this, and they are all people with wives, and they are all in their minds. The court of the Eastern Empire is still a giant and cannot be betrayed. His Royal Highness the Prince of the Eastern Empire has arrived at this place, which shows that this area is very important. If you don't quickly show your loyalty, do you really have to raise your own team to rebel? It is absolutely impossible. Just look at how much money they can control, how many people can control how many troops they can control, and then no matter how many people can unite. They didn’t have the ability to resist either, and the numbers were so wet and quick to get out of the big money, but they weren’t afraid! After calculating the target, they can be given to them. Now they know that the biggest master on their head is the Eastern Empire court.

His Royal Highness really felt disgusted when they said these words, and he could tell from his face that this was not the answer she wanted. The answer she wanted was an affirmative answer, and these people did not dare to give His Royal Highness an affirmative answer. She had to get the Crown Prince's assurance before it was not the vain words, but the court came down. The imperial decree must be written on it to protect their family and children in peace, so that they can hand over their entire wealth to the court. The Eastern Empire’s current attitude towards Cao’s commercial firm is that it does not want to have such a handle. What would you do by yourself if you do? The representative of their presence here is the court of the Eastern Empire, but now they don't believe in the authority of their prince. I think I don't have this ability. The prince is the prince and the emperor is the monarch. Now there is only one word short, but is it different?

Yes, it’s all being quiet. His Royal Highness traveled a long distance. We shouldn’t have these tedious things hurting His Royal Highness again at the beginning. Now we all hold up our wine glasses, and this gathering is now an official one. It’s a gathering. In the last few days, His Royal Highness will always be with us. The most recent things include the problems you raised. His Royal Highness will help us solve them one by one. Don’t worry. Now, let’s work together. Cup Wish His Majesty the Emperor and her elderly be healthy This fellow Jiananbo can be considered a person who knows how to do things. Seeing that this continues to be stiff, he immediately speaks. He doesn't know how to answer the words of the chief officials in Xinjiang. It would be a waste of time to let the governors continue to speak. I can't say anything, I'm just talking nonsense. If His Royal Highness comes out to answer this, it will be a difficult thing for His Royal Highness! The rounds he stood up and played was equivalent to giving both sides a step down. This thing he did was very right, and his Royal Highness also gave him a good look.

His Royal Highness is right. We have brought our ways of doing things here one by one. His Royal Highness has his own way of doing things. We should raise the glass to wish His Majesty good health and the spirit of His Royal Highness. , This is what we ministers should do. The meeting of the prince has his own meaning, so we don't need to think too much. Let's follow the schedule of His Royal Highness! The fat man who started talking first also stood up and said, he knew that he couldn't make the atmosphere too stiff at this time! If these people are really pressed, they might run to the Cao’s house now. That’s the last thing the Eastern Empire imperial court would like to see. The Eastern Empire imperial court can see clearly now that they have many enemies. , But the only one who can really fight against them is Cao's house. As long as their other enemies are willing to spend a certain amount of time, they can be solved by those people, but it is the enemy of Cao Family Commercial Bank that is not so easy to solve.

This ton of food was really dissatisfied by both parties. His Royal Highness was also not very satisfied. He originally thought that he had come here to meet these buns, and he had traveled so long. He also hired a magician to bring his own monsters to send him. This is a high cost, and the court won’t be reimbursed? All of this needs to be spent on their own. These people think that they have never seen the world. Who knows that each of them is very cunning. The brand of own prince may not be very useful, it is so practical in their eyes. Things are the most useful. His Royal Highness is having a headache. Why do you have to come here by yourself if you have something like the promised imperial edict? If you want to say that you are the emperor, you have to think about it. Moreover, if you are a prince now, if you send out the imperial decree casually, then you will be the biggest threat to your father and the emperor. Don't talk about yours then. The problem is that Lao Tzu's life and death are difficult to guarantee, let alone you.

Compared to the governors, they also have their own considerations. If it is only because of the presence of His Royal Highness, they will rush to surrender and say that they were not good before. King Ning blinded his eyes, and now he is going to return to the court's subordinates. If the Qing Dynasty is going to serve the court, this is simply a child's play. They all understand how the court will do it. The good things that I told you before Just start taking your surgery! This is not a secret for the entire minister’s relationship. They must have this imperial decree for their good lives in the future. If there is no such restriction, they would rather stay with the Cao family business for a long time. Although the Cao family business can’t They are guaranteed to have their current seats, but they can guarantee prosperity and wealth in the second half of their lives. The most important thing is that their relationship with the Cao family firm has not been celebrated. He has a great past with the court, and the Cao family firm will not follow They settled the accounts, but it was difficult to tell from the court.

Let’s talk about Lan Bo! Tonight I understand what role she is. In fact, I knew from the beginning in the capital that he was the emperor’s person from the beginning. There is no such thing as the so-called talent of the King of Benin. , The reason why this guy followed King Ning back to his fief is probably because the imperial court started investigating King Ning at that time. Poor King Ning stupidly regarded him as his assistant? In fact, what he didn't know was that this guy bought the biggest chess piece by his side, and the court dealt with his own chess pieces. This guy probably sent back some of the confidential information he knew to the court. Now King Ning has fallen. The role of the prince has also come to an end. It was already unattended. Who knew that the court was going to take over this area? His Royal Highness remembered this person again? It can be considered a talented person, why not use it? It's impossible to let him take care of it in the capital! Come here to play the remaining heat.

Jian Nanbo's heart is also uncomfortable. He originally thought these people were very good and fooled. In the past, these people listened to what he said. How much he should have a little face in front of him! These people should also listen to their own Who knows that they are different from this time on, he also wants to understand what is going on now, when he used to follow Wang Ning, of course there are these Things! Now that King Ning has fallen, he is a juror in the final analysis, and has no abilities. How can they look at you? After trying to understand these things, Jian Nanbo made a lot of adaptations. It turned out to be based on his own face. Now he does not have face. It is okay to bow his head when necessary, or make the court stronger. Otherwise, these people thought that the court of the Eastern Empire would treat them with tenderness. This would be more troublesome. His Royal Highness would do things with half the effort.

The imperial court also has its own difficulties if it wants to use its own tough methods. First of all, these people can't eat softly one by one, but what if they come hard? They don’t have extra troops either. The main reason is that the court of the Eastern Empire is already weak enough to a very powerful Chengdu. It is difficult to send out even 300,000 troops. In fact, 300,000 troops can come. But this army is not the most elite army, what can they do when they come? What can be solved? Can these **** be obedient? It seems impossible, but each of these old oil seeds is very smart. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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