Energy Group

Chapter 2075:

Li Cong immediately looked at the firmness technique again. Damn, it's not a money-saving thing. This thing actually cost him 4 billion silver. This one after another, mother, how much money has been spent on it, if it is The words of others will definitely not be able to support it, that is to say, the rich landlord like himself has such ability. If you change other people, you will not be able to support this system long ago. This system is purely for eating money. However, thinking of the time when he was not very good on the earth, this Tektronix ate his own one kilogram of gold every hour. This is nothing. If these guys have no money, it is estimated that they will not do things for themselves, anyway. It’s not bad for money, just give it to them. Besides, this is because I don’t have that point now. If I have that point, I don’t need money. Anyway, I have some money recently. Is it on the earth or in other places, I am rich in an enemy country, there is really nothing else besides being rich, you have to spend your own money, then you are not afraid. (wWW.VoDtw.coM)

"Dear player, are you sure you want to learn the first level of firmness?" The deceptive voice of the system came out again. Although it was very beautiful, Li Cong couldn't help but twitch. This thing is really nasty. , All kinds of things require money. If there is no money, it is estimated that nothing can be done here. I really want to see who made this system. I am very good at making money, but compared with the person in front of me. It seems to be a bit incomparable. Looking at other people's ability, tens of billions of silver can be earned in half an hour, and it's all their hard-earned money.

determine. Although his heart is very uncomfortable, Li Cong still chose to learn this thing. Everything about him needs to be healthy. These things were not available before, and spending so much money can make him change. Be stronger, it's very good. I didn't lack this in the past. Now that I have something like this, I should be happy in my heart. Li feels a lot better from thinking about it this way. It didn't feel distressed after spending so much money. This money is also useful, isn’t it? It would be a pity if it was useless.

"Congratulations to your respected Mr. Li Cong, you have learned the level of determination. According to the system regulations, you can identify everyone below 700 energy value. Including monsters and other living and inanimate things." System voice Let Li Cong directly want to go up and hit someone. Oh shit. When you were learning just now, you didn't say that you can only be a level one. I thought that after spending so much money, you would be able to obtain a firmness technique. Those with energy below 700 are also people below level seven. When converted to a monster, it is estimated that it is like a level six monster, because the fighting power of a monster is generally much higher than that of a human. For Li Cong, it has no effect at all. People below level seven, What did you see for yourself? I don't have the habit of teasing children. This system is nothing but a mess. Now I have embarked on this path, and the others have to continue learning.

After spending so much money, it’s not all for nothing, just as it is now, Li Cong finally sees the firmness technique behind. The firmness technique can be about eighth-level fighters at the second level, but that guy is a tenth-level fighter, Li It’s impossible to learn from nature all the way to level 4. Li Cong can actually get that silver, but all the skills in the first and second level are only needed for silver, that is, only points are required. Yes, in this way, it’s okay for you to exchange silver, but the latter is not the case. Points and experience points must be used, and it shows that the ratio of silver exchange will also have a certain limit. This is how Li Cong is. The rich and powerful people stop here. It’s okay if you want to mess around, but you want to be the strongest person. It’s impossible to rely on a system so even if you succeed in the end, there’s nothing to show off. It depends on yourself.

Forget it, anyway, I have already learned the first level. This second level is always better than the first level. Li Cong endured his anger and learned the second level again, a full 8 billion taels of silver, but this is also Let Li Cong see what it takes to learn the third level. The third level needs 1,000 experience points and 100 million points, of which this one million points can be paid in cash by 80%, and the rest You have to make money on your own. This 80% is 8 billion silver. This Li Congke is really heartbroken. This thing is a good thing, but it is also very painful for himself. Yes, I am a person who makes money for pleasure, but I can see it today. When they rob themselves, they do more business than they do. What is the difference between them and others? It's impossible to lift shoes for others. Look at their abilities. They are definitely not on the same level as yourself.

Forget it, it’s just like this for now. Li Cong wants to see other things. Wu Liu came in at this time. Li Cong is still the same as before. It turns out that when Li Cong wanted to check the system, the inside The time flow is also different from the outside. If the ratio is more than one to one hundred and two, it is two hours after one minute here, so Li Cong has enough time to do a lot of things.

"Master, we are almost ready. In the first stage, we found a total of 145,000 people who met our standards. Now these people have passed our preliminary screening. They are not people from other forces. It’s not possible to send them all to the training camp, but there are fewer people. If that’s the case, they used to be just right.” The number Wu Liu said surprised Li Cong. He thought they were It’s good to get tens of thousands of people, but I didn’t expect to get so many. You must know that many of the people who go down are rich in their families. If you give them more than ten taels a month, they can listen to you Of it? Don't be joking, people have money in their homes, and they don't need this money at all. Many people want to become famous and join Cao's business? Forget it, they are all nobles or wealthy merchants. Naturally, I know that the people in Cao’s house are not very close to the four empires. Isn’t it necessary to join them to find sin?

"Well, just find a time to send them all over..." Li Cong said casually, but suddenly another question came to mind. In the past, people from other forces would definitely go to him. They were given away in it, but they are more generous and don't care about anything with them, and the most important question is that as long as you take genetic medicine, no matter what your subordinates and what kind of skills you have. I will only follow Lao Tzu from now on. Li Cong is still very confident about this matter, just like now, so many people want to know what's in the training camp of Cao's Firm, but is it really a pity? Impossible. They can't get in at all. Even if they entered, they were brainwashed by the Cao's firm. How could it be possible to know what was going on outside? This could be regarded as one of Li Cong's assassins, but Li Cong thought of another poisonous trick. That is to make good use of this incident to see which forces need to plant spies in Cao's House of Business. Although those people may be very powerful, Cao's House of Business does not have that much power to solve them. , But it is always good to have a plan.

"Wait, you still find time to send them to our stronghold outside the city. I will meet them in person to see if there are any talents we need among them. Anyway, we are looking for talents, if we can find them. Not bad.” Li Cong continued. Wu Liu had to follow Li Cong’s first request, but the boss temporarily changed his mind. This is not something he can manage. Does the boss hope too much? Well, in this genius battle, generally speaking, you have to wait until the later stage to see those capable people. Although Cao’s business is a big business, but to be honest, it is impossible to give so many people a chance. Mainly It is too difficult to train them, and each of these people knows that things are not easy.

Wu Liu naturally didn't understand what was going on, but he was used to Li Cong letting himself do what he did. It wasn't his own personality to ask more questions, but he would never think that Li Cong turned out to be. To make this calculation, you must know that these people who come in and miss their previous information are of no use. Cao’s house has this business. As long as you have the money, we can make it for you. Everything up to now has no flaws at all, so Li Cong wants to use his firmness to see what these people are thinking. In the past, Li Cong was very interested in psychology. I’m looking for a few partners to play some games together, but now it’s completely different from that time. Now it’s a game of life and death. Each of these people who calculate themselves are very good, if they are not so careful. Maybe they will get rid of it. But there are many people in this world who want to be the leader.

Isn’t the firmness technique not supporting high-level people? It must be very interesting. These people here are some children who are not even the first-level fighters. If they use an appraisal technique, it is absolutely nothing. The problem is, they want to hide something coming in. Of course people can’t see it. Even a person who has taken a genetic medicine can only see that he is loyal to himself, and it is impossible for him to recall the past. It’s also difficult for them. Now they can see everything clearly, thinking that Li Cong Li Cong’s heart is finally a little balanced. It took tens of billions of silver and it was so short. Time, how much I have paid back, and this reward is still very good, definitely not a tasteless function, so that Li Cong is already very happy.

Wu Liu on the side didn't understand what Li Cong was happy about. Does the young master think they are the geniuses we need? That is absolutely impossible. These people are simply impossible. They are a little tougher than ordinary people. It is impossible for them to do important things. Where is their physical strength? Now, at most, it is a seventh-level fighter. Such people should not make Li Cong so happy. These people can only be said to be attractive seedlings. As for whether they can be cultivated It's definitely not a ninth-level fighter. What is the young master happy about? Is it because the young master has received too much bad news recently, and he is happy when he is here?

These people were all gathered together. This is a farm of Cao's house. I haven’t started work yet, because it’s time to plant seeds. Li Cong let most of the people go out to rest. There are only three thousand guards with these people. More than a hundred thousand people are in the playground. They are beautiful. They are already wearing the clothes of Cao’s house. But they don’t necessarily belong to Cao’s house. Li Cong absolutely believes that there will be a lot of them. People are not very clean, and they knew it before. Just because we have genetic medicine. So I don’t have general knowledge with you. Even if you send all of you in, it will be of no use.

"Dudu, identification target Zhu Qiang. People from counties, counties and counties in the southern empire* province. Height 185cm. Weight 75kg. Farmer and both parents died in the family. No other relatives, I used to work in the hometown of farming. , But from a recent incident involving Poppi in the battle village, it can be seen that he has a formidable power that exceeds the power of ordinary people. The most important thing is that this person’s explosive power is amazing. Although he is only a level stronger than ordinary people, If the explosive power is released, it can reach the level of a second-level fighter. The character identification attribute c is available, and the identification is complete.” This voice made Li Cong ecstatic, haha, just looking at this person can have so much news. In the past, it took a long time for me to get the news, but now I can pass it by myself. Then Li started the second one.

"Dudu, the identification target Shi slave, a person from the northern empire province* county town, height 190cm, weight g, serving in the county town army, an old mother in the family, forced to here because of offending officials of the northern empire, no specialties, characters The identification attribute f is rubbish, and the identification is complete.” The evaluation of this system is still like this. Li Cong saw that there were other things written on the screen in his mind, such as the person’s expertise and experience. Things, things you know, etc., are mostly useless things. It seems that this person is really useless.

"Dudu...the third..." Li started from continuing.

"Dudu... the fourth one..." Interest still exists

"Dudu...the seventh one..." No, this thing needs to be looked at one by one? This is just nonsense. If this is the case, you have to see when to go. There are hundreds of thousands of people here. But I asked Wu Liu and the others to hold a mobilization meeting. If this is the case, I have at most two hours. Time to do these things, an average of one minute is only one person, such a speed of two hours is just a few hundred people in the past, how can it be possible to watch all these people? Thinking of this, Li Cong felt a sense of powerlessness. What the **** is this*? This is another skill that is tasteless. Wu Liu was still watching all this with interest when he saw Li Cong just now. After a while, isn’t that happy? What's going on? The young master was not like this before. Is this a bit moody? If this continues like this, it is not a good thing, the young master is our leader, and his mind is very important.

Impossible, there must be a solution. It took Li Cong five minutes to finally find a solution in this system. That is the group appraisal technique. This thing is an upgrade of the firmness technique and requires nine Talents above level fighters can learn, of course, just like the determination technique, the lower level and the second level can be learned with silver, but that silver is painful to Li Cong. Damn, the lower level needs. 15 billion taels of silver. I don’t know how much this second level will cost. According to the previous experience, it is estimated that 30 billion taels of silver will be indispensable. If this goes on, it is not a joke. This system seems to be taking itself. At this time, Li did not hesitate to choose to learn this group appraisal technique, because so many people on the playground were waiting there. Didn't he stop learning and gave up such an opportunity? It is impossible. I have to find out all my potential enemies, because they are all in the dark, which is too dangerous for me.

"Dear Mr. Li Cong, are you sure you want to learn the first-level group identification technique?" The voice of the system made Li Cong really uncomfortable.

Of course it is confirmed. It is immediately "Congratulations, Mr. Li Cong, you have learned the first level of group identification technique. Now you can perform identification technique on the 5000 people in front of you. The system will classify you, and you can set it in advance. Two groups of people.” According to the system, it seems that this group identification technique is still good. It is to set a standard by yourself. It is very humane, but it can only be as few as 5,000 people at a time. Li Cong feels a little awkward, so just continue to study.

"Dear Mr. Li Cong, are you sure you want to learn the second-level group identification technique?" Now Li Cong has also seen what is going on with the second-level group identification technique. Oh shit. This requires 35 billion taels of silver, which is 5 billion taels more than what I have planned. What kind of ratio is this*? How can there be so much money? I don't know why these people want so much money. Li Cong thought that this skill was still very useful. Naturally it is good. I will use this thing myself in the future, isn't it just for a little money? I still spend it myself.

"Congratulations, Mr. Li Cong, you have learned the second-level group identification technique, and now you can perform the firmness technique on the 8,000 people in front of you. The system will classify you, and you can set two types of groups in advance." What you say is a different word, but you have to pay 35 billion taels of silver. Although the world in your body has hundreds of billions of silver, it seems that these silvers are some serious shortcomings, and you need to get some of them everywhere, otherwise If this system spends money like this, I really can't keep up with it. The speed of spending money is a bit too powerful.

"Dudu, start to set up, the first group of ordinary people, people who do not have any malice towards Cao's firm, will not have any changes after the exercise of firmness, and the second group of people enter the Cao's firm with purpose. Yes, for those who are unfaithful to Cao’s house, such people will be marked on their heads after the show.” After the system was finished, Li Cong saw that there was basically no change in the first batch of 8,000 people. It seems that these people They weren't sent by those people anymore, and so is it. Even if they send people in, they would not think of this special action by the Cao's House of Business. They all thought that the Cao's House of Commerce would come out after the geniuses. There will be actions only when there is no such action at the very beginning.

The second batch of 8,000 people still has no exposure. If you start with this number, it is estimated that it will take 20 times to complete it at the end. However, when the eleventh time was carried out, the system began to make such a sound " Dear Mr. Li Cong, the system stipulates that all projects are free for the first ten times. Starting from the eleventh time, you need to set the price according to your behavior. If you need to continue the group identification technique, you will spend 8 million silver each time. Two silvers, doubled each time, the following ten times were 8 million taels, 16 million taels, 24 million taels, 32 million taels, 40 million taels, 48 ​​million taels, 56 million taels. , 64 million taels of silver, 72 million taels of silver, 80 million taels of silver, or can be purchased in packages with a one-time payment of 300 million taels of silver.” This system is really black, of course, Li Cong is not the one who lacks money. Now that so much money is out, I don’t care about such a small amount of money. This system is also considered humanized. Different people are set up with different methods. If the money is not sufficient, it can only be purchased one at a time. If you have more money and you use more money, you can just buy ten times directly. Li Cong chooses to buy ten times directly, and it saves more than one hundred million taels of silver. If Li Cong used to be, he would definitely not I care about that little amount of silver, but now it is different from before. Any amount of silver now is very important to Li Cong and cannot be lost.

Now that the purchase has been completed, the appraisal can begin at this time. On the fourteenth time, two different guys finally appeared. Li Cong glanced at them and didn't say anything, just let Wu Liu I found two guards to remember the two guys, and continued to appraise them. Wu Liu didn’t understand that something was wrong with the two that could attract Li Cong’s attention. From Wu Liu’s eyes, that The two guys are ordinary people, it's no big deal, what is the difference between them? However, Li Cong confessed to do things quickly. This was instinct.

About 10,000 people were left when the 20 times were completed. At this time, they had to buy again. Fortunately, there was no price increase. It was the same as the last time. Li Cong believed that his charge must be a price increase later. of. But now I don’t need that much, so I just buy it twice, once for 8 million taels of silver, and once for 16 million taels of silver. Before and after this firm operation, it cost me nearly 50 billion taels of silver, shit, but It's also very good. It's just that these talents have found about five different people. These people don't seem to have much appearance, just like everyone else. But their labeling cannot be wrong. Later, you can use personal identification to see what their details are.

The money for these two times was spent in vain, because none of them was wrong, but Li has learned to comfort himself now, and it cannot be said that the money was spent in vain. In fact, it still has a big effect. If there is such a person among these people. Didn't I just make it? Compared to the losses that those people have caused to themselves after they become talents, the money they spend now is nothing. I should be happy.

"Now I have finished talking about what I should say, now I invite the boss of our Cao Family Firm, who will be our allegiance in the future, Mr. Cao, to say something to us." The next steward said in his own voice that there were two I’ve been young. Basically, I’m talking about some unnutritious things. Now, when I’m a good person, I have to give it to Li Cong. Just now, Li Cong showed them all. Most people’s homes are considered The poorer ones have no family background, so Li Cong has to give them some comfort. After entering the training camp, he took genetic medicine. Although there is no need to win over them, they are still human, and they will still be able to. It is better to make them feel better if they have their own thoughts.

"Everyone, first of all welcome everyone to enter the big family of Cao’s Commercial Bank. From now on you will be a member of this family. Remember, you are the masters of this family, not the people hired by this family, as long as you regard this as you Home, so naturally this home will not treat you badly in the future. I also know that everyone’s homes are very difficult. Just rest assured, you have to accept a series of training camps in the first month Training, this is also the time to change your destiny. This is also the hardest time for your family. If you don’t love it in the first month, you can leave with 300 taels of silver. If you suffer in the first month Going down, this amount will be delivered to your home every month from now on. Until you come out in six months, we will not send money to your home after six months. You will have to work hard at that time. , But at that time you were absolutely different from now. Now for you, 300 taels of silver is a lot of money, but at that time I told you that you would not pay attention to 3,000 taels a month. Inside, tell me loudly, do you want to live like that?" Li Cong's words are still very exaggerating, at least for these people, they are very good. These people have not been in contact before. I have said similar things, but what Li Cong said is that they are the masters of this place. Is this a joke? How could they be hungry for the owner here?

The deafening answer made the surrounding birds fly. Li Cong nodded his head with satisfaction, and then he started to let them start registration. There are people they care about at home, and the people from Cao's house will give them. I sent the money at home, and I will also send a letter by the way. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. The people here can help you write it. When you go back home, find someone who can read. , These people were dumbfounded. How expensive is this to write a letter. If they are closer to here, it’s okay. Those who are far away can’t even think about it. It took them a few years to get here. Yes, I came here while working, and I don't know how the family is now.

Li Cong didn’t waste time here either. Next, he has something more important, and that is the matter of those five people. There are really not many people, because this is an accidental activity of Cao’s house, so to So far, these five people have come in. Five of them are relatively clever. If they are really allowed to come in, the organization behind these five people will also benefit a lot. Of course, that is to enter. It’s time before the training camp. After entering, the genetic medicine is going to go, but there is nothing left. You are from the Cao’s house, but at that time I couldn’t find out some of the previous things. This genetic medicine There is such a bad place, and now there is no need to be as helpless as before. Now let's ask you a good question.

These five people were also surprised how they were brought out. Could it be that there is something about them that the people from Cao's House of Business have taken a fancy to? A few people think this way, but it is not ruled out that there is a guy with a guilty conscience. When I wanted to enter the second yard, one guy said that he didn't want to be here and wanted to go back, but how could the guards here let him out? Well, when this guy saw that the softness was not good enough, he immediately went hard. The two fifth-level fighters holding them were beaten by this guy. It turns out that this guy is a hidden person. He actually has the strength of a seventh-level fighter. . But can the seventh-level fighters run rampant on the Cao's house? Of course it is impossible. There is nothing we can do about the tenth-level fighters in the capital. A seventh-level fighter like you is really not good enough to see. Before this guy jumps a few more times, an eighth-level monster directly rushes out and beat this guy. Arrived. Dragging into Li Cong's house. It seems that there must be a big fish behind this guy. They are great.

"Hehe, you guys, just sit down. I know you have been nervous from just now to now, so I won’t be circumspect, just tell me honestly, I can get you here. It means that I have enough evidence to prove that you are here for a reason. You came in as an undercover agent, or have other ideas. This is a bit simple for me. You definitely don’t know how I knew. , I can’t tell you this. The reason why I didn’t kill you directly, I think you all understand. I need you to be an undercover agent. This is my last chance for you. If you can, you can cooperate with me. , If not, I can know the same things I want to know, but your head will no longer belong to you." Li Cong smiled and looked at the five guys and said, the guy who was hit can also hear , It’s just that he was injured but not unconscious. He just pretended not to open his eyes. Li Cong could clearly feel the speed of these people’s heartbeats. It seemed that the system did not lie to them. They were indeed a little flustered. , If it's okay, they won't have any changes if they say it by themselves.

"Cao.. Master Cao, this is not a mistake. I don't know what the situation is with them, but I didn't want to come in, but your people asked me to come in. If I am an unfaithful person How could people be like this, I came in passively.” The guy who walked in the front said, it’s good to start from you. If you don’t do any real effort, I guess you’ll do it one by one. You don’t believe in Lao Tzu’s abilities. You all think that Lao Tzu is using words to defraud you. It’s no wonder that the most important thing to be an intelligence officer is your own psychological quality, just like the guy just now. If you want to run out, it is simply the most useless one of these people. Such a person is useless. If Li Cong himself had such a subordinate, he would probably be depressed to death. Nothing.

"Dudu, appraisal target control, a person from the capital of the Southern Empire, height 175cm, weight 65kg, no parents in the family, no living relatives, a person belonging to the shadow of the Southern Empire intelligence organization, the boss Phoenix Bird, accidentally sneaked into the Cao's house selection this time. At present, only this information is available. If you need more information, please upgrade your appraisal technique. "Mother, this thing is really unreliable, so I gave myself a little bit of news, but it's pretty good. These news are also good for Li Cong. It's not bad, and Li Cong is satisfied with this, and just learn slowly in the future, how to get experience points by himself.

"Government, you belong to the shadow of the Southern Empire Intelligence Organization. I know this. If you have anything else to say, just say it directly. Don’t let me say it. I will give you one last chance. If you don’t say it, your head really doesn’t belong to you. Of course, as long as you are telling the truth, I guarantee you can live happily. Anyway, you don’t have any parents or relatives, so you are alone. Why? To give them my life, I can send you to the overseas islands of the Eastern Empire. It is not something ordinary people can find. You will definitely be safe." Li Cong said with a smile, his words are in the ears of these people It reverberates for a long time, especially this person called Guanquan, who is directly dumbfounded at this moment. How can there be such a thing? Who is this person in front of him? How can he know that he is called Guanquan? He hasn’t mentioned his name for a long time. He is called a secret sign in the organization, and he can tell about the situation of his family. Shadow can be said to be a relatively high-level intelligence organization in the Southern Empire. I have a good position in it. I really hit the iron plate this time. Is this someone betraying me?

Guan Quan was analysing where he made a mistake. He hasn’t started the analysis yet. Li Cong has already revealed the origins of the second person. Such an ability is incredible. That person belongs to an intelligence organization in the Northern Empire. This person is different from himself, he is a person serving the court, and that person is a non-governmental intelligence organization. To put it bluntly, he is a news merchant. These news merchants have good skills and can also come in~ It's just that Li Cong's interest in that person is not very big, he should be very interested in himself.

"Government, you should know that your shadows are highly hierarchical. If no one tells me anything, I wouldn’t be able to come out badly. You don’t need to think about the result. I spent a lot of money and A promise made your boss, Phoenix Bird, betray your news and the news of many of you, but it’s the first time you came in. What else do you want to say? If you don’t speak, your life is here. Li Cong finished talking and killed the guy who was ranked second. This guy was useless at all. He really got in like that. During the appraisal, this guy thought how to get out. What I thought was that he would go out after this place was over, but he already knew so many secrets, naturally he couldn't tell him to go out. If that were the case, there would be no secrets on his side.

"Dudu, kill the third-level fighters to get 5000 experience points and 500 points." Halo, this is the first time that Li has gained experience points and points. A third-level display has only 50 experience points, it seems to be It's really not that great anymore. There are so many things that I need to upgrade in the future, but I'm in a preliminary stage, these things are enough, but I don't know what to do in the future. (To be continued...)

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