Energy Group

Chapter 2088:

The people in Fenxiang Valley are basically in this situation. They bully people who are weaker than themselves. When they meet someone stronger than themselves, they will immediately run away. If they don’t run, they will be killed. They will never go outside. Staying, if they stay here, their heads may have long gone. If they run away, they can continue to live. Such things may be acceptable to anyone, especially theirs. People who are still alive, if they are as persistent as those who have died, now I don't know how many times they have died.

Li Cong saw that those guys had run away, so he had no intention of chasing him. Among these people, only the previous He Laoliu was still alive, and the others were killed, lying there one by one, who I can’t believe that people were alive and well a few minutes ago. They died here now. Such things happen every day in Fenxiang Valley. It’s just that they happen every day. The people here are used to this for a long time. The things Li Cong goes through every day are similar to this, so there is nothing wrong with these things. He Laoliu next to him sees Li Cong’s vision very much. It’s different. Those people just now are all Scorpion people. Scorpion is a well-known figure in the Fenxiang Valley. Normally, he doesn’t have any contact with people like He Laoliu, even if there is one. Knowing whether it was in a dream or where, the Scorpion’s people robbed them, indicating that their cargo contained what Scorpion needed. He Laoliu glanced at the cargo, and now these things are no longer his own. It's Li Cong's. Fenxianggu is like this. As long as you are strong enough, all these things can be yours. If you don't have the skills, the things that originally belonged to you are not yours.

"Hehe, don’t be so restrained. The first time I have been here, I don’t know much about the things here, brother. You seem to have been here for a long time. Why don’t you tell me about this Fenxiang Valley? How?" Although Li Cong’s information is already very detailed, it is also explored by some people. It is naturally different from what the people inside said to himself. These people said it. It must be of other flavors. It's all things that I don't usually know. They also know much more about Fenxiang Valley than ordinary people. Because they have been here for a long time, it seems to be their second home, although their home is not very peaceful. But in any case, is it a home?

"No... I dare not be like you. I have stayed in this Fenxiang Valley for two years, but I dare not be your eldest brother. Here, strength is everything. Although our boss can do it, it’s the same as just now. That group of people are several grades worse than that. Those people are all scorpion people. Scorpion is very famous in Fenxiang Valley. The area here is his territory. We visited his territory this time. I paid a lot of money, but I didn’t expect to be robbed by them in the end. I don’t know what is in these goods that he can see. These are some very common things. We In normal times, we can’t receive any good work, that is, we just need to transport some ordinary things. Now our little power may be even smaller. Nearly half of our staff have died. I really don’t know our boss. What should I do." He Laoliu looked at his brothers lying on the ground with a bit of distress. It is estimated that he himself regards those people as his own brothers. As for what those people think of him, it is estimated that Only those people know that in Fenxiang Valley, true feelings absolutely don't exist.

"Speak slowly, don't worry, I have nothing to do anyway, let's just talk as we go." Li took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and said to He Laoliu, who looked at this thing with wide eyes. , This* is the kind of thing sold by Cao’s house. It’s a slender thing for nothing. This thing is said to be very comfortable to take a mouthful. Such things are absolutely rare things on the outside. It’s even rarer. Such a box costs twenty taels of silver on the outside, and ordinary people are naturally reluctant to smoke this thing. It is even more expensive inside. It is said that it costs 300 taels of silver per box. The rate of increase is nothing in the Warcraft Mountains. The price there may be higher, but here is a gathering point for humans. It is definitely a miracle to have such a rate of increase in such a place, but here is the Fenxiang Valley. , It's nothing, it's normal.

Just now when Li Cong shot, he could feel that Li Cong is not an ordinary person. Now it seems that he is not an ordinary person. Such a person is very agile in his shots. The highest master he has ever seen is with himself. The child of the big family who had the festival, seems to be a seventh-level fighter, he should have surpassed it a long time ago. Back then, he was a fourth-level fighter, and now he is a sixth-level fighter. Every time I have to break through when my life span is reached. I am very stupid, but there are many smarter people who have not reached their level. Instead, they have survived by themselves. To die, such a thing seems to make no sense, is it so powerful?

He Laoliu was aggrieved when he talked about it. This guy offended a son of a big family without doing anything. How can I say, there was a very beautiful woman in their village when she was young. It was said to He Laoliu, but because He Laoliu has his sweetheart, besides, the woman’s family saw that He Laoliu’s family was depraved and agreed to their family’s divorce, but it was A lot of He Laoliu was blackmailed. In the end, the two of them had nothing to do. It should have ended like that. Who knows that when this woman was in the provincial capital and didn’t know what to do, she let this big family The son-in-law showed me, he heard that he was actually a married man, and this woman deliberately moved out He Laoliu as an excuse. Who knew this son-in-law took it seriously. Such a thing is okay? The woman I was fond of actually had a fiancé of a hillbilly, and the son immediately let his people start hunting down He Laoliu. Originally, he thought He Laoliu was a peasant and had nothing to do, so he sent out The people who were from were also ordinary yamen. Who knew that at that time He Laoliu was already a sixth-level fighter. Among the people who were sent out was a brother of this young man. This kind of thing later became clear. He Laoliu Just kill his brother, is it worth it? Isn't the world in charge of our family? How could a mud-leg that came out of the countryside have such capabilities? If you don't kill this kid. How could Laozi get through it in his heart, so this noble son took someone to kill He Laoliu himself.

The noble son is a seventh-level warrior at a young age. This is not his talent or something, but this guy's family has taken out many precious medicinal materials. Even some of the medicinal materials that were the eyes of the ninth-level fighters made this guy like this. If these medicinal materials are exchanged for someone with a slightly better foundation. No matter how it has to be an eighth-level fighter, there are multiple levels, who knows that this guy can't walk at the level of a seventh-level fighter, and it can only show that this guy has reached the limit. There is no way to tell the rest. Everyone has his own life. Such a person is a mess in ordinary people’s homes, but in aristocratic homes, he can become a powerful person. Such people usually It’s okay if you don’t provoke them, but if you provoke them, the future will not be easy. He Laoliu was also considered brave when he fought with the noble son, and the fourth-level fighter was even the noble son. One hand was scrapped. This is also because that guy underestimated the enemy. If it weren’t for him, he wouldn’t have been chased into Fenxiang Valley by the noble son’s family. Thinking of it now, he has no regrets. It’s just because that kind of guy made himself so unworthy, but if he goes out now, the woman he wants to get rid of is the woman who framed him, and that woman turned herself into what she is now. Looks like, if it weren’t for him, I don’t know how well I’m going to live outside. I live in my own village honestly. I am already a level six fighter. Even the county magistrate has to follow me. Talking, the family is so happy, which one is the same now, what life is this everyday? It's really hard for people to live with their heads on their heads. Just look at yourself.

When He Laoliu gritted his teeth and said what the person he had offended was called Tuoba, Li Cong almost said it. No wonder this kid is so bad luck. The Tuoba family was in the Western Empire when they were in the Western Empire. Yes, even in the southern empire branch is very powerful, mastering several provinces, definitely not a fourth-level fighter like He Laoliu can offend, he offended such a family, the young master in that family It’s a miracle in itself that one hand is scrapped and he can survive. He Laoliu smiled embarrassedly when he saw Li from the surprised look. In fact, he also knew clearly that he wanted to go out in this life. It’s impossible. If you go out on your own, it’s strange that the noble son doesn’t set himself up. Such people hold grudges very powerful. If they really remember themselves, they will be miserable, so they can’t. Take the risk. Actually, many people inside can get out, but none of them go out because the people outside are too powerful, so there is no need to be afraid inside. So many people inside dare to do anything. I did. At the beginning, the noble son also called several people in to get him out, but those people were dealt with as soon as they came in. They came in as a fat sheep, asking about themselves everywhere, those who knew themselves and did not know. They all talked to them one after another, naturally, the purpose is not to sell themselves, the most you sell yourself is to get the part of the money they give, but if you kill these people, everything on them will be done. This is the most important reason why those outsiders want to come in and arrest people but they put themselves inside. It's not how united the insiders are, the main reason is that the insiders are greedy.

Li Cong listened to this guy talking about himself for a long time, and he said a few words from time to time, but what this person said was crying. Li Cong could tell that this guy hadn't talked like this for a long time. He might not have encountered such a thing for a long time, but walking with his head on his head is something that happens every day. It's just that there aren't many people who are willing to talk, so I have said everything in the past few years, and for a while I regarded Li Cong as his most important friend.

"Hehe, sorry, I’m sorry, this is my fault. I don’t pay attention to these things at all. If you don’t like it, I won’t say this. By the way, I don’t know if you don’t like it. What are you doing in here. You don’t look like those who are guilty. Are you here to do things? If that’s the case, it’s okay to tell me how much I’ve been here for so long, and I can help you. Quite a few, go out quickly after finishing the work. I can’t get out of the box. You’re different. You can’t do it here, it’s not the same as you here.” The guy appraised and said, look. Li Cong smiled a little in his appearance. But I didn't laugh. After all, people still care about themselves, and they are very clear about such a person.

"It's okay. Actually, you also know that those of us who come out will rarely meet close friends. It's not bad to meet you. I came in to do business. By the way, I didn't talk about Fenxiang Valley before. Are there green pythons everywhere? Why haven’t I seen any of them after I’ve been in for such a long time?” After all this guy told himself serious things, and Li was no longer pretending, so he said quickly. I have come out what I need. If I continue to talk about it, I don’t know when.

"Lvying python? What are you going to do with that thing? Now it's different from before. When I first came in, things like this were everywhere in the wild. I just thought someone came in to buy that thing some time ago and said yes. Any pill that needed that thing was bought and taken away. At present, it means that only the people in the Heavenly Snake Clan have some things in their hands. They are not for us to enter, just like scorpions. They all belong to one of the 30 most powerful forces in this Fenxiang Valley. Their forces are so powerful that I can't tell them clearly. There were some contacts with us in the days before the Heavenly Snake Gate, but we are familiar with them. The sect master inside is a very powerful ninth-level fighter, and there are four king Kongs below, all of whom are the eighth-level pinnacle fighters. For a small strength like ours, their King Kong is a huge guy. We can talk to them. It's not on the same level." He Laoliu said. When he said this thing, he whispered, as if it was something that the mysterious force bought Luying Python could not be said. Li Cong shook his head helplessly, this guy's courage It’s really too small. It’s no wonder. Living in such an environment every day, most of the people will become a little nervous. If those who haven’t changed will definitely say that his nerves are bigger, not really There are flesh and blood human beings, so be careful about some clan families.

"I won't talk about how powerful the Snake Gate is today. Can I buy some green pythons from their hands?" I have never been in the mood to take care of what Sky Snake shoots, what King Kong Li is in, and what level 9 fighters are in. I don’t see anything in my own eyes. If I had my own box, it would be a matter of minutes to get rid of them. Anyway, these people inside are all very sinful people. The outside affairs are already burning eyebrows, and I only have For dozens of hours, the outside affairs are the most important thing for him. The demon will kill tens of millions of people in a few days, and he must stop that guy so he can’t let him succeed. .

"This may be a bit difficult. The Luying Python thing was not considered a thing here before, not to mention those with great ability, even someone like me can get you ten or eight. It’s really useless at all. Even things like pigs can kill meat-eating people. If that green python’s meat is eaten, I’m sure I don’t want to eat for a few days, but later on, this thing has also risen. Now, it’s strange to say that the number of green pythons here began to decrease drastically. Now there are basically no wild ones. The price offered by that person is very high. 4000 taels of silver a piece, this price may not be anything for you masters, but the most in this incense valley are those below the third level fighters, they usually don’t have much money to make money, find Luying python grabbed them and sold them for money. This was the fastest way for them to make money. So in a few years, the specialties of Fenxiang Valley disappeared. Tianshemen has always been raising them. There is a reason. In recent years, I heard that the green pythons in the Heavenly Snake Gate have not produced many offspring. It is as if God made them extinct. The number is also declining rapidly. There are no more than dozens of them. These things have been named gods by the people of the Heavenly Snake Gate, so it is not so easy to get them out." This guy said depressed, and it was so easy for Li Cong to propose something, himself I can't help others. I know a few people in Snake Gate, but most of them are of the same grade as myself. It's okay to drink and chat when you are fine. But when it comes to serious matters, it is unreliable.

He really hated that he couldn't help Li Cong for anything. If he had the patience, I guess this little brother wouldn't need so much effort. But he didn't have that ability. He saved his life. If you don't repay others for such a thing, would you still be a human being, but how do you think of this little brother is not something you need to repay. The person who shot his arrows just now knew him, but he was the number one fighter under Scorpion. That guy was not so powerful. If such a person wanted to deal with himself, he would definitely be able to deal with him, but he didn’t have that ability. It is estimated that such a person can't be mixed up in the hands of this little brother at once. What can such a person help himself, even if his boss comes, there is nothing in front of others, and I rack my brains to think. To see what else needs attention in Snake Gate this day, is to tell this little brother of the province that if something really happened to him, then he will regret it.

Luying python is something that Li came in this time to do, and the other one was the slave problem. He didn't know much about it, so he started to ask this guy the slave problem. Back then I thought it was a simple thing, but now I understand it, because the population here is very small, so slaves are also a very precious resource. If these people want to live well, they need a lot of slaves. Serving oneself, of course, as long as one has the talent, it’s easy to liberate them, but it’s not that easy to transport them out. Li Cong is absolutely impossible to take two hundred thousand dollars. Slaves walked out of here, but if they were rescued, if they left them here, then they would immediately go back and become slaves to other people. This place is like this, there is absolutely no way for ordinary people to survive. And the slave traders outside also bring a large number of slaves every year, and the population is increasing, but the total number of slaves here has not increased, because the lives of slaves die here very quickly, even if they are replenished every year. There hasn't been an increase since so many people come in. The people here look down on slaves, but even the animals in their family are inferior.

Although things are a bit difficult, it’s better to come one by one. First of all, I have to go to the Snake Gate. I just go to them and talk to them. Although the green python is relatively precious, it is not. They should also understand a thing that has no price. As long as the price offered by themselves is higher than what they requested, they will be willing to give it to themselves. The third level of scouting is not what Li Cong needs. Yes, Li has to learn at least level 5 if he wants to detect a demon. It’s just that this thing is definitely not so easy to let himself learn. If it’s so easy, the system would be too simple. Everything here seems It's really like a game. Li has been in the box since this time. Isn't it true that someone is watching everything about him? He is watching people like himself fighting while he is watching a movie? Are all people actually showing it to him alone? The only difference is that he is the person he pays attention to. In this case, he is relatively lucky. At least he is a protagonist. According to the rules of film development, the protagonist will generally not die unless yours is a tragedy. Li Cong was also a little sad when he was happy, why is everything controlled by others, and why is he not himself?

There are two big gathering points in Fenxiang Valley. The Tianshemen is closer to Li Cong. Compared with the county town outside, the houses are just a little bit broken, but the level of excitement on the street It's very good. There are many people here. The main thing is that they are very capable. Just like these people on the street, they walk side by side. It’s no wonder that they belong to level 8 fighters. On the other side of human society, level 8 fighters are very powerful in a province, but here, you can’t control even a city, and you want to master a city. , At least it has to be a ninth-level fighter. There are many ninth-level fighters here, and basically not many people can completely master a city.

There are only two cities here. The controllers here do it once a month. Because more than a dozen people have similar abilities, even if the weakest one is desperate, the strongest can't do anything to him, so they just take turns to take turns. But it is just a superficial thing. In fact, no one is convinced. Because in their opinion, there should be no order here, if there is order. What kind of paradise for criminals is this place? It was like this before. It’s just that it’s not the same as before. The major forces have begun to do business here, and many people here need it. There is an order, otherwise you have just spent a lot of money to open a good business today, and someone is going to smash it for you the next day. No one can handle this kind of thing, so a rule is needed. , And taking turns in the bank is their rule. Of course, taking turns in the bank is also good, that is, when you are in the bank, you can go out to collect 10% of the tax every day. Of course, it must be collected by a capable person. If there is no ability, no one will give it to you. In this way, the twelve forces in the entire city have reached an agreement temporarily. After thirty years, this rule can be regarded as a hidden rule. The one where He Laoliu is. Organizations can only pay money, and it is absolutely impossible to collect money. This is the sorrow of the small forces.

Hearing the name Tianshemen is very domineering. Of course, they are one of the twelve societies that can collect money. Look at their yards. Such yards can definitely be regarded as those outside societies. It’s a big family. Many people watched Li from the time he walked here, because he was a stranger. Not many people watched He Laoliu, because this guy came here often before. Small organizations often do things that the Heavenly Snake Gate is unwilling to do. This time, several people thought he was here to find a living, so no one stopped him. After all, some organizations such as theirs would have some problems with themselves. For troublesome things, just let people like He Laoliu do it. They can always do very well, and they just need to pay a little bit of money. This is similar to the legendary outsourcing.

"Sixth, you are here just now. Our manager hasn't gotten up yet. If you want to find a job, you will have to wait a while. I heard that you were **** by a scorpion at the door. How do you look like you seem to have nothing at all?" This news always spreads very quickly. Even a sect like Tianshemen cannot have a hundred years of destiny, let alone the place where He Laoliu is. Societies, if they were killed, it would be a normal thing. These people would have no sorrow after knowing the news, because such things happen here every day, and they are all normal things.

"Don't mention it. We lost dozens of brothers and all the goods. I was left with my life and came back. Of course, this little brother next to me saved me. He can beat me. It’s like Scorpion’s divine bow. Such a guy can’t fight back in front of my little brother. By the way, don’t talk nonsense. I’m not here to find work today. I’m here to give You Tian Snake introduced a big business. Have you seen my little brother? This is someone from outside, from Cao’s house, Cao’s house, you’ve heard of it. He came in just to follow You are in business.” When He Laoliu came here, Li Cong had already talked to him, so this guy said that. He usually does some contact matters, otherwise he would be silly. It can't be so neat, it's still very good in general, and it's good.

The few people standing at the door didn’t pay attention to the words here. They first heard that this guy was able to catch Scorpion’s divine bow moves. This was a bit interesting. Although they were not afraid of Scorpion’s. You guys, but they all know that this guy’s divine bow is so powerful. If they go there, ten people will die and ten people will die. Not even one will be able to come back. At the time, they might say He Laoliu. Bragging, but now it looks like it shouldn’t be that way. Scorpion’s people really did it to them. If he relies on He Laoliu’s own ability, it is absolutely impossible to treat those people, because he himself is an incompetent person, and if he wants to come back alive, it’s simply not. What is possible, I am a little bit convinced now that I hear him say that. How could he live without the help of this person? Relying on himself? Don't talk nonsense, don't talk about Scorpion's divine bow, it's easy for a few people here to abolish He Laoliu.

Furthermore, it is the Cao family firm that this guy said. Although the news here is a bit slower than the outside news. But these people happen to be just a few who often go out to do errands. Who doesn't know that Cao's firm represents money outside. We don't know about other things, but we know that even the imperial court borrowed money from others. How many such firms are there? I heard that the taxes of the three empires, except for the Eastern Empire, are all in their hands. How many such merchants are there? Many people outside thought that they could have a relationship with the people of Cao's house. Because as long as it has something to do with them, don't mention how much you can live in the future. They also think about this kind of thing. What they didn't expect was that people actually came to the door in person. Is this luck a little too good?

Several people glanced at Li Cong again, and nodded in their hearts. First of all, they couldn't tell the depth of this guy. It was also the level of an eighth-level fighter. Although there are many masters in Fenxiang Valley, the eighth-level fighters are also. There are not too many people. There are only a few people in one force. The people in Cao’s house should have this qualification. At the moment, there is a person who looks like a steward and asks Li Cong to come to the flower hall. In the past, He Lao Liuneng It’s nice to stay in the concierge. It’s something that I didn’t even dare to think about when I came here, but it’s a fact now. Someone still pours tea for himself. He Laoliu’s heart is not too proud, it’s his boss here. It’s just the stuff staying in the concierge. It’s impossible to enter the room. Look at yourself now, but it’s far more beautiful than your own boss. It would be nice if you can spend a few more days like this. Anyway, every day I walked with my head in my head. I am willing to do this today. I can do this every day in the future, and I can do whatever I want.

After the manager understood a few sentences, he heard that their intention was Luying Python. He immediately knew that this matter was not something he could talk about. He immediately asked Li Cong to sit with them for a while, and he had to go in and find the boss. They There are a total of three sect masters in the Heavenly Snake Gate. The boss is the most powerful one. That guy doesn’t care about anything. Basically, he is studying the poisonous scripture. The most powerful attack method of the Heavenly Snake Gate is the Heavenly Snake Art. After using poison, the Heavenly Snake Art was created by the boss himself. He said it was created. In fact, it just slightly modified the moves. Anyway, there is no martial arts master looking at him in such a place. That’s all, this Poison Sutra is different. Although only some scraps are obtained, it can also make this guy quite capable. Everyone in the Fenxiang Valley said, if the boss of the Heavenly Snake Gate is true If this is the case, his poison scripture will allow him to enter the top three of the entire Fenxiang Valley, which is beyond doubt.

"Master, what kind of business do you want to do with them? Why can't you even talk to you about this matter? You know that when our boss came, he didn't even look at us once. We can do business with them. All of them are paid for several million dollars at a time, and hundreds of millions of dollars are exchanged every year.” He Laoliu saw what was inside and suddenly thought of what happened just now. People are curious. I want to know how powerful the Cao’s firm is, and I can increase my knowledge, right?

"Haha, don't call me a superior person. Just call me little brother just like before. In fact, it's nothing, just a small business. Cao's firm is responsible for delivering the goods here. A few luxury items will be available. For them, there will be Cao’s business in Fenxiang Valley in the future. The price I gave them is relatively low. They just give me some green pythons and slaves.” Li Cong said with a smile, since it can be solved with two birds with one stone. This place, that is the best thing.

"What? Oh, my brother, I didn’t talk about you when I was a big brother. If you have such a capability, why do you want to cooperate with Tianshemen? I have a good place to introduce it to you. Nowhere is better than this. It’s great. We can choose better than this. Although their twelve communities claim to be one, there are many stronger than the Heavenly Snake Gate. The Heavenly Snake Gate can only be ranked in the middle, and then they are counted. Nothing, you don’t know about this?" He Laoliu said bitterly. Of course he didn’t know that Li Cong had to get Luying Python. He thought it was true that Li Cong came in to negotiate with here. Luying python is a guise. After all, I have seen that thing decades ago, and there is nowhere to go. Why do I want that thing? It is useless at all.

When Li Cong just wanted to say something, laughter came out from inside. UU Reading listened to the voice as a woman’s voice. Li Cong glanced at it and was amazing. A woman in her thirties can have this. Li Cong’s evaluation is already quite good. Li Cong himself is okay, but He Laoliu next to him is already dumbfounded. This guy is not qualified to see the third master of Tianshemen. I saw him once today. He almost fainted. It wasn't that he didn't attend, but this guy really wanted this.

"This must be a guest of Cao's house. I'm really a rare visitor. I'm the third master of Tianshemen. You can call me Huagu. Usually, the following stewards are responsible for things. But Cao The family business is a big deal. I naturally need to come out. I don’t know what the husband means when he came to see us.” This Huagu is a very scheming person. I also wandered around, wanting to see what Li Cong meant. As for He Laoliu who was on the side, he didn't even look at him. The man whose eyes were straightened when he saw him was not a waste.

"Haha, I have already said very clearly, I want to make a deal with you people from the Heavenly Snake Gate, and the content is just the same." Li Cong said with a smile, repeating what he said just now. (To be continued...)

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