Energy Group

Chapter 2092:

Li Cong's strong answer made these people feel that they couldn't get in touch. Even if this is your site, can the place as large as Fenxiang Valley belong to you? That’s absolutely impossible, and we all have our own lives. Although you are more powerful, it’s not that simple if you want to occupy the entire Fenxiang Valley. Everything here is also true. It’s not as simple as you think. Several 9th-level fighters obviously want to save Li Cong’s face. They all saw it just now. In fact, Li Cong’s own skills are not good enough. How is it, Murong Xingde is at the end of the battle. If they discover this weakness, they might be able to kill the guy themselves. They are not the original Fenxiang Valley top master. Li Cong's behavior is just a show. That's it, there is not much discovery at all. If the former Murong Xingde might still admire them, the current one is nothing at all, so no one feels how great Li Cong is.

Li Cong wanted to complete his task quickly, naturally, he didn't care about what these people were thinking. Li Cong looked at the ninth-level fighters who did not respond to his departure and immediately flew over. Yes, look clearly. It’s flying here. At this time, most people know who the person in front of you is. In the past, they only knew that he was from the Cao’s house, but now they understand that he is the owner of the Cao’s house. The number one super genius, only someone like him can be a magician and a warrior, and there is such a perverted master. It is absolutely possible for such a person to master Fenxiang Valley. The major forces in Fenxiang Valley finally felt a certain amount of pressure at this time. If they were in the past, they would not have listened to it, but now it is different. , This kid is not single-handed like Murong Xingde. If his power enters the Fenxiang Valley, it is estimated that no one can compete with them. These people belong to the Cao family firm, and even the Southern Empire is not their opponent. Everyone knows such things clearly.

The two members of the Southern Empire royal family who were watching from a distance were also shocked at this time. They thought that Li Cong must have something to do with Li Cong here. But I never thought that this person was actually looking at Fenxiang Valley. Is Fenxiang Valley an ordinary place? That's definitely not. This is a forbidden place for anyone, especially for the Southern Empire. They simply look down on these things on the ground. What they fancy is the Ugin below. This is what they want most. If they don't have these things, they would like this place? It is estimated that the people in Fenxiang Valley are dead and have nothing to do with them. In fact, this is the case now. It's just that they have to figure out how to get things done under Li Cong's nose.

"Things are beyond our expectations. These people are definitely not Cao Ke's opponents. If we rashly confront him now, we have no chance of winning. Moreover, the support for us from outside is very small. The demon over there is already out of breath, not to mention our side, many things have to come slowly, can we secretly mine these things away? There are also a lot of other mines. Even if this Cao Ke becomes the emperor here, he can't be very overbearing and take the things here as his own." Said the young one, if this world The above is just as reasonable as what he said. Maybe Li Cong wouldn’t do that, but whoever believes in the world has the big fist. For now, their fists are not very good. Murong Xingde's words are recognized by many people.

"Huh, boy, you think everything is too simple. This is a place where birds don’t shit. What should Cao’s business behave in such a place? Our empire’s debt relationship with Cao’s business is also the same. Quite a few, I guess they are afraid that the imperial tax is not in their hands. They should know the Ujin here, but they didn’t expect that this guy Cao Ke said in front of the heroes of the world that they were all right, nothing. Maybe what to do with us, we have to deal with those demon honestly, but secretly this guy actually ran to us, if we don’t have these black gold, the imperial government’s trillions of silver debts would be impossible to pay off. At that time, our debts will continue to expand like a snowball. From the central to the localities, our entire empire doesn’t know how much money we owe them to the Cao’s Commercial Bank. There are so many interest rates each plus one. There is really no way to survive this day, so we must keep it here. This is our only most important opportunity to pay off the debts of Cao's Commercial Bank." A long time ago, they still knew about the economy of the entire empire, so this was an important weight for them to get rid of the shackles of Cao's commercial firm.

He didn’t know what the other empires looked like, but he knew that the economy of the Southern Empire was already inseparable from the people of Cao’s Commercial Bank, especially in finance. Now the debts of Cao’s Commercial Bank could enable others. The imperial government was almost out of breath. Back then, I just saw that their interest rates were not very high. The annual interest rate was only about 20%. Compared with the interest rate of some private loans, it was far different. The court There are many projects of this kind to be carried out. At that time, his younger brother was responsible for the repair of a large official road in the central part of the Southern Empire. The length of this official road was more than three thousand miles. This was also the largest project in the Southern Empire. It took more than 4 million people to repair it for a year, and it cost more than 285 billion taels before and after. The idea that year was that the central government was responsible for part and the local government was responsible for part. Unfortunately, the governments at that time did not have it. With so much money, everyone knows the importance of this official road to them, but they can’t make any money. The Cao’s family firm came out. If they have enough money in their hands, they can borrow first. To them, and the interest is very small. The people of Cao’s Commercial Bank also hired a lot of literati in the society to come out to talk about this. Many literati boasted about this official road, but it was very powerful, saying what was an important traffic artery that changed the pattern of the Southern Empire. The people in the entire Southern Empire knew about this. If the officials at all levels started their work slowly, the people would come out and say that the officials didn’t do much, and they weren’t thinking about them at all. Having said that, this incident caused the Southern Empire to borrow money to build roads. In the end, governments at all levels borrowed more than 300 billion silver from the people of Cao's Commercial Bank. The annual interest alone is 60 billion taels of silver. Do they have the ability to repay? Of course not. Their abilities are limited. At most, they can come up with billions of dollars each year, which is not enough. Therefore, various sailors can only be used as their mortgage according to the original contract. It is because of this that Cao's family firm can absorb nearly 150 billion taels of silver in the Southern Empire every year. But their debts have not been reduced at all. Now the entire economy has been kidnapped by people from Cao's Commercial Bank. I have to say that Li Cong's play is very beautiful. But for the insightful people of the Southern Empire, this is a huge disaster. They are all thinking that they can solve this problem at one time and prevent the efforts of the people of the Southern Empire from being taken by the Cao family every year. People absorb them, but they can’t come hard. If they do come hard, Cao’s house will not eat dry food. They will also turn the coastal areas of the Southern Empire into a waste area. Their combat power is also very strong on land, and they can't take risks like this.

The discovery of the Wujin Mine can be said to be an excellent opportunity for the Southern Empire. It would be great if the Southern Empire can get rid of these debts through this thing, but Li Cong has already fixed all these things. How could it be so easy for you to pay it off? If this is the case, some of the previous efforts will be of no use. For this reason, as long as Li Cong knew it, he would definitely take it away. If the gold mine is destroyed, it is best if you can get it. If you can’t get it, everything here should be destroyed. As long as the Southern Empire cannot get these good things, their debts will increase. The more, according to what was said in the currency war, they will never be able to repay the money. They can only honestly watch the debt increase a little, because all their money is not even the interest. Yes, let alone other things. If this is the case, they still have a chance to live.

"Mr., although you are very good, you have to be clear that Fenxiang Valley has the rules of Fenxiang Valley, but you can do whatever you want. The history of Fenxiang Valley from the day it started to the present is not short. But there has never been a time when we are unified. If you have any ideas, we can help, but it is definitely not so obedient to you. If you feel that this kind of cooperation is possible, we can discuss it, if not. , Then we have no other way, we can only see the real chapter under our hands, and see if you have such a great ability." A guy came out of the crowd and said, most of the people are not at this time. They got their own ideas, but now suddenly there is someone who wants to resist. It's like giving them a reassurance. They all look at the person in front of them. He is the boss of Longchang ticket number and also their number one. A master, in the past, he was not a very powerful person in Fenxiang Valley, and he usually did things very low-key. If such things happen, they will usually stand behind others and shout It’s impossible to mess around here at all. It’s the first time to stand up and talk. Other people can't help but feel a little strange. What is going on?

Li Cong glanced at this guy and didn't say anything. He went directly to this guy. The next moment this guy's head was already flying, a level nine fighter? And it’s a ninth-level warrior. Such a person is nothing at all for Lao Tzu. As long as Lao Tzu is willing, he can kill you in minutes. Each of you is not Lao Tzu’s opponent at all. It may be someone else. You may be very powerful in the eyes of Lao Tzu, but for Lao Tzu, you are nothing. You want to negotiate terms with Lao Tzu and don't look at what you are. Didn't you just say that you are the best? Now it's alright, you don't have the qualifications to speak at all, I will definitely kill you all at once. This is called slaughtering chickens and monkeys. Seeing how he was talking just now, he should be a very stable person. Why can’t I tell that Lao Tzu is going to slaughter chickens and monkeys here? Li Cong has seen the evaluation standards. These people have to kneel before they are themselves. The people who helped the Heavenly Snake Clan rule this place, since they demanded so much, they could only do it even more, otherwise, would they kneel down for themselves?

"I have made it very clear just now. If you still don’t understand, just come over and tell me. I have my own patience. As long as you want to try it. Give you a chance. Three minutes. Either you will kneel down and acknowledge my king status within three minutes. I guarantee that your assets will remain yours. Of course. This is what you earned in the past. In the future, it will be calculated separately, but if you are still standing, then I think you are my enemy. In my eyes, the enemy cannot have a little room for survival, and everything you need For those killed, some people may say that we have no grievances in the past and we have no enmity in the recent days, but I want to tell you that many things are not what you want to do. The initiative in this world is always the strong. In my hand, I am stronger than you, so I am qualified for this requirement, starting from three minutes now." Li Cong looked at the people around him and said, now many of them are not convinced, if they want It's not that simple to fight against them, but if they don't fight, once the resistance in their bones is raised, then it's their own problem. At that time, they will face more killings.

As for Li Cong's sudden appearance among them, many people panicked first, and then immediately began to fly back. Among them, eight 9th-level fighters all stood together. Except for the people from the Heavenly Snake Gate, the highest hands of the other forces. They have all gathered together. These people are already preparing to fight Li Cong. The two people in the woods next to them are sweaty. It is absolutely impossible for these people to be Li Cong’s opponents. If they all fail, This must be Li Cong’s territory, and their Wujin will also be discovered. This is a nightmare for them, but if they are counted now, these people have no chance of winning, and they will also advance. I have exposed myself. It's really not a good life. It's not going out, and it's not going out. What should I choose?

"Cao Ke, don't deceive people too much. Your Cao family firm is very powerful, but you have to think about it clearly. This is not what you want to do. This is Fenxiang Valley, which is completely in line with the outside. It’s different. Some of your actions outside may be very powerful, but I tell you, here you’d better be honest and see clearly, you are facing the confrontation of all the people of Fenxiang Valley, you think you Do you really have that ability?" It was a woman in red who was speaking. Li Cong was surprised that such a woman had such strength. Could all these people here have this ability? Li Cong sneered. It seems that you still don’t know what fear is. If you do, it will definitely not be what you are now. Seeing that Li Cong is about to attack suddenly, the rest of the people quickly formed a formation. Li Cong didn't study a lot of formations. He just knew that such a thing could gather the power of several people. Such formations are very useful.

There are seven people in this formation. It’s not clear what Li Cong’s name is, but the power may be easily felt. Originally, if the seven ninth-level fighters besieged Li Cong, Li Cong could not say that he could immediately To win, but it should be easy to say, but now it seems that this matter is far from that. The seven of them have a clear division of labor, and they are definitely not close to themselves. It seems that they have been packed into a huge glass. In the container, one’s own attacks will be distributed to seven people, and when one of them attacks oneself, it can reach the attack power of tenth-level fighters. This formation is really quite good. It seems that these people are also It took a lot of thought, but how could they unite? Didn’t it say that people in Fenxiang Valley were jealous of each other? There are no friends at all, what is going on now, seven top masters will be friends? It seems that no one believes this. These people have their own organizations and their own little brothers. How can they unite? Do they trust each other so much?

Suddenly, during the battle, Li Cong thought of another thing. It is said that the biggest power here is also from the Southern Empire. Are these people controlled by the royal family of the Southern Empire? Thinking of this, Li Cong quickly approached a guy next to him. He didn't panic at all when he saw Li Cong coming towards him, because this formation allows one of them to have the power and defense of seven people in a short time. There is no way to deal with Li Cong because of his own ability, but at this moment, I have such an ability. Of course it is very easy to deal with Li Cong. If this guy is willing to talk and do things not so aggressive, believe this. People wouldn't just save Li Cong's face, but it's a pity that Li Cong never left them a way to survive. Why do people care about your business? Unless everyone's mind is problematic. If it's ok, it won't be like this.

Li tore off this guy's clothes from a handful. Good guy, a golden belt came out from inside. What is this? This is the symbol of the Southern Empire Royal Family. Generally speaking, the children of Huangshi will have one or two things on their bodies. Now Li Cong discovered this thing. My guess is not wrong, they are all members of the Southern Empire Royal Family, and they are right. These forces in Fenxiang Valley can only be regarded as second-rate forces in the entire Southern Empire. How can they have such a powerful formation? It is easier to explain now. These things should all belong to the Southern Empire. They It’s very simple to come up with such a formation. Everyone looked at that guy in surprise, especially the hundreds of masters on the ground. I didn’t expect them to be members of the Southern Empire. That is to say. In this seemingly absolutely free place, it is actually not free at all.

"Hehe, I said, how could you have such great abilities? It turns out that you are all members of the Southern Empire royal family. You have been watching this place from the royal family. Now I can understand it. An absolutely free place is definitely under your management. Your Southern Empire imperial family has never given up on this place. I don’t care about what it used to be, but from now on, this place belongs to the Heavenly Snake Gate. If you are willing to give in, I will protect your interests in the past, but if you don’t give in, let you see how good I am today." Li Cong has already found the fate of the formation, it seems This formation is very powerful. No matter how powerful your attack is, seven people can share it. After they convert your pressure to seven people, their pressure will drop a lot, but this is also true. There is a limit. If it exceeds this limit, the formation is useless at all. Li Cong saw this and felt that this formation actually has weaknesses, as long as it is his own attack ratio. Their endurance is strong, and they can't continue to resist themselves, so they can say this.

The Heavenly Snake Gate finally came out of Li Cong’s mouth. The faces of the three shopkeepers were already so dark that they couldn’t see clearly. They never said that they would be afraid of the court of the Southern Empire. I thought that Fenxianggu was in the hands of the imperial court. Now it seems that the same thing is true. There are eight organizations that belong to the imperial court. They didn't see it at all in the past, and the struggles between them are nothing. They are all very powerful. I thought that their fights were real. I only found out today that they were all acting. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will understand. These people don’t seem to have real swords or guns. They played in amateurs. They didn’t even mobilize their own masters. The other is that Li Cong pushed them to the front desk. They dreamed that Tianshemen could burn incense in the past. Gu has become a powerful force, but this way of today makes them feel that they are dying, but they can’t stand up and say that this is not what they meant. If this is the case, even Li Cong would be offended. It's not a joke. There are no supporters on both sides. In the end, I can only perish. They can only follow Li from the same road to the dark. Otherwise, what else? Not seeing the eyes of others looking at yourself is even more hateful than looking at those royals. Who calls you such a big ambition, but this ambition was imposed on yourself by others, and I didn't say that it was necessary.

"Kill..." This is the return for Li Cong. The members of the Southern Empire must not let Li Cong control this place. They all know that they are not Li Cong's opponents, but they believe that Li Cong dare not. Killed them. They are all heirs of some palaces, and the heirs on the surface are just some puppets. If the palace really wants to choose an heir, it will definitely let the heirs come out for some experience. They will definitely choose the wolf who survives outside to become the palace. Li Cong’s heir, instead of choosing the second generation ancestor who was eating, drinking, and having fun in the capital. Li Cong absolutely supports this method of choice. In Li Cong’s opinion, this is very good, but if he is the same, Li Cong would I feel something is wrong, because now you are blocking my way, and you said you wanted to kill Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu can't give you too much face. From a strong impact, Li was beaten to the man who rushed towards him.

Because they have not rushed out of this formation, other people can also help this guy, that is, they can neutralize Li Cong's attack. The seven people divided the attack power of Li Cong. People do not need to be injured. But now they suddenly felt a force that was too large for them to solve. In fact, Li Cong just released about 10% of the power of the five-clawed golden dragon, because relying on his own power, there is no way to directly control the seven. Everyone was injured. So I can only let them be honest one by one. Now it seems that my plan is still good. These seven people directly vomited blood. Among them, the guy who was directly hit by him fell off, and one was missing. Naturally, there is no human formation. According to the principle of this formation, these people should be injured. However, Li Cong saw that there are two people who have nothing at all. There is definitely a problem in it. It turns out that these two people already felt that the attack was very powerful just now, so they took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, and they just took the formation off their body. It’s not bad to have such a reaction. , But the result was that the remaining five people were subjected to such an attack, and those four people also had the same idea, but their movements were a step slower, and all of them were seriously injured. As for the first one , That is, the one who fell now, it is estimated that in the future, it can only be an ordinary person. How many people need to give some face to the Southern Empire royal family, and can't kill you all, now this result is considered good. It depends on how you choose.

"Tsk tusk tusk, don’t think that having a formation can challenge you who are much stronger, because he is much stronger than you, so he has many ways to kill you, your formation is indeed good. , But if you can defeat me, it’s still very difficult. The results now have proved all of this. Can you talk to me now? Now I give you the face of the Southern Empire, If you don’t give you face, you will probably lose your lives. Can you accept the Heavenly Snake Gate to become the king of Fenxiang Valley? I know you should be the biggest force in Fenxiang Valley before. If you are willing, this matter can be over now, can we make the wine and talk happy?" Li Cong said with a smile. The few people here are a little bit unable to keep up with his thinking. If you want to live, why do you have to drink now? What is in this person's mind? Why can't it be normal? And Li Cong's appearance is not exhausted after the war. Look It's pretty good.

When one of them wanted to say something, he was immediately held back by the person behind him. This person Li Cong could feel that this guy is the most powerful of them. This guy should do things differently from others. The same, if you are the same as others, you won’t be the head of it. This person should be much stronger than these guys in terms of status. Li Cong sees what this guy has to say, everyone else around is strange. Looking at them, they know more things today than before. They never thought of the original paradise. The so-called paradise was originally watched by the Southern Empire royal family. There are these few inside. Large forces, there are still so many troops outside, and the entire outside is the territory of the Southern Empire, so they are nominally free. Fortunately, I didn’t do anything to apologize to the Southern Empire before. If it were true If you do, people like yourself are also dead. Originally, this was a huge crisis, but now you don’t need to think about it. Later, you can make a good choice. If the people from the Cao’s house can take the people from the Southern Empire If you are persuaded, this will be the world of Cao's house in the future. I just mixed with the people of Cao's House of Business. Naturally, they have their own way. If the people of Cao's House of Business failed, they would immediately go up and give them a fatal blow. At that time, I was the person who protected Fenxiang Valley. , The Southern Empire imperial family has lost so much now, a ninth-level fighter died, the other four were seriously injured, and there were two others who were able to fight, so they would not be embarrassed. What these people think in their hearts is really good. No matter how things develop, they all have their own destinations.

"Mr. Cao, the relationship between our Southern Empire and you is neither very good nor bad. In the past, we were considered to be well-watered. Why did we have to deal with us this time? The empire wasted a lot of effort to control this place. You just told us to listen to you and let the Heavenly Snake Gate be the king here. I'm afraid that even if we want to, other people will definitely not want to. , They all have their own ideas, so you are so confident that the Heavenly Snake Gate can become the king here? Besides, if you are here one day, they naturally dare not say anything, but you can’t say anything every day. They are all here, and the people here are also different from the outsiders. Their risk-taking mind is very strong. As long as there is such a small profit, they will not hesitate to rush forward, so it is impossible to say here in the future. It’s too quiet. I think Master Cao needs a spokesperson to occupy this place. I don’t know if we can cooperate with our Southern Empire royal family. No matter what, we can be regarded as the best partners. There are two of us. This is a piece of cake for us. How about my proposal? Master Cao." This guy said with a smile. Li Cong said that everyone could not find how to interrupt. Locally, but the rapid change in this person's thinking is also very powerful, and it takes a while to talk about cooperation.

"Wonderful, your brain is really good, I don’t know what role you are in the Southern Empire royal family, I just feel that if the Southern Empire lets you be the emperor in the future, the Southern Empire will definitely have a bright future in the future. , I’m very tempted to tell the truth about your proposal, but it’s a pity that I have my own business. I don’t need others to teach me how to do things, and I don’t want to keep you from moving out of the southern imperial court. People see you as A behemoth, I dare not offend you, but you are nothing in my eyes. If I am afraid of you, I know that there is your southern imperial power here. I will definitely retreat, but now I am still standing here honestly. , This can explain a problem, that is, no matter what you say, either you can beat me now, or you can control me, if not, it can only be sorry, we still don’t want to talk nonsense here, Just keep doing our things, can we start our confrontation again? For you, either surrender to me and let the people from the Heavenly Snake Gate become the king here, or there is only one corpse left, but you are People of the Southern Empire, I’ll give you one more choice to leave here.” Li Cong pointed to Fenxiang Valley’s exit and said, these words are what people here want to say to the Southern Empire’s royal family, but they don’t have the guts. An empire is still too powerful for them. They don't want to find such a powerful enemy for themselves. If there is such an enemy, they may not sleep at night.

"Is there no room for negotiation? Maybe..." The guy wanted to say something, but the answer was two ice thorns. The ice thorns that Li launched from were very fast. They two nine The first-level fighters were also very embarrassed and pushed away. They also left some marks on their bodies. All the original very exquisite clothes were torn. Of course, they would not care about these two clothes. They could care about them. It’s his own face. This time Li Cong just made his own clothes like this. Next time, it might be his own body. Of course, they all know that Li Cong is great, or don’t continue to irritate Li Congdai’s comparison. Okay, there are two ninth-level fighters left. It’s okay to send them wherever, but in front of Li Cong, it’s nothing. Now if he loses his life, he will be a fool. Hurry to leave first and go to the outside army. It is impossible for Li to occupy this place by himself. He must send people in from outside to occupy this place. Then it is time to do things on his own.

"Pause, let's leave. You said that the forces under us will be saved for us in the future. The boss of Cao's Commercial Bank should be reputable. Let's go." The guy said quickly. He already saw Li Cong. I’m ready to use magic. This time I’m sure I won’t be as lucky as the last time. If I don’t do it well, I might suffer. It’s better to be honest. Even if I die here, I’m not as lucky. Dead, the Southern Empire court is very powerful. If ordinary people do what they do to themselves, the court will definitely send a powerful person to kill this But this one is the owner of Cao’s business, he Even if it kills himself, the court can't do anything to him, at most it will only condemn it for a while, and it will have no effect at all.

"Hehe, the so-called people who know the current affairs are outstanding, you are pretty good, just leave here, I will keep all of your previous assets here, if you want to continue to stay here, it is fine. As long as I don’t do things that I don’t like, I still have a good relationship with Killing Gods. I have also been the Supreme Emperor of the Southern Empire. I believe that we will also become friends in the future. Don’t become enemies, even that guy. This is a lesson for you. If you want to be here in the future, you will see this matter later." Li Cong said with a smile, he must put pressure on these guys, otherwise, in the future I don't know what they are driving out yet.

Several people looked at each other. It’s better to leave now. It’s not good to put your life in danger. The matter of the Wujin Mine should be reported as soon as possible. Let’s seal it up now. There should be nothing, as long as it is not leaked out, there will be absolutely nothing else, just pay more attention. (To be continued...)

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