Energy Group

Chapter 2119:

Although the army of Cao’s house had fired, people with a discerning eye could see it. The army of Cao’s house had no intention of going to war at all. If they really did go to war, they shouldn’t be bombarded. Areas with fewer people live, but the entire city. Only then can they get the most value? Now it's better like to achieve what purpose? I have been bombarding for about 15 minutes, and completely wiped out some shanty towns outside the city. The court has spent a long time trying to drive these people out but failed. It was Cao's firm. People did it directly, and the casualties were just a few people, because the people from the Cao's House of Commercial Bank gave them enough time to evacuate after the gun was fired. If you don't leave, it will be your own problem.

This General Wu rushed towards the beach with hundreds of his guards. Some people nearby raised their hands and cheered when seeing this situation. In their opinion, such a general really loved the people. Like a child, in order to protect my people from the war, I brought a few people to the front line. This kind of thing is still very admirable, but many scholars feel that this general's mind Is there a flood in here? What we need to do now is to establish a defensive position instead of negotiating with people in the past. If you do that, if people detain you, you will immediately be headless. When people really attacked, what should you ask your brothers to do? Are they all mixed up?

"Hehe, this General Wu is really the same as the news from our intelligence office. This man is very afraid of fighting with the army of our Cao family firm. He was the same person when we clashed with the Southern Empire last time. The little captain, I really didn’t expect that he became the general of the Southern Empire in just a few years. The hundreds of thousands of troops around here are all under his hands. If this is really fought, we will be very good. It’s hard to win. Now that he is here and he has delivered such a big gift, if we don’t accept it, I feel a bit sorry for this guy. Brothers, all are ready, as long as he enters us He immediately killed all his guards for me. But he can’t let him run away. As long as this person is here, the hundreds of thousands of troops will be thrown into rattles. Then we will do whatever we want. The order is from the top. There is nothing we can’t do. As long as it hurts the people of the Southern Empire, it’s all right. This time it’s different from the last time. Last time we did robbery. This time We will occupy one place and digest one place, so that the Southern Empire will have no sea exits in the future.” The fleet commander looked at the Southern Empire general who was holding the banner in front.

"Yes." The adjutant next to him immediately went down to deliver the order. Cao's navy has been formed for a long time. This period of time is to wander around aimlessly at sea, looking for some islands suitable for human habitation. That's it, their opponents have been those savages for so many years. They have been savages with sticks. This is not challenging for them at all. If they always fight with such people, their own The mind will also degenerate. Although the army of the Southern Empire is not so powerful, it is still much better than the barbarians. You can see what their weapons are.

"Don't attack. We are the guards of General Wu of the Southern Empire. The general is behind us. We will negotiate everything with you. Please don't shoot." As General Wu came slowly, he Several of the guards with louder voices shouted vigorously. It is estimated that when they were first born, their crying voice was not as strong as the one they have now. This is also impossible. Who told them to see the Cao family? As for the cannons of the firm, if you don't let the people over there know what they mean and think they're here to attack, it will be troublesome, and one shot can kill them.

"Let them in, you know what to do after entering the encirclement." Cao's Fleet Commander said with a smile, no matter how you see this guy is a fox, and only such a person can bring the greatest to Cao's Firm For the benefit, isn’t the Southern Empire’s Cao’s family firm this time? Didn’t you say that you don’t have the person we were looking for? At first, if you cooperated with us, you could talk about anything, but now that you are not willing, Then we will find a good thing for you. After occupying a large number of cities along the coast, I don’t know if you still have the same attitude. The scale of this war must be very large. If it hadn’t been on such a large scale. In the war, they don’t even know how powerful the Cao’s family firm is. The Cao’s family firms in the Southern Empire have already taken away valuable things, and the rest of the guys are all locals. The people in Cao's Commercial Bank were already prepared, but the Southern Empire, as their opponent, seemed to be unprepared. They felt that this war was coming too soon, and they were not prepared.

General Wu saw that the Cao’s merchants had also come down. They were all cavalry troops. He was still wondering how they brought so many cavalry. Just when he felt puzzled, the Cao's merchants The artillery fired again, but this time the goal was very clear, that is, the guards behind General Wu. After one round of shelling, there were less than two hundred guards left. Look at the one who came across. Hundreds of cavalry, shit, are all with serial crossbows. General Wu himself is a seventh-level warrior. He was about to take out his long sword to fight the other side. Several airships appeared in the sky. Damn, in this era, the people of Cao's business firm already understand what a three-dimensional war is called. These southern empire armies are still in the plane age, how can they beat them? When General Wu saw those chilly arrows, he murmured in his heart. Although he is a seventh-level fighter, although they are all ordinary people, the power of this serial crossbow is still clear. If one or two people can hide by themselves In the past, there were hundreds of people on it, and they honestly dismounted and surrendered.

"A full-scale attack. Within half an hour, establish a complete beachhead position for me, and forty minutes to plunge the opposing camp into chaos, and send a signal to the Marines behind to let them pass Ali quickly. If they are late, , We don’t need them directly here, we can all take care of things ourselves.” The fleet commander looked at the captured general and said with a smile. If this asymmetrical war is an all-out resistance from the other side, rely on They will still be difficult to fight with the number advantage, but now the opponent has such a stupid commander. It's a lot easier now.

"You are the behavior of robbers. Why do you bully the people of our Southern Empire? I am a general of the Southern Empire. I am here to communicate with you to solve the problem, but you can see what you do to me. Just look at it. Killed my men. They are all soldiers of the Southern Empire. Do you want to cause war? I admit that your Cao’s business firm is very powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, it is a business firm. The Southern Empire has a history of hundreds of thousands of years. Don’t you really be afraid of our counterattack? At that time, your industry in the entire Southern Empire will suffer a devastating blow.” The general’s eloquence is good, at least There is no sign of admitting defeat yet, this guy still has a hard mouth.

"Hehe, don’t use things like total war to scare me. Since the people in Cao’s business firm dare to gather so many troops outside your sea, we don’t have anything to be afraid of. Since you want to try We will never be stingy with our artillery. I don’t know what the reason is. I just received an order from us to occupy this place within two hours. From now on, this place may not be the place of your Southern Empire. Now, let’s take a good look.” The fleet commander said with a smile. When these words were said, all the navies around were happy. They could establish a base for their business. What a glorious thing it is. It’s a matter of face to speak of things.

"What? Don't be so funny, okay, two hours? What do you think we are? The ban and the local army here must have at least 500,000 people. How many people do you have here, at most 10,000? People, do you want to defeat us by one to thirty? Do you think it’s possible? Besides, your artillery can’t reach our walls at all. You should think carefully about what to do after an all-out war is caused. Thinking of occupying us here, I really don’t know what you are thinking about.” This guy looked at the surrounding navy like an idiot, and had to say that most of the people in the Southern Empire said these things. I believe it. What we have to do today is to let you take a good look at whether Cao’s family firm has that ability.

"Hehe, don’t forget that we all have our own territory in the Eastern Empire, and there are dozens of counties and cities in the Eastern Empire. Is your Southern Empire more capable than the Eastern Empire? There are a lot of things done in the territory of the Southern Empire, wait and see, put this guy down on me, and if he dares to escape, shoot me directly.” When General Wu wanted to say something, two seventh-level fighters I just pulled this guy down. You already said your point of view just now, and you don't need to continue talking now.

The people on the southern empire saw that their general had gone out and did not return, and all the guards were killed. The general was actually taken prisoner. At this time, the spies of the Cao’s merchants in the army began to move. Soon it was twenty minutes. With the sound of the cannons of Cao's House, everyone here knew the terrible news that the people from Cao's House had already captured their general. In the past, I only knew that General Wu was timid and fearful. Now it seems that there is another stupidity. He has no ability at all. He is still so confused. He has done all these things. I really don’t know what to say about him. What's the matter? I took so few people to someone's barracks during the war. What is this not a fool?

It’s just that they have time to be surprised. For the rest, the Cao’s family members didn’t plan to be polite to them. The Cao’s family’s troop carrier came up, and the army of more than 20,000 people died in the sea. The assembly on the shore is complete. This seems to be different from before. A few years ago, people from the Cao's House of Commercial Company came to rob once. What is said to be an investigation is so nice. Actually, they didn’t come to rob. They were very clear about what the Cao’s family members did. This time it seemed to be different from that time. They were about to start assembling the team. Did they really tell them? Same, want to occupy this place? Isn't that a joke? The army and the common people here add up to more than 5 million people. They just want to do this with a small team? Is this not a problem with the brain or something? Some people on the wall began to doubt, why didn't they know how to do it properly.

The people of the Cao’s Commercial Bank naturally didn’t care how the people of the Southern Empire looked like. All they had to do was to follow their plan step by step. Suddenly they saw that the cavalry of the Cao’s Commercial Bank was other than the original ones. . It turned out that artillery troops appeared. There are so many dozens of artillery pieces that are mounted on wheels and the like that can be pulled by horses to run around. If so, their mobility is incredible. This city wall tens of meters high is nothing at all to others. If you want to break it down, that's a minute. It seems that this city may indeed fall.

"No way, can you see it? The enemy's artillery can already be moved, if it is really allowed to rush over. It will definitely be a disaster for us. We can't just stay in the city like that. If that is the case It is absolutely impossible for us to resist their attack. We should take the initiative. Now the general is already captured. We can't have any other losses. If we stay here honestly, finally I We promise to regret it.” Some radical generals in this barracks said quickly. For them, these guys are already terrible things. If they really rushed over, they would definitely not have much of themselves. Their actions are also very fast, and now they must take the initiative to attack. Passive defense can't take advantage any time, but without the general, how many people are willing to go out and die? Most people remember how powerful the army of Cao’s house is. Besides, in their hearts, the army of Cao’s house can’t occupy here for a long time. It’s a period of time. Later, the army of Cao’s House of Business will still retreat, and the court will resume their official positions at that time. Then all the faults will be put on the general’s body. It has nothing to do with them. If you lose your head at this moment, you won't have the chance to live like this in the future, so rush out? Most generals would definitely not approve, because it is too dangerous.

"Rush out? Make a frontal impact with the Cao's firm's army? This is not possible. According to the statistics of the Fenxianggu war report some time ago, if we did that, we would definitely be fools. If we were Those who rely on the high-wall weapon may persist for a longer period of time. If there is a decisive battle with Cao’s army in the field, maybe we can return less than 15%. We are all now. It has already been reported to the court. They only have a mere 20,000 people. Even if there is some artillery, they can't get in. Our walls and gates are all newly trimmed, the old ones last time. They are no longer needed. I believe that we should be able to hold on for a few days by relying on these. What we have to do now is to retreat all the troops outside the city to the city, relying on the city wall to fight them thoroughly. In the defensive battle, they will have fewer people at that time. As long as they cannot attack, they will retreat by themselves, and our losses will be the least." This general said, his words won the approval of a large number of people, even if Some people know that they should go out to attack at this time, but they didn't say anything, it's really their brains that matter most.

"What? Give up all the positions outside? I think you are all crazy, are you all scared by the people of Cao's house? If we do that, it is estimated that we will not be able to hold on for two hours here. Yes, you can see clearly. The Cao’s army is the same thing. If our cavalry can wear heavy armor and rush past quickly, as long as their formation is destroyed, we will count. They are victorious, and their army is not terrible. As long as our people are fast enough, there is no problem." He said this is true. Last time, there was an Eastern Empire in the northern battlefield. The cavalry of China won that way, but the cavalry of the Eastern Empire attacked a small group of Cao's army. At that time, Cao’s army used the first-generation serial crossbow. The continuous fire speed and range of that thing were not the same as it is now. At that time, there was no help from navy warships. Besides, impact However, the light cavalry of the Eastern Empire were not heavy cavalry. The speed of the heavy cavalry was too slow, especially in the last distance. Their slow speed was a living target. What the general said was that Good news for them. The news that is not conducive to them will not be said directly. Such a person is also a weird one.

"This general, I don't think you have seen how Cao's army attacked. When they attacked, all the troops directly advanced in a row, attacking with their serial crossbows while walking. It seems to the people over there. They will not shrink back. The serial crossbow is also very easy to use in their hands. The most important thing is that the Cao’s army will not be stingy. Our people are behind the city wall. It is possible to survive as much as you hide. But if you go out, you will lose your head. The speed of the heavy cavalry is too slow. If you go out without any movement, you may be turned into a hedgehog. Everyone knows this kind of thing. I hope you can all consider the life and death of our brothers.” The point of view here is also very sufficient. What they don’t know is that when they started to argue, they just It has already failed, because the air force of the Cao’s House of Business has already started to set off. They were all hidden in the sky just now. Now the army of the Cao’s House of Commerce has been assembled. If it does not show up at this time, It is estimated that the army will start to make small reports. You spend so much money every year. This is the first three-dimensional attack. Why can't you even see your shadow? The air force on the airship knows how much the army looks down on them. I will show you in actual combat today. Without us, it would be absolutely impossible for you to take this city in two hours, everyone. It has to be coordinated.

"The enemy has begun to attack, above us..." Several generals are still making noisy conversations in the big tent. The scouts outside have already begun to shout, what's the matter? How could the attack be on top? Is there something wrong with the scout's brain? When the generals saw small black spots appearing in the sky, they understood that the airships of the Cao’s House had arrived. These gadgets can transport things quickly, but they can also cause huge damage to them. At this moment, in the entire Southern Empire, except for the airships that appeared on the battlefield, all other airships were gone. They knew that as long as the total war broke out, they would have no time to survive in the Southern Empire. The army will definitely move towards the airship centers everywhere in the first time. It is precisely because the people of Cao's Commercial Firm are prepared that they can avoid losses, otherwise their losses can be very serious.

Dozens of airships lined up and began to attack the barracks indiscriminately below. A large number of grenades were thrown down one by one. To the soldiers of the Southern Empire, it was like a sickle of death. After the explosion, many soldiers will enter the chaos. As long as some troops enter the chaos, their combat effectiveness will begin to plummet. From the navy of the Cao’s House of Business, there are 300,000 soldiers there. There is already a fire in the camp of the Forbidden Army. Damn, it was only ten minutes of air strikes. These air forces are really powerful. If their army attacked, it would be possible to take down this camp in a day. It is a problem. The main thing is that there will be a lot of casualties, but for them, this is not a problem at all. They can create greater chaos at any time as long as they want to. Of course, they are all too. There are plans. They can't throw grenades casually. They have to control the war within a certain area. Just like now, these soldiers can't be allowed to run out. If they just get scattered, it will change. After becoming a straggler, that was the headache of the Cao's firm. It would be a lot of effort to eliminate them.

"Order the army to start the offensive. According to the established plan, all are concentrated in the southern area of ​​the camp. As long as they go out, they can be killed. Other surrenders will be escorted to the ships behind and all the troop carriers will be moved. The prisoners are also very important in the future. We are in some mines in the rear, but we need a large number of people. They will become our miners in the future, and even our people who maintain law and order in the local area. "Commander at this time. I started to give orders on the airship. At the beginning, I was on a warship, but there are certain limitations in directing battles in that place. It’s better to be here. You can see the situation on the entire battlefield, not to mention it. With such a command, they will also feel like a beautiful thing.

After the semaphore soldiers here conveyed the order, the army's cavalry guarded the two brigades of 10,000 infantrymen and began to advance. They slowly advanced to a place 1,000 meters away from the camp. Then they started shouting a lot to get the people inside to come out with a white flag. If anyone didn't play the white flag, they would be killed directly, as long as they came out with a white flag to avoid death. But only about a thousand people can come out each time. If there is more, they will be hit. The airships in the sky have also begun bombing to the north, just to get everyone to the south. This is also their established policy.

They had been bombed by the people above them and couldn't find North. Now there is a way to survive. If you don’t rush to do this, don’t you have a problem with your own mind? Where did so many white flags come from? Everyone is vying for 100 cloths. In this situation A lot of people died again. At this time, many people took up the steel knives in their hands to survive for themselves, and began to slaughter their usual bosses and comrades in arms. Such things lasted for at least half an hour. More than ten thousand people died in the hands of their own people, until all the people had a hundred steps before they stopped the massacre, but all this was seen by the commander in the sky. Originally wanted to capture them, it was useful, but when they saw that they were doing this, the commander’s face was immediately blackened, and he killed everyone. How could he help us do things in the future? Yes, if something goes wrong with the people of Cao’s house in the future, they will definitely do the same. It seems that these people must use the places where they are most needed, and the commander immediately arranged a better place for them. That is on an island deep in the sea, where there is a huge silver mine, which produces hundreds of millions of taels of silver each year. There is a good place for these people. There is nothing but the sea around, and the airship has to fly for a month. Yes, going to that place is considered a good place for you. If you are to blame, you can only blame you for taking actions against your own people.

The army of Cao’s House of Commodity started their offensive. They quickly took down the 300,000 forbidden troops. In fact, the forbidden troops had that name. They didn’t have much skill at all, depending on how they looked. You know, when these people saw the war coming, they were afraid of death, they were terribly afraid of death, and they didn’t know what they were thinking about. All of them were simply sick in their heads, for their own sake. Survive, I was my own brother in the first few minutes, and now I became my enemy. Such things happen from time to time. Besides, they don’t have any generals. The following generals still want to Fighting for power and gain, they can do things like this. If they are in other places, they will definitely not be able to do them, and they will not do things like this. The enemy is currently, except for resistance. It’s better not to do things, or you may die very quickly.

After the large camp outside the city was gone, only the people inside were left. It was easier for these people inside to kill them. Thirty cannons were completely unloaded from the ship and pulled by a carriage. At the gate of the city, isn't it repaired away from the sea, isn't our artillery out of your reach? It doesn't matter, our artillery can be easily dismantled, and now it is transported to the gate of the city, which becomes a direct fire artillery. Do you want to come in? There are no doors. This thing makes you feel uncomfortable one by one. Looking at the muzzle of this black hole, do you have any other ideas?

The army on the wall is very spine. People from the Cao’s House of Business persuaded them to surrender three times, but no one came out with a white flag. In their opinion, as long as they came out, they definitely did not run. They must persevere. The senior management should have started negotiating with the Cao's House of Business. As long as the results of the negotiations over there come out, everything will be easier, but their idea is wrong. This time, the Cao's House of Commerce has attacked hundreds of counties. At the same time, an offensive of this scale caused the Southern Empire’s military headquarters to receive thousands of requests for help within a day, but does the Southern Empire have any emergency measures? Even if there is. The people in their military department can’t tell, they just sent out fifty letters, and the rest can only be thrown there, waiting for someone to analyze, and then someone in charge will send it out again, just like that. If it is, it is already tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and it's already that time. Can you still wait?

The people at Cao's Commercial Bank will naturally not give you so many opportunities on the first day of the attack. Eighty percent of the coastal cities have all become Cao's commercial firms. Because of the arrival of reinforcements in that 20% of the cities, and the relatively strong combat effectiveness of their troops, the Cao’s family firm has caused considerable losses, which made the offensive commanders of the Cao’s firm feel ashamed. Oh shit. How come they were shot down there. I can't do it here. It seems that you are all tough. The one mentioned above is called blitz. It must not be delayed. If it is delayed, it will become a protracted battle, and this new tactic will have no effect. Such things are absolutely impossible for the people of Cao's business. Yes, so they started an even more violent offensive at night, making the people responsible for the defense of the Southern Empire feel dangerous one by one. They really don’t know what to do. In their opinion, such a war should not be. At the beginning, they had never encountered such a war. It was an abnormal war, but they had no other way except watching their soldiers keep getting injured and the city changing hands? No, you can't use all your strength, because you can't meet people in short-term combat. If they don't fight with you in close hands, is there any use for your ability to be more powerful? Although the military of the Southern Empire is also changing, they also have some weapons for long-range attacks, but those things are far from the power and accuracy of the Cao's business.

The senior officials of the Southern Empire indeed started communicating with the Cao's firm because of this, but is there any result? No, some of the high-level strongholds of the Cao’s House of Business in the southern empire are all empty. No one knows how the people of Cao’s House of Commerce retreat. In fact, this matter is very easy. They will go out. The space ring of Cao’s house is a very ordinary thing. It’s easy to put all those things in the space ring. They don’t have anything on their bodies, and they just leave if they want to leave. The things that were taken away, the Southern Empire took them, but people can remember those values ​​very clearly. When the Southern Empire is defeated in the future, all the things will be returned, and not the original price, but the value will be increased several times. Yes, they didn't think of those things. In their opinion, these people gave up, and the Southern Empire directly accepted them.

The Cao’s House of Business did not directly give the people of the Southern Empire a chance to communicate this time. In their opinion, there is no good communication. At the beginning, we told you about this matter and asked you to discuss it with us. That thing, but what is the end result? You didn't solve anything for us at all. All of you don't treat our words as the same thing. Now that something happens, you will come to discuss with us one by one. Is it that simple? Of course it’s impossible, and we won’t be so easy to talk about. The people at Cao’s Commercial Bank are also very good at doing things, very fast. Do you solve them when you want to solve them? How to save our face, we will not be confused in the future.

Later that day, the entire occupation had already come out. Cao’s army suffered more than 100,000 casualties, but they took over 400 counties and more than 2,000 counties in the Southern Empire at such a small price. Controlling a population of more than 3 billion people. Eighty percent of the southern coastal areas of the Southern Empire have fallen. The result of this battle is expected to expand tomorrow. More than 13 million Cao’s marines began to land, equipped with 60,000 artillery pieces, and airships. 13,000 ships, ready to continue to attack inland the next day, according to the order Li Cong gave them, all the range of 200 kilometers from the sea to the inland will be captured, but tomorrow’s battle will not be so simple, enter the inland In the future, the navy will support them very little, and every time a place is occupied, a lot of people will be assigned to guard it. Too many troops are also a big disadvantage for Cao's business.

The court of the Southern Empire was dumbfounded. They lost more than 500 million troops on this day. Basically, some cities in the coastal area were lost. Even if they were still in their hands, they had no resistance. They never I have never experienced such a war. The so-called defeat is like a mountain. Some generals on the front line have already begun to retreat on a large scale. They were already scared to pee when they saw Cao’s cavalry. They did not dare to resist. There are many people who ran for hundreds of miles in between. The most funny thing is that a cavalry team of 50 people in Cao’s house actually chased the Nandi team of more than 3,000 for hundreds of miles. The incident made the people of the Southern Emperor's Department and the sensation caused by the general who ran away was not just that. When this guy got to a place, he would say how powerful Cao’s army is. Compared with the fears he brought, the city he lost was nothing. Although the law enforcement team of the Southern Empire quickly killed the guy, the generals fleeing appeared one after another. Often when they saw the Cao’s commercial firm’s army, these people began to retreat. The non-resistance policy was implemented very well, and people said it all. Damn, the forbidden troops on the front line were so powerful. Now, how dare we go to others, they have lost the land, we are nothing, if we don’t run quickly, our life will be gone. Cao’s army is a heavenly soldier and a general. It's not simple people.

The order of the Southern Emperor’s Department is not much different from the waste paper now. Even in the capital, thousands of miles away, there is a panic. They are all afraid that the Cao’s firm’s army will hit here. It’s been two months to advance for 200 miles, and I don’t know what these people are thinking. If the people at Cao’s House were really good at it, they wouldn’t know what to do. That is, the first day's sneak attack can have such a result. If this continues to have such a result, then the people of Cao's Commercial Bank are really heavenly soldiers, but is that possible? The ignorant people spread this very quickly. These people are all in the capital and want to escape. Where do they go? Go over the Warcraft Mountains to the Northern Empire? (To be continued...)

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